INTER-AMERICAN CENTER OF TAX ADMINISTRATIONS Bibliographic News Jorge Eduardo Corradine Library March 2012
International Organizations and Institutions
Fiscal sustainability in the presence of systemic banks : the case of EU countries / Bénassy-Quéré, Agnès; Roussellet, Guillaume
"Fiscal Devaluation" and Fiscal Consolidation: The VAT in Troubled Times / Mooij, Ruud A. de ; Keen, Michael
Capital Regulation, Liquidity Requirements and Taxation in a Dynamic Model of Banking / De Nicoló, Gianni ; Gamba, Andrea ; Lucchetta, Marcella
Dealing Effectively with the Challenges of Transfer Pricing Working smarter in revenue administration—Using demand management strategies to meet service delivery goals (January 2012) Working smarter in structuring the administration, in compliance, and through legislation (January 2012) Right from the Start: Influencing the Compliance Environment For Small and Medium Enterprises (January 2012)
Bibliographic News
CIAT Specialized Library
Security and Authentication Issues in the Delivery of Electronic Services to Taxpayers (January 2012) Reducing opportunities for tax nocompliance in the underground economy (January 2012)
Hybrid Mismatch Arrangements: Tax Policy and Compliance Issues
Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations P.O. Box 0834-02129 Panama, Republic of Panama Telephones: (507) 269-1270 / 265-2766 Fax: (507) 264-4926 Web: For further information Library
Bibliographic News
CIAT Specialized Library