Annual Dean's Report 2008

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INNOVATION A trailblazing, real-world curriculum.

EXCELLENCE Students learning from the very best.


MOMENTUM A year of remarkable progress.




Eugene D. McGurk, Jr., Esq. ’78, Chair Dean Linda L. Ammons, JD, Ex Officio Steven P. Barsamian, Esq. ’75 The Honorable Raymond A. Batten ’79 C. Grainger Bowman, Esq. The Honorable M. Jane Brady The Honorable Peter John Daley II ’93 Michael G. DeFino, Esq. ’75 The Honorable Susan C. Del Pesco ’75 Geoffrey Gamble, Esq. Vice Dean John L. Gedid, Ex Officio Jacqueline G. Goodwin, EdD The Honorable Philip A. Gruccio Vice Dean Russell A. Hakes, Ex Officio President James T. Harris III, DEd, Ex Officio Richard K. Herrmann, Esq. Justice Randy J. Holland Andrew McK. Jefferson, Esq. ’93 Peter M. Mattoon, Esq. Elizabeth McGeever, Esq. Kathleen W. McNicholas, MD, JD ’06 Edward B. Micheletti, Esq. ’97 George K. Miller, Jr., Esq. ’81 Honorable Charles P. Mirarchi, Jr. Kathryn J. Peifer, Esq. ’02 Joanne Phillips, Esq. ’87 Thomas L. Sager, Esq. The Honorable Thomas G. Saylor John F. Schmutz, Esq. The Honorable Gregory M. Sleet The Honorable Lee A. Solomon, Esq. ’78 Allen M. Terrell, Jr., Esq., Ex Officio The Honorable Joseph T. Walsh John A. Wetzel, Esq. ’75 Douglas M. Wolfberg, Esq. ’96

Marc R. Abrams, Esq. ’78 Michael J. Aiello, Esq. ’94 Howard K. Alperin, Esq. ’90 Kyle D. Bowser, Esq. ’91 Alexander Bratic Michael A. Brown, Esq. ’91 Ronald P. Goldfaden, Esq. ’76 Mitchell Gurwicz, Esq. ’95 N. Lynne Hughes, Esq. ’89 Alan B. Levin, Esq. ’80 Kenneth J. Lopez, Esq. ’95 James J. Maron, Esq. ’85 Eugene D. McGurk, Jr., Esq. ’78 Franklin A. Miles, Esq. U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Murphy ’99 Cynthia R. Ryan, Esq. ’79 Leif R. Sigmond, Esq. ’90 Timothy J. Snyder, Esq. ’81 Alice W. Strine, Esq. ’92 Leslee Silverman Tabas, Esq. ’79 CAPT Robert P. Taishoff, JAGC, USN, ’89 James J. Veneruso, Esq. ’75 Richard P. Zaretsky, Esq. ’75

CONTENTS Message from the Dean


Raising the Bar


The Year in Review

fold-out pages between 3-4

Campus Highlights


Honor Roll of Donors


Honor Roll of Service


Financial and Fundraising Overview


MESSAGE from the dean

DEAR ALUMNI AND FRIENDS This annual report for the 2007-08


academic year is filled with metrics and examples of how Widener Law

83.7% 78.1%


continues to distinguish itself. On the cover of this document, three 2007

words are used to capture this past year: innovation, excellence, and


momentum. If I were to use one word to sum up our progress this past year, it would be “success.” Our achievements are directly related to the diligent investment of time, intellect, talent, and treasure of our faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends. I thank you for your support.

Dean Linda L. Ammons WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


RAISING THE BAR We are pleased with the heights to which we have risen in recent years and are deeply grateful to those who made it possible. Yet our responsibilities to the students and communities we serve compel us to aim even higher.

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WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


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The Law School’s efforts over the last year enhanced its international reputation as a major source of scholarly research, legal training, and pro bono public service programs.

INNOVATION The unique genius of a Widener Law education is its seamless blend of textbook and real-world curriculum. Through our well-regarded institutes and clinics, we immerse students in the practice of law almost from the instant they begin law school. Expanded professionalism programs and pioneering diversity initiatives have made Widener Law a central player in national efforts to prepare attorneys as early as possible and to steer the legal profession toward resembling the population it serves.

The award-winning Court Interpreter Certification Students who work in Widener’s Veterans Law

Program was established by Widener Law’s Legal

Clinic represent disabled veterans and their

Education Institute to assure due process and

dependents before the Department of Veterans Affairs and the federal courts that handle veterans’ law cases. Last year Widener clinic students provided more than 10,000 hours of pro bono representation to their clients.

In June the JURIST Academy welcomed nearly

adequate legal representation and to

30 promising undergraduates from historically

professionalize court interpreter services in

underrepresented groups to introduce them to

Pennsylvania and Delaware.

and prepare them for the law school experience.

EXCELLENCE The numbers from 2007-08 are startling and speak to the quality of a Widener Law education. In securing both employment and judicial clerkships, our graduates exceeded national averages. Bar pass rates rose, student-faculty ratios decreased, and we recruited from a growing number of undergraduate schools. Our faculty and alumni continued to distinguish themselves in the United States and around the world by their achievements and their outstanding service to their profession. 2007 JUDICIAL CLERKSHIPS



21% Last year Widener Law faculty members lectured


around the globe, including the following countries: China, Germany, Australia, Kazakhstan, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, and Greece.




2007: 83.7% 5



National Average

2008: 87.6%

MOMENTUM Individually, the accomplishments of 2007-08 are examples of excellence applied. Collectively, they are powerful evidence of an institution on the move. Our direction and momentum are well borne out by the attention we are garnering from others. Recognizing our progress, Widener Law donors are supporting their alma mater in record numbers, with both total benefactors and total donations on the rise.


1,078 945


The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law was ranked 13th among the nation’s specialty law journals last year. Last year our Health Law Program was ranked ninth in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. It also successfully launched joint health/law degree programs with Thomas Jefferson University. 07






Ninety-five percent of the class of 2007 found employment within nine months of graduating, 3% higher than the national average and an increase of nearly 10% since 2005.

LEADING INTERNATIONALLY Members of Widener Law’s faculty have increasingly gained international prominence. Their expertise in topics that have relevance beyond our borders has brought them the recognition of their colleagues, the media, and governments abroad. LARRY BARNETT was a presenter at the International Conference on Law and Society, held in Berlin, Germany, from July 25 through 28, 2007. The conference was sponsored jointly by the U.S. Law and Society Association and by the Research Committee on the Sociology of Law, a standing committee of the International Sociological Association. The two organizations hold a joint meeting every fifth year. Professor Barnett’s presentation was based on his article “The Roots of Law.” JOHN CAPOWSKI was an invited speaker at the October 2007 International Symposium on Evidence Law and Forensic Science: International Perspectives and the Chinese Experience, in Beijing, China. In addition, Professor Capowski published “Evidence Codification and Transubstantive and Bifurcated Evidence Rules” in The Journal of the Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science of China University of Political Science and Law (translated and published in Chinese at pages 226-33). He also presented to the faculty of law at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in Sydney, Australia, on China’s existing judicial process and the Chinese effort to establish the country’s first evidence code. Professor Capowski was in Sydney teaching Comparative Civil Procedure in Widener’s international program with UTS. He also spoke to the faculty at the School of Law’s Delaware Campus on China’s judicial system and the efforts to reform it. ERIN DALY presented “Constitutions in Transition” at the International Studies Association’s annual conference in San Francisco as part of a series of panels on transitional justice. JOHN DERNBACH participated in a State Department-sponsored speaking trip in July 2007 to Kazakhstan, where he talked with government officials, nongovernmental organizations, media, and students about climate change and sustainable development. JILL FAMILY presented “Immigration Judicial Review Waivers” to the Law and Society Annual Conference in Montreal on May 30; “Stripping Immigration Judicial Review: the Certificate of Reviewability” at the Law and Society International Conference in Berlin, Germany, in July 2007; and “Reforming the Judiciary Through Immigration Reform” at the Worldwide Immigration/Migration Issues and the Rule of Law Conference of the World Jurist Association. LOUISE HILL published “Disparate Positions on Confidentiality and Privilege Across National Boundaries Create Danger and Uncertainty for In-House Counsel and Their Clients” in BNA Corporate Practice Series, Legal Ethics for In-House Corporate Counsel (January 2008).


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

DAVID HODAS presented “Sustainable Energy: An International Law Failure” at the Fifth Colloquium IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, Rio +15: A Legal Critique of Ecological Sustainable Development in Paraty, Brazil. Professor Hodas also presented “Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Law: A Proposal for a Comprehensive IUCN Research Agenda” in Vancouver and “Legal Issues in Addressing Climate Change and Sustainable Energy” in Ottawa, Canada. He published “Climate Change and Land Use in Africa” in Land Use Law for Sustainable Development (Cambridge University Press). ALICIA KELLY presented “Unmasking Interdependence: Reforming the Upside Down Rules Structuring Ongoing Property Relations During Marriage in Families” at the International Society of Family Law Regional Conference in Vancouver, BC, in June 2007. J. PATRICK KELLY was appointed to the Advisory Board of the International Economic Law Interest Group of the American Society of International Law. He spoke on several international law topics, presenting “Naturalism in International Adjudication” at Duke Law’s symposium entitled “Public and Private Law in International Adjudication.” He also spoke at the American Society of International Law’s annual meeting on the Politics of International Law and became involved in the Kenya Water Is Life Project. Professor Kelly published “International Law and the Shrinking Space for Domestic Politics in Developing Countries” in Comparative Constitutionalism and Rights: Global Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 2008). JULIET MORINGIELLO presented “Towards a System of Estates in Virtual Property” at the Second International Conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in IT, in Beijing, China, on December 7, 2007. In addition, she taught a one-day course, Electronic Commerce, at the 45th Academy of American and International Law, at the Center for American and International Law in Plano, TX. THADDEUS POPE presented “The Intersection of International Human Rights and Bioethics” to the Section of Human Rights Panel on New Voices in Human Rights at the AALS 2008 meeting. ANDREW STRAUSS is co-author (with Burns Weston, Richard Falk, and Hilary Charlesworth) of the recently published fourth edition of International Law and World Order, a leading international law textbook. His articles have appeared in international journals such as Foreign Affairs, The Harvard Journal of International Law, and The Stanford Journal of International Law. In January 2008, he published “Op Ed: Give Citizens a Voice” in The Times of India. Professor Strauss recently presented at a conference sponsored by the Greek Foreign Ministry in Athens and was retained by a national government as co-counsel to bring a lawsuit before the International Court of Justice.

OUR ADJUNCT FACULTY are accomplished practitioners of law who offer students the ample benefits of their experience.

THANKING OUR ADJUNCTS Adjunct faculty deepen our resources and broaden the range of our expertise. We are grateful for their service. DELAWARE John C. Andrade, Esq. Carol A. Benson, Esq. John S. Benson, Esq. Vice President Elect Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Hon. Robert S. Blasi David A. Breen, Esq. Ronald J. Cappuccio, Esq. Hon. William C. Carpenter, Jr. William B. Carr, Jr., Esq. John T. Carroll, III, Esq. Gregory P. Cermignano, Esq. Kathleen Conn, Esq. Robert H. Czepiel, Jr., Esq. Bartholomew J. Dalton, Esq. Matthew Denn, Esq. Margaret F. England, Esq. Steven J. Fineman, Esq. Cary L. Flitter, Esq. Jennifer Williams Fontaine, Esq. Hon. Robert Francis Ruth A. Ganister, Esq. Stuart M. Grant, Esq. Teresa Grey, Esq. Richard G. Handler, Esq. W. Bruce Hemphill, Esq. Edmund Hillis, Esq. Matthew I. Hirsch, Esq. Justice Randy J. Holland Vera Holmes, Esq. Janine Howard-O’Rangers, Esq. Justice Jack B. Jacobs Hon. Harold U. Johnson, Jr. Melanye K. Johnson, Esq. Jonathan Krinick, Esq. James G. Lare

Patricia Dailey Lewis, Esq. Terrence J. Marlowe, Esq. Mary Marzolla Thomas J. McCarthy, Esq. Deborah McCreery, Esq. Michael S. McGinniss, Esq. Jacqueline Paradee Mette, Esq. David B. Miller, Esq. George K. Miller, Esq. Scott J. Mitnick, Esq. Bruce M. Monroe, Esq. MaryBeth Musameci, Esq. Marion Newbold, Esq. Andrew Newman, M.D., J.D. John T. Newsome, Esq. John A. Parkins, Jr., Esq. Mary Alice Peeling, Esq. Pamela L. Perry, Esq. Hon. William T. Quillen Russell C. Raphaely, Esq. Riki R. Redente, Esq. Michael E. Riley, Esq. Thomas Russo Martin J. Siegel, Esq. John S. Sitzler, Esq. Verne R. Smith, Esq. Christopher M. Spletzer, Sr., Esq. Hon. Patricia Tate Stewart Jean Stoyer, Esq. Roseann B. Termini, Esq. Hon. Dexter M. Thompson, Jr. Representative Robert J. Valihura Alfred P. Vitarelli, Esq. Jane W. Voegele, Esq. Teresa A. Wallace, Esq. Hon. Joseph T. Walsh Edward J. Weiss, Esq. John A. Wetzel, Esq. Royce A. White, Esq. Michael Wiseman, Esq. Rafael X. Zahralddin-Aravena, Esq.

HARRISBURG William A. Behe, Esq. Hon. Robert G. Bigham Christopher D. Carusone, Esq. James H. Cawley, Esq. Katherene H. Conner, Esq. Megan L. Consedine, Esq. Robert H. Davis, Jr., Esq. Vincent C. DeLiberato, Jr., Esq. Karen Durkin, Esq. Hon. Scott Evans, Esq. Mary Jane Forbes, Esq. Patricia Fox, Esq. Joseph Keith Goldberg, Esq. James L. Goldsmith, Esq. Neil Hendershot, Esq. Melinda S. Joyce, Esq. Jennifer M. Lear, Esq. Hon. Richard A. Lewis Alexandra Makosky, Esq. Edward M. Marsico, Esq. Franklin A. Miles, Esq. MaryKay Rauenzahn, Esq. Carmen Santa Maria, Esq. Christopher J. Schmidt, Esq. Daniel R. Schuckers, Esq. Mary Catherine Scott, Esq. Joseph G. Skelly, Esq. William M. Sloane, Esq. Randi B. Teplitz, Esq. Christine L. Wilson, Esq. Harry L. Witte, Esq. Douglas M. Wolfberg, Esq. Barbara A. Zemlock, Esq.

17.8% The improvement in the Pennsylvania bar pass rate among Widener law graduates attempting it for the first time between 2003 and 2007.

90.9% The bar pass rate in February 2008 among Widener-Harrisburg graduates attempting the Pennsylvania Bar Examination for the first time. This rate was second in the state only to the University of Pennsylvania. Graduates of both campuses exceeded the statewide passage rate.

WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


INTERNSHIPS, EXTERNSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, SERVICE Prior to graduation, our students gain a wealth of experience in legal careers through internships, externships, fellowships, and more. Below is a sampling of our students’ activities in 2007-2008.

Eight Widener students take an oath admitting them to the limited practice of law, allowing them to represent Delaware Civil Clinic clients in some Delaware courts under very stringent guidelines. The oath was administered by Delaware Supreme Court Justice Randy J. Holland.


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

JUDICIAL EXTERNSHIPS FEDERAL COURTS Hon. Thomas L. Ambro, U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, Wilmington, DE Hon. M. Faith Angell, U.S. Magistrate Judge, E.D., Philadelphia, PA Hon. Kevin J. Carey, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Wilmington, DE Chief A. L. J. Joseph Davidson, U.S. Social Security Administration, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Joseph J. Farnan, Jr., U.S. District Court, Wilmington, DE Hon. Joseph E. Irenas, U.S. District Court, Camden, NJ Hon. Kent A. Jordan, U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, Wilmington, DE Hon. J. Curtis Joyner, U.S. District Court, E.D., Philadelphia, PA Hon. L. Felipe Restrepo, U.S. Magistrate Judge, E.D., Philadelphia, PA Hon. Timothy R. Rice, U.S. Magistrate Court, E.D., Philadelphia, PA Chief Judge Sue L. Robinson, U.S. District Court, Wilmington, PA Hon. Jane R. Roth, U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, Wilmington, DE Hon. Gregory M. Sleet, U.S. District Court, Wilmington, DE Hon. Delores K. Sloviter, U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, Philadelphia, PA Hon. R. Barclay Surrick, U.S. District Court, E.D., Philadelphia, PA Hon. Mary Pat Thynge, U.S. Magistrate Judge, Wilmington, DE Hon. Mary F. Walrath, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Wilmington, DE Hon. Carol S. Moore Wells, U.S. Magistrate Judge, E.D., Philadelphia, PA

DELAWARE JUDGES AND COURTS Hon. M. Jane Brady, Superior Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Mark D. Buckworth, Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Chancellor William B. Chandler, III, Chancery Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. William L. Chapman, Jr., Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Jay H. Connor, Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Robert B. Coonin, Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Barbara D. Crowell, Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Justice Jack Jacobs, Supreme Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Mary M. Johnston, Superior Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Jan Jurden, Superior Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Chandlee Johnson Kuhn, Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Vice Chancellor Stephen P. Lamb, Chancery Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Vice Chancellor Donald F. Parsons, Jr. Chancery Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Mardi F. Pyott, Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Justice Henry duPont Ridgely, Supreme Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Calvin L. Scott, Superior Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Joseph R. Slights, III, Superior Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Alex J. Smalls, Delaware Court of Common Pleas, Wilmington, DE Chief Justice Myron T. Steele, Supreme Court of Delaware, Dover, DE Hon. Charles H. Toliver, IV, Superior Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE

Hon. Alison Whitmer Tumas, Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Hon. Aida Waserstein, Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE MARYLAND JUDGES AND COURTS Hon. Joseph H. H. Kaplan, Administrative Judge, Baltimore, MD Hon. Dana M. Levitz, Maryland Circuit Court, 3rd District, Towson, MD Hon. Dexter Thompson, Maryland Circuit Court, 3rd District, Elkton, MD NEW JERSEY JUDGES AND COURTS Hon. Valerie Armstrong, Superior Court of New Jersey, Atlantic City, NJ Hon. Raymond Batten, Superior Court of New Jersey, Cape May Courthouse, NJ Hon. John B. Dangler, Superior Court of New Jersey, Morristown, NJ Hon. Theodore Z. Davis, Superior Court of New Jersey, General Equity Division, Camden, NJ Hon. Wilfred P. Diana, Superior Court of New Jersey, Somerville, NJ Hon. Michael A. Donio, Superior Court of New Jersey, Camden, NJ Hon. Michael J. Hogan, Superior Court of New Jersey, Family Division, Mt. Holly, NJ Hon. John S. Holston, Jr., Superior Court of New Jersey, Woodbury, NJ Hon. Joseph E. Kane, Superior Court of New Jersey, Atlantic City, NJ Hon. Patricia LeBon, Superior Court of New Jersey, Special Civil Division, Mt. Holly, NJ Hon. Marie E. Lihotz, Superior Court of New Jersey, Family Division, Mt. Holly, NJ Justice Virginia Long, Supreme Court of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ Hon. Robert Neustadter, Superior Court of New Jersey, Atlantic City, NJ

Hon. Edward M. Oles, Superior Court of New Jersey, Toms River, NJ Hon. James E. Rafferty, Superior Court of New Jersey, General Equity Division, Woodbury, NJ Hon. Thomas Scully, Superior Court of New Jersey, Freehold, NJ Hon. George L. Seltzer, Superior Court of New Jersey, General Equity Division, Atlantic City, NJ Presiding Judge Joseph C. Small, Tax Court of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ Hon. Thomas S. Smith, Jr., Superior Court of New Jersey, Woodbury, NJ Hon. John A. Sweeney, Superior Court of New Jersey, Mt. Holly, NJ Hon. Karen L. Suter, Superior Court of New Jersey, Family Division, Mt. Holly, NJ Hon. M. Allan Vogelson, Superior Court of New Jersey, Camden, NJ PENNSYLVANIA JUDGES AND COURTS Hon. Thomas Branca, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Montgomery County, Norristown, PA Hon. Michael F. X. Coll, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County, Media, PA Hon. Anthony J. DeFino, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Rose Marie DeFino-Nastasi, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Barry C. Dozor, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County, Media, PA Hon. Kathrynann W. Durham, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County, Media, PA Hon. Idee C. Fox, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Family Court, Philadelphia, PA

The Delaware Supreme Court held oral arguments on the Law School’s Delaware campus in April 2008. Two Widener Law alumni served as opposing counsel on the case.

Hon. Susan Peikes Gantman, Superior Court of Pennsylvania, Conshohocken, PA Hon. Chad F. Kenney, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Media, PA Hon. William A. Manfredi, Jr., Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Robert J. Matthews, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Arnold L. New, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Ann A. Osborne, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County, Media, PA Hon. Paul P. Panepinto, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Howard F. Riley, Jr., Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Chester County, West Chester, PA Hon. Annette M. Rizzo, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Maurino J. Rossanese, Jr., Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Montgomery County, Norristown, PA Hon. Karen Shreeves-Johns, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Phyllis R. Streitel, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Chester County, West Chester, PA Hon. Robert C. Wright, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County, Media, PA CLINICAL EXTERNSHIP FIELD PLACEMENTS Camden County Prosecutor, Camden, NJ Chester County District Attorney’s Office, West Chester, PA

Delaware County District Attorney’s Office, Media, PA Delaware Supreme Court, Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Wilmington, DE Domestic Abuse Project, Media, PA DuPont Company, Wilmington, DE Federal Public Defender, Wilmington, DE Internal Revenue Service District Counsel, Philadelphia, PA Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, Norristown, PA New Castle County Attorney’s Office, Wilmington, DE Philadelphia Municipal Court Mediation Program, Philadelphia, PA State of Delaware, Department of Justice, Wilmington, DE State of Delaware, Office of Child Advocate, Wilmington, DE SELECTED INTERNSHIPS AND EXTERNSHIPS–HARRISBURG CAMPUS Bay Area Legal Aid, Oakland, California Cumberland County District Attorney’s Office Dauphin County District Attorney’s Office Dauphin County Public Defender’s Office Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office Monroe County Public Defender’s Office Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, Toms River, NJ Office of General Counsel, Department of State Office of Public Defender, Frederick,MD Office Staff Judge Advocate Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency Pennsylvania Supreme Court State of New Jersey, Office of Attorney General

SELECTED INTERNSHIPS AND EXTERNSHIPS–DELAWARE CAMPUS Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, Philadelphia, PA Delaware County District Attorney’s Office Department of Special Services, New Castle, DE DLA Piper, Philadelphia, PA Dunmore Zoning and Code Enforcement Office, Dunmore, PA First Judicial District Philadelphia County, Court of Common Pleas Fish & Richardson, Wilmington, DE Goldberg, Miller & Rubin, PC, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Frank T. Hazel, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas Hon. Renee Cohn Jubelirer, Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania Hon. John T.J. Kelly, Jr., Superior Court of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Hon. Malachy E. Mannion, U.S. Magistrate Judge, U.S. District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania Hon. Allan L. Tereshko, Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Law Office of Edward J. Leonard, Esq., Philadelphia, PA Law Offices of George G. Horiates, Esq., Pennsauken, NJ Luzerne County Public Defender’s Office Minster & Facciolo, LLC, Philadelphia, PA Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell, LLP, Wilmington, DE New Castle County Department of Law, Wilmington, DE Office of State Sen. Anthony H. Williams, Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania Governor’s Office of General Counsel Pepper Hamilton, LLP, Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia Health Management Corporation, Philadelphia, PA Potter Anderson & Corroon, LLP, Wilmington, DE Public Utility Commission, Harrisburg, PA Ratner-Prestia, Philadelphia, PA ReedSmith, Philadelphia, PA Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP and Affiliates, Wilmington, DE South Jersey Legal Services, Inc. State Farm Insurance Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP, NJ The Law Offices of Chris M. Jamison, Philadelphia, PA The Office of the Attorney General, Bureau of Consumer Protection Volpe Koenig, Philadelphia, PA Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, Wilmington, DE PUBLIC INTEREST LAW FELLOWSHIP AND VOLUNTEER PLACEMENTS ADA Compliance Project American Civil Liberties Union of Delaware Bank of America Financial Literacy Instructional Program CASA Youth Advocates: Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey Chester County District Attorney’s Office Chester County District Court Chester County Office of the Public Defender Chester High School Colorado Lawyers for the Arts Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. Cumberland County Court House, Volunteer Estate Assistance Project Delaware Earned Income Tax Credit Campaign Delaware Law Related Education Center Delaware State Office of the Child Advocate Delaware Volunteer Legal Services Domestic Abuse Project

Face to Face Legal Center Family Violence Sexual Assault Unit of the District Attorney’s Office Guild Food Stamp Clinic Habitat for Humanity Homeless Advocacy Project Howard High School- Street Mentoring Innocence Project of Florida Job Corps Lackawanna County District Attorney’s Office Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania Legal Self Help Link Medical Legal Project and Partnership Christiana Care Mid Atlantic Environmental Law Center Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office Nationalities Service Center Nehemiah Gateway Community Development Corporation New Jersey Attorney General’s Office Office of Federal Operation, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission PA Immigration Resource Center Pardons Project Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General Philadelpha City Solicitor’s Office Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office Philadelphia Legal Assistance Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts St. Mark’s High School State of Delaware Public Defender’s Office Veterans Law Clinic Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Widener Small Business Development Center Wilmington Hospital Women’s Clinic

WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


ENDOWED AND SPONSORED STUDENT AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS, AND FELLOWSHIPS are prestigious rewards for Widener Law’s most deserving students, and are made possible by the generosity of our alumni and friends.


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008



Alfred Avins Memorial Scholarship Howard Berg Scholarship George C Blissman, Sr., Memorial Scholarship E. Wallace Chadwick Memorial Scholarship Harvey Alan Chernoff Memorial Scholarship Esther F. Clark Memorial Scholarship Hon. James C. Crumlish Scholarship Hon. Joseph W. deFuria Scholarship Delaware Asociation of Lawyers’ Spouses Scholarship Edmund Dobrowolski Memorial Scholarship Hon. William Duffy Memorial Scholarship Nancy and Howard Finkelman Scholarship Friends of Widener University School of Law Scholarship Honey F. Golby Memorial Scholarship Hon. Ned L. Hirsh Memorial Scholarship Pamela Karpouzis Memorial Scholarship Fairfax Leary, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Paul Isaac Leiter Memorial Scholarship Thomas S. Lodge Memorial Scholarship MBNA/Bank of America Scholarship Charles P. Mirarchi, Sr., Memorial Scholarship Bruce M. & Elizabeth M. Monroe Scholarship Pennsylvania Bar Foundation Minority Scholarship Pennsylvania Bar Foundation Scholarship Angelina & Victor Piccone Memorial Scholarship Dean Anthony J. Santoro Scholarship Alexander V. Sarcione, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Taishoff Family Endowed Scholarship John C. Warrington Memorial Scholarship Bernard S. Wildstein Scholarship

The Honorable Helen S. Balick Award Howard M. Berg Award James S. Bowman American Inn of Court Award William J. Conner Memorial Award for Administrative Law Nicole Cullison Memorial Award The Honorable Joseph W. deFuria Commencement Award John A. Fillion Memorial Award Judge J. Cullen Ganey Criminal Procedure Award Graham Foundation Award Reed Hamilton Memorial Award Zelda K. Herrmann Memorial Cup Award Patricia N. Holsten Memorial Award for Public Interest International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award Lindsay Law Library Award Thomas P. Lomax and Nicholas Theodore Memorial Award Most Promising Civil Litigator Award Lucinda Peipher Memorial Award Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association James J. Manderino Award for Trial Advocacy Alexander V. Sarcione, Jr., Memorial Award Jerry Shields Environmental Award Elizabeth G. Simcox Pro Bono Service Award Wapner, Newman, Wigrizer & Brecher Award Dean Arthur A. Weeks Outstanding Service Award The Widener Law Public Service and Advocacy Award William J. and Ella C. Wolf Award in Real Property Law Chuck Zencey Memorial Award for Environmental Law

SPONSORED FELLOWSHIPS E. Wallace Chadwick Constitutional Fellowship Domestic Violence Fellowship DuPont Public Interest Fellowship Young Conaway Stargatt Taylor Public Interest Fellowship

4`][ ZSTb T]`[S` EOaVW\Ub]\ 21 ;Og]` /\bV]\g EWZZWO[a 2SO\ :W\RO /[[]\a O\R T]`[S` >VWZORSZ^VWO ;Og]` 8]V\ Ab`SSb Ob bVS 6O``WaPc`U 1O[^caÂa 2SO\Âa 4]`c[ ]\ 2WdS`aWbg



Widener Law again hosted and presented a broad range of legal symposia, lectures, and CLEs during academic year 2007-08. We are deeply grateful to the individuals, corporations, and foundations that endowed or sponsored a number of these valuable programs.

Adjunct faculty deepen our resources and broaden the range of our expertise. We are grateful for their service.

AUGUST 23-24, 2007 “Timeless Legal Issues,� LEI, Delaware Campus SEPTEMBER 24, 2007 Dean’s Leadership Forum, Delaware Campus SEPTEMBER 28, 2007 “Does Delaware Compete?� Francis G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Corporate Law, Delaware Campus OCTOBER 4-5, 2007 “Agency Costs, Charitable Trusts, and Corporate Control: Evidence from Hershey’s Kiss-Off,� Corporate & Business Law Institute Visiting Scholar Program OCTOBER 9, 2007 “The Black Market Trade in Human Body Parts,� Raynes McCarty Distinguished Lecture in Health Law, Delaware Campus OCTOBER 19, 2007 Conference on Public Health Issues, Health Law Institute, Delaware Campus NOVEMBER 9, 2007 Delaware Tax Institute, Delaware Campus NOVEMBER 16, 2007 Sports and Entertainment Symposium, Sports and Entertainment Law Association, Delaware Campus NOVEMBER 30, 2007 Veterans’ Law CLE Symposium, Harrisburg Campus FEBRUARY 2008 ABA Law Student Division Regional Circuit Meeting, Delaware Campus FEBRUARY 14, 2008 “Race and the Law,� John L. Gedid Distinguished Lecture, Harrisburg Campus FEBRUARY 25, 2008 Widener Law Journal Symposium on CrimTorts, Harrisburg Campus FEBRUARY 26, 2008 Lecture by Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery, Delaware Campus MARCH 8, 2008 ABA Business Law Section Delaware Law Forum, Delaware Campus MARCH 12, 2008 Lecture on Arguing Before the Supreme Court, Harrisburg Campus MARCH 17, 2008 Dean’s Diversity Forum, Harrisburg Campus “The Role of the States—Foreign and Domestic,� Ruby R. Vale Distinguished Lecture, Delaware Campus APRIL 15, 2008 “Race and the Death Penalty,� Corporate and Business Law Institute, Delaware Campus APRIL 18, 2008 Climate Change Symposium, Widener Law Review, Delaware Campus MAY 5, 2008 Delaware General Corporation Law for the 21st Century, Delaware Campus MAY 2008 Intensive Trial Advocacy Distinguished Lectures in Law, Delaware/Harrisburg campuses

DELAWARE John C. Andrade, Esq. Carol A. Benson, Esq. John S. Benson, Esq. Vice President Elect Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Hon. Robert S. Blasi David A. Breen, Esq. Ronald J. Cappuccio, Esq. Hon. William C. Carpenter, Jr. of Widener Law’s class of 2007 William B.The Carr,percentage Jr., Esq. John T. Carroll, III, Esq. securing judicial clerkships, a 2% increase over Gregory P. Cermignano, Esq. rate and well above the national Kathleen last Conn,year’s Esq. Robert H. Czepiel, Jr., Esq. average of 9.8%. Bartholomew J. Dalton, Esq. Matthew Denn, Esq. Margaret F. England, Esq. Steven J. Fineman, Esq. Cary L. Flitter, Esq. Jennifer Williams Fontaine, Esq. Hon. Robert Francis Ruth A. Ganister, Esq. Stuart M. Grant, Esq. Teresa Grey, Esq. Richard G. Handler, Esq. W. Bruce Hemphill, Esq. Edmund Hillis, Esq. Matthew I. Hirsch, Esq. Justice Randy J. Holland Vera Holmes, Esq. Janine Howard-O’Rangers, Esq. Justice Jack B. Jacobs Hon. Harold U. Johnson, Jr.


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


\cbcf fc`` cZ Xcbcfg JURISTS SOCIETY $25,000 CHANCELLORS CLUB $20,000-$24,999 AMBASSADORS CLUB $10,000-$19,999 PARTNERS CLUB $5,000-$9,999 BENEFACTORS $2,500-$4,999

THE JUDICIARY COMES TO WIDENER =b >ibY h\Y GW\cc` cZ @Uk WY`YVfUhYX h\Y 8Y`UkUfY GidfYaY 7cifhĂ g j]g]h hc h\Y 8Y`UkUfY WUadig Vm XYW`Uf]b[ ]h >iX[YgĂ 8Um" 5 \cgh cZ ghUhY UbX `cWU` ^if]ghg j]g]hYX h\Y gW\cc` k\YfY h\Ym ^c]bYX ghiXYbhg ]b `]ghYb]b[ hc h\Y GidfYaY 7cifh Uf[iaYbhg" H\Y ^iX[Yg U`gc [iYgh!`YWhifYX ]b W`UggYg h\Uh XUm []j]b[ h\Ya Ub cddcfhib]hm hc g\UfY gcaY cZ h\Y]f YldYf]YbWYg UbX ]bg][\hg Zfca h\Y VYbW\" žH\]g ]b]h]Uh]jY kUg U hYff]ÉW cddcfhib]hm Zcf K]XYbYf UbX cbY kY \cdY k]`` VYWcaY Ub UbbiU` hfUX]h]cb Âż 8YUb @]bXU @" 5aacbg gU]X" žH\Y @Uk GW\cc` Yb^cmg U Wc``Y[]U` fY`Uh]cbg\]d k]h\ ^iX[Yg Zfca UfcibX h\Y fY[]cb UbX kY kUbhYX h\Ya hc ZYY` kY`WcaY UbX UddfYW]UhYX" =h aYUbh U [fYUh XYU` hc ig hc \UjY h\Ya g\UfY h\Y]f h]aY UbX hU`Ybhg Zcf U XUm"Âż 2SO\ :W\RO /[[]\a QS\bS` eSZQ][SR aSdS`OZ abObS O\R Z]QOZ Xc`Waba b] QO[^ca T]` bVS AQV]]Z ]T :OeĂ‚a Ă‹`ab O\\cOZ 8cRUSaĂ‚ 2Og

DEAN’S COUNCIL $1,500-$2,499 LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES $1,000-$1,499 BENCH AND BAR CLUB $500-$999 CENTURY CLUB $250-$499

CLASS OF 1975 22.9% Class Participation PARTNERS CLUB James J. Veneruso BENEFACTORS Michael G. DeFino John A. Wetzel DEAN’S COUNCIL Kenneth L. Baritz Steven P. Barsamian Hon. Susan C. Del Pesco LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Louis Jay Arnold William E. Averona Donn Devine Gregory E. Sciolla


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

BENCH AND BAR CLUB Vincent J. Ciecka Michael J. Korolishin Kevin P. McCann Amil M. Minora

CENTURY CLUB Mark Blank George F. Dale Hon. Barry C. Dozor Don A. Erlandson W. M. Mulvey Paul R. Sacks Anthony J. Sciolla Milton P. Shafran William M. Sloane Susan L. Spagna Esther A. Zaretsky Richard P. Zaretsky DONORS R. C. Almy Donald C. Brown William J. Ciaravino Dennis L. Citron Samuel J. Costa John N. Del Collo Joseph J. DelSordo Gerald J. DiChiara Thomas C. Etter Phillip J. Finiello Laurence Gallagher Richard A. James Michael B. Joseph Costas S. Krikelis Alan F. Lehman Gary C. Linarducci Richard S. Marx Patrick J. McHugh, Sr. G. C. Pierce Rodney W. Robinson Thomas J. Roman Philip A. Ross Hon. Maurino J. Rossanese Daniel M. Smith Mark D. Sperber Gerald J. Vella John D. Wilson

LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Eileen B. Cooper Henry J. Costa BENCH AND BAR CLUB Alan Belfus Stephen Carroll Joel Chernock Francis J. Clifford Gerald E. Fusella Patrick C. Gallery CENTURY CLUB William C. Carpenter Susan H. Curcio Lawrence F. DiGiovanna William P. Fedullo Jay E. Kivitz Marc Lamer Hon. Charles P. Mirarchi Richard T. Morrissey Raymond D. Nester Richard E. Reilly Michael J. Saile Dona Wolsko Zimmerman DONORS David L. Arthur Edward Carter, Jr. J. W. Ditter Joseph J. Dougherty James A. Fox Charles A. Halpin Thomas G. Klingensmith Marvin Leibowitz Gerard E. Maney Joseph K. Norris Edward R. Summers Andrew S. Wade Daniel F. Wilton

CLASS OF 1977 16.4% Class Participation

CLASS OF 1976 21.4% Class Participation PARTNERS CLUB Ronald P. Goldfaden BENEFACTORS Hon. Paul P. Panepinto DEAN’S COUNCIL Michael A. Cibik M. Jane Mahoney Donald B. Scace

BENCH AND BAR CLUB Hon. John J. O’Grady CENTURY CLUB Andrew H. Appel Jerome M. Capone Richard G. Handler Jay E. Kivitz

DONORS Edward P. Azar Francis P. Bach Alan D. Budman James R. Columbro J. P. Fitzgerald Michael J. Fromhold A. J. Grob Barry F. Gultanoff Gregory R. Jacobs Elyse Beidner Levene Richard D. Madden Edward J. McGlinchey Pamela C. Meitner Patricia M. Sinclair Lawrence S. Wind Charles E. Woolson Donald S. Young

DONORS John S. Abbott Alene S. Berkowitz Joseph A. Brancato, Jr. Leslie N. Coates Thomas P. Collins Wendy C. Dignazio Ronald J. Gordon Ann E. Green William J. Hayes A. Richard Heffron Kevin P. Kelly Edward J. Leonard Andrew J. McClure Suzanne M. McDonough-Boggia James A. Robb Donald E. Walsh William B. Ziff

Cynthia R. Ryan Gary I. Spivack Raymond E. Tomasetti Michael J. Valoris John K. Welch


CLASS of 1979

18.1% Class Participation

17.3% Class Participation


PARTNERS CLUB Robert D. Gober Leslee S. Tabas

CENTURY CLUB William J. Heimbuch Joanne L. Horn Barbara S. Hutcheon William A. Meehan Frederick R. Mogel Philip V. Sarcione

BENEFACTORS Eugene D. McGurk, Jr. John E. O’Brien DEAN’S COUNCIL Robert M. Adochio LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Hon. Lee A. Solomon David L. Topel BENCH AND BAR CLUB Vincent J. Craparotta Teresa A. Miller Bruce M. Mundorf CENTURY CLUB G. Alan Bailey Edward J. DiDonato Michael A. Donio Daniel J. Maisano Francis E. Marshall, Jr. James J. McGann Thomas I. Puleo Anthony Sarcione Brad J. Spiller Jerry H. Steiner

BENCH AND BAR CLUB Raymond A. Batten James A. Kelley Michael B. Lione F. Kevin Lynch Martin C. O’Brien Steve Parsons CENTURY CLUB Mark J. Brownstein Karen Durkin Eric L. Grayson Clay T. Jester DONORS Richard E. Berl Samuel J. Cantor John R. Carrow Roy A. Cohen Frank P. Farmer Brian T. Fischer Stephen R. Fogarty Ronnie E. Gidseg Harrison Sherry L. Horowitz Timothy P. Inemer Jeffrey A. Kroberger Susan E. Mensch Robert A. Mosakowski Frank G. Olivo

CLASS OF 1980 21.0% Class Participation BENEFACTORS Alan B. Levin BENCH AND BAR CLUB Charles J. Dombrowski Molly A. Gallagher Sharon B. Kelley Hon. Marianne O. Mizel Kevin A. O’Brien


DONORS John J. Barry Elisa A. Bongiovanni Robert P. Brendza Susan J. Bruno-Matour Gerald E. Darling Arthur T. Donato Bradford Dorrance Jane F. Engler James E. Fischer Hon. Maureen F. Fitzpatrick Karen L. Fleming Nicholas D. Fognano June E. Gilson Scott R. Jay Joseph H. Jones John R. Kancilia Bruce C. Kmosko Charles S. Knothe James M. Matour William F. Merz Douglas J. Monaghan Barry F. Penn James F. Podheiser Andrew D. Rahaim George M. Rankin Jane C. Rankin Charles J. Shoaf

BiaYfcig gmadcg]U UbX [Uh\Yf]b[g hcc_ d`UWY h\fci[\cih h\Y mYUf ]bW`iX]b[ h\Y <Uff]gVif[ 7Uadigà g gYWcbX UbbiU` 8YUbà g @YUXYfg\]d :cfia cb 8]jYfg]hm \Y`X ]b AUfW\" GdYU_Yfg ]bW`iXYX DYbbgm`jUb]U ;cjYfbcf 9X FYbXY`` ZcfaYf D\]`UXY`d\]U AUmcf >c\b GhfYYh UbX ZcfaYf KUg\]b[hcb 87 AUmcf 5bh\cbm K]``]Uag" K]XYbYf @Ukà g [fcibXVfYU_]b[ X]jYfg]hm YZZcfhg kYfY VccghYX ]b &$$+!$, Vm h\Y `UibW\ cZ U bYk dfc[fUa U]aYX Uh ibXYf[fUXiUhY ghiXYbhg" =b >ibY h\Y ]bUi[ifU` >IF=GH 5WUXYam kY`WcaYX bYUf`m '$ dfca]g]b[ ibXYf[fUXiUhYg Zfca \]ghcf]WU``m ibXYffYdfYgYbhYX [fcidg hc h\Y 8Y`UkUfY 7Uadig Zcf U kYY_ cZ ]aaYfg]cb XYg][bYX hc ]bhfcXiWY h\Ya hc UbX dfYdUfY h\Ya Zcf h\Y `Uk gW\cc` YldYf]YbWY" :ibXYX Vm gYjYfU` dfca]bYbh `Uk Éfag UbX WcfdcfUh]cbg ]bW`iX]b[ 9"=" XiDcbh XY BYacifg 7c" Acff]g >UaYg @@D UbX DchhYf 5bXYfgcb 7cffccb @@D h\Y >IF=GH 5WUXYam kUg cZZYfYX hi]h]cb!ZfYY UbX UXXfYggYX h\Y `cb[ghUbX]b[ X]gdUf]hm VYhkYYb cif dcdi`Uh]cbà g XYac[fUd\]W Wcadcg]h]cb UbX ]hg fYdfYgYbhUh]jYg VYZcfY h\Y `Uk" 5]dS`\]` 3R @S\RSZZ Ob bVS 2SO\Âa :SORS`aVW^ 4]`c[ ]\ 2WdS`aWbg

WIDENER LAW 2007–2008



HEALTH LAW PROGRAM CONTINUES TO SHINE C A <Sea E]`ZR @S^]`bĂ‚a &$$- YX]h]cb cZ ž5aYf]WUĂ g 6Ygh ;fUXiUhY GW\cc`g Âż diV`]g\YX ]b 5df]` `]ghYX h\Y GW\cc` cZ @UkĂ g \YU`h\ `Uk dfc[fUa Ug Uacb[ h\Y bUh]cbĂ g %$ VYgh" H\Y fUb_]b[ aUf_YX U Wcbh]biUh]cb cZ K]XYbYf @UkĂ g WcbghUbh dfYgYbWY Uacb[ h\Y WcibhfmĂ g Y`]hY \YU`h\ `Uk dfc[fUag g]b[`YX cih Vm h\Y bYkgaU[Un]bY ]b fYWYbh mYUfg" K]XYbYfĂ g <YU`h\ @Uk =bgh]hihY `cWUhYX cb h\Y 8Y`UkUfY WUadig kUg ZcfaU``m YghUV`]g\YX ]b %-,- UbX ZcghYfg \YU`h\ `Uk YXiWUh]cb k]h\]b h\Y >"8" UbX Zcif [fUXiUhY \YU`h\ `Uk dfc[fUag" H\Y ]bgh]hihY `Ugh mYUf UXXYX U ^c]bh!XY[fYY dfc[fUa k]h\ H\caUg >YZZYfgcb Ib]jYfg]hm ]b D\]`UXY`d\]U ZcWigYX cb diV`]W \YU`h\ `Uk" 5acb[ h\Y ]bgh]hihYĂ g YZZcfhg ]b &$$+!$, kUg ]hg dfYgYbhUh]cb cZ h\Y FUmbYg AW7Ufhm 8]gh]b[i]g\YX @YWhifY ]b <YU`h\ @Uk XY`]jYfYX Vm V]cYh\]W]gh UbX Uih\cf A]W\Y`Y ;ccXk]b 9jYfYhh :fUgYf DfcZYggcf cZ @Uk Uh h\Y Ib]jYfg]hm cZ A]bbYgchU @Uk GW\cc` UbX U j]g]h]b[ dfcZYggcf cZ @Uk Uh h\Y Ib]jYfg]hm cZ 7\]WU[c @Uk GW\cc`" DfcZYggcf ;ccXk]b gdc_Y dUgg]cbUhY`m UbX Yb[U[]b[`m cb h\Y X]ZÉWi`h]Yg ZUWYX Vm h\Y U`hfi]gh]W acXY` cZ cf[Ub XcbUh]cb UbX cZZYfYX X]ghifV]b[ XYhU]`g UVcih h\Y ]``Y[U` hfUXY ]b \iaUb VcXm dUfhg" H\Y D\]`UXY`d\]U Éfa cZ FUmbYg AW7Ufhm gdcbgcfg h\Y UbbiU` FUmbYg AW7Ufhm @YWhifY" ;WQVSZS 5]]ReW\ bVWa gSO`Ă‚a @Og\Sa ;Q1O`bg 2WabW\UcWaVSR :SQbc`S` eWbV >`]TSaa]` 8]V\ 1cZVO\S RW`SQb]` ]T EWRS\S`Ă‚a 6SOZbV :Oe 7\abWbcbS


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

The number of symposia the Law School hosted in academic year 2007-2008.

Barbara C. Siegell Anthony G. Talarico Mardi R. Thompson Ronald H. Thompson Roger R. Ullman Weeun Wang Robert F. Zane

Gregory F. Mondjack Bernadette Mooney-Burns Thomas J. Nolan Mitchell J. Shore Stephen W. Spence David M. Taylor Kevin E. Walsh


CLASS of 1982

17.9% Class Participation

13.0% Class Participation

AMBASSADORS CLUB George K. Miller, Jr.

BENCH AND BAR CLUB Don S. Ginsburg George B. Smith

DEAN’S COUNCIL Timothy J. Snyder LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Cary L. Flitter BENCH AND BAR CLUB Anonymous John T. Carroll CENTURY CLUB David A. Bongiovanni Eugene A. DiPrinzio E. Douglas DiSandro Donald A. Emeigh, Jr. Jeffery B. Fromm Mark Mattia DONORS Michelle C. Berk Wayne J. Carey Stephen J. Cirillo Mary V. D’Ambrosio Andrew E. Di Piero David J. Ferry M. Scott Gemberling Claudia E. Genuardi Patricia E. Hall Peter J. Hobson Robert A. Honecker James T. Jarvis Joseph T. Labrum Kathryn L. Labrum Carl A. Mattia Thomas X. McAndrew Gregory M. McCauley Janis R. Melfi

CENTURY CLUB Rosemary K. Killian Lowell D. Snorf Thomas R. Uliase DONORS Alexis L. Barbieri Edward R. Carpenter Nicholas Casamento Eric L. Episcopo Marsha A. Frederick-Fritz Ruth P. Goldberg Richard J. Gordon Joseph J. Kalkbrenner Kingdon Kase Susan M. Kase Richard J. Laiks Robert Pancari Anthony D. Poppiti Amy B. Schechner David Sobotka Carolyn B. Uliase Rachel A. Wachs Nanci O. Weber David C. Wright


David R. Finkel Gary R. Gremminger Barry S. Rabin Mary M. Sabulsky Thomas R. Savitsky DONORS Richard J. Blasetti Kyle A. Burch Michael J. Cunningham Charles F. Curcio Jacques B. Ferber Carl E. Funk Ellen L. Glass Mary B. Hickok Michael Kaplit Lawrence E. Keener-Farley Jeffrey C. McCullough Harry D. McMunigal Joan J. Miller Stephen Mortelliti Kim D. Morton Richard H. Morton Richard D. Orlow Pamela J. Scott Mary E. Sherlock David M. Silver Bruce M. Smith Lynn L. Smith Barry J. Tomlinson Nathan VanEmbden Florence F. Wright

Class of 1984 13.4% Class Participation DEAN’S COUNCIL W. Bruce Hemphill Jeffrey P. Hoyle BENCH AND BAR CLUB Charlene D. Davis

14.9% Class Participation LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Marsha Z. Borin CENTURY CLUB James I. Devine Linda B. Dillow Steve Drake

CENTURY CLUB Joseph D. Burke Lawrence J. Gibson Roger M. Holcomb Daniel R. Losco Gerard X. Smith J. S. Watson

DONORS Richard Ambro Bryna G. Berman Hope Benjamin Bernstein Harriet L. Chappell Jacquelyn Cusumano Ronald DeSimone Samuel S. Driver Francis M. Hadden Jeffrey S. Kurtz Kevin M. Livesey Judith Malin Hinda G. Marcu Paul Masciantonio Bernard J. McFadden Kevin J. O’Connell Kevin Parker Natalie Pouch-Kavetsky Maureen P. Thede Joseph M. Toddy Michael A. Walsh Marc Allan Werlinsky

CLASS of 1985

David A. Malman Michael P. Morton Marion R. Newbold Cornelius C. O’Brien Beverly A. Plutnick Anthony R. Repici Frances E. Ryan Kenneth A. Vercammen Thomas R. Wilcox

CLASS of 1986 12.7% Class Participation DEAN’S COUNCIL Selma Hayman CENTURY CLUB Frank C. DePasquale Richard A. DiLiberto James D. Golkow Daniel P. Johnson Theodore T. Kurlowicz John M. Peruto Lori N. Peruto

12.0% Class Participation CHANCELLORS CLUB James J. Maron CENTURY CLUB Ronald A. Amarant Peter J. Barnes, III John D. McLaughlin Jeffrey M. Orenstein Kenneth E. Picardi Joseph J. Santarone BENCH AND BAR CLUB Martin J. Sendek DONORS Carolyn T. Carluccio Thomas E. Carluccio Alan N. Cooper Richard R. Di Stefano Henry L. Doner John S. Edinger Maryanne A. Grisz Richard W. Hunt Marita M. Hutchinson Bruce W. Joseph Alan T. Kramer Pamela B. Levinson Gregory G. Lotz

DONORS Glenn L. Blackwell Hon. Mary Alice Brennan Harry T. Coleman Arthur L. Dent Vincent J. Giusini William J. Golden Jeffry B. Herman Jane A. Kane Jean C. Kissane Gerald M. Klein William G. Massa Edwin M. Matzkin John D. McAllister Stephen M. McManus Karen A. Myszka-Ostberg Karen S. Norris Arthur S. Novello Hon. George W. Overton John L. Pund Alfred J. Quasti Lisa A. Quasti Anne M. Rigney Gregory J. Rubis Sherry A. Ruggiero-Fallon Gail O. Shuey Philip A. Steinberg John E. Stewart Charles B. Worsham

CLASS of 1987 10.0% Class Participation CHANCELLORS CLUB Elizabeth D. Maron BENCH AND BAR CLUB Mark F. Himsworth Andrew L. Schaeffer CENTURY CLUB Richard R. Mazzei Joanne Phillips DONORS Larry E. Bendesky Lori E. Bendesky Norman H. Brooks Carl V. Buck Louis M. Cambria Sal D’Alessio Lawrence M. Davies Joseph M. Donegan Lucille A. Donnelly David Dougherty Gary Eidelman Mark J. Gulasarian John W. Hollawell Irene C. Johns Brian P. Meehan Gino F. Santori Marcia E. Sless

CLASS of 1988 11.6% Class Participation DEAN’S COUNCIL John M. Pachkowski LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Jay H. Ginsburg BENCH AND BAR CLUB Alann M. Ramirez CENTURY CLUB Teresa A. Cheek Catherine N. Harrington Derek R. Layser Fortunato N. Perri, Jr. DONORS Bradley H. Bastedo Robert P. Becker Hon. John P. Capuzzi

LEGAL EDUCATION INSTITUTE LAUNCHES COURT INTERPRETER PROGRAM @Ub[iU[Y VUff]Yfg dfYjYbh a]``]cbg cZ bcb!9b[`]g\!gdYU_]b[ UbX \YUf]b[! ]adU]fYX dYfgcbg Zfca fYWY]j]b[ YeiU` UWWYgg hc h\Y ^iX]W]U` gmghYa" =b fYgdcbgY UbX k]h\ U [YbYfcig [fUbh Zfca h\Y KY`ZUfY :cibXUh]cb ]b >ibY &$$, K]XYbYf @Ukà g @Y[U` 9XiWUh]cb =bgh]hihY @9= YghUV`]g\YX h\Y 7cifh =bhYfdfYhYf 7Yfh]ÉWUh]cb Dfc[fUa" =hg ZcibX]b[ kUg ]bgd]fYX bch cb`m Vm h\Y ]adYfUh]jY cZ Uggif]b[ XiY dfcWYgg UbX UXYeiUhY `Y[U` fYdfYgYbhUh]cb Vih U`gc Vm h\Y bYYX Zcf h\Y dfcZYgg]cbU`]nUh]cb cZ Wcifh ]bhYfdfYhYf gYfj]WYg ]b 8Y`UkUfY" 6m ]bg]gh]b[ idcb aUghYfm cZ ]bhYfdfYhUh]cb hYW\b]eiYg V]`]b[iU` `Y[U` hYfa]bc`c[m UbX ghf]Wh Yh\]WU` [i]XY`]bYg h\Y dfc[fUa U]ag hc \Y`d ]hg ghiXYbhg dfcj]XY h\Y \][\Ygh eiU`]hm gYfj]WYg ]b h\Y ^iX]W]Ufm UbX hc Ugg]gh h\Ya ]b dfYdUf]b[ Zcf h\Y 7cbgcfh]ia DfcÉW]YbWm 9lUa k\]W\ fYei]fYg Udd`]WUbhg hc XYacbghfUhY h\Y]f _bck`YX[Y cZ `Y[U` Yh\]Wg jcWUVi`Ufm UbX Wcifhfcca dfcWYXifYg Ug kY`` Ug h\Y]f dfcÉW]YbWm ]b ]bhYfdfYhUh]cb g_]``g" =b UXX]h]cb h\Y dfc[fUa k]`` gYfjY hc YXiWUhY ch\Yfg ]b h\Y `Y[U` gmghYa UVcih h\Y UjU]`UV]`]hm UbX dfcdYf ih]`]nUh]cb cZ Wcifh ]bhYfdfYhYfg" =b GYdhYaVYf &$$, h\Y DYbbgm`jUb]U =bhYfVfUbW\ 7caa]gg]cb Zcf ;YbXYf FUW]U` UbX 9h\b]W :U]fbYgg fYWc[b]nYX @9= Zcf h\Y dfc[fUa" 4`][ ZSTb >SUUg =Â<SWZZ :SUOZ 3RcQObW]\ 7\abWbcbS a^SQWOZ ^`]XSQba Q]]`RW\Ob]`) >S\\agZdO\WO 1]c`b ]T 1][[]\ >ZSOa 8cRUS 7RO 1VS\) :Oe 2SO\ :W\RO : /[[]\a) >S\\agZdO\WO 1VWST 8cabWQS @]\OZR 2 1OabWZZS) O\R EWRS\S` /aaWabO\b 2SO\ 3WZSS\ 5`S\O eV] RW`SQba bVS :SUOZ 3RcQObW]\ 7\abWbcbS

WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


KARPOUZIS SCHOLAR DETERMINED TO SHINE G\UkbU <UffY`` U Éfgh!mYUf K]XYbYf <Uff]gVif[ ghiXYbh kcf_YX \UfX hc [Yh k\YfY g\Y ]g hcXUm UbX XcYgbÁh ]bhYbX hc []jY id ]b h\Y ZUWY cZ X]ZÉWi`hm" <UffY`` ]g h\]g mYUfÁg fYW]d]Ybh cZ h\Y DUaY`U ?" ?Ufdcin]g AYacf]U` GW\c`Ufg\]d YghUV`]g\YX Vm ?mjY`Y ?Ufdcin]g UbX \Yf `UhY \igVUbX DUi` ]b aYacfm cZ h\Y]f XUi[\hYf DUaY`U À-'" H\Y gW\c`Ufg\]d ]g UkUfXYX UbbiU``m hc U ZYaU`Y ghiXYbh cb h\Y <Uff]gVif[ WUadig YbhYf]b[ h\Y GW\cc` cZ @UkÁg 9lhYbXYX 8]j]g]cb j]U h\Y Hf]U` 5Xa]gg]cbg Dfc[fUa" K\]`Y VYWca]b[ Ub UhhcfbYm \Ug `cb[ VYYb U [cU` <UffY`` Éfgh \UX hc cjYfWcaY gcaY W\]`X\ccX cVghUW`Yg UbX kfYgh`Y k]h\ h\Y @G5H hc [Yh hc K]XYbYf" 5bX h\]b[g UfYbÁh Ubm YUg]Yf bck h\Uh g\YÁg \YfY" <Yf ^cV Ug U hfUbg]h]cbU` `]j]b[ WccfX]bUhcf Zcf h\Y A]`hcb <Yfg\Ym GW\cc` aYUbg h\Uh g\Y [cYg f][\h Zfca W`UggYg hc kcf_ UbX XcYgbÁh \]h h\Y Vcc_g ibh]` UVcih %% Uh b][\h" <UffY`` WfYX]hg \Yf hkc aYbhcfg½;kYbXc`mb <ccjYf h\Y K]XYbYf U`iabU k]h\ k\ca h\Y gW\cc` dU]fYX \Yf UbX U `cWU` VUf UggcW]Uh]cb cZÉW]U` k\ca g\Y aYh Uh U @Uk GW\cc` a]bcf]hm fYWYdh]cb½Zcf \Y`d]b[ \Yf hc gh]W_ ]h cih" ¾=hÁg bch ]adcgg]V`Y ¿ gUmg <UffY`` k\c cVhU]bYX U aUghYfÁg ]b Wf]a]bU` ^igh]WY VYZcfY Ybfc``]b[ Uh K]XYbYf" ¾= fYWY]jY U `ch cZ giddcfh Zfca am aYbhcf k\c kUg ]b h\Y Éfgh W`Ugg Uh h\Y <Uff]gVif[ WUadig" =hÁg VYYb [ccX hc \UjY U dcg]h]jY ]bÊiYbWY" CVj]cig`m mci _bck ch\Yf dYcd`Y aU_Y ]h h\fci[\ `Uk gW\cc` Vih ]hÁg U `ch acfY fYU` k\Yb mci aYYh k]h\ gcaYcbY UbX \YUf \Yf ghcf]Yg"¿


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

Scott E. Chambers Christopher J. Cosgrove Benjamin D. Cowley Alan E. Denenberg Andrew K. Fine John H. Frymyer Robert M. Goff Eugene F. Jensen Mary S. Much Katherine F. Mulcare Charles E. O’Connor Paul J. Perpiglia Marvin A. Robinson Arlene B. Rubin Frederick P. Santarelli Edward Seglias Jay S. Steinberg Joseph S. Sternberg Frederick A. Townsend Gail H. Turner

CLASS of 1989 9.8% Class Participation CHANCELLORS CLUB Robert P. Taishoff BENCH AND BAR CLUB William L. Prickett CENTURY CLUB Daniel J. DeFranceschi Carl N. Tripician DONORS Elizabeth D. Berenato Donald J. Bigley Brian A. Carlis Martin P. Convery Patricia Cunningham Anthony J. DiGioia Harvey B. Dikter Roseanne R. Duffy Douglas Y. Flick Gregory S. Hirtzel Mary Ann Jordano Jeffrey L. Klein Timothy R. Lawn William Lewis Joyce M. Lunney John Paul Lynch William J. McCarthy Jane E. Meyer Thomas L. Murphy Helen M. Richards

Michael D. Russo, III Michael G. Sabo Joan Schneikart Michele S. Sherman Marsha M. Shortell Francis X. Wickersham


CLASS OF 1991 9.0% Class Participation BENEFACTORS Cecilia M. McCormick DEAN’S COUNCIL Mary Alice Peeling

10.0% Class Participation PARTNERS CLUB Keith G. Rubenstein BENEFACTORS Michael J. Brown Leif R. Sigmond DEAN’S COUNCIL Howard K. Alperin BENCH AND BAR CLUB Peter Chamas Michael E. Joyce Gregory A. Lomax CENTURY CLUB Milton W. Brown Barry D. Cash A. Cathryn Evans Leonard M. Insalaco DONORS Emmanuel J. Argentieri Maureen C. Argentieri Barbara L. Ayars Jeremy S. Bannister Gino J. Benedetti Eric T. Bielawski Stephen B. Chasko Daniel J. Collins Marie P. Collins Elyse G. Fenichel-Leace Matthew Gitterman Steven M. Greber Lisa M. Jaeger Anoush M. Koroghlian John A. Miller Robert P. O’Flynn O’Brien Michele R. Punturi Bonnie D. Putterman Harry D. Quarles J. T. Savarese Jeffrey S. Shorr Kara L. Svendsen Richard R. White

BENCH AND BAR CLUB Eric N. Rubino CENTURY CLUB Hon. M. DeSales Haley DONORS Paul A. Alongi Kathleen C. Brightman Lois M. Campana Lisa J. Cappolella Todd E. Conner Christopher D. Curzon Joan P. Depfer Lisa A. Duda Sharon O. Finnegan John P. Gilligan David M. Gorenberg Ronald M. Graham James J. Haley Michael T. Hamilton Nadia M. Jannetta Curtis C. Johnston David A. Kase August E. Knestaut Michael J. Konowal Nicholas D. Maxymuik Joseph T. McDonnell Peggy McKeon Maureen A. Ostien Derek A. Popeil Patricia M. Ronayne Mary K. Schwemmer Lynne G. Secunda Laura Siberski-Scanlon Gayl S. Spivak John M. Tereniak Diane M. Willette Michael K. Yarnoff

CLASS OF 1992 9.1% Class Participation JURISTS SOCIETY Alice W. Strine

BENCH AND BAR CLUB Jessie B. Hill Leslie A. Johnson Susan E. Schwab Karen C. Yarrish

Thomas O. Williams Susan E. Zdroik

CENTURY CLUB Risa V. Ferman Ann E. Fruth Christopher S. Koyste Lynn M. Martosella Michael P. Reid Thomas F. Reynolds Gerald F. Strubinger


Joseph M. Scott Cara A. Serfass Jacob B. Sless

CLASS OF 1993 7.0% Class Participation

CLASS OF 1994 6.2% Class Participation

DONORS Leonard D. Biddison Suzanne E. Bielawski Kristy D. Boon Joseph Cagnoli Jeffrey M. Carbino Thomas R. Chesnick Dana L. Harrington Conner Jeffrey L. Dashevsky K. W. Davis Coleen M. Fadden Regina Foley Linda Squadroni Galella Kathryn A. Gartland Kevin M. Geary Eileen Grena-Piretti Daniel L. Grill Gerald B. Halt Martin J. Hillman Emily L. Hoffman George G. Horiates LaWanda A. Jackson Thomas A. Kauffman Gregory J. Kelley Andrew C. Lynch Frank A. Mazzeo Maria C. McLaughlin-Sisofo David A. Miller Daniel L. Minnis Terry M. Mogul Jonathan L. Parshall Brian J. Preski George T. Ragsdale Kevin R. Shannon C. Russell H. Shearer Sophia C. Smith Eugene M. Talerico James M. Tressler Nikolaos I. Tsouros

DEAN’S COUNCIL Kenneth D. Federman Andrew McK. Jefferson CENTURY CLUB Richard E. Burridge Curtis J. Crowther Philip W. Nicastro Patrick M. Shields Donna M. Van Blunk Henry E. Van Blunk DONORS Donald G. Brabson Tracy L. Burnley Elaine R. Butterhof-Frick Christopher D. Carusone Scott B. Cooper Ronald R. Cowell Kerri A. Daily Peter J. Daley Kathleen T. Dormer-Carusone Cheryl D. Farber Cynthia A. Fillman Eric S. Fillman Connie I. Flauaus Kevin M. Gold Deborah N. Harad Christian C. Hugel Dariel M. Janerette Robert J. Kreidler Deborah A. Krull Carron Trainer Laake Paul G. Lees Robert O. Lindefjeld Kenneth M. Lipowitz Sharon R. Lopez Maureen T. Marron David M. McCanney Richard L. Morris Jeffrey A. Nerenberg Thomas J. O’Malley MaryKay Rauenzahn Frances R. Roggenbaum Stephen A. Saville

BENCH AND BAR CLUB Eileen C. Seaman CENTURY CLUB Benjamin M. Del Vento Lisa B. Goodman Craig A. Hoogstraten Jeffrey W. McDonnell Jennifer L. Miller Shankar N. Muthuswami Charles N. Shurr

CORPORATE AND BUSINESS LAW INSTITUTE EXTENDS INFLUENCE DONORS Margie A. Anderson William Anklowitz Elizabeth S. Antoun Kathy L. Banfield Keith O. Barrows Michele F. Conte Carol A. Crisci Nan A. Davenport William J. Erle Samuel B. Fineman Kenneth B. Gebhard James L. Griffith Tracy L. Henry William W. Keffer Mark J. Kogan Robert J. Lohr Antonella M. Madonia James V. McMahan III Billie J. Moore Paul W. Muller Blaine T. Phillips Terry J. Reilly Mary Catherine Scott David J. Shannon Joseph B. Siedlarz Joseph B. Silverstein Joseph F. Sklarosky

CLASS OF 1995 6.2% Class Participation BENEFACTORS Jonathan P. Bigley

K]XYbYfĂ g UWW`U]aYX =bgh]hihY cZ 8Y`UkUfY 7cfdcfUhY 6ig]bYgg @Uk Yb^cmYX U Vigm mYUf Vf]b[]b[ hc WUadig X]gh]b[i]g\YX gdYU_Yfg UbX `UibW\]b[ U Xf]jY hc YbXck U ZUWi`hm W\U]f ]b VUb_fidhWm `Uk" Cb CWhcVYf ( UbX ) &$$+ h\Y ]bgh]hihY kY`WcaYX <UfjUfX Ib]jYfg]hm @Uk GW\cc` DfcZYggcf FcVYfh <" G]h_cZZ hc h\Y GW\cc` cZ @UkĂ g 8Y`UkUfY 7Uadig Ug U j]g]h]b[ gW\c`Uf" G]h_cZZ h\Y >c\b @" ;fUm DfcZYggcf cZ @Uk Uh <UfjUfX @Uk UbX U hfighg UbX YghUhYg YldYfh gdc_Y k]h\ `Uk gW\cc` ghiXYbhg UbX ZUWi`hm Ug kY`` Ug `Y[U` Wcaaib]hm UbX Vig]bYgg `YUXYfg UbX \Y XY`]jYfYX fYaUf_g cb hkc hcd]Wg" <]g UddYUfUbWY kUg gdcbgcfYX Vm h\Y 8Y`UkUfY 7cibgY` ;fcid" Cb AUm ) &$$, Vig]bYgg `Uk UhhcfbYmg UbX WcfdcfUhY `Uk gW\c`Ufg Zfca UfcibX h\Y kcf`X aYh cb h\Y 8Y`UkUfY 7Uadig Zcf žH\Y 8Y`UkUfY ;YbYfU` 7cfdcfUh]cb @Uk Zcf h\Y &%gh 7Ybhifm Âż U XUm`cb[ WcbZYfYbWY \Y`X ]b h\Y FiVm F" JU`Y Acch 7cifhfcca" H\Ym Wcbg]XYfYX k\Yh\Yf 8Y`UkUfYĂ g [YbYfU` WcfdcfUh]cb `Uk bYYXg fYZcfa]b[ hc aYYh [`cVU` W\U``Yb[Yg Vfci[\h Vm fYjc`ih]cbUfm W\Ub[Yg ]b hYW\bc`c[m ÉbUbWY UbX WUd]hU` aUf_Yhg h\Uh \UjY hU_Yb d`UWY g]bWY h\Y `Uk kUg fYjUadYX ($ mYUfg U[c UbX X]gWiggYX h\Y dchYbh]U` Zcf ghUhihcfm fYZcfa UZZYWh]b[ hU_YcjYfg ghcW_\c`XYf `]h][Uh]cb UbX WcfdcfUhY [cjYfbUbWY" H\Ub_g hc []Zhg UbX d`YX[Yg Zfca DUW\i`g_] GhUb[ N]Y\` >cbYg/ Mcib[ 7cbUkUm GhUf[Uhh HUm`cf/ G_UXXYb 5fdg G`UhY AYU[\Yf :`ca/ F]W\UfXg @Umhcb :]b[Yf/ Acff]g B]W\c`g 5fg\h HibbY``/ UbX U biaVYf cZ [YbYfcig ]bX]j]XiU`g h\Y @Uk GW\cc` fYUW\YX h\Y \U`ZkUm dc]bh ]b YbXck]b[ h\Y <Y`Yb G" 6U`]W_ 7\U]f ]b 6ig]bYgg 6Ub_fidhWm @Uk" H\fci[\ \Yf fi`]b[g 6U`]W_ cbY cZ 8Y`UkUfYĂ g acgh ]bĂŠiYbh]U` VUb_fidhWm ^iX[Yg \Y`dYX dcg]h]cb h\Y ghUhY Ug U WYbhYf Zcf WcfdcfUhY fYcf[Ub]nUh]cb dfcWYYX]b[g" H\Y \c`XYf cZ h\Y 6U`]W_ 7\U]f k]`` Yb[U[Y ]b fYgYUfW\ X]gWcifgY UbX ]bghfiWh]cb U]aYX gdYW]ÉWU``m Uh h\]g [fck]b[ WcbWYbhfUh]cb k]h\]b h\Y ÉY`X cZ WcfdcfUhY UbX Vig]bYgg `Uk" K]XYbYf @Uk Wcbh]biYg hc gYY_ giddcfhYfg Zcf h\]g j]hU` dcg]h]cb" >O`bWQW^O\ba Ob bVS ;Og & 1]`^]`ObS :Oe Ag[^]aWc[ WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


DEAN’S COUNCIL Heather Doheny Jefferson Karen A. Ulmer LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Mitchell Gurwicz BENCH AND BAR CLUB Charles D. Williams CENTURY CLUB Charles K. Graber Edwin J. Harron Scott A. Holt Kenneth J. Lopez Mary K. Marzolla Stephen M. Matarazzo Rick S. Miller

LAW & GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE BRINGS NATIONAL JUDICIARY MEETING TO HARRISBURG K]XYbYfĂ g @Uk ;cjYfbaYbh =bgh]hihY X]fYWhYX Vm <Uff]gVif[ 7Uadig J]WY 8YUb >c\b @" ;YX]X kUg ]bghfiaYbhU` ]b Vf]b[]b[ h\Y &$$, a]X!mYUf aYYh]b[ cZ h\Y BUh]cbU` 5ggcW]Uh]cb cZ 5Xa]b]ghfUh]jY @Uk >iX]W]Ufm hc DYbbgm`jUb]UĂ g WUd]hU`" 5Vcih %'$ UXa]b]ghfUh]jY `Uk ^iX[Yg kYfY ]b <Uff]gVif[ Zcf h\Y h\fYY!XUm Wcbh]bi]b[ `Y[U` YXiWUh]cb dfc[fUa k\]W\ ]bW`iXYX K]XYbYf @Uk 8YUb @]bXU @" 5aacbg Uacb[ h\Y YjYbh dfYgYbhYfg" H\Y 8YUb gdc_Y UVcih \YUfgUm fY`]UV]`]hm UbX k]hbYgg WfYX]V]`]hm" G\Y dfcachYX Ub YlhYbg]jY UiX]YbWY X]gWigg]cb k]h\ U gWYbUf]c h\Uh ]bjc`jYX U gcfY fUWY\cfgY jYhYf]bUf]Ub UZÉXUj]hg UbX U eiYgh]cb UVcih h\Y]f UXa]gg]V]`]hm Uh U Wcifh \YUf]b[" DYbbgm`jUb]U GidfYaY 7cifh >igh]WY UbX K]XYbYf @Uk CjYfgYYf H\caUg GUm`cf XY`]jYfYX h\Y _YmbchY UXXfYgg ž7cbgh]hih]cbU` 7cbg]XYfUh]cbg ]b 5Xa]b]ghfUh]jY @Uk Âż Xif]b[ Ub YjYbh `ibW\Ycb" 4`][ ZSTb 2OdWR 0`c\YS ^`SaWRS\b ]T <//:8) AbS^VS\ EWaS ^`SaWRS\b SZSQb ]T <//:8) EWRS\S` :Oe 2SO\ :W\RO : /[[]\a( O\R EWRS\S` 6O``WaPc`U DWQS 2SO\ 8]V\ 5SRWR 0`c\YS O\R EWaS O`S OR[W\Wab`ObWdS ZOe XcRUSa W\ BSfOa O\R 7]eO `Sa^SQbWdSZg

DONORS Wendy L. Aach Carol W. Baltimore Roger A. Barbour Duane S. Barrick Gayle A. Bourdeau Todd R. Brolin Patrick M. Cannon Anthony F. Cantarella Carolyn G. Connors Barbara A. Darkes Ruth A. Golas Anne A. Gregory Deryck Henry Philipp E. Kaeferle Thomas M. Krick Diane Magram Michael R. Nestor Christian M. Petrucci John C. Phillips James T. Rau James M. Reeder Ronald J. Reybitz Yvonne T. Saville Terrence M. Sawyer William J. Schneider Janene M. Smith Jeremy K. Tanner Kevin H. Teffeteller Raymond J. Warburton Barry H. Williams A. J. Woytek Linda G. Young

CLASS OF 1996 5.1% Class Participation PARTNERS CLUB Bruce M. Monroe BENEFACTORS James C. Bohorad Douglas M. Wolfberg BENCH AND BAR CLUB Harold P. Anderson CENTURY CLUB M. Blake Cleary Damian S. Jackson Angela E. Rodante DONORS Britt E. Anderson Patrick C. Barry Joel D. Beach Thomas F. Coleman Michael J. Diamondstein Mary Ann Gerber J. C. Gibson Varvara L. Gokea David I. Goodfriend Susan Kessock Thomas J. Knoblauch David L. Koch Paul M. Lambrecht William W. Lee David C. McFadden Jackson McGrady Kenneth F. Mitchell Michael G. Oleyar Bruce J. Rogers Irwin Siegel Edward F. Spreha Barbara S. Vlaisavljevic Mary Ellen Weissinger Debra L. Williams

CLASS OF 1997 7.3% Class Participation BENEFACTORS Scott E. Blissman Tanya C. Blissman Edward B. Micheletti BENCH AND BAR CLUB Carol J. Antoff


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

CENTURY CLUB Alissa Balotti Anderson Stephanie E. Kleinfelter Christopher S. Lipari Seth J. Reidenberg DONORS Alex J. Barker Van Barnette Lisa M. Bond Marilyn H. Bromels Stephen DeNittis William L. Doerler Janet L. Ekerovich James E. Ellison Matthew E. Hirt Renee L. Hrivnak Wade A. Kagarise Kyle Kemmer Bernine M. Sides Knox Jennifer Levy-Tatum Daniel E. Lohr Heather McVey Eric C. Milby Carl J. Minster Michael J. Mullen Irene Papasavvas Lisa A. Puglisi T. Andrew Rosen Amy C. Rothermel Michael D. Sachs Kelly K. Swartz Daniel A. Toadvine Rocco V. Valvano Adam M. Walcoff Danielle S. Walcoff Orville R. Walls Justin B. Wineburgh Paul J. Wylam

CLASS OF 1998 3.8% Class Participation CENTURY CLUB J. Jay Monteith Patricia A. Widdoss DONORS Wilson K. Barnes Kathleen M. Breslin Janine A. Carlan Linda G. Carraghan Tara K. Catanese Thomas E. Dowey

Class of 2000

S. N. Feltham Melanie J. Forshey Donna L. Harris William E. Howell Kimberly A. Ingersoll Leslie W. Knapp Scott E. Maier Aaron T. Marshall Etha McDowell Denise Smart

6.4% Class Participation BENCH AND BAR CLUB Holly Barbera Donald Smith CENTURY CLUB Stephanie L. Hansen

CLASS OF 1999 7.0% Class Participation BENCH AND BAR CLUB Diane M. Andrews Karen A. Pessione CENTURY CLUB Robert R. DeLong Jon D. Hoover Marlo Pagano-Kelleher DONORS Gregory F. Bobka Jeanne M. Brown Kathleen Conn Andrew S. Dashevsky Karen R. Ellsweig Kristen M. Fraser Randall G. Hurst Eric M. Kniskern Christopher P. Larsen Frank J. Lentz Kao H. Lu Karl M. Malaszczyk Jamison M. Mark Debra A. Matthews Rep. Patrick J. Murphy Jeffrey M. Pypcznski James M. Robinson Ronald K. Sharer Gregory J. Spadea Mark R. Sprow Christine S. Stickler Keith T. Stroup Betsy H. Taylor Amy M. Vanni Denise S. Vicario Joshua D. Waterston


DONORS Jennifer Armstrong Michael Bahner Bridget M. Bailey Lindsey Baynard Diana Clift Cebrick Elias Domingo John C. Donch, Jr Christina Warrick Geerlof Cherriel Natalie Gentles Patrick Gillard Jason Michael Leon David L. Lieberman Gary P. Levin Richard Maniskas Anne Murphy Steven Nash Scott N. Pletcher Lorraine Possanza Susan Marie Potts Patrick Rock Patrick Walsh Straub Anthony Testa Christina Thompson Angela L. Zaydon

Class of 2001 5.3% Class Participation DONORS Erika Appenzeller Nicole Ballenger Carol Lin Cornelison Jaimee A. Dautrich Kerry Alanna Duffy Hina Haq Joseph Albion Harmon Richard Huxford Paul M. Lambrecht Kathryn Marie Laughlin

Matthew Lunn Susan Doney Mack Michael McGlone Raymond Michaud III Michelle M. O’Hanlon Michael Shawaryn Liza A. Stagliano John P. Swift Matthew Williams

Class of 2002 6.8% Class Participation LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES T. Victor Clark CENTURY CLUB Margaret F. England Joy Abbot Inkpen Dawn Jones Joseph A. Mullaney III DONORS Krista Shevlin Butler Gertrude Curtiss-King Perry de Marco, Jr. Michael Dolan Michael A. Falcone Joseph Gorman Albert Guckes, Jr. Dale Jenkins Sylvia McCullough Therese L. Money Wendy Moragne James Newman Mark Olivere Jason O’Malley Michael P. Opacki Kathryn Peifer Riki Redente Michael Saile Matthew Schelkopf N. Randall Sees Brian Shaw Shannon Hovis Splittorff Christopher D. Zelesky Jennifer Zimmerman

VETERANS LAW CLINIC EXPANDS SERVICES AND ASSISTS ATTORNEYS K]XYbYf @UkĂ g JYhYfUbg @Uk 7`]b]W k\]W\ \Ug Wc``YWhYX acfY h\Ub % a]``]cb ]b VYbYÉhg Zcf X]gUV`YX jYhYfUbg UbX h\Y]f XYdYbXYbhg `Ugh mYUf YldUbXYX ]hg gYfj]WYg hc Ugg]gh jYhYfUbg UWfcgg h\Y 7caacbkYU`h\ cZ DYbbgm`jUb]U" 9ldUbg]cb cZ h\Y W`]b]W kUg aUXY dcgg]V`Y Vm U &)$ $$$ [fUbh UddfcjYX Vm h\Y DYbbgm`jUb]U ;YbYfU` 5ggYaV`m UbX X]ghf]VihYX Vm h\Y ghUhY 8YdUfhaYbh cZ 9XiWUh]cb" H\Y YldUbg]cb kUg UbbcibWYX ]b GYdhYaVYf &$$+" Hkc acbh\g `UhYf bYUf`m )$ dYcd`Y j]g]hYX K]XYbYf 8Y`UkUfY Zcf U XUm`cb[ dfc[fUa h\Uh X]gdYbgYX \Y`dZi` `Yggcbg UbX UXj]WY Zcf UhhcfbYmg k\c kYfY bYk hc fYdfYgYbh]b[ jYhYfUbg" 8]fYWhYX Vm DfcZYggcf H\caUg >" FYYX h\Y JYhYfUbg @Uk 7`]b]W \Ug dfcj]XYX ZfYY `Y[U` gYfj]WYg hc X]gUV`YX jYhYfUbg UbX h\Y]f XYdYbXYbhg g]bWY %--+" =h ]g h\Y cb`m jYhYfUbg `Uk W`]b]W ]b DYbbgm`jUb]U UbX cbY cZ cb`m U ZYk ]b h\Y Ib]hYX GhUhYg" ž5`` cZ cif W`]Ybhg UfY ibUV`Y hc UZZcfX hc \]fY U `UkmYf cb U ZYY!dUm]b[ VUg]g Âż DfcZYggcf FYYX gUmg" žAUbm cZ h\Ya \UjY bc ]bWcaY ch\Yf h\Ub h\Y]f JYhYfUbg 5Xa]b]ghfUh]cb VYbYÉhg UbX gYjYfU` UfY \caY`Ygg" :cf acgh cZ h\Y jYhYfUbg kY gYfjY h\Y JYhYfUbg @Uk 7`]b]W ]g h\Y]f cb`m `Y[U` fYWcifgY hc cVhU]b]b[ h\Y VYbYÉhg h\Uh h\Ym XYgYfjY Vih \UjY VYYb XYb]YX"Âż H\Y 7`]b]W U`gc Yb^cmg jYfm [YbYfcig cb[c]b[ giddcfh Zfca h\Y HU]g\cZZ :Ua]`m :cibXUh]cb h\Y GhUhY cZ 8Y`UkUfY UbX U biaVYf cZ UXX]h]cbU` ]bX]j]XiU`g `Uk Éfag UbX cf[Ub]nUh]cbg" 5b YlhfUcfX]bUfm []Zh Zfca h\Y HU]g\cZZ :cibXUh]cb k]`` VY XYhU]`YX ]b h\Y Gdf]b[ &$$- ]ggiY cZ EWRS\S` :Oe aU[Un]bY" DSbS`O\a :Oe 1ZW\WQ RW`SQb]` B][ @SSR `WUVb eWbV abOTT Obb]`\Sg 5O`g 0S`U

The three year increase in the number of colleges and universities from

which Regular Division Widener Law students enter the Law School.

WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


Class of 2003 7.0% Class Participation AMBASSADORS CLUB Nancy L. Stanford

Joseph Stringfellow Marianne Tyrrell Autumn Walden

CLASS OF 2005 7.0% Class Participation

BENCH AND BAR CLUB Elaine F. Duffus Bruce George CENTURY CLUB Jonathan S. Comitz Erin A. Edwards Melvyn H. Rothbard Sally Nuttycombe Rutherford Stephen J. Wenger

VALE COMPETITION TURNS 20; LAW SCHOOL HONORS BENEFACTORS HkYbhm!Zcif hYUag Zfca &' `Uk gW\cc`g dUfh]W]dUhYX ]b h\Y &$h\!UbbiU` FiVm F" JU`Y =bhYfgW\cc` 7cfdcfUhY Acch 7cifh 7cadYh]h]cb \Y`X cb h\Y 8Y`UkUfY 7Uadig ]b AUfW\" H\Y Ib]jYfg]hm cZ A]Ua] @Uk GW\cc`Ă g hYUa @UifU HYd]W\ UbX >cbUh\Ub Gei]fYg kUg d]W_YX Ug cjYfU`` k]bbYfg" Gei]fYg kUg U`gc []jYb h\Y VYgh cfU` UXjcWUhY UkUfX UbX :fUb_`]b D]YfWY @Uk 7YbhYfĂ g hYUa cZ ?Yj]b F" 8Uj]g =fmbU 8cfY UbX 5`Ub G`cbY fYWY]jYX h\Y 8cbU`X 9" DYUgY 6Ygh 7cfdcfUhY 6f]YZ UkUfX" >igh]WY >UW_ 6" >UWcVg >igh]WY <Ybfm XiDcbh F]X[Y`m ZcfaYf >igh]WY >cgYd\ H" KU`g\ J]WY 7\UbWY``cf 8cbU`X :" DUfgcbg UbX h\]g mYUfĂ g 8]gh]b[i]g\YX GW\c`Uf 6f]Ub ;" 7Ufhkf][\h gYfjYX Ug h\Y VYbW\ Zcf h\Y ÉbU` fcibX" 7Ufhkf][\h h\Y [YbYfU` WcibgY` cZ h\Y GYWif]h]Yg UbX 9lW\Ub[Y 7caa]gg]cb UXXfYggYX h\Y K]XYbYf @Uk Wcaaib]hm UbX JU`Y 7cadYh]h]cb dUfh]W]dUbhg" <]g `YWhifY žH\Y Fc`Y cZ h\Y GhUhYg½:cfY][b UbX 8caYgh]W Âż XYU`h k]h\ h\Y ]adUWh cZ [`cVU`]nUh]cb cb \ck ]bX]j]XiU` ghUhYg UbX Wcibhf]Yg hfYUh WcfdcfUhY `Uk UbX [cjYfbUbWY" =b [fUh]hiXY Zcf ]hg [YbYfcg]hm h\Y @Uk GW\cc` \cbcfYX h\Y FiVm F" JU`Y :cibXUh]cb Uh h\Y YjYbh UbX \cghYX >"7" UbX GUfU\ <ckY`` [fYUh![fUbXW\]`XfYb cZ FiVm F" JU`Y k\c dfYgYbhYX h\Y WcadYh]h]cbĂ g k]bbYfg h\Y]f UkUfXg" H\Y WcadYh]h]cb ]g bUaYX ]b \cbcf cZ FiVm F" JU`Y Ub cihghUbX]b[ `UkmYf k\c kUg \][\`m fY[UfXYX Vm ^iX[Yg UbX UhhcfbYmg" Idcb \]g XYUh\ h\Y FiVm F" JU`Y :cibXUh]cb kUg ZcfaYX/ h\Y ZcibXUh]cb ]g U `cb[h]aY giddcfhYf cZ K]XYbYf @Uk UbX ]hg FiVm F" JU`Y 8]gh]b[i]g\YX GW\c`Uf Dfc[fUa" 4`]\b `]e T`][ ZSTb( :Oc`O 6W\a]\ 8 1 O\R AO`OV 6]eSZZ :Oc`O BS^WQV 8]\ObVO\ A_cW`Sa 2SO\ :W\RO /[[]\a) POQY `]e T`][ ZSTb( 1V`Wa 4SObVS`abc\ DWQS 1VO\QSZZ]` 2]\OZR >O`a]\a 8cabWQS 6S\`g Rc>]\b @WRUSZg 0`WO\ 1O`be`WUVb 3a_ `SbW`SR 8cabWQS 8]aS^V EOZaV 8cabWQS 8OQY 8OQ]Pa 3`WQ :WbbZSĂ‹SZR


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

DONORS Kelly L. Bender George A. Bibikos Kristen R. Bibikos Donald J. Bowman Bonnie L. Cox-Shaw James S. Green Angela Halse Charlotte P. Hameka Mauri K. Hawkins-Brown Andrea N. Jones Robert A. Lawton Joseph M. Leager Darryl J. Liguori Chunsheng Lu Michael W. McDermott Peggy M. Morcom Rachel A. Wiest

CLASS OF 2004 4.8% Class Participation DONORS Gary Berg Joseph DeFelice Stephanie Derr Imbesi Antoinette Flora-Mihalic Brian Garman Amy Groff Bernard Kwitowski Nicole Kwitowski Ian Lang Daniel McLean Michael Mineo Margaret O’Neill Tina Orndorff Allynmarie Smedley

CENTURY CLUB Adam B. Cutler William A. Obringer Krista M. Samis MontÊ T. Squire DONORS Deborah E. Ballantyne Amy L. Bennecoff Matthew J. Butler Elizabeth A. Ditomasso Gabriel A. Dominelli Michael R. Ferlise Christopher Ferraro Colleen Frankenfield Barbara L. Gauger Benjamin M. Hoffman Cory A. Iannacone Nikki L. Jones Benjamin W. Keenan Jason L. Kline Gary D. Marchalk Melina M. Micich Penelope B. O’Connell Juda B. Opacki John S. Pontius Paul R. Ruffolo Lindsey A. Schreckengost Jennifer Stonerod John E. Travers Emily M. Vanderweide Anthony L. Venezia J’aime L. Walker Jennifer L. Walker

CLASS OF 2006 4.5% Class Participation LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Kathleen W. McNicholas DONORS Anonymous Meredith Allie-Gordon Mayerlin T. Almonte Jan L. Budman Noel A. Caron Kristen S. Coy

Kelly L. Curtis Katie A. D’Emilio Matthew P. D’Emilio Dena R. Kline John R. Logan Billie Jo A. Matelevich-Hoang James K. Matelevich-Hoang George C. Morrison Keli M. Neary Sharon K. Nonn Billie D. Resnick Dawn M. Schwartz Marcia Welsh Geoffrey K. White

CLASS OF 2007 9.5% Class Participation CENTURY CLUB Meredith J. Hamson DONORS Meghan A. Adams Kimberly A. Allen Andrew Carmine Thomas A. Cushane Shae L. DiLuzio Leo L. Dunn Justin K. Edelson Cerille Exconde Claire Gayley John K. Geschwindt Kara Guzzetti Meredith J. Hamson John Herman Trisha D. Hoover Jennifer L. Iseman Edward M. Janzekovich Ericka F. Johnson Brian C. Jordan Michael R. Keller Dana M. Klayman Erin B. Kowtna Tara Mondelli Lena Monje Kimberly K. Moraski Elizabeth F. Murdock Clinton J. Page Lauren A. Pisapia Robert F. Poppiti Adam G. Reedy Stephen W. Ries Christopher F. Schellhorn April L. Sherwood

Thomas A. Uebler Michael J. Veneziani Charles B. Vincent Jessica L. Wray

CLASS OF 2008 5.8% Class Participation CENTURY CLUB William M. Duskas DONORS Enoch O. Badamosi Elise L. Bradley Brian T. Cagle William B. Cowan Angela C. Davis Katharina Earle Kelly C. Ensslin Erika Ewing Jonathan C. Harting Kerry W. Hartington Bonnie A. Hershberger Sarah M. Kaplan Danielle K. Kuzminski Patrick J. Masterpalo Anurag M. Mittal Michelle I. Moses Douglas M. Oberholser Philip M. Smith John M. Walsh Douglas J. Welty Jared S. Zafran Hanxing Zheng

BENCH AND BAR CLUB Patricia Fox Michael J. Goldberg Susan L. Goldberg Russ Hakes Robert L. Hayman Leslie Johnson Patrick J. Johnston Kenneth T. Kristl Robert C. Power Elizabeth G. Simcox CENTURY CLUB John J. Capowski Francis J. Catania, Jr. Michael J. Cozzillio James W. Diehm Karen Durkin Andrew Fichter Ann E. Fruth John L. Gedid Lawrence A. Hamermesh G. Randall Lee Mary K. Marzolla Robyn L. Meadows Nicholas A. Mirkay III H. Geoffrey Moulton, Jr. Katharine F. Nelson John F. Nivala Edward K. Osei Rosemary R. Pall Laura and Philip Ray Judy L. Ritter Julia L. Shaub Serena M. Williams

FACULTY/STAFF BENEFACTORS Linda L. Ammons DEAN’S COUNCIL James R. May Deborah M. McCreery John Pachkowski Mary Alice Peeling Thomas J. Reed LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Ann H. Britton Paula D. Garrison Louise Hill Roberta F. Mann Nathaniel C. Nichols

DONORS Molly Acri Daniel Akacki Mary Allen Reza Amin Kelly Arnold Barbara L. Ayars Nicole E. Ballenger D. Benjamin Barros Ashley Barton David Berger Betty Jean Boyd Dana L. Harrington Conner Erin Daly Ana del Puerto John Dernbach Robert Dolbin Torill Drury Alice Eakin

Jean Eggen Jules Epstein Tonya Evans-Walls Jill E. Family Christy Farley Sarah W. Farmer Iva Ferrell Arlene Finkelstein Stephen Friedman Patricia Gallen Alan Garfield Sandra L. Graeff Eileen A. Grena Anna Hemingway Stephen Henderson Michael Hussey Mary Kate Kearney Alicia B. Kelly Eleanor Kelly J. Patrick Kelly Cassandra King Susan King John Kitchen Ann Kolodzey Dorothy Koncar Gilbert Landau III Todd Lineburger Robert Lipkin J. Palmer Lockard II Edmund Luce Mary Ellen Maatman Mary Jane Mallonee Denise Manelski Doretta Massardo McGinnis Colleen McKeone Juliet M. Moringiello Wesley Oliver Pamela Perry David Raeker-Jordan Susan Raeker-Jordan Paul L. and Patricia Regan Christopher Robinette Mary Ann Robinson LeaNora Ruffin Linda Sarro Jean Sbarge Barbara A. Smith Verne R. Smith Edmund Sonnenberg Leonard N. Sosnov Maggie Stewart Andrew Strauss Constance Kane Sweeney Arlene Trapuzzano Nancy Ravert Ward






















16.9% 11.9%

























FRIENDS AMBASSADORS CLUB Alexander & Ann Bratic PARTNERS CLUB Alesia Ranney-Marinelli C. Frank Shaw III Carl Zencey Eric Zencey Matthew Zencey BENEFACTORS John Clark Jr. Mark Chehi Walter and Jayne Garrison

THE RESULTS OF INNOVATION =b gd]hY cZ U kYU_Yb]b[ Udd`]WUbh dcc` bUh]cbU``m Ybfc``aYbh Uh K]XYbYf @Uk ]bWfYUgYX ]b &$$, UbX h\Y eiU`]hm cZ aUhf]Wi`Uh]b[ ghiXYbhg fYaU]bYX ghYUXm" H\YgY ghiXYbhg UfY Yb^cm]b[ acfY giWWYggZi` cihWcaYg k\Yb h\Ym VYWcaY U`iab]" K]XYbYf @UkÁg &$$+ [fUXiUhYg ZcibX Yad`cmaYbh Uh \][\Yf fUhYg h\Ub Ubm W`Ugg ]b h\Y gW\cc`Ág \]ghcfm UbX ]b [fYUhYf dYfWYbhU[Yg h\Ub h\Y bUh]cbU` UjYfU[Y" @]_Yk]gY h\Y biaVYf cZ U`iab] `UbX]b[ ^iX]W]U` W`Yf_g\]dg ]g cb h\Y f]gY" 6Uf dUggU[Y fUhYg UfY id" 7`YUf`m h\Y GW\cc` cZ @UkÁg fYbYkYX ZcWig cb ]bbcjUh]jY dfc[fUaa]b[ dfcZYgg]cbU` dfYdUfUh]cb UbX YlWY``YbWY Uacb[ ZUWi`hm ]g dfcdY``]b[ ig ZcfkUfX"

DEAN’S COUNCIL Donald Walsh LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Dennis Abraham Hon. Ida Chen Tom & Lynn Miller Hon. William T. Quillen and Mrs. Marcia Quillen Teresa A. Wallace and John Chou BENCH AND BAR CLUB Alan Epstein Hon. Jane Maroney David Rittenhouse William Wyatt CENTURY CLUB Ned and Kate Carp Judith Melman Vice Chancellor Donald F. Parsons Mark Pearce Robert Pearce Allan Shopp


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

DONORS Darryl and Nancy Barton Stanley and Ruth Bell Dana and Harry Bosk Rhoda Carp Peter Cintorino Robert Crowe Mary DeVries Erica FitzRoy Ted and Judy Ghebeles Muriel Gilman Herman and Charlotte Glotzer Robert Holland

Richard and Maxine Kahn Richard C. Kiger Harvey Kronfeld Neal and Roslyn Kushner Nanette Lipstein Kathleen B. Lynch Dwayne and Kerry Meluskey Jane Menendez Spencer Phillips Andrea Proctor G. Stuart Reeder, Jr. Joseph and Joan Rosenthal Noel Rubinton Allan Rusten Edward Schall Samuel Shipley I. B. and Patricia Sinclair Ruth Sokolowski Phillip and Joan Spiegelman Donald Tierney Herbert and Harriet Wolfson Leo and Sybil Zeftel Libby Zurkow

Geoffrey Gamble Peter M. Mattoon Elizabeth McGeever Susan E. Schwab CENTURY CLUB Jacqueline Goodwin Joanne Phillips Hon. Thomas G. Saylor, Jr. DONORS Peter J. Daley Justice Randy J. Holland Kathryn J. Peifer


OVERSEERS AMBASSADORS CLUB George K. Miller, Jr. PARTNERS CLUB Richard K. Herrmann BENEFACTORS Michael G. DeFino Eugene D. McGurk, Jr. Edward B. Micheletti John A. Wetzel DEAN’S COUNCIL Steven P. Barsamian Hon. Susan Del Pesco Andrew McK Jefferson Thomas L. Sager John F. Schmutz Hon. Joseph Walsh LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Hon. M. Jane Brady Hon. Philip A. Gruccio Kathleen W. McNicholas Hon. Lee Solomon BENCH AND BAR CLUB Hon. Raymond Batten C. Grainger Bowman

AMBASSADORS CLUB Alexander Bratic PARTNERS CLUB Marc R. Abrams Robert D. Gober Ronald P. Goldfaden Leslee S. Tabas James J. Veneruso BENEFACTORS Alan B. Levin Eugene D. McGurk Leif R. Sigmond DEAN’S COUNCIL Howard K. Alperin Timothy J. Snyder LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Mitchell Gurwicz CENTURY CLUB Kenneth J. Lopez Richard P. Zaretsky DONORS Patrick J. Murphy Cynthia R. Ryan


The increase from 2007 to 2008 in the number of Widener Law alumni who


donated to their alma mater. PARENTS AMBASSASDORS CLUB George K. Miller Edward P. Welch CENTURY CLUB Dr. and Mrs. M. Sean Grady DONORS Howard Aaronson Phoebe Ahmed Elisabeth Allen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Applegate Edward and Joanne Armbruster Christopher Ayoub Bernard and Elizabeth Barrett Linda Basile Scott and Nancy Bell Gene and Linda Bender Dale Bennecoff Anthony and Mary Ann Berosh Emilia Bertugli Cynthia and Glenn Blankenship Joseph and Marie Bonk Joseph and Assanta Borgia Michael Brillhart James and Mary Susan Capuzzi John H. Carney Hon. Francis J. Catania Christopher and Arlene Cicoski Howard and Kathy Clapper Joseph Closic Gordon and Kateri Cohick Stephen Collins Mary Ellen and William Conaboy Robert Cook William J. Coopersmith David and Jodi Crow Robert and Susan Dallas Arlene Dolan Mark and Kim Dougherty John and Barbara Doyle Jeffrey and Jody Durr Paul and Paula Esposito Ellen Fischer Robert George Carol Gerhardt Philip and Maria Giamanco Thomas and Emily Giannantonio Alethia Goins

George and Cathy Gottesman Lenroy and Valerie Hackett Jeffrey Harner John Harting Patrick Hayes H. Thomas and Ginger Herr Leon and Fran Hershey Ernest Iannucci Joseph and Debbie Imperia Vernon and Cathy Ingham Andrew Jasko Brian and Diane Jones Kyvele Karpouzis Fayez Khellah Matthew Klena Michael Klimkiewicz William Kutler Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Landis Geraldine Larkin James and Barbara Larkin Dennis Lavender George and Linda Lear Yoosei Lee Emmanuel Levin Norman and Aleta Rendina Levine Charles and Judith Malitsch Armand Mancini Sondra Margolies Jerry and Garnette Martin Anthony Masterpalo Steve and Marsha Matzura Jane Mayoros James and Cheryl McCarrie Nilesh and Jayshri Mehta Jay Melman Arthur and Barbara Miceli Cynthia E. Miller Bonnie Smith Moses Jeffrey and Linda Needleman Joseph Noonan Wayne and Beverly Norton Peter and Brenda O’Hern Samuel and Desiree Padovani Brian Paich Joe and M. Peffley Chester Pilgrim Warren and Janice Prince Randy and Kathleen Radish Jose L. Roman, III William and Joanne Russell John and Roberta Ryan

Judy Santo Mr. and Mrs. David A. Savitz Patrick and Catherine Scanlon Edward and Marlene Schimmel Leonard R. Schulhaus John and Barbara Sheridan Bergitta Smith Ronald and Leslie Smith Alan and Nancy Soschin Raymond and Sandra Stout Ray Sukumar Gerald and Frosty Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor Corinne Thompson Judith A. Tyler Robert N. Tyler Daniel and Susan Vicario Ernest and Linda Villa Burton Vincent Charles and Regina Vottero Francis Weeks Tom and Michele Weiner Wesley M. Weymers, Sr. Andy and Diane Woyteck

1,078 945






CORPORATIONS 1-800-4-TRADEMARK, INC ACE INA AIG Matching Grants Program Allstate Insurance Company Aspen Publishers, Inc. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Bank of America Bank of America Foundation Billy Wray Music BlueCross BlueShield of Delaware Capital Communications, Inc. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Harris Connect, Inc. Hershey Entertainment and Resorts Joe B. Glass, M.D. John D. McAllister, Inc. Khellah Insurance Agency Inc. Kraft Incorporated LandAmerica Financial Group Lockheed Martin McKeon Agency Merrill Lynch and Company Metlife Mobil Oil Corporation




$297,751 $101,072




$17,800 07









WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


National Business Institute, DBA Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Parcels, Inc. Penn National Insurance PNC Foundation ProActive Settlement Solutions, Inc. Sanofi-Aventis The Carney Group The Mutual Fire Foundation Inc. Verizon Matching Gifts Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Yoosei S. Lee, C.P.A., P.A.


STRONG FUNDRAISING ADDS VALUE FOR WIDENER LAW STUDENTS @YX Vm g][b]ÉWUbh Vccghg Zfca WcfdcfUh]cbg Éfag UbX ZcibXUh]cbg K]XYbYf @Uk Yb^cmYX Ub cihghUbX]b[ mYUf cZ ZibXfU]g]b[ ]b &$$+!$," Cif U`iab] Wcbh]biYX hc g\ck ghfcb[ giddcfh Ug kY``" H\Y fYgi`hg cZ h\]g giddcfh UfY h\Y UW\]YjYaYbhg WcbhU]bYX k]h\]b h\YgY dU[Yg" AcfY kcf_ fYaU]bg" 7cbh]biYX dfc[fYgg k]`` aYUb Wcbh]biYX ]aU[]bUh]cb ]bbcjUh]cb UbX ]bjYghaYbh" H\]g mYUfà g UW\]YjYaYbh k]`` VY bYlh mYUfà g VYbW\aUf_" H\Y gYWfYh hc giWWYgg ]g ]b ZUWh bc gYWfYh. KY aigh Wcbh]biY h\Y cb[c]b[ YldUbg]cb UbX fYÉbYaYbh cZ cif dfc[fUaa]b[ UbX kY bYYX mcif giddcfh hc Xc gc" =h ]g UbX k]`` Wcbh]biY hc VY cif dfUWh]WY hc cZZYf jU`iY kY`` UVcjY k\Uh cif ghiXYbhgà hi]h]cb WcjYfg" <ck ZUf UVcjY ]g id hc cif [YbYfcig U`iab] UbX Xcbcfg" K]XYbYf @Uk VY`cb[g hc UbX fYÊYWhg ]hg Zf]YbXg ]b h\Y Wcaaib]hm UbX ]hg [fUXiUhYg" KY \cdY mci k]`` hU_Y ckbYfg\]d cZ h\]g [fYUh ]bgh]hih]cb `Yh mcif jc]WY VY \YUfX UbX \Y`d dfcj]XY cif ghiXYbhg cddcfhib]h]Yg cZ k\]W\ mci WUb VY dfciX" 4W`[ `S^`SaS\bObWdSa O\R QZOaa OUS\ba [Sb eWbV 2SO\ :W\RO /[[]\a W\ 6O``WaPc`U EWZ[W\Ub]\ O\R >VWZORSZ^VWO b] RWaQcaa bVS :Oe AQV]]ZÂa ^ZO\a O\R ^`]U`Saa Oa eSZZ Oa ]^^]`bc\WbWSa b] VSZ^ >WQbc`SR ZSTb b] `WUVb O`S 9S``g / 2cTTg à /\USZO 6OZaS à ! 8OQ_cSZW\S /TT à '# 5ZS\\ 0ZOQYeSZZ à &$ 2SO\ /[[]\a 1O`Z ;W\abS` à '% O\R 9`WabO @SOZS AO[Wa à #


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

Clayman Family Foundation Community Foundation of New Jersey Donegan Family Foundation E. Wallace Chadwick Memorial Fund Generoso Pope Foundation Graham Foundation Harriette S. & Charles L. Tabas Foundation Henry Topel Foundation Herrmann Family Foundation Jewish Community Foundation of Metrowest New Jersey Pennsylvania Bar Foundation Ruby R. Vale Foundation Sprague Foundation, Inc. Taishoff Family Foundation The Ellen M. & Peter M. Klein Foundation, Inc. The Hutcheon Family Fund The Walter M Strine and Alice Washco Strine Foundation Welfare Foundation, Inc.

LAW FIRMS Alan D. Budman, Esq. Barbour & Barbour, P.A. Billie J. Moore, Esquire Bonnie D. Putterman, Esquire Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC Burke Vullo Reilly Roberts Attorneys at Law Chance & McCann LLC Charles S. Knothe, P.A. Chistopher S. Lipari Attorney at Law, LLC Christopher S. Koyste, LLC Connolly, Bove, Lodge & Hutz Cozen O’Connor CS Boulevard Properties LLC DeFino Law Associates DePasquale Law Offices Donald S. Young, Esq.

Edward P. Azar, LLC Ellen S. Fischer, Esquire Emanuel L. Levin F. Kevin Lynch, Esquire Faloore Chartered Law Offices Ferry, Joseph & Pearce, P.A. Fischer and Fischer Frank G. Olivo, P.C. Gary P. Levin, Esquire Gerald E. Fusella, Esq. Gerald J. Dichiara, Esq. Ginsburg & Morgan Gonser & Gonser Green, Green, Godowsky & McFadden Gusmorino & Marx Heller & Laiks, P.A. Holland, Brady & Grabowski, P.C. Hurley & Laughlin Irene Chiavaroli Johns, Esquire J. Scott Watson, P.C. J. Todd Savarese, Esq. Jane F. Engler Law Office Jay H. Ginsburg, P.C. John D. Wilson, Attorney Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. Kenneth A. Vercammen & Associates Kenneth L. Baritz & Associates, P.C. Law Office of Anthony G. Talarico Law Office of Charles E. Woolson, Jr. LLC Law Office of Edwin M. Matzkin Law Office of Eileen Caplan Seaman Law Office of Jeffrey P. Hoyle Law Office of Joseph B. Silverstein Law Office of Nathan Van Embden Law Office of Joseph C. Stringfellow Law Office of Marita M. Hutchinson Law Office of Michael G. Oleyar Law Office of Phillip A. Ross Law Office of Scott N. Pletcher, Esq. Law Office of Scott R. Jay Law Office of Stephen J. Hogg Law Office of Wade A. Kagarise Law Office of William Golden Law Offices of Frank J. Lentz Law Offices of Gregory R. Jacobs, PC Law Offices of Jerome Capone Law Offices of Lawrence F. DiGiovanna Law Offices of Lowell Snorf Law Offices of Milton W. Brown Law Offices of Richard Handler Law Offices of Thomas J. Floyd, Esq. Law Offices of Vincent J Ciecka Law Offices of William Hayes Leonard Sciolla Hutchison Leonard & Tinari LLP

Lohr & Hauber, Ltd Losco & Marconi P.A. Louis Michael Cambria, Esq. Lyons Dougherty Shaffer Ferber Maron Marvel Bradley & Anderson, P.A. Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin McCauley & Associates, P.C. McCarthy Weisberg Cummings, P.C. McNees, Wallace & Nurick Michael D. Russo III, Esq. Michael J. Diamondstein, P. C. Minster & Facciolo, LLC Morris James LLP Ochroch & Graber, P. C. Patricia Ronayne, Esquire, P.C. Paul H. Masciantonio, Esq. Peruto & Peruto Porzio, Bromberg & Newman Post & Schell Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP Raynes, McCarty Reed Smith LLP Reynolds, Drake, Wright & Marczyk Richard P. Zaretsky, Esq. Richard R. Mazzei, P.C. Attorney at Law Robert Adochio Robert P. Brendza, Esq. Rodney Walton Robinson, Attorney Ronald DeSimone, Esq. Sandler & Marchesini Saul Ewing LLP Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP Smith, Magram, Berenato, Michaud, P.C. Sophia Canosa Smith, Esq. Steiner Law Office, P.C. Stephen Mortelliti Esq Steven P. Barsamian, Esq. Susan H. Curcio, LLC Swift Law Firm LLC Teresa A. Miller, Esq. The Law Offices of Carl N. Tripician Thomas E. Dowey, Esq. Thomas J. Di Pilla Jr., Esq. Thomas J. Nolan, Esq. Uliase & Uliase Villari Brandes & Kline, P.C. VM Gokea Law Group PLLC Wapner Newman Wigrizer & Brecher William M. Sloane, LLM, Ph.D. Attorney & Counsellor at Law William P. Fedullo, Esq. Wright and Meehan Young Conaway Stargatt Taylor

ORGANIZATIONS Blue Mountain Preservation Association Committee To Re-Elect Peter J Daley II Delaware Chapter of the Federal Bar Association Delaware State Bar Association Delaware Volunteer Legal Services Greenwatch Institute IOLTA Client Trust Fund James S. Bowman American Inn of Court Lindsay Law Library Mid-Atlantic Environmental Law Center Myer S. Shandelman Trust Pennsylvania Bar Association Healthcare Law Committee Pennsylvania IOLTA The Center for Forensic Economic Studies, Inc.

PHILADELPHIA ALUMNI RECEPTION EVENT SPONSORS AND GIFTS IN KIND Abington Metal Dean Linda L. Ammons Renae B. Axelrod Kenneth L. Baritz & Associates, P.C. Steven P. Barsamian Law Office Bernard’s Hair Salon Scott E. Blissman Tanya C. Blissman Ms. Kim Boyer Center for Forensic Economic Studies, Ltd. Christilinden Citizens Bank Classic Settlement Services, LLC Clayman Family Foundation Anna Darpino D’Angelo Ristorante Italiano and Lounge James DeCrescenzo Reporting, LLC DeFino Law Associates Robert R. DeLong DePasquale Law Offices Dispute Resolution Institute, LLC DJS Associates, Inc. Dunlap & Associates, P.C, CPAs Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP Kenneth D. Federman Fidelity National Title First American Title Insurance Company Ms. Debbie Goetz David M. Gorenberg Harrington & Associates, P.C.

W. Bruce Hemphill, Esq. Law Office Imperatrice, Amarant, Capuzzi & Bell Industrial Valley Abstract Company Insurance Adjustment Bureau, Inc. Damian S. Jackson Jess Distributors, Inc. Jules Jurgenson Watch Co. Richard A. Kennedy & Associates Kent & McBride, PC Lawyers Funding Group, LLC F. Kevin Lynch Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin Stephen M. Matarazzo Matyson Restaurant McCormick & Priore, P.C. Cecilia M. McCormick MCS Group, Inc. Medical Legal Reproductions, Inc. NAI Geis Realty Group, Inc. Omni Abstract Agency, LLC Ooochi Q Ron Panepinto Jewelers Paragon Court Reporting, LLC Parfumerie Douglas Pennsylvania Bar Institute Pietrugallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti The Prime Rib Law Office of Charles W. Proctor III, LLC Raynes McCarty Robinson Luggage Rothberg & Federman Saltz Mongeluzzi Barrett & Bendesky William Schwartz Distinctive Jewelry Square on Square Chinese Restaurant Stark & Stark Stephen Starr Restaurants Stewart Title Guaranty Co. Talone & Associates, Inc. The TASA Group, Inc. TransPerfect Document Management Karen A. Ulmer University Stand-Up MRI Walsh & Nicholson Financial Group Widener University School of Law Widener University School of Law Alumni Board Widener University School of Law Campus Bookstore Justin B. Wineburgh

HARRISBURG GOLF OUTING SPONSORS Billy Wray Music Shop Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, P.C. Saul Ewing LLP Holland Brady & Grabowski, P.C. Kirk Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby LLP Williamsburg Estates, A Beacon Community GIFTS IN KIND Antique Automobile Club of America Museum Bedford Springs Resort Classic Drycleaners Duke’s Bar & Grille Gamut Theatre Harrisburg Senators Hershey Bears Hershey Theatre Hilton Harrisburg Scott’s Grille Ski Roundtop Wendy’s Widener Law Bookstore, Harrisburg

INDIVIDUAL HONOR ROLL 2007-2008 JURIST SOCIETY Alice W. and Walter M. Strine CHANCELLORS CLUB James and Elizabeth Daniello Maron Robert P. Taishoff AMBASSADORS CLUB Alexander and Ann Bratic George K. Miller, Jr. Nancy Stanford Edward Welch PARTNERS CLUB Marc Abrams Robert Gober Ronald Goldfaden Richard K. Herrmann Bruce and Elizabeth Monroe Alesia Ranney-Marinelli Keith Rubenstein

SHARED SPACE FOR CLINICS, SUPPORT FOR PUBLIC INTEREST LAW :cf acfY h\Ub &$ mYUfg h\Y biaVYf UbX gWcdY cZ K]XYbYfÁg `Uk W`]b]Wg \UjY ]bWfYUgYX XfUaUh]WU``m k]h\ WUgY`cUXg UbX ghiXYbh dUfh]W]dUh]cb [fck]b[ ]b hUbXYa" =b &$$+!&$$, W`]b]W ghiXYbhg dfcj]XYX acfY h\Ub %$ $$$ \cifg cZ dfc Vcbc fYdfYgYbhUh]cb hc h\Y]f W`]Ybhg UbX ÉY`XYX WU``g Zfca acfY h\Ub ( )$$ ]bX]j]XiU`g gYY_]b[ `Y[U` Ugg]ghUbWY" H\Y W`]b]Wg \UjY VYWcaY g][bUhifY dfc[fUag YaVcXm]b[ h\Y gd]f]h cZ h\Y ¾dfc Vcbc \UV]h¿ h\Uh K]XYbYf gYY_g hc ]bgh]`` ]b YUW\ cZ ]hg [fUXiUhYg" FYWYbh`m h\Y GW\cc` cZ @Uk `UibW\YX Ub YZZcfh hc dfcj]XY h\YgY dfc[fUag gdUWY fYÊYWh]jY cZ h\Y]f ]adcfhUbWY UbX UXYeiUhY hc UWWcaacXUhY h\Y jc`iaY cZ h\Y]f gYfj]WY" Idcb Wcad`Yh]cb cZ U g][b]ÉWUbh fYbcjUh]cb dfc^YWh h\Y W`]b]Wg k]`` fY`cWUhY hc Wcbgc`]XUhYX cZÉWY gdUWY ]b h\Y `Uk `]VfUfm" H\Y bYk UffUb[YaYbh k]`` cZZYf h\Y XiU` UXjUbhU[Yg cZ YUg]Yf UWWYgg Zcf W`]b]W W`]Ybhg Zfca h\Y gW\cc`Ág Zfcbh YbhfUbWY UbX h\Y YZÉW]YbWm h\Uh WcaYg k]h\ g\UfYX fYgcifWYg" =b AUfW\ h\Y h\]fX UbbiU` DiV`]W =bhYfYgh FYWYdh]cb dfYgYbhYX Vm K]XYbYf @UkÁg DiV`]W =bhYfYgh FYgcifWY 7YbhYf D=F7 \cbcfYX h\Y dUfhbYfg k\c \UjY `Ybh giddcfh hc D=F7 UbX GW\cc` cZ @Uk ghiXYbhg Wcaa]hhYX hc diV`]W ]bhYfYgh kcf_" H\]g mYUfÁg fYWYdh]cb Wc]bW]XYX k]h\ h\Y DiV`]W @Uk 5``]UbWY XcbcfgÁ UbbiU` UiWh]cb k\]W\ fUg]YX Uddfcl]aUhY`m %( $$$/ h\Y ZibXg k]`` giddcfh %$ ghiXYbhg k]h\ ZibX]b[ Zcf h\Y]f dfc Vcbc d`UWYaYbhg UbX#cf diV`]W ]bhYfYgh difgi]hg h\]g giaaYf" 6m dfcj]X]b[ dfc Vcbc `Y[U` Ugg]ghUbWY hc ibXYfdf]j]`Y[YX ]bX]j]XiU`g Ug kY`` Ug cf[Ub]nUh]cbg kcf_]b[ ]b h\Y diV`]W ]bhYfYgh K]XYbYf Ib]jYfg]hm GW\cc` cZ @UkÁg W`]b]WU` dfc[fUag fYÊYWh UbX \Y`d fYU`]nY cif `Y[U` gmghYaÁg acgh W\Yf]g\YX ]XYU`. hc dfcj]XY ^igh]WY Zcf U`` aYb UbX kcaYb fY[UfX`Ygg cZ fUWY WfYYX Wc`cf bUh]cbU`]hm cf YWcbca]W ghUhig" KY UfY jYfm d`YUgYX hc cZZYf h\YgY gYfj]WYg ]b U jYbiY WcaaYbgifUhY k]h\ cif XYX]WUh]cb hc h\]g df]bW]d`Y"

WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


C. Frank Shaw III Leslee S. Tabas James J. Veneruso Carl Zencey Eric Zencey Matthew Zencey

STUDENTS CAP INTENSIVE TRIAL ADVOCACY PROGRAM WITH SIMULATED TRIALS K]XYbYf `Uk ghiXYbhg ]b h\Y 5XjcWUWm UbX HYW\bc`c[m =bgh]hihYÁg =bhYbg]jY Hf]U` 5XjcWUWm Dfc[fUa kYfY UV`Y hc WcbXiWh g]ai`UhYX ^ifm hf]U`g VYZcfY j]g]h]b[ ^ifcfg UbX h\Y =H5D ZUWi`hm cZ UhhcfbYmg ^iX[Yg UbX `Uk dfcZYggcfg Ug h\Y kYY_`cb[ dfc[fUa WcbW`iXYX AUm &&" H\Y g]ai`UhYX hf]U`g U``ckYX h\Y ghiXYbhg k\c kYfY YbhYf]b[ h\Y]f ÉbU` mYUf cZ `Uk gW\cc` hc dfUWh]WY g_]``g \cbYX cjYf h\Y df]cf g]l XUmg" 8if]b[ h\Uh h]aY h\Ym kcf_YX cb hf]U` dfYdUfUh]cb ]bW`iX]b[ XcWiaYbhUh]cb k]hbYgg dfYdUfUh]cb cdYb]b[ ghUhYaYbhg X]fYWh UbX Wfcgg!YlUa]bUh]cb cZ k]hbYggYg ]bW`iX]b[ YldYfh k]hbYggYg UbX W`cg]b[ Uf[iaYbhg" =b dfYdUfUh]cb Zcf h\Y ÉbU` g]ai`UhYX hf]U`g h\Ym dfUWh]WYX YUW\ ghYd cZ h\Y hf]U` dfcWYgg [U]b]b[ YldYf]YbWY UbX WcbÉXYbWY U`cb[ h\Y kUm" :]bU``m h\Y ghiXYbhg \UX hc UggYaV`Y U`` cZ h\cgY g_]``g hc WcbXiWh h\Y g]ai`UhYX hf]U` Uh h\Y YbX cZ h\Y dfc[fUa" 5g dUfh cZ h\Y =H5D dfc[fUa K]XYbYf @Uk U`ia ?YbbYh\ >" @cdYn 9ge" Á-) BUh]cbU` 5Xj]gcfm 7cibW]` aYaVYf UbX h\Y ZcibXYf UbX 79C cZ 5b]aUhcfg Uh @Uk ]b 5`YlUbXf]U J5 gdc_Y cb dfcZYgg]cbU`]ga" GdYW]U`]n]b[ ]b hf]U` Yl\]V]hg Ub]aUh]cb UbX [fUd\]Wg 5b]aUhcfg Uh @Uk \Ug Wcbgi`hYX k]h\ aUbm cZ h\Y WcibhfmÁg `Uf[Ygh Éfag cb U jUf]Yhm cZ \][\!dfcÉ`Y WUgYg"

BENEFACTORS Linda L. Ammons Jonathan Bigley Scott and Tanya Blissman James Bohorad Michael Brown Mark Chehi John Clark Jr. Michael G. and Valerie DeFino Joel J. and Kim Feller Walter and Jayne Garrison Alan B. and Ellen Levin John and Cecilia McCormick Eugene McGurk, Jr. Edward Micheletti John and Lou O’Brien Hon. Paul P. Panepinto Alexander and Nancy Sarcione Leif Sigmond, Jr. John and Donna Wetzel Douglas Wolfberg DEAN’S COUNCIL Robert Adochio Howard Alperin Kenneth Baritz Steven Barsamian Michael Cibik Hon. Susan Del Pesco Kenneth Federman Selma Hayman W. Bruce and Dorothy D. Hemphill Jeffrey Hoyle Andrew McK and Heather Doheny Jefferson M. Jane Mahoney James and Kathleen May Kevin and Deborah M. McCreery John Pachkowski and Mary Alice Peeling Thomas and Emily Reed Thomas L. Sager Donald and Cyndi Scace John and Eileen Schmutz

9.7% 24

WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

Timothy Snyder Karen Ulmer Hon. Joseph Walsh LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATES Dennis Abraham Louis Jay Arnold William and Catherine Averona Marsha Borin Hon. M. Jane Brady Ann H. Britton Hon. Francis J. Catania John and Edna Cellucci Hon. Ida Chen T. Victor Clark Eileen Cooper Henry and Margaret Costa Donn and Betty Devine Blair Fleischmann Cary and Nancy Flitter Paula Garrison Jay and Sherry Ginsburg Hon. Philip and Mrs. Doris Gruccio Mitchell Gurwicz Louise Lark Hill and Harry Hill Richard Nelson and Roberta Mann Sondra Margolies Kathleen W. McNicholas Tom and Lynn Miller Nathaniel and Cheryl Nichols Hon. William T. Quillen and Mrs. Marcia Quillen Gregory and Carol Sciolla Hon. Lee Solomon Roy Sutton David Topel Henry Topel Teresa Wallace and John Chou BENCH AND BAR CLUB Anonymous Harold P. Anderson Diane Andrews Carol Antoff Holly Barbera Hon. Raymond Batten Alan and Linda Belfus C. Grainger and Sandra Bowman Eileen Caplan Seaman John and Barbara Carroll

Stephen and Pamela Carroll Peter Chamas Joel Chernock Vincent J. Ciecka Francis J. Clifford Vincent Craparotta Charlene Davis Charles Dombrowski and Molly Gallagher Elaine Duffus Alan Epstein Patricia Fox Gerald Fusella Patrick Gallery Geoffrey Gamble Bruce George Don Stuart and Deborah Ginsburg Michael and Anne Goldberg Susan Lynn Goldberg Russ and Laraine Hakes Robert L. Hayman, Jr. Jessie Barker Hill Mark F. and Kelly Himsworth Leslie Johnson Michael Joyce James A. and Sharon Brady Kelley Michael Joseph and Eva Korolishin Kenneth Kristl Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Landy Michael and Madeline Lione Gregory A. Lomax F. Kevin and Isabel Lynch Jane Maroney Peter M. and Joan Mattoon Kevin P. and Sheila McCann Elizabeth McGeever Joseph and Teresa Miller Amil Minora Hon. Marianne Ossmer Mizel Bruce M. Mundorf Kevin A. and Alice O’Brien Martin C. and Gail O’Brien Hon. John J. O’Grady Steve Parsons Carl and Arlene Pearce Karen Sclufer Pessione Robert Power William L. and Elizabeth Prickett Alann Ramirez David Rittenhouse Eric Rubino

Growth in percentage of Widener Law graduates obtaining a position in a legal field

between 2005 and 2007.

Andrew Schaeffer Susan Elizabeth Schwab Martin J. Sendek Elizabeth G. Simcox Donald Smith George B. Smith Donald and Joyce Walsh Charles and Janelle Williams William Wyatt CENTURY CLUB Ronald Amarant Andrew H. Appel Norman Ashworth G. Alan and Denise N. Bailey Alissa Balotti Anderson Peter J. Barnes III Mark and Jill Blank David Bongiovanni Milton and Yvonne Brown Mark Brownstein Joseph and Kathleen Curry Burke Richard Ernest Burridge Jerome Capone John J. Capowski Ned and Kate Carp William and Marilyn Carpenter Barry Cash Francis Catania, Jr. Teresa Cheek M. Blake Cleary Jonathan Comitz Michael Cozzillio Curtis Crowther Donald Parker and Susan Curcio Adam B. and Wendy Cutler George F. and Mary Dale Daniel Joseph DeFranceschi Robert R. DeLong, Jr. Benjamin M. Del Vento, Jr. Frank C. and Lisa DePasquale James Devine Edward DiDonato James and Cathleen Diehm Lawrence F. and Regina DiGiovanna Linda Blanchfield Dillow Eugene and Marie Janton DiPrinzio E. Douglas and Patricia DiSandro Michael Donio Anthony Doyle Hon. Barry C. Dozor David Twaddell and Karen Durkin William Duskas Erin Edwards Donald A. Emeigh, Jr.

Margaret F. England Don A. Erlandson A. Cathryn Evans William Paul Fedullo Michael and Risa Ferman Andrew Fichter David Finkel Jeffery B. and M. Ellen Fromm Ann Fruth John and Carol Gedid Lawrence Gibson James David Golkow Lisa Goodman Jacqueline Goodwin Charles K. Graber Dr. and Mrs. M. Sean Grady Eric L. and Ilean Grayson Gary R. and Nancy Catania Gremminger Hon. M. DeSales Haley Lawrence Hamermesh Meredith Hamson Richard G. and Susan Handler J. Christopher and Stephanie L. Hansen Catherine Harrington Edwin J. and Susan Carroll Harron William Heimbuch Roger MacDonald and Catherine Holcomb Scott Holt Craig Hoogstraten Jon D. and Stephanie Hoover Joanne L. Horn Barbara Silver Hutcheon Joy Abbot Inkpen Leonard Insalaco Clay T. and Ann Jester Daniel Johnson Patrick and Marcia Johnston Dawn Jones Rosemary K. Killian Jay E. and Bebe H. Kivitz Stephanie Kleinfelter Christopher Koyste Marc Lamer Derek R. Layser Randy and Brenda Lee David L. Lieberman Christopher Lipari Kenneth Lopez Daniel R. and Denise Losco Daniel Maisano Lynn Martosella Mary Marzolla Stephen Matarazzo Mark Mattia

Richard Mazzei Jeffrey William McDonnell James McGann John D. and Kathleen McLaughlin Robyn Meadows William Meehan Judith Melman Rick and Jennifer Miller Charles P. Mirarchi III Nicholas Mirkay III Frederick Richard and Denise Mogel J. Jay Monteith Richard Morrissey Geoffrey Moulton Joseph A. Mullaney III W. Michael Mulvey Shankar N. Muthuswami Katharine F. Nelson Philip Nicastro John F. Nivala William Obringer Jeffrey Mitchell and Marla Orenstein Edward Osei Marlo Pagano-Kelleher Rosemary Pall Hon. Donald F. and Ethel Parsons Mark Pearce Robert Pearce Fortunato Perri, Jr. Joanne Phillips Kenneth E. and Patricia Picardi Thomas Puleo Barry Rabin Laura and Philip Ray Michael P. Reid II Seth J. Reidenberg and Regina M. DeAngelis Richard Reilly Judy L. Ritter Angela Elaine Rodante Melvyn Rothbard Sally Nuttycombe Rutherford Mary M. Sabulsky Paul R. and Sandra Sacks Michael J. and Jeanne Saile Krista Samis Joseph Santarone Hon. Anthony and Janet Sarcione Philip Sarcione Andrew L. Schaeffer Anthony J. Sciolla Milton P. Shafran Julia Shaub Patrick Michael Shields Allan Shopp

CHILDREN OF CITIZEN-ACTIVIST COME TOGETHER TO HONOR HIS LEGACY H\Y `UhY 7\Uf`Yg NYbWYm \UX bc `Uk XY[fYY mYh \]g ]bjc`jYaYbh Ug U 8Y`UkUfY W]h]nYb!UWh]j]gh kUg gc Wcad`YhY ]h `YX \]a hc Uf[iY Ub Ybj]fcbaYbhU` `Uk WUgY ]b Zfcbh cZ h\Y ghUhY GidfYaY 7cifh" 5ZhYf \]g dUgg]b[ NYbWYmĂ g W\]`XfYb½7Uf` 9f]W UbX AUhh\Yk NYbWYm UbX :fUb_ G\Uk½gYY_]b[ hc \cbcf h\Y]f ZUh\Yf aUXY U []Zh hc h\Y GW\cc` cZ @Uk ]b giddcfh cZ U ghiXYbh UkUfX" =b gc Xc]b[ h\Ym k]g\YX hc fYWc[b]nY NYbWYmĂ g dUgg]cbUhY XYX]WUh]cb hc Ybj]fcbaYbhU` ]ggiYg" žKY kUbhYX hc fYkUfX bch ^igh h\Y VYgh ghiXYbh ]b Ybj]fcbaYbhU` `Uk Vih cbY UWhiU``m cih h\YfY Xc]b[ h\]b[g Âż gUmg gcb 9f]W NYbWYm U dfcZYggcf cZ \]ghcfm Uh U GIBM Wc``Y[Y" ž7caa]hhYX hc UWh]j]ga dYf\Udg/ W`]b]WU` YldYf]YbWY cf kcf_]b[ ]b h\Y ÉY`X kci`X VY U d`ig" Bch bYWYggUf]`m h\Y \][\Ygh ;D5 Vih h\Y ghiXYbh k\c ]b h\Y Ygh]aUh]cb cZ h\Y ZUWi`hm \Ug g\ckb h\Y acgh YbYf[m ]b difgi]h cZ h\Y gcfh cZ [cU`g am ZUh\Yf difgiYX"Âż ;]jYb h\Y GW\cc` cZ @UkĂ g ]aaYfg]cb ]b Wcaaib]hm!VUgYX `Uk ]hĂ g bc gifdf]gY h\Uh NYbWYmĂ g W\]`XfYb W\cgY hc \cbcf h\Y `UhY UWh]j]ghĂ g `Y[UWm Vm giddcfh]b[ U K]XYbYf ghiXYbh" ž<Y kUgbĂ h cbY hc giZZYf dYfWY]jYX ]b^igh]WY ei]Yh`m Âż 9f]W NYbWYm cVgYfjYg" 8YUb @]bXU 5aacbg bchYX žKY UfY XYYd`m [fUhYZi` Zcf h\Y NYbWYm ZUa]`mĂ g [YbYfcg]hm UbX Zcf h\Y]f k]``]b[bYgg hc ]b]h]UhY Ub cddcfhib]hm h\Uh gc W`YUf`m fYĂŠYWhg h\Y @Uk GW\cc`Ă g Wcaa]haYbh hc ^igh]WY ]b h\]g ÉY`X UbX hc h\Y aYaVYfg cZ h\Y Wcaaib]hm h\Uh dfcachY ]h"Âż 1VO`ZSa HS\QSg `WUVb eWbV VWa eWTS @cbV

WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


THE DUAL BENEFITS OF PLANNED GIVING @]_Y gc aUbm K]XYbYf @Uk ghiXYbhg BUbWm GhUbZcfX d`UWYX U \][\ df]cf]hm cb WcbjYb]YbWY k\Yb g\Y Ybfc``YX Uh U[Y (- UZhYf gYjYfU` mYUfg Ug U `UV fYgYUfW\Yf UbX ghUm!Uh!\caY aca" 5bX `]_Y gc aUbm K]XYbYf @Uk ghiXYbhg GhUbZcfX ZcibX h\Y WcbjYb]YbWY acfY h\Ub aUhW\YX Vm h\Y hYff]ÉW YXiWUh]cb g\Y fYWY]jYX" 5ZhYf [fUXiUh]b[ ]b &$$' GhUbZcfX gdYbh h]aY W`Yf_]b[ Zcf 8Y`UkUfY GidYf]cf 7cifh ^iX[Yg UbX kcf_]b[ Uh h\Y ghUhY 8YdUfhaYbh cZ >igh]WY" HcXUm g\Y XcYg kcf_YfgÁ WcadYbgUh]cb ]bgifUbWY XYZYbgY k]h\ <YW_`Yf :UVf]nn]c ]b K]`a]b[hcb" @Ugh gdf]b[ g\Y YghUV`]g\YX U XYZYffYX W\Uf]hUV`Y []Zh Ubbi]hm hc giddcfh h\Y GW\cc` cZ @Uk" <Yf d`UbbYX []Zh VYbYÉhg Vch\ \Yf UbX h\Y @Uk GW\cc`" IbXYf ]hg hYfag g\Y fYWY]jYX hUl VYbYÉhg h\Y mYUf g\Y aUXY h\Y []Zh UbX U ZihifY hUl!UXjUbhU[YX UbbiU` fYhifb" GhUbZcfX ]g WUfYZi` hc W\ccgY \Yf W\Uf]hUV`Y hUf[Yhg UbX ]h kUg \Yf UddfYW]Uh]cb cZ k\Uh g\Y [ch cih cZ `Uk gW\cc` h\Uh `YX \Yf hc XYg][bUhY K]XYbYf Zcf \Yf []Zh" ¾G]bWY ]h \UX VYYb gc `cb[ g]bWY = kUg ]b Ubm _]bX cZ ZcfaU` YXiWUh]cbU` g]hiUh]cb = UddfYW]UhYX h\Y aYbhU` W\U``Yb[Y ¿ g\Y gUmg ¾UbX h\Uh = kUg gh]`` id hc h\Y ]bhY``YWhiU` W\U``Yb[Y cZ Xc]b[ ]h" =h kUg [ccX dfYdUfUh]cb"¿


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

Charles Shurr William Sloane Gerard Smith Lowell Snorf III Fred Dorfman and Susan Levinson Spagna Monté Squire Jerry H. and Bonnie Steiner Gerald and Carolyn Strubinger Thomas R. and Carolyn Uliase Henry E. and Donna M. Van Blunk J. Scott and Laura Watson Stephen Wenger Patricia Widdoss Serena Williams Barry and Janet Wolper Karen Yarrish Richard P. and Esther A. Zaretsky David Zimmerman and Dona Wolsko Zimmerman


\cbcf fc`` cZ gYfj]WY LAW SCHOOL BOARD OF OVERSEERS 2007-08 Eugene D. McGurk, Chair Steven P. Barsamian Hon. Raymond A. Batten C. Grainger Bowman Hon. M. Jane Brady Hon. Peter John Daley II Michael G. DeFino Hon. Susan C. Del Pesco Geoffrey Gamble Jacqueline G. Goodwin Hon. Philip A. Gruccio Richard K. Herrmann Justice Randy J. Holland Andrew McK. Jefferson Peter M. Mattoon Elizabeth McGeever Kathleen W. McNicholas Edward B. Micheletti George K. Miller, Jr. Hon. Charles P. Mirarchi, Jr. Joanne Phillips Thomas L. Sager Hon. Thomas G. Saylor John F. Schmutz Susan E. Schwab Hon. Gregory M. Sleet Hon. Lee A. Solomon Allen M. Terrell, Jr. Hon. Joseph T. Walsh John A. Wetzel

Franklin A. Miles U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Murphy Cynthia R. Ryan Leif R. Sigmond Timothy J. Snyder Alice W. Strine Leslee Silverman Tabas Capt. Robert P. Taishoff, JAGC, USN James J. Veneruso Richard P. Zaretsky DEAN’S MINORITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE, 2007-08 Delaware Michael A. Brown Priscilla A. Chatman James Elam, IV Cheryl Gaston Gretchen Gilchrist Carol Herring Vera Holmes Damian Jackson Brenda James Hon. Joel S. Johnson Jennifer Levy-Tatum Hon. George W. Overton Rodney Ray Scott W. Reid Hon. Calvin L. Scott Everett Scott Bernard Smalley Monté T. Squire Damon Tyner Orville R. Walls, III Richard K. Washington, Jr. Leon Williams


DEAN’S DIVERSITY BOARD 2007-08 Harrisburg

Marc R. Abrams Michael J. Aiello Howard K. Alperin Kyle D. Bowser Alexander Bratic Michael A. Brown Ronald P. Goldfaden Mitchell Gurwicz N. Lynne Hughes Alan B. Levin Kenneth J. Lopez James J. Maron Eugene D. McGurk, Jr.

Jacqueline Bedard Thomas Brenner Monica Cliatt Samuel Cooper Vera Cornish Pedro Cortes Sheila Dow-Ford Karen Durkin John Gedid Renardo Hicks Franklin Miles Donald Morgan

Tyrone Powell Peter Speaks Hon. Jeannine Turgeon Dionne Wiggins Derrick Williamson LaToya Winfield CAREER DEVELOPMENT MENTORS Harrisburg Amy (Whitney) Baer Seth Black Kelly Bonanno Suzanne Becker George Bibikos Susan Bucknum Eric Bush Vincent Champion Mary Ann Claraval Monica Cliatt Kathleen Connors Stacey Connors Michael Consedine Scott Cooper James Demmel Cynthia Fillman Jason Giurintano Amy Groff Gwen Hoover Joel Hopkins Cory Iannacone Mary Ann Jordano Dale Ketner Stan Koziczynski Jason Lambrino Korey Leslie Michelle Leslie Darryl Ligouri John Logan James Matelevich-Hoang James McNulty Peggy Morcon Fran Roggenbaum Jason Raup Mary Catherine Scott Irwin Siegel John Sheridan Amy Slody Amanda Snoke Steven Snyder Michelle Sommer Edward Spreha Aspassia Staevska Melissa Swauger

Ryland Tanner Sheila Thurston Jeremiah Underhill Jaime Wassmer Larry Weisberg Theresa Zechman Jennifer Zimmerman Jim Zugay CAREER DEVELOPMENT MENTORS Delaware Clint Allen Suzanne Bachovin Alan Bailey Adam Balick Michael Barbiero Shayna Beck Glenn Blackwell Leo Boyle George Brancatti Kathleen Breslin Tanya L. Bridges Mark Buckworth Tara Bustard Christopher Cabott Suzanne Canning Kevin Carroll Stephen Cirillo Jesse Cohen Alan Cooper Gretchen M. Curran Kristen Daniels Alan Davis Shaun H. Day Michael De Fino Stephanie Derr Imbesi Richard DiLiberto, Jr. Claudio DiPaolo Donna DiPietro Christina Feehan Marie Feindt Eric Fingerman Joseph Gabay Kathryn M. Gantz Ron Graham Amy Guth Angela Halse Curt Hatfield Joelle Hitch Robert Hoffman Lori Hood Michael Imms Kimberly Jinks

Dimitri Karupelou Carlin Knight James B. Konieczny James Lare Kay Lawson John Macconi, Jr. Cheryl Maddox Mark Mattia Hon. Christopher Mattox Rakesh Mehta David Menth Frederick Mogel Gerald Montella Kim Denise Morton Ben Moseley Patrick Murphy Mike Nestor Martin O’Connor Mary Alice Peeling Jonathan Peri Kimberlie Pezzuto Marc Phillips Thomas Purl Riki Redente Andrew Rosen Hon. Maurino Rossanese, Jr. Todd Rowe Krista Reale Samis Melissa Hubshman Schreiber Everette Scott Ray Scott Monica Sheets Phillip A. Simon Denise Smart Timothy Stafford Amir Stark Joseph Stringfellow Kelly Swartz Lisa Violi Scott Watson Shannon Weaver Disna Weerasinghe Stephen J. Wenger Samantha Wilson

CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS ADD TO THE EXPERIENCE GYjYfU` WUd]hU` ]adfcjYaYbhg Uh h\Y GW\cc` cZ @Uk \Y`dYX ghiXYbhg ]b 8Y`UkUfY UbX <Uff]gVif[ aUl]a]nY h\Y]f K]XYbYf YldYf]YbWY" =b <Uff]gVif[ h\Y D]h kUg fYZifb]g\YX UbX fYWcbÉ[ifYX hc gYfjY U ai`h]hiXY cZ difdcgYg UbX h\Y ZUWi`hm `cib[Y kUg fYbcjUhYX" =b 8Y`UkUfY UhhfUWh]jY `UbXgWUd]b[ UbX h\Y fYbcjUh]cb cZ h\Y 6Uff]ghYfgà 7`iV YbhfUbWY ]adfcjYX h\Y WUadigà g d\mg]WU` VYUihm" G\]d`Ym <U`` kUg id[fUXYX h\fci[\ h\Y ]bghU``Uh]cb cZ g]l Wcaaib]hm _]hW\Ybg Ub idXUhYX `cib[Y \U``kUm UbX ghU]fkUm UbX h\Y fYZifb]g\]b[ cZ h\Y ghiXYbh `cib[Y ]bW`iX]b[ h\Y difW\UgY cZ d`UgaU!gWfYYb hY`Yj]g]cbg" 5`` ghiXYbh UdUfhaYbhg kYfY []jYb VYhhYf Êccf]b[ UbX bYk acfY YbYf[m!YZÉW]Ybh <J57 gmghYag" Cb Vch\ WUadigYg h\Y ]bghU``Uh]cb cZ bYk \][\!dckYfYX dfc^YWhcfg ]b h\Y acch Wcifhfccag UbX h\Y d`UWYaYbh cZ bYk d`UgaU!gWfYYb acb]hcfg ]b gYjYfU` Vi]`X]b[g Yb\UbWYX h\Y `YUfb]b[ YldYf]YbWY" / \c[PS` ]T `S\]dObW]\ O\R PSOcbWËQObW]\ ^`]XSQba W\ % & VSZ^SR [OYS P]bV EWRS\S` :Oe QO[^caSa []`S Obb`OQbWdS ^ZOQSa b] ZSO`\ B]^ bVS 2SZOeO`S 1O[^ca b]e\V]caSa) `WUVb bVS >Wb W\ 6O``WaPc`U

CAREER DEVELOPMENT MENTORS New Jersey Hon. Raymond Batten Matthew Berkle Joel Berman Jill Cantor John Cirrinicione Brian Curley

WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


18% The increase of Widener Law faculty publications over the previous year.

CAREER DEVELOPMENT MENTOR PROGRAM REACHES NEW HEIGHTS BYUf`m %)$ K]XYbYf @Uk U`iab] Ugg]ghYX h\Y]f U`aU aUhYf ]b &$$+!$, Vm gYfj]b[ Ug 7UfYYf 8YjY`cdaYbh AYbhcfg" H\YgY [YbYfcig UhhcfbYmg ]b 8Y`UkUfY DYbbgm`jUb]U UbX BYk >YfgYm jc`ibhYYfYX hc UXj]gY Éfgh!mYUf ghiXYbhg Ug h\Ym YbWcibhYfYX h\Y W\U``Yb[Yg cZ \ck hc ghiXm Zcf YlUag hc VY h\YfY hc WY`YVfUhY h\Y ^cm cZ fYWY]j]b[ h\Y Éfgh 5 ]b h\Y]f `Uk gW\cc` WUfYYf hc WcibgY` h\Y]f aYbhYYg cb k\]W\ Y`YWh]jYg UfY VYbYÉW]U` hc hU_Y UbX hc []jY WUfYYf UXj]WY k\Yb bYYXYX" FYWYdh]cbg cb YUW\ WUadig `Ugh ZU`` [UjY U`iab] aYbhcfg UbX ghiXYbhg h\Y W\UbWY hc aYYh h\Y]f aUhW\Yg" H\Y ghiXYbh!U`iab] aUhW\ ]g U WUfYZi` dfcWYgg cfW\YghfUhYX Vm h\Y 7UfYYf 8YjY`cdaYbh CZÉWY" %@à g UfY dU]fYX k]h\ Ub U`iabU#ig VUgYX cb dfcZYgg]cbU` ]bhYfYgh fY[i`Uf cf YlhYbXYX X]j]g]cb Ybfc``aYbh UbX#cf [Yc[fUd\m" @Ugh mYUfà g U`iab] aYbhcf dUfh]W]dUh]cb kUg h\Y \][\Ygh ]b h\Y dfc[fUaà g \]ghcfm" 5 `]gh cZ aYbhcfg WUb VY ZcibX VY[]bb]b[ cb h\]g dU[Y" 8O[Sa ;ObSZSdWQV 6]O\U Â $ aVO`Sa ORdWQS eWbV VWa [S\bSS Ob bVS 6O``WaPc`U `SQS^bW]\ ZOc\QVW\U bVS % & /Zc[\W ;S\b]`W\U >`]U`O[


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

Thomas A. Cushane Thomas Ehrlich Eric Fingerman Hillary Freeman Christopher Galusha Ron Goldfaden Suzanne Gossner Dennis Hernon Patrick Hurst Kimberley Kluchnick Mark Mattia Wayne Mauro David Meth George Miller Joseph More Monika Pundalik Larry Raiken Sarah Silver Hon. Lee Solomon Jennifer Stonerod INTENSIVE TRIAL ADVOCACY PROGRAM INSTRUCTORS Delaware Cindy Faulkner, Team Leader Edmund Hillis, Team Leader Vera Holmes, Team Leader Michael Riley, Team Leader Gregory R. Babowal Carlos Barraza Ronald Bekoff Carol Benson John Benson Michael S. Bloom Hon. M. Jane Brady Hon. John P. Capuzzi Thomas J. Charron Charles Dewey Cole, Jr. Mario D’Alfonso Curtis L. DeClue Richard A. DiLiberto, Jr. Robert A. Farkas Terrence P. Farley Wade Farraway Louis Ferrara David A. Flores Patricia M. Garrett Dan Gavrin James P. Gillece, Jr. Hon. James Gowan

Ronald Graham Janet Gravitz Hon. John J. Hughes Maj. Brian E. Kasprzyk, USMC John F. Kennedy Rosemary K. Killian Jonathan W. Kunkel Kenneth Kurnos Hon. Anne Lazarus Nancy J. Lewis Anthony Marcozzi Terrence Marlowe Ernest Marrero, Jr. Kevin P. McCann Lt. Col. Jeffrey G. Meeks Dave Molhem Gerard Morano Mark J. O’Brien Jeffrey O’Hara Karl W. Pilger David L. Rohde Hon. Ralph A. Romano Jack L. Seelig Kevin M. Shanahan Mark A. Sindler Col. R. Gary Sokoloski R. James Steiner Hon. Charles H. Toliver Daniel S. Weinstock Stephanie Wills Col. Michael D. Wims Lois Anne Wood Donald H. Yablon William A. Zarling Harrisburg John C. Baer George Bibikos Evan Black Brian Bornman Catherine A. Boyle Jennifer A. Buck Roger H. Caffier Vincent L. Champion Fran Chardo Hon. Bradford H. Charles Barbara L. Christie Ehsan F. Chowdry Timothy J. Colgan Karen E. Comery

Katherine E. Holtzinger Conner Jeff A. Conrad Brian F. Curley Andrew Hilton Dowling Mark Emery Scott Grenoble Michelle Henry James A. Holzman Christopher J. Knight John G. Knorr III David Kotler Sanford Krevsky Francis J. Lafferty T. Korey Leslie Hon. Richard A. Lewis David L. Lutz Tracy L. McCurdy Harry W. Reed, Jr. John T. Robinson Michael P. Ryan Joseph F. Sklarosky Jr. Gail Souders Thomas Sponaugle Eugene M. Talerico, Jr. Matthew R. Wimer INTENSIVE TRIAL ADVOCACY PROGRAM Harrisburg Judges William I. Arbuckle III Jennifer Bush Archer Thomas A. Archer David J. Arnold Eric R. Augustine John C. Baer George Bibikos Evan Black Brian Bornman Catherine A. Boyle Jennifer A. Buck Roger H. Caffier Ehsan F. Chowdry Barbara L. Christie Monica Cliatt Timothy J. Colgan Karen E. Comery Michael A. Consiglio Joseph A. Curcillo III John DeLorenzo James Diehm Andrew Hilton Dowling

Karen Durkin Matthew R. Gover Scott Grenoble James A. Holzman Kenneth L. Joel Christopher J. Knight John G. Knorr III Sanford Krevsky Francis J. Lafferty Spero T. Lappas T. Korey Leslie Ann V. Levin Hon. Richard A. Lewis Kerry E. Maloney Christopher J. Marzzacco Joseph A. Massa, Jr. Robert W. McAteer Jeffrey T. McGuire Hon. Mary Mongiovi-Sponaugle Brian W. Perry Nancy Prescott Harry W. Reed, Jr. Gerald S. Robinson John T. Robinson Michael P. Ryan Joseph F. Sklarosky Jr. Gail Souders Thomas Sponaugle Christopher S. Underhill Bradley A. Winnick Steven Zawisky TRIAL ADVOCACY HONOR SOCIETY Harrisburg Bernard L. Coates, Jr. Jeffrey A. Conrad Hon. John F. Cherry Hon. Paul S. Cherry Jerry Morano MOOT COURT VOLUNTEERS Delaware and Harrisburg Jenni Allen Linda L. Ammons Jeremy Anderson Bradley Aronstam John Baer Stephani J. Ballard Erin Della Barca James Barker Ayesha Bennett George A. Bibikos Seth Boer

Joseph V. Bongiorno A. Dale Bowers II Stephen Brauerman Sarah Brown Charles Bruder Hugh Burns Steven L. Butler Hon. John P. Capuzzi, Sr. Hon. William C. Carpenter, Jr. Kevin M. Carroll Brian G. Cartwright Barry Cash Fran Chardo Hon. Bradford Charles Hon. Lawrence F. Clark, Jr. Constance Clarke Patrick A. Collins Kelly Czajka Robert Czepiel Alan Czerwinski Erin Daly Michael D’Aniello James Devine Tara DiRocco Michael J. Dolan Michael P. Donohue Justin Edelson Susan Levy Eisenberg Jules Epstein Don Erlandson Christina A. Eunson Eric Evain Erin K. Fitzgerald Joseph A. Gabay Dominick Gattuso James McC. Geddes Brenda K. Gibbs Aron F. Gold Michael Grasso Joseph Grubb Angela Halse Lawrence A. Hamermesh John Hamme James Holzman Kelley M. Huff Amy Huffman Susan Huntley Cory Iannacone Hon. Jack B. Jacobs Bruce Jameson Geoffrey Jarvis Ericka F. Johnson Leslie Johnson Dawn Jones Patric Jones

Hon. Jan R. Jurden Timothy Kearns Christina Keating Bret D. Keisling Dana Klayman Lisa Klein Edward Kosmowski Johannes Krahmer Jonathan Krinick Joseph Larkin J. Travis Laster Michael Lastowski Joseph M. Leager, Jr. John R. Lego David Lewis Mary Ellen Maatman John A. Macconi, Jr. John Malik Robert Mallard Roberta Mann Terrence J. Marlowe Edward M. Marsico, Jr. Craig Martin Michael J. Mattson Thomas McCarthy Ian McConnel David McKenzie John McLaughlin Jason McMurry Andrew Micklin Alex J. Mili Jr. Rick Miller Nicholas A. Mirkay Hon. Mary Mongiovi-Sponaugle Gerard Morano Joseph More Sandra Morris H. Geoffrey Moulton, Jr. John Nivala Darryl Parson Hon. Donald F. Parsons Jonathan E. Peri James T. Perry Victoria Petrone Matthew Pisano Aleine Porterfield Charles W. Proctor III Riki Redente John Reed Harry W. Reed, Jr. Steven Reilly Joseph J. Rhoades Hon. Henry duPont Ridgely Melissa M. Rigney Raymond Ripple

FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS, AND LAW FIRMS MAKE THEIR MARK ON WIDENER LAW AND THE COMMUNITY :cibXUh]cb WcfdcfUhY UbX `Uk Éfa []Zhg UbX [fUbhg Wcadf]gYX acfY h\Ub *$ dYfWYbh cZ U`` ZibXfU]g]b[ Uh K]XYbYf @Uk `Ugh mYUf ZibX]b[ U jUf]Yhm cZ ]bbcjUh]jY dfc[fUaa]b[ aiW\ cZ ]h bYk" H\YgY Wcbhf]Vih]cbg dfcj]XY jU`iY UbX cddcfhib]hm kY`` VYmcbX h\Y]f Xc``Uf Uacibhg" Cif a]gg]cb WU``g Zcf gYfj]WY hc h\Y Wcaaib]hm/ UfYU cf[Ub]nUh]cbg \UjY VYYb ]bWfYUg]b[`m k]``]b[ hc dUfhbYf k]h\ h\Y GW\cc` cZ @Uk hc `UibW\ UbX cdYfUhY dfc[fUag h\Uh Xc ^igh h\Uh" Cif :]bUbW]U` @]hYfUWm 9XiWUh]cb Dfc[fUa h\fci[\ k\]W\ K]XYbYf @Uk ghiXYbhg hYUW\ ibXYfdf]j]`Y[YX W\]`XfYb UbX UXi`hg h\Y VUg]Wg cZ ViX[Yh]b[ Vcffck]b[ UbX WfYX]h kci`X \UjY VYYb ]adcgg]V`Y ]Z bch Zcf 6Ub_ cZ 5aYf]WUĂ g [YbYfcig giddcfh" H\Y @Uk GW\cc`Ă g g][bUhifY X]jYfg]hm ]b]h]Uh]jYg½h\Y 8YUbĂ g @YUXYfg\]d :cfia cb 8]jYfg]hm ]b <Uff]gVif[ h\Y >IF=GH 5WUXYam UbX h\Y 8iDcbh 8]jYfg]hm D]dY`]bY Dfc[fUa½kYfY ZibXYX ]b dUfh Vm U biaVYf cZ UfYU `Uk Éfag UbX WcfdcfUh]cbg" H\Y JYhYfUbg @Uk 7`]b]W cZZYfg ]hg gYfj]WYg h\Ub_g ]b dUfh hc h\Y HU]g\cZZ :Ua]`m :cibXUh]cb" Cif ghiXYbhg `]_Yk]gY VYbYÉh hfYaYbXcig`m Zfca h\]g giddcfh" 5 biaVYf cZ YbXckYX dfc[fUag UbX dfcZYggcfg\]dg dfcachY YlWY``YbWY Uacb[ cif ZUWi`hm UbX dfcj]XY g][b]ÉWUbh UXXYX jU`iY Zcf cif ghiXYbhg cZZYf]b[ h\Ya YXiWUh]cbU` fYgcifWYg kY`` UVcjY k\Uh h\Y]f hi]h]cb WcjYfg" ;]Zhg Zcf WUd]hU` bYYXg½Zcf ]bghUbWY h\Y KY`ZUfY :cibXUh]cbĂ g fYWYbh giddcfh cZ h\Y bYk 7cifh =bhYfdfYhYf Dfc[fUaĂ g AcV]`Y HfUbg`Uh]cb @UV½YbUV`Y ig hc UWWcaacXUhY h\Y W\Ub[]b[ bYYXg cZ cif [fck]b[ dfc[fUag" ;YbYfcig ibfYghf]WhYX [fUbhg Zfca gYjYfU` ZcibXUh]cbg gidd`YaYbh cif cdYfUh]b[ ViX[Yh UbX U``ck ig hc gY]nY cddcfhib]hm k\Yb ]h Uf]gYg" 9bXckYX UbX gdcbgcfYX gW\c`Ufg\]dg a]h][UhY hi]h]cb Wcghg" HU_Yb hc[Yh\Yf h\YgY []Zhg UfY hfUbgZcfaUh]jY" 2O``gZ >O`a]\a O\R @OTOSZ F HOV`OZRRW\ /`OdS\O Ă‚'! ]T bVS ;cZbWQcZbc`OZ 8cRUSa O\R :OegS`a ASQbW]\ ]T bVS 2SZOeO`S AbObS 0O` /aa]QWObW]\ ^`SaS\b 2SO\ :W\RO /[[]\a eWbV O QVSQY W\ ac^^]`b ]T bVS & 8C@7AB /QORS[g WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for period ending June 30, 2008.


0.7% Widener Law Fund 1%

Investment income

3.1% Miscellaneous (housing, bookstore, fees) 3.6% Endowment income 91.6% Tuition


41.3% Instructional 18.6% University services and institutional support 14.2% Library and academic support 9.2% Maintenance and operations 7.5% Student aid and scholarships 5%

Student services

3.6% Depreciation 0.6% Debt


WIDENER LAW 2007–2008

John M. Roberts Blake Rohrbacher Chandra J. Rudloff Kathleen Ryan Yvonne Takvorian Saville David Schmerfeld Christopher J. Schmidt Lindsey Schreckengost Hon. Calvin L. Scott Jr. Nicholas Sellers Mark Silliker Nichole Smith David Soldo Leonard Sosnov Michael Sprow Raj Srivatsan Nancy L. Stanford Matthew Steiger Jennifer Stonerod John Sullivan Eric S. Thompson Ron Turo E. Alan Uebler Kevin Urick Robert Varallo Hon. Joseph T. Walsh Edward J. Weiss Tricia Widdoss Scott Wilcox Christy L. Williamson Megan Wischmeier Natalie Woloshin Christian Wright Jacob Wyland ORAL ARGUMENT JUDGES Delaware Rahat N. Babar Dawn L. Becker Stephen Bresset Steven L. Butler Lisa Cappolella John P. Capuzzi, Sr. Michael A. Cerrato John Cirrinicione Patrick Collins John C. Coste Dawn D’Amico Andres de Cos Matthew P. D’Emilio Dennis P. Denard Carole Donahue Michael Donahue Joel Doner

Daniel Donlick John Downs Robert Ebberup Thomas P. Ehrlich Kenneth Federman Gary N. Graham Ronald Graham Leonard L. Grasso Mindy A. Harris George G. Horiates Kate Schulhaus Keller Gregory LaMonaca Maryalice Mengucci Joseph More Sandra Morris Ben P. P. Moseley, III C. Curtis Norcini Martin O’Connor Marlo Pagano-Kelleher Wayne Partenheimer Forunato N. Perri, Jr. Charles Proctor Lisa A. Puglisi Riki R. Redente Stephen W. Ries Jane C. Rybicki Lee A. Schwartz Johnathan Shub Gregory Shugar Tara Shugar Barbara C. Siegell S. Lee Sobocinski Craig A. Sopin Nancy L. Stanford Joseph Stringfellow Paul D. Sunshine Anthony J. Testa, Jr. M. Susan Williams Samantha Wilson

Hon. Jan R. Jurden Lewis H. Lazarus Dr. Evan Liu Kristan Lopez Hon. Joshua W. Martin III George Mosee Lauren O’Connell LeaNora Ruffin Maggie Stewart Hon. Patricia Tate Stewart Constance Sweeney Ernest A. Tuckett, III Patricia Winston Serena Williams Brenda Wise



Candice Toll Aaron Barbara Ayars Umbreen Bhatti Theresa V. Brown-Edwards Hon. William L. Chapman, Jr. John Culhane Mary DiFusco Jules Epstein Kimberly L. Gattuso Ken Gross Thomas E. Hanson Hon. Renee Hughes Chun I. Jang

HARRISBURG PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS Greer Anderson George Bibikos Jayne Blake Audrey L. Buglione Vincent Champion David Drescher David Gallahger Deryck Henry Bret D. Keisling Jennifer Kramer Mary Long Elizabeth Murdock Peggy Simok Tara Smith Marlene Tremmel Todd Truntz LaToya Winfield Adam Wolfe Theresa Zechman ALUMNI & DEVELOPMENT VOLUNTEERS

DELAWARE BAR INDUCTION CEREMONY Hon. Randy J. Holland DELAWARE COUNTY ALUMNI CHAPTER Glenn L. Blackwell Jonathan E. Peri Verne R. Smith FLORIDA EVENT Esther A. Zaretsky Richard P. Zaretsky

NEW JERSEY ALUMNI CHAPTER Jennifer Stonerod PENNSYLVANIA BAR INDUCTION CEREMONIES Hon. J. Michael Eakin Hon. Joel S. Johnson Hon. C. Darnell Jones II Hon. Charles P. Mirarchi, Jr. Hon. Margaret T. Murphy WIDENER WOMEN’S NETWORK Dean Linda L. Ammons Miriam Benton Barish Catherine N. Harrington WILMINGTON ALUMNI CHAPTER Glenn L. Blackwell Raj Srivatsan WASHINGTON, D.C. EVENTS Martin Sendek DELAWARE CAMPUS GOLF OUTING COMMITTEE Scott E. Blissman John F. Brady Richard R. Budney Robert R. DeLong, Jr. Kenneth D. Federman Cecilia M. McCormick Marion R. Newbold David L. Rohde HARRISBURG CAMPUS GOLF OUTING COMMITTEE George Bibikos Scott Blissman Jan Budman Chris Davis Deryck Henry James Matelevich-Hoang Paul Ruffolo Jennifer Zimmerman ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thomas R. Anapol Renae B. Axelrod, Secretary Steven P. Barsamian, President Hon. Raymond A. Batten Hon. Robert S. Blasi Scott E. Blissman John F. Brady Michael A. Burns

Christopher Cabott Hon. Richard M. Cappelli John Cirrinicione Rep. Mark B. Cohen Bernard G. Conaway Michael J. D’Aniello Anna M. Darpino Frank C. DePasquale Jr., Vice President Brian P. Faulk Kenneth D. Federman Catherine N. Harrington W. Bruce Hemphill Michael J. Heron Damian S. Jackson John F. Kennedy M. Susan Williams Lewonski Kathryn A. Macmillan Anne M. Madonia Peter V. Marks, Sr. Lynn M. Martosella Cecilia M. McCormick Jeffrey W. McDonnell David C. McFadden Frank J. McGovern Maria C. McLaughlin James F. Metka Hon. Paul P. Panepinto Jonathan E. Peri Dr. Stephen R. Permut George T. Ragsdale III Larry S. Raiken Joseph J. Santarone Jennifer Stonerod Karen Ann Ulmer Meghan L. Ward CLASS AGENTS Delaware Jacalyn A. Aff Jennifer D. Armstrong Miriam B. Barish Glenn L. Blackwell Kevin M. Carroll Carol Cornelison Stephanie M. Derr Harvey B. Dikter Kerry A. Duffy, Esq. Angela Halse Gregory A. Lomax David McFadden Michael P. Mineo Carl Minster J. Jay Monteith Monika S. Pundalik Stephen Ries

Yvonne T. Saville Amy M. Vanni CLASS AGENTS Harrisburg Kim Allen George Bibikos James Carroll Chris Carusone Amy Groff Stephanie Kleinfelter Eric Kniskern Darryl Liguori James Matelevich-Hoang Keli Neary John Pontius Christopher Schellhorn Susan Schwab Ursula Siverling Marianne Tyrrell Matthew Williams Doug Wolfberg Jennifer Zimmerman FIRM REPRESENTATIVES Diane M. Andrews Deborah E. Ballantyne Scott E. Blissman Mary F. Caloway Gary R. Gremminger Damian S. Jackson William W. Keffer James F. Kilcur Joan T. Kluger Antonella Madonia James McAndrew Jeffrey W. McDonnell Brian P. McGovern Maria C. McLaughlin-Sisofo Michael P. Migliore Jennifer L. Miller Rick S. Miller Arthur S. Novello Krista M. Reale Samis Jaime F. Rosenman-Gordon Joseph J. Santarone Kate G. Shumaker Timothy J. Snyder Stephen W. Spence Heather A. Tereshko Max B. Walton Paula C. Witherow



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WIDENER LAW 2007–2008


hkc [fYUh WUadigYg" Wcibh`Ygg dUh\g hc giWWYgg"

IN MEMORIAM: JAMES F. GRAHAM ’89 (1953-2007) On September 10, 2008, scores of family and friends gathered on the Delaware Campus to remember the late James F. Graham ’89. Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin, in whose Cherry Hill branch Mr. Graham served as managing shareholder, generously purchased and placed a bench and plaque in Mr. Graham’s memory. Dean Linda L. Ammons, Joe Santarone ’85, and Marshall Dennehey President and CEO Thomas Brophy spoke movingly in remembrance of Mr. Graham’s unique spirit, character, and presence. Dean Ammons thanked the firm and its many Widener alumni for their loyal support and hosted a reception for those in attendance.


Delaware Campus 4601 Concord Pike P.O. Box 7474 Wilmington, DE 19803

Harrisburg Campus 3800 Vartan Way P.O. Box 69381 Harrisburg, PA 17106

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