Dunkin’ Donuts Dunkin’
Great Gronk Off 9/5/2012 – 10/28/2012 End of Campaign Report
Background: The Northeast Field Marketing Team will maximize its partnership with the NE Patriots this fall to drive Bakery Sandwich sales throughout New England restaurants. They have contracted with Rob Gronkowski for advertising in Windows 9 and 10.
The campaign allows Patriots fans and Dunkin’ customers the opportunity to upload images and video of their best imitation of “Gronk” performing his famous football spike.
Campaign Objectives:
• Drive awareness of the bakery sandwich products Boston, Providence, Maine, New Hampshire, Sprin and Hartford • Drive measureable engagement with fans
owned h
d driver
owned channel
the TAB
56 %
paid driver email
owned channel twitter
DD Gronk Off Facebook tab garnered 25,478 iews by approximately 8,103 unique visitors.
582 entries into the contest were submitted. bmissions were particularly popular with app g 60% of all entries. Video submissions upon contest were much less popular, resulting in % of all submissions containing videos. Users d the option to submit a contest entry without e/video attached; this type of entry was used in almost 39% of all “Gronk Off’ Entries.
also consumed 6.82 pages/visit and spent an f 3.07 minutes using the app. 74% of all visits were new; 26% were returning visitors.
c / Entries
4,582 total sweeps entries
photos submitted
conversion rate
video submitt
( total entries / unique visitors )
*FB Paid media did no
56% conversion rate
(total entries / unique visitors)
Total Entries Submi2ed Total Approved Entries Photo Entries Approved Video Entries Approved Non-‐Photo/Video Entries Approved Total Rejected Entries Photos Rejected Videos Rejected Browse Bu2on Gallery Tab View the Gallery Text Upload Your Gronk Bu2on Watch Gronk Tab Invite Tab FB Share Image Facebook Try One Today Bu2on Share Video Bu2on
d to typical Dunkin’ Donuts posts, posts to the Great Gronk-Off campaign were ed with slightly less than non-campaign related Dunkin’ posts.
be attributed to a smaller market (fewer = less chance of virality/shares), and is sistent with data gathered during other campaigns conducted by other clients.
n’ Page accumulated over 620,000 new uring the campaign period (9% growth.
Viral Lift: .4%
99.6% Organic Reach (Gronk campaign)
88.4% Organic Reach
Post Interactivity:
228 talking about this *
103 comments 129 shares
309 total interactions
sSc includes when users: like a page, post on the page nt on a post, share a post, answer a ques5on, RSVP to
(Overall Dunkin’ Posts)
Viral Lift: 7.6%
Dunkin’ Fan Acquisition 7,127,983 pre-campaign 7,748,726 post-campaign 620,724 new fans 9% growth
Engagement Rate Like Rate Share Rate Gronk Total
ts posted no campaign related tweets, except fied tweet by ESPN’s Darren Rovell (shown at right). It had 3 total RTs.
twitter account created 454,080 impressions e tweet shown below, which had 15 retweets.
ronk+DD related tweets were made during the ampaign period, resulting in almost 2,000,000 impressions.
timent was overwhelmingly positive. A typical fan tweet is provided at bottom-right.
Follower Interactivity: 814 Gronk + DD tweets
1,998,803 impressio positive sentiment
fan tw
ner campaign drove a total of 11,930 people to the “Gronk Off’ Facebook app.
erall, the CTR was .10%. All banners ranged in the % CTR-range, except for the 300x600 banner which d a .19% CTR, implicating that larger banners with approaching those of a square resonate most with consumers.
11,930 clicks
he banner was slightly more popular in the Boston ket (.10% CTR) than it was in Portland (.08% CTR).
User Interactivity: .10% overall CTR
12,442,822 impressions 11,930 clicks Market Impressions 300x600 361,256 160x600 2,199,842 300x250 5,511,829 728x90 4,369,895 Overall Performance 12,442,822
Clicks 679 2,220 5,469 3,562 11,930
0.19% 0.10% 0.10% 0.08% 0.10%
Market Impressions Boston 9,838,407 Portland 2,604,415 Overall Performance 12,442,822
Clicks 9,887 2,043 11,930
0.10% 0.08% 0.10%
dicated email was sent to 2.3 million onuts subscribers at approximately 12:00pm on September 13th, 2012.
red to the BNT newsletter blast, the mail experienced a higher open rate, ut fewer “clicks” once the email was opened.
9% open rate among comparable campaigns, 3.3% click rate)
ent Interactivity: 5,012 sent emails
8% open rate
885 total clicks
6% click rate 9 forwards
“Entry Not Approved” Email: 766 sent emails 56% open rate 125 total clicks 16% click rate
17,642 unique clicks
reat DD Gronk-Off campaign was a success in its ability to omote interactivity with fans (56% conversion rate).
he fact that the campaign was focused in and around the Massachusetts area – and e achieved less exposure than a national n – the Great Gronk-Off experienced less ngagement than typical Dunkin’ content.
fan sentiment captured was very positive ding campaign, and relative to the size of ket in which the campaign ran, it could be onsidered very engaging and successful.
Using a celebrity endorsement such as R Gronkowski is a good way to catch the e audience (judging from email open rates does not necessarily translate to engage
App users are much more likely to intera app with photos than videos (which requ greater much greater understanding to