CIL's Access quarterly

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Realizing the Dream of Freedom

Also In This Issue: #OrlandoUnited The Future of Disability Inclusion Stepping Ahead Into Success Is Your Home Accessible?


Upcoming Events

The Future of Disability Inclusion

Summer Thank-a-thon June 30, 2016

CIL has dedicated 40 years to breaking barriers and creating opportunities for disability inclusion. What changes will we see in the next 40 years?


Equipment Give-away Day July 26, 2016


As we reflect on the tragic events of the weekend of June 12th, we are working to ensure the independence of all members of our community, including those affected by the shooting.


Stroll ‘n’ Roll 2015 September 17, 2016

Stepping Ahead Into Success A look inside CIL’s High School High Tech STEM program for students with disabilities in Polk County.

“Everyone was so in tune with the project Realizing the Dream of and the end Freedom result was Foundations to Freedom is a vital component outstanding. I in creating accessibility and helping families believe we are live independently. the envy of our neighborhood. Mom would The Measure of Inclusion CIL designed a way to measure inclusion come to the providing a deeper look into the steps toward door several progress in our community and everyone living in it. times thereafter, as if to make sure it was there.....(smiling).... Is Your Home Accessible?




Take our home accessibility survey and find out!

So, from the bottom of our heart,THANK YOU!” Clara C. -CIL Consumer

MISSION “CIL, in partnership with the community, promotes inclusion of people with disabilities by eliminating architectural, communication and attitudinal barriers. CIL provides education, resources and training to enhance self-determination through informed choice.”

Board of Directors Chair Kim Byerly Darden Restaurants

Secretary Cheryl Stone Retired Microbiologist

Members Hector Del Valle, MSW NSCIA of Central Florida

Mellissa Slover-Athey Centerstate Bank

Alexis Kubart Pearson Online Learning Services Maxine Moul South Seminole Hospital Charles Polk Advance Diversity Consulting

Donna Lendvay Retired Development Officer Ahmed Albitar Rollins College MBA Program

Director’s Voice


n the past 40 years,we’ve seen our community make great strides towards becoming a more inclusive and accessible place to live. From accessible curb cuts with textured padding to ramps for businesses, accessibility is a part of our every day lives. Foundations to Freedom doesn’t just give accessibility, it gives independence to people with disabilities and allows them to explore their full potential.

Ron Brown

Operations Director

“Foundations to Freedom has brought accessibility and hope to hundreds of people and touched the lives of thousands.”

needs of the disability community so they no longer feel trapped in their own homes, but can live fulfilling, self-actualized lives. Since it was launched, Foundations to Freedom has brought accessibility and hope to hundreds of people and touched the lives of thousands. The best part of Foundations to Freedom for me is that anyone can be involved.

Our mission to break down barriers and develop self-determination starts in the home. Foundations to Freedom allows us to meet the

Getting to where we are today was not easy, but we attained it. As we look to the next 40 years, we know that the road is not be easy; we will achieve it.

Elizabeth Howe Executive Director

Dick Batchelor Co-Founder

The Future of O

n a Thursday in April, friends – from the past and new ones – celebrated with CIL’s board, staff, and supporters to mark 40 years of creating opportunities for disability inclusion. The evening was an incredible reflection of all the progress made in support of every person living with a disability. Guests learned the true impact on the thousands of lives touched over the past four decades.

More history was made that night as Mr. Dick Batchelor, a founding member of the Center for Independent Living, accepted the very first Beverly Chapman Legacy Award. The acknowledgement was created to honor the work and intense dedication Beverly shared with the world. She ignited fires locally and nationally to create opportunities for disability inclusion. Mr. Dick Batchelor worked closely with Beverly Chapman to build CIL from a vision into a standing,

Margaux Pagรกn Community Impact Director

Kim Byerly Board Chair

Disability Inclusion strong organization directly helping over 26,000 individuals over 40 years and impacting countless more.

Stigma still labels those with disabilities as people who can not, rather than people who do differently.

Over the next 40 years we are planning to continue the progress towards creating the society that Beverly Chapman envisioned when she founded CIL. We have made enormous steps towards creating a society where people with disabilities can access, contribute, and feel included .

In the coming years we will work hard to push for accessibility, inclusion, opportunity and to erase the negative stigma of disability. All are welcome to join foreces with us towards our mission for full disability inclusion.



n the morning of June 12, 2016 we lost 49 neighbors, friends, and family. 53 additional people were injured and are recovering, but they will forever live with events that transpired at the Pulse night club. It is likely that many of these survivors will also find themselves with disabilities that present new obstacles in their lives. We are dedicated to ensuring the independence of all members of our community with disabilities, including those affected by this tragedy. The Center for Independent Living in Central Florida stands with our Orlando family in unity and support. Together, progress will made and lives will be changed!

Stepping Ahead


In May, we celebrated the students of Bartow program in Polk county was recognized as the High School and George Jenkins High School who 2015 High School High Tech Program of the Year by participated in High School High Tech throughout the Able Trust. the 2015-2016 school year. The Able Trust High School High Tech Program of the The students experienced tours at Polk State year award is bestowed upon the program which College, Full Sail University, Lockheed Martin, goes above and beyond expectations through and complete the Universal Studios Ride Design creative programming and student outcomes. Learning Program. Wonderful guest speakers from the Learning Resource Center, Vocational The High School High Tech program is available to Rehabilitation, CareerSource, and Citrus high school students with disabilities attending Connection shared their insight. The students will Polk County public schools and following a general continue to work hard throughout the summer degree track. with more than 50% who participated in this year’s High School High Tech completing valuable Registration for the internships over the break. 2016-2017 school year is open now Additionally, we are happy to share that GiveWell through September Community Foundation has once again committed 30, 2016. generous funding to support of the High School High Tech program in Polk County public schools. For more information, please contact Hayley Medina, Program Coordinator, 407-623-1070, CIL is proud to say our High School High Tech



an you recall a single day where you have not encountered an accessible feature such as a ramp, doorway, bathroom stall, or designated parking? Whether we are aware of it or not, accessibility has become a part of our everyday lives. In the past 25 years, we’ve achieved significant progress towards becoming a more inclusive community. The Americans with Disabilities Act laid important groundwork for establishing equality for people with disabilities, but there are still barriers and a perception in our society. Many still believe disability is the absence of ABILITY – until someone inevitably goes and proves them wrong.

As our population ages, the percentage of people with a disability grows and the need for home accommodations will only increase. In the state of Florida, nearly 14% of our state’s population has a documented disability. Every day many new names are added to CIL’s waiting list for home modifications. A person with a disability has many useful ways to contribute to society as long as they can access that society. A person who is blind or visually impaired can still teach and play music and a veteran who has lost the use of their legs can continue to serve our country as an engineer.

However, in order to take advantage of an inclusive community, a person needs to have a path to the entire community. Access to transportation, employment, or adaptive technology doesn’t matter if a person can’t get out of their home to use it.This is why our determination to break down barriers and develop self-determination starts at home with Foundations to Freedom - an important part of our Central Florida community providing access and independence.The supoprt people with disabilities receive provides the ability to explore their full potential and live a self-chosen life.

has made, we’ve still only scratched the surface of the needs of the community.

That’s why we need the help of our community to embrace making change and bring accessibility to everyone. Anyone can be involved with Foundations to Freedom! Without donors, material suppliers, architects and planners, community volunteers, city support, and people like yourself, Foundations to Freedom would not be possible. Every person in the communities we serve can work together towards inclusion. We will all be stronger, more aware, and finally do away with the stigma of living Since the work began in 2005,Foundations to Freedom with a disability. has brought hope and Independence to hundreds of people and touched the lives of thousands At CIL, we believe Disability from Seminole County to DeSoto County. For all the success and progress Foundation to Freedom is Possibility!


Each Step Creates A New Opportunity Saturday,September 17, 2016

Harbor Park in Lake Baldwin 4990 New Broad Street Orlando, FL 32814 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. REGISTER TODAY

CIL’S Equipment Give-away Day

Tuesday, July 26, 2016 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Winter Park 720 N. Denning Drive Winter Park, FL 32789

Lakeland Family Fundamentals 1021 Lakeland Hills Boulevard Lakeland, FL 33805

The Measure As one of the first Centers for Independent Living in the country, CIL in Central Florida was created to strengthen the region and its citizens. Four decades after establishing a place where people with disabilities can empower other individuals with disabilities, we stand committed to continue the growth for full disability inclusion. It is our belief that the strength of a community comes from the inclusion of people of ALL abilities. If someone cannot access the world we live in, they also cannot contribute to putting value into our communities.“Disability” is the largest demographic population in the United States – and the world. Every citizen of our country deserves the right to experience access to key opportunities. When we take a look into our community, we can categorize five core areas where inclusion can be measured:

of Inclusion • Access to valuable employment • Adaptive technology • Affordable and safe housing • Access to transportation • The ability to self-advocate.

With over 800,000 people in Central Florida with a disability (this number always changes as again, anyone, at any time, can join the disability community), CIL recognizes many people we help find themselves living in poverty or unable to stay in their own homes because they can’t afford the home modifications to live independently. Moreso, far too many people with disabilities are forced to live in subsidized housing leaving them vulnerable to abuse and crime acts. Many times where someone lives is not near accessible transportation which makes it difficult to reliably get to work, appointments, or to access the community. Learn More at

Is My Home

ACCESSIBLE? Is the entrance door at least 36 inches wide with a clearance of at least 32 inches? o Yes o No Is there an accessible entrance without any steps where one can get to an outside door? o Yes o No Can a person travel from the parking area to the front without having to climb any steps or go up a steep slope? o Yes o No Are there the thresholds in the home that less than ½-inch high? o Yes o No Is the entire home on one floor? o Yes o No Do all doorways to all rooms have at least a 32 inch wide clearance between the frames? o Yes o No Are all halls at least 3 feet wide? o Yes o No Can the sink be reached and the faucet turned on and off from a seated position? o Yes o No Is there enough space for a wheelchair to move about and to slide under the lavatory? o Yes o No Is there a grab bar at least 32 inches longs on one side of the commode and a grab bar at least 24 inches long along the rear wall of the commode and shower? o Yes o No Is the shower floor surface non-slippery? o Yes o No If you answered yes to these questions then your home is accessible! If you answered no to any of these questions and are in need of home accommodations for a disability, contact us at 407-623-1070 or by email at



laine was not able to get safely in or out of her home on her own, and had in fact fallen while going down the stairs. She was living with a condition called pulmonary fibrosis, a disorder which causes scarring of the tissues deep within the lungs, making it difficult to take in enough oxygen, causing the person to easily become breathless and faint. Elaine’s condition is degenerative and as more scarring occurs and her breathing becomes more labored she will need to utilize a wheelchair to get around. Her home was designed and built with stairs - however the progression of her disability made it impossible to move around. Elaine needed a way to enter and exit her home safely. She learned that CIL’s Foundations to Freedom program, provided ramps for people with disabilities who otherwise could not afford one. So she called to inquire. Unfortunately, at that time, the waiting list has grown to over 100 people on the list. Once Elaine progressed on the waiting list, volunteers lent their time and energy to build Elaine’s ramp. The sun was shining not only in the sky but in the hearts of everyone involved. Elaine is thrilled because she will be able to stay in her home independently.


We are currently seeking groups and individuals interested in making an immediate impact in someone’s life by building an accessible ramp.


We are now accepting applications from individuals who are interested in becoming a Support Coach.

Stroll ‘n’ Roll

CIL’s Stroll ‘n’ Roll committee is seeking additional members to assist with team recruitment.


Help us let our donors and volunteers know how much they mean to us!

VISIT to search for current opportunities




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