Voce Italiana June 2014

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Vol. 53 ▪ No. 6 Washington D.C.

June 2014 $1.50

An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington D.C. Area

Messaggio dellʼAmbasciatore Festa della Repubblica Celebrated in Washington D.C. Claudio Bisogniero ai connazionali Mass also commemorates Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini Cari Connazionali, quella del 2 giugno è la più importante ricorrenza istituzionale del nostro Paese perché in questa data celebriamo la fondazione stessa della Repubblica, basata sui valori della libertà, della democrazia, dell’uguaglianza e della pacifica convivenza tra i popoli. Proprio quei valori, quindi, che ci uniscono profondamente al grande Paese che ci ospita, gli Stati Uniti. Ecco perché per noi qui - e per le decine di milioni di persone che in un modo o nell’altro sono figlie sia dell’uno che dell’altro Paese - la festa nazionale assume un valore ancora più forte. Si tratta quindi anche di un’occasione per celebrare valori condivisi e una comune visione delle relazioni internazionali; un momento per festeggiare la profonda amicizia tra Italia e Stati Uniti. Il 68mo anniversario della Repubblica diventa, all’estero, anche un’occasione per celebrare l’identità di italiani e di italo-americani, e di sentire l’orgoglio di discendere o provenire da un grande Paese e da una incomparabile cultura. Continua a pagina 2

Children of Holy Rosary parishioners sang at a Mass commemorating Italian National Day. Behind the children are Fr. Ezio Marchetto, Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero and Mrs. Laura Denise Bisogniero.

Ambasciatore Claudio Bisogniero

day, June 1. He had dedicated his life to the service of the church, and especially to the plight of migrants. In 1887, then-Bishop Scalabrini founded the Scalabrinian congregation, whose members now serve in thirty-two countries, including at Holy Rosary Church. At the conclusion of the Mass, Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero addressed the congregation briefly, noting in particular the role of Holy Rosary in the nation's capital, and remarking on how appropriate it is to identify Holy Rosary as “la Chiesa Nazionale Italiana.” The Ambassador thanked Italians and the Italian- American community for their contributions, sacrifices, work Continued on page 4


On June 1, 2014, a solemn Mass was celebrated by Fr. Ezio Marchetto at Holy Rosary in commemoration of Italian National Day (La Festa della Repubblica), and in remembrance of Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini, founder of the Scalabrinians, who died on June 1, 1905. The Mass was enhanced this year by the voices of the children of parishioners, sporting clothing reflecting the colors of the Italian flag. The children's choir, organized by Le Dive, sang along with the adult choir, directed by Maria Marigliano. The children also performed a bilingual rendition of Italy's National Anthem (Inno dei Mameli) and America's Star-Spangled Banner. Fr. Ezio recalled in his homily that Bishop Scalabrini had died in his own diocese in Piacenza on that very

Massimo Vignelli 3

Ceramics Exhibition


Renting a Villa in Italy 7

Address service requested Voce Italiana Holy Rosary Church 595 Third Street, NW Washington, DC 20001-2703



Washington D.C., June 2014

Messaggio dell'Ambasciatore Bisogniero ai connazionali "Ma non c’è cultura e non c’è identità senza lingua."

Segue dalla prima pagina

Ma non c’è cultura e non c’è identità senza lingua. Voglio cogliere l’occasione di questo mio messaggio per il 2 giugno per ribadire il mio appello a tutti - italiani, italo-americani ed italofili - per una grande mobilitazione per la promozione della lingua italiana negli Stati Uniti. Si tratta di una sfida che passa nell’immediato anche attraverso il definitivo ristabilimento – un volta raggiunta la sua autosostenibilità – dell’esame di Advanced Placement di Italiano. Ci stiamo avvicinando all’obiettivo, e sento che ce la faremo. Ma non dobbiamo risparmiare tutti gli sforzi per ridare alla nostra lingua la posizione che merita in America. Il mio grazie va a tutti coloro - gli insegnanti, i rappresentanti della collettività, gli enti e le associazioni italiane e italoamericane - che stanno sostenendo questo impegno a favore dell’italiano. Cari connazionali, il nostro Paese sta attraversando una fase molto importante di riforma e rilancio dell’economia e di ritrovamento di quella fiducia in noi stessi che dobbiamo dare soprattutto alle nuove generazioni. Tutti – residenti in Patria e all’estero - possiamo contribuire al grande sforzo in atto. So, perché in tanti me lo avete detto, che non farete mancare il vostro apporto. L’Italia–ben consapevole delle difficoltà economiche che incontrano molti cittadini, in particolare i giovani –intende promuovere durante il nostro semestre di presidenza UE politiche volte alla crescita economica e all’occupazione; ricordando come anche la nostra costituzione sancisce il principio che “l’Italia è una repubblica fondata sul lavoro”. Anche in questa prospettiva il governo italiano darà il suo massimo sostegno ai negoziati per l’aerea di libero scambio TTIP: un grande accordo economico e commerciale che GINO MARINUCCI, C.P.A., P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS “SINCE 1975 YOUR SMALL BUSINESS SPECIALIST” ACCOUNTING ● TAX PLANNING TAX PREPARATION ● SOFTWARE SUPPORT COMPLETE PAYROLL SERVICE (301) 942-2266

porterà benefici ad entrambe le sponde dell’Atlantico. Ci aspettano importanti appuntamenti internazionali come – appunto – il semestre di Presidenza italiana dell’Unione Europea, a partire dal prossimo luglio, in cui intendiamo imprimere un rinnovato spirito europeista e solidale a quel grande sistema di integrazione continentale che è l’UE. Ci attende inoltre l’Esposizione Universale di Milano 2015, un evento di portata mondiale dedicato alle sfide della nutrizione e della sostenibilità. EXPO Milano 2015 porrà a partire dal 1 maggio del prossimo anno l’Italia al centro di un dibattito fondamentale per l’avvenire del pianeta, su temi come quello del cibo e della salute, che ci vedono all’avanguardia da sempre. Vi invito fin da ora a programmare una vista ad EXPO e, al tempo stesso, alle straordinarie bellezze del nostro Paese. Cari connazionali, nell’augurare a tutti una buona festa della Repubblica - che ci faccia ricordare il significato profondo di quello che oggi celebriamo - colgo l’occasione per ringraziare tutti (italiani di prima generazione, discendenti, italo-americani e amici dell’Italia), per la straordinaria

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collaborazione che offrite a tutta la rete diplomatico-consolare italiana negli Stati Uniti. E vi ribadisco il nostro impegno continuo dell’Ambasciata, della rete consolare per sostenervi nei vostri sforzi e nella vita quotidiana. Vorrei anche ringraziarvi per il grande

Noted Briefly... ►If you are in Rome this summer, be sure to visit the Michelangelo exhibition at the Musei Capitolini, Seventy works by the Tuscan-born artist are on display in honor of the 450th year of his death. The works, on loan from museums in Florence, Venice, London and elsewhere, will be on view until September 14, 2014. ►Angelina Jolie is directing a new film due out this year about ItalianAmerican Olympic legend Louis Zamperini, now 97. Apart from his fame as a distance runner, Zamperini was a prisoner of war in World War II, and is an inspirational speaker. The movie, called Unbroken, is adapted from a best-selling book by the same name.

contributo che il vostro sacrificio, il vostro lavoro, i vostri studi, la vostra ricerca e la vostra creatività, offrono all’Italia e alla sua immagine e reputazione in questo Paese. Viva l’Italia, Viva gli Stati Uniti.i d’America, viva gli Italiani di America!

►First came Jersey Boys, the play, now comes Jersey Boys, the movie, directed by Clint Eastwood. It tells the story of the rise to fame of the Four Seasons, the Italian-American quartet of the 1960s that included the falsetto voice of Frankie Valli.

►Jerry Vale, a popular singer of the 1950s and '60s, died recently in Calif. at age 83. Born Genaro Louis Vitaliano, Vale recorded more than 50 albums, with songs such as Volare, Al Di La and You Don't Know Me. He counted fellow Italian- American Frank Sinatra among his friends. ►Julia Cuniberti, 90, an Italy specialist who served in the OSS (the precursor to the CIA) during World War II, died recently in New York. The daughter of an Italian immigrant, she spoke four languages and helped review intelligence materials flowing in from Europe during the war. She later became an artist operating Cuniberti Art and Design in Virginia. Email: Jplamari@msn.com Web: AttorneyLamari.com


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Washington D.C., June 2014

Azzurri Carioca! L’Italia ancora una volta protagonista dei Mondiali di Generoso D'Agnese

Mancano pochi giorni alla partenza e c’è tanta euforia intorno a una nazionale italiana che ancora una volta cercherà di essere protagonista dei Mondiali. E si spera di arrivare più in là rispetto all’ultima partecipazione che ha visto l’Italia campione del Mondo uscire anzitempo dagli stadi del Sudafrica. 31 i convocati dal commissario tecnico Prandelli e tra questi verranno scelti i 23 giocatori che faranno parte della spedizione in Brasile. Ovviamente in maglia azzurra, adottata nel lontano 1911, dopo l’iniziale scelta del colore bianco, in onore di Casa Savoia. I colori azzurri hanno regalato al calcio italiano 4 titoli mondiali (1934, 1938, 1982, 2006), un campionato d’Europa (1968), una Olimpiade (1936), due Coppe Internazionali (1930, 1935) nonché il titolo di vicecampione del mondo nel 1970 e nel 1994 sempre alle spalle del Brasile. Con la maglia azzurra l’allenatore Vittorio Pozzo conquistò il record di primo e unico selezionatore ad aver vinto due titoli mondiali di seguito, una Olimpiade e due trofei internazionali.

Il goleador della maglia azzurra, dopo 100 anni rimane ancora Gigi Riva, capace di realizzare 35 gol in 42 partite e di piazzarsi davanti a due altre leggende del calcio italiano: Giuseppe Meazza (33 gol) e Silvio Piola (30 gol). Fu Giampiero Combi ad alzare il primo trofeo vinto nel 1934. Primo capitano di una nazionale campione del Mondo, lasciò la fascia e l’onore a Meazza nel 1938. Nel 1982 toccò a Dino Zoff rappresentare l’entusiasmo della squadra nella bolgia del Bernabeu di Madrid. E Fabio Cannavaro ha stretto il trofeo del 2006. Nel 1968 toccò al grande e rimpianto Giacinto Facchetti alzare le mani con la coppa d’Europa vinta a Roma sulla Jugoslavia. Gianluigi Buffon con le sue 140 presenze detiene il record delle presenze. Il più giovane dei nazionali giocò nel 1910. Si chiamava Renzo De Vecchi e aveva 16 anni. Divenne una leggenda del calcio italiano. Giuseppe Rossi ancora una volta rappresenterà la comunità italiana negli Stati Uniti. Il centravanti nato a Teaneck e cresciuto a Clifton (NJ) affonda le sue radici nel paese abruzzese di Fraine.


La nazionale calcistica d'Italia che lo scorso 10 settembre ha battuto 2-1 la Repubblica Ceca a Torino e si è qualificata con 2 turni di anticipo per Brasile 2014. Portieri: Buffon (Juventus), Perin (Genoa), Sirigu (PSG), *Mirante (Parma); Difensori: Abate (Milan), Barzagli (Juventus), Bonucci (Juventus), Chiellini (Juventus), Darmian (Torino), De Sciglio (Milan), Maggio (Napoli), Paletta (Parma), Pasqual (Fiorentina), Ranocchia (Inter); Centrocampisti: Aquilani (Fiorentina), Candreva (Lazio),

De Rossi (Roma), Marchisio (Juventus), Montolivo (Milan), Parolo (Parma), Pirlo (Juventus), Romulo (Verona), Thiago Motta (PSG), Verratti (PSG) Attaccanti: Balotelli (Milan), Cassano (Parma), Cerci (Torino), Destro (Roma), Immobile (Torino), Rossi (Fiorentina), Insigne (Napoli).

Designer Massimo Vignelli Brought Simplicity, Style to D.C. Metro and Beyond


Massimo and Lella Vignelli: "One of the most celebrated design partnerships of the postwar era." Italian-American designer Massimo Vignelli, best known locally as the creator of the Washington D.C. metro system's elegant and simple signs, died recently in New York at age 83. Vignelli leaves a monumental design legacy locally and internationally. Born in Milan, where he received his training at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and the Polytechnic University, Vignelli came to the United States with his wife, Lella, in the 1960s. Together they formed what the Washington Post has called “one of the most celebrated design partnerships of the postwar era and beyond.” Vignelli always referred to his wife as his “chief collaborator.” The Vignellis created a map of the New York City subway system (now at the Museum of Modern Art in N.Y.),

Bloomingdale's famous Big Brown Bag, the logo of American Airlines, and pamphlets for the National Park Service. They created corporate campaign designs for numerous companies, such as Gilette, Ford, Xerox, Cinzano and IBM. And the Vignelli-designed “Handkerchief chair,” which resembles a billowing handkerchief, is a highly stylized, cleanable, stackable, durable design, still widely found in use today. The trademarks of Vignelli's design are simplicity and functionality. He was a proponent of rationalists such as Bauhaus architect Mies van der Rohe. Vignelli decried wastefulness and promoted permanence. “We are for a design that lasts, that responds to people's needs and to people's wants,” wrote Vignelli in The Vignelli Canon, a book/manifesto of his design approach. --Voce Italiana


Washington D.C., June 2014

Festa della Repubblica Celebration at Embassy Focuses on 2015 Milan Expo

Continued from page 1

and creativity in representing the image of Italy. Concluding, he reiterated the continuing efforts that the Italian and Italian -American community, and other friends of Italy must make in the promotion of the Italian language in the United States, and in particular the expansion of the AP Italian Language Program. After the Mass, a reception was held at Casa Italiana, where hors' d'oeuvres and refreshments were served. On the following day, Monday, June 2, more than 1,500 guests attended the official celebration of the Festa della Repubblica at the Italian Embassy. Among the special guests was Italian Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin, who was in Washington to promote the 2015 Milan Expo. The Embassy celebration was, in fact, dedicated to promoting the Milan Expo, the world’s fair that will take place from May 1 to October 31, 2015 in Milan. The theme of the fair is “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.” The Expo will include more than 140 countries and is expected to attract over 20 million visitors, who will have the opportunity to “travel” around the world, sampling different foods and cultural traditions. Piazza Italia at the Embassy was also

transformed into a veritable display of the Made in Italy brand. Among companies showcasing their products were Lamborghini, BCUBE, Beretta, Calligaris, Chrysler Group, Costa Crociere, Dolci Gelati, Enel, Eni, Ferrero, Fiat Chrysler, Finmeccanica No. America, Gruppo RINA, Lavazza, Pelliconi, Pirelli, Trevi, and Ville in Italia. Much like our Fourth of July, “la Festa della Repubblica” is a national holiday in Italy and a recalls a key event in contemporary Italian history. On June 2, 1946, a majority of Italian voters chose in a referendum to be ruled as a “repubblica,” rather than a “monarchia.”–Voce Italiana

Italian Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin, Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, Emma Bonino, former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs

Festa di fine anno scolastico a Casa Italiana Soprano Melissa Mino sang the national anthems of Italy and the United States.

Riverbend Opera Performs Chénier at Casa Italiana

More than 100 opera lovers recently enjoyed a performance of Andrea Chénier by Umberto Giordano performed by the Riverbend Opera Company, an ensemble based in Fairfax County, Va. The opera company includes seasoned professionals as well as young singers embarking on professional careers. Performers included Jesus D. Hernandez, Melissa J. Chavez and Bryan Jackson.

Sabato 7 giugno a Casa Italiana si e` tenuta la Festa di fine anno scolastico dei “Corsi integrativi d'Italiano”, con l'esposizione dei lavori eseguiti dagli alunni e la proeizione di un diaro fotografico con le immagini dei vari momenti scolastici. E` stata un'occasione importante in cui genitori, alunni e insegnanti hanno potuto condividere i risultati di un impegno durato un anno.

Madrina dell'evento e` stata la Dott. ssa Lucia Dalla Monta' dell'Ufficio Scuola dell'Ambasciata. Un grazie sentito per tutto il meraviglioso lavoro svolto e un augurio di buon rientro in Italia. Il momento culminante e` stata la consegna dei diplomi da parte dell'Ambasciatrice Laura Denise Bisogniero che ci ha onorato della sua presenza.

Mrs. Laura Denise Bisogniero, Dott.ssa Lucia Dalla Montà, Fr. Ezio Marchetto


Washington D.C., June 2014

Maestro Paolinelliʼs Ceramics Students Display Works of Art Many language and culture programs are offered at the Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center, but the ceramic classes offered by Maestro Roberto Paolinelli are perhaps among the most unique. Many of the ceramic pieces done by Maestro Paolinelli’s students were recently on display at Casa Italiana. Maestro Paolinelli is an Italian ceramics artist, who was born in Pescara. He is a master of the Castelli school of Italian ceramics, named after the historic village of Castelli in the Abruzzo region, an internationally renowned art center known for its handpainted ceramics dating back to the Renaissance. Castelli ceramics typically feature naturalistic depictions of historic and religious scenes. This decorative style of low-fire earthenware, or majolica was especially prized in Europe during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries. Its characteristic tonalities can be seen in the work of Paolinelli’s students, among them Carma Fauntleroy, a former art museum director and curator, whose work, including a large presentation plate was on display. The plate's design was inspired by a tribute to ceramicists in an illustration in a 16th-century treatise. Fauntleroy's highly-detailed plate documents the materials, techniques and stages in the production of majolica. The center of the plate shows painters seated around a moveable table; posted


Pictured clockwise: Maestro Roberto Paolinelli; works by children in ceramics classes; plate by Carma Fauntleroy; assorted works by various students. on the rear wall of the workshop are design sketches and written instructions for commissioned work. The rim of the plate is decorated in a vivid and intricate blue and white design. The process, explains Maestro

Paolinelli involves the use of a limited color palette of seven transparent underglaze colors that can be combined to render muted or vivid hues. Also on display was a wide array of ceramic plates, tiles and vases painted by other

students, including works produced by children in the class. Maestro Paolinelli's next workshop will begin in September. To register, go to: www.casaitalianaschool.org, or call 202-638-1348.

Sons of Italy Honors Leon Panetta, Flora Darpino Lido Civic Club Holds Golf Tournament Fundraiser The Sons of Italy Foundation recently honored former Secretary of De-

Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino, Leon Panetta

fense Leon Panetta and Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino. Panetta, who has had a distinguished career in public service, serving as Chief of Staff in the Clinton administration, and later CIA Director and Secretary of Defense, received the 2014 National Education and Leadership Award. Lt. Gen. Darpino, the first woman Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army, received the Special Award for Military Justice. Also honored at the event, held at the National Building Museum, were former Senator Christopher Dodd and President of the Transport Workers Union, Harry Lombardo.

Fr. Ezio Marchetto offers Lido Civic Club members and friends his blessings as they head for the golf course at the annual Lido golf tournament fundraiser.



Washington D.C., June 2014 Editor-in-Chief: Fr. Ezio Marchetto, C.S. Executive Editor: Francesco Isgrò Editorial Board: Pino Cicala, Enrico

Founded in 1960 Davoli, Dona De Sanctis, Anna Isgrò, An Italian American Gazette Gemma Puglisi, Fred Rotondaro of the Greater Washington D.C. Area 595 Third Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

Board of Trustees: Franco Nuschese, Stephanie Razzano, Beatrice Tierney

Voce Italiana

“The world has grown too small to forgive us any big mistakes” Pope Francis, Presidents, Pray for Peace in Holy Land It seems that every day in the news to the neglect of Haiti and many other there are images of nature’s destructive Caribbean, South American, African and power. The occurrences are becoming Asian countries. Perhaps the immediate more and more frequent and multiplying solidarity that followed the earthquake, with an increasing intensity with expressed, among other things, a sense of devastating floods, tornados, terrible guilt on the part of countries at the peak storms, earthquakes, extreme cold and of progress. It was a way to compensate heat, excess rain, snow and landslides. and remove the indifference of the In light of this, we should then ask past; hence the rush, the race and often ourselves: Are they simply natural the chaos in organizing humanitarian disasters or are they the violent reactions relief. The seismic movements of nature to the equally violent action earthquakes, revolutions, technological of humanity against or political, cultural It is urgent to develop the very same nature? or social - lay bare the The sad reality is that, scars of a forgotten a coexistence with most of the time, the people, but they also victims are thousands our planet, and all its teach us a lesson. or even millions of Disasters tend to life forms, that is just, lay waste the most people who are killed, injured, maimed, or united, peaceful and disadvantaged sectors left homeless. Cities of society, the neglected sustainable. are devastated and and the defenseless entire countries are population. gripped with suffering. In this perspective, In direct proportion to disasters, wealth and poverty are not two phases we see an increase of the so-called of development, but two sides of same “climate refugees,” a new and coin. One is the origin and cause of the increasingly present group in the world other. The accumulation of a sector is of human mobility.Lonely, lost and borne by the misery of another. The homeless. Where to go? Where to flee? paranoia of growth as a panacea for International organizations such as all ills should be replaced by a broader CARE International and the UN have and better distribution of international predicted that by 2050, climate change income and the benefits of progress. will force 50 million people to leave It is, then, urgent to develop a their homeland, refugees from drought coexistence with our planet and all its and floods that will alter the geography life forms that is just, united, peaceful of the earth. and sustainable. Only then will people A few years ago, Haiti was the like those in Haiti, and many other victim of a terrifying earthquake and, Caribbean, African, Asian and Latin fortunately, global solidarity directed American countries be protected its attention to this small poor country against the deadly wrath of certain in the Caribbean. In Haiti, poor health, tragedies, which are the source of so housing and public transportation and much international migration today. the minimum consumption of caloric To repeat: by 2050, climate change intake was well known -- known, but will force 50 million people to leave also historically ignored! The truth is their homeland, refugees from drought that the world at large, and especially and floods that will alter the geography rich countries have continued to march of the earth. –Fr. Ezio Marchetto towards progress completely indifferent

Pope Francis called on God to act where human efforts have failed, to end violence in the Holy Land. “More than once we have been on the verge of peace, but the evil one, employing a variety of means, has succeeded in blocking it,” the Pope said at a recent ceremony in the Vatican Gardens.” That is why we are here, because we know and we believe that we need the help of God.” The Pope addressed his remarks to Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during an “invocation for peace,” to which he had invited the leaders during his earlier

in each other's presence at the event, perhaps the first of its kind at the Vatican. Joining the leaders were Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, Franciscan Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, coordinator of the event, and various Muslim, Jewish and Druze religious figures. Members of the Palestinian and Israeli delegations and guests of Pope Francis read a selection of Jewish, Christian and Muslim prayers. Each set of prayers praised God for creation, begged forgiveness of sins and asked for peace in the Holy Land. Patriarch Bartholomew read from

President Mahmoud Abbas, Pope Francis, President Shimon Peres visit in the Holy Land. “I was young, now I am old. I experienced war, I tasted peace,” Peres said. “Never will I forget the bereaved families, parents and children, who paid the cost of war. And all my life I shall never stop to act for peace for the generations to come. Let's all of us join hands and make it happen.” The Palestinian president said, “We want peace for us and for our neighbors. We seek prosperity and peace of mind for ourselves and for others alike.” Christians, Muslims and Jews prayed

the Book of Isaiah, “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox; but the serpent – its food shall be dust.” At the end of the ceremony, which lasted nearly two hours, the Pope, Patriarch and the two Presidents kissed each other on both cheeks, then took up shovels and placed dirt at the base of a newly planted olive tree. They then met privately at the nearby Casina Pio IV, a 16th-century villa that houses several pontifical academies. –CNS and other news reports.


Washington D.C., June 2014

The Centennial of World War I, “la Grande Guerra” 1914-1918


Italians in northeast Italy found themselves in a war that would change the course of their history. One hundred years ago, on June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, was assassinated by a Yugoslav nationalist in Sarajevo. The event sparked a fire that would eventually engulf Europe and the rest of the world. World War I, known in Italy as “la Grande Guerra,” lasted until 1918 and became one of history’s deadliest conflicts, claiming more than 9 million lives. The war changed the map of Europe, dismantled empires, and created new nations. Italians living in the northeastern part of Italy, particularly in territories belonging to Austria Hungary, found themselves at the center of a conflict that would devastate their land and destroy their families. Italy did not enter the conflict until May 24, 1915, following negotiations with the Allied Powers that would guarantee certain territories then belonging to the Austria-Hungarian Empire. For some Italians, however, particularly those in the Trentino area of Italy which was under Austrian rule, war

arrived on July 31, 1914, when general mobilization was called by the Austrians and more than 60,000 young men from Trentino were sent to the Eastern Front. In the coming issues of Voce Italiana, we will run a series of articles to commemorate the WWI centennial, highlighting, in particular, aspects of the war that had a direct impact on Italy and the Italians. Voce Italiana readers are invited to submit for publication written memories, photographs or letters that you may have from family and friends who took part in World War I, both Italians and Italian Americans.

Map of Italy before it entered World War I on May 24, 1915

Sites to Help You Book Your Next Vacation Home in Italy How to rent a property thatʼs fit for a king -- or a farmer Visitors to Italy often want to be more than tourists – they want to live the life of a “real” Italian, to get an intimate experience of life in a country that has enthralled legions of travelers over the centuries. If you’re planning a trip to Italy this

summer and would rather not stay in a hotel (or in the home of paesani), here are some alternative options. On the following websites, you can book a cozy farmhouse or a luxury villa, in the Dolomites, in Tuscany, on the Amalfi Coast, in Sicily – and anywhere in between. Agriturismo.it. This site has listings

of quality farms that cater to travelers everywhere from Agrigento to Veneto. Take a theme holiday, such as food and wine, or find a farmhouse that's a stone’s throw from a beach in Basilicata. Not all the farmhouses are rustic – some come with pools and other upscale amenities. Marcheholiday.it It is said that the

TRAVEL region of Le Marche is the undiscovered Tuscany. Marche Holiday specializes in rentals of villas and apartments to help you discover this rich, varied and beautiful region, including its Adriatic coast. Marche Holiday also arranges theme vacations and activities such as truffle hunting excursions, or tours of its magnificent Renaissance towns. VilleinItalia.com. For sumptuous villas all over Italy, this established group based in Florence, has hundreds of quality rentals, including beautiful countryside homes, luxurious lakeside properties and villas overlooking azure seas on the Amalfi Coast, Sicily and other gorgeous spots. This full-service firm can also set you up with a local to prepare meals at your villa, or a driver to take you on sightseeing expeditions. (Members of the National Italian American Foundation get a discount on rentals with this company.) –Voce Italiana At left, a villa on Lake Como


Washington D.C., June 2014


Michelino e Lucietta Falcone sposati il 18 maggio 1944 a Roseto Valforte (Fg). Emigrati negli Stati Uniti con le loro tre figlie nel 1956. Il 17 maggio hanno celebrato 70 anni di matrimonio. Auguri dalle loro figlie, i loro mariti, nipoti e pronipoti.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR June 15, 2014. St. Anthony Mass at 10:30 a.m. June 19, 2014. Lido Civic Club scholarship winners' reception at the Italian Embassy. Guests are welcome. Contact Lorry Clavelli at ljc@tssciconsulting.com June 22, 2014. Holy Name Society outing to watch the Washington Nationals take on the Atlanta Braves. Contact: Sal Mazzuca at 202-745-1464. September 7, 2014. Italian American Festival at Villa Rosa in Mitchellville, Maryland. The Monaldi Brothers Band will perform. October 13, 2014. Columbus Day Ceremony at the Christopher Columbus Memorial across from Union Station. October 18, 2014. Songs from Sanremo Festivals. Casa Italiana. 7 p.m. October 24-25, 2014. NIAF 39th anniversary awards gala weekend.


October 18, 2014 - Songs from Sanremo Festivals at Casa Italiana On Saturday, October 18, at 7 p.m., the Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center will celebrate Columbus Day 2014 with a show presented by Cav. Maestro Bruno Fusco. The evening will include dinner and a musical program of great Sanremo songs, from Grazie dei fiori, to songs like Chiamami ancora amore. This year the program’s host will be Rosaria Acampora. Also performing are Holy Rosary choir director Maria Marigliano, Pasquale De Pandi and his band, Marco Fiorante, and Vincenzo Cantiello, whom many of you may

recognize from the Italian TV show “Ti lascio una canzone.” During the evening, awards for Premio lnternazionale delle Arti, Premio Internazionale dell’ Artigianato and the Premio lnternazionale della Cultura will be presented. Tickets go on sale Sept. 1 to Sept. 30. To reserve your ticket, call 301-6545218. Seating is limited. --Cassandra Hoye

The Lido Civic Club of Washington D.C. 1929-2014 Our 85th Year

Metropolitan Washington’s Premier Italian-American Business and Professional Men’s Organization

Francesco Isgrò, Esq., President Ross Vincenti, Esq., Vice President John DeZinno, Treasurer Paul Zambrotta, Secretary Louis J. Scalfari, Public Affairs Giuseppe Argiolas, Sergeant at Arms “To the end that American citizens of Italian descent or origin and their families may find a welcome and ready entrance into the social, civil and community life of Washington, D.C., and thus be helped in forming acquaintances and taking part in the activities of community life which leads to contentment and tends to make the new member more valuable to himself, his employer and his community; to perpetuate the bond of friendship and good will which has always existed between the American and Italian peoples....” (From the Preamble to the 1929 Lido Club Constitution)


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