Annual Dean's Report 2009 Widener Law

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08 | 09 dean’s annual report

Widener University School of Law Board of Overseers

National Advisory Council

Eugene D. McGurk, Jr., Esq. ’78, Chair Dean Linda L. Ammons, JD, Ex Officio Renae B. Axelrod, Esq. ’91 Steven P. Barsamian, Esq. ’75 The Honorable Raymond A. Batten ’79 Scott E. Blissman, Esq. ’97 C. Grainger Bowman, Esq. The Honorable M. Jane Brady Michael G. DeFino, Esq. ’75 The Honorable Susan C. Del Pesco ’75 Geoffrey Gamble, Esq. Jacqueline G. Goodwin, EdD The Honorable Philip A. Gruccio President James T. Harris III, DEd, Ex Officio Richard K. Herrmann, Esq. Justice Randy J. Holland Andrew McK. Jefferson, Esq. ’93 Vice Dean J. Patrick Kelly, Ex Officio Peter M. Mattoon, Esq. Kathleen W. McNicholas, MD, JD ’06 Vice Dean Robyn L. Meadows, Ex Officio Edward B. Micheletti, Esq. ’97 George K. Miller, Jr., Esq. ’81 Honorable Charles P. Mirarchi, Jr. Kathryn J. Peifer, Esq. ’02 Scott W. Reid, Esq. ’02 Thomas L. Sager, Esq. The Honorable Thomas G. Saylor John F. Schmutz, Esq. The Honorable Gregory M. Sleet Bernard W. Smalley, Sr., Esq. ’80 The Honorable Lee A. Solomon ’78 Benjamin Strauss, Esq. ’90 Philip Trainer, Jr., Esq. ’89 The Honorable Joseph T. Walsh John A. Wetzel, Esq. ’75 Douglas M. Wolfberg, Esq. ’96

Marc R. Abrams, Esq. ’78 Michael J. Aiello, Esq. ’94 Howard K. Alperin, Esq. ’90 Miriam Benton Barish, Esq. ’92 Carl W. Battle, Esq. ‘82 Kyle D. Bowser, Esq. ’91 Alexander Bratic Michael A. Brown, Esq. ’91 Claire M. DeMatteis, Esq. ‘92 Dr. Robert D. Gober ’79 Ronald P. Goldfaden, Esq. ’76 Mitchell Gurwicz, Esq. ’95 N. Lynne Hughes, Esq. ’89 Wayne D. Kimmel, Esq. ‘95 Alan B. Levin, Esq. ’80 Robert O. Lindefjeld, Esq. ‘93 Kenneth J. Lopez, Esq. ’95 James J. Maron, Esq. ’85 Eugene D. McGurk, Jr., Esq. ’78 Franklin A. Miles, Esq. U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Murphy ’99 Cynthia R. Ryan, Esq. ’79 Leif R. Sigmond, Esq. ’90 Timothy J. Snyder, Esq. ’81 Alice W. Strine, Esq. ’92 Leslee Silverman Tabas, Esq. ’79 CAPT Robert P. Taishoff, JAGC, USN ’89 James J. Veneruso, Esq. ’75 Richard P. Zaretsky, Esq. ’75

frOM THE DEAN dear alUMni and friends i am pleased to provide the dean’s annual report for 2008-2009. the excitement and energy of this past academic year at Widener law cannot be captured fully in this two-dimensional format. however, this document provides a window through which to view our contributions to legal education, to the legal profession, and to the other communities that are served by our two campuses. your continued support is key to providing numerous opportunities for students, faculty, alumni, the bench, and the bar. i thank you for your ever increasing generosity. the accomplishments of the 2008-2009 school year at Widener law were numerous. We can come to no other conclusion but that it was a very good year. see for yourself. sincerely, linda l. ammons associate Provost and dean

wIDeneR Law 2008–2009


A VIEW ON WIDEN to looK BacK on a year at Widener laW is to see opportunities embraced, challenges accepted, and potential realized. it is to recognize that our students, of diverse origins and with divergent viewpoints, are unified by a common vision and transformed by the rigors of an innovative legal education. their insights are sharpened by our faculty, who value exceptional teaching and whose expertise in law drives scholarship of profound eminence. student achievements mirror those of our alumni, whose leadership they emulate. since our founding, we have envisioned a synergy of outstanding faculty, dedicated students, and accomplished alumni collectively pursuing a vision of academic and professional excellence. this year we reached for success, and we achieved it.

LOOKING AHEAD Widener Law’s stuDent aCHIeVeMents reflect the dedication our students bring to their legal education and their commitment to excellence in their academic and professional pursuits as we LooK aHeaD to their future success.

INsIGHT fOCus Widener Law’s InstItutes anD CLInICs allow our students to foCus their knowledge, skills, and efforts in vital and emerging areas of the law, gaining invaluable experience in the real-world practice of law.


wIDeneR Law 2008–2009

Widener Law’s faCuLty aCHIeVeMents highlight the InsIGHt of our distinguished faculty, whose outstanding scholarship and exceptional teaching continues to elevate legal education at Widener Law.


PErCEPTION Widener Law’s campus VIsItoRs anD syMPosIa provide opportunities for our students to clarify their PeRCePtIon of the legal profession and expand the range of professional paths they may pursue.


WOrLD VIEW Widener Law’s GLoBaL PRoGRaMMInG expands our students’ horizons beyond our borders and provides them a woRLD VIew of legal issues on a global scale. Our international relationships and our faculty’s global influence bring Widener Law to the world and the world to Widener Law.

Widener Law’s DIVeRsIty PRoGRaMMInG ensures that our PeRsPeCtIVe is broad, diverse and insightful, and that it increases our ability to perceive the needs of the communities our profession serves.

fOrEsIGHT Widener Law’s funDRaIsInG suCCess reflects the foResIGHt of our donors, whose generous investments continue to fuel our momentum toward fulfillment of our vision of exceptional legal education.

focus Clinics and Institutes Clarify the Practice of Law Widener Law continued to enhance the education of our students by immersing them in the real-world practice of law through our specialized institutes and clinics. In the past year we have increased our focus on engaged learning and professional preparation, ensuring that Widener Law graduates will have the experience necessary to rapidly become accomplished practitioners and excel in their chosen areas of concentration. Our acclaimed and innovative institutes and clinics remain at the core of our unique ability to provide outstanding academics in concert with vigorous professional preparation. Rarely have these programs enjoyed so much support or undergone so much progress. In 2009 the Taishoff Family Foundation committed $1.2 million in support of the Taishoff Advocacy, Technology and Public Service Institute. This transformational gift, from the family foundation of Delaware campus alumnus Captain Robert Taishoff ’89, is the largest gift ever received by Widener Law. The funds will support new programs and special training for students enrolled through the institute, provide student financial assistance, lend support to the Veterans Law Clinic, and create a named professorship

and a visiting distinguished scholar position. The Taishoff Family Foundation has long supported the Veterans Law Clinic, through which Widener Law students gain practical legal experience as they serve our nation’s disabled veterans. This leadership gift will ensure continuing support for this outstanding institute and provide even greater opportunities for our students to master the law through hands-on experience and service to the community. The Institute of Delaware Corporate and Business Law maintained its ambitious slate of scholarly activity and programming, connecting Widener Law students to prominent members of the judiciary and corporate bar. In addition, the institute established three new graduate degree programs designed to educate professionals working on corporate and business regulatory issues, gained a student fellowship through the generosity of Trustee and Overseer John F. Schmutz, and continued on its path to establishing the Helen S. Balick Chair in Business Bankruptcy Law. The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law remains one of the nation’s premier specialty law journals. In keeping with its tradition of engagement with decision-makers in the Pennsylvania government,

the Law and Government Institute named Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Thomas G. Saylor the first Distinguished Jurist in Residence on Widener Law’s Harrisburg campus. Justice Saylor teaches a constitutional law seminar for students in the Law and Government Institute and will serve as an expert resource for the broader law school community. Institute events like February’s Sustainable Energy Symposium continued to showcase the Law School’s engagement in a broad range of issues. Our acclaimed, nationally ranked Health Law Institute was similarly active. The Health Law Institute continued to provide exceptional opportunities for students preparing for careers in this vibrant and fast-changing field, offering a broad range of programming directed by nationally prominent faculty. Beyond the classroom, the Health Law Institute continued to serve the public directly through such programs as the Health Care Decisions Day forum, a free public educational forum held on preparing end-of-life directives. The 4th-annual Raynes McCarty Distinguished Lecture in Health Law featured health law expert Timothy S. Jost, who gave his lecture, “Health

10th The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law’s recent ranking

among 411 specialized law reviews and journals based on federal and state court citations 4

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Internships, Externships, Fellowships and Service Our focus on experiential learning encourages our students to enhance their legal education by pursuing internships, externships, and other opportunities outside of the classroom. The following list highlights some of our students’ activities in 2008-2009.

Care at Risk: A Critique of the Consumer-Driven Movement.” The institute also served the bar by offering continuing legal education such as the Health Care Compliance Certification, a training program that addressed issues related to hospitalization and long-term care, and conferences such as the Medical Legal Partnerships program, which focused on how unmet legal needs may affect health in underserved populations. We continually adapt and expand our institutes and clinics to reflect the needs of our students and the communities they will serve. In response to the ever increasing need for environmental legal action, we announced the formation of an Environmental Law Center that will harness the expertise of the environmental law faculty on both campuses, offer deeper engagement in the study of environmental law for our students, and result in more advocacy for environmental change. Through the formation of new institutes and expanded programs and the continued advancement of our established programs, we are ensuring that practical preparation for the law will continue to be a hallmark of a Widener education.

Delaware Campus Judicial Externships Judge Thomas L. Ambro, United States Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, Wilmington, DE Chief Judge Kevin J. Carey, United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Judge Matthew Carrafiello, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Chancellor William B. Chandler, III, Delaware Court of Chancery, Dover, DE Judge Barbara D. Crowell, Family Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Judge Barry C. Dozor, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Media, PA Justice Henry duPont Ridgely, Supreme Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Judge Kathrynann W. Durham, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Media, PA Judge James J. Fitzgerald, III, Superior Court of Pennsylvania, Conshohocken, PA Judge Susan Peikes Gantman, Superior Court of Pennsylvania, Conshohocken, PA Judge Mary M. Johnston, Superior Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Judge Kent A. Jordan, United States Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, Wilmington, DE Justice Virginia Long, Supreme Court of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ Vice Chancellor Donald F. Parsons, Jr., Delaware Court of Chancery, Wilmington, DE

Judge Timothy R. Rice, United States Magistrate Court, Eastern District of PA, Philadelphia, PA Judge Annette M. Rizzo, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Judge Sue L. Robinson, United States District Court, District of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Judge Jane R. Roth, United States Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, Wilmington, DE Chief Judge Gregory M. Sleet, United States District Court, District of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Judge Joseph R. Slights III, Superior Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Chief Justice Myron T. Steele, Supreme Court of Delaware, Dover, DE Judge R. Barclay Surrick, United States District Court, Eastern District of PA, Philadelphia, PA Judge Mary Pat Thynge, United States Magistrate Court, District of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Judge Mary F. Walrath, United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Delaware Campus Judicial Summer Term Placements Judge Raymond Batten, New Jersey Superior Court, Cape May, NJ Judge M. Jane Brady, Delaware Superior Court, Wilmington, DE Judge Barry C. Dozor, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Media, PA Judge Jan Jurden, Delaware Superior Court, Wilmington, DE Judge Chad F. Kenney, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Media, PA Judge Patricia Lebon, New Jersey Superior Court, Mt. Holly, NJ Judge William J. Mazzola, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Judge Andrea L. Rocanelli, Delaware Court of Common Pleas, Wilmington, DE

The Law and Government Institute hosted “Sustainable Energy: The Intersection of Innovation, Law and Policy,” a symposium that included topics on developments and innovation in producing efficient, renewable energy sources.

Judge Maurino J. Rossanese, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Norristown, PA Judge Calvin L. Scott, Delaware Superior Court Wilmington, DE Judge Phyllis R. Streitel, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, West Chester, PA Judge Mary Pat Thynge, United States Magistrate Court, Wilmington, DE Judge Charles H. Toliver IV, Delaware Superior Court, Wilmington, DE Judge Mary F. Walrath, United States Bankruptcy Court, Wilmington, DE Delaware Campus Clinical Externships Camden County Prosecutor, Camden, NJ Chester County District Attorney’s Office, West Chester, PA Delaware County District Attorney’s Office, Media, PA Delaware Department of Justice, Wilmington, DE Delaware Supreme Court, Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Wilmington, DE E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, DE

Professor Christopher Robinette and Dean Linda Ammons holding a copy of the Widener Law Journal, which was honored at the National Conference of State Trial Judges 50th Anniversary Celebration widener law 2008–2009


Federal Public Defender, Wilmington, DE Internal Revenue Service District Counsel’s Office, Philadelphia, PA Mercer County Prosecutor, Trenton, NJ New Castle County Attorney’s Office, New Castle, DE New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, Cherry Hill, NJ United States Bankruptcy Trustees Office, Philadelphia, PA United States Bankruptcy Trustees Office, Wilmington, DE United States Department of Justice, Camden, NJ Harrisburg Campus Externships Bucks County District Attorney’s Office, Doylestown, PA City of Philadelphia Law Department, Philadelphia, PA Cumberland County District Attorney’s Office, Carlisle, PA Dauphin County District Attorney’s Office, Harrisburg, PA Dauphin County Public Defenders Office, Harrisburg, PA Judge Bruce F. Bratton, Dauphin County Court, Harrisburg, PA Judge Jeffery D. Wright, Lancaster County Court, Lancaster, PA Judge Todd A. Hoover, Dauphin County Court, Harrisburg, PA Justice J. Michael Eakin, Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Harrisburg, PA Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office, Lancaster, PA New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, Trenton, NJ Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania Department of Education, Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania Department of Health, Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, Harrisburg, PA


widener law 2008–2009

Dean Linda L. Ammons and faculty of the new, dual-campus Widener Environmental Law Center

Pennsylvania Department of State, Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania Gaming Board, Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center, York, PA Pennsylvania Legislative Reference Bureau, Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Office of Chief Counsel, Harrisburg, PA United States Attorney’s Office, United States District Court of the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Scranton, PA Wade County, North Carolina Public Defender’s Office, Raleigh, NC York County District Attorney’s Office, York, PA YWCA of Harrisburg, Domestic Violence Legal Services, Harrisburg, PA Delaware Campus Selected Internships ACE, N.A., Philadelphia, PA Atlee, Hall & Brookhart, Lancaster, PA Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, Philadelphia, PA Camden County Prosecutor’s Office, Camden, NJ Campbell & Levine, Wilmington, DE Chester County District Attorney, Chester, PA

Chester County Juvenile Probation, West Chester, PA Connolly, Bove, Lodge & Hutz, LLP, Wilmington, DE Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Program, Philadelphia, PA Cooch & Taylor, Wilmington, DE Cozen O’Connor, Philadelphia, PA Crossland & Associates, Greenville, DE Dauphin County District Solicitor, Harrisburg, PA Defender’s Association of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Delaware County Court of Common Pleas, Media, PA Delaware County District Attorney’s Office, Media, PA Delaware Court of Chancery, Wilmington, DE Delaware Supreme Court, Wilmington, DE Delaware Volunteer Legal Services, Wilmington, DE Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County, Media, PA Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center, Elkton, MD Doroshow Pasquale, Wilmington, DE Drapert Goldberg, Wilmington, DE Elliott Greenleaf, Philadelphia, PA Entium Technology Legal Department, Valley Forge, PA Fairfield County Clerk’s Office, Bridgeport, CT First Judicial District Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA Fish & Richardson, San Diego, CA Hannen Law Group, Washington, DC Hawke McKeon & Sniscak, Harrisburg, PA Horn, Turnbach & Rybar, LLC, Toms River, NJ House Transportation Committee, Harrisburg, PA Howard County Circuit Court, Columbia, MD Hudson, Jones, Jaywork & Fisher, Dover, DE Independence Blue Cross, Philadelphia, PA

Jackson, Cook, Carrapacci & Bloom, Fairless Hills, PA K&L Gates, LLP, Harrisburg, PA Krevolin, Roth & Connors, West Harford, CT Lackwanna County Courthouse, Scanton, PA Lavery, Faherty, Young & Patterson, Harrisburg, PA Lavin, O’Neill, Ricci, Cedrone & DiSipio, Philadelphia, PA Law Office of Henry G. Broome, Northfield, NJ Law Office of Michael Modica, Wilmington, DE Law Office of Robert Mirin, Harrisburg, PA Law Office of Thomas Gosse, Haddon Heights, NJ Law Offices of Edward Harrington Heyburn, Robbinsville, NJ Law Offices of Raymond Tomasetti, Newport, DE Legal Aid, Chester, PA Magna Legal Services, Boothwyn, PA Marcozzi & Marcozzi, Westmont, NJ Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin, Philadelphia, PA Mazzei & Associates, Pittsburgh, PA McMichael, Heiney & Sebaastian, Oxford, PA McNees Wallace & Nurick, Lancaster, PA Meyer, Darragh, Buckler, Bebenek & Eck, Pittsburgh, PA Middlesex County Superior Court, New Brunswick, NJ Minster & Facciolo, Wilmington, DE Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell, LLP, Wilmington, DE Musi, Malone & Daubenberger, Media, PA Office of General Counsel, Harrisburg, PA Office of the Attorney General of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ Office of the Public Defender, Flemington, NJ Office of the Yuma County Attorney, Yuma, AZ

Pachtman Law Office, Boothwyn, PA Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania Governor’s Office of General Counsel, Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania Office of the AFL-CIO, Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania Superior Court, Philadelphia, PA Pepper Hamilton, Harrisburg, PA Phelan, Hallinana & Schmieg, LLP, Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, Philadelphia, PA Potter Anderson & Corroon, Wilmington, DE R.K. Washington & Associates, Philadelphia, PA Reed Smith, Philadelphia, PA Richards, Layton & Finger, Wilmington, DE Rynearson, Buess, Shaurbusch & Champion, St. Louis, MO Saul Ewing, LLP, Philadelphia, PA Scorelogix, New Castle, DE Shoprite Supermarkets, Inc. State of Delaware, Court of Common Pleas, Wilmington, DE State of Delaware Department of Justice, Wilmington, DE State of Delaware, Georgetown, DE Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young, Wilmington, DE Superior Court of New Jersey, Mt. Holly, NJ Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA The Hogan Firm, Wilmington, DE The McShane Firm, Harrisburg, PA Tobyhanna Army Depot Legal Office, Tobyhanna, PA Triquetre Law, Lancaster, PA Turlington Law Firm, Boone, NC Tyco Electronics Corporation Legal Office, Philadelphia, PA United States Attorney’s Office, Philadelphia, PA United States Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, DC

United States Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, Philadelphia, PA United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps Headquarters, Groton, CT United States Securities & Exchange Commission, Philadelphia, PA United States District Court, Columbus, OH University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, Stratford, NJ Widener SBDC, Chester, PA William Mandry Law Office, Harrisburg, PA Woloshin Lynch Natalie & Gagne, Wilmington, DE Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, Wilmington, DE Delaware Campus Public Interest Law Placements ADA Compliance Project American Civil Liberties Union of Delaware

Widener Law’s Institute of Delaware Corporate and Business Law announced thirdyear law student Kevin Gallagher as the inaugural recipient of its John F. Schmutz Corporate and Business Law Institute Fellowship Award.

Bank of America Financial Literacy Instructional Program Camden County Public Defender’s Office CASA Youth Advocates: Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey Chester County District Attorney’s Office Chester County District Court Chester County Office of the Public Defender Chester High School Colorado Lawyers for the Arts Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. Cumberland County Court House, Volunteer Estate Assistance Project Delaware Department of Justice Delaware Earned Income Tax Credit Campaign Delaware Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health Delaware Law Related Education Center Delaware State Office of the Child Advocate Delaware Supreme Court Delaware Volunteer Legal Services (DVLS) Domestic Abuse Project Face to Face Legal Center Family Violence Sexual Assault Unit of the District Attorney’s Office Guild Food Stamp Clinic Habitat for Humanity Homeless Advocacy Project Howard High School, Street Mentoring Innocence Project of Florida Job Corps Lackawanna County District Attorney’s Office Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania Legal Self Help Link Medical Legal Project and Partnership, Christiana Care Mid Atlantic Environmental Law Center MidPenn Legal Services Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office

Nationalities Service Center Nehemiah Gateway Community Development Corporation New Jersey Attorney General’s Office Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Office of Federal Operation, United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Office of the Yuma County Attorney, Yuma, AZ Pardons Project Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General Philadelpha City Solicitor’s Office Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office Philadelphia Legal Assistance Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts South Jersey Legal Services St. Mark’s High School State of Delaware Public Defender’s Office United States Attorney’s Office United States Coast Guard United States Navy Judge Advocate General Corps Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Widener Small Business Development Center Widener Veterans Law Clinic Wills for Heroes Wilmington Hospital Woman’s Clinic Harrisburg Campus Public Interest Law Placements City Solicitor of Harrisburg Dauphin County Public Defender’s Office Middlesex County, New Jersey Public Defender’s Office New Jersey Attorney General’s Office Pennsylvania Board of Pardons Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center

Students attended Professionalism Day, receiving valuable insight on life as a legal professional.

Pennsylvania Legislative Reference Bureau United States Attorney’s Office, United States District Court of the Middle District of Pennsylvania Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Widener Harrisburg Civil Law Clinic Widener Harrisburg Veterans Law Clinic York County District Attorney’s Office

Endowed and Sponsored Scholarships, Student Awards, and Fellowships By endowing and sponsoring student awards, scholarships, and fellowships, our alumni and friends embrace and encourage excellence in legal scholarship and reward professional potential. ENDOWED AND SPONSORED SCHOLARSHIPS Alexander V. Sarcione, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Alfred Avins Memorial Scholarship Angelina & Victor Piccone Memorial Scholarship Bank of America Scholarship Bernard S. Wildstein Scholarship Bruce M. & Elizabeth M. Monroe Scholarship Charles P. Mirarchi, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Dean Anthony J. Santoro Scholarship Dean’s Minority Student Scholarship

Delaware Asociation of Lawyers’ Spouses Scholarship E. Wallace Chadwick Memorial Scholarship Edmund Dobrowolski Memorial Scholarship Esther F. Clark Memorial Scholarship Fairfax Leary, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Friends of Widener University School of Law Scholarship George C Blissman, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Harvey Alan Chernoff Memorial Scholarship Hon. James C. Crumlish Scholarship Hon. Joseph W. deFuria Scholarship Hon. Ned L. Hirsh Memorial Scholarship Hon. William Duffy Memorial Scholarship Honey F. Golby Memorial Scholarship Howard Berg Scholarship Hugh B. Pearce Memorial Scholarship John C. Warrington Memorial Scholarship Nancy and Howard Finkelman Scholarship Pamela Karpouzis Memorial Scholarship Paul Isaac Leiter Memorial Scholarship Pennsylvania Bar Foundation Minority Scholarship Pennsylvania Bar Foundation Scholarship Taishoff Family Endowed Scholarship Thomas S. Lodge Memorial Scholarship ENDOWED AND SPONSORED STUDENT AWARDS Alexander V. Sarcione, Jr. Memorial Award BARBRI of Pennsylvania and New Jersey Bar Review Awards Charles Zencey Memorial Award Dean Arthur A. Weeks Outstanding Service Award Elizabeth G. Simcox Pro Bono Service Award

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insight Widener Law Faculty: Visionary and Engaged In 2008-2009 our exceptional faculty continued to shine as distinguished scholars, dedicated teachers, and innovative practitioners. Widener Law professors gained prominence beyond our campuses as nationally and internationally recognized experts in their fields through their scholarly research, publications, and professional endeavors. Beyond their own achievements, our faculty cares about teaching, maintaining their commitment to the profession. They lead by example. Below is a brief sampling of their recent accomplishments. Dean Linda L. Ammons was named a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation and, for the third consecutive year, was appointed chair of the Curriculum Committee of the American Bar Association’s Section of Legal Education & Admissions. Professor Dana Harrington Conner was appointed by the Delaware General Assembly to the Delaware Family Law Commission. John C. Dernbach, this year named a Widener Distinguished Professor, attracted national recognition for his work creating, editing, and authoring parts of Agenda for a Sustainable America, the only comprehensive assessment of U.S. progress toward sustainability.

Associate Professor Jill E. Family was named chair of the Immigration and Naturalization Committee of the American Bar Association’s Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. She was also elected to a seat on the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center in York, Pennsylvania. Professor John L. Gedid, former vice dean of the Harrisburg campus, returned to full-time teaching and his role as the Director of the Law & Government Institute. Professor Gedid was honored this year as a new life member of the American Law Institute, and continued his prominent role in state and national administrative law, serving as a Pennsylvania Commissioner to the National Conference of Commissioners for Uniform State Laws. Professor Gedid continued to serve his colleagues through his participation in events such as the Pennsylvania Bar Association Young Lawyers Division Day on the Hill and the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s continuing legal education symposium. Professor Lawrence A. Hamermesh, Ruby R. Vale Professor of Corporate and Business Law, and a member of the Corporation Law Council of the Delaware State Bar Association, played a key role in

the development of amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law. The United States District Court for the District of Delaware granted a summary judgment in favor of three Environmental & Natural Resources Law Clinic clients in a challenge to farming practices in Sussex County, Delaware. Clinic interns and Clinic Director Kenneth T. Krisl played a central role in drafting the federal complaint. Professor David R. Hodas drafted the 20092014 Delaware General Energy Plan for Governor Jack Markell. Professor Geoff Moulton was appointed Chief of Staff for Senator Ted Kaufman (D-De.) on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Professor Thomas J. Reed became the first Taishoff Professor of Law. Professor Robert L. Hayman’s book, Choosing Equality: Essays and Narratives on the Desegregation Experience was published by Penn State University Press; the book is edited by Professor Hayman and Leland War, with a Foreword by Vice President Joe Biden. Professors Andrew L. Strauss and Robert J. Lipkin were named Widener Distinguished Professors of Law in recognition of their work on international and constitutional law, respectively.

339 Number of times the expertise of Widener Law faculty was cited by the media last year


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The Law School underwent several significant administrative changes in 2008-2009. We welcome the following, pictured below from left to right: J. Patrick Kelly was appointed Vice Dean of the Delaware campus. Vice Dean Kelly has been with the law school since 1984 and teaches mainly in areas of international law. Robyn L. Meadows was appointed Vice Dean of the Harrisburg campus. Vice Dean Meadows joined the Widener faculty in 1991 and teaches in the areas of contracts and secured transactions. Robert C. Power was appointed Harrisburg’s associate dean for faculty research and development. Professor Power joined the Widener faculty in 1990. Keith E. Sealing joined the Harrisburg campus as the dean of students. Mr. Sealing had previously worked in student affairs at the law schools of the University of Louisville and Syracuse University, and earned his law degree from Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. We thank Professors Russell A. Hakes, John L. Gedid, Susan Raeker-Jordan, and Ann E. Fruth for their service to the Law School in these positions and wish them the best as they return to the faculty full time.

Graham Foundation Award Greenwatch Institute Scholarship Award in Memory of Charles Zencey Greenwatch Institute Scholarship Award in Memory of Jerry Shields Howard M. Berg Award International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award James S. Bowman American Inn of Court Award John A. Fillion Memorial Award Judge J. Cullen Ganey Criminal Procedure Award Kaplan PMBR Bar Review Awards Lindsay Law Library Award Lucinda Peipher Memorial Award Most Promising Civil Litigator Award Nicole Cullison Memorial Award Patricia N. Holsten Memorial Award for Public Interest Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association James J. Manderino Award for Trial Advocacy Reed Hamilton Memorial Award The Honorable Helen S. Balick Award The Honorable Joseph W. deFuria Commencement Award The Widener Law Public Service and Advocacy Award Thomas P. Lomax and Nicholas Theodore Memorial Award William J. and Ella C. Wolf Award in Real Property Law William J. Conner Memorial Award for Administrative Law Zelda K. Herrmann Memorial Cup Award Endowed and Sponsored Fellowships Domestic Violence Fellowship DuPont Public Interest Fellowship E. Wallace Chadwick Constitutional Fellowship John F. Schmutz Corporate and Business Law Institute Fellowship Award

Longtime adjunct faculty member Vice President Joseph R. Biden visits with students after his nomination.

Adjunct Faculty From attorneys at the top of their profession, to the region’s most distinguished jurists, to nationally elected officials, our adjunct faculty offer experience and perspective that broaden and enrich our students’ education in the law. Delaware John C. Andrade Daniel G. Atkins Jill M. Baisinger Carol A. Benson John S. Benson Umbreen Saba Bhatt Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. David A. Breen Hon. William C. Carpenter, Jr. John T. Carroll III Cory Ann Caswell Gregory P. Cermignano Kathleen Conn Bartholomew J. Dalton Hon. Susan C. DelPesco Lee Diamondstein Margaret F. England Jennifer Fontaine Michele Forzley Virginia Gibson Richard G. Handler

W. Bruce Hemphill Matthew I. Hirsch Hon. Randy J. Holland Janine Howard-O’Rangers Kathryn M. Jakabcin Hon. Harold U. Johnson, Jr. Diana Kadash Jonathan Krinick James G. Lare Patricia Dailey Lewis Robert W. Mallard Terrence J. Marlowe Mary Marzolla Thomas J. McCarthy Genevieve McCormack Michael S. McGinniss Eugene D. McGurk David B. Miller George K. Miller Linda Mischler Scott J. Mitnick Bruce Monroe Gerald P. Morano Alexander Murphy, Jr. MaryBeth Musumeci Marion R. Newbold Andrew Newman Hon. John A. Parkins, Jr. Mary Alice Peeling Pamela L. Perry Russell C. Raphaely Riki Redente Michael E. Riley Martin J. Siegel John S. Sitzler Hon. Gregory M. Sleet Verne R. Smith Christopher M. Spletzer Hon. Patricia T. Stewart Jean Stoyer Susan Sullivan Ken Tacchino Roseann B. Termini Anthony J. Testa, Jr. Hon. Dexter M. Thompson, Jr. Rep. Robert J. Valihura, Jr.

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Alfred P. Vitarelli Mani S. Walia Hon. Joseph T. Walsh John R. Washlick Edward J. Weiss John A. Wetzel Royce A. White Michael Wiseman Raphael X. Zahralddin Harrisburg Sara A. Austin Hon. Robert G. Bigham Christopher D. Carusone Robert H. Davis, Jr. Vincent C. Deliberato, Jr. Hon. J. Michael Eakin Michael Edmiston Hon. Scott Evans Joseph K. Goldberg Neil Hendershot John Knorr Alexandra Makosky Samantha Prince Mary Kay Rauenzahn G. Philip Rutledge Carmen Santa Maria Hon. Thomas Saylor Dan Schuckers Joseph G. Skelly William M. Sloane Roseann B. Termini Hon. Jeannine Turgeon Douglas M. Wolfberg Barbara Zemlock

Symposia, Lectures, and Continuing Legal Education Widener Law strives annually to serve as a hub for legal activity in its regions, providing a broad range of resources for students of the law, legal professionals, and members of the judiciary.

“Health Care at Risk: A Critique of the Consumer-Driven Movement” by Timothy S. Jost, Robert L. Willett Family Professor of Law at Washington and Lee University School of Law Veterans Law Continuing Legal Education Symposium January 2009

Assistant Dean of Career Development LeaNora Ruffin began her one-year term as the president of the National Association for Law Placement, a nonprofit organization dedicated to legal career counseling, recruitment, and professional development.

September 2008 Remarks by Delaware Attorney General Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III The Third Annual Dean’s Leadership Forum, Delaware Campus Visit by the Delegation of Taiwanese Judges, Delaware Campus October 2008

2009 Delaware Tax Institute Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Commemoration, Delaware Campus February 2009 Widener Law Journal Symposium, “Sustainable Energy: The Intersection of Innovation, Law, and Policy,” Harrisburg Campus Conference with Visitors from the Southwest University of Political Science and Law in Chongqing, China, Delaware Campus Lincoln and the Law Program March 2009 Health Care Compliance Continuing Legal Education Program sponsored by the Widener Health Law Institute The Delaware Business Law Forum, sponsored by the American Bar Association Section of Business Law

Heather K. Gerken, J. Skelly Wright Professor of Law at Yale Law School

Law School Associates $1,000- $1,499

Ruby R. Vale Distinguished Lecture on “Corporate Criminal Responsibility” by U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan of the Southern District of New York

Bench and Bar Club $500- $999

2nd Annual Judges’ Day Medical Legal Partnerships Program presented by the Health Law Institute

Class of 1975 Class Participation 20%

Wake-Up Workshops Continuing Legal Education Program on Editing Your Own and Other Writers’ Drafts presented by the Legal Writing Program

Partners’ Club Michael G. DeFino

May 2009

Benefactors John A. Wetzel

Haile L. Alford Memorial Conference in conjunction with the Multicultural Judges and Lawyers Section of the Delaware State Bar Association Distinguished Lecture in Trial Advocacy by Roxanne Conlin, Harrisburg Campus June 2009 2009 JURIST Academy

Honor Roll of donors 2008-2009 Leadership Circle $100,000 +

Francis G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law, “How Complexity Simplifies Corporate Law, Governance, and Incentives” by Eric L. Talley, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley (Boalt Hall) School of Law, Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School

The Third Annual Dean’s Leadership Forum on Diversity, Harrisburg Campus

Pennsylvania Bridge the Gap Continuing Legal Education Program

April 2009

Chancellors’ Club $20,000- $24,999

Sports and Entertainment Law Symposium

Ambassadors’ Club $10,000- $19,999

H. Albert Young Lecture given by Professor Robert C. Power, the 2008 H. Albert Young Fellow in Constitutional Law

Partners’ Club $5,000- $9,999

Luncheon with The Institute of Delaware Corporate & Business Law’s 4th Annual Visiting Scholar, Professor Steven Davidoff November 2008 4th Annual Raynes McCarty Distinguished Lecture in Health Law,

Widener Law Review Symposium, “The Child Witness,” Delaware Campus ACLU Immigration Conference

3rd Annual John L. Gedid Lecture, “The Invisible Election: Why Our System Isn’t Working and How to Fix It,” by

Founders’ Club $50,000- $99,999 Jurists’ Society $25,000- $49,999

Benefactors $2,500- $4,999 Dean’s Council $1,500- $2,499

44% Increase in downloads of Widener Law


widener law 2008–2009

Century Club $250- $499

faculty’s scholarly work from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) database in 2008-2009 over the previous year

Dean’s Council Hon. Susan C. Del Pesco Esther A. Zaretsky Richard P. Zaretsky Law School Associates William E. Averona Steven P. Barsamian Bench and Bar Club Vincent J. Ciecka Mark A. Longo Amil M. Minora Louis E. Slawe Century Club George F. Dale Charles F. Fox Michael J. Korolishin W. M. Mulvey Hon. Paul R. Sacks William M. Sloane Susan L. Spagna Neil I. Sternstein Donors Edward M. Adams Christopher Almy Louis J. Arnold Jack A. Barbanel Veronica B. Boettger

Donald C. Brown Robert C. Clendenin Joseph J. DelSordo Robert L. Dluge Don A. Erlandson Thomas C. Etter Jon D. Fox Laurence Gallagher Robert J. Gleason Richard A. James Michael B. Joseph David P. Kownacki Alan F. Lehman Thomas C. Louthan Richard S. Marx Charles A. O’Connell Walter J. Ray Rodney W. Robinson Thomas J. Roman Philip A. Ross Robert L. Rumack Janice M. Sawicki Joseph J. Schafle Gregory E. Sciolla Ronald Segal Mark S. Shane Justice Howard H. Sherman Daniel M. Smith Anthony J. Tripodi Class of 1976 Class Participation 17.5% Partners’ Club Ronald P. Goldfaden Dean’s Council M. Jane Mahoney Law School Associates Eileen B. Cooper Hon. Paul P. Panepinto Bench and Bar Club Alan Belfus Stephen Carroll Joel Chernock

Century Club Michael P. Burakoff James L. Capobianco Hon. William C. Carpenter Edward B. Carter Lawrence F. DiGiovanna James A. Fox Louis P. Mellinger Richard T. Morrissey Richard E. Reilly Michael J. Saile Daniel F. Wilton Dona H. Zimmerman Donors David L. Arthur Joseph V. Cardona Francis J. Clifford J. W. Ditter Thomas E. Dooley William P. Fedullo Thomas P. Gannon Mark D. Grim Charles A. Halpin Thomas G. Klingensmith Joseph K. Norris Charles W. Proctor Stephen G. Raymond Donald B. Scace James D. Scheffey Andrew S. Wade Class of 1977 Class Participation: 16.1% Bench and Bar Club Bruce L. Hudson Roger T. Margolis Hon. John J. O’Grady Henry P. Zerella Century Club Andrew H. Appel Jerome M. Capone Richard G. Handler Jay E. Kivitz

Rocco J. Tedesco Donald S. Young Donors Francis P. Bach John J. Branigan James R. Columbro Gary R. Egoville Walter S. Frankowski Michael J. Fromhold John F. Gangi Barry F. Gultanoff Dean C. Johnson Anthony J. Maressa Edward J. McGlinchey Pamela C. Meitner Hon. Margaret T. Murphy Frank J. Rubinate Kenneth J. Slomienski Charles E. Woolson Class of 1978 Class Participation: 18.8% Benefactors Eugene D. McGurk Dean’s Council Robert M. Adochio Law School Associates John E. O’Brien Hon. Lee A. Solomon Bench and Bar Club Edward J. DiDonato Teresa A. Miller Bruce M. Mundorf Century Club Vincent J. Craparotta Michael A. Donio Francis E. Marshall James J. McGann Thomas I. Puleo Jerry H. Steiner Richard E. Weltman

Donors John G. Achille John C. Andrade Frank J. Aritz James B. Bechtel Joseph A. Brancato Jeffrey S. Brown Robert R. Burke Leslie N. Coates Sander H. Cohen Thomas P. Collins Wendy C. Dignazio Ann E. Green Edward J. Leonard Jeffrey R. Ludwig Suzanne M. McDonough-Boggia Alan H. Paikin Susan F. Paikin Wayne Partenheimer Gary M. Perolman Charles E. Sloane Gloria K. Sloane Hon. Irvin J. Snyder Calvin D. Uhlig Class of 1979 Class Participation: 20.6% Ambassadors’ Club Robert D. Gober Partners’ Club Leslee S. Tabas Bench and Bar Club Eric L. Grayson James A. Kelley Michael B. Lione F. Kevin Lynch Steve Parsons Century Club Beverly L. Bove Roy A. Cohen Mario J. D’Alfonso Karen Durkin Stephen R. Fogarty

Vivian A. Houghton Timothy P. Inemer David S. Kouser Susan E. Mensch Donors Mary B. Androski-Maric Richard E. Berl Nancy M. Carr Charles T. DeTulleo Robert P. DiDomenicis Frank P. Farmer Brian T. Fischer Harry Frank Ronnie E. Harrison Sherry L. Horowitz Henry R. Minissale Joseph F. Murray James C. C. Reed Stanton S. Rubinstein Cynthia R. Ryan Gary I. Spivack Michael J. Valoris Hon. John K. Welch Jack L. Werbler Class of 1980 Class Participation: 19.7% Partners’ Club Alan B. Levin Law School Associates John F. O’Brien Bench and Bar Club Charles J. Dombrowski Molly A. Gallagher Sharon Brady Kelley Hon. Marianne Ossmer Mizel Hon. Philip V. Sarcione Bernard W. Smalley Century Club Joseph A. Alacqua Hon. Maureen F. Fitzpatrick Karen L. Fleming

83 Number of books, book articles, chapters, and

other publications by Widener Law faculty during the 2008-2009 academic year widener law 2008–2009


looking ahead Students Preparing for the Future In the past year our students excelled in the classroom, in the courts, and in the community, once again demonstrating a dedication to their legal education and a commitment to excellence in their professional pursuits. Our graduates achieved professional success and found employment at rates above the national average for law school graduates. We are proud of their success and accomplishments. Widener Law students received a number of major awards in national competitions during the 2008-2009 school year. The moot court team of Harrisburg campus students Matthew Eyet and Megan Durr won the Best Brief Award at the 24th Annual Dean Jerome Prince Evidence Competition at the Brooklyn Law School. In

winning the best brief award, the team surpassed competitors from 36 other schools, including teams from UC Hastings, NYU, Georgetown, and Cornell. Harrisburg campus students Daniel BellJacobs and Kelly Lombardo placed first and second respectively in the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s 2009 Intellectual Property Law Section Annual Writing Competition. This competition affords students in their second or third year the


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opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of intellectual property law and is open to students enrolled at Pennsylvania law schools including Drexel, Duquesne, Penn State Dickinson, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, Temple, and Villanova. Delaware campus students Sylvia Siegel, Adrienne Robertson, and Angelina Freind were awarded the Dolores K. Hanna National Best Brief Award and second place overall at the national finals of the Saul Lefkowitz Moot Court Competition in Washington, D.C. The competition is organized by the International Trademark Association and is the only competition in the United States to focus on trademark and unfair competition law. The moot court team of Harrisburg campus students Bianca Smith and Jillian Ayoub won the Honorable Victoria A. Graffeo Award for Brief Writing at the 21st Annual Domenick L. Gabrielli National Family Law Moot Court Competition

held at Albany Law School. In addition to winning the best brief award, the team advanced to the second round of the competition.

The achievements of Widener Law students in these major competitions highlight both the prowess of our student body and their dedication and focus in fully pursuing the educational opportunities available to them. Our students continued to live up to our highest standards, raise the bar for achievement, and further distinguish the Widener Law name throughout the legal community.

The Harrisburg Moot Court Honor Society evidence team of Megan Durr and Matt Eyet won the Best Brief award at Brooklyn Law School’s 24th Annual Dean Jerome Prince Evidence Competition.

William J. Heimbuch Charles S. Knothe Frederick R. Mogel Kevin A. O’Brien Jeffrey S. Roth Anthony G. Talarico Donors Paul J. Ambrose Daniel B. Boasberg Hugh J. Bracken Susan J. Bruno-Matour John R. Chuk June C. Cipressi Gerald E. Darling Arthur T. Donato Jane F. Engler Joseph F. Fitzpatrick June E. Gilson Laurence Harmelin William D. Himmelreich Scott R. Jay Joseph H. Jones John R. Kancilia Kathleen C. Lucas James M. Matour Thomas H. Ramsay Barbara C. Siegell

Stephen E. Simmons Vernon A. Taylor Ronald H. Thompson Roger R. Ullman David T. Videon Robert V. Witsil Robert F. Zane

Martin P. Manco Mark Mattia Janis R. Melfi Michael K. Newell Jesse L. Pleet Ira B. Shrager Kenneth J. Young

Class of 1981 Class Participation: 16.3%

Class of 1982 Class Participation: 13.9%

Ambassadors’ Club George K. Miller

Law School Associates Don S. Ginsburg

Benefactors Gregory M. McCauley

Bench and Bar Club Carl W. Battle Thomas R. Uliase

Law School Associates Cary L. Flitter Bench and Bar Club David A. Bongiovanni Century Club Andrew E. DiPiero Eugene A. DiPrinzio Douglas E. DiSandro Joseph J. Rhoades Stephen W. Spence Donors John J. Barr Michelle C. Berk Wayne J. Carey Stephen J. Cirillo Mary V. D’Ambrosio Donald A. Emeigh David J. Ferry M. Scott Gemberling Patricia E. Hall Robert A. Honecker Gary Jaffe James T. Jarvis Guy V. Johnson Joseph T. Labrum Kathryn L. Labrum Timothy C. Leventry

Century Club Paul S. Cherry Kathiann E. Karsnitz Rosemary K. Killian Joseph J. Risi Joseph H. Rosen George B. Smith Donors Saul E. Arnold Alexis L. Barbieri Edward R. Carpenter Carolann J. Dougherty Matthew A. Eldridge Marsha A. Frederick-Fritz Ruth P. Goldberg Richard J. Gordon Rosanne K. Hoskins Richard J. Laiks John G. Malone Michael P. Mayberry John R. McCarnan Jeffrey K. Sprecher Gary F. Traynor Nanci O. Weber Leon A. Williams Francis L. Zarrilli

Class of 1983 Class Participation: 12.5% Bench and Bar Club Marsha Z. Borin Century Club Michael A. Maucher Barry S. Rabin Donors Hon. Rosemary B. Beauregard Joseph J. Bennie Kyle A. Burch Linda B. Dillow David R. Finkel Carl E. Funk Ellen L. Glass Vincent F. Mallon Jeffrey C. McCullough Joan J. Miller Stephen Mortelliti Cynthia W. O’Donnell Philip R. Rosenfeldt Mary M. Sabulsky Pamela J. Scott Mary E. Sherlock Bruce M. Smith Lynn L. Smith Tempe B. Steen Barry J. Tomlinson Nathan VanEmbden Class of 1984 Class Participation: 14.3% Dean’s Council W. Bruce Hemphill

Lawrence J. Gibson Roger M. Holcomb Gerald C. Montella J. S. Watson Donors Andre Beauregard Hope B. Bernstein Harriet L. Chappell Lenard Cohen Jacquelyn Cusumano Lois J. Dawson Samuel S. Driver Francis M. Hadden Brenda W. Hoffman Michael Kaplit Judith Malin Hinda G. Marcu Lisa C. Miller Kathleen L. Misturak-Gingrich Kevin Parker Natalie Pouch-Kavetsky Maureen P. Thede Robert E. Ulaky Michael A. Walsh Marc A. Werlinsky Ann K. Younglove Class of 1985 Class Participation: 10% Dean’s Council Samuel A. Landy Law School Associates Philip L. Rothbart Martin J. Sendek

Bench and Bar Club Charlene D. Davis Daniel R. Losco

Bench and Bar Club Peter J. Barnes James J. Maron Marion R. Newbold

Century Club Joseph D. Burke Kathleen M. Burke Ronald DeSimone

Century Club Ronald A. Amarant Kathryn M. Jakabcin

Dean Linda L. Ammons and Widener University President James T. Harris III with the Law School’s 2008 Delaware (left) and Harrisburg (right) Wolcott Fellows. widener law 2008–2009


John D. McLaughlin Joseph J. Santarone Donors Kathleen M. Conover Thomas J. DiPilla Lawrence T. Foti William J. Galda Denise D. Hennelly Thomas D. Hess Marita M. Hutchinson Bruce W. Joseph Dorothy H. Lin Cornelius C. O’Brien Michael A. Pedicone Anthony R. Repici Irving Seltzer B. R. Shekmer Perry H. Sobel Class of 1986 Class Participation: 11% Law School Associates Selma Hayman Bench and Bar Club Arthur L. Dent Jean C. Kissane John M. Peruto Lori N. Peruto Century Club Vincent J. Giusini Daniel P. Johnson Theodore T. Kurlowicz Donors Bayard W. Allmond Frank C. DePasquale Richard A. DiLiberto Jeffry B. Herman Jane A. Kane Gerald M. Klein Stuart I. Leon Constantine F. Malmberg

The team of Sylvia Siegel, Adrienne Robertson, and Angelina Freind won the Dolores K. Hanna National Best Brief award and finished second overall at the Saul Lefkowitz Moot Court Competition.

William G. Massa John D. McAllister Karen A. Myszka-Ostberg Arthur S. Novello Hon. George W. Overton John L. Pund Anne M. Rigney Gregory J. Rubis Susan J. Sacchetta Thomas F. Sacchetta Gail O. Shuey Philip A. Steinberg John E. Stewart Class of 1987 Class Participation: 10% Law School Associates Carolyn M. McNeice Bench and Bar Club Elizabeth D. Maron Century Club Edward Curley John R. Garey Joanne Phillips

Donors Justin P. Borkowski E. S. Bradley C. S. D’Alessio Lawrence M. Davies Gary B. Eidelman Richard D. Favata Alan F. Galerman Mark F. Himsworth Cynthia S. LaRosa Michael D. LaRosa Barbara P. Matalucci Jane Ellen M. McNerney Sherry C. McReynolds Karen L. Smith Patricia K. Spotts Robert J. Thompson Class of 1988 Class Participation: 7.3% Dean’s Council John M. Pachkowski Bench and Bar Club Maria A. Moffa Century Club Teresa A. Cheek Fortunato N. Perri Alann M. Ramirez Donors Bradley H. Bastedo Howard W. Bergendahl Louis R. Busico Hon. John P. Capuzzi Patricia Corbett Jennifer L. Hekking John N. Hernick Katherine F. Mulcare Charles E. O’Connor Paul J. Perpiglia Arlene B. Rubin Paul G. Schenk Larry D. Sullivan

Theodore J. Tacconelli Frederick A. Townsend Class of 1989 Class Participation: 8.4% Leadership Circle Robert P. Taishoff Law School Associates Linda F. Shopland Bench and Bar Club Thomas C. Marconi Harvey Sternberg Century Club Elizabeth D. Berenato Vera M. Holmes Michael J. Milstead Donors Martin P. Convery Patricia Cunningham Daniel J. DeFranceschi Faith P. DiLiberto Roseanne R. Duffy Louis S. Flocco Frederick S. Freibott Mary A. Jordano Jeffrey L. Klein Loretta G. LeBar William Lewis John P. Lynch Kevin M. Malloy Ronald J. Patterson Joanne Pescatore Marsha M. Shortell Francis X. Wickersham

Bench and Bar Club Maryann Brown Peter Chamas Leonard M. Insalaco Anthony P. Marcozzi Steven T. Williams Century Club Howard K. Alperin Dale S. Ardizzone Barbara L. Ayars Norman W. Briggs Milton W. Brown Christopher Konzelmann Richard R. White Donors Emmanuel J. Argentieri Maureen C. Argentieri Mary F. Caloway Peter L. Frattarelli Lisa M. Jaeger Joseph A. Juliana John A. Miller Sharon D. Morgan Diana C. Noone Walter A. Norris Michele R. Punturi Harry D. Quarles J. Todd Savarese Jeffrey S. Shorr Kara L. Svendsen Zenouzi Class of 1991 Class Participation: 11.5%

Benefactors Michael J. Brown

Benefactors Cecilia M. McCormick

class of 2008 finding employment within nine months of graduation

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Law School Associates Matthew Gitterman

Class of 1990 Class Participation: 9.1%

92.6% Percentage of Widener Law 14

Dean’s Council Barry D. Cash Leif R. Sigmond

Dean’s Council Mary Alice Peeling John L. Reed Law School Associates Michael A. Brown Bench and Bar Club Ronald M. Graham Century Club Barbara A. Ardizzone Maribeth Blessing Hon. M. DeSales Haley Hon. Joel S. Johnson Maria D. Murphy Hon. Calvin L. Scott Donors Pamela S. Allen-Wilson Renae B. Axelrod Kathleen C. Brightman Lois M. Campana Lisa J. Cappolella Martin S. Coleman Todd E. Conner Christopher D. Curzon Joan P. Depfer Dale S. Douglas Lisa A. Duda John R. Evans Sharon O. Finnegan Leonard N. Florio James D. Gaumond Gretchen C. Gilchrist John P. Gilligan James J. Haley Michael T. Hamilton Joelle P. Hitch Nadia M. Jannetta David A. Kase Michael J. Konowal Scott R. Lipson Joseph A. Maressa Peggy McKeon John W. Morgan

Derek A. Popeil Patricia M. Ronayne Anne K. Seelaus Laura Siberski-Scanlon William J. Sipio Daniel S. Sweetser Joseph P. Walsh Jude T. Walsh Diane M. Willette David G. Wilson Michael K. Yarnoff Class of 1992 Class Participation: 8.1% Jurists’ Society Alice W. Strine Partners’ Club Brenda A. James Amalia V. Romanowicz Dean’s Council Leslie A. Johnson Law School Associates Robert E. McCann Bench and Bar Club Joan T. Kluger Michael P. Reid Century Club Miriam Benton Barish Ann E. Fruth Christopher S. Koyste Lynn M. Martosella Ricardo J. Monteiro Paul P. Slawek Eric S. Solotoff Gerald F. Strubinger Karen C. Yarrish Donors Craig E. Bennett Joseph Cagnoli Thomas R. Chesnick

Joshua L. Cohen Dana L. Harrington Conner Jeffrey L. Dashevsky Lisa G. Faden John F. Fenerty Kevin M. Geary Gary A. Greene Eileen A. Grena-Piretti Daniel L. Grill Gerald B. Halt Emily L. Hoffman Bernard P. Hvozdovic Thomas A. Kauffman Gregory J. Kelley M. L. Longo Andrew C. Lynch Maria C. McLaughlin-Sisofo Daniel L. Minnis C. C. Norcini George J. Ozorowski Jonathan L. Parshall Michael S. Pavlick James M. Polyak George T. Ragsdale Charles E. Schlager David P. Schroth Kevin R. Shannon Regina Foley Tatlonghari Nikolaos I. Tsouros Thomas O. Williams

Donald G. Brabson Steven Carabases Ronald R. Cowell Peter J. Daley Loren J. Ellis John S. Grimm Joan N. Hook Christian C. Hugel Susan R. Deane Hunter Betsy A. Kavash David S. Kogos Carron T. Laake Jeffrey D. Laudenbach Sharon R. López MaryAnn G. Manley Maureen T. Marron Stacy J. Martin James J. McGuire Richard L. Morris Thomas J. O’Malley MaryKay Rauenzahn Frances R. Roggenbaum Jerold E. Rothkoff Alan H. Schorr

Class of 1993 Class Participation: 5.8% Dean’s Council Andrew McK. Jefferson Century Club Richard E. Burridge Curtis J. Crowther Russell MacNow David M. McCanney Donors Kellie A. Allen Gerard G. Boccuti

Harrisburg campus students Bianca Smith and Jillian Ayoub won the Honorable Victoria A. Graffeo Award for Brief Writing at the 21st Annual Domenick L. Gabrielli National Family Law Moot Court Competition.

Deborah J. Schwartz Susan J. Scutti Hubert C. Whan Tong Robert Torres William H. Woolworth Kathleen Zaid Class of 1994 Class Participation: 6% Ambassadors’ Club Michael J. Aiello Benefactors Douglas J. Steinhardt Law School Associates Eileen C. Seaman Bench and Bar Club Michele F. Conte Benjamin M. Del Vento Century Club Kathy L. Banfield Lisa B. Goodman Craig A. Hoogstraten Jeffrey W. McDonnell Jennifer L. Miller Patrick C. Reeder Charles N. Shurr Donors Elizabeth S. Antoun Keith O. Barrows Ian C. Bifferato W. B. Broadwater Lisa L. Coleman Carol A. Crisci William J. Erle Daniel T. Gallo Tracy L. Henry Patricia L. Hobbib Edward L. Jones William W. Keffer Mark J. Kogan Antonella M. Madonia

4 Number of major awards garnered by Widener Law students in national competitions during the 2008-2009 school year

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world view Widener Law on a Global Scale In the past year we provided our students exceptional opportunities to move beyond our borders and investigate the law from a worldwide perspective. We expanded our global presence both through our students’ participation in study abroad programs and our continued development of relationships with legal educational institutions around the world. Nowhere is this on greater display than the Law School’s effort to convene a Widener Global Law Consortium. This developing initiative will link Widener Law with legal education institutions throughout four continents, and will promote international legal education for both our students and the students of our international partners. Through this innovative consortium we will expand our ability to prepare our students for practice on a worldwide level. In Europe, students participated in the Venice Study Abroad Program, offered in cooperation with the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Venice, and the Lausanne Study Abroad Program, offered in cooperation with the Faculty of Law and Criminal Justice of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Both programs continued to provide Widener Law students with the


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opportunity to gain insight into European legal systems in close proximity to major international cities. In Australia, our students took advantage of the unique opportunity to study comparative law in one of the world’s most vibrant cities through the Sydney Study Abroad Program, offered in cooperation with the Law School of the University of Technology Sydney. Our students benefitted from the impressive reach of our international programs in Africa by studying through the Nairobi Study Abroad Program, offered in cooperation with the University of Nairobi. This program, one of the first study abroad programs in Africa offered by an American law school, again provided students with extraordinary academic and cultural experiences in Kenya. Our newest international program expanded student opportunities into Asia, as we offered a fall semester exchange program in Chongqing, China at Southwest University of Political Science and Law. Through this program, Widener Law students can pursue their international legal education in China and earn credits toward graduation by exploring trade and intellectual property law. In addition to the many who taught in and

coordinated the Law School’s summer abroad programs, our faculty continued to take their expertise overseas, teaching, presenting, and publishing their work in a range of international venues. Among them were Distinguished Professor of Law John Dernbach, who visited Kazakhstan to share his expertise on climate change and sustainable development, Distinguished Professor Andrew Strauss, who lectured on global democracy at the European University Center for Peace Studies in Austria, and Professor John Capowski, who presented at the 2nd International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science. Institutions invited to join the Widener Global Law Consortium

Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy Maastricht University Faculty of Law, the Netherlands Scuola Superiore Sant’ Anna, Pisa, Italy Soochow University School of Law, Taipei, Taiwan Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, China The University of Messina, Messina, Italy The University of Siena, Siena, Italy University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Douglas T. Marx James V. McMahan Paul W. Muller Patricia C. Procopio Marjorie S. Roshkoff David J. Shannon Joseph B. Silverstein Joseph F. Sklarosky Steven J. Stirparo Nancy A. Whan Tong Christopher S. Witmer Class of 1995 Class Participation: 6.4% Partners’ Club Kenneth J. Lopez Benefactors Jonathan P. Bigley Dean’s Council Mitchell Gurwicz Heather E. Jefferson Law School Associates Karen A. Ulmer Bench and Bar Club Rick S. Miller Min S. Suh Charles D. Williams Century Club Carol L. Gallagher Charles K. Graber Edwin J. Harron Scott A. Holt Christian M. Petrucci Linda G. Young Donors Wendy L. Aach Duane S. Barrick Patrick M. Cannon Anthony F. Cantarella Wanda M. Casaretto

Class of 1996 Class Participation: 5.9% Partners’ Club Bruce M. Monroe

Professor John Capowski returned to Beijing to present at the 2nd International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science.

Steven L. Chung Barbara A. Darkes Rex A. Donnelly Felicia A. Gojmerac Ruth A. Golas Kevin R. Helm Janine N. Howard-O’Rangers Thomas M. Krick Monica LaPolt Diane Magram Mary K. Marzolla Victoria A. Bentley Mayhew Michael R. Nestor Brian M. Nixon John C. Phillips Yvonne T. Saville Terrence M. Sawyer Edward P. Seeber Janene M. Smith Todd S. Stewart Eric C. Stoltenberg Kevin H. Teffeteller Sharon G. Timm Wendy S. Tripoli Mark A. Trudeau Raymond J. Warburton Barry H. Williams A. J. Woytek

Benefactors James C. Bohorad Douglas M. Wolfberg Law School Associates Steven E. Hovsepian Angela E. Rodante Century Club M. Blake Cleary Michael J. Diamondstein Damian S. Jackson David C. McFadden Donors Britt E. Anderson Patrick C. Barry Joel D. Beach Mark R. Berenson David L. Beyer F. J. Christie Tamara S. Christie Roan J. Confer Mary Ann Gerber Lynelle A. Gleason Richard F. Goldenziel Susan Kessock Michael S. Levin Carol A. Ryan Livingood Christopher J. Marzzacco Francis C. Miller Robert J. Munley Nichole M. Staley O’Gorman Ronald J. Reybitz Irwin Siegel David B. Snyder Edward F. Spreha Melanie J. Thompson Mary Ellen Weissinger Gregory W. Werkheiser

Kacey C. Wiedt Debra L. Williams Class of 1997 Class Participation: 6.8% Benefactors Edward B. Micheletti Dean’s Council Scott E. Blissman Tanya C. Blissman Bench and Bar Club Stephanie E. Kleinfelter Century Club Christine S. Ewan Jennifer Levy-Tatum Damon G. Tyner Orville R. Walls III Justin B. Wineburgh Donors Alissa Anderson Henry V. Barnette Marilyn H. Bromels Rene P. Calloway Salvatore A. Clemente Michael G. Crilly Gregory C. DiCarlo Barbara J. Dietrich Nathan W. Dougall Janet L. Ekerovich Edward J. Gallen Charles J. Galvin Amy E. Hamilton Paul N. Heath Jessica L. Julian Bernine M. Knox Daniel E. Lohr Milan G. Marinkovich Mark M. Maska Daniel R. McGuire Amy M. McLaughlin Carl J. Minster

Michael J. Mullen Lisa A. Puglisi Kelly K. Swartz Justine M. Tanguay Paul J. Wylam Christine E. Zaccarelli Class of 1998 Class Participation: 5.2% Bench and Bar Club Raymond L. Rodriguez Century Club Mark J. O’Brien John D. Pirnot Patricia A. Widdoss Donors Rachel T. Adcock Stephen J. Amoriello James E. Bacchus Wilson K. Barnes Kathleen M. Breslin Cheryl A. Dubecq Niels C. Eriksen Anthony C. Gulotta Donna L. Harris Renee L. Hrivnak Leslie W. Knapp Carey S. LeRoux Aaron T. Marshall Jeffrey M. McCormick Elizabeth R. McFarlan Michele J. Mintz Jason C. Powell Patricia A. Shatynski Denise Smart Frank Voutsakis Mary E. Webb Mark S. Zearfaus

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Professor Ann Fruth taught in Kenya in the Nairobi Study Abroad Program.

Class of 1999 Class Participation: 7.5% Law School Associates Robert R. DeLong Century Club Gregory F. Bobka Richard F. Klumpp Jeffrey S. Proden Christopher A. Ward Donors John B. Berryhill Jeanne M. Brown Meredith J. Buck Michael S. Daigle Andrew S. Dashevsky Karen R. Ellsweig Barbara L. Feudale David A. Haenel LeaAnn Heltzel Jon D. Hoover Kelly Hoover-Thompson Randall G. Hurst Eric M. Kniskern George Kostolampros James M. Kron Christopher P. Larsen Douglas C. Lovelace Scott R. Lutz Karl M. Malaszczyk


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Jamison M. Mark Mark Owens Marlo Pagano-Kelleher Aldona M. Peart Jonathan E. Peri Michael P. Quinn James M. Robinson Mark R. Sprow Kristopher T. Starr Claire S. Swift-Voigt Amy M. Vanni Denise S. Vicario Class of 2000 Class Participation: 5.9% Law School Associates Holly M. Barbera Freed Bench and Bar Club Jeffrey B. Killino Donald A. Smith William R. Snell Century Club Jennifer D. Armstrong Stephanie L. Hansen Jennifer R. Noel Donors David R. Alperstein Kathleen E. Asher Michael P. Bahner Lindsey Baynard Amanda L. Brinton Karen A. Caco George Christopoulos Elias R. Domingo Patrick R. Gillard Robert E. Joyce Cherriel N. Laidley Tiffany G. Lydon Nicole R. Nathan-McCoy Scott N. Pletcher Susan M. Potts Patrick G. Rock

Patrick W. Straub Steven G. Weiler Meredith R. Weisel Class of 2001 Class Participation: 7% Century Club Mary Ann Claraval Kathryn M. Laughlin Michael F. Shawaryn Donors Nicole E. Ballenger Robert J. Chester Lisa L. Coggins Carol L. Cornelison Sarah E. DiLuzio Matthew P. Domines Kerry A. Duffy Hina Haq Nathan S. Henriksen Vicki L. Kushto Matthew B. Lunn Susan D. Mack Michael T. McGlone Michelle M. O’Hanlon Julie C. Panaro Brett A. Rosen Julie D. Rosen Liza A. Stagliano Stuart P. Suskind Heather A. Tereshko Class of 2002 Class Participation: 5.3% Dean’s Council Todd V. Clark Century Club Vanya Dugalic Margaret F. England Dawn M. Jones Mark A. Landau Michael L. Saile

Donors Megan E. Castor Jonathan P. Cohen Kathleen Conn Michael J. Dolan Dianne L. Elliott Valerie B. Geiger Lisa Gilmer Albert D. Guckes Joy A. Inkpen Dale T. Jenkins James J. Merkins James L. Newman Heather L. Nicoletti Scott W. Reid N. R. Sees Dolores P. Welch Class of 2003 Class Participation: 6.4% Bench and Bar Club Bruce George Nancy L. Stanford Century Club Donald J. Bowman Sally Nuttycombe Rutherford Stephen J. Wenger Donors Kelly L. Bender George A. Bibikos Kristin R. Bibikos James R. Demmel Elaine F. Duffus James S. Green Angela Halse Charlotte P. Hameka Rochelle M. Howard Andrea N. Jones Catherine S. Lajoie Troy E. Larson Darryl J. Liguori Chunsheng Lu Stephanie L. Nocera

Meredith R. Priestley Bryan C. Roth James J. Watson Francesca Zeltmann Class of 2004 Class Participation: 6.9% Century Club Dorothy E. Muir Donors Jason L. Allison Robin K. Bencher Gary D. Berg Brian Cunningham Joseph J. DeFelice Antoinette T. Flora-Mihalic Brandon R. Gamble Brian P. Garman Amy L. Groff Benjamin W. Keenan Karen Khan Jennifer Kralle Scott L. Kramer Ian J. Lang Darryl A. Lawrence Michael P. Mineo Michele C. O’Dowd Edmond C. Olivieri Margaret M. O’Neill Bryon M. Pearsall Joseph C. Stringfellow Rosetta L. Thompson Marianne R. Tyrrell Peter M. Vaughn Class of 2005 Class Participation: 3.7% Donors Deborah E. Ballantyne Robert J. Brasko Brandon J. Broderick Christopher D. Bufano Christopher J. Cabott

Jimmy C. Chong Barbara L. Gauger Benjamin M. Hoffman Cory A. Iannacone Emeka Igwe Bret D. Keisling James G. Lare Mona A. Parikh John S. Pontius John E. Travers John L. Tripoli Sally E. Veghte Jennifer L. Walker Class of 2006 Class Participation: 5.5% Law School Associates Kathleen W. McNicholas Donors Sara E. Auerbach Mitchell R. Ayes Rahat N. Babar Arleen F. Black Ryan D. Briskin Jan L. Budman John A. Carleton Noel A. Caron Angela M. Coxe Erin F. Downing Samuel C. Fiechter Charles A. Germershausen Jeanne M. Gibson Brett T. Guizzetti Anne M. Lombardo Billie Jo A. Matelevich-Hoang James K. Matelevich-Hoang Suzanne D. Montgomery Keli M. Neary Sharon K. Nonn Lisa M. Pectol Billie D. Resnick Dawn M. Schwartz Elizabeth A. Tucker Geoffrey K. White

Widener Law welcomed Professor Kuang-Ming (Carl) Wu, a professor of law at National Taipei University in Taiwan, as a visiting scholar performing research on the role of arbitration in business law disputes.

Peter S. Murphy Meghan A. Perry Robert F. Poppiti Stephen M. Porter Pamela Raab Stephen W. Ries John P. Sanderson Christopher F. Schellhorn Donna L. Skilton Thomas A. Uebler Charles B. Vincent Mark D. Wessel Class of 2008 Class Participation: 11.3% Law School Associates Robert L. Hawkins

Class of 2007 Class Participation: 8.4% Century Club Corinne E. Amato Jeffrey L. Oster Donors Kimberly A. Allen Michael T. Brophy John D. Cirrinicione Thomas A. Cushane Leo L. Dunn Justin K. Edelson Claire Gayley Meghan C. Green-Hoffman Kara M. Guzzetti Nicole S. Hartman Trisha D. Hoover David S. Keller Michael R. Keller Dana M. Klayman Erin B. Kowtna Bonnie Lane Joshua H. Meyeroff Cynthia E. Moh Tara Mondelli Elizabeth F. Murdock

Century Club Douglas J. Welty Donors Enoch O. Badamosi MacGregor J. Brillhart Ariel C. Brownstein Brian T. Cagle Blake W. Carey Nicole E. Carter Jonathan W. Chatham Chase M. Defelice Rolando A. Diaz Jennifer L. DiMario William M. Duskas Katharina Earle Nicole M. Faries Christina M. Fisher Brian P. Gregg Bonnie A. Hershberger Lindsay R. Janel Christopher E. Jones Renae L. Kluk Kiehl Christine H. Kim Joy L. Kolodzi Matthew R. Krupp Danielle K. Kuzminski

Steve J. Kwon Ivan E. Lee Nicolas Lombo Scott J. MacDougall Daniel A. Mancini Leanne M. Miller Eyad Mizian Joseph W. Montgomery James E. Moore Douglas M. Oberholser Nicholas K. Papademetriou Barbara L. Seaton Michael T. Simon Gina M. Simonelli Philip M. Smith Elizabeth S. Stano Daniel M. Straszynski Melissa J. Vega Ian P. Wetzel Justin M. Will Sharon M. Williams Stephanie M. Wimer Class of 2009 Class Participation: 7%

Adam L. Santucci William P. Schenk Erin R. Searer Bina Singh Charles J. Soschin Scott R. Steirer Cory S. Winter Faculty and Staff Partners’ Club John L. Gedid Benefactors Linda L. Ammons Dean’s Council Dorothy D. Hemphill Leslie A. Johnson James R. May Deborah M. McCreery Nathaniel C. Nichols John M. Pachkowski Mary Alice Peeling

Century Club Daniel J. Devlin

Law School Associates Paula D. Garrison Thomas J. Reed Linda F. Shopland

Donors Daniel J. Bell-Jacobs Elvira N. Berry Brandon W. Boberick Lina M. Carreras Bonnie Copeland Diana C. Esposito Lisa J. Gaier Thomas W. Gooden Erin K. Grady Laura B. Haushalter Brant A. Hershey Joel R. Hogentogler Kelly L. Lombardo Muhammad O. Masood Shari L. Milewski Brandon J. Pierce

Bench and Bar Club Ann H. Britton Maryann Brown Ann E. Conaway Alice E. Eakin Patricia Fox Stephen E. Friedman Michael Goldberg Susan L. Goldberg Robert L. Hayman Jr. Katherine M. Jones Jonathan Krinick Kenneth T. Kristl Roberta F. Mann Nicholas A. Mirkay III Rosemary R. Pall Robert C. Power

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Century Club Barbara L. Ayars Francis J. Catania Jr. Michael J. Cozzillio James W. Diehm Karen Durkin Ann E. Fruth Russell A. Hakes Lawrence A. Hamermesh Patrick J. Johnston Eleanor A. Kelly J. Patrick Kelly G. Randall Lee Mary Jane Mallonee Colleen K. McKeone Robyn L. Meadows H. Geoffrey Moulton Jr. Judith L. Ritter LeaNora J. Ruffin Serena M. Williams Donors Molly M. Acri Mary Allen Reza Amin Carleen April Kelly L. Arnold Nicole E. Ballenger D. Benjamin Barros Ashley N. Barton John J. Capowski Dana L. Harrington Conner John C. Dernbach Walter L. Derricotte Arlene A. Dolan Robert J. Dolbin Anthony P. Doyle Torill Drury Jules Epstein Jill E. Family Christy L. Farley Brian M. Fearnbaugh Iva E. Johnson Ferrell Andrew Fichter Alan E. Garfield


Diane M. Goltz Sandra L. Graeff Eileen A. Grena-Piretti James R. Hampton Paula M. Heider Anna P. Hemingway Stephen Henderson Eleanor D. Hess David Hodas Michael Hussey Alison D. Kehner Alicia B. Kelly Cassandra I. King Susan A. King Dorothy T. Kmat Eric M. Kniskern Ann B. Kolodzey Dorothy A. Koncar Jennifer M. Lear Todd A. Lineburger Robert J. Lipkin Edmund B. Luce Mary Ellen Maatman

Widener Law received a Chinese delegation from Southwest University of Political Science and Law in Chongqing, China during its trip to the United States to exchange ideas on corporate law with the legal academic community.

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Denise M. Manelski Mary K. Marzolla Doretta M. McGinnis Judith A. McLaughlin Juliet M. Moringiello Katharine F. Nelson John F. Nivala Wesley M. Oliver Margaret M. O’Neill Holly H. Parrey Pamela L. Perry Kelly M. Pierce David Raeker-Jordan Susan Raeker-Jordan Jane M. Ragan Laura K. Ray Paul L. Regan Christopher J. Robinette Mary Ann Robinson Karen E. Ruby Linda M. Sarro Jean K. Sbarge Michael J. Slinger Barbara Smith Verne R. Smith Edmund J. Sonnenberg Melissa W. Sorgi Leonard N. Sosnov Andrew L. Strauss Constance M. Sweeney Arlene R. Trapuzzano Linda R. Triolo Kathleen M. Turezyn Nancy Ravert Ward Suzanne L. Watts Beverly J. Wieland

Dean’s Council Anna Marie Guglielmo Robert and Kathryn Pincus Thomas Sager


Donors Richard and Gloria Anthony Molly Bagnoli Stan and Ellen Balcomb Darryl and Nancy Barton David and Mary Berger Jack and Jean Blumenfeld Harry and Dana Bosk

Founders’ Club John and Eileen Schmutz Benefactors John Clark Jr.

Law School Associates Julia Carp Ned and Kate Carp Hon. Ida Chen John Chou and Teresa Wallace Mark Pearce Justice William T. Quillen and Marcia Quillen Emily Reed Century Club Bartholomew Dalton Eric and Lisa Davis Justice J. Michael Eakin Alex Freund Walter and Jayne Garrison Eugene and Virginia Grimm Bebe Kivitz Kevin Noonan Angela Otto Robert Pearce Ralph and Shirley Price Bench and Bar Club C. Grainger Bowman and Sandra Bowman Geoffrey Gamble Jacqueline Goodwin Jane P. Maroney Peter Mattoon and Joan Mattoon Elizabeth Simcox Donald Walsh and Joyce Walsh

William and Joan Busby Chester and Katherine Caldeira James and Dorothy Cashbaugh Joan Buckler Claybrook Diane Corsaro Gale Davis Terri Dean Mary Jane Dixon M. Dale and Mary Ducote Barbara Eufrasio John and Helen Fairchild Sarah Farmer Edward and Frances Fortney Thomas and Kathleen Gannon Gary and Alonna Giacomini Muriel Gilman Herman and Charlotte Glotzer Jonathan D. Golby Phyllis Hagemeier Richard Hanewinckel Wayne and Carolyn Hanson William and Diane Hanson Joy Howell Elinor Jenkins Richard Judge Kathryn Kessler Pat Lackey Carol Lippart Elizabeth McGeever Christine Mellon Judith Melman Dwayne and Kerry Meluskey Laura Mizrahi Janet Nippell Robin O’Dierno Bob and Helen Olson Frank and Gina Pearce Macel Pearce Thomas and Dolynn Poole Cecil Reeder Gina Rehrer Robert and Margaret Reid Terry Roberts Joseph and Joan Rosenthal Allan Rusten

Chuck and Jo Saulisberry Justice Thomas G. Saylor Jr. Edward Schall Samuel Shipley Daniel and Cathleen Silva Frederick Simon Heidi Smith Hon. Dean T. Stout Richard and Linda Tatum Allen Terrell Robert Toth Todd and Cheryl Ulma Carolyn A. Welch Henry and Leola Weller H. Jay and Bonnie Woods Elizabeth Yandell Robert Zaniewski Overseers Founders’ Club John F. Schmutz Ambassadors’ Club George K. Miller Jr. Partners’ Club Michael G. DeFino Richard K . Herrmann Benefactors Eugene D. McGurk Jr. Edward B. Micheletti John A. Wetzel Douglas M. Wolfberg Dean’s Council Hon. Susan C. Del Pesco Andrew McK. Jefferson Thomas L. Sager Justice Joseph T. Walsh Law School Associates Steven P. Barsamian Justice Randy J. Holland Kathleen W. McNicholas Hon. Lee A. Solomon

Bench and Bar Club C. Grainger Bowman Geoffrey Gamble Jacqueline G. Goodwin Peter M. Mattoon Century Club Joanne Phillips Donors Peter J. Daley II Justice Thomas G. Saylor Jr. Allen M. Terrell National Advisory Council Leadership Circle Alexander Bratic Robert P. Taishoff Jurists’ Society Alice W. Strine Ambassadors’ Club Michael J. Aiello Robert D. Gober Partners’ Club Ronald P. Goldfaden Alan B. Levin Kenneth J. Lopez Leslee S. Tabas Benefactors Eugene D. McGurk, Jr. Dean’s Council Mitchell Gurwicz Leif R. Sigmond Timothy J. Snyder Richard P. Zaretsky Law School Associates Michael A. Brown Bench and Bar Club James J. Maron

Century Club Howard K. Alperin Miriam Benton Barish Donors Patrick J. Murphy Cynthia R. Ryan Parents of current and former widener law students Leadership Circle Alexander and Ann Bratic Ambassadors’ Club George Miller Jr. Benefactors Alexander and Nancy Sarcione John D. Wetzel Dean’s Council Justice Joseph T. Walsh Law School Associates John and Lou O’Brien Bench and Bar Club Eugene and Gloria Landy Carl and Arlene Pearce Century Club Norman Ashworth G. Alan and Denise Nagle Bailey Joseph and Marie Bonk Frank Cristiano Ronald Devlin Dr. and Mrs. M. Sean Grady Thomas and Diane Kearney Marlene Siegel Barry and Janet Wolper Donors Howard Aaronson John Albanese Edward and Tish Applegate

Delaware Supreme Court Justice Randy J. Holland, pictured far right, a Widener Law adjunct professor, participated as a featured panelist at the 2009 Qatar Law Forum on Global Commitment to the Rule of Law in Doha, Qatar.

Edward and Joanne Armbruster Robert and Barbara Axelrod Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Bacigalupo Linda Barr Emilia Bertugli Cynthia and Glenn Blankenship Mary Burton Marlene Carl Thomas and Deborah Carl Allen and Debbie Carnes Christopher and Arlene Cicoski Gordon and Kateri Cohick Mary Ellen and William Conaboy Robert Cook William Coopersmith Robin and Barbara Cowell Walter Dryer Jack and Rosemary Edger Paul and Paula Esposito Richard and Janice Frank Michael Giancarlo Junior and Maryjo Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glotfelter John Harting Patrick and Susan Hayes Skip and Fran Hershey Richard and Ann Horgan Richard Howenstine Paul and Barbara Iaconis Ernest Iannucci Vernon and Cathy Ingham

Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Joest III Barnard A. Kaplan Mark Kenworthy Matthew Klena Thomas P. Knapp Ronald I. Kunkel Linda Lee Kurtz Elizabeth Kutschman Thomas Langan James and Barbara Larkin Yoosei and Boksook Lee Aleta and Norman Levine Dan Malycke Steve and Marsha Matzura Ellsworth May James and Cheryl McCarrie Jay Melman Arthur and Barbara Miceli Sandy Milgraum Leonard and Cynthia Miller Jennifer Mitchell Redonia Moore Michael Myers Joseph Noonan Mary Odhner Brian and Jean Paich William and Loretta Pietrangelo Linda D. Powell Warren and Janice Prince Patricia Rieben John and Roberta Ryan Frank and Judy Santo Phyllis N. Sass Brian and Cynthia Searls Charles and Gloria Sloane Alan and Nancy Soschin Ray Sukumar Harry and Terri Taylor Judith Tyler Jude and Maryanne Walsh Wesley Weymers Sr. David Wingerter Cornelius Young Jr.

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perspective Diversity at Widener Law In 2008-2009, Widener Law continued to promote and provide better and more equal access to legal education and the legal profession for members of historically underrepresented groups through a unique series of diversity programming. As they have for several years, our programs encouraged law school application, acceptance, and attendance among minority individuals. Perhaps it should come as no surprise, therefore, that this year the Law School experienced correlative growth among these groups. By introducing more minority candidates to the outstanding legal education that Widener Law offers, we created a more diverse student population that benefits both Widener Law and the communities we serve. We are proud of our continuing efforts and success in shaping Widener Law into a more accurate reflection of the world around us. We continued to reach historically underrepresented populations beginning at the high school level with the Diversity Outreach Program and the DuPont Diversity Pipeline Program. Both of these programs brought promising area high school students to the Delaware campus to attend sessions with law school faculty and interact with law students, successfully introducing minority students


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to both the value of a legal education and their own potential to pursue it. At the undergraduate level, we actively promoted the possibilities of a legal education to promising minority students from the region through our innovative JURIST Academy. Through the JURIST Academy, potential students developed the critical skills necessary to gain admission to and succeed in law school in a tuition-free, twoweek-long intensive preview of the law school experience. Current Widener Law students also worked to promote diversity on our campus and in our profession through the Student Bar Association’s Diversity Pipeline Mock Trial Competition,

which paired area undergraduates with Widener Law student mentors, bringing them to campus to participate in a mock trial competition that provided a hands-on experience with the law. Our commitment to student diversity continued to expand even further with new scholarship efforts such as the Dean’s Minority Student Scholarship Fund. Launched in 2009 and coordinated by the Dean’s Minority Advisory Committee, this fund will assist incoming law students who are members of traditionally underrepresented populations.

We continued to foster awareness of diversity issues through the Dean’s Leadership Forum on Diversity, which focused on diversity in sports and brought together scholars, law students, and members of the bar to hear experts from leading law schools presenting on topics such as minorities and the press in sports and disabilities in athletics. We have long recognized the need for increased diversity in the legal environment, and our successes in the past year show our leadership in diversity programming.

Widener Law Legacy Society Includes individuals having made a planned gift prior to July 1, 2009. Hon. Robert S. Blasi Francis J. Clifford Michael G. DeFino Ann Geisheimer Barton Haines Selma Hayman Rocco Imperatrice III Florence Kassab Donald E. Matuso Vincent N. Melchiorre Linda Needleman Hon. John. J. O’Grady Anthony J. Santoro Nancy L. Stanford Corporations AIG Matching Grants Program Allstate Insurance Company Aon Specialty Product Network Aspen Publishers, Inc. Bank of America BAR/BRI of Pennsylvania and New Jersey Barrier Advisors, Inc. Capital Communications, Inc. Carl A. Pearce Insurance Citigroup, Incorporated CS Boulevard Properties LLC D. L. Carl Bail Bonds Daiichi Sankyo Inc. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Exxon Mobil Corporation FHA Holding Company Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund FirstEnergy Foundation GGB Consulting Group Ginsburg Properties, LLC Glenmede Trust Company GROUNDWORK0 IBM Matching Grants Program JP Morgan Chase

Kaplan PMBR KCN Development Company LLC Keystone Biofuels, Inc. Kraft Incorporated Liberty Electric Inc. Metlife Parcels, Inc. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Boeing Company The Mutual Fire, Marine, and Inland Insurance Company Tower Bridge Advisors Uhlig Investigations USAA Community Affairs D-3-E Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Foundations American College of Bankruptcy Foundation E. Wallace Chadwick Memorial Fund Graham Foundation Harriette S. & Charles L. Tabas Foundation Herrmann Family Foundation Longwood Foundation, Inc. Pennsylvania Bar Association Healthcare Law Committee Pennsylvania Bar Foundation Ruby R. Vale Foundation Taishoff Family Foundation The Ellen M. & Peter M. Klein Foundation, Inc. The Gilliam Foundation The Harvey Hubbell Foundation The Mutual Fire Foundation Inc. The Samuel & Barbara Sternberg Charitable Foundation The Walter M. Strine and Alice Washco Strine Foundation Law Firms Alan B. Soschin, Esquire Alperstein & Associates Apothaker & Associates, P.C.

Aronberg & Kouser, P.A. Attorney Robert J. Munley, P.C. Barisonek & Dooley, Esqs. Beverly L. Bove, Esq. Branigan & Ortiz, LLC, P.C. Briggs Law Office, LLC Bufano Law Firm P.A. Burke Vullo Reilly Roberts Attorneys At Law Carolyn M. McNeice P.A. Carpenter McCadden & Lane LLP Charles K. Graber, Esquire, P.C. Charles S. Knothe, P.A. Christopher S. Koyste, LLC Claraval & Claraval Confer Law Office, P.C. Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP Cozen O’Connor D. Stephen Parsons, P.A. Dalton & Associates, P.A. David P. Kownacki, P.C. DeFino Law Associates Deluca & Maucher Dilworth Paxson LLP Dluge & Michetti Douglas Buchanan, Attorney At Law Dugalic & Landau P.C. Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC Edger Therapy P.A. Egoville & Associates Attorneys at Law F. Kevin Lynch, Esquire Ferry, Joseph & Pearce, P.A. Florio, Perrucci, Steinhardt & Fader, LLC Frank J. Aritz, Attorney At Law Gusmorino & Marx Harrison Law Office, P.C. Heller & Laiks, P.A. Hess & Hess Hugh J. Bracken, Esq. Hurley & Laughlin, P.C. Igwe & Chong Law J. Scott Watson, P.C. James M. Polyak John G. Malone, Esq., P.C. Joseph H. Rosen, Attorney at Law, P. C. Joseph V. Cardona, Esq. P.C.

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. Katz & Stefani, LLC Kavesh Pancari Tedesco & Pancari Klingensmith & Dolan Kraft & Kraft P.C. Laurence Harmelin, Esq. Law Office of Anthony G. Talarico Law Office of Bernard P. Hvozdovic, Jr., LLC Law Office of Charles E. Woolson, Jr. LLC Law Office of Charles W. Proctor III LLC Law Office of Eileen Caplan Seaman Law Office of Frank A. Mazzeo Law Office of John C Phillips, Esq. Law Office of Joseph C. Stringfellow Law Office of Kevin A. O’Brien Law Office of Leon A. Williams, Esq. Law Office of Louis Busico Law Office of Maribeth Blessing LLC Law Office of Mark M. Maska Law Office of Meredith J. Buck, P.C. Law Office of Nathan Van Embden Law Office of Neil I. Sternstein Law Office of Phillip A. Ross Law Office of Scott N. Pletcher, Esq. Law Office of Scott R. Jay Law Office of Stuart Leon, P.C. Law Office of Wendy Mory Aach, Esq. Law Office of William G. Massa Law Office of Vincent J. Giusini Law Offices of Alan F. Galerman, P.C. Law Offices of Christian C. Hugel Law Offices of George Christopoulos P.C. Law Offices of Jamison M. Mark, LLC Law Offices of Jerome Capone Law Offices of Joseph A. Alacqua Law Offices of Kevin R. Helm, LLC Law Offices of Kyle A. Burch Law Offices of Lawrence F. DiGiovanna Law Offices of Marita Malloy Hutchinson Law Offices of Marsten and Ray Law Offices of Michael Crilly Law Offices of Michelle C. Berk, P.C. Law Offices of Milton W. Brown Law Offices of Peter J. Barnes III, LLC

Tonya Evans, the speaker at the third annual Dean’s Leadership Forum on Diversity, which was held in Harrisburg in March

Law Offices of Riley & Riley Law Offices of Vivian A. Houghton Leventry & Haschak, LLC Levy-Tatum & Associates P. C. Lipkin, Marshall, Bohorad & Thornburg Lois J. Dawson, Esq. Long & Ramsay, P.C. Longo & D’Apice, Esqs. Losco & Marconi P.A. Ludwig & Associates, P.A. Marcozzi and Marcozzi Mario J. D’Alfonso, LLC Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin Mary E. Sherlock, P.A. McCauley & Associates, P.C. McGlinchey & McGlinchey Michael A. Pedicone, P.A. Michael J. Diamondstein, P.C. Michael J. Korolishin Attorney at Law Michael LaRosa, LLC Michael P. Burakoff, P.A. Minster & Facciolo, LLC Morris James LLP Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP Musi Malone & Daubenberger LLP O’Brien & Ryan LLP Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP Patricia Ronayne, Esquire, P.C. Peruto & Peruto Peters & Tripoli

5% Increase in number of minority candidates applying for admission to Widener Law for fall 2009 over the previous year

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Philip M. Smith Attorney at Law Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP Prince Law Offices, P.C. Radian Group, Inc. Remy Vitale Maines, LLC Richard P. Zaretsky, Esq. Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A. Robert Adochio Robert V. Witsil Jr. PA ROC Legal Support Services, Inc. Rodney Walton Robinson, Attorney Ronald DeSimone, Esq. Saile & Saile LLP Savarese Law Offices Schafle & Cotter Shane & White LLC Sherry L. Horowitz, Attorney At Law Simoes & Monteiro Simon and Lupo Attorneys at Law Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP Skelly Dispute Resolution Center Smith, Magram, Berenato, Michaud, P.C. Steiner Law Office, P.C. Stephen Mortelliti, Esq. Steven J. Stirparo, Esq. Steven P. Barsamian, Esq. Swift Law Firm LLC Teresa A. Miller, Esq. The Cushane Law Firm, LLC The Focal Point LLC The Freibott Law Firm, P.A. The Hernick Law Firm, LLC The Killino Firm P.C. Thomas J. Di Pilla Jr., Esq. Uliase & Uliase William P. Fedullo, Esq. Yoosei S. Lee, C.P.A., P.A. Young Conaway Stargatt Taylor Young, Malmberg & Howard, P.A. Organizations American College of Bankruptcy Blue Mountain Preservation Association

Harrisburg Golf Outing 1999 Reunion Committee

Dr. Jeff McKinney, President of the Angkor Group, presented the Diversity Week Address in April, examining the importance of diversity in the legal profession, recruitment and retention of diverse attorneys, and how diversity enhances law firm performance.

Delaware Chapter of the Federal Bar Association Delaware State Bar Association Florida State University Greenwatch Institute James S. Bowman American Inn of Court Lindsay Law Library Mid-Atlantic Environmental Law Center Pennsylvania IOLTA Peter J. Daley, II Committee To Re-Elect South Asian Bar Association of Delaware The Center for Forensic Economic Studies, Inc. The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program Event Sponsors Alumni Association Board Meetings Antonella M. Madonia Cozen O’Connor

Amy Groff Buchanan Ingersoll Centric Bank George Kostolampros K&L Gates Kelly Hoover-Thompson LeaAnn Heltzel Lightman Welby Stoltenberg & Caputo Mark Owens Page Wolfberg & Wirth Premier Reporting Sutliff Cadillac HUMMER Saab Weber Gallagher Williamsburg Estates Philadelphia Alumni Reception Ace Reporters, Inc. Beneficial Savings Bank Bire Financial Services, LLC Brian Vartanian Burg & Associates Cape Investigations, LLC Christopher J. Cabott Conestoga Bank DePasquale Law Offices Dispute Resolution Institute, LLC Eagle National Bank Edelstein Martin & Nelson Electronic Reporting Stenographic Affiliates, Inc. Fran Kelly Professional Liability LLC Harrington & Associates, P.C. Harrington & Harrington Imperatrice, Amarant, Capuzzi & Bell P.C. Industrial Valley Abstract Company Kenneth L. Baritz & Associates, P.C. Kent & McBride P.C. LANsultants, Inc. Lawyers Funding Group, LLC Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin McCormick & Priore P.C.

Medical Legal Reproductions, Inc. Messa & Associates, P.C. Omni Abstract Agency, LLC Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti, LLP Raynes McCarty Richard A. Kennedy & Associates Robert B. Holland Ron Panepinto Jewelers Seagull Legal Services Steven P. Barsamian, Esq. The Center for Forensic Economic Studies, Inc. The MCS Group, Inc. TransPerfect Legal Solutions Walsh & Nicholson Financial Group William E. Averona, P.C. William J. Mansfield, Inc. New York city Alumni Reception James J. Veneruso Washington dc Alumni Reception Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP Michael A. Brown Widener Womens’ Network Anapol Schwartz Weiss Cohan Feldman & Smalley PC Miriam Benton Barish Individual Honor Roll 2008-2009 Leadership Circle Alexander and Ann Bratic Robert P. Taishoff Founders’ Club John and Eileen Schmutz Jurists’ Society Alice W. and Walter S. Strine

3% Increase in number of minority

applicants accepted to Widener Law for fall 2009 over the previous year


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Ambassadors’ Club Michael Aiello Robert D. Gober George Miller Jr. Partners’ Club Michael and Valerie DeFino John and Carol Gedid Ronald Goldfaden Richard Herrmann Brenda James Alan and Ellen Levin Kenneth J. Lopez Bruce and Elizabeth Monroe Amalia Romanowicz Leslee Silverman Tabas Benefactors Anonymous Linda L. Ammons Jonathan Bigley Scott and Tanya Blissman James Bohorad Michael J. Brown John Clark Jr. Eric and Lisa Davis Walter and Jayne Garrison Gregory McCauley John and Cecilia McCormick Eugene McGurk Jr. Edward Micheletti Alexander and Nancy Sarcione Douglas Steinhardt John Wetzel Douglas Wolfberg Dean’s Council Robert Adochio Barry Cash Todd Victor Clark Hon. Susan C. Del Pesco Anna Marie Guglielmo Mitchell Gurwicz W. Bruce and Dorothy Hemphill Andrew McK. and Heather Doheny Jefferson

Leslie Johnson Samuel Ariel Landy M. Jane Mahoney James and Kathleen May Kevin and Deborah McCreery Nathaniel Nichols and Cheryl Nichols John Pachkowski and Mary Alice Peeling Robert and Kathryn Pincus John Reed Thomas Sager Leif Sigmond Jr. Timothy and Shirley Snyder Justice Joseph T. Walsh Richard and Esther Zaretsky Law School Associates Spiros Angelos William and Catherine Averona Steven Barsamian Michael and Tamera Brown Julia Carp Ned and Kate Carp Hon. Ida Chen John Chou and Teresa Wallace Bob Cooper and Eileen Cooper Robert DeLong Jr. Cary Flitter and Nancy Flitter Holly Barbera Freed Paula Garrison Don and Deborah Ginsburg Matthew and Nancy Gitterman Robert Hawkins Selma Hayman Justice Randy J. Holland Robert McCann Carolyn Mary McNeice Kathleen McNicholas John and Lou O’Brien John O’Brien III Hon. Paul P. Panepinto Mark Pearce Justice William T. Quillen and Marcia Quillen Thomas and Emily Reed Angela Rodante

Philip L. Rothbart Eileen Caplan Seaman Martin and Laury Sendek Linda Shopland Hon. Lee A. Solomon Karen Ulmer Bench and Bar Club Peter Barnes III Carl Battle Alan and Linda Belfus David Bongiovanni Marsha Borin Ann Britton Maryann Brown Stephen and Pamela Carroll Peter Chamas Joel Chernock Vincent Ciecka Ann E. Conaway Michele Conte Charlene Davis Benjamin Del Vento Jr. Arthur Dent Edward DiDonato Charles Dombrowski and Molly Gallagher Alice Eakin Patricia Fox Stephen and Susannah Friedman Geoffrey Gamble Bruce George Michael and Anne Goldberg Jacqueline Goodwin Ronald Graham C. Grainger and Sandra Bowman Eric Grayson and Ilean Grayson Gary and Nancy Catania Gremminger Robert L. Hayman Jr. Bruce Hudson Leonard Insalaco Katherine Mason Jones James and Sharon Brady Kelley Jeffrey Killino Jean Kissane Stephanie Kleinfelter

Joan Taft Kluger Jonathan Krinick and Susan Goldberg Kenneth Kristl Eugene and Gloria Landy Michael and Madeline Lione Mark and Judith Longo Daniel R. Losco F. Kevin and Isabel Lynch Thomas Marconi Anthony Marcozzi Roger Margolis James and Elizabeth Daniello Maron Jane P. Maroney Peter and Joan Mattoon Joseph and Teresa Miller Amil Minora Nicholas Mirkay III Hon. Marianne Ossmer Mizel Maria Moffa Bruce Mundorf Richard Nelson and Roberta Mann Michael and Marion Rothbart Newbold Martin and Gail O’Brien Hon. John J. O’Grady Rosemary Pall Steve Parsons Carl and Arlene Pearce John and Lori Nicoletti Peruto Robert Power Rev. Michael Reid II Michael E. Riley Raymond Rodriguez Philip V. Sarcione Elizabeth Simcox Louis E. and Susanne Slawe Bernard Smalley Donald Smith William Snell Nancy Stanford Harvey Sternberg Min Suh Thomas and Carolyn Uliase Hon. Donald and Joyce Walsh Charles and Janelle Williams Steven Williams Henry Zerella

Century Club Joseph and Susan Alacqua Howard Alperin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Amarant Corinne Amato Andrew Appel Dale and Barbara Trevisan Ardizzone Jennifer Armstrong Norman Ashworth Robert and Barbara Komar Ayars G. Alan and Denise Nagle Bailey Kathy Banfield Stuart and Miriam Benton Barish Michael and Elizabeth Berenato Maribeth Blessing Gregory Francis Bobka Joseph and Marie Bonk Beverly Bove Donald Bowman Jr. Norman Briggs Milton Brown and Yvonne Brown Michael Burakoff Kathleen Burke Richard Burridge James Capobianco Jerome Capone William Cecil Carpenter Jr. and Marilyn Carpenter Edward Bates Carter Jr. and Susan Carter Francis Catania Jr. Teresa Cheek Paul Cherry Mary Ann Claraval M. Blake Cleary Roy Cohen Michael Cozzillio Vincent Craparotta Frank Cristiano Curtis Crowther Edward Curley George and Mary Dale Mario D’Alfonso Bartholomew Dalton Ronald DeSimone Daniel Devlin

Ronald Devlin Michael Diamondstein James and Cathleen Diehm Lawrence and Regina DiGiovanna Andrew DiPiero Jr. Eugene and Marie Janton DiPrinzio Douglas E. and Patricia DiSandro Michael Donio Fred Dorfman and Susan Levinson Spagna Vanya Dugalic Justice J. Michael Eakin Margaret Fleming England Christine Sudlow Ewan Hon. Maureen F. Fitzpatrick Karen Fleming Stephen Fogarty Charles Fox III James Fox Alex Freund Ann Fruth Carol Gallagher John Garey Lawrence Gibson Giusini Family Lisa Goodman Charles K. Graber Dr. and Mrs. M. Sean Grady Eugene and Virginia Grimm Russell Hakes Hon. M. DeSales Haley Lawrence Hamermesh Richard and Susan Handler J. Christopher and Stephanie Hansen Edwin and Susan Carroll Harron William Heimbuch Harry and Louise Hill Roger and Catherine Holcomb Vera Holmes Scott Holt Craig Hoogstraten Vivian Houghton Timothy Inemer Damian Jackson Kathryn Marie Jakabcin Daniel Johnson

10% Increase in number of minority students beginning

at Widener Law in fall 2009 over the previous year

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perception Legal Leadership and Widener Law In the past year both Widener Law campuses have continued to gain prominence as vibrant, interactive hubs for scholarly and practical legal activity. Through a multitude of symposia and events, we attracted major figures from law, government, and commerce. These distinguished speakers and events broadened our students’ horizons and perspective, and highlighted the role of our campuses as critical centers for thought and debate. Delaware Attorney General Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III, pictured below on the left with

Professor Geoff Moulton, visited the Delaware campus to address students, faculty, and staff on the importance of civic engagement. The Attorney General discussed measures for improving crime prevention in Delaware, changes in the prosecution system, and the creation of a Family Division in the Delaware Department of Justice. He encouraged students to become engaged in public service and highlighted the impressive number of Widener Law alumni working in state government roles. In a timely follow-up to November 2008’s historic presidential election, Professor Heather K. Gerken of the Yale Law School delivered the 3rd Annual John L. Gedid Lecture at the Harrisburg


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campus. Introduced by Professor Michael Dimino as “…among the foremost election law authorities in the country,” Professor Gerken dissected a range of flaws in the states’ various election procedures and presented a range of suggestions for remedying them. The Delaware campus hosted the 2009 Haile L. Alford Memorial Conference, an event sponsored by the Multicultural Judges and Lawyers Section of the Delaware State Bar Association. The conference featured Delaware Governor Jack Markell speaking on the state’s economy, as well as panels addressing how the economic downturn was affecting in-house counsel positions and legal services for minority groups. The second annual Judges Day event brought jurists from four states to the Delaware campus, fostering the relationship between the law school and judges from Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey. The members of the bench met with faculty members and the Dean to discuss the legal profession and legal education, and law clerks to the judges held informational sessions with Widener students interested in clerkship opportunities. The Delaware Supreme Court again held a special session in the Delaware campus’s Ruby R.

Vale Moot Courtroom. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two cases, with three Widener alumni—Beverly L. Bove ’79, Joseph A. Gabay ’82, and Jennifer Kate Aaronson ’95—representing clients in the cases. The presence of the Supreme Court on campus gave our students unparalleled opportunities to experience the highest working levels of the law, and as with the many other events that took place throughout the year, highlighted the significant role our campuses play for our students, alumni, and legal practitioners throughout the region.

U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan (r) of the Southern District of New York addressed the participants in the 21st Annual Ruby R. Vale Interschool Corporate Moot Court Competition, and is shown with Ruby R. Vale Professor Larry Hamermesh.

Hon. Joel S. Johnson Patrick and Marcia Johnston Dawn Jones Craig and Kathiann Karsnitz Thomas and Diane Kearney Eleanor Kelly J. Patrick and Victoria Kelly Rosemary Killian Jay and Bebe Kivitz Richard Klumpp Charles and Mary Knothe Christopher Konzelmann Michael and Eva Korolishin David Kouser and Cheryle Kouser Christopher and Carol Koyste Theodore and Alexandra Kurlowicz Mark Landau Kathryn Laughlin Randy and Brenda Lee Jennifer Levy-Tatum Russell and Suzanne E. MacNow Mary Jane Mallonee Francis Marshall Jr. Lynn Martosella Michael and Marguerite Maucher David McCanney

Former Delaware Governor Pierre “Pete” du Pont spoke at the Delaware campus, encouraging students to pursue careers in public service.

Jeffrey McDonnell David and Donna McFadden Hon. James McGann Colleen McKeone John and Kathleen McLaughlin Robyn Meadows Louis P. and Rebecca Mellinge Susan Mensch Rick and Jennifer Miller Michael Milstead Frederick and Denise Mogel Ricardo Monteiro Gerald Montella Richard Morrissey Geoffrey Moulton Jr. Dorothy Muir W. Michael Mulvey Maria Murphy Jennifer Noel Kevin Noonan Kevin and Alice O’Brien Mark O’Brien Jeffrey Oster Angela Otto Robert Pearce, PhD Fortunato Perri Jr. Christian Petrucci Joanne Phillips John D. Pirnot Ralph and Shirley Price Jeffrey S. Proden Thomas Puleo Barry Rabin Alann Ramirez Patrick C. Reeder Richard Reilly Joseph Rhoades Joseph Risi Judith Ritter Joseph Rosen Melvyn Rothbard LeaNora Ruffin Sally Nuttycombe Rutherford Hon. Paul and Sandra Sacks Michael Saile

Michael and Jeanne Saile Joseph Santarone Hon. Calvin L. Scott Michael Shawaryn Charles Shurr Marlene Siegel Paul Slawek William Sloane George Smith Eric Solotoff Stephen Spence Jerry Steiner Neil Sternstein Gerald Strubinger Jr. and Carolyn Strubinger Jeffrey Stuart and Patti Roth Anthony Talarico Rocco Tedesco David Twaddell and Karen Durkin Damon Tyner Orville Walls III Christopher A. Ward J. Scott and Laura Watson Richard Weltman Douglas Welty Stephen Wenger Richard White Patricia Widdoss Serena Williams Daniel and Margaret Wilton Justin B. Wineburgh Barry and Janet Wolper Karen Yarrish Donald S. and Debra Young Linda Harver Young David and Dona Wolsko Zimmerman

Honor Roll of service 2008-2009 Board of Overseers Eugene D. McGurk, Jr. Chair Steven P. Barsamian Hon. Raymond A. Batten C. Grainger Bowman Hon. M. Jane Brady Hon. Peter John Daley II Michael G. DeFino Hon. Susan C. Del Pesco Geoffrey Gamble Jacqueline G. Goodwin Hon. Philip A. Gruccio Richard K. Herrmann Justice Randy J. Holland Andrew McK. Jefferson Peter M. Mattoon Kathleen W. McNicholas Edward B. Micheletti George K. Miller, Jr. Hon. Charles P. Mirarchi, Jr. Kathryn J. Peifer Joanne Phillips Thomas L. Sager Justice Thomas G. Saylor, Jr. John F. Schmutz Hon. Gregory M. Sleet Hon. Lee A. Solomon Justice Joseph T. Walsh John A. Wetzel Douglas M. Wolfberg National Advisory Council Marc R. Abrams Michael J. Aiello Howard K. Alperin Miriam Benton Barish Kyle D. Bowser Alexander Bratic Michael A. Brown Dr. Robert D. Gober Ronald P. Goldfaden Mitchell Gurwicz

The Delaware Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two cases in the Ruby R. Vale Moot Courtroom on the Delaware campus, with three Widener Law alumni serving as attorneys in the cases.

N. Lynne Hughes Alan B. Levin Kenneth J. Lopez James J. Maron Eugene D. McGurk, Jr. Franklin A. Miles U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Murphy Cynthia R. Ryan Leif R. Sigmond Timothy J. Snyder Alice W. Strine Leslee Silverman Tabas CAPT Robert P. Taishoff James J. Veneruso Richard P. Zaretsky Dean’s Minority Advisory Committee Delaware Maria E. Bermudez Michael A. Brown Priscilla A. Chatman Jimmy C. Chong James E. Elam IV Cheryl L. Gaston Gretchen C. Gilchrist Robert L. Hawkins Carol A. Herring

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Mrs. Arlene Pearce, mother of Hugh B. Pearce, and her son Dr. Robert Pearce came to the Delaware campus to attend a scholarship reception and the final round of the 20th Annual Hugh B. Pearce Trial Advocacy Competition. Mrs. Pearce is shown with members of the class of 1990.

Vera M. Holmes Emeka Igwe Damian S. Jackson Brenda A. James Hon. Joel S. Johnson Cherrie N. Gentles Laidley Jennifer Levy-Tatum Cecilia M. Muneses Hon. George W. Overton Rodney D. Ray Scott W. Reid Hon. Calvin L. Scott Everette L. Scott Jr. Bernard W. Smalley Monte’ T. Squire Min S. Suh Damon G. Tyner Orville R. Walls III Richard K. Washington Jr. Leon A. Williams


widener law 2008–2009

Dean’s Diversity Board Harrisburg Thomas E. Brenner Monica R. Cliatt Samuel T. Cooper III Vera Cornish Hon. Pedro A. Cortes Michael J. Cozzillio Sheila Dow-Ford Karen Durkin John L. Gedid Renardo L. Hicks Jacqueline Jackson-DeGarcia Franklin A. Miles Donald Morgan Tyrone Powell Peter Speaks Hon. Jeannine Turgeon Derrick P. Williamson LaToya C. Winfield Career Development Mentors Delaware Robert M. Adochio Harold (Andy) P. Anderson Lydia F. Anderson Rick C. Andrien G. Alan Bailey Michael L. Barbiero Victor F. Battaglia Penny A. Bell Amy L. Bennecoff Gary D. Berg Joel E. Berman Ian Connor Bifferato Sean M. Brennecke Kathleen M. Breslin Kevin T. Bright Eric M. Brown Michael Brown Eric F. Bush Steven L. Butler Jill A. Cantor-Burns Hon. John P. Capuzzi, Sr.

Edward R. Carpenter Kevin M. Carroll John D. Cirrinicione Hon. Alan N. Cooper William J. Coppol Carole A. Cummings Thomas A. Cushane Bonnie L. Dahl Dawn M. D’Amico Hon. Michael A. Diamond Ronald W. DiLeo Justin K. Edelson Robert P. Esgro Francis E. Farren Islanda L. Fenimore Eric E. Fingerman Karen L. Fleming Matthew B. Frawley Brian Gondek David M. Gorenberg Ronald M. Graham Michael C. Greenberg John J. Gross Glenda D. Haller-Baird Stephanie Ann Mays Harris Kerry W. Hartington Dennis J. Hernon Bryan L. Heulitt Racquel G. Hiben Justin Highlands Stephen M. Hladik Beth Hoffman Gwendolyn M. Hoover Rochelle M. Howard Stephanie M. Derr Imbesi Joanna M. Inglessis Joy Inkpen Jennifer L. Iseman Mark Jamison Kimberly A. Jinks Theresa M. Zechman Johnson Timothy P. Kane Sarah M. Kaplan Christine H. Kim Jonathan A. Kipnis

John A. Klamo Joshua T. Klein Richard F. Klumpp Scott L. Kramer Gregory P. LaMonaca Pamela B. Lee Elyse Beidner Levene M. Susan Williams Lewonski Jeffrey R. Lindsay Sharon R. Lopez Brian D. Lozuke Richard M. Lutz Rebecca A. Lyttle Cheryl D. Maddox Jason Magid Anthony P. Marcozzi Wayne Mauro Christopher D. McDemus Aditya S. McDuffy Matthew S. McKee Raymond J. Michaud III Frederick R. Mogel Tara Mondelli Marcus E. Montejo Chaneta B. Montoban Joseph M. More, Jr. Ben P. Moseley

On Friday, March 13th, U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan of the Southern District of New York addressed the Widener Law community and participants in the 21st annual Ruby R. Vale Interschool Corporate Moot Court Competition as the 2009 Distinguished Scholar.

Hon. Michael K. Newell John M. Pachkowski Mary Alice Peeling Danielle A. Peters Eifion Phillips Marcus Phillips Thomas H. Purl Larry S. Raiken Michael J. Rankin Leigh-Anne M. Raport Dana L. Reynolds Jessica L. Reynolds Matthew W. Ritter Francis J. Rizzo Andrea Rock Patrick G. Rock Richard W. Rogers Hon. Maurino J. Rossanese, Jr. Nicholena Rushton Krista M. Reale Samis Devera B. Scott Raymond N. Scott H. Benjamin Sharlin Gail Weiner Shearer Mary Eva Sherlock Jonathan Shub Sarah B. Silver Phillip A. Simon Hon. Lee A. Solomon Eric S. Solotoff Jill M. Spott Steven A. Stoehr Melissa D. Strickland Joseph C. Stringfellow Thomas Sullivan Paul D. Sunshine Jennifer M. Thoma Brett N. Tishler Renna Van Oot James A. Vigliotti Hamel Vyas J’Aime L. Walker J. Scott Watson Hon. John K. Welch Stephen J. Wenger Patricia A. Widdoss

Samantha Joi-Lynne Wilson Kristen S. Winsko William S. Wolfson Steven M. Zelinger Harrisburg George A. Bibikos Jaime D. Black Seth T. Black William C. Boak Susan L. Bucknum Jan L. Budman II Eric F. Bush Vince L. Champion Mary Ann Claraval Megan L. Consedine Scott B. Cooper Gretchen M. Curran James R. Demmel Leo L. Dunn Cynthia A. Fillman Stephanie Ann Mays Harris Gwen M. Hoover Joel C. Hopkins Cory A. Iannacone Mary A. Jordano Michelle Lynn Leslie T. Korey Leslie Darryl J. Liguori John R. Logan Billy Jo A. Matelevich-Hoang James K. Matelevich-Hoang Peggy M. Morcom George C. Morrison Evan C. Pappas Mary K. Scott Gail Weiner Shearer John D. Sheridan Irwin Siegel Steven R. Snyder Ed F. Spreha Melissa A. Swauger Larry A. Weisberg Geoff K. White Doug M. Wolfberg James M. Zugay

Intensive Trial Advocacy Program Delaware Gregory R. Babowal Carlos A. Barraza Ronald Bekoff Carol A. Benson John S. Benson Michael S. Bloom Hon. Tonianne J. Bongiovanni Hon. John P. Capuzzi, Sr. Thomas J. Charron Charles Dewey Cole, Jr. Robert H. Czepiel, Jr. Mario J. D’Alfonso Curtis L. DeClue Richard A. DiLiberto, Jr. John T. Dooley Robert A. Farkas Terrence P. Farley Wade Farraway Prof. Cindy E. Faulkner Louis Ferrara Patricia M. Garrett Dan Gavrin James P. Gillece, Jr. Hon. James Gowan Ronald M. Graham Janet Gravitz Andrew J. Heffernan Thomas Hight Hon. John J. Hughes Damian S. Jackson Hon. Joel S. Johnson, Jr. Brian E. Kasprzyk John F. Kennedy Rosemary K. Killian Jonathan W. Kunkel Kenneth Kurnos Anthony P. Marcozzi Terrence J. Marlowe Ernesto Marrero, Jr. Hon. Edward W. McCarty III James J. McLaughlin Michael F. McTaggart Lt. Col. Jeffrey G. Meeks, USMC

Dave Molhem Gerard Morano Wendy S. Morton Mark J. O’Brien Jeffrey L. O’Hara Karl W. Pilger Elizabeth B. Pitts Riki R. Redente David L. Rohde Hon. Ralph A. Romano Jack L. Seelig Col. R. Gary Sokoloski R. James Steiner Eileen Riley Sutton Hon. Charles H. Toliver Hon. Ira B. Warshawsky Gail Weilheimer Col. Michael D. Wims Lois Anne Wood Donald H. Yablon William A. Zarling Harrisburg William I. Arbuckle, III George A. Bibikos Evan Black Brian C. Bornman Catherine A. Boyle Jennifer A. Buck Roger H. Caffier Hon. Bradford H. Charles Ehsan F. Chowdhry Karen E. Comery Brian F. Curley Shawn M. Curry Chase M. Defelice Prof. James W. Diehm Mark K. Emery Laura A. Gargiulo Scott L. Grenoble Jason F. Hageman Stephen G. Held James A. Holzman Yvonne M. Husic Christopher J. Knight Alyssa H. Knisely

Delaware Governor Jack Markell spoke on the Delaware campus during the 2009 Haile L. Alford Memorial Conference, sponsored by the Multicultural Judges and Lawyers Section of the Delaware State Bar Association.

John G. Knorr, III David C. Kotler Francis J. Lafferty T. Korey Leslie Ann V. Levin Kerry E. Maloney Christopher J. Marzzacco Joseph A. Massa, Jr. Sean M. McCormack Jeffrey T. McGuire Timothy J. Nieman Harry W. Reed, Jr. Michael P. Ryan Joseph F. Sklarosky, Jr. Glenn J. Smith Gail F. Souders James V. Wade Matthew R. Wimer Bradley A. Winnick Trial Advocacy and Moot Court Honor Society Volunteers Harrisburg Jenni L. Allen Tom Archer John C. Baer James P. Barker

Roxanne Conlin, the first female President of the American Trial Lawyers Association and a former candidate for governor of Iowa, gave the Distinguished Lecture in Trial Advocacy in Harrisburg. She is shown here with Professor Palmer Lockard.

George A. Bibikos Evan Black Sarah J. Brown United States Attorney Martin Carlson Nicole E. Carter Fran T. Chardo Hon. Bradford Charles Hon. Lawrence F. Clark, Jr. Thomas Clark Timothy J. Colgan Jonathan W. Crisp Shawn M. Curry Chase M. DeFelice Karen Durkin Justice J. Michael Eakin David R. Erhard John M. Hamme David Hershey James A. Holtzman Yvonne M. Husic Bret D. Keisling John G. Knorr Amy E. Lansberry Kerry E. Maloney Edward M. Marsico, Jr. Christopher J. Marzzacco Joseph A. Massa, Jr.

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foresight Paving the Way for the Future In fiscal year 2009, Widener Law received more than $1.6 million in gifts, grants and event revenue, an increase of 72.5%. We are deeply grateful to our alumni and friends who continue to make our growth and success possible through their generosity and commitment. Your contributions enable us to add significant value to our students’ legal education, supplementing their tuition dollars and providing us the flexibility necessary to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. Not surprisingly, these gifts coincide with—and make possible—significant new academic resources. Our students, alumni, and our community benefit directly from these gifts, and because of this outstanding year of fundraising, we are able to continue to provide an educational experience worthy of your support. Every gift makes a difference at Widener Law. The following list highlights just a few contributions and the programs they support.

Selected Gr ants The Taishoff Family Foundation committed $1.2 million over six years in support of the Taishoff Advocacy, Technology and Public Service Institute, the largest gift ever received by Widener Law. A Longwood Foundation grant funded a major facilities renovation, creating a new public service wing to house the Law School’s clinics and Public Interest Resource Center. Bank of America continued to fund the Financial

Literacy Education Program, through which Widener Law students taught financial literacy classes to disadvantaged residents of Wilmington, Delaware. E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

maintained its dual support for Public Interest Resource Center Fellowships and the JURIST Academy. The American College of Bankruptcy Foundation generously provided major support for the inaugural Financial Advocacy Program for Seniors, through which Widener Law students provided education and counseling about bankruptcy for seniors in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

146% Increase in corporate

giving in 2009 over 2008 30

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Honorable Helen S. Balick Business Bankruptcy Chair Funders

In Fiscal Year 2009, the following firms added their names to the list of supporters of the Honorable Helen S. Balick Business Bankruptcy Chair. Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A. Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP Young Conaway Stargatt Taylor JURIST Academy Funders

The following organizations provided essential support for the 2009 JURIST Academy. Delaware State Bar Association, Multicultural Lawyers and Judges Section E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc. Gilliam Foundation Morris James LLP Potter Anderson & Corroon, LLP Richards Layton & Finger, P.A. Saul Ewing LLP South Asian Bar Association of Delaware

Commemorative pavers engraved with the names of alumni and friends decorate the Delaware campus’s fountain plaza. To place a paver, please contact the Office of Alumni Affairs.

Selected Major Individual Gifts Alexander Bratic provided major support endowing

the Domestic Violence Research & Advocacy Fellowship and the Edmund Dobrowolski Memorial Scholarship with a generous gift via the FHA Holding Company. Michael G. DeFino, Esq. ‘75 generously endowed

the Michael G. DeFino Scholarship. John F. and Eileen Schmutz generously provided

a major gift to endow the John F. Schmutz Corporate and Business Law Fellowship Award. Alice W. Strine, Esq. ‘92 and Walter Strine, Esq.

generously pledged a major unrestricted gift to support new opportunities and provide resources as needs arise.

David McKenzie Jason McMurry Hon. Mary Mongiovi-Sponaugle Harry W. Reed, Jr. Steve Rice Kathleen K. Ryan Christopher J. Schmidt William M. Shreve Mark Silliker Nichole C. Smith Michael Sprow Ron Turo Carol L. Weitzel Jacob W. Wyland Moot Court Volunteers Delaware Diana P. Abboud Abby L. Adams Justin R. Alberto Jeremy D. Anderson Bradley R. Aronstam Stephani J. Ballard Steven P. Barsamian David L. Baumberger A. Thompson Bayliss Blake A. Bennett Hon. Carolyn Berger Ian Connor Bifferato Joseph V. Bongiorno Stephen B. Brauerman Charles A. Bruder Joan-Alice M. Burn Tara E. Bustard Hon. John P. Capuzzi, Sr. Hon. William C. Carpenter, Jr. Janaki Rege Catanzarite Santino Ceccotti Patrick A. Collins Michael D’Aniello Arthur L. Dent James I. Devine Margaret DiBianca Tara M. DiRocco Melissa N. Donimirski Kara A. Donoghue

Meghan M. Dougherty Prof. Jules Epstein Don A. Erlandson Eric J. Evain Gregory Fischer Stephen E. Fitzgerald C. Barr Flinn Joseph A. Gabay Hon. Richard S. Gebelein James McC. Geddes Alessandro Giribaldi Aron F. Gold Stuart M. Grant Joseph S. Grubb Lisa M. Grubb Kara M. Guzzetti Carolyn S. Hake Prof. Lawrence A. Hamermesh Prof. Robert L. Hayman, Jr. Prof. Stephen E. Henderson Douglas D. Herrmann Suzanne M. Hill Peter Hobart Rochelle M. Howard Kelley M. Huff Justice Jack B. Jacobs Bruce E. Jameson Geoffrey R. Jarvis Ericka F. Johnson Prof. Leslie A. Johnson Richard I.G. Jones, Jr. Jason C. Jowers Hon. Lewis Kaplan Ilona Kirshon J. Travis Laster Christopher H. Lee John R. Lego Martin S. Lessner John S. Malik Michael J. Mattson Thomas J. McCarthy Alex J. Mili Jr. Prof. Nicholas A. Mirkay III Gerald Morano Todd Mosser Ann Marie Murphy

The Taishoff Family Foundation pledged $1.2 million, the largest gift in Widener Law’s history, to establish and support the Taishoff Advocacy, Technology & Public Service Institute.

Hon. Lynne Parker Hon. Donald Parsons, Jr. Aleine Porterfield Charles W. Proctor III Hon. Ralph A. Romano John L. Reed Prof. Paul L. Regan Seth J. Reidenberg Steven F. Reilly Hon. Henry duPont Ridgely Sean R. Riley Raymond M. Ripple David E. Ross Baltazar E. Rubio Chandra J. Rudloff Hon. Calvin L. Scott, Jr. Nicholas Sellers Michael L. Sensor Melanie K. Sharp Asst. Dean Verne Smith Prof. Leonard N. Sosnov Nancy L. Stanford Jennifer Stonerod John E. Sullivan Eric S. Thompson Philip Trainer, Jr. E. Alan Uebler Patricia R. Uhlenbrock

170% Increase in gifts from foundations in 2009 over 2008 widener law 2008–2009


Kevin Urick Robert J. Valihura, Jr. Justice Joseph T. Walsh Paul Welsh Marc A. Werlinsky Scott G. Wilcox Asst. Dean Serena M. Williams Christy L. Williamson Megan R. Wischmeier Natalie Woloshin Christian Douglas Wright Oral Argument Judges Delaware Rahat N. Babar Dawn L. Becker Stephen G. Bresset Steven L. Butler Lisa J. Cappolella Hon. John P. Capuzzi, Sr. Michael A. Cerrato John D. Cirrinicione Patrick J. Collins Andres de Cos John C. Coste Dawn M. D’Amico Matthew P. D’Emilio Dennis P. Denard Carole A. Donahue Michael Donahue Joel M. Doner Daniel E. Donlick John P. Downs Robert A. Ebberup Thomas P. Ehrlich Kenneth D. Federman Gary N. Graham Ronald Graham Leonard L. Grasso Mindy A. Harris George G. Horiates Kate Schulhaus Keller Gregory P. LaMonaca Maryalice Mengucci Joseph M. More, Jr. Sandra W. Morris

Ben P. Moseley, III C. Curtis Norcini Martin B. O’Connor Marlo Pagano-Kelleher Wayne Partenheimer Forunato N. Perri, Jr. Charles W. Proctor III Lisa A. Puglisi Riki R. Redente Stephen W. Ries Jane C. Rybicki Lee A. Schwartz Johnathan Shub Gregory Shugar Tara Shugar Barbara C. Siegell S. Lee Sobocinski Craig A. Sopin Nancy L. Stanford Joseph C. Stringfellow Paul D. Sunshine Anthony J. Testa, Jr. M. Susan Williams Samantha Joi-Lynne Wilson Graduation Volunteers and Speakers Frank C. DePasquale Jr. Kenneth D. Federman Lance L. Gooberman W. Bruce Hemphill Prof. Leslie A. Johnson Eugene D. McGurk, Jr. George K. Miller, Jr. Rep. Patrick J. Murphy Mary Alice Peeling Lawrence E. Tan Lawrence S. Wind Judges’ Day Guests Hon. Richard M. Cappelli Hon. William C. Carpenter, Jr. Hon. Frank A. Cristaudo Hon. Alan G. Davis Katie Arrington D’Emilio Hon. Michael A. Diamond

Hon. Barry C. Dozor Stephanie S. Habelow Jonathan C. Harting Hon. David H. Lang Hon. Christopher R. Mattox Hon. Jennifer L. Mayo Hon. John J. O’Grady Hon. Robert J. Rebstock Joshua H. Romirowsky Hon. Anthony Sarcione Hon. Lee A. Solomon Hon. Jeffrey K. Sprecher Hon. Edward R. Summers JURIST Academy Volunteers Umbreen Bhatti Hon. M. Jane Brady Doneene Keemer Damon Mary DiFusco Kimberly L. Gattuso Thomas E. Hanson, Jr. Lewis H. Lazarus Dr. Evan Y. Liu Hon. Joshua W. Martin III George Mosee Hon. George W. Overton Hon. Patricia T. Stewart Patricia A. Winston Additional Program Volunteers Delaware Jennifer-Kate M. Aaronson Richard D. Abrams Steven P. Barsamian Gino J. Benedetti Beverly L. Bove Lori A. Brewington Christopher J. Cabott Linda M. Carmichael Janaki R. Catanzarite Howard D. Friedman Joseph A. Gabay Shauna T. Hagan Guy V. Johnson Alexander Murphy, Jr.

John M. Pachkowski Barbara R. Paul Linda A. Pilla Leigh-Anne M. Raport Margaret E. Tighe Nahid Wilf Samantha Joi-Lynne Wilson Justin B. Wineburgh Harrisburg Jonathan P. Bigley Christina M. Fisher Clarissa L. Freeman Timothy E. Gates Paula M. Heider Kathleen A. Higgins Hon. David H. Judy Bret D. Keisling Jennifer L. Kramer Michelle L. Leslie Ann V. Levin John R. Logan Wayne S. Martin Tracy L. McCurdy Joseph F. Murphy Kathryn J. Peifer Zachary M. Rubinich Matthew A. Slivinski Gary N. Stewart Codi Tucker Geoffrey K. White Adam T. Wolfe Sarah C. Yerger Professionalism Day Volunteers Delaware Jacqueline M. Carle Kevin M. Carroll John D. Cirrinicione Thomas A. Cushane Anna M. Darpino Hon. Susan C. Del Pesco Richard J. Depiano, Jr. Justin K. Edelson Jay H. Ginsburg

Walter and Alice Strine’s ongoing, generous support for the Widener Law Fund allows the Law School to pursue innovation and important strategic objectives.

Ann M. Gorman Janine N. Howard-O’Rangers Brendan J. Kavanagh Carlin Knight Josette D. Manning Tamika T. McKoy Michael J. Mullen Meghan A. Perry Lauren A. Pisapia Melvyn H. Rothbard Krista M. Samis Neal J. Sampat Everette L. Scott, Jr. Barbara M. Smith Thomas A. Uebler Hon. Mark S. Vavala Eileen M. Voegele, Esq. Joseph Whitehead, Esq. Thomas E. Wyler, Esq. Harrisburg Jan L. Budman II Audrey L. Buglione Vincent L. Champion Joel C. Hopkins Angela Hudacko Edward F. Spreha Russell R. Wert

5.9% Increase in the amount of the

average gift from alumni in 2009 over 2008


widener law 2008–2009

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program Volunteers Brian T. Cagle Nicole E. Carter Bonnie A. Hershberger Andrew J. Mahon Barbara L. Seaton Stephanie M. Wimer Alumni Programming Alumni Association Board of Directors Thomas R. Anapol Renae B. Axelrod, Secretary Steven P. Barsamian, President Hon. Raymond A. Batten Scott E. Blissman Christopher J. Cabott Hon. Richard M. Cappelli John D. Cirrinicione Anna M. Darpino Frank C. DePasquale, Jr., Vice President Kenneth D. Federman Catherine N. Harrington W. Bruce Hemphill Christopher A. Iacono Damian S. Jackson John F. Kennedy F. Kevin Lynch Anne M. Madonia Lynn M. Martosella Cecilia M. McCormick Jeffrey W. McDonnell David C. McFadden Frank J. McGovern Maria C. McLaughlin James F. Metka Noelle Palazzo Hon. Paul P. Panepinto Jonathan E. Peri Charles W. Proctor III Larry S. Raiken Joseph J. Santarone

Jennifer Stonerod Karen Ann Ulmer Class Agents Delaware Jacalyn A. Aff Jennifer D. Armstrong Miriam Benton Barish Glenn L. Blackwell Kevin M. Carroll Carol L. Cornelison Stephanie M. Imbesi Kerry B. Duffy Angela A. Halse Gregory A. Lomax David C. McFadden Carl J. Minster Monika S. Pundalik Stephen W. Ries Yvonne T. Saville Amy M. Vanni Harrisburg Kim A. Allen George A. Bibikos Nicole E. Carter Amy L. Groff Bret Keising Stephanie E. Kleinfelter Eric M. Kniskern Darryl J. Liguori Sharon Lopez James K. Matelevich-Hoang Keli M. Neary CPT John S. Pontius, Jr. Chris F. Schellhorn, Jr. Marianne Tyrell Matthew A. Williams Doug M. Wolfberg Jennifer Zimmerman Firm Representatives Deborah E. Ballantyne White & Williams Scott E. Blissman Reed Smith LLP

Donor Profile

Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin Widener Law thanks the firm for its generous, longtime support. Since its founding in 1962, the growth of Philadelphiabased firm Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin has occurred partially in tandem with that of Widener Law. Still a young firm at the time of Widener Law’s first commencement, Marshall Dennehey has provided invaluable opportunities to well over 100 graduates of a similarly young Law School. Currently, 70 of the firm’s 400+ attorneys graduated from Widener Law. As both benefactor and beneficiary of so many Widener Law successes, it is no surprise that the firm has supported the Law School on a number of occasions, contributing to both the Widener Law Fund and the Law School’s clinical programs. In 2006 the firm recommitted itself to the Law School’s future by funding an important capital enhancement on the Law School’s Delaware campus. A grant, paid over six years, named the Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin Seminar Room. Located on the third floor of the law library, this room provides comfortable, state-of-the-art meeting space for students, faculty, administrators, and visitors, including the Law School’s National Advisory Council. At the time of the pledge, Peter S. Miller, then Chairman of the Board and COO, noted, “As you know, our firm employs a number of graduates of your law school. They are valuable assets of our firm. We felt this was our way of saying thank you to the Widener University School of Law.” Although Mr. Miller’s statement would seem a fitting coda, the firm would again support the Law School. In November 2007, James F. Graham ’89, managing shareholder of Marshall Dennehey’s Cherry Hill Office, passed away. The firm chose to remember Mr. Graham by funding the installation of a commemorative bench, plaque, and landscaping on the Delaware campus. Scores of Mr. Graham’s family, friends, and colleagues paid tribute to him at a dedication ceremony in September 2008.

222% Increase in gifts to capital funds in 2009 over 2008 widener law 2008–2009


T. Victor Clark skadden Arps slate Meagher & flom rex A. Donnelly ratnerPrestia roseanne r. Duffy E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co. Justin K. Edelson Polsinelli, shughart P.C. Gary r. Gremminger German, Gallagher & Murtagh Damian s. Jackson swartz Campbell LLC William W. Keffer Montgomery McCracken, LLP James f. Kilcur saul Ewing LLP Joan T. Kluger schnader Harrison segal & Lewis LLP Christopher H. Lee Cooch and Taylor Antonella M. Madonia Cozen O’Connor Jeffrey W. McDonnell Kent & McBride, P.C. Maria C. McLaughlin-sisofo Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office Michael P. Migliore stradley ronon rick s. Miller ferry, Joseph, & Pearce, P.A. Arthur s. Novello Dashevsky, Horwitz, Disandro, Kuhn & Novello, P.C. Jaime f. rosenman-Gordon Margolis Edelstein Krista M. reale samis Elzufon Austin reardon Tarlov & Mondell Joseph J. santarone Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman, & Goggin Timothy J. snyder young Conaway stargatt & Taylor, LLP Min s. suh fox rothschild LLP Heather A. Tereshko Post & schell, P.C. Max B. Walton Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP

PEEr sOLICITOrs AND rEGIONAL rEPrEsENTATIVEs Michael G. Defino ronald P. Goldfaden Eugene D. McGurk, Jr. Edward B. Micheletti George K. Miller, Jr., Atlantic County, NJ John O’Brien, Kent and sussex Counties, DE Leslee silverman Tabas rocco J. Tedesco aLuMnI eVent VoLunteeRs 1999 rEuNION COMMITTEE Harrisburg Eric M. Kniskern, Chair Lea Ann Heltzel George Kostolampros Mark r. Owens Kelly Hoover Thompson DELAWArE BAr INDuCTION CErEMONy Justice randy J. Holland DELAWArE COuNTy ALuMNI CHAPTEr Gino Benedetti Joseph Kessler Jonathan Peri John schmehl Michael J. Tierney Mark Vacha Donald Weiss HArrIsBurG CAMPus GOLf OuTING COMMITTEE George A. Bibikos scott E. Blissman Jan L. Budman II Chris A. Davis Christina M. fisher Deryck Henry James K. Matelevich-Hoang Paul r. ruffolo Jennifer Zimmerman

NEW JErsEy ALuMNI CHAPTEr Jennifer stonerod NEW yOrK CITy ALuMNI EVENT James J. Veneruso PENNsyLVANIA suPrEME COurT BAr INDuCTION CErEMONy Delaware The Honorable Joel s. Johnson The Honorable C. Darnell Jones II The Honorable Charles P. Mirarchi, Jr. The Honorable Margaret T. Murphy PENNsyLVANIA suPrEME COurT BAr INDuCTION CErEMONy Harrisburg Judge richard A. Lewis Justice Thomas G. saylor, Jr. sAN DIEGO ALuMNI EVENT Howard K. Alperin Kyle D. Bowser WAsHINGTON DC ALuMNI EVENT Michael A. Brown WIDENEr WOMEN’s NETWOrK Delaware Chapter Islanda L. finamore Donna L. Harris Kimberly A. Harrison Deborah J. Galonsky Laura Beth Taylor Philadelphia Chapter Miriam Benton Barish Dr. Kathleen W. McNicholas

sTudenT achIevemenT


91.0% 95.6% 89.9%


92.5% 90.7%





















86.2% 89.9%

































The Longwood Foundation provided a substantial gift to fund a major facilities renovation, enabling the creation of a new public service wing on the Delaware campus. 34

wIDeneR Law 2008–2009

gift dollars by source

Financial Overview Period ending June 30, 2009.

0.7% Widener Law Fund


29.2% Corporations


20.7% Organizations


14.8% Family Foundations


2.9% Miscellaneous 1000000100000010000001000000 (housing, bookstore, fees)

14.6% Foundations


13.4% Alumni


92% Tuition

3.1% Friends


2.8% Faculty/Staff


1.4% Other


0.5% Investment income 3.9% Endowment income


500000500000500000500000 0




0.8% Debt 4.1% Depreciation

07 08 09 Overall Fundraising









20.4% University services and institutional support


10.3% Maintenance and operations


5.8% Student services


15.2% Library and academic support



43.4% Instructional


Growth in giving




07 08 09

07 08 09

07 08 09

07 08 09

corporate giving

family foundation giving

foundation giving

alumni donors

373% Increase in donations to endowment funds in 2009 over 2008 widener law 2008–2009


see the world In June 2009, alumni and friends joined Dean Linda Ammons, as well as Delaware Supreme Court Justice and Widener Law Overseer Randy J. Holland, on an eight-day excursion to beautiful Tuscany. Participants explored the concept of culture’s impact on law and justice, earned continuing legal education credits, and toured the region’s abundant cultural resources and amazing natural surroundings.

The Dean will lead this trip again from June 26-July 3, 2010. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations & Development by calling 302.477.2172.

Two great campuses. Countless paths to success. Delaware Campus 4601 Concord Pike P.O. Box 7474 Wilmington, DE 19803

Harrisburg Campus 3800 Vartan Way P.O. Box 69381 Harrisburg, PA 17106

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