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moverse a través de esta instalación y llegar a los centros de cumplimiento múltiple del mundo de manera rápida y rentable con la garantía de una entrega Justo a Tiempo. Nuestros tabacos se almacenarán con los más altos estándares de la industria, incluido el monitoreo constante y la fumigación regular.
El Dr. Iqbal Lambat, presidente y director ejecutivo de Star Agritech International, comentó: “El depósito recientemente inaugurado en Ghana ayudará a respaldar el crecimiento continuo de nuestro servicio de ventas y logística, y el sitio ampliado reforzará nuestra presencia en África.
The new depot has a capacity to store up to one million Tons of various Tobaccos and Tobacco Derivatives. Using fit-for-purpose equipment and highly skilled and unskilled labor within a defined space, our depot operates for bagged and packaged cargo. Additionally, with access to the African belt and sea roads, our goods can move through this facility and reach World’s multi-fulfillment centers quickly and cost effectively with ensuring Just in time delivery. Our Tobaccos will be store to the highest Industry standards including constant monitoring and regular fumigation
Dr. Iqbal Lambat, President and CEO of Star Agritech International, commented: “The newly opened depot in Ghana will help to support the continuing growth of our Sales and Logistics service, with the expanded site reinforcing our presence in Africa.