EMBED-Care Flyer 2021

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EMBED-Care is a major new research programme funded from 2019-2024 by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Our goal is to leverage sustained improvement in end of life care for people with dementia by working with the public, commissioners and policy makers. We will deliver timely person-centred care, improving outcomes, including comfort and quality of life. We will use large data and cohort studies to develop new knowledge and pilot an innovative intervention to empower people with dementia of all ages, carers and staff, to identify and act upon changing physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs, addressing these across care settings and transitions. Programme overview

We are creating a new Network for Excellence in Palliative Dementia Care (NEPDC) with UK and international partners, health and social care practitioners, clinicians, people with dementia and the public. We want to stimulate a public discourse on dying with dementia, integrate art and science to widen impact and engagement, and provide a platform for workforce development, capacity building in research and education, implementation and policy.

Read the EMBED-Care Protocol to learn more about the Work Streams and our ambitious programme: Sampson, E.L. et al (2019) Empowering Better End-of-Life Dementia Care (EMBEDCare): A Mixed Methods Protocol to Achieve Integrated Person-Centred Care Across Settings. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.5251 EMBED-Care is a collaboration between The Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Department at University College London and the Cicely Saunders Institute, Kings College London. Project team: Prof Liz Sampson (PI) Dr Catherine Evans (co-PI) Prof Janet Anderson Dr Bridget Candy Dr Nathan Davies Dr Clare Ellis-Smith Dr Anna Gola Prof Richard Harding Dr Nuriye Kupeli Prof Simon Mead Dr Kirsten Moore Prof Rumana Omar Prof Katherine Sleeman Prof Robert Stewart Ms Jane Ward Prof Jason Warren

To receive regular updates, news about events or to join our network, email: dop.embedcare@ucl.ac.uk Follow EMBED-Care’s progress: www.ucl.ac.uk/embed-care EMBED-Care Flyer 2021

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