Vol. 53 ▪ Nos. 7-8 Washington D.C.
An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington D.C. Area
July-August 2014 $1.50
World War I: 1914 Papa Francesco: i mafiosi sono scomunicati Trentini Take Up Arms
This is the second installment in Voce Italiana's series on the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I.
Continued on page 3
Pope Francis greets crowds on a visit to Cassano allo Ionio, in Italy's Calabria region. At an outdoor Mass attended by 250,000 people in nearby Sibari, the Pope said "mafiosi" are not in communion with God and are excommunicated. The Calabria region is home to the 'ndrangheta crime organization, known for drug trafficking. di Generoso d’Agnese
«Quando non si adora Dio si diventa adoratori del male. La ‘ndrangheta è adorazione del male. E il male va combattuto, bisogna dirgli di no. La Chiesa deve sempre più spendersi perché il bene possa prevalere. I mafiosi sono scomunicati, non sono in comunione con Dio». Sono parole durissime, quelle rivolte dal Santo Padre alle 250mila persone presenti nella piana di Sibari alcuni giorni fa. Parole che purtroppo colpiscono il segno e che però rimbalzano in alcuni casi contro il muro solido dell’omertà (quasi sempre dettato dalla paura). L’ultimo caso, in ordine di tempo è infatti avvenuto proprio a pochi pochi chilometri da Sibari, a Oppido Mamertino, durante la processione in onore della Madonna. La statua è stata fatta fermare davanti
all’abitazione di un noto esponente della ndrangheta (attualmente agli arresti domiciliari) in segno di “ossequio” e nonostante la presenza dei carabinieri, che hanno abbandonato la processione provvedendo a raccogliere i nomi degli addetti al trasporto. «Quando all’adorazione del Signore si sostituisce l’adorazione del denaro - ha continuato Francesco I - si apre la strada al peccato, all’interesse personale e alla sopraffazione. Quando non si adora il Signore - ha proseguito - si diventa adoratori del male, come lo sono coloro che vivono di malaffare, di violenza, la vostra terra, tanto bella, conosce le conseguenze di questo peccato. La ‘ndrangheta è questo: adorazione del male e disprezzo del bene comune. Questo male Continued on page 11
The assassination attempt in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, on Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was the spark that flamed the fire of the "Great War" throughout Europe. On July 23, Austria sent an ultimatum to Serbia, followed a few days later by a declaration of war that provoked a chain reaction in other countries. Very soon Germany entered the fray siding with Austria. Then France, the United Kingdom and Montenegro took up ranks with Serbia and Russia, which by the end of July had already mobilized its military reserves. Although allied to Austria and Germany by the Triple Alliance, Italy declared a policy of neutrality. Austro-Hungarian Trentino immediately became part of the conflict. The start of the hostilities brought about a general Austrian mobilization on July 31, sending ‘valid men’ between the ages of 21 and 42 to the battlefield. All those born between 1873 and 1893 were ordered to report within twenty-four hours to pre-arranged centers. From there, they were assigned to various battalions and sent to distant fronts. More enlistments took place over the following months and continued for the entire course of the war, so much so that the mobilization extended to include men between the ages of 17 and 50. The total number of Trentini called to arms was almost 60,000. Many of these men never returned home. At the outset most of the Trentini soldiers were dispatched to the eastern front, in particular to Galicia. This region on the border with Russia was considered by the Austro-Hungarian strategists as the starting point for an offensive against the Czarist troops and, conversely by the Russian army, as the only possible
Lucia Dalla Montà 9
Francis Maria Scala 10
Titian's Danaë 11
Address service requested Voce Italiana Holy Rosary Church 595 3rd Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001-2703
Washington D.C., July-August 2014
Viva l’italiano! Italian is Fourth Most-Studied Language in the World
“Sì, proprio l’idioma di Dante, che supera cinese, giapponese, tedesco” by Dianne Hales* Italian barely eclipses Pakistan’s Urdu as the 19th most-spoken language in the world, but according to a new international listing, it ranks fourth among le lingue più studiate al mondo (the most studied languages in the world). L’inglese snags first place, followed by il francese and lo spagnolo. “E, sorpresa, al quarto c’è l’italiano!” (And, surprise, in fourth, it’s Italian!) reports Corriere della Sera. “Sì, proprio l’idioma di Dante, che supera cinese, giapponese, tedesco.” (Yes, indeed, it’s the idiom of Dante that surpasses Chinese, Japanese, German.) “Un trionfo, insomma!” (A triumph, in short!) the paper declares, “inaspettato” (unexpected) for the uninitiated, but “una conferma per linguisti e cultori dell’italianistica” (a confirmation for linguists and those erudite in Italian scholarship). Some of these esperti (experts) gathered in Rome last week for a conference on la lingua italiana come strumento di promozione dell’Italia all’estero (the Italian language as an instrument for the promotion of Italy abroad). Its sponsor was ICoN (Italian Culture on the Net, a consortium of 19 Italian universities dedicated to promuovere e diffondere, per via
telematica, la lingua, la cultura e l’immagine dell’Italia nel mondo (promoting and disseminating, via computer, the language, culture and images of Italy in the world). Why do so many people around the world want to learn Italian? Mirko Tavosania, director of ICoN, offers several reasons:
(if only to read divine recipes). “L’amore per l’italiano deve essere una spinta per un notevole rinnovamento culturale” (The love for Italian must be a push for a significant cultural renovation), says Professor Tavosanis. Italy’s leaders agree.
“L’amore per l’italiano deve essere una spinta per un notevole rinnovamento culturale.” *La cultura italiana (the Italian culture). “Non solo Dante, anche gli scrittori contemporanei” (not only Dante, but also contemporary writers)— whether of narrativa (narrative), poetica (poetry) or saggistica (essays). *La musicalità del parlare italiano (the musicality of speaking Italian) is another great influence—as is la lirica italiana (Italian opera). *Il cibo (the food), which “ha spinto tanti stranieri a studiare i nostri vocaboli” (has pushed so many foreigners to study our words) -“magari solo per leggere divine ricette”
The Ministero degli affari esteri (Minister of Foreign Affairs) has announced a meeting of the Stati Generali (Italian states) in October to develop new ways to enhance Italian nel mercato delle lingue e nella competizione culturale del mondo globalizzato (in the marketplace of languages and in the cultural competition of the globalized world). Its location is ideal: Firenze, la culla della lingua (the cradle of the language). But l’italiano, as the Società Dante Alighieri notes in this video, “é più di una lingua” (is more than a language)-”é un modo di vivere e di pensare” (it’s a way of living of of thinking). “Riuscite a immaginare un mondo senza l’italiano?” (Can you imagine a world without Italian?) *Dianne Hales is author of La Bella Lingua and Mona Lisa: A Life Discovered. You can visit her website at: www. diannehales.com.
Italy Takes on Presidency of European Union Council, Stresses Growth Policies As Italy launched its six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union in early July, all eyes were on Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The Italian leader has taken on the role of head of the opposition to the current stringent German-led response to the euro crisis, as the Wall St. Journal characterized his position. Renzi called for greater flexibility in EU fiscal rules and recommended that Germany not focus so heavily on stability but also look to economic growth and policies to boost investment. Italy is one of the most experienced of the member nations in terms of Council presidencies: between 1959
and today Italy has held 11 presidencies. Statements by Italian ministers and diplomats give a good indication of Italy’s priorities for this term. The stimulation of economic growth, as indicated by Renzi, and the fight against unemployment will be at the heart of the Italian Presidency. The Italian Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan
explained that getting more credit flowing to European SMEs would constitute an important part of completing the “unfinished chapter of the adjustment process” that Italy will pursue during its Presidency. As one of the major growth oriented initiatives currently taking place, the Italian Presidency will emphasize advancing the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations with the United States. Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero recently iterated just that point at an event in Washington D.C., stating that the Italian presidency will be important “in strengthening the partnership between Europe and the USA, for
example, as regards the TTIP negotiations, the future transatlantic agreement on trade and investment.” Regarding employment, Rome is expected to focus on measures that tackle youth unemployment, and to improve the transnational mobility of workers. The issue of immigration is key to Italy, which attracts frequent flows of migrants from North Africa. The Italian Interior Minister Angelino Alfano has claimed that up to 600,000 migrants could try to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe from North Africa this summer alone. --Voce Italiana
Washington D.C., July-August 2014
The Face of Italy and Europe in 1914 at Outbreak of War The largest nation in Europe on the eve of the World War I was Austria-Hungary, a multinational state composed of Austrians, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, Romanians and certain Italians. The Danube monarchy was a union of the crowns and the peoples of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary. Italy at the time was nearly as young a nation as the German Empire, proclaimed in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles in 1871. Victor Emmanuel II had assumed the title of King of Italy in 1861, although he was a somewhat controversial figure, and despite the fact that Rome was still occupied by the French under Napoleon III. The Franco-German War of 1870 offered an opportunity to recapture Rome and make it the capital. Poland was divided up completely among Prussia, Austria-Hungary and Russia in the third Polish Partition of
Nicola Scaldaferri: Grandfather of Voce Italiana Reader
Tsar Alexander III in 1899 but reinstated by Tsar Nicholas II six years later. Iceland, which had been a part of Denmark since the 14th century, had also attained partially autonomy during the second half of the 19th century. Spain had experienced constant unrest and political power struggles since its occupation by In 1914, Austria-Hungary included what is now the Trentino Napoleon's troops. region of Italy. The domestic political 1795 and had since disappeared from the situation remained unstable until the adoption of the constitution of 1876. map as an independent state. After the Congress of Vienna in The leading colonial power in the 1815, it had been united with Russia early years of the 19th century, Spain as "Congress Poland" under a single was compelled to cope with the loss monarch. Under Russian rule since 1809, of nearly all its territories outside the the grand duchy of Finland enjoyed a boundaries of Europe. Most of these certain degree of autonomy in the 19th were relinquished to the United States in century. That status was abolished by the aftermath of war.
World War I: Trentini At War Continued from page 1
Voce Italiana reader Misty Nicola Scaldaferri provided this picture of her grandfather, Nicola Scaldaferri, born in 1898. He was among the thousands of Italian soldiers who fought for their country during World War I, alongside the Allied Powers. Readers are encouraged to send to Voce Italiana their photos, memories and histories, pertaining to WWI in Italy for publication in upcoming articles.
line of attack to strike at the heart of the enemy. Within a few weeks Galicia became a vast and bloody battlefield. There the Trentini soldiers felt the cruelty of war when experiencing the tragedy of the battles and fatigue of the trenches, the suffering of losing friends, of hunger, fear and death: experiences survivors later described in diaries and memoires. More than 11,000 lost their lives in this region and the number of those who were taken prisoner by the Russians or deserted remains uncertain. As in all wars, however, it was not only the soldiers who suffered. While the men were at the front, the work in the fields, stables and woodlands fell to the women, children and elderly left at home. The difficult economic situation and requests by the Hapsburg government sorely tried the civilian population, already suffering emotionally. Requests for livestock increased, heavy taxes were imposed on food and basic goods,
and prices soared. A patriotic collection of metals--copper, brass and lead--was instituted, money was sought through voluntary donations, and a series of war bonds,eight in all, were issued between 1914 and 1918.
(Excerpted from a publication of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento.)
Noted Briefly... ►A
two-year old Italian government program to sell off some of the country's castles, islands, military facilities and other assets to help the national coffers has stalled. So far, the only offer accepted is for a 19thcentury former military hospital in Trieste for $835,000. Properties still on the market include an island in Venice, historic castles and monasteries. ►Actress Sofia Loren, 79, was awarded a Donatello prize, one of Europe's oldest film awards, for her work in The Human Voice (La voce umana), a short film directed by her son Edoardo Ponti. (Loren won her first Donatello in 1959.) Part of the film was shot on the streets of Naples, prompting Loren to say, "I spent my youth here. When I go back to Naples I feel surrounded by warmth and I feel happy." ► A new documentary Finding the Mother Lode by filmmakers Gianfranco Norelli and Suma Kurien looks at Italian immigrants to California, beginning with those who were first lured by the Gold Rush. The film is now screening in California and select locations. ►Louis Zamperini, a onetime Olympic runner who survived more than a month on a raft in the Pacific and two years as a prisoner in World War II, died recently at age 97. His life story has been made into a movie, directed by Angelina Jolie, and due out in December. ►Steve Rossi, 82, one half of the comedy duo Allen & Rossi, died recently in Las Vegas. Born Joseph Tafarella in the Bronx, Rossi began his career in a nightclub act with Mae West.
Washington D.C., July-August 2014 Editor-in-Chief: Fr. Ezio Marchetto C.S. Executive Editor: Francesco Isgrò
Founded in 1960 An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington DC Area
Editorial Board: Anna Bujatti (Italy), Pino Cicala, Enrico Davoli, Dona De Sanctis, Anna Isgrò, Gemma Puglisi, Fred Rotondaro Board of Trustees: Franco Nuschese, Stephanie Razzano, Beatrice Tierney
Voce Italiana
Message from the Pastor Saint Paul writes: brothers (and sisters), rejoice. … encourage one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. (2nd Corinthians13,11) Dear Parishioners and Friends: It has already been one year since I was appointed Pastor of our community of Holy Rosary and I would like to share a few considerations with you. Let me start by saying that it has been an incredible year full of discoveries and events. My first consideration is about our parishioners. I do believe that our community is blessed with a great number of quite remarkable people. It is not common to find parishioners with such a deep love for their church and their faith community. I saw this in the Centennial celebration, but even more in our regular parish life. There are so many volunteers who prepare the liturgies, serve during our sacraments, offer help in our socials, clean and arrange the church and become members of our committees. In doing so, they express, in a simple and concrete way, their dedication to the parish. I believe that it is in this commitment, not only in special moments, but particularly in the small weekly activities, that we see the fondness of our members for Holy Rosary Church. The second consideration is about our groups, those directly connected
with the church and those who find in Holy Rosary their point of reference. Their number, eleven at the last count, expresses the richness and variety of organizations within our community. They are all valid and deserve our support and membership. Out of these groups come devotions, celebrations, activities and initiatives that enrich the whole community and make it vibrant. Finally, Casa Italiana. When Fr. Cesare Donanzan planned Casa Italiana, he envisioned a sociocultural center that, together with the teaching of the Italian language, could showcase the best that the Italian culture could offer. Today, there are several organizations in Washington that work toward the same purpose and it is our challenge to maintain our special presence. I am convinced that with the variety of talents and ideas that our community has, we will be able to continue to be a point of reference for the whole community. As the saying goes, “The best is yet to come.” Sincerely, Father Ezio Marchetto, c.s. Pastor
Our community is blessed with a great number of quite remarkable people...with a deep love for their church and their faith.
Immigration Crisis: The Broader Picture Getting to the root of the problem: Economic disparities, civil unrest
Italy's geographic location makes should be a compassionate one. All it a alluring destination for North children need to be protected, and Africans fleeing civil unrest and the protection means not only providpoverty of their countries. The sta- ing support to those migrant children bility, safety and relative wealth of who are already here, but also disthe United States are also inviting to couraging them from traveling such the thousands of young people flee- great distances at their peril to arrive ing violence in the United and poverty States. in Central Leaders and South in Central America. and South It's easy to America, blame inefand not just fective immiin the United gration poliStates, also cies as the must take cause of our responsibilcurrent miity for this Children released from immigration authorities' custody gration prob- at a bus station in Phoenix, Ariz. Photo by Michael Chow tragic devellems, and inopment. deed, these policies are in dire need But in the long term the more imof fixing. portant debate should be: how can However, the fundamental truth we help the migrants' countries of is that no matter what a reasonable origin? How can these nations create immigration policy might look like, conditions that will give their young as long as we have national borders, people a future? immigrants will always be knockThe discussion for the United ing on the doors of more prosperous States means looking at ways to incountries, unless their daily lives, in crease our foreign aid to these natheir own homes, are improved eco- tions, making sure that the aid is nomically and socially. It's said that delivered directly to those people in given the choice, migrants would need, along with a firm commitment chose to stay in their own countries by their leaders to help their econo-- if conditions allowed them to live mies grow and to support their socithere comfortably and safely. eties' efforts to control crime. The immediate concern here in It's a massive discussion but one the United States is what to do with that must be held in conjunction with the thousands of children and young revising immigration laws to reflect people who are arriving at our south- the changing dynamics of our global ern borders. Our response to them population. --Francesco Isgro
Washington D.C., July-August 2014
Cardinal Wuerl's Message at Opening of National Migration Conference
A call to recognize the human quality, the spiritual character of the faces behind the statistics. The National Migration Conference, a gathering hosted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, and Catholic Charities USA, was held in early July in Washington D.C. The Conference discusses the plight of immigrants, refugees, victims of human trafficking, and other vulnerable people on the move. Following are excerpts from Cardinal Donald Wuerl's homily at the Conference's opening Mass. For the full text, go to http://cardinalsblog.adw. org/2014/07/homily-national-migration-conference-opening-mass/ “The purpose of this National Migration Conference is to address the press-
ing concerns raised by the arrival in the United States of many, many migrants who come looking for a better life. The issues that these waves of immigrants generate are many, complex, challenging, but need to be resolved. . . . As Pope Francis lamented in his visit to immigrants on the island of Lampedusa last year, in much of the world, “we have lost a sense of responsibility for our brothers and sisters.” There is an insensitivity with respect to migrants,” he said, a “globalization of indifference.” In your reflections during this Conference all of us are called to recognize the human quality, the faith dimension and the spiritual character to all of those individual faces that stand behind the
data, statistics, numbers and policy responses. While it is imperative to try to identify the steps needed to resolve the undeniable problems that exist with regard to migration and human trafficking, nonetheless in the meantime there is a need for concrete action on a personal level to help our sisters and brothers in crisis. . . . If we personally are not immigrants, we are most certainly descendants of immigrants, so we can identify with the people of today who leave their home countries to come here, the place we take pride in calling “the land of opportunity,” the place where Lady Liberty says to the world, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Given our personal
family backgrounds, we can relate to immigrants and refugees and we are mindful of the contributions they have made and continue to make in our communities. . . Many of us may no longer be immigrants ourselves, but we are in a sense here as citizens of another place, with our primary allegiance to another kingdom. We are ambassadors for heaven’s kingdom, missionary disciples, sent to a particular land. “Here we have no lasting city,” the Letter to the Hebrews reminds us. Instead “we seek the one that is to come.” As citizens of another city, our perspective is precisely that of the effort to realize the kingdom of God here and now.”
Papa Francesco: ‟Non fatevi rubare la speranza, cari giovani.” crescita, non solo economica, che non si nutre solo di soldi e di malaffare si nutre anche di coscienze addormentate e perciò conniventi».
Segue dalla prima pagina
E puntualmente sono scattate anche le polemiche da parte dei detenuti nei carceri di massima sicurezza affiliati all’organizzazione criminale. Alcuni si sono rifiutati di partecipare alla messa e di prendere la comunione per evidenziare l’inutilità di una partecipazione religiosa. Sono stati smentiti dalla stessa chiesa che ha ribadito invece l’importanza di partecipare al calendario ecclesiastico con sincera contrizione, per tentare una conciliazione con la propria coscienza. Le durissime frasi del Pontefice non arrivano come fulmini a ciel sereno. La chiesa calabrese ( e in generale quelle della Campania, Sicilia e Puglia) è da anni impegnata nella lotta quotidiana di risveglio delle coscienze. «La Chiesa calabrese si sente impegnata nel risvegliare le coscienze
va combattuto, va allontanato, bisogna dirgli di no. La Chiesa che so tanto impegnata nell’educare le coscienze, deve sempre più spendersi perché il bene possa prevalere. Ce lo chiedono i nostri ragazzi. Ce lo chiedono i nostri giovani, bisognosi di speranza. Per poter rispondere a queste esigenze, la fede ci può aiutare». Il Papa in Calabria
contro la malavita organizzata” - ha spiegato il vescovo di Cassano allo Jonio, monsignor Nunzio Galantino, nel saluto al Papa alla Messa sulla spianata di Sibari- e sente anche “la fatica che uomini e donne fanno, e ad acuire la fatica ci si mette la malavita organizzata, che rallenta i processi di
Sono tanti i preti impegnati in prima linea nella lotta quotidiana per il risveglio delle coscienze. Tra essi vi è ad esempio Don Ennio Stamile, originario di San Giacomo di Cerceto in provincia di Cosenza, che negli ultimi dieci anni, è stato impegnato nelle attività del seminario teologico regionale San Pio X di Catanzaro e come delegato regionale della Caritas. Email: Jplamari@msn.com Web: AttorneyLamari.com
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Nel 2001è arrivato alla parrocchia di San Benedetto di Cetraro, di cui è diventato sacerdote dal 2006, ed è stato vittima di intimidazioni mafiose, per aver denunciato ingiustizie ed abusi. Oppure Don Giacomo Panizza, che a Lamezia Terme cerca di stare dalla parte di chi ha bisogno e rischia quotidianamente la vita. «Non lasciatevi rubare la speranza, cari giovani, l’ho detto tante volte, lo ridico oggi” - ha concluso papa Francesco - e non fatevi rubare la speranza, lo dico a tutti».
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Washington D.C., July-August 2014
Italian Minister of Defense Pinotti Pays Official Visit to Washington Italy's Minister of Defense Roberta Pinotti was recently in Washington on an official visit, which included a meeting with Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel at the Pentagon. The officials discussed the strong partnership between the United States and Italy, especially in the area of security and defense. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi appointed Pinotti as Italy's defense minister this past spring. She is the first woman to hold that position. Born in Genoa, Pinotti holds a degree in modern literature and was first elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 2001. In 2013 she was appointed undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Defense. At the Pentagon, Secretary Hagel highlighted his deep appreciation for Italy's hosting of U.S. forces and thanked Minister Pinotti for Italy's cooperation and flexibility in addressing crises, including those in the region. Hagel lauded Italy for its leader-
U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Italy's Minister of Defense, Roberta Pinotti
ship in promoting regional security and stability in the Mediterranean region, North Africa and the Middle East. He also commended Italy for being
Washingtonians Honored by Republic Of Italy At a ceremony at the Italian Embassy, Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, on behalf of the President of Italy, recently awarded four Washingtonians the title of the Cavaliere (Knight) of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. They are: Guido Olimpio, corre-
spondent for Corriere della Sera, Col. Thomas Hogan, former President of the National Columbus Celebration Association, Carmine F. Russo, former Special FBI Agent, Mario Mirabelli, Esq., President of The John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation.
Guido Olimpio, Col. Thomas Hogan, Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, Carmine Russo, Mario Mirabelli
a significant contributor towards the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons materials by offering a port to trans-load Syrian chemical materials between the
Danish vessel Ark Futura and the U.S. vessel Cape Ray. The Defense Secretary also thanked Italy for its leadership, contributions and sacrifices in international coalition operations in the Balkans, the Middle East and especially Afghanistan. Secretary Hagel and Minister Pinotti then discussed the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, where Italy has committed to serve as a framework nation in the west. Finally, the secretary and minister spoke about the importance of continued investment in defense and capabilities, especially the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and Italy's review of its armed forces and defense investments. Hagel encouraged a level of ambition and investment that will ensure that Italy can continue its strong contributions and leadership in the area of security.
Bersaglieri d'Italia at Casa Italiana About 50 Bersaglieri d'Italia be-
longing to the Sezione M. d'A. A. Marcocchio in Toronto, Canada, visited Washington recently, with Holy Rosary parishioner Gilda Del Signore as their guide. The group attended the Italian Mass at Holy Rosary and afterwords mingled with parishioners and enjoyed
coffee at Casa Italiana. The group's president is Joe De Blasis; it is one of a number of groups in the Associazione Nazionale Bersaglieri. Many of the visitors already knew Fr. Ezio Marchetto as their former pastor, before his transfer from Canada to Holy Rosary Church last year.
Fr. Ezio Marchetto with the Bersaglieri from Toronto, Canada
Washington D.C., July-August 2014
Lido Civic Club Awards $50,000 in Scholarships to Area Italian-American Students Costagliola, a sophomore at Swarthmore College. Martina is the first and second recipient of Lido’s Dominic F. Antonelli, Jr. Scholarship. The Lido Civic Club also honored Prof. Lucia Dalla Montà, Director of the Education Office at the Italian Embassy, who was awarded the Lido Civic Club Appreciation Award “in recognition of her contribution in promoting the study of the Italian language in the United States and in reinstating the AP Italian Language and Culture Exam," said President Isgrò. MIA FINELLI
(See page 9 for an interview with Lucia Dalla Montà.) Ross Vincenti, Lory Clavelli, Martina Costagliola, Francesco Isgrò, Pasquale Costagliola, Isabella Costagliola
At a reception held at the Italian Embassy, the Lido Civic Club of Washington D.C, awarded $50,000 in scholarships to seven outstanding Italian-American college students. Fr. Ezio Marchetto, pastor of Holy Rosary Church, gave the invocation. Italian Embassy Counselor Michele Pala welcomed the guests to the Embassy and thanked the Lido Civic Club for its support in promoting the teaching of the Italian Language, in awarding the scholarships, and in honoring Lucia Dalla Monta', the outgoing Education Director at the Italian Embassy. In announcing the awards, Francesco Isgrò, President of the Lido Civic Club, stated that this "was an evening for our young Italian-American scholarship winners to feel especially proud of their Italian heritage, and for us in the Lido Club to be thankful for being able to support our future - and by that I mean the future of Italian Americans in this country." The awards were announced by Lorry Clavelli, Chairman of the Lido Civic Club Scholarship Committee. The students who received the scholarships were: Anthony Bagileo, a sophomore at Howard County Community College; Natalie Eichner, a senior at the University of Virginia; Daniel Evans, a junior at Lycoming College; and Amy Grudier, a sophomore at Cedarville University in Ohio; Francesca Orfila, who will be a junior at either William and Mary or Catholic University; Carlo St. Regis, a sophomore at the University of Maryland; and Martina
Guido Adelfio, Fr. Ezio Marchetto Joseph Scolaro, Joseph A. Scolaro, Cora Scolaro, Cristina Scolaro
Holy Rosary Parishioners Renew Their Marriage Vows Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, celebrated an annual Jubilarian Mass in June at the Basilica of the National Shrine. During the Mass, he honored more than 800 couples celebrating wedding anniversaries, ranging from 25 to 75 years. Among the Holy Rosary parishioners renewing their vows were Joseph and Kathy Smith, who have been married for 45 years, Don and Diana Dickhute, 66 years, and Daniel and Monica Stabile, 33 years.
Kathy Smith, Arch. Wuerl, Joseph Smith
Daniel and Monica Stabile
Diana and Don Dickhute
Washington D.C., July-August 2014
A Batch of New Books for Summer Reading
Rome's first woman U.S. ambassador, a cultural history of Sicily, and more Italoamericana: The Literature of the Great Migration: 1880-1943
Price of Fame: The Hon. Clare Boothe Luce by Sylvia Jukes Morris Random House., 735 pp.
In this volume Sylvia Jukes Morris takes up the story of one of America's most influential, groundbreaking women, Clare Boothe Luce -- a story Morris began 17 years ago in her book Rage for Fame. While that book focused on the Luce's early years and her rising ambition, this volume covers the remainder of the extraordinary life of the beautiful and brilliant Luce, who was born in 1903 and died in 1987. The book opens in January 1943, with her arrival on Capitol Hill as the new Republican representative from Connecticut. As the only female member of the House Military Affairs Committee, she was part of a tour to the Western Front, captivating generals and even visiting concentration camps. One of the most moving sections of the story tells of Luce's conversion to Catholicism, after a family tragedy. Her friend Pope Pius XII considered her one of the most effective secular preachers
Edited by Francesco Durante and Robert Viscusi Fordham U. Press, 997 pp.
of Catholism in America. In 1952, she was appointed to Rome as the first U.S. woman ambassador to a major power. At first, Italians didn't know what to make of her, but after she negotiated a peace settlement over the city of Trieste, Italians fondly called her "La Luce." In 1955, Washington's own Lido Civic Club honored Luce with its first Woman of the Year award. There's enough adventure, gossip, and mystery in these to keep readers entertained all summer long.
Making Italian America
Americano and enjoyed considerable prestige as a journalist. Included in this anthology is a stirring speech that he delivered at a mass meeting to protest the lynching of 11 Italians in New Orleans. After decrying the injustice of the lynching, Roversi sums up the immigrants' relationship to the motherland: "Every Italian -- coming to America -brought not a material symbol of Italy, but her sacred thought, her august image as mother and queen, the memory of her Calvaries and of her Easters -- all of Italy!"
Sicily: A Cultural History by Joseph Farrell Interlink Pub., 256 pp.
Edited by Simone Cinotto Fordham U. Press, 317 pp.
This sociological and cultural study of how the Italian-American identity was forged in America, carries the dialogue of ethnic identity into new territory. The series of essays focus on consumerism, consumption and taste as determinants of ethnic identity, a fascinating approach. The opening chapters discuss how Italian immigrants encountered and remade American consumer society through their clothes, goods, and the products they imported from their homeland. (Martini & Rossi was an early Italian exporter to the newland.) The final essays discuss consumption among Italian Americans during the current multicultural age, including insights into the relationship between Italian Americans and the "Made in
This massive anthology rings out with the voices of legions of Italians and Italian Americans over six decades. From it flows their poetry, drama, stories, memoires, novels, speeches, oral histories and more. The book is translated from the original compilation in Italian, which was edited by journalist and professor Francesco Durante. This American version was edited by Brooklyn College professor Robert Viscusi. All told, the book offers more than 75 creative entries that provide profound insights into the lives of the pre-World War II Italian immigrants. Their combined stories form a moving literary creation of Italian migration to America. One entry, for example, comes from Luigi Roversi, an Italian lawyer and journalist who came to American and became an editor at Il Progresso Italo-
Italy" brand, in a chapter called, "The Double Life of the Italian Suit." Making Italian America is an innovative and entertaining addition to the body of Italian-American literature.
The island of Sicily, so beloved by travelers over the centuries, still remains a mystery in many ways. Few people know, for example, that there are more Greek temples in Sicily than in Greece. Or that it is the larges-wine producing area in Italy. Or that the sonnet was invented by Sicilian poets. The first six chapters of this cultural guide of Sicily, written by a professor of Italian, cover the island's rich and varied history, including its domination by Arabs for more than two centuries, and the periods of Norman and Spanish rule. The remaining chapters are a journey across the island, into large cities and small towns, seaside resorts and mountain villages -- noting spectacular
sites, such as the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, and the Baroque towns of Ragusa and Noto. If you can't make it to Sicily this summer, this historical and cultural tour of the captivating island offers an alternative.
Washington D.C., July-August 2014
Lucia Dalla Montà, Outgoing Director of Education Office at the Italian Embassy
"Il sistema scolastico di un paese riflette la cultura stessa di un popolo" Lucia Dalla Montà, the outgoing director of the Education Office at the Italian Embassy, was recently awarded the Lido Civic Club Appreciation Award for her key role in promoting the study of the Italian language and culture and for her efforts in helping to reinstate the AP Italian Language exam. Before leaving for her native Padova, she responded to Voce Italiana's questions about her time here. Lei e` stata direttrice dell’ufficio scuola all’Ambasciata per quattro anni. Ci puo’ parlare della sua missione?
Luglio 2013 P. Ezio Marchetto, nuovo parroco, diveniva il nuovo direttore dell’ente. Credo che dobbiamo alla forza, tenacia, passione (oltre a tante altre doti e qualità) di Flavia Colombo se l’ente è riuscito a continuare le attività e, per certi versi, a migliorarle. Ovviamente, sono sempre stata al fianco di Flavia per non disperdere nulla del prezioso patrimonio linguisticoculturale fino ad ora costruito. Infine, un altro cambiamento fortemente invocato dagli stessi protagonisti, e’ l’avere contribuito a costituire un “gruppo” di docenti, nel senso che l’avere facilitato la
“effective”. In sostanza, per le autorita’ scolastiche non importa chi sei, da dove vieni e come ti vesti. Importanti sono gli argomenti che porti alla discussione, l’obiettività e l’esperienza maturata nel tuo settore. Se riesci a convincere, cosa non scontata, puoi lavorare davvero molto bene insieme. Che cosa l’ha colpita di piu` del sistema educativo americano e come pensa che potrebbe migliorare? A dire il vero non ho avuto molto tempo per studiare il sistema scolastico americano. Tuttavia, dalle pagine dei maggiori quotidiani ho spesso letto di
Credo che il mio mandato presso l’ufficio scuola dell’Ambasciata a Washington sia stato caratterizzato da grandi sfide e grandi cambiamenti. La più importante, più intrigante e più coinvolgente sfida e’ sicuramente stata quella costituita dal creare le condizione per il ripristino definitivo dell’italiano nel programma AP, dopo la reintroduzione provvisoria dall’anno scolastico 2011-12. Per poter rimanere nel programma, infatti, dobbiamo impegnarci a raggiungere il numero concordato con di College Board di 2.500 esami annui a partire dall’anno scolastico 2015-16. Come Ambasciata e rete consolare, insieme ad altre organizzazioni e associazioni, abbiamo lavorato moltissimo, soprattutto per sostenere il lavoro e la preparazione degli Francesco Isgrò presents Lucia Dalla Montà with the Lido Civic Club Appreciation Award insegnanti, per stimolare l’interesse for her work in promoting the Italian language and culture in the United States. di studenti e famiglie, per coinvolgere maggiormente le scuole. Un grande comunicazione tra insegnanti, ha reso “criticità” che, per quanto mi risulta, lavoro condotto con tanta passione da possibile la formazione di una comunità sono talora sovrapponibili a quelle professionale di ottimo livello. italiane. parte di tutti. A livello locale si sono Come educatrice che ha interagito Quali sono i migliori metodi che verificati cambiamenti importanti nell’organizzazione dei nostri enti e lavorato con il sistema scolastico l’Italia potrebbe offrire al sistema gestori dei corsi di lingua italiana. A americano nella promozione della educativo americano? Anche qui posso parlare solo seguito della scomparsa nel gennaio lingua italiana, quali sono i metodi che condividerebbe con i suoi colleghi attraverso le riflessioni di altri, in questo 2012 di Cesarina Horing, direttrice caso i genitori italiani che, in genere, dell’ente gestore “Italian Cultural in Italia? In fatto di promozione della lingua? rimpiangono l’assenza dai curricoli Society Language Program”, che aveva il maggior numero di corsi nelle scuole Sicuramente direi che nell’ambiente di studio di materie per noi formative e gestiva i corsi integrativi, le attività americano e’ molto importante essere per eccellenza quali storia, geografia, per i bambini passavano nel gennaio dei professionisti seri e preparati letteratura italiana, filosofia. Ma, come 2013 all’ente “Casa Italiana Language nel proprio campo. L’approccio e’ tutti ben sappiamo, il sistema scolastico School”, diretto da P. Claudio Holzer. A pragmatico, se vogliamo, ma molto di un paese riflette la cultura stessa di
un popolo e sarebbe molto azzardato pensare di “trapiantare” modelli pedagogici estranei. Durante la sua permanenza qui ha constatato maggiori aperture da parte delle High School (Licei) in merito all’inserimento dello studio della lingua italiana nelle loro scuole? Ho visto, in generale, un crescendo di interesse per la nostra lingua, dimostrato poi anche nei dati, a partire dal reinserimento nel programma AP. Nelle scuole locali abbiamo inizialmente condotto una buona campagna per evitare la chiusura di corsi già avviati, ma le iniziative intraprese (come le borse di studio, concorsi, eventi, …) insieme alle attività realizzate in occasione del 2013, anno della cultura italiana negli USA, hanno rivitalizzato l’interesse. Studenti ed insegnanti, ad esempio, ancora ricordano gli incontri presso le scuole avvenuti con il nostro astronauta Roberto Vittori nell’autunno scorso: un vero successo per l’Italia e per i corsi di lingua! Secondo il suo punto di vista, quali sono le azioni da intraprendere al fine di garantire un maggiore ruolo della lingua italiana nel sistema educativo americano? A mio avviso serve una costante mobilitazione su tutto il territorio nazionale per non abbassare mai la guardia sullo stato dell’italiano. Bisogna, inoltre, curare molto bene la formazione dei docenti sia sul piano linguistico che su quello della didattica della lingua. Infine sono necessari più insegnanti disponibili ed e’ altrettanto necessario che siano preparati e certificati. Negli incontri avuti con le varie autorità scolastiche locali, quello del numero e della preparazione degli insegnanti e’ stato indicato come il vero nodo cruciale del programma perché, in buona sostanza, difficilmente una scuola chiude un programma di successo, ed il successo dipende in buona misura dall’insegnante!
Washington D.C., July-August 2014
Francis Maria Scala: First Marine Corps Band Leader “The President’s Own” Marine Band was founded by Congress in 1798 to perform for the President of the United States and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. The celebrated Marine Band is America’s oldest continuously active professional musical organization. But what is little known is that its first bandmaster, before the illustrious John Phillip Souza, was an Italian immigrant. Francesco Maria Scala was born in Naples, Italy. The exact year of his birth is uncertain, but is generally placed at 1819. Later, once in the United States, Scala wrote about his life: “My family was not a musical one but I had loved music and had been trained at the musical college in Naples. I was about twenty years old when I went aboard the old Brandywine of the Mediterranean fleet in 1841 and enlisted [in the Navy] as a 3rd class musician.” It was during his voyage aboard the Brandywine, that Scala adopted the English form of his first name, Francis. Scala recalled, “I spoke no English but the Executive Officer of the Brandywine spoke Italian. I was soon playing clarionette [sic] in the band on the Brandywine. I had only been one month on the Man-of-War when the Executive Officer told me he would place me in charge of the band.” Despite his musical talents, the seagoing life did not agree with Scala. He wrote: “Finally we reached Norfolk. I was determined that I should never again go near salt water and I soon secured my discharge not having been a year in the Navy. Then I was asked to become a bandmaster in the Army, stationed at Fortress Monroe. I was about to accept it, but then I looked at all the salt water around the fort and declined the position.” Scala’s decision set the stage for his
His musicianship was immediately noted and he was promoted to Fife Major. On the retirement of Rafael Triay in 1855, Scala was put in charge of the band. Scala would become the first man to hold the title “Leader of the Band,” although the position was not officially established until the Act of July 25, 1861. Scala wrote that the Leader of the Marine Band was paid $16 a month. During his 16 years as bandleader, Scala increased the band’s size from about ten musicians to about 35 pieces by the time he retired. More importantly, Francis Maria Scala (Music Division, Library of Congress) he maintained a full complement of joining the Marine Band. “I journeyed woodwinds during the Civil War period, up the Chesapeake to Baltimore and when many bands were dominated by came to Washington. Soon I secured a brass instruments. Scala’s foresight in place in the Marine Band,” he explained. balancing woodwinds and brass gave Official Marine Corps records show that the Marine Band continuity and set the Scala enlisted in the Marine Corps on stage for further developments by his Aug. 11, 1842, at Washington, D.C. with successor, John Philip Sousa. the rank of Musician. He was described As bandmaster, Scala became close as being 22 years old, 5 feet 6 inches to several Presidents. He noted that, high, with grey eyes and dark hair. “General Taylor was an old-fashioned The band that Scala found was far soldier who put on no airs whatsoever,” different from the one we know today. and “Fillmore was a handsome man and “It was a small reed affair then. We a pleasant gentleman.” had one flute, one clarionette [sic], one But it was with Abraham Lincoln French horn, two trombones, one bugle, that Scala established his closest one bass drum, and one cymbal player.” relationship. “Lincoln I always remember with affection. He was so delightfully plain and honest. ‘Old Abe’ liked music and was my friend. I have many personal souvenirs of him,” he wrote. Scala conducted the Marine Band in a serenade for Lincoln the evening the President-elect arrived in the nation’s capital. He and the band also accompanied Lincoln to Gettysburg for the dedication of the National Cemetery,
U.S. Marine Band Quartet to Perform at Casa Italiana To honor Francis Maria Scala, the first bandmaster of the U.S. Marine Band, a quartet of the Marine Band will perform a selection of Scala’s compositions. The performance will be held at Casa Italiana on Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. The event is free. All are invited to attend. where Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg address. As a composer and arranger, Scala was prolific. His personal music collection was donated by his son, Norman P. Scala, in 1952 to the Library of Congress, where it is still housed. The collection contains more than 600 titles, ranging from original compositions to major arrangements, particularly of Italian composers Giuseppe Verdi and Gioacchino Rossini. Also included is the march that Scala composed for the Inaugural Ball of General Grant, which he described as, “the most important achievement of my musical career.” Scala remained as leader of the Marine Band until December 13, 1871. He continued to live in Washington, in his home on South Carolina Avenue, S.E., where he died on April 18, 1903. Funeral services were held at his home and at Saint Peter’s Catholic Church. The Marine Band played Scala’s favorite hymn, “Nearer My God to Thee,” as his body was ushered out of the house. At the church, the band played Scala’s arrangement of the funeral dirge from Verdi’s opera Il trovatore – the same arrangement that Scala and the Marine Band had played for the visit of the Prince of Wales to George Washington’s tomb. After a requiem mass, Scala was interred at Congressional Cemetery. --Excerpted from an article by Captain Frank Byrne, USMC, (Ret.), Nov. 1989
Washington D.C., July-August 2014
Titian Masterpiece Visits National Art Gallery The Danaë, Titian’s opulent work depicting a maiden waiting to receive Jupiter, king of the gods, is among the masterpieces that best represent the Italian Renaissance. On loan from its permanent home in the Capodimonte Museum in Naples, the work will be on exhibit at the National Gallery of Art through November 2, 2014. Tiziano Vecellio (called Titian) is considered the greatest force in Venetian Renaissance painting. Born around 1490 in the Italian Alps, he moved at an early age to Venice to study art. By 1510, Titian had established himself as an independent master, becoming the official painter to the Venetian Republic. As his fame spread internationally, patrons included the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, Philip II of Spain, and Francis I of France. Titian was a master in all painted genres, creating portraits, Madonnas, playful mythological pictures, sensuous nudes, and meditative religious works. Titian died in 1576 and was buried in Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, where his dramatic altarpiece, The Assumption of the Virgin (1516–1518), had been installed nearly 60 years before. Titian painted the Danaë in 15451546 during a visit to Rome. The painting was looted by German troops
in Italy during World War II and later discovered in an Austrian salt mine. It was recovered by the “Monuments Men” in 1945 and returned to the Italian government two years later. The arrival of the Danaë to Washington in early July marked the inauguration of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The term will be important,
noted Italian Ambassador to the U.S. Claudio Bisogniero at the opening of the Danaë, “in strengthening the partnership between Europe and the United States.” The exhibition is part of the “Italy in US campaign” (italyinus.org), and was made possible by support from Intesa Sanpaolo, and the Berlucchi and Ferrero Groups.
National Gallery Acquires First Pistoletto Work A work by Michelangelo Pistoletto, a key proponent of Italy’s “Arte Povera” movement, was recently purchased by the National Gallery of Art, making it the first Pistoletto piece in the museum. Called Donna che indica (Woman Who Points), the work is an example of the artist’s mirror paintings, which are considered the foundation of his art. The silkscreen print on sheets of polished steel, more than eight feet high and wide, show a woman pointing to a distant object that viewers cannot see, creating a whimsical interaction as they too are reflected in the mirror. Pistoletto was born in 1933 in Biella, Italy, near Turin. His early training came from his father, a traditional painter and art restorer. In 1962 Michelangelo first
Titian's Danaë, on loan from the Capodimonte Museum in Naples, is at the National Gallery of Art through November 2, 2014.
Salvatore Scarpitta Exhibit at Hirshhorn Museum A fascinating and unusual figure in postwar art, Salvatore Scarpitta (1919–2007) created a body of work ranging from abstraction to realism. His career linked the worlds of art and car racing, moving from the avantgarde cultural circles of postwar Rome to the speedways of rural Maryland and Pennsylvania. Focusing on his shaped and wrapped canvases, race cars, and sleds, Salvatore Scarpitta: Traveler, a new exhibition at the Hirshhorn Museum, illuminates themes that occupied the artist throughout his life: risk, movement, death, and rebirth. Admired in Europe where he began his career, Scarpitta has yet to be fully recognized in his native United States. This is the first solo presentation of his work at an American museum in more than a decade, and the first ever on the East Coast. The Scarpitta exhibition is sponsored in part by the Italian Cultural Institute on the occasion of Italy’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Salvatore Scarpitta, Trevis Race Car (Sal Gambler Special), 1985 July 1 through December 31, 2014.
Pistolletto, Donna che indica started to paint on mirrors, connecting art with constantly changing reality. Pistoletto also turned to the use of “impoverished” materials, such as tissue paper, rags, bricks, newspaper and others, hence helping to create the movement called Arte Povera. The artist had his first solo exhibition in the U.S. in 1966. In the 1980s he pursued performance and theatre arts, including projects in Atlanta and San Francisco. Pistoletto lives and works in Turin.
Washington D.C., July-August 2014
Casa Italiana 595 Third St., NW Washington, DC 20001
July 27, 2014. AMHS meeting presents a panel "Local Italian Artistry: Mosaic, Ceramics, & Painting." 1:00 p.m. at Casa Italiana at 1:00 pm. Presenters: Antonio Bianchini, Roberto Paolinelli and Raffaele De Gregorio. Contact Joe Novello at 301-927-4766. August 17, 2014. AMHS's Ferragosto Picnic at Villa Rosa, Mitchellville, Md. 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. September 7, 2014. Italian American Festival at Villa Rosa in Mitchellville, Md. The Monaldi Brothers Band will perform. September 21, 2014. Concert by Quartet of the Marine Band. 3:00 p.m. Casa Italiana. October 13, 2014. Columbus Day Ceremony at the Christopher Columbus Memorial across from Union Station.
October 18, 2014. Songs from Sanremo Festivals. Casa Italiana. 7:00 p.m. October 24-25, 2014. NIAF 39th anniversary gala weekend. November 22, 2014. Lido Civic Club 85th Aniversary Past Presidents' Night Gala at Italian Embassy.
Dinner from il Canale Restaurant Tickets $45.00 under 14 years old $30 For reservations please call 301-654-5218 or 202-638-0165
The Lido Civic Club of Washington D.C. 1929-2014 Our 85th Year
Metropolitan Washington’s Premier Italian-American Business and Professional Men’s Organization
Francesco Isgrò, Esq., President Ross Vincenti, Esq., Vice President John DeZinno, Treasurer Paul Zambrotta, Secretary Louis J. Scalfari, Public Affairs Giuseppe Argiolas, Sergeant at Arms “To the end that American citizens of Italian descent or origin and their families may find a welcome and ready entrance into the social, civil and community life of Washington, D.C., and thus be helped in forming acquaintances and taking part in the activities of community life which leads to contentment and tends to make the new member more valuable to himself, his employer and his community; to perpetuate the bond of friendship and good will which has always existed between the American and Italian peoples....” (From the Preamble to the 1929 Lido Club Constitution)