li e i
dema d
Professional Development
for Proficienc -Oriented Communicative Language Teaching i h Ti a Ha gade
l i a fe me l e de
for districts, departments, and individuals Virtual PD on YOUR schedule
e e h le da de el me PD j a O e
ime PD
i f fe i al half da h e ie
Possible Topics/Goals
Resources Included!
Le la i g g al bjec i e U i la i g back a d de ig f li e ac la g age ac i i i E gageme ma ageme
O F ee Yea f C ic l m i cl de dail la f e ce i la a d a e me f all le el f all he i Lea e he e e ce ada hem f eed amd c ea e i c a e e ce i a e f l fle ible f ame k
S a da d ba ed de g h g al a e me P g am de a me al alig me c mm a e me g al
I di id al eam f ll c achi g
The World Language Proficienc Project is CI Liftoff's curriculum development & teacher training initiative, dedicated to giving ou the resources, knowledge, skills, & instructional resources to make proficienc -oriented, communicative language teaching the standard operating procedure in our classrooms, department, & district.
Email d cilif
ff c m
i e ab
ched li g
Available Modules c ac de ig a c m b il ai i g
fe i de e a l m l e
i h Ti a Ha gade
Dail Lesson Planning la i g m e efficie i i g a d eadi g f
Lea a e f l fle ible each ab a f ame k f dail le ha make le a e dail f c li e i g eaki g a heme ic le el
hi g whole-da half-da or custom shedule
Unit & Year Planning
Lea ab i al li e ac ba ed c e a d e e ce i h i c i al c cle ba ed la g age f c i De c i i Na a i I f ma i O i i whole-da A g me Lea h la i ha i c a ec e a d heme half-da or custom shedule i a da d ba ed c c ic la li e ac de el me
Teaching Grammar as a Concept in Conte t
Lea a e gagi g b ai ba ed f ame k PACE m del f eachi g g amma he a ACTFL ec mme d a a c ce i c e c e I k i h he b ai e f l ca abili ie f ici g a l i g a e g amma le a e ickie a d m e likel be ecalled a d a lied i de i i g a d eaki g
he whole-da half-da or custom shedule
Te tbooks, Curriculum Alignment & Materials Adoption
De a me f e fi d c flic he e gaged i a hif a da d alig ed c mm ica i e la g age eachi g e eciall he ki g fi hi i i i e i i g e ce he eache d ha e he ame i c i al a ach U i g ACTFL a d a e a da d e ill de el c mm lea i g c me alig ed a e me hile e e i g i di id al eache c e i c i al f eed m If de a me ha bee ggli g ge he ame age migh fi d ha hif i g f c he a da d a d c mm ica i e la g age f c i b i g cla i eace c ea e a eamle g am f de a d e de a me two da s, a a h d c i e efficie eam la i g whole-da
or custom schedule
Email d cilif
Two da s (14 hours): $4200 Whole-da (7 hours): $2800 Half da (3.75 hours): $1950 Inquire about custom schedules
ff c m
i e ab
ched li g
Follow up materials preparation: two hours included in each whole-da session, one hour included in half-da sessions. Follow-up coaching/consulting: $180/hour Follow-up materials preparation: $120/hour
What people are sa ing ab
fe i al de el me
fe i de e a l m l e
ma e ial
Ti a la he e i g e a ficie c ba ed g am f ded brain-based best practices leadi g i g e l a d cce f de a d eache I have alwa s known teaching could be like this. - Stephanie Connor Mignone German teacher
The e k h j he e f
ided me i h a idea jam i
em i ead f a cla e i d I feel like I am teaching real language. The e e gagi g c mm ica i e le c lmi a i g i W i e a d Di c ha e cha ged e e hi g f me Ve a al f he b ai M Le el O e de a e producing output I never - Jennifer Smith,
thought possible.
German teacher
The k h a al able Y ha e hel ed me ee h b ild ficie c i he e le el I lea ed h la im leme a fic i le ic f m e b k The a egie caff ld higher-order thinking like he ic e he ma chi g ca d f c m a i g - Ka Cee Mills, c a i g ill m e le el S a i h de Spanish teacher a ell a m deli g m e ad a ced la g age h gh ha ed i i g a d eadi g I have seen so much more from m
students this ear.
The World Language Proficienc Project is CI Liftoff's curriculum development & teacher training initiative, dedicated to giving ou the resources, knowledge, skills, & instructional resources to make proficienc -oriented, communicative language teaching the standard operating procedure in our classrooms, department, & district.
Email d cilif
ff c m
i e ab
ched li g
with Tina Hargaden
Participate in a live demo lesson and then in a asynchronous demo lesson (the demos can be customized to show specific themes language levels etc) After the demos we will debrief the lesson components: ( ) Norming the Class (2) Reading Workshop (3) Guided Oral Input (4) Scaffolded Oral Review (5) Shared Writing (6) Shared Reading and (7) Student Application & Assessment
Planning the "heart of the lesson" which drives the other lesson components Three low-prep engaging strategies that can be used with a wide variety of topics and themes Ideas for how to level the same lesson up and down to reduce your planning load
Backwards planning with the end in mind: Student Application and Assessment three powerful low-prep strategies for students to show what they learned & for collecting daily grades & providing formative feedback for students and for planning
Three low-prep engaging game-like "go-to" strategies for reviewing and reinforcing the concepts and language used in the Guided Oral Input
Low-prep strategies to create and use texts with your class to review and reinforce the language and concepts from Guided Oral Input and to scaffold student reading comprehension of culturally-authentic or more-challenging texts
Ways to use this daily framework with required themes topics resources vocabulary and grammar
Email pd ciliftoff com to inquire about scheduling pricing or to learn more
O e-Da W
i g
i h Tina Ha gaden
T S ea i ed Dai Le Pa i g
Te Ta ea a
Lea n a dail le on f ame o k o eamline planning fo an con en le el and effo le l inco po a e in e p e i e in e pe onal and p e en a ional eading i ing li ening peaking in o e e le on See he ame le on a gh fo nch ono a egie o q ickl adap in c ion
Ada i g Le f O i e Lea i g S a egie Pa Le a d The e & T ic
a nch ono le on lea n a e men fo online lea ning
Lea n ho o e he dail le on f ame o k o inco po a e heme ch a c l al info ma ion An i aci con en geog aph c e en global challenge o ie p efe ence ac i i ie po bjec o an opic o heme o an need o co e
opic en chool
Dai Lea i g Objec i e & S a egie f F a i eA e e
Lea n h ee po e f Applica ion and A ho ha he lea fo den fo
S a egie C e ,C
Lea n h ee lo p ep engaging a egie fo G ided O al Inp ha can be ed i h a ide a ie of opic and heme idea fo ho o le el he ame le on p do n o ed ce o planning load
De i e Ne ehe ib
S a egie f Re ie & Rei f ce e
l lo p ep a egie fo dail S den e men o gi e den dail oppo ni ie o ned collec dail g ade fo ma i e feedback eache eam planning
Lea n h ee lo p ep engaging game like go o a egie fo e ie ing and einfo cing he concep and lang age ed in he G ided O al Inp fo fo ma i e a e men oa e fi p comp ehen ion in he momen
n lo p ep engaging a egie o e dail Sha ed W i ing o co Sha ed W i i g & he Lea c ea e e i h o cla a o e ie einfo ce he lang age and P e f M de i g concep f om G ided O al Inp model q ali ie of ong i ing o de elop
ehe ib e & Acce ib e a -A he ic Re ce
Teachi g G a a C ce i C U i g O F ee Yea f C ic
a a e
i e
c o
ic la li e ac
Lea n lo p ep a egie fo dail Reading Wo k hop o b ild an on amp o mo e challenging e g o onge mo e confiden eade c o c ic la li e ac kill
Lea n ho o e Sha ed Reading o each g amma a a concep in con e in an engaging a in e e le on model p ac ice eading i ing mo e ha b ild comp ehen ion p od c ion kill
Lea n ho o e modif le on plan he ide a ie of i all appealing highl caffolded in c ional a e men e o ce f om o F ee Yea of C ic l m o plan le on ha o k i h o p og am goal eq i emen
with Tina Hargaden
Backwards planning with the end in mind: Student Application and Assessment two powerful low-prep strategies for students to show what they learned & for collecting daily grades & providing formative feedback for students and for planning
Planning the "heart of the lesson" which drives the other lesson components Two low-prep engaging strategies that can be used with a wide variety of topics and themes Ideas for how to level the same lesson up and down to reduce your planning load
Participate in a demo lesson (can be customized to show specific theme language level etc) After the demo we will debrief the lesson components: ( ) Norming the Class (2) Reading Workshop (3) Guided Oral Input (4) Scaffolded Oral Review (5) Shared Writing (6) Shared Reading and (7) Student Application & Assessment
Two low-prep engaging game-like "go-to" strategies for reviewing and reinforcing the concepts and language used in the Guided Oral Input
Low-prep strategies to create and use texts with your class to review and reinforce the language and concepts from the day's Guided Oral Input
Email pd ciliftoff com to inquire about scheduling pricing or to learn more
Ha f-Da W
i g
i h Tina Ha gaden
T S ea i ed Dai Le Pa i g
Te Ta ea a
Lea n a dail le on f ame o k o eamline planning fo an con en le el and effo le l inco po a e in e p e i e in e pe onal and p e en a ional eading i ing li ening peaking in o e e le on
A G ided Re ea e f Re ibi i M de S a egie Pa Le a d The e & T ic
Lea n ho he f ame o k mo e f om I Do o We Do o Yo Do eache led p e en a ion of ne con en o cla di c ion a k I Do Sha ed W i ing Reading We Do S den Applica ion A e men Yo Do
Lea n ho o e he dail le on f ame o k o inco po a e heme ch a c l al info ma ion An i aci con en geog aph c e en global challenge o ie p efe ence ac i i ie po bjec o an opic o heme o an need o co e
opic en chool
Dai Lea i g Objec i e & S a egie f F a i eA e e
Lea n o po e f l lo p ep a egie fo dail S den Applica ion and A e men o gi e den dail oppo ni ie o ho ha he lea ned collec dail g ade fo ma i e feedback fo den fo eache eam planning
S a egie C e ,C
Lea n o lo p ep engaging a egie fo G ided O al Inp ha can be ed i h a ide a ie of opic and heme idea fo ho le el he ame le on p do n o ed ce o planning load
De i e Ne ehe ib
S a egie f Re ie & Rei f ce e
Lea n o lo p ep engaging game like go o a egie fo e ie ing and einfo cing he concep and lang age ed in he G ided O al Inp fo fo ma i e a e men oa e fi p comp ehen ion in he momen
n lo p ep engaging a egie o e dail Sha ed W i ing o co Sha ed W i i g & he Lea c ea e e i h o cla a o e ie einfo ce he lang age and P e f M de i g concep f om G ided O al Inp model q ali ie of ong i ing o de elop
Sha ed Readi g & Ga a i C e Readi g W h Li e ac E e Da U i g O F ee Yea f C ic
i e
c o
ic la li e ac
Lea n ho o e Sha ed Reading o each g amma a a concep in con e in an engaging a in e e le on model p ac ice eading i ing mo e ha b ild comp ehen ion p od c ion kill Lea n lo p ep a egie fo dail Reading Wo k hop o e end einfo ce con en lang age f om p e io le on o de elop lang age p oficienc con en kno ledge model de elop c o c ic la li e ac kill Lea n ho o e modif le on plan he ide a ie of i all appealing highl caffolded in c ional a e men e o ce f om o F ee Yea of C ic l m o plan le on ha o k i h o p og am goal eq i emen
& F
with Tina Hargaden
Explore what the ACTFL and your state's standards say about the goals of our language programs Learn how using genre or function-based units can give you and your students laserfocus on building language proficiency and cross-curricular literacy skills in description narration information opinion and argument writing and speaking
P &G
How portfolios can be a powerful tool to show student performance in a variety of contexts which is one of the most reliable classroom-level measurements of a student's probable proficiency level
How instructional cycles structured around literacy & language functions can incorporate various content: themes/ topics current events cultural information class novels or other resources such as a textbook or other curriculum materials
D L D D &D
How the same cycles (e g Narration Opinion) can be used year after year to spiral back to real-world cross-curricular language and literacy skills with any content to provide an articulated program from beginners to advanced students
Serve the needs of all students in one class from those for whom general grade-level literacy is a challenge to advanced & Heritage learners with personal growth goals & student-created tools aligned to their goals How literacy-based cycles can support a consistent cohesive & meaningful multi-year language journey even if teachers cover different topics/specifics
Email pd ciliftoff com to inquire about scheduling pricing or to learn more
& H
with Tina Hargaden
P &G
T C D &D
How instructional cycles structured around literacy & language functions can incorporate various content: themes/ topics cultural information class novels or other resources such as a textbook or other curriculum materials
How portfolios can be a powerful tool to show student performance in a variety of contexts which is one of the most reliable classroom-level measurements of a student's probable proficiency level
Explore what the ACTFL and your state's standards say about the goals of our language programs Learn how using genre or function-based units can give you and your students laserfocus on building language proficiency and cross-curricular literacy skills
How the same cycles (e g Narration Opinion) can be used year after year to spiral back to real-world cross-curricular language and literacy skills with any content to provide an articulated program from beginners to advanced students How literacy-based cycles can support a consistent cohesive & meaningful multi-year language journey even if teachers cover different topics/specifics
Email pd ciliftoff com to inquire about scheduling pricing or to learn more
"C F -D
as a
with Tina Hargaden
Explore what the ACTFL standards Core Practices and your state's standards say about the role of grammar instruction and what "teaching grammar as a concept in context" can look like through three demonstrations of strategies to do just that Afterward deconstruct the teacher and student moves you saw and connect them to ACTFL and state guidance
-C S
A powerful brain-friendly way to deliver meaningful contextualized grammar lessons Explore the four components of a PACE lesson (Presentation Attention Co-Construction & Extension) & why PACE lessons are different and "stickier" than "Present the Rule Practice the Rule" instruction How to break down complex grammar (e g the preterite or pass compos ) into step-by-step lessons that build on each other to guide students to deep & enduring understandings of how the grammar works Writing texts with interesting contextualized examples of the grammar points as you move through the sequence How to conduct the "Co-Construction" discussion so that you GUIDE students to form their own "rule" from the data presented in the lesson including how to help them think through inaccuracies in their initial conception without resorting to "stand and deliver" to give them the rule Four low-prep engaging reading strategies to use in the "Presentation" part of the lesson to provide repeated contextualized exposure to the grammar used in an interesting meaningful context
&U C
Building & using an editing checklist to keep the grammar learning "top of mind" for your students & help solidify their ability to access the "rules" in their own speaking & writing
Email pd ciliftoff com to inquire about scheduling pricing or to learn more
"C H -D
as a
with Tina Hargaden
How to break down complex grammar (e g the preterite or pass compos ) into step-by-step lessons that build on each other to guide students to deep & enduring understandings of how the grammar works Writing texts with interesting contextualized examples of the grammar points as you move through the sequence
How to GUIDE students to form their own "rule" from the data presented in the lesson including how to help them think through inaccuracies in their initial conception without resorting to "stand and deliver" to give them the rule
A powerful brain-friendly way to deliver meaningful contextualized grammar lessons Explore the four components of a PACE lesson (Presentation Attention Co-Construction & Extension) & why PACE lessons are different and "stickier" than "Present the Rule Practice the Rule" instruction
Four low-prep engaging reading strategies to use in the "Presentation" part of the lesson to provide repeated contextualized exposure to the grammar used in an interesting meaningful context
-C S ,N
Explore what the ACTFL standards Core Practices & your state's standards say about the role of grammar instruction & what "teaching grammar as a concept in context" can look like through a demonstration of a PACE lesson Afterward deconstruct the teacher & student moves & connect them to ACTFL & state guidance
Building & using an editing checklist to keep the grammar learning "top of mind" for your students & help solidify their ability to access the "rules" in their own speaking & writing
Email pd ciliftoff com to inquire about scheduling pricing or to learn more
Teachi g G amma as a
i C
F ll-Da W
k h
ith Tina Hargaden
T Wha he S a da d Sa
Get solid on hat the ACTFL standards Core Practices and o r state or local standards sa abo t the role of grammar instr ction and hat o r local or b ilding req irements e pectations are for o r program
C c e e S a egie f G amma I ci Ac i able "Teachi g M U i g he PACE M del
Te Takea a
Gain a concrete nderstanding of teaching grammar as a concept in conte t thro gh demonstrations of strategies to teach grammar in a comm nicati e conte t ith brain friendl lo prep strategies De elop concrete actionable teaching mo es st dent mo es for grammar instr ction based on the demos connect them to standards Core Practices from ACTFL state local g idance to o r b ilding initiati es priorities st dent gro th goals
e "
Learn a po erf l brain friendl a to deli er meaningf l conte t ali ed grammar lessons Understand the fo r components of a PACE lesson Presentation Attention Co Constr ction E tension
Se e ci g Teachi g P i W i i g M del Te
Learn ho to break do n a comple grammar concept e g the preterite or pass compos into a seq ence of teaching points that b ild a complete nderstanding of the ario s components of the hole Learn strategies to rite model te ts ith interesting conte t ali ed e amples of the grammar sed in conte t that b ild pon each other as o mo e thro gh the seq ence of teaching points Learn concrete skills to GUIDE st dents to form their o n r le from the
S de -Ce e ed, data think thro gh inacc racies in their initial conception itho t C ci i A ach resorting to stand and deli er to gi e them the r le Wh le-Cla Readi g S a egie
Learn fo r lo prep engaging reading strategies to se in the Presentation part of the lesson to pro ide repeated conte t ali ed e pos re to the grammar in an interesting meaningf l conte t
E e i & A lica i f he G amma U i g Edi i g Checkli
Learn ho the E tension portion of the lesson can incorporate o r e isting reso rces s ch as orkbooks or practice acti ities de elop concrete strategies aligned to o r department s grammar goals
Learn ho to b ild se a class indi id al editing checklist to keep the grammar learning top of mind for o r st dents help solidif their abilit to access the r les in their o n speaking riting
Teachi g G amma as a
i C
Half-Da W
k h
ith Tina Hargaden
T Wha he S a da d Sa
E plore hat the ACTFL standards Core Practices and o r state or local standards sa abo t the role of grammar instr ction and hat o r local or b ilding req irements e pectations are for o r program
C c e e S a egie f G amma I ci Ac i able "Teachi g M U i g he PACE M del
Te Takea a
Gain a concrete nderstanding of teaching grammar as a concept in conte t thro gh a demonstration of strategies to teach grammar in a comm nicati e conte t ith brain friendl lo prep strategies De elop concrete actionable teaching mo es st dent mo es for grammar instr ction based on the demos connect them to standards Core Practices from ACTFL state local g idance to o r b ilding initiati es priorities st dent gro th goals
e "
Learn a po erf l brain friendl a to deli er meaningf l conte t ali ed grammar lessons Understand the fo r components of a PACE lesson Presentation Attention Co Constr ction E tension
Se e ci g Teachi g P i W i i g M del Te
Learn a s to break do n a comple grammar concept e g the preterite or pass compos into a seq ence of teaching points that b ild a complete nderstanding of the ario s components of the hole Learn strategies to rite model te ts ith interesting conte t ali ed e amples of the grammar sed in conte t that b ild pon each other as o mo e thro gh the seq ence of teaching points Learn concrete skills to GUIDE st dents to form their o n r le from the
S de -Ce e ed, data think thro gh inacc racies in their initial conception itho t C ci i A ach resorting to stand and deli er to gi e them the r le Wh le-Cla Readi g S a egie
Learn t o lo prep engaging reading strategies to se in the Presentation part of the lesson to pro ide repeated conte t ali ed e pos re to the grammar in an interesting meaningf l conte t
E e i & A lica i f he G amma U i g Edi i g Checkli
Learn a s that the E tension portion of the lesson can incorporate o r e isting reso rces s ch as orkbooks or practice acti ities de elop concrete strategies aligned to o r department s grammar goals
Learn a s to b ild se a class indi id al editing checklist to keep the grammar learning top of mind for o r st dents help solidif their abilit to access the r les in their o n speaking riting
,C -D
with Tina Hargaden
' M
"T U
Lay out and negotiate the "must-haves" for your program Learn about your colleagues' priorities and goals what has worked well for them and what they want to improve upon Find "sticking points" that we will work to move beyond in these two days We will ground our work in honesty and build trust and rapport through a process of respectful inquiry and team-building "They" want us to do what Exactly who YOUR "they" is might be unique but one thing "they" all have in common is expecting us to execute a moon landing quipped with with a rubber band a half-dried-up gluestick & an hour of planning time Let's figure out how we're gonna land this rocket safely!
" D
What's on hand that you want to keep toss modify dip in bronze and keep for the rest of your life And what does EVERYONE want to use compared to what can be considered an optional resource for those who want or need it We will look for "keepers " "tossers " and "fixer-uppers "
How to use language functions or "genres" (Description Narration Information Opinion and Argument) to sequence the year and program and how a spiral literacy-based curriculum provides shared structure and goals department-wide accountability and also the maximal individual flexibility
How literacy-based cycles (e g Narration Opinion) can be used year after year to spiral back to real-world cross-curricular language and literacy skills with any content to provide an articulated program from beginners to advanced students
Once we have compiled and evaluated the inventory and explored the sequence of instructional cycles we will look for gaps or holes in your existing resources and develop strategies for creating modifying or acquiring materials to fill those needs
Email pd ciliftoff com to inquire about scheduling pricing or to learn more
,C -D
with Tina Hargaden
Explore what the ACTFL standards Core Practices & your state's standards say about the role of grammar instruction & what "teaching grammar as a concept in context" can look like through a short demonstration of a PACE lesson Deconstruct the teacher & student moves & connect them to ACTFL & state guidance and to the discussions/sharing that we did on Day One
How to use culturally-authentic resources or other challenging texts/images to "level up and down" to create modified instructional resources for beginner intermediate advanced and Heritage/Native speaker students
Continua & cycle-aligned rubrics to create a department-wide portfolio assessment system Document student performance over time in a variety of contexts Tools to empower students to measure their growth in small specific achievable increments and that allow teachers to pass on valuable standardized assessment data across teachers/semesters/levels/schools
Revisiting the discussions of what's most important to everybody and what "they" want us to do develop shared agreements and commitments and develop the backbone of the program to free up the spaces for individual teachers to incorporate their own passions priorities & valued resources
What textbooks are costing you what textbooks are giving your students and what you can do about it to potentially free up funds for other purposes including classroom libraries How to deal with the Zero Budget Problem and find/modify/create/ stretch resources on a dime (or even a penny)
T &L
Outline the scope and sequence topics/themes/ language genres/ language functions and the tools/materials/resources/strategies you have in your shared inventory and your shared assessment & articulation plan Commit to your team agreement & CELEBRATE! You have collaborated to move your department off of Square One & you are ready for the first day of the rest of your lives!
f de e i nal el me n
with Tina Hargaden
' M "T U
" D
Negotiate "must-haves" for your program Learn about your colleagues' priorities and goals what is working well for them and what they want to change or improve Distill what "the powers that be" want us to cover and prioritize the "must-haves " Find "sticking points" among colleagues that we will work to move beyond in this workshop through honesty & respectful inquiry Discover shared priorities & unite as a team to shoulder the burden of what "they" want from us
R & M I & W L ( DI L )
What's on hand that you want to keep toss modify dip in bronze and keep for the rest of your life And what does EVERYONE want to use compared to what can be considered an optional resource for those who want or need it We will look for "keepers " "tossers " and "fixer-uppers " We will look for gaps or holes in the existing resources & develop strategies for creating modifying or acquiring materials to fill those needs
How a spiral literacy-based curriculum divided by language functions (Description Narration Information Opinion and Argument) can sequence the year and program provide shared structure and goals department-wide accountability and also the maximal individual flexibility How your program can spiral back to the same functions year after year with any content to build an articulated program from beginners to advanced
& C
, ,&T
Continua & cycle-aligned rubrics to create a department-wide portfolio assessment system Document student performance over time in a variety of contexts Empower students to measure their growth in small specific achievable increments and allow teachers to pass on valuable standardized assessment data across courses regardless of specific language and content IT CAN BE DONE!
A T G S T &L
Explore what your "powers that be" say about the role of grammar instruction & what "teaching grammar as a concept in context" can look like through a short demonstration of a PACE lesson Deconstruct the teacher & student moves & connect them to ACTFL & state guidance and to the discussions/sharing about "must-haves " Explore how to address topics and themes within the language functions
Revisit the list of priorities develop shared agreements and commitments & develop the backbone of the program: scope & sequence topics/themes/ language and tools/materials/resources/ strategies you have in your shared inventory & your shared assessment & articulation plan Locate the spaces for individual teachers to incorporate their own passions priorities & valued resources CELEBRATE your team commitment! You will soon be leaving Square One in the rearview mirror!
Email accounts ciliftoff com or call (6 8) 3 4Email pd ciliftoff com to inquire about scheduling pricingoror learn more inquire about scheduling toto learn more
23 to
Te b ,C c A g & Ma e a Ad T
T D ab e, Mea Tea C
-Da W
i h Tina Ha gaden
Te Ta ea a
Nego ia e m ha e fo o p og am ba ed on o eam p io i ie and goal h o gh a p oce of e pec f l inq i ac ion o ien ed eam b ilding ha incl de ag eemen fo follo h o gh
gf e
ing p o ided c ic la ma e ial a e men ool a a C c e eP a I eg a e U j mping off place de elop conc e e plan o in eg a e a e Re ed C e /Ob ec e eq i ed heme opic con en g amma ocab la
ALb a fY Tea ' C e "Kee e " Ma e a A M -Yea , S a Sc e & Se e ce A g ed S a da d
Ca alog e p io i i e a emble a collec ion of m e op ional pplemen a e o ce o ha no e ing o eam commi men going fo a d ge leane mo e o gani ed De elop a depa men ide a ic la ed lea ning pa h a ha pi al h o gh and back o eal o ld anda d aligned lang age li e ac goal ill allo indi id al eache o each con en ha he kno lo e
A "S g L " "T -D L " f Re ce & Ma e a Ga E e
a I c e Ca L e W
A e &Rg gG a
E plo e ha ed ca ional p cholog anda d ACTFL Co e P ac ice a abo he ole of g amma in c ion ho g amma a a concep in con e pla nicel i h a comm nica ion ba ed lang age p og am Lea n
C a -A e &P a gf M C T Lea
E al a e a ailable e o ce o find hole in o ag eed pon Scope Seq ence fo hich o ill need o acq i e ma e ial lea n a egie o find c ea e modif hem fo o den
a egie
eamline planning i h c l
c Re ce a hen ic e image o le el p and do n fo beginne e Le e in e media e ad anced and He i age Na i e peake den e
Tea ' P a f a dP g e
C c e e, S a ed Tea Ag ee e Ne S e &R
Lea n ho o e adap o con in a b ic o c ea e a depa po folio a e men em ha allo eache o doc men al able anda di ed a e men da a ac o eache eme chool Empo e den o mea e g o h o a d igo o in mall pecific achie able inc emen
men ide pa on e le el li e ac goal
De elop ha ed ag eemen commi men abo he depa men ide backbone of he p og am o f ee p he pace fo indi id al eache inco po a e hei o n pa ion p io i ie al ed e o ce U ing o Scope Seq ence fo m ag eemen on ha ed opic heme ocab la gen e lang age f nc ion ool ma e ial e o ce a egie Fo mali e a conc e e ac ionable depa men ide a ic la ion plan fo in c ion a e men De elop a ha ed commi men o he eam i ion fo o o e a ching p og am goal
Email pd cilif off com o inq i e abo ched ling p icing o o lea n mo e
Te b ,C c A g & Ma e a Ad O e-Da W
T D ab e, Mea Tea C
gf e
i h Tina Ha gaden
Te Ta ea a
Nego ia e m ha e fo o p og am ba ed on o eam p io i ie and goal h o gh a p oce of e pec f l inq i ac ion o ien ed eam b ilding ha incl de ag eemen fo follo h o gh
ing p o ided c ic la ma e ial a e men ool a a C c e eP a I eg a e U j mping off place de elop conc e e plan o in eg a e a e Re ed C e /Ob ec e eq i ed heme opic con en g amma ocab la Lea n and commi o a egie o ca alog e p io i i e eam collec ion of m e op ional pplemen a o ha no e ing o eam commi men going fo leane mo e o gani ed
S a eg e I e A a ab e Ma e a A M -Yea , S a Sc e & Se e ce A g ed S a da d
De elop a depa men ide a ic la ed lea ning pa h a ha pi al h o gh and back o eal o ld anda d aligned lang age li e ac goal ill allo indi id al eache o each con en he kno lo e
A "S g L " "T -D L " f Re ce & Ma e a Ga E e
a I c e Ca L e W
A e &Rg gG a
Tea ' P a f a dP g e
S a ed Ag ee e Ne S e & R
Lea n and commi o a egie o e amine a ailable e o ce o find hole in o eam Scope Seq ence fo hich o need o acq i e ma e ial find c ea e modif hem fo o den
E plo e ha ed ca ional p cholog anda d ACTFL Co e P ac ice a abo he ole of g amma in c ion ho g amma a a concep in con e pla nicel i h a comm nica ion ba ed lang age p og am
De elop an a ic la ed p og am ide m l i ea pa h a ha epea edl pi al back h o gh lang age f nc ion De c ip ion Na a ion Info ma ion Opinion and A g men o p o ide ha ed c e goal depa men ide acco n abili and al o he ma imal indi id al fle ibili
A A c a ed, M -Yea P a f M e Le e C T Lea
a emble a e o ce a d ge
Lea n ho o e adap o con in a b ic o c ea e a depa po folio a e men em ha allo eache o doc men al able anda di ed a e men da a ac o eache eme chool Empo e den o mea e g o h o a d igo o in mall pecific achie able inc emen
men ide pa on e le el li e ac goal
De elop ha ed ag eemen commi men abo he depa men ide backbone of he p og am o f ee p he pace fo indi id al eache inco po a e hei o n pa ion p io i ie al ed e o ce
Fo m ag eemen on ha ed opic heme ocab la gen e lang age f nc ion ool ma e ial e o ce a egie Fo mali e a conc e e ac ionable depa men ide a ic la ion plan de elop a ha ed commi men o he eam i ion fo o o e a ching p og am goal
Email pd cilif off com o inq i e abo ched ling p icing o o lea n mo e
g Te
Sa P
le al
ic l Rede ig
S aff De el e
Objec i e
G al
De el a f ea Sc e a d Se e ce ba ed a i al a d a e l cal a da d a d i c a i g ic li e ac f ci c l all a he ic e ce c c ic la c e li e ac g al a d la g age k e i ed b de a e di ic g al be ch a k de i ed c e
T ai i g a d le la i g i de ig e f a ce a e e calib a i f c i g i g b ic a d c i a li e ac i c i a d a da d
Eli i a e e di g e b k kb k a d a e ch l di ic e all e e eall ca e f d cki g a d e a di g cla lib a ie a d ai i g
S 9
i g2 2 i e
G al
i g ee i g
S e 2 2 Si h
O e f
S e 2 2 Si h
Pla De c i
S aff
e 2 2
ie f he c ic la f a e ea Sc e Se e ce
la Na
S e 2 2 Th ee h
Refi e Na a i Na a i a dI f
S aff k hei I II III a d IV a d I f
e 2 2
S e 2 2 Th ee h S
e 2 2 Fall 2 2
e 2 2 Fall 2 2 Si h Fall 2 2 Wi e 2 2 T h
Fall 2 2 Wi e 2 2 T h
Refi e
S aff A g e
k a i
Refi e
O c
e ie a i
a e ial
a i
de el
i g calib a i
i h
a i
f G i g Dee e
i h
la G i g Dee e i h Na a i I II III a d IV
fO i i
a dA g
hei la O i i I II III a d IV
f Na
call c achi g a d g ida ce l a a d aff
a i
a i
I II III a d IV a d
k a
be ched led i h
ea Sc
e a d Se
F e ch I h gh IV i Na a i G i g Dee e O i i a dA g e
e ce li e f De c i i h Na a i I f
i a i
F e ch I h gh IV a e e a e ial b ic a d c i a f De c i i Na a i G i g Dee e i h Na a i I f a i O i i a dA g e Calib a i e e la f
f eache l cal
A ha ed lib a f he i li e Cla ea
c i ga d k a le e
f li le
lib a e he f E Li O li e Le eled Lib a
O g i g c achi g h
gh C
ic l
Cl b
alig ed
L gi All ee i g ca be a ed
ill ake lace ia Z ha ed i h he i
Teache Ad i ch l ea T
S aff
Pa e e E ail acc
check i
k da
check i de el
e e e
de el
i ea l
k da
Th ee h Th ee h
de el
Th ee h S aff
k da
Th ee h S aff
e a d
i i i
a d ec di g a e ial he di ic if eeded
ee i g
e li e
i g
ided a e ial
efi e a d e li e
i g
efi e a d e li e
be a a ged cilif ff c
i g
i g
call c achi g
ided a e ial e
ided a e ial
check i efi e a d e de el c a e e calib a e c
he e d f he
e e f
e a ce a