Voce Italiana, May-June 2020, Washington DC

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Vol. 50 ▪ Nos. 5-6 Washington DC

An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington DC Area

May-June 2020 $2.00

Italiana Extension, Holy Rosary Church Rectory L’Italia (nuova) del 18 Maggio Casa Completed as Italian Language School Returns Home di Generoso D’Agnese


Sarà una data che probabilmente entrerà nei futuri libri di storia italiana, quella che ha visto l’Italia riaprire (con cautela) le serrande delle proprie attività. Il 18 maggio diventerà probabilmente il segno distintivo di un paese che a un passo dal baratro sanitario ha saputo trovare le forze per reagire e ora cerca altrettante energie per tornare a produrre reddito. L’Italia è ripartita dunque, tra mille precauzioni e mille raccomandazioni, provando a rianimare le giornate con il proprio genio creativo e le proprie intuizioni imprenditoriali. A decorrere dal 18 maggio 2020 ci si è potuti muovere finalmente liberi senza dover compilare moduli con le misure restrittive che potranno essere adottate o reiterate solo a specifiche aree del territorio interessate da particolare aggravamento della situazione epidemiologica. Via libera, dal 3

The new building behind Holy Rosary Church and Casa Italiana houses Casa Italiana Language School classrooms, the new church rectory, and the new Robert A. Facchina Italian American Museum of Washington DC IAMDC). Story on page 4

giugno anche alla circolazione da una regione all’altra mentre restano ancora vietati gli spostamenti da e per l’estero con mezzi di trasporto pubblici e privati, salvo che per comprovate esigenze lavorative, di assoluta urgenza ovvero per motivi di salute. Resta in ogni caso consentito il rientro presso il proprio domicilio, abitazione o residenza. Dal 3 giugno, salvo limitazioni specifiche, saranno di nuovo consentiti gli spostamenti da e per gli Stati membri dell’Unione Europea. Rimangono però ancora sospesi i voli tra l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti. Oggi per volare Continued on page 3

Message from Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio on Commemoration of Festa della Repubblica This year's celebrations of Festa della Repubblica were held online, with Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio live-streaming the traditional greetings to the Italian and Italian-American community in the United States. The Festa della Repubblica Mass at Holy Rosary Church was live -streamed on June 7. Excerpts from Ambassador Varricchio's message: Dear fellow Italians, dear friends, I am pleased to extend my heartfelt, warm wishes to all of you on this Italian Republic Day. This year is different. The effects of the pandemic are compounding today old tensions that are finding their way on the streets of many American cities. We will hence not be able to

Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio and General Stefano Cont on Festa della Repubblica day at the Italian Embassy


Continued on page 2

The Humanity of Wine 3

Construction Update 4

Blessed Scalabrini Statue 7

Address service requested Voce Italiana Holy Rosary Church 595 Third Street, NW Washington, DC 20001-2703



Washington DC, May-June 2020

Companies Specializing in Grocery Delivery Are Seeing a Boom

How Magnificofood.com, a small Italian start-up, is handling the surge in demand Due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, more and more people are shopping online for food kits and groceries to avoid in-store experiences and, of course, crowds at supermarkets. The spread of COVID-19 across the US and the world has one (predictable) short term side effect: an extraordinary and sharp increase in demand for the online platforms specialized in food delivery. During this health crisis, in California, Washington, Oregon and New York the demand has hit a twentyfold increase. The experts say that this crazy spike is breaking all record numbers of daily downloads of grocery delivery apps in demand more than ever. As responsible citizens embrace social distancing to slow the spread of the virus, they turn to ecommerce

grocery. While these consumers purchasing shift is a massive revenue boost for giant companies like Amazon (the New York Times reports that orders have been as much as 50 times higher), there is another side of the story. This

historical and social revolution could help a little grocery ecommerce app like Magnifico Food, an interesting start up founded by the Italian entrepreneur Alessio Gambino. Magnificofood.com is a platform for the sale of quality Italian products in the USA. “We recorded a 200% increase in online purchases since the lockdown started,” said the Gambino. “It was predictable. We got ready immediately to face an increase in demand. Our products come from all over Italy, but luckily we have a warehouse in New Jersey.” Just as the Italians are spending their time in quarantine in the kitchen, Americans also are rediscovering this pleasure. “Among the products that we are selling in greater quantities, of course, are pasta and tomato sauce, but also extra virgin olive oil. If you buy the

best quality, even if you are not a great chef, your dish will be tasty anyway”, Gambino said. In additional to increased online shopping, many restaurants have switched to online ordering too, to keep their busines open during the shutdown. At Il Canale, a favorite pizza spot in Georgetown and not just for Italians, customers can order food for online or curbdeivery. Owner Joe Farruccio has been donating free pizzas to front lineworkers in the Washington area. Local Chef Christianne Ricchi, created i Ricchi Food Club a pre-paid pickup food service that curates authentic Italian cuisine with a pre-set 4 course menu. Each week, Christianne hand-crafts a different unique dining experience that will transport you through Italy with incredible paired wines and spirits. For example, a recent menu was the "Sagra del Risotto" which is a tradition held since the 13th century, in the small town of Sessame in Piedmont's Asti province.

Remarks by Italian Ambassador Honoring the Birth of the Italian Republic Continued from page 1 hold a traditional celebration, together with our American friends, in honor of the birth of the Republic and of the strength of the ties that unite our two democracies. Today, June 2, 2020, we wish to pause and reflect on this delicate moment that Italy, the United States and indeed the whole world are experiencing. In the words of our beautiful anthem, “Italy called”, and Italians rallied, with pride, unity and sense of purpose. They answered with daily gestures of heroism and spirit of solidarity in the face of adversity and pain. Countless sacrifices have been made – by health operators, law enforcement officers and essential workers. We have them in our eyes and hearts - and they have the admiration of the world.... Recovery will not be immediate, but Italy – which has risen from adversity many times before and continued on its path of civilization - will emerge from this stronger and more prosperous. My fellow Italians, we face a new world, in which unprecedented challenges and opportunities urgently highlight the need for greater, more effective and responsible international cooperation. We must strengthen those bonds of friendship, which have long been the backbone of our international relations, in accordance with the principles enshrined in our

Constitution. ... And with the United States, to which we are bound by values, ideals and a long shared history, made possible to such a large extent by the invaluable contribution of the communities of Italian origin, to whom I send my affectionate and grateful greetings. We must join our efforts and build the bases on which the future of our free and democratic societies will rest upon, combining universal rights, well-being and greater equity. The United States - from its highest authorities to the many citizens and businesses that mobilized to offer support – has been at Italy's side throughout these difficult times. US support was timely, like many times before in the history of our Republic. And even while the number of people affected by this dark evil continued to rise in the United States, America extended a helping hand to Italy. We will not forget. Today, I am proud to announce that the fundraising campaign promoted by the Embassy and ISSNAF, the association that brings together Italian scientists and scholars in the States, has raised more than half a million dollars. Thanks to your generous contribution, we will transfer these funds to three Italian hospitals on the frontline fighting the Coronavirus. And I am proud to know that Italians

have been close to our US friends too. Italian companies in the U.S. have converted their production to provide essential equipment to healthcare workers and first responders. Many Italians have offered their services to the communities, to support those most in need and hardest hit by the crisis here in the US. The unity and the shared, unwavering commitment on the two sides of the Atlantic will also distinguish this new phase. ... We will overcome this challenge also thanks to the indissoluble ties between our citizens and the many Italian Americans who contribute to forging a unique, multifaceted bond that is renewed and strengthened daily. In every field - from science to research, from innovation to technology, from art to culture and on to business the future’s DNA is Italian, and American. And it is excellent. We look forward to resuming the many planned cultural activities. Beautiful, temporarily postponed exhibitions are being rescheduled in the most important US museums. There is a great desire for Italy, and for our beautiful language. It is also our sincere hope that we will

Ambassador Varricchio speaking via Zoom soon be able to resume travel. Freely. We cannot wait to see our country again and to embrace in warm hugs, our friends and relatives. ... Thank you, one and all, for your participation. To you, who every day contribute to the greatness of Italy and the United States - "from sea to shining sea" – go my very best wishes for a happy June 2nd. Auguri!


Washington DC, May-June 2020


‟The Humanity of Wine:” Thoughts from a Noted Wine Expert Wine has a heart and soul, says Maestro del Vino Vittorio Vettori

“Wine is not something, wine is someone!” says Vittorio Vettori, Maestro del Vino at Vinum Vivus Mini-University and Voce Italiana's new wine columnist. Born in Meolo, Venice, Vittorio received a degree in chemical analysis at what is now Sophia University. He came to the United States in 1974 and for 35 years promoted the wines of Castello Banfi. In retirement he enjoys promoting the rich and fascinating culture of Italian wines and has presented wine classes at numerous universities nationwide. Here are some introductory thoughts on wine from Vittorio Vettori: Like each one of us, wine has a heart, a soul, a color, a particular expression. Each wine is unique: vivacious, charming, sweet, dry, mature, young or old, like each one of us. Like each one of us, wine belongs to a family. Each wine has a history, and many stories to tell, like each one of us.. Wine speaks the language of the country where it comes from. It reflects the heart,

Vittorio Vettori soul and culture of the people of any given region…..it reflects the heart and soul of the producer. Since ancient times, in the Bible, in Greek poems, in Roman history, and in literature, in opera….. wine always appears like a “person” – un personaggio – alive with all its humanity, with all its fascination,”someone” with a heart, a soul, ”someone” with the power to inspire you, to make you smile, to remove your worries, to

cure your wounds. Wine is always the principal ‘actor’ at banquets, celebrations, dinner events. In the mythological world, wine was loved and respected as the favorite son of Bacchus, the ‘god of wine.’ The Lambrusco wine, one the most ancient wines of Italy dating back to Etruscan times, is often described as ‘un signore tra i nostri vini ‘ (a gentleman among our wines). And, for most Christians, and Christian Catholics in particular, wine is an essential living element during the celebration of the Holy Mass: the wine is transformed in to the ‘Blood of Christ.’ We can go on and on, but these few thoughts can certainly give us an idea of the humanity of wine, that wine is not something, but “someone.” Too often we fail to understand the humanity of wine, especially when we store the wine, or we build a wine-cellar. Wine deserves respect, gentleness, and the understanding that wine is “someone.”

When storing wines, or when building a wine-cellar, let’s keep in mind that wine suffers from heat, the cold, vibrations, traveling, longevity. Like each one of us, wine has a span of life: it does not last forever. Technically, some wines will ‘live’ longer than others, but who knows? Those bottles or cases of wine that you intend to open when your daughter gets married, or when your son graduates, or when your first grandchild is born, or...when your wife or husband divorces you! Be careful. Wine has a life span. In spite of wine-magazine predictions, or wine high ratings , ‘death’ is a fact of life for wines too. We must monitor those wines, by tasting them occasionally and seeing if they are ‘alive,’ if they give you pleasure, or maybe have turned ‘flat,’ or smell of mold, or have a taste of vinegar. If you build a wine-cellar, build a winecellar: do not build a cemetery. Until next time... --Vittorio Vettori

Il 18 maggio, il giorno della grande ripartenza in Italia Segue dalla prima pagina

a New York il sito di Alitalia indica la rotta su Parigi, con prosecuzione con aerei di Air France, il tutto a prezzi molto elevati. Il 18 maggio ha rappresentato il giorno della grande ripartenza per le attività commerciali, bar e ristoranti, stabilimenti balneari, ma anche di parrucchieri, centri estetici, musei e biblioteche. Un po’ ovunque vige la regola del metro di distanza da chi ci sta accanto, la pulizia delle mani ovunque si entri e la mascherina tirata su, al chiuso o all’aperto, quando non è possibile mantenere il distanziamento di sicurezza. Un metro è la distanza tra i tavoli del ristorante o al bancone del bar. Dal 18 maggio anche le chiese hanno riaperto le proprie porte ai fedeli, ai quali viene chiesto di mantenere la distanza di un metro e l’obbligo di indossare le mascherine. Chi ha la febbre non potrà entrare. L’accesso alle chiese è contingentato, ma ci sarà la possibilità di aumentare il numero delle messe. Si è tornati a poter far visita agli amici, sempre mantenendo il distanziamento di un metro, con la mascherina tirata su

ed evitando assembramenti: in pratica è proibito fare tavolate con tante persone. In auto si deve mantenere la regola del metro di distanziamento, quindi in una vettura a cinque posti si può andare in tre. Nell’Italia che è ripartita hanno riaperto anche i musei rispettando regole ferree, iniziando dall’evitare i famosi

A piazza in Pavia, Italy, May 23, 2020

assembramenti. Via libera anche alle biblioteche che devono attrezzarsi in base ai protocolli di sicurezza. Anche cinema e teatri hanno aperto di nuovo le porte, chiedendo il rispetto di molte regole in più. Le discoteche per ora rimarranno ancora chiuse perché sarebbe impossibile rispettare le distanze. Infine,

Stefano Annovazzi Lodi

per la gioia dei tantissimi appassionati di Calcio e Formula 1, ripartono i campionati e le gare. Data di inizio prevista per il 20 giugno mentre il 12 e il 13 giugno si svolgeranno le gare di Coppa Italia che si concluderà il 17 giugno con la consegna del trofeo direttamente dalle mani del Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella.


Washington DC, May-June 2020

The construction work at Casa Italiana and Holy Rosary Church has finally come to completion. The Casa Italiana Language School, which had transferred to a G St. location during the construction period, has moved back home. Until further notice, however, classes are beig held online due to the coronavirus pandemic. The landscaping along F St. and on the south side of the church, along with new flower beds and fences around the sidewalks and the Christopher Columbus statue is now completed. Paving work on 3rd St. has also finished. The Holy Rosary Church rectory which was demolished during the construction of the Capital Crossing project is now located behind the church facing the new G St. The final phase of repairs inside the church has now begun. The plaster of the columns and cracks in the mosaic floor are being repaired. The temporary wall that was built in the Church lower hall to create a storage room during the construction has been dismantled, and now the hall is back to its original layout. Work on the exhibits for the Robert A. Facchina Italian American Museum in DC is now proceeding at a faster pace. An archive room is already in use to house historical documents pertinent to the history of Holy Rosary Church, Casa Italiana, and to


Construction Completed at Casa Italiana, Holy Rosary Church

The new building, as seen from behind Holy Rosary and Casa Italiana, will feature a landscaped piazza. the Washington area Italian-American community. The plan is to create an historical

virtual collection accessible to all. An official opening of the new building

Coronavirus: Una lettera dallʼItalia Mi chiamo Danilo De Santi e sono medico di medicina generale (medico di famiglia o general practitioner nella terminologia anglosassone) e vivo e lavoro a Pesaro che è una piccola città della Regione Marche che si affaccia sul mare Adriatico di circa 90.000 abitanti. Come in tutta Italia e a seguire nella maggior parte dei paesi del mondo dal 26 febbraio è emerso un focolaio di infezione da Coronavirus SARS-COV2 che come uno tsunami ha investito il sistema sanitario del nostro territorio. Le strutture ospedaliere non si aspettavano certo una espansione del virus cosi violenta ma neanche noi come medici del territorio siamo stati in grado per diverso tempo di prenderci cura dei nostri pazienti ammalati in casa anche perche’ totalmente privi dei vari dispositivi di protezione individuale. Oltretutto all’inizio della pandemia abbiamo avuto grande difficolta’ ad eseguire


i tamponi a tutti i malati o sospetti. A marzo la mortalità complessiva a Pesaro è aumentata del 260,5% (quinto maggior incremento in un capoluogo di provincia in Italia) a tal punto che sia per l’elevato numero di contagi che di decessi la provincia di Pesaro è stata considerata una RED ZONE. Nella prima fase di lockdown durata fino al 4 maggio il mio lavoro come medico di famiglia e’ consistito nel seguire i miei pazienti soprattutto telefonicamente con possibilità di trasmettere ricette per farmaci per via telematica. Andare a visitare i pazienti a domicilio sospetti COVID non completamente protetti perchè privi dei dispositivi di protezione individuale (maschere, Santa Maria di Loreto with pews showing doppi guanti, occhiali, tute idrorepellenti, social distance sitting for worship face shields) ha causato un contagio di vari medici di medicina generale (anche io sono Per questo motivo in molte città italiane stato infettato dal COVID-19 ma fortuna- tra le quali Pesaro, hanno istituito delle unità tamente sono guarito) con circa 70 colleghi speciali di continuità assistenziale (USCA) generalisti morti in Italia. formate normalmente da due medici e a

will be organized as soon as current restrictions on social distancing are lifted. volte da un radiologo per ecografia polmonare, che sono dedicate alla cura a domicilio del paziente Covid o sospetto Covid dotati di tutti i dispositivi di protezione necessari e che collaborano giornalmente con noi. Il 4 maggio alcune attività hanno riaperto. Il 18 maggio è iniziata la seconda fase con apertura. In tale data ha ripreso anche il ritorno in chiesa a messa sempre con dovute precauzioni (mascherine e distanziamento) Ma per Pesaro il 18 maggio è stata una data importante perchè è coincisa con la dimissione dell’ultimo paziente Covid dalla Rianimazione del nostro Ospedale. Anche se ancora in alcune regioni del nord i contagi sono alti aumentano il numero dei guariti e sono diminuiti i decessi e sembra che il virus abbia perso aggressività perche da disturbi piu attenuati. Con la speranza e la fede che deve vivere nel nostro cuore un caro saluto a tutti voi --Danilo De Santi Note: Dr. De Santi is a cousin of Voce Italiana contributor Nancy De Santi.


Washington DC, May-June 2020


Religious Services, Traditions Continue at Holy Rosary Church Made Available via Live-streaming During Pandemic

At left and top: Sunday Mass is live-streamed on Facebook and the Holy Rosary website. The number of people in the church is limited to ten, including the choir.

At left: a new life-size statue of Blessed Scalabrini is unveiled in a brief ceremony with Fr. Ezio Marchetto and nine parishioners. (Please see story on page 7. ) Above: Francesca Guzzo crowns the Blessed Virgin Mary in the traditional May crowning ceremony and Supplica.

Funds Available to Help Community Members Impacted by Coronavirus

Holy Rosary Church Makes Online List of Most Beautiful Churches Holy Rosary Church appears on an online listing of the most beautiful churches in every state. Holy Rosary is one of twelve on the list for Washington, D.C., confirming what parishioners already knew. The author writes, "It’s hard to ignore the awe you feel when you step into a beautiful place of worship. They offer ornate architecture, gorgeous details and stunning features. No matter what religion or spiritual belief you practice, you can find a sense of peace in these beautiful structures." Holy Rosary is in good company. Among others on the D.C. list are: National Cathedral, the Basilica of the National Shrine, St. Patrick's Church, St. John's Episcopal Church, St. Joseph on Capitol Hill, and St. Stephen Martyr. Holy Rosary's "stunning artwork" makes it a popular choice for weddings, according to the online author.

Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center, Inc. has established a #WeAreOneCommunity Coronavirus Emergency Fund. Contributions will benefit members of the Italian American/Italian community in our metro area who may need financial assistance at this difficult time. To date, more than $6,000 has been donated. To make a contribution, please donate at the #WeAreOneCommunity GoFundMe account. Or, write a check payable to CISC Inc., indicating its purpose, and mail to: CISC Inc., 595 Third St. NW, Washington DC 20001. To request assistance, contact the Coronavirus Charity Committee at: dsantoli@ioniallc.com. Confidentially will be strictly maintained.

COMMUNITY CALENDAR June 7, 2020. The Festa della Repubblica Mass at Holy Rosary is live-streamed. October 31, 2020. The Annual National Italian American Foundation Gala. PLEASE NOTE: Until further notice, Mass and other functions will not be celebrated at Holy Rosary Church or other churches within the Archdiocese. This includes catechism classes and all functions and classes at Casa Italiana.


Washington DC, May-June 2020

Founded in 1960 An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington D.C. Area 595 Third Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

Editor-in-Chief: Fr. Ezio Marchetto, C.S. Executive Editor: Francesco Isgrò, Esq. Photographer: Marcella Finelli Correspondent: Generoso D'Agnese Contributors: Ciro De Falco, Nancy De Santi, Daniela Enriquez Advertising: Lucia Portanova  202-638-0165 Mailing: Joan Dodaro, Martha Finelli, Rosa Mayer

Voce Italiana

Religion in the Time of the Virus


t started like any other year: three inquiries: Can we have a virtual overcrowded celebrations on baptism? Can you send me a virtual Ash Wednesday to begin Lent. blessing? Then, unfortunately, “Please Then we went back to our routine, say a mass for a person who died of weekdays mass at noon, prayers during COVID 19.” the day, weekend mass and coffee in Many found different ways to Casa Italiana; chatter about how bad practice their religion: saying prayers the situation was in Italy and how with their families again; following our families were doing. Then all of liturgies through the media; one wrote a sudden, it was among us! No more “I started to read the Bible, and I find church liturgies, no more gatherings, no it comforting.” I also, as a priest, had, more shared coffees. to adjust. It is not easy A scramble began to to say daily Mass by It has been a time of myself, but it helps reschedule weddings, baptisms, memorial to remember people rediscovering the masses and other who asked for prayers. importance of our celebrations. In the Looking into an empty community religious beginning there was church, it helps to an attempt to postpone life and longing for that identify who would be for a few weeks, then a weekly coming together sitting where (usually few months and finally people always tend to that is center of our reality dawned: it was occupy the same seat). parish life. going to be a long Then came or Sunday while. We hung on to a live-streamed masses few essential celebrations (we had four celebrating devotions and traditions. baptisms since the restrictions began) It has been a time of rediscovering and we started to live-stream our Sunday the importance of our community masses. religious life and longing for that After a few weeks there was a weekly coming together that is center of recurring theme in the messages we our parish life. As we start to plan for received: we are missing our Sunday resuming our liturgies it will be a time masses and gathering in Casa Italiana. of renewal and reimagining. We need For so long we had taken it all for the help and suggestions of everyone in granted. Instead, what was once our order to restore what was there before. community routine, without warning It will not and cannot be the same, but it had come to an end. will be a stronger community knowing As often happens, it is when we lose that each weekend is a gift that could be something that we realize the value taken away. of what we had. I received panicked --Fr. Ezio Marchetto

Pope Francis Tweet, June 3, 2020 "We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form. At the same time, we have to recognize that violence is self-destructive and self-defeating. Nothing is gained by violence and so much is lost. Let us pray for reconciliation and peace."

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear editor, In response to the article in the last issue, I wanted to present a personal side of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is now 78 years old. I got to know Dr. Fauci through noontime jogging at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), where I worked. He jogged every day. I did not jog with him but there was a group of joggers who shared the same locker room. I once asked Dr. Fauci where his grandparents were from and he told me they were from Agrigento and Sciacca in Sicily. My maternal grandfather was also from Sicily. Dr. Fauci attended Regis High School in New York City, where every student receives a full Scholarship. He went on to study at Holy Cross College in Worcester, Massachusetts. In the 1980s, he led the successful fight against AIDS and HIV. Although he was a world-famous scientist, he took an interest in his fellow joggers and made us feel special. He loves college football and basketball and we talked a lot about sports in the locker room with him. When I would see him around the NIH campus, he always greeted me by my first name—just as he did several months ago when I saw him in the post office on Wis-

consin Ave and Upton St., Washington, D.C. He is great man and is friendly to everyone -- even those who don't hold high positions. Let us continue to support him with our prayers. Paul Coppola Washington, D.C.

Paul Coppola with Dr. Anthony Fauci, at right, after a noon-time jog at the NIH. (Photo courtsy of Paul Coppola)

The Lido Civic Club of Washington D.C. 1929-2019 Our 90th Year Metropolitan Washington’s Premier Italian-American Business and Professional Men’s Organization

Vincenzo Fragomeni, President Richard DiPippo, Vice President Arthur J. Del Buono, Treasurer Damian Gallina, Secretary Philip Finelli, Public Affairs John Dovi, Sergeant at Arms www.lidoclub.org


Washington DC, May-June 2020


Coming to America … Again

How the statue of Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini arrived at Holy Rosary Church from Venezuela The Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles/Scalabrinians has been serving Holy Rosary’s community for 60 years. In the past, a bronze bust of Blessed Scalabrini hung in the living room of the old rectory, but there was never a Scalabrini statue. After a long search, one was located in Venezuela. This is the story of the statue's arduous journey to Washington, D.C. For those who have faith and hope, it is not difficult to believe that the saints do not abandon their causes on earth. In October 2019, a statue of Blessed Scalabrini was requested from Francesco Santoro, an Italian artist living in Venezuela. He gladly welcomed the request. Venezuela, had been the richest country in Latin America; it was now

reduced to extreme poverty due to a deplorable social structure that led to corruption and the fall of all values in all sectors, creating a wave of mass emigration never seen before in the Americas. After a few months, having finished the statue, Santoro contacted a shipping company and provided the necessary

documents. The shipping company delivered the statue and the paperwork to Venezuelan customs officials. Despite all documents being in order, customs did not understand, or did not want to understand, why the statue was going Washington, and moreover, why it,was donated by the artist, and therefore exempt from taxes. Here began a series of back and forth discussions that led to requests for more paperwork and documents invoking whimsical rulers without boundaries. In the meantime, the statue was stored away in its case in the customs warehouse. Faced with so many complications, the shipping company thought of giving in to a sadly rooted ‘procedure’ in these institutions, and they came forward offering them a "gift," which at first was refused. Later, they came back asking for an exaggerated sum. At that point, the shipping company refused since everything that was requested had been provided. Now, in all this hustle and bustle of obstacles and problems, where is the statue? Ready for shipment to Washington, it was stored away in a box in a warehouse, under guards. The shipping company was finally allowed to come back to customs in order to present the latest request for documents and to look at the statue. Wonder of wonders, Scalabrini was no longer there. Scalabrini had grown tired of waiting and left without documents for Washington. (He was somehow loaded into a plane for his final destination.) Scalabrini had decided to leave Venezuela and begin his journey, undocumented. While the Venezuelan customs were trying to make a profit on the shipment, the statue had left the country. The ship-

Fr. Ezio Marchetto blesses the statue of Blessed Scalabrini during the live-streamed Mass on May 31. The statue is the work of master Francesco Santoro. At left, painting depicting Blessed Scalabrini in a visit with President Theodore Roosevelt. ping company kept the news secret until all papers were processed. The statue, meanwhile, had made it to Panama. It was there that the proper papers were filed and soon after, it continued its journey to its final destination: the city of Washington, at the Scalabrinian Mission of the Holy Rosary Church. So, Scalabrini returned to Washington, where the real Scalabrini had visited on October 10, 1901, when he was received by President Theodore Roosevelt. On May 31, 2020, Pentecost Sunday, on the vigil of the 115th anniver-

sary of his death, the statue of Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini was blessed in Holy Rosary Church. --Francesco Santoro GINO MARINUCCI, C.P.A., P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS “SINCE 1975 YOUR SMALL BUSINESS SPECIALIST” ACCOUNTING ● TAX PLANNING TAX PREPARATION ● SOFTWARE SUPPORT COMPLETE PAYROLL SERVICE (301) 942-2266

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Washington DC, May-June 2020

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