ISSN 1684-9833 • Year 4 / Special Edition / January 4, 2013
The Executive Secretariat Informs CIAT - 2013 General Assembly The next CIAT - Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations General Assembly will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from April 22 to 25, 2013. The event, which main topic is: “International Taxation aspects that affect the management of tax administrations”, is sponsored by the General Administration of Public Revenue, AFIP, of Argentina. Please find enclosed the Technical Profile of the event, which describes the scope and relationship between the three themes to develop in the technical sessions: Theme 1: Double taxation, international tax evasion and Agreements to avoid Double Taxation; Theme 2: Transfer Pricing Control; and Theme 3: Information Exchange and Mutual Administrative Assistance between Tax Administrations. For the examination of these important issues, in addition to our member countries representatives, other distinguished specialists in the taxation field from different countries and international organizations collaborating with CIAT have been invited and will participate at the Assembly. The preliminary Technical Program of the Assembly with the details of study cases for each theme is enclosed. Representatives from CIAT 39 member countries will hold the Administrative Session of our 47th General Assembly to approve the 2013-2017 Strategic Plan drafted by the Ad-hoc Working Group coordinated by the Executive Secretariat which will define CIAT’s technical and institutional goals for this period. The Assembly will also analyze other institutional themes such as the 2013-2014 activity plan and budget.