ISSN 1684-9833 • Year 6 / No. 1 / January 17, 2013
The Executive Secretariat Informs ITC - GIZ - CIAT Study on “ General Aspects of the Effects of Inflation in the Transfer Pricing Determination and Adjustment Processes”
Asamblea General del CIAT - Brasil, 2014
The Executive Secretariat Informs ITC - GIZ - CIAT Study on “ General Aspects of the Effects of Inflation in the Transfer Pricing Determination and Adjustment Processes” CIAT Participates as speaker at Seminar of the Vienna University of Economics and Business The CIAT, OECD, SAT and SHCP of Mexico, AEAT of Spain and Guardia di Finanza of Italy sponsored an activity on information exchange for tax purposes The Tax Administrations Inform Brazil - The Federal Revenue launches an application for import services Bolivia - Collection closed with Bs 45.839,5 million, 22% more than in 2012 Canada - Ends 2013 Among the Top Growing Economies of the G-7 Ecuador - Tax Collection 2013 Honduras - Director of DEI, Miriam Guzmán, promised a more efficient administration and to increase the tax base in the country’s 18 departments Peru - SUNAT performs informative campaign to reduce Evasion by improper deduction of personal or family expenses United States - IRS Combats Identity Theft and Refund Fraud on Many Fronts IBFD News Training Other Documents of interest
It is a pleasure to announce that the English version of the study produced as a result of the collaboration between the “International Tax Compact” initiative, the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ ) and CIAT, on the General Aspects of the Effects of Inflation in the Transfer Pricing Determination and Adjustment Processes is now available. This work has been coordinated by CIAT’s Cooperation and International Cooperation Directorate, with experts from different countries in the region and the tax administrations from Chile, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and South Africa, that provided information on legal and procedural aspects. The objective of this exploratory work is to analyze if the most widely accepted methodologies in the world to determine if transfer prices are set among related parties according to market values, are appropriate when the company examined is located in a country that faces an inflationary economy. Throughout the present study, several questions are discussed, among which are: Is inflation a factor to take into account in the comparability analysis? , If such is the case, can the inflationary effects be corrected by comparability adjustments? Does inflation have the same influence in all methodologies? Can we talk about acceptable inflation levels within the methodologies? Can we assume that above certain inflation levels (i.e. in the case of hyperinflation) the methodologies don’t suit the situation? Once again we thank the “International Tax Compact “ for promoting multilateral cooperation, that allows the possibility of providing products and services to our tax administrations and to the international tax community in general. CIAT participa como ponente en Seminario de la Universidad de Economía y Negocios de Viena
CIAT participates as speaker at Seminar of the Vienna University of Economics and Business CIAT Executive Secretariat was invited as speaker by Vienna University of Economics and Business in the framework of the Seminar on “Multilateralism and the shift towards global tax governance and fiscal transparency” (December 11 to 13) CIAT perspective on topic of SESSION 5 “IMPROVING BUSINESS ACCOUNTABILITY AND THE MOVE TO COOPERATIVE COMPLIANCE” was presented by Francisco J. Beiner.
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The Seminar -organized by Prof. Jeffrey Owens, Director of the Global Tax Policy Center at the Institute for Austrian International Tax Law- invited also to IMF, European Commission and the OECD.
CIAT is a public international organization which groups the tax administrations of 38 countries, (31 Amarican countries, 5 European countries, 1 African countries and 1 Asian country. India is an associate members), for the purpose of providing an integral service for the modernization of those administrations, by promoting their evolution, social acceptance and consolidation through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and the rendering of specialized technical assistance.
Executive Council Executive Secretariat The e-CIAT Newsletter is published and distributed electronically biweekly.
Contact us: CIAT Executive Secretariat / e-CIAT Newsletter P.O. Box 0834-02129 Panama, Republic of Panama. Phone (507) 265-2766 / 265-5994 Fax: (507) 264-4926 E Web Site:
Prof. Eric Zolt - UCLA; Jeffrey Owens – WU; Philip Kermode, European Commission; F.J. Beiner – CIAT; and Theo Poolen, Netherland Tax and Custom Administration.
The CIAT, OECD, SAT and SHCP of Mexico, AEAT of Spain and Guardia di Finanza of Italy sponsored an activity on information exchange for tax purposes This seminar on exchange of information for tax purposes was held this December 9 to 13, at the Multilateral Tax Centre of the OECD in Mexico; its primary purpose was to assist the ministries of Finance and the tax administrations of Latin America and the Caribbean in the implementation of the appropriate legal and administrative framework for the effective implementation of information exchange. The seminar included participants from the tax authorities of Antigua and Barbuda, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico and Uruguay. The expert panel was composed of representatives from the CIAT, the OECD, the Global Forum on Transparency and Information Exchange, the AEAT of Spain, the Guardia di Finanza of Italy and the SAT of Mexico. During the five day seminar were discussed the legal and administrative requirements for effective exchange of tax information, the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Assistance and Exchange of Tax Information,
technological aspects of information sharing, as well as networks of cooperation ( JITSIC ) the tax crimes and their treatment under the approach of the “Dialogue of Oslo” , access to public information of tax interest and assistance in notification procedures and international enforced collection.
The Tax Administrations Inform
Brazil - The Federal Revenue launches an application for import services The Federal Revenue released on 20/12, the application for mobile devices called “importer”, which brings various services related to the import process. The Federal Revenue´s apps, can be downloaded and installed for free, they have versions available in the Apple and Google Play (IOS and Android) stores. Through the application, users can perform queries over the cargo and import declaration (ID), recovering the current status and the changes done. It can also: • • •
Follow in real-time certain cargo and/or Import Declaration, to meet the changes in their status; Refer to the commercial Mercosur nomenclature (NCM) by code or description for the applicable tax rates and the administrative treatment, if it were the case; Simulate imports, by obtaining the values of the tax and administrative treatment for each case;
Through this innovation, importers may follow their cargos and imports in a fast, safe and flexible way from any mobile device connected to the network, without having to register in any system, the use of digital certificate or contract specific networks, providing a substantial reduction of deadlines and operating costs. As part of the mobility and transparency strategy in their processes and in favor of streamlining and reducing costs related to customs procedures, the aim of the Federal Revenue is to encourage and allow importers, even if they use the brokers services, to have greater visibility regarding the situation and the progress of their import processes, in addition to providing a greater predictability in terms of the release of their cargos. The application is also useful for other foreign trade players such as customs agents, cargo agents or any other interested party, since the services offered are public and do not require any registration or password in order to be used.
Besides providing a timely consultation on the progress of cargos and the related import declarations, the application offers a tracking service, through which the interested party, in real time, receives messages on the procedures and progresses of cargoes that they wants to follow automatically on their mobile device. The application also contains suggestions on import procedures and a know-how test (Quiz), where users can evaluate their knowledge in import processes.
Bolivia - Collection closed with Bs 45.839,5 million, 22% more than in 2012 The administration in 2013 achieved a growth in tax collection of 22 percent more compared to similar period of 2012 and closed with nearly 46 billion bolivianos, higher than estimated, said Executive Chairman of (SIN), national tax service Erik Ariñez Bazán. He said that this result is a significant milestone for the SIN, because an additional collection of Bs 8.379 billion was achieved compared to last year, ratifying that the previous administration was very positive for the General Treasury of the multinational State revenues. Juana Patricia Jiménez Soto Correspondent
Canada - ends 2013 among the top growing economies of the G-7 The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, reminded Canadians and investors of Canada’s fiscal and economic success story on the eve of 2014, and said he expects this track record to continue to promote trade and attract investment even amidst a volatile global economy. “In 2013, Canada’s financial services sector ranked the best in the world for the sixth year in a row,” said Minister Flaherty. “With the lowest overall tax rate on new business investment in the Group of Seven (G-7), it is no surprise that real business investment in Canada is now well above its pre-recession peak, while no other G-7 country has even recovered to pre-recession levels.” Maria Pica Correspondent
Ecuador - Tax Ccllection 2013 The Internal Revenue Service collected in 2013 “$ 1,500 million” more than in 2012, for the payment of taxes. This collection qualifies as a historical record of the Tax Administration. Mauro Andino A. Correspondent
Honduras - Director of DEI, Miriam Guzmán, promised a more efficient administration and to increase the tax base in the country’s 18 departments The Executive Directorate of income (DEI), Miriam Guzmán, promised to make all her effort to broaden the tax base and reach the 18 departments in the country, because only this way the State may have more resources for financing its budget. Grace de La Paz Saravia Correspondent
Peru - SUNAT performs informative campaign to reduce Evasion by improper deduction of personal or family expenses SUNAT has developed a campaign in the media to raise awareness about the importance of eliminating bad practice adopted by some taxpayers who have requested the corresponding payment receipt i.e. a sale voucher instead of an invoice when purchasing goods and services for personal or family consumption, expenses that are not deductible from income tax or would not grant right to a VAT fiscal credit. Clara Urteaga Correspondent
United States - IRS Combats Identity Theft and Refund Fraud on Many Fronts The agency’s work on identity theft and refund fraud continues to grow, touching nearly every part of the organization. For the 2014 filing season, the IRS has expanded these efforts to better protect taxpayers and help victims. Raúl Pertierra Correspondent
IBFD News International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) Cooperation- CIAT - IBF
This section includes a selection of the IBFD news about aspects of tax policies and tax administration. This information is available on the CIAT website and in Fridays Tax News alert.
Training As part of our commitment to support the human talent development within the TAs, we have started the registration process for the courses that begin in the first half of 2014, Last days to register in the Tax Administration Diploma 2nd. The course will be offered in Spanish.
Other Documents of interest Regulatory Policy and Behavioural Economics
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 2014 Over the past five years, behavioural economics has been rapidly propelled from the margins of economic analysis towards the policy mainstream. In this context, the present study offers an international review of the initial applications of behavioural economics to policy, with a particular focus on regulatory policy.
“Economía Digital para el Cambio Estructural y la Igualdad” Digital Economy for Structural Change and Equality Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 2013
This books states that in a context of economic growth and reduction of poverty in many countries, the region should address the challenge of articulating and consolidating its digital economy, considered as the field of telecommunication infrastructure, TIC industries, internet-related economic and social activities, cloud computing and mobile networks, social networks and remote sensors.