2020 Virtual Educator's Retreat

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Vi r t ual E duc at or sRet r eat : Cr eat e! Des t r es s ! Connec t ! Sat ur day ,December5,2020 As er i esofwor k s hopsandac t i v i t i esdes i gnedt ogi v eeduc at or sabr eakf r om t hec l as s r oom and enj oyadayofc r eat i v i t yandwel l bei ng. Ar ey oubur ntoutf r om managi ngt hec l as s r oom?TheCl ev el andI ns t i t ut eofAr twoul dl i k et oi nv i t e y ouf oradayofdes t r es s i ng,wher ey ouc anbet hes t udentagai nf r om t hec omf or tofy ourhome. Gr abawar m dr i nkands omes i mpl es uppl i esandj oi nusf orav i r t ual educ at or sr et r eat ! Thev i r t ual r et r eatc os t s$25,whi c hc ov er st heent i r edayofac t i v i t i es .Educ at or smays el ec tas manys es s i onsast hey ’ dl i k et oat t end.As i gnupf or m wi l l bes entt oy ouonc ewer ec ei v epay ment . Pl eas enot et haty ou’ l l needac omput er ,phone,ort abl etwi t hac c es st ot hei nt er nett opar t i c i pat e. l l al s oneedt os uppl yy ourownmat er i al s ,butdon’ twor r y —manyoft hes ei t emsc anbef ound You’ r i ghtathomeoratal owc os tf r om Bl i c kAr tSuppl i es .

SCHE DUL E 9am1 1am:Cr eat e!Wor kshop:Di gi t alCol l age 1 1am12: 30pm:Dest r ess!Wor kshop:Medi t at i vePai nt i ng 12: 301pm:LunchBr eak 12: 30pm:Cr eat e!Wor kshop:Mi xedMedi aCol l age+Hol i st i cExpr essi on 2: 304pm:Dest r ess!Wor kshop:Br eat he!Rel ax!Cr eat e! 45pm:Connect !Roundt abl eDi scussi on 56pm:Cr eat e!Wi ne+Pai ntHappyHour :Wat er col orLandscapes

Cr eat e! Wor ks hop: Di gi t al Col l agewi t hAdr i Ner one , CI Ai ns t r uc t or 9am –11am EST L ea r nhowt oc l i p, c opy , a ndpa s t el a y er sofdi gi t a l i ma gest oc r ea t eanew, uni que , a nde x c i t i ngpi ec e . Y ou’ l l l ea r nt het ool sofAdobePhot os hopa l ongwi t h l i ghtedi t i ngt oa c hi ev er ea l i s t i cors ur r ea l effec t s . Suppl i es : Comput erort a bl etwi t h AdobePhot os hop, a ndac ol l ec t i onof s c a nnedorr ea dy t ous edi gi t a l i ma ges

Vi r t ual E duc at or sRet r eat : Cr eat e! Des t r es s ! Connec t ! Sat ur day ,December5,2020 Dest r ess!Wor kshop:Medi t at i vePai nt i ng:Vi r t ualAr t Wor kshopf orWel l bei ngwi t hSandr aSabene,Cr eat i v eRhy t hmsEv ent s 11am –12: 30pm EST Joi nonl i nef oragui deds el f car es es s i onwi t hSandr aSabenef oc us i ngont he Ar tofWel l bei ngt hr oughl et t i nggo.Us i ngani ns pi r i ngbl endofmus i c ,ar tmak i ng t echni quesandc r eat i vepr ompt s ,we' l l mak ear tt oget herandex pl or et opi c sof sel f car e,r esi l i enceandc r eat i vewel l bei ng. Suppl i es:Wer ecommendt hebel owi t ems f orabudgetf r i endl yor der ,butanybr and wi l lwor k. -Heavypaperl i keBr i s t olboar d -Canvasorcanvasboar d yl i cpai nt( 10ormor ecol or s) -Acr -Var i et yofbr us hes -Mar ker s( asel ect i onofc ol or s) -Jour nalorpaperandpenc i l / pen Not e:( sur f acesshoul dbe1 1x14orl ar ger ) Setup:Setupf ormess atsur f ace -Fl -Qui etl ocat i on( i fpossi bl e) -Ri nsewat er ,t owel / r ag -Makesur eyouar ei nawel ll i tr oom -Secur eyourdevi cet oshowy ouons c r een. Showi ngyourwor ki sopt i onal .

-Nos k i l l r equi r ed:Wewor kt oget hert o f oc usmor eont hepr oc es snott hef i nal pr oduc t . -Eac hs es s i onwi l l of f erpr ompt sf or s el f ex pr es s i onc ent er edons el f c ar eand awar enes sus i ngbas i car ts uppl i es .Dr es s f ormes s ! -Ar tWel l nes sc omponent s :Gui ded medi t at i on,br eat hwor kandambi entmus i c ar eapar tofc r eat i ngs pac ef ort hi sf or m of s el f ex pr es s i on. -At r us t wor t hyenv i r onment :Ar es pec t out l i nef oreac hs es s i onwi l l addr es s c onf i dent i al i t y ,pr i v ac yands af et y .

Vi r t ual E duc at or sRet r eat : Cr eat e! Des t r es s ! Connec t ! Sat ur day ,December5,2020 Cr eat e!Wor kshop:Mi xedMedi aCol l age+Hol i st i c Expr essi on wi t hAnnaChapman,CI Ai ns t r uc t or 1–2: 30pm EST

Suppl i es: -Mi s c .paper / c ol l age mat er i al s :c ol or edor t ex t ur edpaper( t hi nk out s i det hebox ! )

Let ’ sber eal ;wear ei napr ec ar i oust i me.I ti si mpor t antt omeet our sel ves( andourst udent s)wher ewe’ r eati fweai mt oc ar v e -Mi s c .dr awi ngt ool s pat hwaysofcr eat i vi t y ,r esi l i ence,andc ompas s i ont hr oughar t ( Ex :penc i l s ,mar k er s , maki ng. pas t el ) Thi swor kshopwi l lbepar tr ef l ec t i on/ c hec k i naseduc at or s ,and -Mi s c .Wat er bas ed par tcr eat i veex pl or at i onofmi xedmedi at or ef r es hour pai nt s( i . e appr oachest owar di deas hapi ngandar tmak i ng. wat er c ol or s / ac r y l i c ) -Gl ue/ gl ues t i c kort ape

Dest r ess!Wor kshop:Br eat he!Rel ax!Cr eat e!wi t hDi aneTr oy er ,Ar tTher apySt udi o 2: 30–4pm EST Taket het i met ounwi ndandr el ax!I nt hi swor k s hopl edbyar tt her api s tDi aneTr oy er ofAr tTher apySt udi o,par t i c i pant swi l l bel edi nagui dedi mager yf ol l owedbyt i met ous e ar tt or espond. Suppl i es:Wer ecommendt hebel owi t emsf orabudgetf r i endl yor der ,butanywat er c ol or t ube/ panset ,br ushs et ,andwat er c ol orpaperwi l l wor k . -Wat er col orpai nt s -Wat er col orpaper -Br ush -Penci lorot herdr awi ngmat er i al

Vi r t ual E duc at or sRet r eat : Cr eat e! Des t r es s ! Connec t ! Sat ur day ,December5,2020 Connect !Roundt abl eSessi onf ac i l i t at edbySt ev enCi ampagl i a, CWRU+CI A 4–5pm EST Gai nc onnec t i onandi nspi r at i onamongac ommuni t yofar t educat or s!Joi nSt ev enCi ampagl i a,ChampneyFami l y Associ at ePr of essorofAr tatCas eWes t er nRes er v eUni v er s i t y andt heCl ev el andI ns t i t ut eofAr t ,f orac onver s at i onaswe unpac kt eachi ngdur i ngCovi d19.We’ l l di s c us sc l as s r oom and t eachi ngst r at egi es,managi ngt hev i r t ualc l as s r oom,c hal l enges ands uccess es ,andi deasandr es our c esf orr emot e l ear ni ngpr oj ect s . Nos uppl i esneeded.

Cr eat e!Wi ne+Pai ntHappyHour :Wat er col orLandscapes wi t hTer r yCl ar k ,CI Ai ns t r uct or 5–6pm EST Cr eat eal andsc apef ul l ofl i ghtandc ol orus i ngwat er c ol orpai nt !Br i ngy ourf avor i t e bev er ageandf ol l owal ongwi t hCEi nst r uc t orandCI Af ac ul t yT er r yCl ar kashe demons t r at esvar i ouspai nt i ngt ec hni quesus edt oc r eat el and,wat er , andot hernat ur al el ement s . Suppl i es:Wer ec ommendt hebel owi t emsf orabudgetf r i endl yor der ,butany wat er c ol ort ube/ pans et ,br ushset ,andwat er c ol orpaperwi l lwor k . -Si mpl ewat er c ol orset -Wat er col orPaper -Si mpl eBr ushSet -Ar t i s t ’ sTape -Wat erCont ai ner -PaperTowel s / Rags

Vi r t ual E duc at or sRet r eat : Cr eat e! Des t r es s ! Connec t ! Sat ur day ,December5,2020 Regi st r at i on Apay mentof$25gi v esy ouac c es st oal l oft hes es s i onss c hedul edf ort heday . Onl i nepay mentc anbemadeatmy . c i a. edu/ c ec o.Cas handc hec kar eal s oac c ept edwi t hac ompl et ed mai l edi nf or m( s eebel ow) .Pay mentdeadl i nei sWednes day ,Dec ember2,2020.Onc ewer ec ei v ey our pay ment ,y ou’ l l bes entaf or m wher ey ouc ans el ec twhi c hs es s i onsy ou’ dl i k et oat t end. Si gnuponl i neatmy . c i a. edu/ c ec oorc ompl et eandmai l t hef or m bel ow. Name_________________________________________Dat eofBi r t h____/ _____/ _____ Bi l l i ngAddr es s ___________________________________________________________ Ci t ySt at e Zi p___________________________________________________________ Emai l ( r equi r ed) _________________________________HomePhone______________ Sc hoolDi s t r i c t__________________________________________________________ Pay ment

Cas h

Chec k

Vi s a

Mas t er Car d

Di s c ov er


Cr edi tCar dNumber________________________________________________________ Ex pi r at i onDat e_________3di gi tc ode_______ Bysi gni ngbel ow youagr eet ot hef ol l owi ng: Ihav er eadandunder s t andt her egi s t r at i onandr ef undpol i c i esofCl ev el andI ns t i t ut eofAr t ’ s Cont i nui ngEduc at i onpr ogr am.Bys i gni ngbel ow,Iaut hor i z eCont i nui ngEduc at i ont opr oc es smy pay mentasi ndi c at edabov e. Si gnat ur e:_____________________________________________________Dat e:___________ Pl eas emak ec hec k spay abl et oCl ev el andI ns t i t ut eofAr t . Mai lt o: Cont i nui ngEduc at i on Cl ev el andI ns t i t ut eofAr t 1 1610Euc l i dAv e,Cl ev el andOH44106 NOTERef undswi l l bei s s uedonl yi nt heev entt hatt heev enti sc anc el l edbyCI A,orwi t hwr i t t en not i f i c at i ons ubmi t t edbyMonday ,Dec ember1.Pl eas ec ont ac tc e@c i a. eduwi t hanyques t i ons .

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