The Activities' Report for Fiscal Year starting on 1 July-2009 to 30 June -2010, briefly describes the main results attained with regards to the projects and activities undertaken in line with the Schedule drafted by each Director, Manager and Coordinator, prior to the start of the period under consideration, which reflects the outcomes at the end of the report pursuant to the annual Objectives. Program 1. International Meetings and Institutional Development. Activities Completed:
The R.I.D.I. program held its meetings according to schedule. We should highlight its summit, the 44th CIAT General Assembly, held with great success. We have prepared a summary of the events therein.
1.1 General Assembly.
It was held in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 12 - 15 April, 2010. The main theme was "The Role of the Tax Administrations in the Global Crisis". A total of 28 delegations from member and associate-member countries attended, 9 delegations from guest and observer countries and 19 delegations from international agencies and institutions related with CIAT. Relevant issues were approved in the Administrative Session of the General Assembly of Representatives such as the Executive Secretariat Performance Report, the Activities' Plan and the Budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. This meeting, one of the most relevant on the Center's activity agenda, was carried out successfully not only given the excellent organization and hospitality offered by the Tax Administration of Uruguay, headed by its Director, Pablo Ferreri, but also for the good