Sarah Frow, founder of this ingenious pop-up children’s corner service for pubs, restaurants, food halls and shopping centres, tells us all about her business and how its going to help us have a great meal whilst we are out and about. How did The Kids’ Table get started? I came up with the idea when my son was about three and a half. He’d reached the age where he was out of a high chair and into everything. Gone were the days when I could go for lunch with friends, as I did every week in my pre-parent life. Many a time we’d attempt a lunch out and bail early because he was getting restless, as there was nothing more than a menu and half a wax crayon to keep him entertained. Then we tried the few places out there that offer somewhere for parents to eat alongside a soft play area – but quite 58
frankly they’re just not the kind of places I want to hang out in in my spare time. So I thought, ‘What if I could create a pop-up kids’ corner service for the places where my friends and I want to hang out?’. The adults would be able to have a good time and take a break from entertainment duties while the kids have fun too. After a year of honing the idea, setting up the business and pitching to pub chains and restaurants, The Kids’ Table was born! How does The Kids’ Table work? We pop up on a weekly basis at our pub and restaurant ‘residencies’. We take over a table and chairs in the corner of the venue and our team keep an eye on the nippers while they enjoy craft, games and face-painting. Which means Mums and Dads can enjoy a long leisurely lunch... and finish a sentence. Cibare Magazine