Cranio-maxillofacial Implants Catalog

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your needs are our challengers applicattion fields: CM MF surgery, is the t main field of application of o our

Engineeeringg forr . . .

personalized solutions beecause the exactittude of reconstru uction can be easily be appreciatted under a thin sllice of exposed sofft tissue. Interesting results can also b

achieved in complex orth hopedic and spin ne reconstructio ons.

indicatiions: severe bone loss can arise from a variety of causes as diverse as

tumors, ttrauma, prosthetic failure, congenital malformations, streess shielding.

a cuttting edge technology

m manufacturin freeform ng: Electron Beaam Melting is a rapid manufacturinng process w we use to shape slice by slice the implant that can be aas complicate as th he bone deffect will require. This technology perm mit to achieve mech hanical performances in accord dance with ISO: 5832‐3 standards.

powder r alloy: Ti 6Al4V V‐ELI is the material we use for rapidd manufacturing, thhe same useed during the last 20 0 years for osteosynthesis and joint reeplacement implantt.

econo omy is not a limit, creeativity it is

no mor re economical reestrictions: redu uction of process times and cossts

has been n introduced by tthe freeform manufacturing technology. In such a way surgeonss can use this en ngineering supportt any time the su urgical planning w will recommeend it because fin nal prices are really affordable, verry close to standard implants already on the market.

Caanary Island Institutte of Technology c/ Añepa esquina TTigotán, 35118 Agüiimes Las Palmas dee Gran Canaria tel. ++34 928189618; faxx +34 928120257; ee‐mail:

bone reeconstruction n

th hree weeks wo orking to ogether o on an exxciting project sttep by step p

Surgeon n´s e‐mail is requuired for fast comm munications and feeedback during th he development time. t Patient CT T images study with slice sp pacing of 1 or 1,5 mm is also required to carry out a virtual 3 3D reconstruction of the patien nt anatomy fittinng well with the real bone, it is a requisite for the e next steps. A Plastic P anatom mical model is manufactured m by fusion f deposition of o ABS

polymer starting from 3D reconstruction. Th he model is sent to the or starting surgicaal planning and fo or final surgeon that will use it fo

implant evaluation. Surge eon inputs on surgical s plannin ng are

required to set up design of implant and specific instrum ments for spacee orientation and guided cuts. During this phase engineeers will be in strict cooperation with the surgeon to raapidly convert basicc ideas

into optiimal solutions. A design report is submitted to o the

Surgeon n for final approval a . The implant and the instrum ments are then manufactured and shipped in n not sterilize ed conditions to the Hospital. The surgeon will eva s aluate the devvices simulatingg the surgical prrocedure on the plastic

model. The surgical devicess will be then sterilized and packaged in the before the surgery. hospital b

guiding aand trainingg your hand ds


cuttin ng guide


surgical simulation on p plastic model

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