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Inter - American Center of Tax Administrations - CIAT PORTFOLIO OF INITIATIVES


CIAT PORTFOLIO OF INITIATIVES 1. About the CIAT The Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) is a non-profit public international organization founded in 1967, with the goal of providing an integral service to the modernization of the Tax Administrations of its member countries and to promote their development, social acceptance, and institutional strengthening. At the present time, the CIAT currently has 40 countries in four continents (31 American countries, six European countries, two African countries and one Asian country). The CIAT MISSION is to promote the international cooperation and exchange of experiences and information, as well as to provide technical assistance service, studies and training, thus contributing to the strengthening of the Tax Administrations of its member countries and associate member countries The CIAT VISION is to be the international reference organization in the area of the Tax Administration, promoting the cooperation, facilitating the exchange of initiatives, experiences and information and providing quality products and services to its member countries and associate member countries. For more information about the CIAT go to our web page http://www.ciat.org

The CIAT mainly performs a variety of activities which are shown in Table 1. Table 1 (The information on this table corresponds to works that the CIAT Executive Secretariat is currently developing; this does not imply that it is limited to these tasks)

Products Services

Tax data bases

Publications and thematic studies/compendiums



Online Library

NATI Service - consultation of contact data from competent authorities in negotiation and implementation of tax treaties and agreements. Online Master Assistance in the development Degrees/face-toof training areas in Tax face Administrations

Consultation service


Online courses

On site courses

Investigation and Development

Working groups

Permanent committees

Scholarship for investigation

Awards for innovation in the Tax Administrations

International Cooperation


Study Visits


Collection of cooperation resources for the development of Tax Administrations.

Technical Assistance

Implementation of information technology solutions

Tax policy Diagnosis and Reform

Diagnosis and Modernization of Tax Administrations

Design of communication strategies


Institutional Meetings

General Assembly



Technical Conference Tax Administrations data hosting

Other institutional meetings

The CIAT Portfolio of Initiatives is formed by well-defined categories and they are based on the main CIAT programs as shown in Chart 1. Chart 1

International Cooperation


Tax Studies


Technical Assistance


Investigation and Development


2. Purpose of the Portfolio of Initiatives The Portfolio of Initiatives was created with the purpose of informing the international community (Governments of member and non-member countries, international and supranational organizations, NGOs, among others), those projects in which the CIAT needs strategic partners in order to take care of specific needs of its member countries. It implies to obtain resources, either financial or in kind, for the execution of projects which official purposes lie in the development of Tax Administrations. To this end, the portfolio displays different initiatives set out in our annual operational plans in which the cooperation could generate synergies. It is also our interest to receive your proposals on other projects not contemplated in our operational plan, in those areas in which the CIAT plays and has achieved great experience (see potential activities). All this information is available in this section and has links that will allow initiating contacts with the CIAT Officials in charge of managing the different initiatives.


Options that the Portfolio of Initiatives presents

Within each one of the CIAT Portfolio of Initiatives categories you will find the following options: 2.1.1. Potential activities: In this section you will be able to consult general information on activities in which the CIAT has great experience, having obtained optimal results throughout the years. Table 2 Work Modality

Scope of interest


Policy and Tax Administration

Study visits to Tax Administrations

Policy and Tax Administration

Internships in Tax Administrations

Tax Administration

Possible beneficiaries

Possible CIAT contribution

CIAT member countries http://www.ciat.o rg/index.php/es/ acerca-delciat/paisesmiembros.html# paises http://www.ciat.o rg/index.php/es/ acerca-delciat/paisesmiembros.html# paises

Identification of needs, demands and strategic partners, technical and logistic coordination, intervention as part of the panel of experts, quality control and dissemination

http://www.ciat.o rg/index.php/es/ acerca-del-

Identification of demands, needs and host country, logistic coordination and support with the technical coordination


Identification of demands, needs and host countries, logistic coordination and support with the technical coordination

CIAT Experience http://www.ciat .org/index.php/ es/cooperacio ninternacional/a ctividadesinternacionale s.html http://www.ciat .org/index.php/ es/cooperacio ninternacional/a ctividadesinternacionale s.html

http://www.ciat .org/index.php/ es/cooperacio

ciat/paisesmiembros.html# paises

Technical Assistance

Policy, Tax Administration and Information Technology.

http://www.ciat.o rg/index.php/es/ acerca-delciat/paisesmiembros.html# paises

Identification of demands, coordination and project follow-up, identification and selection of consulting experts and financial management

Tax Studies

Policy and Tax Administration

Demands identification, needs and strategic partners, technical coordination, execution and identification of experts of the CIAT network


Tax Policy, Tax Administration, International Taxation, Tax Management, Human Resources, Tax Ethics, Customs

http://www.ciat.o rg/index.php/es/ acerca-delciat/paisesmiembros.html# paises and international community http://www.ciat.o rg/index.php/es/ acerca-delciat/paisesmiembros.html# paises

Design of Communication Strategies

Design of communication strategies and “Web sites� for Tax Administrations and organizations

Working groups/Meetings/ Committees/Networks

Policy and Tax Administration

http://www.ciat.o rg/index.php/es/ acerca-delciat/paisesmiembros.html# paises and CIAT strategic partners http://www.ciat.o rg/index.php/es/ acerca-delciat/paisesmiembros.html# paises


ninternacional/a ctividadesinternacionale s.html http://www.ciat .org/index.php/ es/productosyservicios/asist enciatecnica.html http://www.ciat .org/index.php/ es/productosyservicios/ciatd ata.html

Identification of demands and needs, technical and administrative coordination, selection of professors and consultants, quality control, dissemination tasks and follow-up, technical assistance on the online education platform (module) Assistance for the creation and strengthening of the TAs training centers. Certification of modules Content development of courses in different modalities For any of the courses that the CIAT offers, special editions can be created to be offered at dates agreed with the interested party. Technical and logistic coordination, follow-up to the project and identification of experts

http://www.ciat .org/index.php/ es/productosyservicios/capa citacion.html

Possible CIAT Contribution

http://www.ciat .org/index.php/ es/cooperacio ninternacional/a ctividadesinternacionale s.html

http://www.ciat .org/

2.1.2. Activities Programmed by the Executive Secretariat:

The CIAT programs in its Annual Operational Plan a series of activities to provide support to the member countries Tax Administrations, which can be aligned to their organization objectives. In this case, we are ready to integrate partners who can offer the technical and/or financial support that will allow us to make the activities with a greater added value for our member countries. The referred added value would be achieved by accessing to more and better experiences, disseminating information to more officials of Tax Administrations, reducing the costs that the countries incur to strengthen their Tax Administrations, among others. You could see a list of our scheduled activities on the link to our website http://www.ciat.org/index.php/en/international-cooperation/tax-indiinitiative-portfolio.html. Contact us: If you are interested in being associated to the CIAT to improve the capacities of the Tax Administrations for developing countries and wish to get additional information or to propose a project not planned in the “Portfolio of Initiatives�, you can contact the following people:

Isaac Gonzalo Arias Monica Alonso Luis Morales S.

International Taxation and Cooperation Director International Cooperation Coordinator International Cooperation Assistant

+507 265-5996 (136)


+507 265-5996 (136)


+507 265-5996 (136)



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