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Muzaffer Yağız currently working as Manager of the Cigar Division at Star Agritech International. He is responsible for purchasing, developing, and sales of DAC and DFC tobacco around the world.

Muzaffer Yağız is member of Star Agritech International since 2019. However, his cigar journey started very young. When he was just 7 years old, he was sweeping the floors at his father’s tobacconist in Istanbul, Turkiye. His father acquired a Cuban machine-made Fonseca factory in Turkiye in 2005 and Muzaffer Yağız started spending summer time in this factory, packing cigars, and watching blenders and rollers. They still operate the biggest cigar and cigarillo factory in Turkiye. His family is a well-known cigar manufacturer and exporter in the country.

It is not common to see a European with a cigar family. Cigars are not just a business for him, it is a family heritage and passion. He had a strong background however; he is stating that he is very lucky to join Star Agritech International since it gave him power to widen his vision.

CIGARRO DOMINICANO met Muzaffer several years ago in the Dominican Republic, during his trips to the “cigar country”; this time we talked with him interested to let our readers know the relevant activities he and his company make in the tobacco world.

CIGARRO DOMINICANO: We know that Star Agritech International (SAI) manages a broad global distribution portfolio of excellent quality tobaccos. What direction of growth does SAI has a goal for the following years and in which other countries do you plan to start your sales?

Muzaffer Yağız: Star Agritech International is growing every year. We started as tobacco traders on this journey. Then we grow and we started to invest in people and countries. Right now, we operate in more than 25+ countries and we have customers in more than 50+ countries. This year we are starting our GLT in Turkiye, which is the biggest private own GLT in Europe. We are increasing our investments in Cameroon for better quality with bigger quantities. Our plan for 2023 and 2024 is to co- ver the needs of our customers from more than 70+ countries.

CD: How was the 2022 crop? And how do you estimate that 2023 will be?

MY: There is a huge tobacco crisis around the world. The crops are decreasing because of climate change and the lack of farmers. Our biggest chance is controlling our plantations in different countries. We made the right investments at the right time. Our goal for the 2023 crop is to improve quality and sustain the quantities.

CD: SAI sponsored the ITGA Annual General Meeting, held at the end of October 2022, in Castelo Branco, Portugal, how important is this association for SAI?

MY: It’s a significant step for us to highlight the credit where it is due as farmers are an important piece of the Tobacco supply chain. ITGA represents the farmer’s association and we would like to back the organization with whatever it takes. It has been three years that Star has been collaborating with ITGA and would like to keep the relationship ongoing.

It’s not just that Star only represents farmers’ interests via supporting ITGA, but also by working with farmers in Turkey for FCV and Oriental Tobacco, Cameroon for the best cigar leaf, Uganda for its Burley and DFC, and Indonesia for its DAC.

CD: You have come many times to the Dominican Republic. What is the factor that you most appreciate about the country’s cigar production?

MY: I love the Dominican Republic. The people, the nature, and the food are amazing. However, the only reason for experiencing these beauties is a cigar. Cigars brought me here. The reputation of Dominican Republic cigars had increased globally. The best thing about Dominican Republic cigars is the production capacity and planning. There is huge demand from customers for cigars and from time-to-time manufacturers are having sleepless nights to fulfill their orders. This is amazing. Sometimes it is very hard to find tobacco and rollers, however, they always push the limit to deliver their task on time. It is a mutual joy to share a smoke with your partner after everything is on the track.

CD: Which kind of tobacco does SAI have available for the Dominican market?

MY: We have our African Cameroon ready in Europe, and Indonesian Besuki will be ready in March. In 2023 I will aim to add new varieties to our portfolio. Now we started growing tobacco in Turkiye. Normally oriental and FCV tobacco grow in Turkiye, but this year we have projects to grow different varieties of tobacco. It is exciting to taste and develop new flavors.

CD: How the cigar producers can acquire your raw material in the Dominican Republic?

We are working with 20+ warehouses around the world. We have a wide product range for cigars and cigarette tobacco. We will bring our selected goods to the Dominican Republic in the coming months for a Just in Time delivery service. However, we are already working from our various warehouses around the world. We can ship any kind of tobacco from anywhere in the World. Our logistics team is handling more than 1000+ container shipments every year. As Star Agritech International we aim to give the best service possible.

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