Link Fall 2011

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Link FALL 2011

Founded in 1882, The Cleveland Institute of Art is an independent college of art and design committed to leadership and vision in all forms of visual arts education. The Institute makes enduring contributions to art and education and connects to the community through gallery exhibitions, lectures, a continuing education program and The Cleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque.


CIA to Host Five Cuban Artists Cleveland Foundation-funded residencies will spark year-long cultural exchange

clockwise from top:

“Volver a casa,” 2007 Abel Barroso

“untitled,” 2006 Linoleum reduction and Photo courtesy of the artist and Superior Institute of Art, Havana

woodcut on cotton Osmeivy Ortega

“Ave Maria,” 2010 Mixed-media installation

“Creative Fusion is

Despite 50 years of strained relations

According to Assistant Professor Lane

Photo courtesy of MOCA Cleveland

Photo courtesy of the artists and Mattress Factory

José Toirac and Meira Marrero

Alex Hernández will be in residence from

between their national governments,

Cooper, CIA’s visiting artist coordinator,

early January through early March. He will

Cubans and Clevelanders will exchange

the artists will conduct workshops for CIA

overlap with the collaborative husband-wife

ideas freely over the coming year, when

students, visit students’ studio spaces, and

team of painter/installation artist José Ángel

the Cleveland Institute of Art hosts five

critique their work; they will create their own

Toirac and art historian Meira Marrero, who

contemporary Cuban artists for eight-

work in dedicated CIA studio space; give

will be in residence from early February

partnership requiring

week residencies.

talks to students in Cleveland public high

through the end of March.

collaboration and because

Cleveland Foundation through its Creative

rates; and present community talks at gal-

artists, and presentations by guest schol-

residencies can be crafted to

Fusion initiative, CIA is launching The Cuba

leries, libraries, and other public venues in

ars, the fall and spring symposia will air

Project, bringing these artists to Cleveland

suit the missions of host

addition to the two mid-semester symposia.

critical ideas on Cuban culture, including

to live, teach, create, share, and learn.

Artworks from all five artists are on view in a

Cuba’s unique ethnic, racial, and religious

Each artist will spend approximately half of

collaborative exhibition at MOCA Cleveland.

mixtures; poverty and shortages; Cuba’s

a semester in residence at CIA and partici-

The Cuba Project: Cleveland Institute of Art

place in a global context; and the contrasts

pate in a one-day public symposium.

at MOCA runs through Dec. 31.

between institutionalized notions of a national

unique among artist residency programs because each residency is a community

organizations.” Kathleen Cerveny Cleveland Foundation

Thanks to generous funding from the

schools with which CIA already collabo-

“This residency program will offer the entire Cleveland community wonderful opportunities to connect with Cuban people who are creating artwork and conveying ideas about a culture that is not well known in the USA,” said CIA President Grafton J. Nunes. “We are enormously grateful to the Cleveland Foundation for making these enriching exchanges possible.”

In panel discussions featuring the guest

society and the realities lived by Cuba’s The Lineup

citizens. Alejandro de la Fuente, author

Installation artist/sculptor Abel Barroso will

and University of Pittsburg professor, will

be CIA’s first Cuban artist-in-residence, arriving in mid-October and staying until mid-December. Printmaker Osmeivy Ortega will overlap with Barroso, arriving in early October and staying through early December. Painter and video artist

be the guest scholar at the the October 13, 2011 symposium; while Rachel Weiss, author and professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, will be the guest scholar at the Feb. 11, 2012 symposium. Continued on page 2

Cuban Artists,

continued from page 1

CIA faculty members — Associate Professors


Saul Ostrow and Charles Tucker — traveled

Plan to attend one or all of the Cuba Project events planned for the year ahead.

didates for the CIA residencies. Funded by

Check for additional events and to confirm dates, which are subject to change.

to Cuba in the fall of 2010 looking for canan initial planning from grant from the Cleveland Foundation, the three faculty members interviewed 44 Cuban artists in

FALL 2011 SEMESTER Oct. 15 – Dec. 10

Abel Barroso, installation artist/sculptor, in residence

Sept. 22 – Dec. 31

The Cuba Project: Cleveland Institute of Art at MOCA, an exhibition of works by each of the artists who will be in residence at CIA (

their own studios. “We were surprised to observe that Cuban artists don’t necessarily identify with a particular school or movement, but instead distinguish themselves by gen-

Oct. 7 – Dec. 2

Osmeivy Ortega, printmaker, in residence

eration. Younger artists tend to respond

Oct. 13

Symposium featuring author Alejandro de la Fuente

to Cuban culture and social conditions

and Ortega Oct. 14

Cuban film, Fallen Gods (Los Dioses Rotos) at Cinematheque. Cuban actress Annia Bu Maure will answer questions after this screening of Cuba’s official entry for the 2010 Best Foreign Language Film Oscar. (


careers were established in the 1980s and 1990s,” he said. Hart, Ostrow and Tucker were not necessarily looking for representation from two different generations of Cuban artists when they began their interviews last fall.

Jan. 9 – March 5

Alex Hernández, painter and video artist, in residence

Feb. 3 – March 30

José Ángel Toirac, painter + installation artist, and Meira Marrero, art historian, in residence

Feb. 13

somewhat differently than do artists whose

Symposium featuring author Rachel Weiss and artists

“We were looking for artists with a record of socially responsive work, the desire and

Abel Barroso in transit with one of his

qualifications to teach in a school of art and

pieces, “Pais en Transito.”

design, and the ability to engage with the community and local institutions,” said Hart.

Hernández, Toirac, and Marrero Creative Fusion of Art,

Photo courtesy of the artist

Culture and Ideas Bridging Cultures and

The Cleveland Foundation established

community through extended engagements


Creative Fusion as a multi-year initiative

and frequent interaction.

One element that will distinguish CIA’s Cuban artist residencies from similar residencies held across the country is that the visits are timed so that mid-career Cuban artists — those who established themselves

Still from the video

in the 1980s and 1990s — will overlap at

Zona Afectada (2006)

CIA with emerging Cuban artists. Professor

by Alex hernandez

David Hart, a contemporary art scholar who has written about Cuban art, said he expects that having both emerging and established artists participate in the symposia will spark some interesting dialog. Hart, who is faculty coordinator of the Cuba Project along with Cooper, learned about a generation gap of sorts in the Cuban art world when he and two other

to bring accomplished artists from diverse

“We believe Creative Fusion is unique

cultures to Cleveland for extended periods

among artist residency programs because

of time. These artists are “embedded within

each residency is a community partnership

existing cultural institutions to facilitate

requiring collaboration and because

the exchange of ideas and experiences,”

residencies can be crafted to suit the

according to the Foundation. In its first year,

missions of host organizations. The pro-

the program hosted a dancer, two visual

gram is meaningful both for the artists

artists, writers and a playwright/director

and the organizations that host them,”

from Turkey and South Africa.

Cerveny added.

Kathleen Cerveny ’69, the foundation’s director, institutional learning and arts initiatives, said “Many cultural institutions are passionate about world cultures but rarely have the resources to host international artists for more than one performance or exhibition. Creative Fusion permits a deeper engagement at the artistic level and a richer, more lasting impact on our

“In my short tenure at The Cleveland Institute of Art, I have

Chris Whittey Named Vice President of Academic and Faculty Affairs

already become profoundly

Held leadership posts at MECA and MICA

impressed with the intellectual and creative capital, in the form of both its faculty and staff,that the college can rightfully boast.” Chris Whittey Vice President of Academic and Faculty Affairs

Christopher Whittey became CIA’s vice president of academic and faculty affairs effective August 1, 2011. “Chris brings a dynamic resume of thought leadership in both academic administration and fine arts,” said CIA President Grafton J. Nunes. “At this important time of growth at the college, I am confident Chris will be a key factor in strengthening our core academic areas and building our national and international reach.” Whittey came to CIA from the Maine College of Art where he served as vice president for academic affairs and dean since 2009. Prior to that, he served as dean for academic services and a faculty member at the Maryland Institute College of Art. After a comprehensive international search, his appointment was unanimously approved by a search committee of CIA’s faculty, key staff, and board members. A practicing artist, Whittey received a master of fine arts degree from Rhode Island School of Design and a bachelor of fine arts degree in painting from Wayne State University. He also studied at Harvard Institute for Higher Education and the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program. To read more about Whittey’s career, including his work as a set builder for Saturday Night Live, his artist fellowships, and his Harvard studies, go to


Carlita Alexander ’03 Designs a New York City Career Carlita Alexander ’03 is an interior designer at Josh Held Design in New York City. She joined the firm this spring after spending six years at the internationally known firm, The Rockwell Group. In a recent interview, she talked about her CIA education and the doors it has opened for her.

is an asset as an interior designer because everything you do revolves around being able to communicate visually.

Your major was industrial design but your career is in interior design. Was that a big switch for you?

Nothing ever translates

I sometimes say I have a minor in interior design, although that’s not official. I took all the

I credit (faculty mem-

studio classes for interior design, but not all the technical classes. After graduation, I was

bers) Richard Fiorelli,

more interested in looking for a job in interior design. Interestingly, the product design I

Mike Gollini, and Scott

learned in industrial design has come in handy because with retail design, space really


does become more of product. Also, you have to design fixtures and things like that, so

Apart from that, I learned

I do a lot of product design.

how to work with people at CIA. Collaboration was really stressed, and it has been helpful to

Where did you first work after graduation?

my career. CIA is set up as a studio environment; there’s an openness that comes from the

My first job out of CIA was at Design Forum in Dayton. We focused on branding and strategic design. I learned a lot. From there it was very easy to get a job in New York, which is where I wanted to be. I worked at Rockwell Group, an international architecture and design firm, for six years, until last April.

Why did you leave Rockwell? I loved Rockwell; it was a nice culture and environment in which to be creative. On the other hand, it’s good to get more experience, to change and to grow, and I wanted to be

faster than sketching.

way the studio is set up but also the way design is taught there… everybody sees what you’re doing and I think that just pushes you to be more creative; it makes you work hard. I feel like I was always around people that were passionate. I think one of the reasons they liked me at Rockwell was because I wasn’t afraid to share any ideas, and I was always willing to lead discussions. In fact I started a monthly interiors breakfast. People would share what they were working on so we wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes.

in a smaller firm where I could help the company grow. Also, the economy has changed,

What would you say to a high school student considering CIA?

as everyone knows, and I think you’re going to see more and more boutique design firms

The design program is one of the top in the country. You can’t really get much better

in this economy. Josh Held Design offered a great opportunity for me. Right now I’m work-

in terms of the tools you are going to graduate with. And there’s such a broad range of

ing on the renovation of the W Hotel on the Chicago lakeshore, which is very exciting; it’s a

things you can do and places you can go after graduation.

showcase of high-end design.

What’s your favorite thing about New York City?

What did you gain from your CIA education that you value most in your career today?

What I like most about New York City is the rich culture. I like to think of this place as a

Communicating ideas visually is the most valuable thing for me, and it’s sort of a lost art;

do that can enrich your life.

not many people can do it quickly and well. In fact I taught drawing to my colleagues at Rockwell, just to try and get people comfortable doing perspective drawings and doing them fast. It makes me appreciate CIA, which was just so amazing at teaching people

playground for young professionals (and everybody else) with an endless array of things to

To view a video profile of Carlita, filmed at her previous workplace, Rockwell Group, go to

how to draw, because without it, I don’t think I’d have this confidence, this spark. It really



Photography Exposes ’09 Grads to Norwegian Glacier Adventure Photographer Jerry Birchfield ’09 has a fascination with glaciers — not just as breathtaking natural phenomena, but also as a metaphor he is exploring in his artwork. Thanks to a 2009 First Agnes Gund Traveling Scholarship and a 2011 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award, Birchfield traveled to Norway this summer to photograph Jostedalsbreen, the largest glacier in continental Europe. “The glacier became an icon for me, a metaphor for how belief systems are formed in a culture,” Birchfield said. In a nutshell, glaciers gradually yet dramatically change the environment just as the environment is gradually changing glaciers. Birchfield — who continues to create and exhibit artwork, balancing this with work in commercial photography — will produce a series of large-format photographs featuring glaciers “as image and metaphor, as entrance to a discussion regarding learned cultural beliefs.” Apart from forming the basis of future artwork, his Norway photographs will be mementos of one fabulous trip. Birchfield traveled with his wife, industrial designer Jessica (Jurca) Birchfield ’09 (pictured below with Birchfield). “With Jessie’s interest in design, it was fantastic for her. Art and design are everywhere in Norwegian culture. We visited a design exhibition in Oslo and she got to speak to design students we met,” Birchfield said. After a few days in Oslo, the couple traveled by train, boat, taxi, and then rented a car to Jostedal, the village at the foot of the glacier. Every day for a week, they would hike through the woods to the foot of the glacier to photograph. One day, with a professional guide, they hiked on top of the glacier, carefully avoiding perilous crevasses. “It was amazing. I’ve been exposed to a lot of things I wouldn’t have if my photos hadn’t taken me there. I’m extremely grateful to CIA for providing the traveling scholarship opportunity and for preparing me very well for a career as an artist,” Birchfield said.


Dear Alumni and Friends of CIA: What a generous welcome I have received from the creative people who make up this diverse CIA community since I took office in June as director of annual giving and alumni relations. I look forward to meeting many more of you in the coming months, at Cinematheque films, exhibition openings, alumni and donor receptions, and other gatherings. I came to CIA from the Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland where I was development manager for more than three years. Prior to that, I served in the development office of University Hospitals Case Medical Center, following a 10-year stint at KeyBank, where I was a relationship manager and advisor within the bank’s Nonprofit Endowment and Foundation Relations Division. Looking ahead, I am wide open to new ideas for re-connecting with alumni and offering meaningful events for friends. I’m particularly interested in using social media as a tool for keeping you informed of happenings at CIA and soliciting your ideas. We are now laying the groundwork for what will be a CIA alumni association and, again, I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions as this takes shape. I look forward to working with CIA’s newly appointed Assistant Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations Liz Huff, who joined our staff in August. Stop in and say hello next time you are in the Gund Building or contact me at 216.421.7412 or I am both honored and thrilled to be part of the CIA team and I look forward to an exciting and dynamic future. Warmly,

Mike Kinsella Director of Annual Giving & Alumni Relations


Students build careers, confidence in summer internships NEARLY 100 CIA STUDENTS GAINED PROFESSIONAL



























Film Buff Wants Future Generations to Enjoy the Cinematheque Richard J. Petruska is only 55, but, thinking ahead, he has made arrangements to leave an estate gift to the Cleveland Institute of Art in support of its Cinematheque film program. Here, the clinical therapist and lifelong movie buff shares his motivations for planning a gift. You’re a Columbus resident.

A lot of people love the Cinematheque.

I have no children and no other relatives.

What’s your connection to the

The New York Times called it “one of

I didn’t want my money to just go to the


the country’s best repertory movie

State of Ohio, which is what would happen

I started coming up to Cleveland every

theaters.” However, not everyone

if I didn’t name a beneficiary.

weekend to visit my mother during her

plans a gift. What made you decide

illness. Since she died last December,

to go from film buff to film patron?

You’re really thinking ahead.

I’ve continued coming up on weekends

First, I decided I may as well become a

I have fond memories of going to the

to settle her estate and have work done

Cinematheque member, since I attend

Palace Theater with my parents and seeing

on the house she left me. A year or so

so often. When I sent in my membership

movies in that big, old theater. I’m hoping

ago, I started going to the Cinematheque

payment, the envelope had a little box

that long after I’m gone there’s still a place

on weekends and discovered I really like

to check off if you wanted more informa-

like the Cinematheque showing movies in

the films they show. I especially like it

tion about including the Cinematheque in

a theater on a big screen. Maybe after I’m

when they show older movies that have

your will. So I just checked that and pretty

gone the next generation takes over.

been restored, but I also like foreign

shortly afterward, I got a call from Margaret

films. It’s educational when you go to the

(Gudbranson, CIA’s director of major gifts

For information about how you could

Cinematheque; you see films that you really

and planned giving). She’s been really help-

include CIA in your estate plans, contact

can’t see any place else.

ful. She sent me some documents that

Margaret Ann Gudbranson, Esq., CIA’s

showed me how to list Cinematheque. It

director of major gifts and planned giving,

was pretty easy, and timely. I was looking

at or 216.421.8016.

for a place to list as a beneficiary because


Honor Roll of Donors Dear Friends, Once again during the 2010–2011 fiscal year, alumni and friends of the Cleveland Institute of Art provided crucial resources to the college through their generous contributions. In fact, more than 1,400 individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations gave to CIA’s Annual Fund, made restricted gifts for scholarship support or other important initiatives, or left bequests to benefit the Institute. We list them here, in our Honor Roll of Donors, with deepest gratitude. n Given our nation’s stressed economy, we are especially grateful that these supporters made it a priority to give to CIA. The strong support of members of the Institute’s board of directors deserves special recognition. Collectively, the supporters listed on these pages helped us bridge the gap between operating expenses and revenue from tuition and endowments. We are grateful for the generosity of loyal friends and alumni of CIA, whose interests range from higher education to emerging artists, CIA gallery exhibitions, Continuing Education programs, and The Cleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque, which recently completed the yearlong celebration of its 25th anniversary. Alumni in particular send a powerful message through their giving: they value the education they received and they want current and future students to enjoy the benefits of a high caliber visual arts education. To all those who contributed to the Institute during the 2010–2011 fiscal year and thereby earned a place on our Honor Roll of Donors, we extend our heartfelt thanks. To view our full 2010–2011 Annual Report, please go to Sincerely,

R. Michael Cole Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Gifts to the Annual Fund


Paul Brentlinger Helen C. Cole Trust Dealer Tire, LLC Joseph S. Dehner ’88 Donley’s Inc. Marsha Brayton Everett ’81 and Chandler Everett Meg Fulton-Mueller and Scott Mueller Robert J. Jergens ’60 Jennie S. Jones Jack and Mary Ann Katzenmeyer Toby Devan Lewis Eleanor Bonnie McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Creighton B. Murch, The Murch Foundation Jane B. Nord ’76 John and Sally Schulze

The Charles E. Burchfield ’16 Society Created in 1987, the Charles E. Burchfield ’16 Society honors those donors who demonstrate exemplary leadership support for the Cleveland Institute of Art by making contributions of $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund. Through their unrestricted donations, these individuals and organizations help to fund the full range of the Institute’s operational needs, from student financial aid, to departmental support, to faculty salaries, to public programming.. We are deeply grateful to these special donors for their enlightened generosity.

G Faculty/Staff

* Deceased

Every effort has been made to list contributors accurately. If we have inadvertently made an error or omission, please accept our apologies and contact Mike Kinsella at 216.421.7412.

Leadership Contributors $10,000 +


Pacesetters $5,000 – $9,999 Anonymous Fran and Jules Belkin Becky Dunn Robert and JoAnn Glick Barbara L. Hawley James D. Ireland III Gary R. Johnson and Brenda K. Ashley The Elizabeth Ring Mather and William Gwinn Mather Fund Stanley and Barbara Meisel Heather Moore ’93 and Thomas Frontini ’90

Mario and Dana Morino John and Susan Nottingham ’72 / -Ohio CAT Laura Ospanik ’80 and Stephen P. Robbins Madeleine Parker, The Arthur L. Parker Foundation Karen Skunta ’74 The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation John and Dee Spirk ’72 / -Joy Praznik Sweeney ’58 and John Sweeney S.K. Wellman Foundation t

Benefactors $2,500 – $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bowen Eaton Corporation The Giant Eagle Foundation Joseph F. and Andrea L. Hahn The Hankins Foundation Leonard and Joan Horvitz William R. Joseph Clay Mock NACCO Industries, Inc. Anne H. and Leigh H. Perkins Drs. Michael and Joanne Schwartz Dr. Gerard and Phyllis Seltzer R. Thomas and Meg Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Stirn Nelson S. Talbott Bill and Diane Valerian Gary and Al G Zvosec






Patrons $1,000 – $2,499 Doris and Robert Anderson ’50 / -Gordon and Cathy Anhold Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. Alvin M. Arndt ’48 AVI Food Systems Inc. John Baca ’70 Balance Product Development, Inc. William P. Blair III Lissa Bockrath ’95 and Mark Shapiro Louisa S. Bonnie ’81 Boyd Watterson Asset Management, LLC William Busta and Joan Tomkins Ruth Anna Carlson and Albert Leonetti John and Camille Carter ’87 / -Steve and Lisa Cencula ’91/’91 Frederick and Kathryn Clarke Bruce A. Claxton ’71 Bonnie and Michael G Cole Mr. and Mrs. William E. Conway Ronald K. Copfer, Jr. Diane P. Daniels ’84 Giuseppe and Kathy Delena ’78 / -Ann and David Deming -- / ’67 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Dickenson II Barry and Suzanne Doggett Sam and Sarajane Dolinsky Mary and Hal Douthit Ruth Swetland Eppig Eleanor E. Everett Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fedynsky Marvin A. Feldstein and Susan Hanna Charles and Charlotte Fowler Frantz Ward LLP Clarke H. Garnsey ’47 Dr. and Mrs. Victor Goldberg James P. Grigg Graham L. Grund Nicki and Bob Gudbranson Peter and Debra Guren Dr. Michelle and Mr. Paul Harris Dee Tremaine Hildt, The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation Jerry Hirshberg, Ph.D. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollington, Jr. Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz Mark G and Kim Inglis Lynda and Don Insul Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jack Norbert and Susan Jaworowski ’65 / ’67 Anne M. Jones David and Gloria Kahan The Walter and Jean Kalberer Foundation Joseph P. and Nancy F. Keithley Foundation Linda Weber Kiousis ’62 Stewart and Donna Kohl Fredrick S. Lamb Carolyn Lampl, The Lampl Family Foundation Victor C. Laughlin, M.D. Memorial Foundation Trust Isabella T. Lynn ’48 Robert Mangold ’60 Rex and Heath Mason Nicole Visconsi Mawby ’75 Peter McEachen ’94 G S. Sterling and Judith McMillan, III -- / ’90 Susan Murphy David and Inez Myers Foundation Nancy Neville G Grafton J. Nunes G Caroline G. Oberndorf Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Oppmann Richard L. Osborne Ninna Pettersson Albert and Audrey Ratner Andy Rayburn and Heather Guess





Linda M. Hosler Edwin F. Jaquet ’55 Chuck Kovacic ’72 Linda Lucic Liefer ’70 Jose Longoria ’81 Joan Cornett McConnell ’53 Mary and Tom McKane ’90 / -John Paul Miller ’40 Cindy Murphy Joseph B. O’Sickey ’40 Richard and Cheryl Pace John and Jean Piety Elizabeth J. Ptak ’53 Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin Barbara S. Robinson Robert and Joyce Schaefer Laura Scott Hoffman Peter L. Shellko ’61 Kenneth and Lauren Smith ’70 / -Ruth Rees Suehr ’41 Sam Swayze ’68 Ben and Bonnie Upton ’78 / ’79 Heinz and Elizabeth Wolf

Reliance Mechanical Corporation Drs. Ann and Norman Roulet Saint Luke’s Foundation Judith and James A. Saks Mrs. Viktor Schreckengost Kim Sherwin Robert and Christiane Siewert Drs. Daniel Simon and Marcy Schwartz Jerry Smith Carey L. Spencer Janet and Kristofer Spreen Skip Sroka ’77 and John Kammeier Marie S. Strawbridge, John P. Murphy Foundation Nancy M. Stuart G and David Lang Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Sussen -- / ’92 Franny G and Seth Taft Jeffrey Weiss and Karen Rutman-Weiss Timothy and Sandra Wuliger, Wuliger Foundation Anthony Yen Kirk Zehnder and Bridget Haas Zenith Systems Inc. t

Sponsors $500 – $999 Robert Arko and Aura Oslapas ’82 / ’80 Denice R. Baldanza Harriet Moore Ballard ’87 Jim and Reita Bayman Michael Biesiada Jenny and Glenn Brown Marshall and Brenda Brown Timothy and Anne Carnahan Bill and Kathi Chapman Diane De Grazia Faber-Castell USA, Inc. Mary Lou Ferbert ’68 Matthew Greene and Lisa Triggs The Gries Family Foundation Clark and Hope Hungerford Laurie Hutchinson Jacobs ’86 Michael Kimmel G Edward and Catherine Lozick Kevin and Sheila Margolis Bill and Margaret Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morley Gwenn Pokorny Larry and Julia Pollock Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. Mrs. Vaughn Rubin Peter and Aliki Rzepka Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schnaterbeck Cathy Stamler Mrs. Richard Barclay Tullis Vita-mix Corporation Skip (Mabel) Watts Curtis Weems Judy Weidenthal Steven and Trudy Wiesenberger


Sustaining $250 – $499 Thomas and Joann Adler Amy A. Bartter G Christina Beecher ’84 Leonard Blasko ’61 Paul and Michelle Braun ’88 / -Corning Chisholm Joanne Cohen and Morris Wheeler John and Sharon Conklin -- / ’79 John R. Corlett Paul and Janis DiCorleto Howard Freedman and Rita Montlack Diane Funk ’61 Lawrence D. Gaynor ’60 Astrida Greco ’61 Margaret Ann Gudbranson G


Supporting $100 – $249 Anonymous Stanley and Hope Adelstein Rebecca Aidlin ’84 Dene Miller Alden ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Alexander Herbert and Sheila André de la Porte Linda Arbuckle ’81 Kathleen L. Barber Robert L. Barnes ’68 Cynthia Bassett Aloise Bates Judith Bourne Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Beardslee ’47 / -George and Judith Beasley ’67 / ’66 Ruth B. Bertrand Jennifer Biskind ’81 Joanne Blazek ’55 Rick and Susie Block Charles and Julia Bolton Patricia Boonstra Loretta Borstein Ruth A. Bowman ’74 Elizabeth Breckenridge Gina Maria Brent ’86 Lynda Britton ’85 Robert Brooks Barbara Fenwick Brown ’57 Kaja G and Richard Buchanan Ken and Polly Burns Louis Burroughs June Burton Ann and Hugh Calkins Delia Cappel David J. Carpenter Jean Kubota Cassill George and Ann Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Homer Chisholm Susan Varga Chrien ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Clark Elaine Albers Cohen ’55 Ronald L. Coleman Michael Costanzo John P. Craig Paul M. Cupach ’82 John Currier Jill Buckley Dangler ’53 Myron R. Davidson ’46 Lois L. Davis Stanley T. Denek ’62 Margaret Denk-Leigh G Dian Disantis ’94 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Donley

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Dreyfuss Cathy Eckdall ’72 Merle Edelman ’52 William Eichenberg Oliver and Mary Emerson Morton and Natalie Epstein John Ewing G Margaret FitzGerald ’82 Virginia Foley Jane Forbes ’75 James and Ruth Friedman Barbara and Peter Galvin Paul L. Garner ’81 Diane and Richard Gent Amy Goldman G Anthony J. Greco ’60 Elaine Harris Green Harold Griffith ’26* Lee Heinen Ms. Patricia Ward Heinke ’55 Chuck Herndon ’71 Robert Hexter Mrs. Charles Hickox Jean McClintock Hoffman ’67 Allen Hutton ’76 Nancy S. Hyams Susan Iler G Thomas Ingersoll ’50 Dr. and Mrs. Scott R. Inkley Mark Jelfo ’91 JM Family Enterprises, Inc. James Juliano, Jr. Chris and Maura Jungjohann ’05 / -Etole and Julian Kahan ’56 / -Mark A. and Patricia A. Kelly ’62/62 Joyce Kessler G Margaret Y. Kimura ’94 Elaine and Joseph Kisvardai Anne Kmieck ’83 S. Lee Kohrman Shirley Leavitt Koller ’42 Richard J. Konisiewicz ’76G Ursula Korneitchouk Ronald Krasney Robert Kunes ’68 Ruth and Dick Kyman ’70 / -Marge Lamport Deborah Teas Lass ’64 Leff Electric Company Mary Kay Levesay Linda and Jack Lissauer Jen Long ’94 Helene S. Love and Donald Singer Matthew J. Maloney Maxine Masterfield ’55 Mary Alice Calhoun Mathias ’47 Charles T. Mayer ’64 Jean McAuliffe ’90 Gail McClelland ’78 Mickie McGraw ’66 John McIntire ’59 Michael Mikula ’87 Lois Ober Miller ’38 Mary Jane and Frank Miller Jacqueline Miller and Stuart Morrison Thomas L. Mills ’78 and Susan Werner ’80 Paul Missal ’65 Eleanor Molleson ’54 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Morse Jeff Nasca ’88 Bill and Barbara Hill Newby Bill Nottingham ’01 Edith Orlean Mr. and Mrs. William M. Osborne Larry Dean Pentz ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Peterjohn Jim and Kate Petras Steve and Dawn Brockman Petrill -- / ’95 Nancy and Jim Petro Zack Petroc ’97 Joe Pierce ’79 Paul Pizzini ’72 Sharon Guidotti Place ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter John and Norine Prim ’71 / -Pysht Fund Nancy Rafal Patricia Prusak Ramsey ’80 Jan Rapp ’77 Barbara Richter Marjorie B. Ritchie Melvin and Eleanor Rose ’40 / -Charles and Carole Rosenblatt Dr. Edward and Dr. Teresa Ruch Barbara P. Ruhlman Ernest Ruppe ’46 Anthony Schepis ’55, Prof. Emeritus Mr. and Mrs. E. Scherzer Michael and Sue Schrier ’64 / -Brant Schuller ’90 Raymond G and Ingrid Scragg Dorothy Shrier

Richard J. Skerl, Jr. ’90 Mary Carol Smith ’52 Petra K. Soesemann ’77 G Benjamin Steele ’50 Denise E. Stewart ’06 Jim Stucker ’58 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sulak ’51 / -Mrs. John P. Sutcliffe Bill and Edie Taft Lester Tavens Michael Tharp ’70 Ruth L. Thurber Lee Torda Chuck Tramontana ’65 Susan and Dean Trilling TymcioHoffman & Company Livingston H. Ulf United Way of Greater Cleveland Ted and Elaine Urban ’56 / ’57 Anne M. Vacco-Pintore ’83 Cynthia Rindfleisch Vasu ’77 Georgianne Grande Wanous ’66 Laura G. Ware Jeffry Weiler Susan Weir-Ancker ’85 Mrs. Richard C. Weiss Marilyn Weston Harry Wilkinson ’63 Richard D. Williams ’62 and Helen J. Kish Williams ’62 Robert and Hope Wismar Gary E. Wnek Stephen and Barbara Wohleber ’72 / -Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wolf Mary G and Todd Yordy Michael C. Zahratka ’64 Martin and Kathrine Zimmerman -- / ’69 Harold Zisla ’50 t

Participating $1 – $99 Anonymous Lisa M. Abbassi ’80 Carol Adams ’70 Thomas L. Adams ’71 Richard Agnes Carolyn Dougherty Alaburda ’85 Clyde G. Allen ’41

Richard and Avis Andres ’50 / ’50 Leslye Discont Arian ’76 Diana Attie ’62 Jeannette Bosnoian Aurslanian ’54 Dennis Austin ’00 Herb Babcock ’69 Paul Badger ’76 Jon D. Bailey ’63 John Balazs ’50 Charlotte Pijanowski Ballas ’64 Pattianne and Patrick Baran ’83 / ’83 Clark W. Barnes Margaret B. Barratt Leslie Beck ’97 Karen D. Beckwith ’87 G Diane and Ronald Bell Bert Benkendorf Leslie M. Bennett ’69 Nancy Mellody Bentley ’63 Marcie Bergman and Alan Rauss Carol C. Bernauer ’79 Sue E. Berry ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Bilek ’74 / -Jeanette Bill-Cole ’84 Roger F. Blakley ’64 Shelley C. Bloomfield G Richard Holden Bole, son of Nancy Adams Bole ’34 Richard and Ann Bort ’70 / -Ruth A. Botten Patrizia Bove ’92 Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bowman ’53 / -Sidney H. Bradd Ginna Brand ’73 Jane Placek Bravman ’67 Jeanne Knobel Brodie ’41 Phyllis Brody Faye N. K. Brown ’60 Rachel Browner G Michael and Cynthia Bruder Robert Bullock ’79 Brian* and Florence Bundy ’73 / ’73 Brian Bundy ’05 Ray L. Burggraf ’68 Susan E. Burnes Debrah Butler ’74 Marilyn S. Buttriss ’56 Robin Canfield ’71 William Carlson Patricia M. Carpenter Nancy G. Carroll ’68 Elizabeth Werle Cecala ’72 Ray K. Cheng ’77 Barbara A. Cherry ’57 Alberta Cifolelli ’53 Jose and Rosemarie Cintron ’54 / -Sarah R. Clague ’59 Jacob and Anne Clark ’03 / -Stephen Clement ’78 Jacqueline Ann Clipsham ’63 Joshua Cole ’05 and Kristen Modarelli ’05 Louise Cooper Anna M. Cottos G Charlotte Jaffe Cowan ’51 Dale H. Cowan, M.D. David and Vivian Criner ’78 / -Edward Cunneen and Catherine Moore Wendy D. Dove Cusick ’76 Rick Dahl ’85 Elizabeth Strandt Daniels ’59 Jane and Bob Daroff Adina Davidson G Alfonso and Kay de Lange ’59/’61 Paul and Rosanna DeNiro ’60 / --

James DeRosa Michael Derrick ’54 Dennis and Celeste Teresi DeSapri -- / ’79 John Digney ’86 Sanda T. Dimancescu ’91 Carol Jenks DiSanto ’52 Bonnie Dolin ’73 Jane E. Doud ’46* Bette Drake ’64 Michelle Droll ’02 and Eric Droll Dennis Drummond ’66 Christopher Duffy ’03 Leonard R. Dybzinski ’81 F. William Eakin II ’61 Peter Elloian ’62 Emma Yarlekovich Elsner ’48 Thomas P. Emery ’52 Kris Tapie Fay ’71 Dorothy Feddor ’69 Richard and Judy Felber Margaret Fischer ’69 Frank T. Fitzgerald ’57 Margaret Flagg Fitzwilliam ’41 Nicole Focareto G Mary Lou Rice Foley ’66 Kenneth and Gretchen Foran ’74 / ’73 Betty Gelfand Forchheimer ’52 Mary Kashuk Fordham ’63 Gyta Freed Louise J. Freedman ’51 Ann and Marc Freimuth Megan B. French G Maureen Fry ’95 Sam and Barry Gabel Marilee Gallagher Susan Gallagher ’91 Jane and Milton Garrett Corrine Farris George ’53 Terry Gess ’91 Christine Golubski ’89 Eileen Gordon ’49 Gary Gray Albert J. Grossman M. J. Grunau Harlan M. Guthrie ’65 Joan Hang Smith Guthrie ’50 Fred Gutzeit ’62 James L. Hackstedde ’68 John Edmond Hallsted ’92 Drew Hare ’52 Deborah Harris ’77 Barbara R. Hawkins Doc and Judy Hemminger Roger C. Hendricks ’63 Tom Hinson and Diana Tittle Patrick Hintz ’66 Jody Hobson ’76 Robert Houry ’72 Karen Hudy G Thomas Hunter ’53 Edith I. Ide ’63 Sarah Jane Overholt Ingraham ’59 Sabrina A. Inkley Ms. Nancy Jacobson Ellen Jett ’64 Carol Johnson Lucette Johnson ’93 J. Stephen and Kathy Jones Nancy and Don Junglas Bernadette Jusczak ’81 Russell Keba ’89 David Keeler ’61 Gwendolyn Kerber ’81 Anne Kerby ’78

Mike Kinsella G Richard M. Kipp ’69 Kitte Kirk-Lyons ’50 Kenneth Kirtz Keith Kitts ’49 Else M. Klein Candace Knapp ’71 Bernice A. Kochan ’48 Andy and Joan Kohn Catherine Komocki ’61 Victor Kord ’57 Allan and Carole Kornmiller ’52 / -Jean Koznarek Keith J. Kresge ’69 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kubat Stanley and Luane Lasky Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Leavitt and Katie Arlene Lehtinen Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Lenkoski Peter Leon ’09 Dr. Carolee Kuhns Lesyk Martha Redinger Liebert ’54 Peter Linberger Dianne Butts Lindow ’63 Zenia Lis Janice Lombardo George Longfellow ’64 Susan Donovan Lowe ’89 Michele Loxterman ’74 Ted and Idarose Luntz Neil MacDonald ’81 Dalia Macys ’83 James A. Mafko Patricia Matasy Makley ’72 Marilyn Marks ’50 John Marshall ’64 Linda Maxwell Melissa McCarthy ’09 Sara McClelland ’06 Halle McGorray ’85 Ann T. McGuire G Nathaniel Melamed ’64 Peggy Melchior Pearson ’72 Geri M. Meldon ’68 Jason Milburn ’03 Chris Miller ’96 Dominic D. Minadeo ’50 Paula Mindes Susan V. Miner ’78 Bea Mitchell ’80 Louise C. Monson Kevin Mowrer ’80 and Gail Szewczak Mowrer ’80 Florence Muller Susan M. Myers ’77 Virginia and Joseph Nagel Gordon and Vernie Nethercut Joan T. Neubecker ’85 Linda Nintcheff ’71 Dov and Judy Nisman Elizabeth H. Nutt ’63 Heather O’Brien ’96 Marty O’Connor ’98 Susanne O’gara Donald B. O’Leary ’59 Ted Omilanowski Rob Ondo ’84 Rachael Parakh ’97 Pamela L. Pastoric ’77 Vernon Patrick ’68 Irma Osadsa Payne ’72 John D. Penney ’89 Costa Petridis Terrell and Susan Pim

General Motors Foundation Grant Funds Scholarships, Equipment, Instruction Nine industrial design (ID) students and seven digital art students have been awarded General Motors Foundation Scholarships for the 2011–2012 academic year. The scholarships are funded by a grant to CIA from the General Motors Foundation. Digital arts majors offered at CIA, include T.I.M.E.-Digital Arts, video, animation, and game design. Because General Motors is committed to broadening diversity in the transportation design field, some of the ID scholarships were earmarked for women ID majors and others for ID majors from racial minorities under-represented in this field. The scholarship funding was part of a $70,000 General Motors grant that also offset the costs of equipment purchases for the industrial design department; underwrote a Saturday morning automotive design class taught by working GM designers; and funded course refinement by CIA faculty members to ensure that the Institute continues to educate designers to be innovative thinkers and creative problem solvers, ready for professional careers.





David Pinter ’95 Mrs. Elinor Polster Debra Price Denise Przybyla ’78 Ann Guip Quillen ’59 Elizabeth Wasmer Radivoyevitch ’91 Pat Winter Raeder ’57 Don Ramey ’85 Steven A. Ramsey ’83 Andrew Ratcliff Wallace Reid ’50 Athanasios Repidonis ’77 Gloria Resnick Lorraine Riebel ’03 Elise Rindfleisch Frank Rivera ’61 Karla Rivers Linda Brock Robbins ’68 Mr. and Mrs. George Roby ’63 / -Gloria Mattlin Rogen ’48 Brian Roseman ’98 Jordi Rowe Marjorie Bell Sachs Michael J. Salkind Dr. James and Betsy Sampliner Eva Sands Michael Sands ’70 Dee Scalabrino Kay Badt Scherler ’54 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schneider Glenn G and JoAnn Schoenbeck Lois A. Schroeder-Girbino ’86 Jeffrey D. Schuldt ’78 William Schumann Hal Scroggy ’50 Eve N. Semenoro ’91 Sura Sevastopoulos ’71 Carrie L. Sheridan Harlan Sherman David and Elizabeth Shriver Norma Maxwell Shulins ’53

David and Chris Sinclair Jason Sleurs ’00 Janus Small ’79 and Allen Scott Ian Smith ’70 Neil F. Smith ’51 Katherine Solender Marvin and Judith Solganik Rosemary Sontich Robert Soreo ’85 and Ruth D’Emilia ’85 Sylvia Soss Sovereign Industries, Inc. Heidi and Pete Spencer David and Sally Stashower Carl Staub ’77 Betty Stitt Dianne Stiver ’86 Jack and Susan Stone ’72 / ’72 Raymond T. Storey Marsha Sweet ’81 Natasha Sweeten ’93 Janet Roush Taylor ’63 Ted and Irene Theodore Lucille M. Thwing ’48 Kathleen Totter William Tourtillotte ’83 Charlotte Roberts Towle ’62 Alix Hallman Travis Irene Trimble ’65 Susan Umbenhour ’95 Andrea Vaiksnoras Uravitch ’72 Donna van Dijk ’78 Patricia Vannorsdall ’47 Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry Warren Thomas and Dorothy Waski ’71 / -Patricia L. Weager ’48 Mark Weigand Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Weil Sarah Weiner Susan Weiner ’88 Karen Wellman G Rollin H. White III Grant and Sherry Williams ’62 / -Nina T. Williams G Janet Zearfoss Woodings ’60 Nora Rosegger Workman ’82 Kathleen Eberhard Yates ’74 Andy Yoder ’82 Betty H. Zarney Norman Zaworski Richard Zeman ’76 Jean Niles Ziegler ’51

(number of gifts shown parenthetically) American Endowment Foundation (1) Ayco Charitable Foundation (1) The Cleveland Foundation (8) Fidelity Investments (2) Glenmede Trust Company (3) Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth (2) Jewish Federation of Cleveland (18) Network for Good (35) The Pittsburgh Foundation (1) Renaissance Charitable Foundation (1) Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program (2)

Cinematheque t

Benefactors $2,500 + Lubrizol Corporation Maison Française de Cleveland Mirsat Nikovic Ohio Arts Council


Patrons $1,000 – $2,499 Amie Albert ’69 Nick Amster Joan E. Baker Jean Leathers and Gary Engle Thomas Peterson Astri Seidenfeld Kim Sherwin Andy and Jennifer Shrock


Sponsors $500 – $999 Anonymous Fran and Jules Belkin Mrs. Webb Chamberlain Pete and Margaret Dobbins Craig and Meloney Herrick Nance Hikes Dennis and Nancy Osgood Sally and Larry Sears Steven A. Zilber


Sustaining $250-$499 David Burke Mike Caldwell ’91 Mark Cole Jonathan L. Goldman John and Jeanne Jenks John Kaminski Lew and Diane Schwartz Benjamin and Catherine Vail David W. Wittkowsky and James S. Anderson


Supporting $100 – $249 Anonymous David Abbott and Jan Roller Nozar and Kathleen Alaolmolki Arthur Bayer Dan Begin Roger Blatnick Thomas Brezovec Gary Brierley William Busta and Joan Tomkins Lucy Chamberlain Kimberly Christopher Vitelia Cisneros Fred Collopy Pierre A. Davignon Bryan and Maryellen Davis Kirk Davis Yuri and Renata Deglin Dan and Laura Dempsey Fred Dillon Stanley* and Grace Ewing Richard Fiorelli ’74 G Steven Fitch Christopher Flanders Eugene C. Gartland, Jr. Louis Giannetti Debra S. Gold Ron and Eileen Gold David Goldberg Evan and Deborah Golder Daniel and Elizabeth Goulding Marge Grevatt Graham L. Grund Gregory Hackett and Elizabeth Brumbaugh Ted and Marybeth Harakas Tom and Jacky Harsch Curt and Karen Henkle Arthur Heuer and Joan Hulburt Matthew Hollern G and Pamela Argentieri-Hollern -- / ’87




Gale and Jim Jacobsohn Phillip and Elizabeth Knaak Charles E. Kuehn David Kuzma Alan Madison Francoise Massardier-Kenney Michael McGraw Linda Meixner Edwin J. Meyer Jan Milic Jeanie Miller Marie T. Morelli Richard Myers Richard and Patricia Myers Kim Neuendorf Barb and Dave Partington Karel Paukert David Perse Costa Petridis Peter Petto James A. Ratner Andy Rayburn Judith W. Ross Tim Rossiter and Tally Fruchtman Rossiter David Schauweker John and Sally Schulze Lee Scullin Marjorie Simon Robert S. and May C. Targett Mary Tilden Donald Tipka Ingrid Tuxhorn and Paul White William F. B. Vodrey Carole Walters Craig A. Webb Kathleen Webber Robert S. Woodward

Entities Through Which Donor Advised Gifts Were Made


Participating $1 – $99 Anonymous Penny Allen Susan Allsip Florence Almozini Michael Armin Patricia Ashton George Bakalar David C. Baldanza ’81 Denice R. Baldanza Margaret B. Barratt Robert Bayt Sandra Beasley Russell Bechkowiak Bert Benkendorf Matt Berg Sally and Bernie Bergman Jeff Blazek Laura Boyes Elizabeth Breckenridge Phyllis Brody Robert Brooks Randall and Kathie Brown Reverend James L. Caddy Earl and Mary Carter Patricia and George Chan Ian Charnas Charla Coatoam Thomas Coffey Alan and Margot Cohen Bonnie and Michael G Cole Mary Ann Conn-Brody Dyanne and Michael Conner Afrodita and Magdalena Constantinidis Louise Cooper Craig Corrigan Margaret M. Cowin Shirlie Cox Robert E. Cunningham William W. Currie Barbara Davis Maryann De Julio James A. Dingus, Jr. Jane Donnell Thomas A. Duke Andrew Dzurick J. C. Emling M. M. Emmons Alexander Feador Basil Fedun Keith W. Filip Stan and Gwen Fischer Diane Fitzpatrick Roma B. Foldy Jonathan Forman Peter Garlock Angret M. Georgi Richard Gerken Allan Gerlat S. Bradley Gillaugh Toyomi Goto Judy Griffin Alex Gurary Ann Marie Halal

Keir Dullea, the Cleveland-born actor best known for playing astronaut David Bowman in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, came to the Cleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque in July to answer audience questions after a screening of that 1968 sci-fi classic. Dullea was just one of the special guests who helped the Cinematheque celebrate its 25th anniversary year.

Vera Hall Rick and Mary Hamilton Amy Hanna Geoffrey Hare Tim Harry G Judith Hassing Carolyn Heine John and Susan Hersch Patti Hester Mr. and Mrs. R. Robertson Hilton Annie Holden Paul and Arlene Hrisko David Huffman and Jared Earley Jeffrey Isaacs and Anne Borchert Sharon Jacobs Christopher Jenkins Carol Johnson Steve Johnson William Glenn Johnson William R. Johnson Ida C. Jones Roberta Jupin Kasumi G Jim Kelley Maureen Kiernan G V. Knight Alex Koleszar Eefje Kolkman Edward Komacka Helen Kopp John Kowalchik Ken Kresina James Krukones Brent Kubasta William Kunkin and Elke Chodorow Hank and Pat Kurdziel Lorenzo Lalli Ronald Land Tom Lang Patricia Leebove Sheldon Lewin Lyle Lewis Patricia Lintala Professor Ralph Lockwood Ted and Mary Lomac Larry Lowther Craig N. Lucas Timothy Lyons Alex and Carol Machaskee Ken Maglicic Kristi Majni Richard Malloy Karen Lee Marano and Dr. Francesco Melfi Bill Markstrom Michelle Martello Laura Martin ’88 Scott Martin

Tom Martin David M. Massaro Lyliane D. Mathieu-Kerns Chiquita Matthews Michael McClendon Joseph W. McCullough ’48 Joan McDermitt Bridget K. McGinty Frederick McGuire S. Sterling and Judith McMillan, III --/ ’90 Donald and Sandra McPherson Diana and Dan Medalie Elizabeth Meinke Thomas Mester Larry Miller Burton Milter Alice T. Mitchell Dan and Kathleen Moreland J. Tracy Mortimore Nachama Moskowitz Jewel Moulthrop Mark and Stephanie Mowls Fran and David Namkoong Kathryn Nemanic Beverly Nemitz Ron Ochmann Bill Ormonde Joan Orr Bill and Patty Osher Angela Oster ’05 Linda Park Rita Pencis Mary-Ann Pinto Sandra and Pirouz Pirouz Peter Pogacar Carol Poh Mary and Doug Powell Paule Prebus Sylvia Profenna Janine Purcell Jerry Quallich James and Lorraine Quilty Thomas Raber Dr. and Mrs. Donald Ramos Joseph P. Reardon Raul Rebak Nancy Reynolds Donald Richardson Phil and Becky Roberts Susan Roberts Jodi and Michael Rogoff Carole Roske John Rowland Roger and Betty Salomon Connie and George Sapin Joseph J. Sarasa Rich Sarian ’86 G

Betty Schaal Jean Schils Thomas and Shirley Schmidt Gregory and Mary Ann Schwartz Lawrence Seman Gregory Simonson Phil Skerry David Smith Matthew Solomon Earl Spurgin and Molly Haines Julie D. Stanger Eva Stern Gloria Still Jeanne Marie Stumpf Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sulak ’51 / -James D. Sweeney Franny G and Seth Taft Catherine Thomey Gabe and Ray Tomorowitz Karl and Sarah Toth Fusun Tuzcu Daniel and Mitzie Verne Stephen Vinciguerra Kenneth Vinciquerra Louis Wagner Mariel Wallace Cora Walsh Jay and Kathleen Ward Heather Ways and Gerald Sgro Ann Weatherhead Miriam Weisberg Kathleen Weiss David Wigle James Williams Jack Wilson Jia You Peter Zakrzewski Jayne Zborowsky William Zoltowicz Armando and Judith Zubizarreta

Restricted and Designated Gifts Supporting Departments and Programs t

Admissions Department Greater Cleveland Automobile Dealers Association The Leonard Krieger Fund of the Cleveland Foundation


Art + Achievement Key Foundation


B.A.S.I.C - Basic Art Support In the Curriculum Program Martha Holden Jennings Foundation


Biomedical Art Department The Harry K. & Emma R. Fox Charitable Foundation


Biomimicry Certification Stanley and Hope Adelstein Cleveland Zoological Society Charles and Charlotte Fowler John S. and James L. Knight Foundation The Sears-Swetland Family Foundation


Ceramics Department John M. Zajc, Jr. and Catherine Smythe Zajc Judith Salomon G and Jerry Weiss


Communication Design Barnes & Noble Booksellers


Continuing Education Department Ford Motor Company Fund David and Inez Myers Foundation RPM International, Inc. Robert and Christiane Siewert


Craft Environment Barbara S. Robinson


Creative Fusion/Cuban Artists The Cleveland Foundation


Fiber Department Anonymous


Film, Video and Photographic Arts Department Kulas Foundation


Glass Department Edris Eckhardt ’31*


The Jessica R. Gund Memorial Library Sue and Lee Flaishman


Illustration Department Marilyn and Larry Blaustein


Industrial Design Department Daniel Cuffaro ’91 G General Motors Corporation Jochum Moll Foundation/MTD Products Inc. Nestle USA Reminger Co., L.P.A The Sears-Swetland Family Foundation Technology Management, Inc


Professional Practices Curriculum Jack*, Joseph, and Morton Mandel The PNC Financial Services Group





Kulas grant is instrumental

Gifts to Endowments


John Paul Miller ’40 Foundation Design Scholarship John T. Schlundt


Joyce Seid ’77 Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Photography Anita Seid Also see Gifts in Honor of Anita Seid, Page 7


Julian Stanczak ’54 Scholarship in Drawing Mrs. Viktor Schreckengost Barbara G and Julian Stanczak ‘90/ ‘54


Daniel H. Straffon Memorial Scholarship Jon and Rochelle Straffon Peter and Cindy Straffon


Margaret E. Taplin Scholarship Fund The PNC Financial Services Group


Priscilla Thompson Memorial Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Neil L. Thompson


Wenda von Weise ’75 Memorial Scholarship in Fiber Charles and Anne von Weise


Sue Wall Scholarship in Painiting Vicki and Walter Lowery


Frank Wilcox (1910) Memorial Prize Douglas Hughes


Mildred Williams Eynon Wooddell ’25 Scholarship Derry and Lois Eynon


Woehrman Scholarship Linda and Ralph Woehrman ‘66 / ‘66


Eleanor A. and Jack D. Zipp Scholarship for Excellence in Glass Thelma Barmack Boris and Olga Vayner Joel and Elizabeth Zipp Tom and Amy Zipp

for equipment updates t

A recent grant from the Kulas Foundation allowed CIA to purchase


urgently needed cameras, including

Jerome Aidlin ’61 Fund for Faculty Development Kim Kulow-Jones ’84 Sara Mattsson Anliot Award for Excellence in Weaving Cuyahoga County Weavers Guild

the Cannon 5D at left, and digital art software. The foundation, which has


Kenneth F. Bates Scholarship for Excellence in Enameling Benham and Carol Bates


Norita Wyse Berman Memorial Award for Excellence in Painting Jodi and Scott Schumann


Pauline Graver Biskind ’22 Prize for Painting Dr. and Mrs. John I. Biskind Ted A. Biskind

supplied schools across Greater Cleveland with pianos, generously agreed to help CIA obtain some of the “instruments” our students use to create their art. Previous grants from the foundation have purchased student tickets for musical and theatrical performances, and supported the capital campaign that is funding CIA’s campus unification project.

Reinberger Galleries Baker Hostetler Glenmede Trust Company Victor C. Laughlin, M.D. Memorial Foundation Trust


T.I.M.E. - Digital Arts Department Kulas Foundation


Student Ticket Fund Kulas Foundation


Sculpture Department Edinboro University Foundation



2011 Student Independent Exhibition – Financial Gifts Ann Albano Balance Product Development, Inc. Fran and Jules Belkin Steve and Lisa Cencula ’91/’91 Ann and David Deming --/’67 Mary and Hal Douthit Ruth Swetland Eppig Marsha Brayton Everett ’81 and Chandler Everett Mary Gardner Robert and JoAnn Glick Dr. and Mrs. Victor Goldberg Harold and Cynthia Goodwin Matthew Greene and Lisa Triggs Lynda and Don Insul Gary R. Johnson and Brenda K. Ashley Jennie S. Jones Jack and Mary Ann Katzenmeyer Rex and Heath Mason Eleanor Bonnie McCoy The Metal Store Nottingham-Spirk Design Associates Caroline G. Oberndorf Prizm, The Artist Store/Darice, Inc. Melvin and Eleanor Rose ’40 /-John and Sally Schulze The Sculpture Center Dr. Gerard and Phyllis Seltzer Robert and Christiane Siewert Janet and Kristofer Spreen R. Thomas and Meg Stanton Joy Praznik Sweeney ’58 and John Sweeney Nelson S. Talbott Sue Wall Gary and Al G Zvosec



2011 Student Independent Exhibition – Gifts In Kind The Bonfoey Company Cleveland Botanical Garden Dodd Camera Pacific East Restaurant Prizm, The Artist’s Supply Store/Darice, Inc. SPACES Gallery


Special Events/Special Projects Fran and Jules Belkin Ruth Swetland Eppig Great Lakes Brewing Company Trevor and Jennie Jones William R. Joseph and Sarah J. Sager Jack and Mary Ann Katzenmeyer The Leonard Krieger Fund of the Cleveland Foundation Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, The Hale Group David and Inez Myers Foundation William and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation Saint Luke’s Foundation John and Sally Schulze Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland TFS Financial Corp


Special Purpose Gift Jack and Mary Ann Katzenmeyer





Young Artists Program Carolyn R Balzersen Sue Balzersen Kathryn Behm The Delta Kappa Gamma Society Nathan L. and Regina Herman Charitable Fund Leslie Kohner Natalie Kumel Mary Barbara Marks Mary Jo Minello Mary Quinlan Gloria Skripko Heather, Rob, Ray and Chris, and Laurie and Tommy Sandra Vanta Sonya Virant Madonna Weeks

SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT Anonymous Academic Education Inc. Matt Adkins American Greetings Corporation Bicknell Fund Karen Borstein Clements Family Charitable Trust Cleveland Art Association Cleveland Arts Prize The George W. Codrington Charitable Foundation Aims Coney, The Aims C. and Betty Lee Coney Memorial Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation David Cotton Cowan Pottery Museum Associates Dealer Tire, LLC Paula Fishman and Jeff Sindelar Ford Motor Company Fund William O. and Gertrude L. Frohring Foundation General Motors Corporation Marjorie Gills and Marcia and Al Fishman Mary Harkacz The John Huntington Fund for Education Robert J. Jergens ’60 Etole and Julian Kahan ’56 /-Bob and Pat Kahn The Laub Foundation George Leggiero Lubrizol Corporation Meisel Family Foundation Jochum Moll Foundation/MTD Products Inc. Ronda Moore Nesnadny + Schwartz Elise A. Newman James and Nikki Ritchey Beres, and Ernest and Loraine Ritchey Cristine C. Rom G and Alan J. Rocke Saint Luke’s Foundation Jeff Sindelar Judy Spaulding Frederick and Elizabeth Specht Barbara G and Julian Stanczak ’90/ ’54 Michael Thompson George Garretson Wade Charitable Trust #2 John Paul Wrobbel ’53





George Clements Memorial Scholarship for Travel Abroad Harriet Moore Ballard ‘87 H. C. Cassill Scholarship in Printmaking Anonymous Kristin M. Baird Jean Kubota Cassill The Ethel “Boots” ’74 and Thomas Clark Memorial Scholarship June M. Janson Ted Frost ’88 Scholarship for Travel Jonathan Frost Sally Frost Virginia H. Lowery Edward and Lowerre Simsarian


Audrey ’48 and Harvey Feinberg Scholarship Steven and Gwendolyne Feinberg


The Gallery Group Scholarship The Gallery Group, Inc.


Myrtle Waintrup Givelber ’31 Prize for Female Artists Anonymous


Frances V. Kaufman Scholarship Fund Wendy J. Kaufman Dannenhirsh Dennis M. Kaufman


Sharon Lynn Kumin Scholarship for Excellence in Interior Design Robin M. Kumin


Frances Wise Lang and H. Jack Lang Scholarship for Painting John Lang Wendy Lang


Susan Lipman ’88 Award for Excellence in Illustration Sandra M. Lipman Sharon Gordon Sheinbart ’68 and David Sheinbart


Ralph Marshall Memorial Prize in Photography Beryl M. Marshall


Eleanor Bonnie McCoy Scholarship Louisa S. Bonnie ‘81


Frederick Miller ’40 Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Jewelry and Metals John T. Schlundt William Stearns ’64

ORGANIZATIONAL MATCHING GIFTS (number of gifts shown parenthetically) Dominion Foundation (1) Eaton Corporation (2) Ernst & Young LLP (1) Glenmede Trust Company (1) Illinois Tool Works Foundation (1) Integrity Asset Management, LLC (1) Intuit Foundation (1) Key Foundation (3) Libbey Inc. (1) Lubrizol Corporation (2) Motorola Inc. (1) Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (1) Northern Trust Company (1) The PNC Financial Services Group (2) Preformed Line Products (1) The Progressive Corporation (4) Rockwell Automation (2) Frederick S. Upton Foundation (1) Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign (1) John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1)


2010 Nottingham-Spirk Creativity Competition Richard L. Osborne


Larry O’Neal Rick and Susie Block


Louise W. Mackie Mickie McGraw ’66 John Paul Miller ’40 Nancy Neville G Sally N. Neville Arthur Newman and Ann Kiggen Caroline G. Oberndorf Mr. and Mrs. William M. Osborne Jon and Jane Outcalt Emily Parkman Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin Cristine C. Rom G and Alan J. Rocke Marjorie Bell Sachs Judith Salomon G and Jerry Weiss John and Sally Schulze Mark Schwartz and Bettina Katz Dr. Mike Schwartz Dr. Gerard and Phyllis Seltzer Tanya G and Jason Shadle Nancy Bunch Sheridan ’57 Paul St. Denis ’60 Joy Praznik Sweeney ’58 and John Sweeney Seth Taft Nelson S. Talbott Leah and Blair M. Whidden Al and Maggy Woodcock Brent and Martha Young Allen and Edythe Zimmerman


In Honor Of

Gifts-in-Kind t


Donations of Art Books and Publications Andrew Brase ’11 Rick Braun Lyn Carter Amanda Casady Diana Chou The Ingalls Library, Cleveland Museum of Art Paul Coldwell Joseph S. Dehner ’88 Mary Lou Ferbert ’68 Joseph Foster ’74 Megan B. French G Jana Friess Lyn Haney Mari Hulick G Trevor and Jennie Jones Christine Kermaine Maureen Kiernan G MOCA - Cleveland Paul Murray G Grafton J. Nunes G Werner Pfeiffer Erin Pond G Elke Rehnder Lisa Kramer Reichel G Kelvin Smith Library, Case Western Reserve University Petra K. Soesemann ’77 G Barbara G and Julian Stanczak ’90 / ’54 Franny G and Seth Taft Donations to Various Departments within the School Frances Suter Bibbs Chrysler LLC Euclid Industrial Maintenance & Cleaning Contractors, Inc. Lisa Fovozzo Deba Jean Gray Richard Knapp L’Abatros Brasserie Barbara Moster Linda Nintcheff ’71 Prism, The Artist’s Supply Store/Darice, Inc. Judith Salomon G and Jerry Weiss Joy Praznik Sweeney ’58 and John Sweeney Tommy’s Restaurant

Marcia and Richard Adelsheim Marilyn and Jack Bialosky, Sr. Lois Butler Amy Flink Peggy Friedman Ruth Friedman Constance Gordon Henry and Helen Jacobson Joan Michals Helyn Presser Joan and Roger Siegel Sara Wagner Sue and Dick Wengel Mina Whirtshafter


Fran and Jules Belkin Sam and Barry Gabel


Carey Spencer Key Foundation


Andrew W. Biskind’s Graduation Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Biskind


Barbara Stanczak on her Retirement Mrs. Viktor Schreckengost

William Brouillard John M. Zajc, Jr. and Catherine Smythe Zajc




John Ewing Fran and Jules Belkin Stanley* and Grace Ewing


Paula Fishman’s Birthday Jeff Sindelar


Sally Frost to Celebrate the Holidays Virginia H. Lowery


Barbara L. Hawley United Way of Greater Cleveland


Matthew Glazer’s Graduation Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Biskind


Marty and Mickey Kahn 50th Anniversary Marjorie Gills and Marcia and Al Fishman Paula Fishman and Jeff Sindelar Bob and Pat Kahn George Leggiero Ronda Moore


Kathleen Firestone Kiss’ Special Birthday Gloria Resnick


Shirley Leavitt Koller ’42 Milestone Birthday (90) Judy Spaulding


Joseph W. McCullough ’48 Graham L. Grund


John Paul Miller ’40 Dene Miller Alden ’67


Brendan Moore ’01 Edward Cunneen and Catherine Moore


Jackson K. Mowry’s Milestone Birthday June M. Janson


Franny Taft’s 60 years teaching at CIA

Lester Tavens Marvel Consultants, Inc.


In Memory of



Lauri J. Alexander ’70 Anonymous Vivian Collens Jack and Edna Fox Rosner Partners, LLC Ellen Wallace


Angelo Argentieri Diane and Richard Gent


Henry Turner Bailey Nina T. Bailey Williams G


John W. Baird ’75 Kristin M. Baird


Martin Borkin Dr. and Mrs. John I. Biskind


Marilyn Brentlinger Trevor and Jennie Jones Franny G and Seth Taft


Brian R. Bundy ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Leavitt and Katie


Nancy Chan Jones Day co-workers of Pete Chan


Mario Comella Heather, Rob, Ray and Chris, and Laurie and Tommy


Mary Rita Deming Bonnie and Michael G Cole William R. Joseph and Sarah J. Sager Caroline G. Oberndorf John and Sally Schulze


Nicholas DiCillo Carol Johnson


Dene Miller Alden ’67 Patricia Ashton Amy A. Bartter G Fran and Jules Belkin Diane and Ronald Bell Paul Brentlinger William Brouillard G Bonnie and Michael Cole G Gerry and Marty Conway Gwen V. Cooper ’63 Anna M. Cottos G Ann and David Deming -- / ’67 Mary and Hal Douthit Tom Corrigan and Diane Downing Es and Ann Esselstyn Anthony* and Alice Eterovich ’38 / -Lynne and John Feighan Jeff and Lynne Ford Mary Gardner Barbara Glasener Gretchen Goss G and Mark Hartung Graham L. Grund Marla Gutzwiller and Gerry Vandevier Mary Louise and Richard Hahn Mrs. Charles Hickox Karen Hudy G Ann and Richard Hunter Gary R. Johnson and Brenda K. Ashley Jennie S. Jones William R. Joseph Jack and Mary Ann Katzenmeyer Patricia Kelley Patricia Kilpatrick Ursula Korneitchouk Hal and Susan LaPine Bob Larson Heather Lemonedes



Agnes Barilka Dr. and Mrs. Renato Cutarelli Greg and Kelly Eterovich Gregory Jecmen Bill and Rose Kasper Howard and LaVerne McCann Joseph W. McCullough ’48 Magda Molcan Leo Sam Okieszyn Laura Ospanik ’80 and Stephen P. Robbins Severino and Joann Romanin Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rosenberger The Sulic Family Barbara Troyan


Anonymous Amy A. Bartter Karen D. Beckwith ’87 Shelley C. Bloomfield William Brouillard Rachel Browner Michael Cole Anna M. Cottos Daniel Cuffaro ’91 Adina Davidson Margaret Denk-Leigh John Ewing Richard Fiorelli ’74 Nicole Focareto Megan B. French

Amy Goldman Gretchen Goss Margaret Ann Gudbranson Tim Harry Matthew Hollern Karen Hudy Mark Inglis Susan Iler Kasumi Joyce Kessler Maureen Kiernan Michael Kimmel Mike Kinsella Richard J. Konisiewicz ’76 Richard Maxwell Peter McEachen ’94 Ann T. McGuire Nancy Neville Grafton J. Nunes

Lisa Kramer Reichel Cristine C. Rom Judith Salomon Rich Sarian ’86 Glenn Schoenbeck Raymond Scragg Tanya Shadle Petra K. Soesemann ’77 Barbara Stanczak ’90 Nancy M. Stuart Franny Taft Kaja Tooming Buchanan Karen Wellman Nina T. Williams Mary Yordy Brent Young Allen Zimmerman Al Zvosec


Sally J. Fabel Cuyahoga County Weavers Guild





Maxeen S. Flower ’76

Marc Glassman Joan and Alan Gross Diane Hanowitz Craig and Rae Harris Nancy Kendrick Diane Klein Susan and Tom Palmer Richard Prentke Linda Robiner Aaron and Barbara Saltzman


Anonymous Cleveland State University Bonnie and Michael Cole G Ann and David Deming -- / ’67 Ruth Swetland Eppig The Gries Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Scott R. Inkley Trevor and Jennie Jones William R. Joseph and Sarah J. Sager Jack and Mary Ann Katzenmeyer Mort and Judy Levin Hilda and Bill Mattlin ’48 / -Eleanor Bonnie McCoy S. Sterling and Judith McMillan, III -- / ’90 Bill and Margaret Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morley Jane Peterson and Philip Star Gail and Elliott Schlang Joseph and Marla Shafran Franny G and Seth Taft Stuart Taylor Elaine G. Walton t

Edward H. “Ted” Frost ’88 Edward and Lowerre Simsarian


Donald I. Griffith ’30 Harold Griffith ’26*


Harold G. Griffith ’26 Harold Griffith ’26*


Marjorie F. Henning Louise C. Monson







Hazel A. Schmitkons ’61 Gordon and Vernie Nethercut


Bernard C. Specht ’43 Frederick and Elizabeth Specht


Toshiko Takaezu Jean Kubota Cassill


Kenneth J. Torda ’61 Lee Torda


Patricia Wallace Shisler Jodi and Scott Schumann


Gertrude Weiner John and Sally Schulze


Laura Hoffman’s Husband Anita Seid Dalton Howard Lynn Heiligenthal-Showalter


Kenneth M. Hugh ’39 Elise Rindfleisch Cynthia Rindfleisch Vasu ’77


Sidney and Linda Klein’s Son Anita N. Seid Thomas L. Levesay ’70 Mary Kay Levesay Andrew P. Love C.F. and Lori Hocevar Kenneth and Anne Love


Sanford Pevaroff Jodi and Scott Schumann


Christopher D. Ritchey ’06 Matt Adkins James and Nikki Ritchey Beres, and Ernest and Loraine Ritchey David Cotton Mary Harkacz


Marcia Rothschild Jodi and Scott Schumann


Frances M. Saltzman Anonymous Cathy Amick Adam and Holly Baker Scott and Judy Cohen David L. Cunix Sue and Lee Flaishman Ron and Adele Gelb, Rae and Craig Harris Judith Gerson


Lucy Schembri Kathryn Behm The Delta Kappa Gamma Society Sandra Vanta

Heritage Circle Honor Roll





Anonymous (10) Carol Adams ’70 Richard M. and Dene Miller Alden ’67 Jane H. Alexander ’48 Jean E. Appleby and David Edelstein Jack J. Benvenuto ’66 Charles Lang Bergengren Donald P. Bins ’66 Ruth Gedeon Boza ’44 Peter Paedra Bramhall ’70 Gary Bukovnik ’71 Barbara Smith Carlson ’51 Bonnie and Michael Cole Ruth Richards Dunn ’34 George* and Becky Dunn Merle Edelman ’52 Emma Elsner ’48 and Anna Yarlekovich Susan Hanna and Marvin Feldstein Margaret Ann Gudbranson William Harper ’67 Patricia Heinke ’55 Jean Combes Hines ’46 Jeanetta Ho ’96 Robert J. Jergens ’60 William R. Joseph Etole and Julian Kahan ’56 / -Gloria and David Kahan Ray Kowalski ’57 Fredrick S. Lamb Carolyn Lampl Jeffrey Longhofer and Jerry E. Floersch

Joan Cornett McConnell ’53 Dr.* and Mrs. Rocco L. Motto Caroline G. Oberndorf Joseph Oros, Jr. ’39 Laura Ospanik ’80 and Stephen Robbins the Pearce Project Rich Petruska Steven Albert Ramsey ’83 Joy Elaine Sweeney ’58 Charles S. Tramontana ’64 Jennifer L. Tucker ’88 Clare R. Walker Sue Wall Georgianne Grande Wanous ’66 Cydney Weingart ’73 Marilyn J. White ’57 Pauline E. Woodin ’52 Steven A. Zilber Peter A. Zorn, Jr. ’65

Theresa Smotzer Lind ’35 Norman H. Lonz ’47 Dolores L. Luckay ’36 Zella Eckels Marggraf ’44 Trust Malcolm McBride Francis J. Meyers ’51 Mary Moon Florine E. Nicodemus ’25 Dorothe L. Niebes ’37 Miriam Peck ’33 Louise B. Price ’40 Nancy R. Ranney Matilda H. Rovtar Trust Arthur H. Sahagian ’47 Charles L. Sallee, Jr. ’38 Stuart B. Schaffner IMO Dorothy K. Schaffner Viktor Schreckengost ’29 Laura V. Shapero Edith Smith Marion H. Spiller IMO William R. Spiller Herbert H. Starkey ’48 Rolf and Maria Stoll Frank E. Taplin, Jr. Carol H. Tildes ’29 Frances R. Trawick ’33 Mary Louise Vail Mary L. Ward ’31 William E. Ward ’47 Annette R. Watson ’29 Helen P. White Jack White ’66 Odette and Paul Wurzburger Emily M. Yeandle ’30

Bequests Robert M. Anderson ’48 Trust Paul K. Apkarian ’59 Ruth M. Danis ’35 Trust

Support through Cac The Cleveland Institute of Art gratefully

Heritage Circle Memorial Roll Anonymous (3) Elaine E. and Robert M. Anderson ’48 Paul K. Apkarian ’59 Ernest W. Bako ’48 Helen E. Brown Barbara K. Buddenhagen Rudolph E. Bundas ’33 Helen C. Cole Ruth M. Danis ’35 Trust Barry Lewis Duncan ’45 Edris Eckhardt ’31 Jane Iglauer Fallon ’36 Helen Louise Fitz-Gerald ’70 Phoebe Flory Maxeen and John A. Flower ’76 / -Ted Frost ’88 Marjorie Godin Dorothy Turobinski Grauer Gertrude Hornung Michael S. Horvath and Martha A. Horvath -- / ’54 Laura A. Hugus Frank H. Hurley Elizabeth Clisby Jones ’31 Dr. Louis D. Kacalieff E. Jane Kime ’31 Irene Kissel ’27 Ruth G. Klein ’34 Frances Wise Lang Muriel H. Lehr ’29 Norma M. Levy ’35

acknowledges the citizens of Cuyahoga County for their support through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture (CAC). During 2010-2011, CAC provided more than $900,000 in general operating grant funds.


Notes Submissions received after August 1, 2011 will be printed in the next issue. Submit Link notes by contacting or 216.421.7957. Submissions may be edited for length and style consistency.

alumni Anita Rogoff ’41 – was the featured artist of the summer exhibition, Defining an Artist: The Art of Anita Rogoff, at the Artists Archives of the Western Reserve in Cleveland. Bernice Kochan ’48 – her drawing of General McAuliffe was selected for the cover of Nuts! The Life of Anthony C. McAuliffe. Albert Wagner ’48 – had work included in Intuitive Visions, a group exhibition at the Wall Eye Gallery in Cleveland in March and April. Carol Lachiusa ’52 – had a solo show at the Covenant Art Gallery in Bloomfield Hills, MI. She also had work in the annual Michigan Watercolor Society Exhibition in the spring at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center, where she serves on the faculty.

West Michigan Area Exhibition, Kalamazoo (MI) Institute of Arts; 76th National Exhibition, Cooperstown (NY) Arts Association. Ray Burggraf ’68 – had a solo show in the Bob Rauschenberg Gallery at Edison State College in Fort Myers, FL, in March. Milan Kecman ’69 – competed in the third annual Drawn and Quartered live-drawing competition at the Wall Eye Gallery in Cleveland in May. Alexander Rivera ’89, Jason Tilk ’97, Bruce Andrew Jamieson ’00, Steve Knerem ’04, and Chris Mead ’04 also participated. Paedra Peter Bramhall ’70 – had a solo show, Parallel Universes – Transfigured Collages at AVA Galleries and Art Center in Lebanon, NH, during May and June. Jack Lew ’71 – led a workshop at a conference sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Culture for video-game developers at the Communications University of China in Beijing in April. As dean of visual communication/vice president of Laguna College of Art and Design (CA), he is a recognized expert in digital media and entertainment art. He also spoke at the

Mary Urbas ’80 – see Drake ’65. Charles Szabla ’81 – had work in the following juried exhibitions: Ohio All Media 2011, Ashland (OH) University; Artists of Rubber City 21st Annual Show, Akron; and the 2nd Annual May Show at Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH. He also participated in the 7th Annual Fresh Art on Current Affairs and a fourperson show, Figuratively Speaking, at the Summit Art Space in Akron.

Cuyahoga County’s Community Partnership for Arts and Culture to be featured in an exhibition at Baldwin Wallace College in Berea, OH. The show, titled Creators, Innovators and Dreamers: The 2011 Creative Worksforce Fellows, also included Michael Romanik ’89, Brian Andrew Jasinski ’99, and Niki Smith ’09, and faculty members William Brouillard, Matthew Hollern, Kasumi, Sai Sinbondit, and Brent Kee Young.

Joe Stavec ’80 – is the solo artist in An Odd Itinerary of Scenes at 1point618 Gallery in Cleveland from July through September.

David Buttram ’89 – created a website of his work,

Bernadette Jusczak ’81 – had work in two exhibitions with the Firelands Association for the Visual Arts in Oberlin, OH, the Members Holiday Show in November and December and the juried Six-State Photography Show in March.

Michael Romanik ’89 – was a co-juror for the Visual Arts Student Exhibition at Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH, in April. In May, his jewelry was included in the following shows: Jazz & Heritage Festival Contemporary Craft Show, New Orleans; Laumeier Sculpture Park ArtFair, St. Louis; and the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival, Reston, VA. Also see Wayne ’88.

Marsha Sweet ’81 – had work in thINK Print at the New England College gallery, Henniker, NH, in March and April. In 2010, she participated in the following exhibitions: Cinema 01, Kenneth Paul Lesko Gallery, Cleveland; thINK Print, Zullo Gallery, Medfield, MA; Collective INK: 4 Ohio

Alexander Rivera ’89 – see Kecman ’69.

Terrance Gess ’91 – is a studio potter and chair of the Creative Arts Department at Haywood Community College in Clyde, NC.

George King Bishop ’56 – a retired illustrator from the Navy, now makes aluminum reliefs using foil. Robert Carroll ’57 – has been living and painting in Italy since 1959 and was recently knighted, or named a Cavaliero del Tau, making him a member of an ancient order that began in 1239 and is dedicated to pilgrims in Italy.


Herbert Friedson ’58 – has an enamel and walnut inlay wall piece, “Attractions in the Realm,” included in the international exhibition, Transformation in Contemporary Enamels, Alchemy, at the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, TN, during September and October and the Knoxville Art Museum from November through January. John Udvardy ’58 – had a solo exhibition of his sculptural work, John Udvardy: A Sculptor’s Vision, at the Jewett Art Gallery, Wellesley College, MA, in March and April. John L. McIntire ’59 – continues to carve marble and wood, and cast bronze in Memphis, TN, where he resides. Robert Mangold ’60 – had a solo show, Ring Paintings, at Pace Gallery in New York City during March and April. See page 8. David Keeler ’61 – and his brother, Bushnell, had a show of landscapes and still lifes in Annapolis, MD, in February. Peter Elloian ’62 – had two drawings included in the 20th International Biennial of Humor and Satire in the Arts in Gabrovo, Bulgaria. He was awarded the Murray Roth Memorial Award in printmaking for his print on view in the Society of American Graphic Artists 78th Members Exhibit at the Prime Street Gallery in New York City. Rebecca Kaler ’64 – had a painting accepted to The Butler Institute of American Art’s 75th National Midyear Exhibition in Youngstown, OH, June through August. Her work also appeared in the Mansfield (OH) Art Center’s May show. ( Deborah Teas Lass ’64 – had a painting chosen for the Watercolor USA Honor Society Exhibit at the Rhode Island Watercolor Society in Pawtucket in January. She teaches watercolor classes in Grand Haven, MI. John Marshall ’64 – had an exhibition at the William Traver Gallery in Seattle. The Seattle Art Museum commissioned him to design a silver coffee and tea set that will be on display the next six months. ( Nathan Melamed ’64 – is designing the interior of a Mr. Hero franchise in Cleveland and recently completed a patio design for a sports bar. Bette Drake ’65 – had work included in the Annual Ceramics Invitational at the River Gallery in Rocky River, OH, in the spring. She also had work in the 2nd Annual May Show at Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH. Also included in that show were Paulette George Krieger ’73, Pam Pastoric ’77, Jack Rotar ’78, Will K. Smith ’78, Stanka Kordic ’85, Paula Blackman ’86, Miller Horns ’86, Judy Takacs ’86, Judy Brandon ’87, Andrea LeBlond ’95, Jaymi Zents ’97, and Lauralee Hutson ’01. Anna Arnold ’83 served as juror and Mary Urbas ’80 is gallery director at the college. Ronald Testa ’65 – has work shown in The 11th Annual Summer All Media Online Art Exhibition from August 2011 through July 2012 at Bruce McCombs ’66 – had work in the following shows: 75th National Midyear Exhibition, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH; 30th Adirondacks National Exhibition of American Watercolors, Old Forge Art Center, New York; Festival 2011, Grand Rapids (MI) Art Museum; 83rd Annual Exhibition, Muskegon (MI) Museum of Art; Niagara Watercolor Society National Exhibition, University of Buffalo Anderson Gallery;


annual meeting of the Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California and the National Convention of Young Audiences in Indianapolis in April. In May, he helped to facilitate the annual Education Leaders Institute, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts. Bruce Claxton ’71 – recently spoke at the conference, Design: the Engine of Innovation at the Universidad Mayor in Santiago, Chile. Catherine Eckdahl ’72 – was one of two artists featured in Parallel Journeys at the Tenri Cultural Institute in New York City in June and July. Andrea Vaiksnoras Uravitch ’72 – created an installation, “Eccentric Insects,” for the Racine (WI) Art Museum. She constructs oversized insects from clay, fiber, paper and steel. The summer exhibition continues until October 17. Ginna Brand ’73 – has a plywood sculpture in the lobby of the engineering school at Case Western Reserve University. Paulette George Krieger ’73 – see Drake ’65. Pam Pastoric ’77 – see Drake ’65.

Printshops Exhibition, Zygote Press, Cleveland; Boston Printmakers Archived Portfolio, Boston Public Library; and Print Types, Campanella Gallery, Park University, Parkville, MO. Linda Arbuckle ’81 – is the featured artist in American Pottery Festival at the Northern Clay Center in Minneapolis in September and will conduct a workshop at the Craft Guild of Dallas in October. Sharon Guidotti Place ’82 – works part-time in the library at a museum in Kansas City, MO, while completing a master’s degree in public relations. Anna Arnold ’83 – was commissioned to decorate one of 25 fiberglass rabbit sculptures that have been installed throughout Cleveland’s St. Clair Superior neighborhood and downtown by the St. Clair Superior Development Corporation. The sculptures commemorate the Lunar Chinese Year of the Rabbit and each is sponsored by a local business. Also commissioned to design rabbits were Lauren Sammon ’08 and Karen Wellman (staff). ( Also see Drake ’65.

Mark Petrovic ’91 – was profiled in the April/May issue of American Craft magazine. Lucette Johnson ’93 – recently had work on view at the Malvina J. Freedson Gallery in Lakewood, OH. Dian Disantis ’94 – was awarded a onemonth artist’s residency at the Everglades National Park. She also received an honorable mention for her painting in the juried 40th annual April Art Show in Gates Mills, OH. Margaret Yuko Kimura ’94 – was included in the exhibition, Pulp it up, Break it down, Artists get real, an exploration of the ways pulp is used in art, at the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory in Cleveland in June and July. In May, she spoke about her work to the members of the Cleveland Museum of Art Print Club. ( Andrea LeBlond ’95 – see Drake ’65. Jeanetta Ho ’96 – received special mention for one of her works in the Religious/Spiritual Art Show at Ursuline College, Pepper Pike, OH.

Babs Reingold ’78 – was one of many artists whose work is shown in PULP: works on paper, works with paper at the Beta Pictoris Gallery in Birmingham, AL, from July through September. (

Stanka Kordic ’85 – participated in From WOMAN IV: Celebrate Women’s History Month at Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH, in March. Judy Brandon ’87, Jaymi Zents ’97 and Jessica Adanich ’09 also had work in the show. Also see Drake ’65.

Christopher Miller ’96 – works for a medical litigation company in Denver. He creates medical illustrations for use in trials.

Jack Rotar ’78 – see Drake ’65.

Paula Blackman ’86 – see Drake’65.

Will K. Smith ’78 – see Drake ’65.

Susan Collett ’86 – had four ceramic sculptures installed at Trump Hollywood in Hollywood Beach, FL. (

Vincent Como ’98 – is one of 10 artists who participated in Chinese Take Out, an interactive project with the Art in General gallery and seven Chinese restaurateurs in New York City’s Chinatown. The artists collaborated with the restaurant owners using objects, images, and artifacts from the restaurants to create their pieces, which were shown at the gallery and the participating restaurants this summer. (

Robert Bullock ’79 – serves as exhibits chief for the State Museum of Pennsylvania and was the lead designer of a 2,000-plus square-foot paleontology gallery, featuring one of the most complete mastodon skeletons in North America. The exhibition opened in February. He was also appointed to the board of directors of the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art and serves as co-chair of its exhibition committee. He was recently married in China. Celeste DeSapri ’79 – had a pencil sketch, “About this Face: Portrait Sketch of the Artist,” on exhibit in the juried April Art Show at the Gates Mills (OH) Community House. Karen Hower ’79 – designed and produced a 132-page report, “Sustainable Aviation Fuels Northwest: Powering the Next Generation of Flight,” for the Seattle nonprofit energy group, Climate Solutions. She is part owner and art director for Web Rodeo. Shan Goshorn ’80 – was awarded grand prize for her woven basket, “Educational Genocide: the Legacy of the Carlisle Indian Boarding School,” at the Red Earth Indian Art Show in Oklahoma City. Her other politically-themed baskets are in collections at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian; Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, OK; and in private collections. She recently placed first at the international Trail of Tears in Tahlequah, OK, and has work represented in Current Realities and Our People, Our Land, Our Images, featuring 25 international indigenous photographers. (

Miller Horns ’86 – see Drake’65. Mark E. Howard ’86 – had a solo show, Mark E. Howard: Passionate Blessings, at the William Busta Gallery in Cleveland from April through June. David Hart (faculty) wrote the catalog essay for the exhibition. Judy Tackas ’86 – see Drake’65. Pamela Argentieri-Hollern ’87 – served as a juror for Art by the Falls in Chagrin Falls, OH, in June. From July through early September she had work in Cleveland Craft Masters at River Gallery in Rocky River, OH. Also included in the show were faculty members William Brouillard, Matthew Hollern, Judith Salomon, and Brent Kee Young. Also see Hollern (faculty). Judy Brandon ’87 – see Drake ’65 and Kordic ’85. Geraldine Arnold ’88 – her piece, “Kitty,” was selected for the Art of the Auction at the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh in May. Deborah Pinter ’88 and Tim Callaghan ’99 – had work in Forty Plus: The Orange Art Center Faculty Show in the spring. Steven Mastroianni ’88 – had a retrospective exhibition, The Deliberate Portrait, on view at his studio/gallery, Mastroianni Photography and Arts, in Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood from May through August. (

Jason Tilk ’97 – see Kecman ’69. Jaymi Zents ’97 – see Drake ’65 and Kordic ’85.

Amy Casey ’99 – had a solo exhibition at Zg Gallery in Chicago during July and August. Tim Callagan ’99 – see Pinter ’88. Brian Andrew Jasinski ’99 – see Wayne ’88. Bruce Andrew Jamieson ’00 – see Kecman ’69. Jennifer Trausch ’00 – was included in a July 11–18 New Yorker article about the largeformat Polaroid camera she uses. To watch a video about her work, go to and scroll down to Videos and New Media. Branden Koch ’01 – was one of three artists featured in the exhibition, Feelers, at the Soloway Gallery in Brooklyn, NY, in June and July. Lauralee Hutson ’01 – see Drake ’65. Michael Cirelli ’02 – his films are often shown on the Skateboarding Transworld website, which most recently featured his work, Louis Tolentino Red Bull Mini Tour in NYC. ( Jen Omaitz ’02 – sold eight paintings to Cuyahoga Community College. They are on display at the Westshore campus. (

Jonathan Wayne ’88 – was one of 19 winners of Creative Workforce Fellowships from





Alison O’Daniel ’03 – received a 2011 Emerging Artist grant from the California Community Foundation. She plans to use the grant to produce a trio of short films. Steve Knerem ’04 – see Kecman ’69. Chris Mead ’04 – see Kecman ’69. Kimberly Hawes ’05 – was promoted to senior designer at LPK (Libby Perszyk Kathman), an international design agency in Cincinnati. Natalie Lanese ’05 – recently completed a site-specific wall installation as part of Wall Works, a group exhibition at deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln, MA. ( Jessica Langley ’05 and Christi Birchfield ’06 – had a two-person exhibition of drawings, paintings and prints in Worn Torn Wet and Wild at the Parse Gallery & Artist Situation in New Orleans in July. ( Katharyn Addcox ’06 – is an adjunct faculty member at Southwest Tennessee Community College in Memphis where she teaches digital photography. In 2012, she plans to spend three weeks in Prague teaching her class there. Michael Dotson ’06 – had work in the exhibit, Out of Practice, at the Art Blog Art Blog gallery in New York City in June. ( Scott Goss ’06 – had a solo show, City Unseen, at the Society for Contemporary Crafts Satellite Gallery in Pittsburgh through October 9. He recently completed commissions for Cleveland State University’s new student center and the GroundWorks Dance Theater in Cleveland Heights and sold a piece to the Cleveland Clinic for its permanent collection. He has started working on his MFA at Kent State University. ( Nick Greiwe ’06 – was recently promoted to lead creative designer at General Motors. He and his brother, Justin, continue to develop indoor and outdoor games for their company, Driveway Games. ( Jessica Laskosky ’06 – see Wallace (faculty). Mark Reigelman ’06 – had his first New York City solo exhibition, Breaking the Bottle, a sitespecific glass installation that was on display at the Heller Gallery in June and July. “White Cloud,” the installation he created for the Cleveland Museum of Art, won a public art award from Americans for the Arts. It comprised nearly 100 eight-foot weather balloons with light projections. (

Katie Loesel ’07 – is the gallery educator at the Bakalar & Paine Galleries at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. Lauren Sammon ’08 – teaches art in Cleveland city schools with Progressive Arts Alliance, is the program coordinator for the Morgan Conservatory, does freelance photography and graphic design, and is a member of the board of Children of Hope Uganda. Also see Arnold ’83. Jessica Adanich ’09 – see Kordic ’85. Jerry Birchfield ’09 – see story on page 3. Also see Wallace and Wulffen (both faculty). Brittany Campbell ’09 – is pursuing an MFA at Cranbrook Academy. Kyllea Kerg ’09 – is a motion graphics designer for North Water Partners, a video production company in Cleveland. Jordan Perme ’09 – her “Horrible Adorables” line of stuffed animals was recognized in Cleveland Magazine’s “Best of Cleveland: Oddities” category last fall. ( Cassandra Kwiencien Rodgers ’09 – was married in the spring. ( Niki Smith ’09 – see Wayne ’88. JenMarie Zeleznak ’09 – was among 16 graduate students (from 112 applicants) whose work was selected for the 5th annual Master Pieces exhibition at the Manifest Gallery in Cincinnati in July and August. Torianna Bekoscke ’10 – was hired as a junior graphic designer in the Creativity Center of Faber-Castell USA, a Cleveland-based manufacturer of writing instruments and art materials. Tina Dujmovic ’10 – was hired as a product development assistant by the Creativity Center of Faber-Castell USA, a Cleveland-based manufacturer of writing instruments and art materials. Barbara Polster ’10 – is one of 365 artists to be featured in the fall edition of Studio Visit Magazine, reaching more than 2,000 galleries and curators. She also participated in Café Bella Artes, An Evening with Five Emerging Latino Artists at the Wall Eye Gallery in Cleveland in April and will have work at the William Busta Gallery, Cleveland, in November. Colleen Terry ’10 – is pursuing her MFA in metals/jewelry/CAD-CAM from the Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia. ( Brian Sabalausky ’11 – will perform his “art talk show” at the annual benefit and art auction of Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, on November 5.

Alumni Corner Upcoming Events Reconnect: The Alumni Series – Reconnect with former classmates and other CIA alumni by joining us for an upcoming special event. On January 27 starting at 8pm, we’ll gather at The Grog Shop in Cleveland Heights to mix and mingle with faculty, students and other alumni, and then enjoy a performance of digital art by CIA Assistant Professor Kasumi accompanied by live music. Save the date! CIA Social Networks There are so many ways to stay connected to CIA: special alumni events; gallery openings; exhibitions of student work; LOF, the free Lunch On Fridays lecture series; Continuing Education classes; and Cinematheque films. Now add social networks to that list. Go to for links to the CIA pages on all the popular social networks. Friend, follow and stay connected with the CIA community! List your exhibition online Promote your show to the world! Send details to Your exhibition will be listed on the CIA website ( Career services available to all alumni Did you know that your alumni status allows you to access career services for life? To learn more about what CIA can do for you, please visit Welcome Liz Huff Liz Huff joined the CIA team this summer as assistant director of annual giving and alumni relations. Liz comes to CIA from the Cleveland Institute of Music, where she spent the last 10 years in positions of increasing authority, most recently serving as coordinator of alumni relations, events and stewardship. She holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees in music as well as a bachelor’s degree in English. In her free time, she performs sketch comedy, sings as part of the voice/guitar duo, Dos Gatos, and is the co-founder and co-producer of two comedy troupes. Liz replaces Megan French, who left CIA in July. 6 NOTES

faculty & staff Amanda Almon (Department Head and Associate Professor, Biomedical Art) – the video/animation piece she created along with Kristen Baumlier (faculty) received the Best Energy Theme award in this year’s West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival in May. The piece, “Conservation!!,” was the first awardwinner in this new category. Mark Bassett (Scholar in Residence, Liberal Arts) – received this designation in July, making him a full-time, temporary faculty member and requiring scholarship, publication, and/or exhibition work in addition to teaching. Kristen Baumlier (Associate Professor, T.I.M.E.-Digital Arts) – began a half-year sabbatical in July to work on video and animation projects focused on health, food, and the environment. Her technical research will include the use of software designed for dome master video productions. Also see Almon. Karen Beckwith ’87 (Technical Assistant, Printmaking) – had artwork in the exhibition Pedaling Art: A Celebration of Bicycle Art and Culture at Wall Eye Gallery in Cleveland during May and June. The show, which celebrated bicycle culture through art and design, was timed to coincide with Cleveland Bicycle Week. Charles Bergengren (Professor, Liberal Arts) – was promoted to full professor at the end of spring semester. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and has been on the CIA faculty since 1991. He continued his research into Pennsylvania vernacular architecture this summer, spending a week doing measured drawings of more churches and meetinghouses in Lancaster County. He is particularly proud of having been able to record the Landisville Mennonite Meeting, a very rare combination dwelling and meetinghouse, built of log from 1752. No scholar has gained access to this unique and extremely important building for at least 40 years. Christi Birchfield ’06 (Adjunct Faculty, Foundation) – was recently appointed to this position. After earning her BFA in printmaking, she earned an MFA at Columbia University. Also see Langley ’05. William Brouillard (Department Head and Professor, Ceramics) – served as a juror for Art by the Falls in Chagrin Falls, OH in June. He began a full-year sabbatical in July to travel and research low-temperature clay bodies and glaze formulations. He has invitations to do work at the Northern Clay Center in Minneapolis and Clemson University. In 2010 he celebrated 30 years of teaching at CIA. Also see Argentieri ’87 and Wayne ’88. Kathy Buszkiewicz (Department Head and Professor, Jewelry + Metals) – had a necklace, “Omnia Vanitas XII,” featured in the book, Pendants, Lark Books/Sterling Publishing 2010. Her bracelet, “Lining: The United States of America,” was featured in the book 21st Century Jewelry, Lark Books/Sterling Publishing, 2011. She had a ring, “Omnia Vanitas VIII” in the show ABeCeDarian at Facere Jewelry Art Gallery in Seattle, and in the accompanying book, ABeCeDarian: an abc book. She was a juror for the 2011 Award for Excellence in the Visual Arts presented by the Association of Independent Colleges & Universities of Ohio. She also juried the Bead for Success/Dress for Success Cleveland competition in May. Christina Cassara (Department Head and Professor, Fiber + Material Studies) – see Hollern (faculty). Bruce Checefsky (Director, Reinberger Galleries) – had work included in a show at MOCA Cleveland, Delicious Fields: Ohio Photographers at Work. He spoke about his work on Cleveland Public Radio’s arts show, Around Noon with Dee Perry, in mid-August. Checefsky was interviewed for a feature in Thresholds 39, a journal from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Architecture, titled “Reactivating the ‘Lost’ Treasures of the European Avante-Garde.” He directed a short, experimental film, A Woman and Circles, which opens at the Polnisches Institut in Berlin in September. He and Barry Underwood (faculty) will have an exhibition, SuperNatural: Landscapes by Bruce Checefsky and Barry Underwood, at the Akron Art Museum from October 29 through early March. Barbara Chira (Visiting Instructor, Foundation Color Coordinator) – employed three CIA students this past summer as studio assistants. Sophomores Cassandra Jerman (ceramics), Ben Weathers (painting), and Abbey Blake (biomedical art), all worked on Chira’s 100-foot long installation, “Dreams of Light,” which was on view through Sept. 14 in Gallery West, on the Parma (Ohio) campus of Cuyahoga Community College. The installation, which features poetry by Charles Bane, Jr., sequentially documents Chira’s experience of leaving free art on Cleveland streets. Diana Chou (Scholar in Residence, Liberal Arts) – received this designation in July, making her a full-time, temporary faculty member and requiring scholarship, publication, and/or exhibition work in addition to teaching. She gave

several invited lectures in China last summer, including a talk on the Silk Road at the 20th Annual Conference of the World History Association in Beijing; a talk on “The Medieval Period of Xi’an Capital” in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province; an invited lecture on “Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, China” at the History Department of the National Normal University, Taipei; and an invited talk on “The Humanities and Chinese Art” at the Tourism Bureau, Taipei. Terry J. Clark II ’02 (Adjunct Faculty, Foundation) – began working in this capacity this semester. He has been teaching in CIA’s continuing education department since 2008. Scott Colosimo ’04 (Adjunct Faculty, Industrial Design) – and his company, Cleveland CycleWerks, were featured in Fresh Water, a Cleveland-focused e-magazine. Samantha Davison (Admissions Counselor) – joined the CIA staff in August. She graduated from the University of Dayton in May with a bachelor of arts in English. She served as a student ambassador in college. Anne Gates (Director of Academic Services) – was appointed to this post in September. She comes to CIA from The College of Wooster, where she worked in positions of increasing authority, most recently as associate dean of students for academic success and retention. She earned a doctorate in education from University of Pittsburgh. Gates will manage academic services, which includes academic advising, retention programming, learning support services, international student services, study abroad, and scholarship competitions. Amy Green ’11 (Artist in Residence, Enameling) – was appointed to this position this fall. She earned her BFA in jewelry & metals. David Hart (Associate Professor, Liberal Arts) – was promoted to this position at the end of the spring semester. A CIA faculty member since 2003, he earned his Ph.D. in art history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In July he delivered a paper, “The History of a People Who Were Not Heroes: Memory, Cuban Identity and the ‘Anti-Monument,’” at the 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies in Liverpool, UK. Also see Howard ’86. Matthew Hollern (Professor, Jewelry + Metals) – curated an exhibition, Digital Mettle: Jewelry and Objects of CAD, at the National Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis, TN, July through September. The exhibition featured work by jewelers and metalsmiths who work with computer-aided design. Also included in the exhibition is work by Christina Cassara (faculty) and collaborative work by Hollern and his wife, Pamela Argentieri ’87. Also see Argentieri ’87 and Wayne ’88. Mari Hulick (Associate Professor, Communication Design) – has begun her third major collaboration with artist Carl Pope, this time creating a permanent installation of text for the entrance to the Ezkenasi Hospital Complex under construction in Indianapolis. Pope is collecting staff members’ thoughts on healing and healthcare. Hulick will work with the project architects to embed the text along the main entrance, walkway, and “Healing Waters” fountain. Liz Huff (Assistant Director of Annual Annual Giving and Alumni Relations) – was appointed to this position in August. See Alumni Corner at left. Christopher Jungjohann ’05 (Adjunct Faculty, Industrial Design) – and his wife, Maura, celebrated the birth of their son, William Joseph, in July. Chris addressed CIA students at convocation in early September. Sarah Kabot (Department Head and Assistant Professor, Drawing) – her work was recently included in the following group exhibitions: SculptureX, at The Sculpture Center in Cleveland and at the Erie (PA) Museum Of Art; Associations, at the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts in Grand Rapids, MI; and Extended Drawing, at Tegnerforbundet in Oslo, Norway. Kasumi (Associate Professor, T.I.M.E.-Digital Arts) – presented one of her films, Dekishi (The Drowning) at a benefit concert for the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund at Cleveland State University in May. The film also screened at Parallels, the New Media Arts Festival at El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe. She was the featured artist at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Summer Solstice Party, when her work Happy Birthday Summer, was projected onto the museum’s facade. The project was commissioned by Cleveland Public Art with additional funding from the Cleveland Museum of Art and CIA. Her piece, MO-SO, was screened at the Hamburg International Short Film Festival. AARDVARK, the feature film she executive produced, screened at the Brooklyn Film Festival and the Munich International Film Festival. Soundboard, Breakdown and other works were screened at Fylkingen, Stockholm, Sweden. Soundboard was screened at the American Dance Festival, Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University. Kasumi was the featured artist at Festival Sinsal on the island of San Simon, Spain, with screenings of Saigai, Dekishi, Send, and Soundboard. Breakdown was screened at the Busan (Korean) International Videoart Festival in August. Also see Wayne ’88.

Kevin Kautenberger (Associate Professor, Foundation) – began a half-year sabbatical in July to support the further development of two bodies of work: the first inspired by the Rocky River Reservation soils and clays, the second by his work with pollen and beeswax. Joyce Kessler (Environment Chair and Associate Professor, Liberal Arts) – delivered a paper titled “Memory and Image: A Graphemics for a New Frontier Ideal in My Antonia” at the 13th International Willa Cather Seminar, at Smith College in June. Maureen Kiernan (Professor, Liberal Arts) – accepted a position as chair of liberal arts at Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts in CT. In her 15 years at CIA, Kiernan taught literature, writing, and film history and theory and directed the writing program. In 2009, she had a summer residency at the Nantucket Island School of Design and the Arts, where she worked on a book of and about travel essays about her 10 years in Cairo. Mike Kimmel (Director of Information Technology) – completed the Executive MBA Program at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University and received his master of business administration degree in June. Michael Kinsella (Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations) – was appointed to this position in June, succeeding Amy Bartter, who served in this role for seven years. See Kinsella’s letter to CIA alumni and friends on page 4. Amy Krusinski-Sinbondit (Technical Assistant, Ceramics; Adjunct Faculty, Foundation) – had a solo show, Interruptions, at the William Busta Gallery in Cleveland during September and October. Jimmy Kuenhle (Assistant Professor, Foundation) – joined the CIA faculty this fall. He earned a BFA from Truman State University and an MFA from the University of Texas at San Antonio, both in sculpture. He has taught at the University of Alabama, Huntsville; the International Academy of Design & Technology, San Antonio; Albion (MI) College; and University of Texas, San Antonio. Chadd Lacy (Technical Assistant, Glass) – was commission by the Cleveland International Piano Competition to create a series of 50 glass vases that were used as centerpieces at the Bravo! Piano Gala, the conclusion of the competition, held at Severance Hall in August. Senior Eric Hernandez assisted. See photo below. Joanne Landers (Director of Admissions) – assumed this role this past summer. She earned a master’s degree in higher education administration from the University of Akron and is now working on a Ph.D. in leadership in higher education at Capella University. Brittanny Lee (Admissions Counselor) – joined the CIA staff in August. In May she earned her bachelor’s degree in English from The College of Wooster, where she worked as a tour guide in the Office of Admissions all four years. Diane Lichtenstein (Professor, Liberal Arts) – begins a three-year term as a member of the board of directors of the Cleveland Archaeology Society, a local chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America. The Cleveland Archaeology Society sponsors a public, free set of archaeology lectures and an annual summer archaeology internship for an Ohio college student. Thomas Nowacki (Assistant Professor, Biomedical Art) – participated in the annual Association of Medical Illustrators Salon this year in Baltimore. Caprice Odoms (Financial Aid Counselor) – joined the CIA staff in August. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English literature from Notre Dame of Ohio and is working to complete her master’s degrees in English literature from Cleveland State University and online instructional design from Capella University. Jenniffer Omaitz-Collier ’02 (Adjunct Faculty, Foundation) – assumed this role in August. After graduating from CIA she earned an MFA in painting from Kent State University.

“Glass Vases,” 2011 Commissioned by the Cleveland International Piano Competition Chadd Lacey (Technical Assistant, Glass)

Sarah Paul (Assistant Professor, T.I.M.E.-Digital Arts) – is one of 11 alumni from the MFA program at University of Buffalo chosen for inclusion in a show, Horsplay, on view at the university through Oct. 22. She created a large-scale installation and gave a performance on opening night. The Plain Dealer ran two features about her over the summer, one as part of its “Inside the Artist’s Studio” series; another highlighting her “Little Miss Cleveland” performance art. She made a sound piece she calls a sonic landscape of Cleveland for an exhibition, Noise Carousel, at the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art through December 23 in New York City. Jessica Pinsky (Technical Assistant, Fiber + Material Studies) – was recently appointed to this position. She earned a BFA from New York University in studio art and an MFA from Boston University in painting. John Powers (Associate Professor, Visual Arts + Technologies Environment) – realized an art installation, “RED OBJECT II,” in Berlin in August. It was placed on the foundations of the 20th century Palace of the Republic and the 18th century Berliner Stadtschloss, the future site of a contemporary project to rebuild the Schloss (palace) façade combined with a modern interior. The installation was produced with original flags of the East German state given to Powers by workers emptying the former GDR Parliament building in the early 1990s. The artwork refers to interconnections of the past in constructing the present, a historic site in the process of re-formation. ( Brad Ricca (Adjunct Faculty, Liberal Arts) – began teaching at CIA with a graphic narratives course this fall. His first book of poetry, American Mastodon, was published this fall by Black Lawrence Press. He earned a Ph.D. in English from Case Western Reserve University. Kristen Romito (Associate Director of Media & Public Relations) – was appointed to this role in August. Prior to joining CIA, she oversaw marketing and public and community relations for the South Euclid-Lyndhurst (OH) School District. She earned a bachelor’s degree in public relations and journalism and an MBA. Judith Salomon (Professor, Ceramics) – see Argentieri. Rachel Shelton ’11 (Artist in Residence, Printmaking) – will be working in this capacity. She is a 2011 winner of the Nancy Dunn Memorial scholarship and an award for excellence from the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio. Andrew Simmons (Visiting Instructor, Ceramics) – was recently appointed to this position. He earned a BFA from The Ohio State University and an MFA from Kent State University, both in ceramics. Sai Sinbondit (Adjunct Faculty, Foundation) – see Wayne ’88.

“RED OBJECT II” Berlin, Schlossplatz, 2011 JOHN POWERS (Associate Professor, Visual Arts and Technologies Environment)

Bay Area and beyond. He was included in two group shows at Sarah Nightingale Gallery in Watermill, NY, Full Circle and What’s Out There. In June, he was presented with the Cleveland Arts Prize mid-career award in visual arts. He had an artist’s residency this past summer at The MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, NH. He and Bruce Checefsky (staff) will have an exhibition, SuperNatural: Landscapes by Bruce Checefsky and Barry Underwood, at the Akron Art Museum from October 29 through early March. Underwood will have a solo show at The Sculpture Center in Cleveland from Nov. 4 through Dec. 17 and another, Photo Fictions, at the University of Akron during September. He donated artwork for auctions to benefit The Watermill (NY) Center and diRosa, an art center in Napa, CA. Clarence Vanduzer ’45* (Faculty Emeritus) – a painting of his, “Mural Study for Cancer,” was acquired by the Cleveland Museum of Art last spring. On its website, the museum described the work as “ranking among Vanduzer’s most accomplished and compelling creations” and reflecting “the direct influence of the Mexican muralist movement.” * Deceased

Lauren Voss ’05 (Technical Support Specialist) – accepted this position with CIA’s Information Technology Department this past summer. Michael Wallace ’04 (Technical Assistant, Film, Video & Photographic Arts) – curated a show, De-figuration, featuring works by Jessica Laskosky ’06 and Jerry Birchfield ’09 at the SIDESHOW Gallery in Cleveland’s Euclid Tavern. Royden Watson (Adjunct Faculty, Painting) – see Wulffen (faculty). Karen Wellman (Admissions Counselor) – see Arnold ’83. Christian Wulffen (Associate Professor, Foundation) – is the curator of Portability & Network, an exhibition featuring an international array of artists who work with the concept of formal reduction at SPACES gallery in Cleveland. Jerry Birchfield ’09 and Royden Watson (faculty) are among the artists featured. Brent Kee Young (Department Head and Professor, Glass) – see Argentieri ’87 and Wayne ’88. Anthony Zart ’08 (Adjunct Faculty, Communication Design) – assumed this role in August. He has worked for design firms including Cleveland-based Nesnadny + Schwartz.

Julian Stanczak ’54 (Faculty Emeritus) – has a solo show, Julian Stanczak: Elusive Transparencies, at David Richard Contemporary in Santa Fe, NM, for the month of September. Mark Tekushan ’79 (Adjunct Faculty, Foundation) – was recently appointed to this position. He earned his BFA in industrial design. He founded a company, markefxs, specializing in 3D and 2D animation, website design, audiovisual media, and digital media production. He has taught at New York University and Parsons School of Design. Dan Tranberg (Visiting Instructor, Foundation, and Visual Arts + Technologies environments) – has written a book, Acrylic Fusion: Experimenting with Alternative Methods for Painting, Collage and Mixed Media, which will be released by Quarry Books in December. The book is written for a broad audience and encourages readers to adopt a creative, experimental mindset. He had work included in an exhibition, Presence, at The Art Gallery at Cleveland State University during May and June. Barry Underwood (Department Head and Assistant Professor, Film, Video + Photographic Arts) – had artwork included in ArtPadSF in May. ArtPadSF was an independent art fair presented by Johansson Projects, focusing on emerging and contemporary galleries and artists from the

in memoriam ALUMNI Marjorie Miles ’43 – died in July. She was active in the Cuyahoga Falls community and taught art from kindergarten through college. Her own work was accepted into exhibitions at the Cleveland and Canton art museums, as well as many local shows. She was a past board member of the Textile Arts Alliance of the Cleveland Museum of Art. She is survived by two sons, a daughter, and four grandchildren. The family has suggested that memorial contributions be made to CIA. F. Gene Smith ’47 – died in May after a lengthy illness. He taught at CIA in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He is survived by his wife, Ramona DeLaney; son, former CIA adjunct faculty member Mark Smith; two daughters; four grandchildren; and one great grandchild. Barbara Grace Parsons ’53 – died in April in Toledo, where she worked for many years as a fashion illustrator for Lamson’s Department Store and later as a copywriter in the marketing department of the Toledo Blade. Constance Rusnak ’58 – of Concord Township, OH, passed away in April. The former fashion illustrator and art consultant served on the Western Reserve Fine Arts Women’s Committee in Madison. She is survived by three daughters and a son. Michael H. Young ’71 – died in August following a brief illness. He is survived by his wife, Ann (Zupancic) Young ’71, his two sons Gregory (Christine) and Mark (Elizabeth) and two granddaughters. He touched the lives of many people with his genuine kindness; he maintained his lovable sense of humor throughout his life. Brian Bundy ’73 – died at the age of 66 in Cleveland. He is survived by his wife, son and daughter.

Cynthia (Davis) Eyre ’05 – died in a car accident in July near her home in Taylorsville, UT. She taught art to Girl Scouts at Camp Cloud Rim outside Salt Lake City; she had been a Girl Scout most of her life. She had recently completed her first book cover. She is survived by her husband, Joshua Eyre, her parents, grandparents, sister, and brother. Her grandmother, Ethel McQuaid Macey, is an alumna of the Class of 1941. The family has requested gifts in memory of Cindy be made to CIA. Brandon M. Cartellone ’13 – died in July. He would have been a junior in the Industrial Design Department. Said Department Head Daniel Cuffaro ’91, “Brandon was a truly gifted designer. His work was innovative, thoughtful and sophisticated. He was a wonderful person to work with.” The family has requested gifts in memory of Brandon be made to CIA.

BOARD John A. Flower – died in May at age 90. A pianist and music professor, Flower rose through the ranks of academia to serve as president of Cleveland State University from 1988 to 1992. He had served on the CIA board since 1997. Flower was preceded in death by his first wife, the former Lanette Sheaffer; and last September, by his second wife, former CIA board member Maxeen Stone Flower ’76. He is survived by two children, Jill of Minnesota and John Jr. of Germany.

Ermer Albriton ’89 – passed away in March at the age of 93. She attended CIA after retiring from her career as a social worker. She is survived by her son.




Vol. 10, Issue 3

FALL 2011 GRAFTON J. NUNES President and CEO

Helping alumni and friends of The Cleveland Institute of Art remain informed of campus, faculty and alumni news, CIA publishes Link three times a year.

MARK A. INGLIS Vice President Marketing and Communications

MIKE KINSELLA Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations

ANN T. McGUIRE Senior Writer

Liz huff Assistant Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations

KRISTEN ROMITO Associate Director of Media & Public Relations

Copyright © 2011 The Cleveland Institute of Art

CONNECT WITH CIA Visit for links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and YouTube.

ROBERT MULLER ’87 Principal Photographer


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The Cleveland Institute of Art gratefully acknowledges the citizens of Cuyahoga County for their support through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture.

3 world renowned alumni artists 2 companion exhibitions 1university circle venue Masters of Abstraction CIA will host two simultaneous blockbuster exhibitions of contemporary art. Robert Mangold: Continuity and Discontinuity and Julian Stanczak and Ed Mieczkowski: Boundary Formations and the Tease of the Familiar will run concurrently in the Reinberger Galleries Nov. 4 – Dec. 17. For more information, see

Courtesy The Pace Gallery

These exhibitions are made possible in part by The Hale Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney.

“Four Color Frame Painting #5,” 1984 Robert Mangold ’60

“Op Cross # 1”

“constellation in green”, 2004

Ed Mieczkowski ’57

Julian stanczak ’54

Students chatting beside Professor Judith Salomon’s piece, “Striped Platter,”



enjoy the opening of the 2011 Faculty Exhibition.

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