3 minute read
Bread for my Breed
from Cibare 26 Birmingham
by Cibare
By Roz Lishak
If you’ve ever asked a similar canine culinary question, you’re probably one of many dog parents who naturally shares a bite of their sandwich or morning toast with their pooch …or it may be because your dog accidentally swiped the slice from your plate before you could stop them!
So, is it ok to give your dog a baked treat?
The short answer is maybe, but it depends on what’s in that product, so here are a few thoughts you may “knead to dough” … ahem need to know!
With many crossover canine foods on the market, and by that, I mean lookie likie dog cakes, doughnuts, cookies and biscuits as well as bread, the temptations to share your own are tremendous. Clever as your dog may be however, his nose and eyes won’t be able to tell the difference between dog friendly goodies or the dangers hidden within human food. All things in moderation certainly, and I do have to confess that I too can be a sucker for those puppy dog eyes. I mainly champion the carnivore canine diet but feel it’s important to share a few pointers with new and not so new pet parents, thoughts that you may wish to consider when joining the dots between certain ingredients and doggy health concerns.
When it comes to supporting your dog’s health, consider yeast-based products which may just be the reason for some irritating issues. Now obviously, I’m not a vet, and would advise any concerned dog owner to consult a vet should you see that your loved one is exhibiting indications of daily doggy discomfort of any sort. There are a number of initial signs to look out for - let’s call these the “tell tail” signs…
If your dog seems to be scratching at himself constantly, including his ears, or he starts to bite his toes, or you notice him licking and gnawing - basically just
generally “overgrooming” - these may be the first signs of an allergic reaction to something in his diet, and yeast may be the starting point.
Your dog may well do this at night in secret, so also look for red or inflamed skin patches that may appear, plus any mysterious hair loss and also brown staining between their toes, all yeastrelated reactions that are known to show up.
Being aware is probably the number one factor in saving stress and discomfort in any situation but when it comes to your dog, let’s raise a toast to knowing more about baked goods!
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Simon Carlo - @meatandtoneveg Despina Mina - @forkedldn Emma Walton-Moore - @supperinthesuburbs Charlotte Benbow - @charlotte.benbow Katie Goodchild - @heritagewinesuk Emma Sousa - @theurbanflowerfarmer Ying Bower - @yingenough Dani Gavriel - @dani_gavriel Roz Lishak - @yourpupparazzi Rebecca Stratton -@cakerebecca Gilly Balcombe - @gillianbalcombe Jo Farren - @jo.farren Samina Iqbal - @samina.i Sarah Frow - @thekidstableuk Suzanne Purton - @suzanne4fitness Eve Tudor - @iameditoroffood Theo Michaels - @theocooks Jack and Hayley Rowbottom - @jacksmeatshack Anthony Raffo - @anthonyraffo Jessica Mason - @drinksmaven Urvashi Roe - @urvashiroe David Rickett - @davidrickett Andy Christou - @broodroastery @andy.creative Ellie Cook - @ellie_croissant Sofia Gallo - @in_cucinacon_sofia

The Burnt Chef Project is a non-profit campaign and clothing brand operating within hospitality to challenge mental health stigma.
experienced mental health issues within their career

would feel uncomfortable talking about their concerns We build the capability of owners, line managers and employees by providing training to enhance the awareness of mental health and open conversations. We also provide support to those who are experiencing ill mental health.
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The Burnt Chef Podcast. Fighting mental health stigma one guest at a time We have a collection of high quality clothing cookware and accessories with proceeds going back to supporting the work of the project