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News > Archived News > CIAT News > Brazil - The Federal Revenue launches an application for import services
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The Federal Revenue released on 20/12, the application for
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mobile devices called "importer", which brings various services related to the import process. The Federal Revenue´s apps, can be downloaded and installed for free, they have versions available in the Apple and Google Play (IOS and Android) stores. Through the application, users can perform queries over the cargo and import declaration (ID), recovering the current status and the changes done. It can also: •
Follow in real-time certain cargo and/or Import Declaration, to meet the changes in their status;
Refer to the commercial Mercosur nomenclature (NCM) by code or description for the applicable tax rates and the administrative treatment, if it were the case;
Simulate imports, by obtaining the values of the tax and administrative treatment for each case;
Through this innovation, importers may follow their cargos and imports in a fast, safe and flexible way from any mobile device connected to the network, without having to register in any system, the use of digital certificate or contract specific networks, providing a substantial reduction of deadlines and operating costs. As part of the mobility and transparency strategy in their processes and in favor of streamlining and reducing costs related to customs procedures, the aim of the Federal Revenue is to encourage and allow importers, even if they use the brokers services, to have greater visibility regarding the situation and the progress of their import processes, in addition to providing a greater predictability in terms of the release of their cargos. The application is also useful for other foreign trade players such as customs agents, cargo agents or any other interested party, since the services offered are public and do not require any registration or password in order to be used. Besides providing a timely consultation on the progress of cargos and the related import declarations, the application offers a tracking service, through which the interested party, in real time, receives messages on the procedures and progresses of cargoes that they wants to follow automatically on their mobile device. The application also contains suggestions on import procedures and a know-how test (Quiz), where users can evaluate their knowledge in import processes.
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