Vol. 53 ▪ No. 12 Washington D.C.
An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington D.C. Area
Il Natale nello stivale di Generoso d’Agnese
Il più grande lo trovate a Piazza San Pietro e quello più scenografico lo vedrete a Gubbio. Tra i due alberi di Natale c’è tutta l’Italia che unisce l’amore per l’abete simbolo delle feste e quello per il Presepe, rappresentazione scenica inventata da San Francesco. L’Italia del Natale ha mille sfumature e tutte intrise di tradizioni capaci però di differenziare i vari angoli della Penisola. Cioccolata calda e vin brulé accompagnano le feste in Valle d’Aosta, vissute spesso tra le rappresentazioni di presepi viventi. Nel vicino Piemonte tocca a “Gelindo” (personaggio tipico della tradizione) accompagnare i pastori verso la chiesa dove i figuranti porgeranno le loro offerte al Salvatore, mentre tipica è l’usanza di appendere un ramo di vischio nelle case. Il Natale lombardo fa rima con Panettone, dolce che prese il nome da un certo Toni, garzone di un fornaio che decise di arricchire il semplice pane con ingredienti costosi e pregiati.
December 2014 $1.50
A Christmas Message from Fr. Ezio Marchetto Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Merry Christmas! The birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ is the dividing point in history. Before his birth, it was the time of the prophecies, the time of preparation for his coming among us, and after his birth we have the time of building upon his message of salvation. The celebration of Christmas is something similar for us: it is the fulfillment of expectations and, simultaneously, a new beginning. We rejoice in longheld traditions from the past and, at the same time, we are called to answer with renewed commitment to the Angels’ message, “Glory to God on high and peace on earth to people of good will.” Old and new come together at Christmas and it should, also, come together in our life. Our Holy Rosary community is blessed with a long history and tradition upon which we can build and, at the same time, we are at a turning point since a new generation Continued on page 6
Detail from stained glass window at Holy Rosary Church
Lido Civic Club Honors Leaders at 85th Anniversary Gala
Continua a pagina 7
Gracia Martore, CEO of Gannett Co., and Joe Martore, CEO of Calibre Systems Inc., received the Man and Woman of the Year award from the Lido Civic Club. Gene Dodaro (above right, center), Comptroller General of the U.S., received the National Public Service Award. Also at the podium are Lido Club President Francesco Isgrò, Ambassador Connie Morella, and the evening's emcee Joe Bruno. For story, please turn to page 5.
Merita una visita il mercato natalizio di Livigno che propone oggetti natalizi e prodotti gastronomici mentre in ogni casa arde la candela di Natale per tutto il periodo dell’Avvento. In Liguria tocca al ceppo di Natale mantenere viva la tradizione. Il ceppo veniva offerto al Doge dalle genti
I zampognari a Natale
Mona Lisa 3
I caduti 4
Fr. Terry Bagatin 7
Address service requested Voce Italiana Holy Rosary Church 595 Third Street, NW Washington, DC 20001-2703
Washington D.C., December 2014
Elezioni per il rinnovo dei Comitati degli Italiani a l’estero Rinvio elezioni e proroga termini di presentazione domanda di iscrizione in elenco elettorale Si informa che nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 268 del 18 novembre 2014 è stato pubblicato il decreto-legge 18 novembre 2014, n. 168 che dispone il rinvio al 17 aprile 2015 delle elezioni per il rinnovo dei Comites, già indette per il 19 dicembre 2014, e la proroga al 18 marzo 2015 del termine utile per fare pervenire agli Uffici consolari la richiesta di iscrizione all’elenco elettorale per l’esercizio del diritto di voto per le elezioni dei Comites. Il rinvio tiene conto dell’esigenza di garantire la più ampia partecipazione alle votazioni da parte dei cittadini all’estero e di accordare un termine più
ampio per esprimere la volontà di partecipare al voto secondo la disciplina recentemente introdotta. Si attira l’attenzione sul fatto che il citato decreto-legge 168/2014, benché avente forza di legge dalla sua pubblicazione, è soggetto a conversione parlamentare e quindi potrà, in tale sede, essere modificato. In occasione delle prossime elezioni per il rinnovo dei Com.It.Es. il diritto di voto verrà esercitato per corrispondenza con invio del plico elettorale ai SOLI elettori, in possesso dei requisiti di legge, che facciano espressa richiesta all'Ufficio consolare di riferimento di iscrizione nell’elenco elettorale. Le
richieste dovranno pervenire agli Uffici consolari entro il 18 marzo 2015. Sono fatte salve le richieste di iscrizione nell’elenco elettorale già presentate. Le domande di iscrizione nell’elenco elettorale per l’ammissione al voto per l’elezione dei Com.It.Es., firmate dal richiedente, possono essere presentate personalmente all’Ufficio consolare di riferimento, oppure inviate al medesimo ufficio per posta, fax, posta elettronica o posta elettronica certificata, allegando copia non autenticata del documento di identità del richiedente, comprensiva della firma del titolare. (Comunicato Stampa dell'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington)
USA, crescita record per l’italiano nel programa ‟Advanced Placement” Richiesta in forte crescita per l’italiano nel programma Advanced Placement (AP), che permette agli studenti delle scuole americane di maturare in anticipo crediti universitari sostenendo un esame nella lingua di Dante. Secondo i dati resi noti dal College Board, organizzazione che si occupa di favorire l’accesso all’insegnamento universitario, al 30 giugno 2014 gli esami di italiano contabilizzati sono stati 2331, con un incremento del 17,7% rispetto all’anno precedente. Si tratta di un record sia in termini assoluti che percentuali, con un incremento superiore a quelli fatti registrare da tutte le altre lingue ammesse all’esame AP. In aumento anche il numero delle scuole USA in cui si tengono corsi di italiano riconosciuti: dalle 213 del 2013
alle 236 del 2014. Un passo significativo verso l’obiettivo 2500 esami all’anno, che dovrà essere raggiunto nel 2016 per confermare l’inclusione dell’italiano tra le materie per cui sono previsti esami AP. Un risultato che da diversi anni l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington è impegnata a perseguire attraverso una capillare strategia di coinvolgimento della rete consolare e degli Istituti di Cultura negli USA, delle associazioni di italiani e di italoamericani, delle scuole e di numerose altre tipologie di attori. “I dati che ci ha comunicato il College Board ci incoraggiano molto. Sono il frutto di un’azione che abbiamo svolto a più livelli”, ha commentato l’Ambasciatore d’Italia a Washington, Claudio Bisogniero. “Basti pensare all’avvio degli Osservatori della lingua italiana nelle nostre
circoscrizioni consolari, all’attivazione di borse di studio a studenti e insegnanti e di seminari di aggiornamento per insegnanti, o alla creazione del sito dedicato www.usspeaksitalian.org. Anche se siamo consapevoli che ci sia ancora molto da fare, le cifre dimostrano che l’obiettivo di 2500 esami è a portata di mano e testimoniano del buono stato di salute di cui gode la nostra lingua, oggi al quarto posto tra quelle più studiate negli Stati Uniti”.
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Voce Italiana takes this opportunity to thank its subscribers, members of the Board of Trustees and Editorial Board, and its generous patrons. We thank especially our volunteers who make Voce Italiana possible, including Joan Dodaro, Dina D’Avella, and Maria Cascioli. Thanks also to Lucia Portanova and Maria Fresco. To all our readers, we wish a Blessed Christmas and Peace and Prosperity in the New Year. Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!
Noted Briefly... ►Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini, Bishop of Piacenza, founded the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles on November 28, 1887, for the pastoral assistance of migrants. Today, the missionaries, sisters, brothers and priests, are familiarly known as the Scalabrinian Missionaries. The presence of the order at Holy Rosary Church spans from 1960 to the present with our Pastor, Fr. Ezio Marchetto. ►Jerry Perenchio, 83, a very private multibillionaire, recently publicly gave more than a half billion dollars worth of art to the Los Angeles County Museum. Among the 47 artworks are pieces by masters like Degas, Monet, Picasso, and Cezanne. Perenchio, former chairman of the Univision TV network, is the grandson of Italian immigrants and the son of a Fresno, Calif., winery owner. ►Tom Magliozzi, one of public radio's most beloved personalities as a host with his brother Ray of the program Car Talk, died recently near Boston, Mass. Born and raised in an Italian American neighborhood, Tom teased his mother, saying she was "the only woman in the world who make gravy with the Rolaids crushed right into it." Tom and Ray, who became known as "Click and Clack," ended their radio program in 2012, after 35 years on the air. ►Thomas Menino, Boston's longest-serving mayor, died recently in Boston at age 71. Menino was the first mayor of Italian descent in a city dominated by Irish Americans. His popularity was evident until the end: shortly before his death a poll showed that in his 20th year in office, he had a 74 percent approval rating. Email: Jplamari@msn.com Web: AttorneyLamari.com
SUITE 404 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20850 (301) 762-2018 FAX: (301) 762-0999
Washington D.C., December 2014
DeCoding the Renaissance at the Folger Shakespeare Library
Unfathomable mysteries, ancient manuscripts, illustrated books on display The Renaissance was the first great age of mass communication, but it was also the period when the art of secret writing came into its own. The new science of codes and ciphers produced some of the period’s most brilliant inventions, most beautiful books, and most enduring legacies. It left its mark on virtually every aspect of Renaissance culture, including the development of diplomacy and the waging of war, the creation of a postal system, the invention of sign language, and the search for hidden meanings in literature and the visual arts. The Renaissance, in turn, provided the inspiration for the pioneering modern code-breaker, William F. Friedman— chief cryptanalyst for the U.S. government from the 1920s to the 1950s and a regular researcher at the Folger.
Friedman led the team that broke the Japanese code in World War II, wrote many of the field’s foundational texts, and coined the very term “cryptanalysis.” His introduction to ciphers came through his early work on Sir Francis Bacon, and he drew directly on Renaissance techniques throughout his cryptographic career. Decoding the Renaissance explores the history of secret communication, revealing the surprising connections between Renaissance texts and modern methods of cryptanalysis. The exhibition is the brainchild of curator Bill Sherman, who was a fellow at the Folger when he began studying intelligence in the Renaissance. He tapped the resources of the Library of Congress, which he said has a vast number of books on the field of codes and ciphers.
Among the rare items on display is Giambattista della Porta's De Furtivis Literarum Notis, a book devoted to cryptography. Della Porta was a scholar, scientist, author, and playwright, who lived in Naples in the 16th century. A creative genius, it is said that during the Spanish Inquisition, della Porta invented a method of writing secret messages inside eggs, using a special paint mixture that penetrated the shell. Prison guards didn't check the eggs. Once the prisoner peeled off the shell, the message was revealed in the egg white. The fascinating exhibition runs at the Folger Library until February 26, 2015. Admission is free. A rare Giambattista della Porta book
A Peek Behind Leonardo DaVinci’s Most Famous Painting
Who was Mona Lisa? Where did she come from and why does her portrait hang in the Louvre? MONA LISA: A Life Discovered by Dianne Hales Simon & Schuster 317 pages This is not author Dianne Hales's first foray into Italian themes. Her last book, La Bella Lingua: My Love Affair with Italian, the World's Most Enchanting Language, earned her an honorary knighthood from the President of Italy. Her newest book about the enigmatic Mona Lisa blends biography, history, and memoir to tell the story of Lisa Gherardini del Giacondo, the real woman behind the world's most praised and parodied painting. The author takes us along on her journey to uncover Mona Lisa's colorful family history, explore her neighborhoods, and meet her presentday descendants. We learn that Lisa is a daughter of Florence, a Renaissance woman, a merchant's wife, a loving mother, a devout Christian, and a "noble spirit." Born in 1479, Lisa was married by the time she was 15 to a widowed merchant
The book traces the movement of the painting, including to the palace of Louis XIV at Versailles, before landing up at the Louvre in Paris in 1815, where more than nine million visitors visit Mona Lisa each year. In 1911, the beloved painting was stolen; it was recovered 28 months later and reinstalled at its home in the Louvre.
who was nearly twice her age. We learn that she was a neighbor of Leonardo DaVinci, who painted her portrait when she was 24. By that time, she already had five children. After sitting for Leonardo, Lisa's
Mona Lisa
life took some sad twists, including the deaths of a son and daughter. Two of her daughters entered the convent and after Lisa's merchant husband died, she herself joined her youngest daughter in the convent. There she died at age 63.
Washington D.C., December 2014
Columbus Day Celebrations: ‟Le Canzoni piu famose di Sanremo”
An evening of Italian musical entertainment is held at Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center The Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center once again hosted a musical program and dinner in conjuction with the Columbus Day celebrations in Washington, D.C. The musical event was directed by Maestro Bruno Fusco and the evening was made possible with the support of the Parish Council of Holy Rosary Church.
The music program included an evening of famous Italian songs from the Sanremo festivals from 1951 to 2014. Singers included teenage singing sensation from Italy, Vincenzo Cantiello, Italian tenor Marco Fiorante, and Holy Rosary Choir Director Maria Marigliano. The local I-Talians Band, with Pasquale DePandi, also performed. Rosalia Acampora and Simonetta
Rosalia Acampora, Pasquale DePandi, Eduardo DePandi, Anna DePandi
Baldassari co-hosted the performance. During the evening a number of local personalities were recognized for their contributions to the community. They included: Caloggero Farruggio, Natalina Koropoulus, Eduardo de Pandi, Dr. Luigi De Luca, and Lucio D'Andrea. The evening's event was catered by Joe Farruggio's restaurant, Il Canale in Georgetown.
Lucio D'Andrea, Fr. Ezio Marchetto
Vincenzo Cantiello, Simonetta Baldassari, Marco Fiorante
Holy Rosary Remembers ‟i caduti,” the Fallen Soldiers
A solemn Mass to commemorate "i caduti," the fallen soldiers, was celebrated at Holy Rosary on November 2 by Fr. Ezio Marchetto. In attendance were Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero and his wife
Laura Denise, together with members of the diplomatic and military corps of the Italian Embassy, and Holy Rosary parishioners. A reception followed in Casa Italiana.
Washington D.C., December 2014
Lido Civic Club Holds 85th Anniversary Gala at Italian Embassy master of ceremonies. Fr. Ezio Marchetto delivered the invocation at the start of the program. Counselor Simon Carta welcomed the guests at the Italian Embassy on behalf of Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, who had remarked that the Lido Civic Club "enjoys a great tradition in keeping Italian heritage alive among Italian Americans in the D.C. area and beyond, and in supporting Italian culture and the study of Italian language especially among young generations.” Lido President Francesco Isgrò presented the awards, together with incoming President Brian Della Rocca. Woman of the Year Gracia Martore became head of Gannett in October 2011, and also oversees the nonprofit
Gannett Foundation, which invests in the future of the media industry, encourages employee giving, and contributes to a variety of charitable causes. Man of the Year Joe Martore joined CALIBRE in March 2004 as part of its acquisition of Strategic Management Initiatives, Inc., which he co-founded and headed. In addition to his corporate responsibilities, he is a member of the MIT Engineering Systems Division Alumni Advisory Council, and serves on the Boards of numerous nonprofit organizations. Gene Dodaro, who was introduced by former Congresswoman, Ambas-
sador Connie Morella, is the eighth Comptroller General of the United States and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office. As Comptroller General, he helps oversee the development and issuance of hundreds of reports and testimonies to Congress. These and other GAO products have led to hearings and legislation, billions of dollars in taxpayer savings, and improvements to a wide range of government programs and services. Isgrò said in his remarks that the honorees' "accomplishments and dedication to our community make us all proud of our Italian heritage."
Photo by Bill Guptill
The Lido Civic Club of Washington, D.C. hosted its 85th Anniversary Past Presidents Night gala at the Italian Embassy on November 22. The Club honored three outstanding national leaders from the Washington area. Gracia Martore, president and chief executive officer of Gannett Co., Inc., and Joseph A. Martore, president and chief executive officer of CALIBRE Systems Inc., received the 2015 Man and Woman of the Year Award. Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States and head of the GAO, received the National Public Service Award. Philanthropist and Lido Club member Joe Bruno served as the evening's
Lido Club members and guests; incoming president Brian Della Rocca is at center.
Fr. Ezio with members of the Holy Rosary Parish Council and other parishioners.
NIAF Gala Honors Pino Cicala for Community Leadership The National Italian American Foundation’s 39th Anniversary Awards Gala celebrated the rich heritage and culture of Italian Americans and Italians, before 1,200 guests at the Washington Hilton. Emmy Award-winning news anchor Maria Bartiromo, a NIAF board member, and actor Joe Piscopo cohosted the Gala at the Washington Hilton. They welcomed guests from across the United States and Italy to the annual black-tie dinner. Fr. Ezio Marchetto of Holy Rosary Church gave the invocation. “I am so proud to be an Italian
American!” said Piscopo. Bartiromo spoke about the hard work and love of family. “These two traits, we celebrate tonight,” she added. Together, they entertained guests before kicking off the awards ceremony. This year’s honorees from Italy included Pasqualino Monti, president of the Port Authority of Rome Civitavecchia, who received The Special Achievement Award in International Business. He described NIAF as an important partner with Italy. He was joined by Fabrizio Francesco Vinaccia, institutional affairs senior vice president of MBDA Italia S.p.A.,
Pino Cicala
who received the NIAF Italy-America Friendship Award. One of NIAF’s longtime supporters and a native of Sicily, Pino Cicala, founder and editor of AMICO and Antenna Italia Radio-TV, immigrated to the United States in 1955 and continues to spread the Italian culture throughout the nation’s capital. Cicala received the NIAF Special Achievement Award in Community Leadership. “I am extraordinarily humbled,” said Cicala, dedicating the award to his parents. “I started out trying to explain America to immigrants. Now I am trying to explain Italy to the children.”
Washington D.C., December 2014 Editor-in-Chief: Fr. Ezio Marchetto, C.S. Executive Editor: Francesco Isgrò Editorial Board: Pino Cicala, Enrico
Founded in 1960 Davoli, Dona De Sanctis, Anna Isgrò, An Italian American Gazette Gemma Puglisi, Fred Rotondaro of the Greater Washington D.C. Area 595 Third Street NW, Washington, DC 20001
Board of Trustees: Franco Nuschese, Stephanie Razzano, Beatrice Tierney
Voce Italiana
Messaggio Natalizio - Natale 2014 suo tesoro cose nuove e cose antiche. Cari fratelli e sorelle in Cristo, (Mt.13,26)”. Questa è la sfida del Natale Buon Natale! La nascita di Nostro Signore Gesù 2014. “Natale con i tuoi e Pasqua con chi Cristo è il punto di divisione della vuoi” dice il vecchio storia. Prima della proverbio italiano e, in sua nascita era il tempo delle Possa essere questo effetti, il Natale è una festa molto speciale profezie, il tempo Natale anche per noi della famiglia. di preparazione Per la nostra per la sua venuta e un momento di svolta, famiglia del Santo dopo la sua nascita con un senso di Rosario è un momento abbiamo il tempo di costruire basandoci adempimento dell’eredità di riunirsi in festa e vorrei proporvi un sul suo messaggio del passato e il cordiale invito ad di salvezza. desiderio di rinnovare unirvi a noi nelle La celebrazione del Natale è qualcosa il nostro impegno nella nostre liturgie e nelle nostre celebrazioni, di simile per noi: è costruzione di una come un momento per il compimento delle aspettative e, allo comunità veramente rafforzare la nostra fede e celebrare il stesso tempo, un cattolica.” fatto di essere membri nuovo inizio. di questa nostra Ci rallegriamo comunità. nel celebrare le Con la semplicità antiche tradizioni dei pastori di Betlemme e la generosità del passato e, allo stesso tempo, siamo chiamati a rispondere con rinnovato dei Magi, cerchiamo di mettere insieme impegno al messaggio degli angeli: la nostra fede, la nostra speranza e la “Gloria a Dio nell’alto dei cieli e pace nostra carità sotto la protezione di Nostra Signora del Santo Rosario. in terra agli uomini di buona volontà.” Lei diede alla luce Gesù Cristo, ed Vecchio e nuovo si congiungono a Natale e dovrebbero anche congiungersi è stato un punto di svolta nella storia, nella nostra vita. La nostra comunità possa essere questo Natale anche per noi del Santo Rosario è fortunata di avere un momento di svolta, con un senso di una lunga storia e una lunga tradizione adempimento dell’eredità del passato e il sulla quale può costruire e, allo stesso desiderio di rinnovare il nostro impegno tempo, si trova ad un punto di svolta nella costruzione di una comunità con una nuova generazione di immigrati veramente cattolica. Buon Natale a voi e la vostra italiani che si stanno unendo alla nostra comunità mentre anche le nostre famiglia! Cordiali saluti in Cristo, strutture fisiche vengono rinnovate. Padre Ezio Marchetto, c.s. Per citare il Vangelo, Gesù ha detto Parroco che il saggio è colui “che estrae dal
Pastor’s Christmas Message Continued from page 1
of Italians are joining our community and even our physical structure is being renewed. To quote the Gospel, Jesus said that the wise person is the one “who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.(Mt.13,26)” It is our challenge in this Christmas 2014. “Natale con i tuoi e Pasqua con chi vuoi” says the old Italian proverb and, indeed, Christmas is a very special family festivity. For our Holy Rosary family it is a time to come together in celebration and I warmly invite you to join us in our liturgies and our events as opportunities to strengthen our faith and rejoice in our being members of this, our community.
With the simplicity of Bethlehem's shepherds and the generosity of the wise men, let us bring together our faith, our hope and our charity under the protection of Our Lady of the Rosary. She gave birth to Our Lord Jesus Christ and it was a turning point in history. May this Christmas be also for us a turning point with a sense of fulfillment and a desire to renew our commitment to build a truly Catholic community. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Sincerely Yours in Christ, Fr. Ezio Marchetto, c.s. Pastor, Holy Rosary Church
Pope Francis Proclaims Six New Saints Pope Francis has proclaimed six new bishop of Vicenza and the founder of saints, whom he praised for the love and the Teaching Sisters of St. Dorothy. He self-giving with which they served God died in 1888. by serving the poor and needy. Ludovico of Casoria, the 19th-centuThe Pope named ry founder the Grey two Indian and four Franciscan Friars of Italian saints at a reCharity and the Grey cent Mass in St. Peter's Franciscan Sisters of Square on the feast of St. Elizabeth. Christ the King. Amato Ronconi, a The new saints are: 13th-century Italian Kurikose Elias lay Franciscan and Chavara, (1805-1871), founder of a hospice the Indian founder for the poor, which of the Carmelites of is now a home for Mary Immaculate. the elderly in Rimini, Euphrasia EluvathItaly. ingal, (1877-1952), a Among the member of the Carcrowds were thoumelites founded by St. Saint Giovanni Antonio Farina sands of Catholics Chavara. from India who Nicholas of Longobardi, (1650- traveled to the Vatican to celebrate the 1709), an Italian Minim friar. naming of St. Chavara and St. EluGiovanni Antonio Farina, an Italian vathingal.
Washington D.C., December 2014
In Memoriam: Fr. Tarcisio ‟Terry” Bagatin Fr. Tarcisio Bagatin, affectionately called Fr. Terry by his parishioners, died on November 20, 2014, in Bassano del Grappa (Vincenza), after a long illness. Fr. Terry was born in Thien, Vincenza on April 5, 1928 and was ordained a priest in 1954. After serving at a parish in Genoa, Italy, he was transferred to Canada, where he served in several parishes staffed by his order, the Scalabrinian Missionaries. In the United States, Fr. Terry was sent
Fr. Terry celebrating his 40th anniversary in 1994 with Holy Rosary parishioners.
to Our Lady of Pompeii in Greenwich Village, N.Y., before being assigned to Holy Rosary Church in 1993, where he remained for three years. Fr. Terry is perhaps best remembered for his poetry, which he often recited during homilies and at special
celebrations. He wrote a poem to Our Lady of the Rosary, which he also set to music for parishioners to sing. During his stay at Holy Rosary, he identified repairs that needed to be made to the physical plant of the church and set out to implement them. Also
APPRECIATION occupying much of his time as pastor of Holy Rosary was the resolution of a move to unionize the Italian language teachers at the Scuola Italiana. Fr. Terry was warmly welcomed to the Centennial Celebration of Holy Rosary Church held in December 2013. He spent much of the past year at the Scalabrinian center in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, where he passed away. His brief stay as pastor of Holy Rosary will be warmly remembered by the entire church community. Cari confratelli, Questa mattina alle ore 7:30 e morto P. Tarcisio Bagatin. Provato nel fisico dal male, ma non piegato nel suo spirito, questa mattina si e presentato davanti al Signore della vita, nel quale aveva posto con fiducia e generosita la sua vita. Preghiamo perche sia accolto nella pace della casa del Signore e, contemplando il suo volto, possa cantare in eterno le sue lodi. P. Gianmario Maffioletti Centro Missionario Scalabrini Bassano del Grappa 20 novembre 2014
L’Italia del Natale ha mille sfumature e tutte intrise di tradizioni Segue dalla prima pagina
di montagna con una tipica cerimonia chiamata “confuoco”. Sul mare saranno invece i presepi subacque ad attirare fedeli e curiosi, con processioni in acqua e spettacoli pirotecnici. Nel Veneto spiccano i tradizionali “banchèti de Santa Lussia” in piazza Bra a Verona mentre Venezia si addobba con il “Campiello dei golosi”, uno stand con prelibatezze gastronomiche da tutta Italia. La Fiera di San Nicolò anima le feste natalizie del Friuli Venezia Giulia che vede nelle case il trionfo di brovada e muset (zuppa di rape e cotechino). Nel vicino Trentino Alto Adige tocca invece a Sankt Nickolaus visitare le città la notte del 6 dicembre per portare doni ai bambini. Fiere e e mercatini animano le feste emiliano romagnole mentre in Toscana tocca a Lucignano ospitare la Fiera del Ceppo. A Siena vengono benedetti gli
occhi e vengono offerti panini benedetti mentre Abbadia San Salvatore si illumina con le fiaccole. Sapori e tradizioni perdute allietano il natale delle Marche nel quale è obbligatorio mangiare la Pizza de Natà. Se Roma è Caput Mundi nelle funzioni religiose, Viterbo merita una visita tra le bancarelle del mercato natalizio. E ovviamente toccherà alla Befana chiudere in bellezza le giornate di festa. Pescasseroli e la Fiaccolata di Fine anno raccontano il Natale abruzzese, che si esalta anche nel Presepe vivente di Rivisondoli (famoso in tutto il mondo) mentre nel vicino Molise è la zampogna a farla da padrona, con Agnone fulcro di una sfilata antica e tradizionale di zampognari. Il presepe trova una delle massime esaltazioni in Umbria mentre Gubbio si allestisce il più grande albero di Natale del Mondo. Pietanze tipiche fanno da sfondo
alle feste pugliesi (da non perdere la fiera dei presepi e dei pupi a Lecce) e in Campania si esaltano mercatini, tradizioni, presepi e zampogne. Zeppole fritte e struffoli imbandiscono le tavole di natale di una regione che vanta anche uno splendido presepe subacqueo nella Grotta dello Smeraldo ad Amalfi. È Matera la città lucana da visitare a Natale, laddove la natura offre uno spettacolo di rara intensità mentre sarà l’olio fritto misto a quello della cannella ad accompagnare le feste in Calabria,
dove assume molta importanza la festa di Santa Lucia e il menu delle trìdici cosi a Corigliano. In Sicilia tocca ai presepi artistici degli Iblei rappresentare il Natale ricco di tradizioni musicali. Nei paesi di Gergei e Desulo si trova infine l’essenza delle feste natalizie della Sardegna, con centinaia di figuranti vestiti in costume d’epoca e vicoli nei quali si respirano anche profumi ed essenze dell’antica Palestina.
Washington D.C., December 2014
CHRISTMAS LITURGIES AT HOLY ROSARY CHURCH WASHINGTON, DC (202) 638-0165 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014 – NATIVITY OF THE LORD Mass at Midnight, Dec. 24 Church doors open at 11:00 p.m. Christmas Carols begin at 11:15 p.m. Confessions: 11:00 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. – Mass at Midnight. Masses at Dawn 9:00 a.m. (English) – 10:30 a.m. (Italian) Mass During the Day 12:00 noon (English)
MARK YOUR CALENDAR December 13, 2014. Lessons and Carols at 5:00 p.m. for all Holy Rosary Church parishioners. December 14, 2014. Sodality and Holy Name Christmas Party at Casa Italiana after the 9:00 a.m. Mass December 20, 2014. Padre Pio Mass at 11:00 a.m. (Rescheduled from Saturday, December 27.) December 31, 2014. New Year's Eve Dinner Dance at Casa Italiana. Call 202-638-0165, or visit the Holy Rosary Church website for up to date informa-
tion on this event. January 4, 2015. La Befana arrives at Casa Italiana at 1:00 p.m. Children and adults are welcome.
After the Midnight Mass and Masses on Christmas Day, everyone is invited to Casa Italiana for refreshments. New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner Dance in Casa Italiana Reservations required. Call (202) 638-0165
THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 – NEW YEAR’S DAY Mass at 11:00 a.m. (English)
SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 2015 – EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Masses: 9:00 a.m. (English); 10:30 a.m. (Italian); 12:00 noon (English).
Blessing of the children after the 12:00 noon Mass. Befana Feast in Casa Italiana at 1:00 p.m. Children will receive a visit from the Befana and a gift for those who have been good. Adults are also invited.
The Lido Civic Club of Washington D.C. 1929-2014 Our 85th Year
Metropolitan Washington’s Premier Italian-American Business and Professional Men’s Organization
Francesco Isgrò, Esq., President Ross Vincenti, Esq., Vice President John DeZinno, Treasurer Paul Zambrotta, Secretary Louis J. Scalfari, Public Affairs Giuseppe Argiolas, Sergeant at Arms “To the end that American citizens of Italian descent or origin and their families may find a welcome and ready entrance into the social, civil and community life of Washington, D.C., and thus be helped in forming acquaintances and taking part in the activities of community life which leads to contentment and tends to make the new member more valuable to himself, his employer and his community; to perpetuate the bond of friendship and good will which has always existed between the American and Italian peoples....” (From the Preamble to the 1929 Lido Club Constitution)