Ciara Courtney Portfolio
Sketches exploring deconstructing a coat using a range of media.
Sketches on photographs of a jacket, to illustrate ways to possibly deconstruct the jacket. Also, an illustration of a deconstructed design using a range of media; oil pastels, manipulated fabric and ink.
Finished deconstructed jacket, built on the stand through exploration of fabric manipulation and embellishment techniques.
Details of embroidery on deconstructed jacket.
Print development for personal project, exploring colour and composition. Digital drawing painted on using oil paint.
Hand rendered prints for ‘paper project’. Exploring print and how to distort print through folding.
Collaged ideas for paper project, using prints from previous page.
Final idea for paper project; dress made from collaged print with scissors ‘chopping’ dress. The design is build around the ironic aspect of paper scissors cutting a paper dress.
Initial pages for ‘The Body Project’, exploring from the angle of the repulsion, using synthetic materials. Research of medical procedures and heat press plastic samples.
Looking at hands, specifically rubber gloves placement on the human body.
Building on the stand of garment made using heat pressed fabric, made from plastics, rubber gloves and condoms.
Final garment produced for ‘Body Project’ and final illustration.
Hand embroidered patches for personal project.
Research for final major project exploring combining modern day consumerism with the Arts and Crafts movement. Looking at photographer Dougie Wallace and the Aesthetics movement.
Mood board for final major project, looking at combining large silhouettes that embody power dressing, with the lush textiles of aesthetics movement. Inspired by Dante Rossetti and David Byrne of the Talking Heads in particular. Initial sketches of garment idea.
Embroidery letters in medieval style inspired by William Morris’s Kelmscott press. Embroidery symbols of apple logo and dollar sign, in Arts and Craft style to bridge the gap between concept of consumerism juxtapositioned with traditional crafts.
Finished velvet garment, with hand embroidered patches, The back reads ‘What are you worth?’ whilst the front features embrodiery dollar signs and apple logos.
Final illustration and garment display.