STROLL ‘n’ ROLL 2016!
Also In This Issue: Project SEARCH Employment for Individuals with Disabilities Your Impact in 2016
Upcoming Events
Strolling and Rolling for Disability Inclusion
Stroll ‘n’ Roll September 17, 2016
For the past 6 years Stroll ‘n’ Roll has been CIL’s fundraising and awareness event.This year CIL is making it more inclusive than ever.
Silent Night December 2016 Celebrating Independence April 2017
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SEARCHing for Success CIL partners with Lakeland Regional Health to offer Project SEARCH, an on-site internship experience for young adults with disabilities leading to competitive employment.
Spotlight on Ability CIL’s Aspire to Hire program has always helped individuals with disabilities find employment. However a new service is out to change the landscape of disability employment services.
Your Impact in 2016 2016 has been a year of achievements for CIL. Your achievements!
“It’s the little things, like being able to walk outside and sit and enjoy this beautiful world that mean more to me than anything.” MaryAnne -CIL Consumer
MISSION “CIL, in partnership with the community, promotes inclusion of people with disabilities by eliminating architectural, communication and attitudinal barriers. CIL provides education, resources and training to enhance self-determination through informed choice.”
Board of Directors Chair Kim Byerly Darden Restaurants
Secretary Cheryl Stone Retired Microbiologist
Treasurer Mellissa Slover-Athey Centerstate Bank
Members Ahmed Albitar Hector Del Valle, MSW Rollins College NSCIA of Central Florida MBA Program Maxine Moul Alexis Kubart South Seminole Hospital Pearson Online Learning Services Charles Polk Advance Diversity Consulting
Director’s Voice This year marks CIL’s 6th Stroll ‘n’ Roll at Harbor Park in Lake Baldwin. This event is more than a 4k walk around Lake Baldwin it celebrates disability inclusion. Stroll ‘n’ Roll shows our community that we should not be defined by the limits a disability places on us, but rather embrace it. That when we are faced with barriers there is help and support to overcome them and lead independent lives.
“Stroll ‘n’ Roll shows our community that we should not be defined by the limits a disability places on us, but rather embrace This is truly an accessible event for everyone to come together as a community and support each other.
Brittany Pilcher Development Director Stroll ‘n’ Roll is designed for everyone to be able to participate and be included in the fun, you will find something fun at Stroll ‘n’ Roll. Whether you have a disability, know someone with a disability, are an advocate for those with disabilities, or just want to take part in a fun inclusive event, we invite you to join us as we stroll and roll around Lake Baldwin, September 17th at 8am. | ACCESS QUARTERLY
STROLLING ‘n’ ROLLING For Disability Inclusion
hen the Center for Independent Living(CIL) was founded 40 years ago it was with a singular goal: to help people with disabilities live independently and break down barriers preventing people from doing so.
“Stroll ‘n’ Roll is more than a fundraiser. Stroll ‘n’ Roll is a celebration of community and disability inclusion.” Today, we still strive to achieve the goal of creating a fully inclusive and accessible community. Part of that mission is to educate and bring awareness to members of the community who may not know what it’s like to live with a disability. In 2010 CIL launched an ambitious event in an effort to not only raise money to fund local programs for people with disabilities, but to educate and involve the entire community together in a singular cause. Stroll ‘n’ Roll is more than a fundraiser. Stroll ‘n’ Roll is a celebration of community and disability inclusion. Now in its sixth year, Stroll ‘n’ Roll has developed into one of CIL’s signature events.
Stroll ‘n’ Roll participants have altogether raised over $140,000 in those 6 years.Every dollar raised at Stroll ‘n’ Roll has gone directly to benefit people with disabilities in the Central Florida community. This year, Stroll ‘n’ Roll will be a free event that will welcome, but not require, donations from participants. By doing this we hope to include more people who may not have participated otherwise,as well as raise the funds we need to make an impact. This year’s Stroll ‘n’ Roll event will take place on Saturday, September 17th, 2016 in Harbor Park at Lake Baldwin located at: 4990 New Broad Street Orlando, FL 32789 From 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Registration is available at We look forward to seeing everyone at the event and are grateful for everyone who has donated their time, money, and experience to make this event such a success over the past 6 years. | ACCESS QUARTERLY
g n i S H S C E R A CC
Erin wondered if people with disabilities could fill the entry level jobs she had. Not knowing anyone with a disability she turned to Great Oaks Career Campuses and the Hamilton County Board of Developmental Disability Services and asked if her idea was possible.Together with these organizations the idea of filling a handful of jobs in Cincinnati Children’s Emergency Department evolved into comprehensive In 1996, while working as the Director of the a model Emergency Department at Cincinnati Children’s program Hospital Medical Center, Erin Riehle was frustrated —Project SEARCH. with finding employees for entry-level jobs that involved restocking supplies. While working to CIL is partnering Lakeland identify a solution to eliminating the high turnover with rates, Cincinnati Children’s had adopted a major Regional Health which provides a variety of diversity initiative, taking a policy statement from internships that teach core skills of the business the American College of Healthcare executives, and a liaison to coordinate the program. Student which reads, “Healthcare organizations must lead interns are immersed in the host business for their communities in increasing employment the entire day and year of the training program. opportunities for qualified persons with disabilities Additional partners include Polk County School and advocate on behalf of their employment to Board, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Florida Developmental Disabilities Council. other organizations.” 6 ACCESS QUARTERLY | FALL EDITION Project SEARCH is a partnership between business, education, vocational rehabilitation, a community rehabilitation partner and a local developmental disability organization. The goal is to provide onsite internship experiences and marketable skill acquisition for young adults with disabilities leading to competitive employment.
SPOTLIGHT on DISABILITY Center for Independent Living in Central Florida’s Aspire to Hire program offers intensive supported employment services aimed at removing barriers to appropriate inclusive employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Securing long-term, competitive employment begins with strengthening these unique abilities while developing opportunities in the local business community. Recently, Aspire to Hire announced that it will be expanding to include support and services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in addition to its regular employment services CIL has supported individuals with disabilities in employment since 1976. CIL’s Aspire to Hire management and staff have extensive experience successfully working with individuals with various disabilities. and challenges. CIL staff utilizes best practices Supported Employment while embracing new and creative approaches to ensure successful job placement and support. Each individual works closely with each employment specialist to provide intensive direct supportive services which leads to successful employment. Aspire to Hire’s job readiness preparation includes • Career exploration • Travel training • Resume writing • Interviewing skills • Job development • Job carving • Supportive long-term job coaching.
Aspire to Hire announced that it will be expanding to include support and services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in addition to its regular employment services. CIL’s Aspire to Hire team of employment specialists work with employers and support agencies to ensure a successful relationship between both employee and employer. Through on-site job coaching, regular communication, job accommodation assessments, and employee goal setting, employment retention and career advancement is exponentially increased. | ACCESS QUARTERLY 7
How our donors, volunteers, and sponsors have transformed the lives of the people we serve.
down the steps to her home and began confining herself indoors for fear of falling. In 2015, MaryAnne’s daughter reached out to CIL asking for help. CIL’s accessibility team evaluated her situation and quickly determined that despite MaryAnne not having mobility impairments, her situation and concerns were extremely similar to those experienced by many people with limited mobility. She needed a ramp. MaryAnne taught children how to play the piano. She played the organ at her church on weekends and was a very active in the St. Cloud community. While playing the organ at church one Sunday in 2011, she felt a pain behind her left eye and she rapidly began to to lose her vision. Her doctors told her she was having a retinal stroke, starving her retina of oxygen. Despite her eye being perfectly fine, she would never be able to see clearly with her left eye again. A year later, she experienced another retinal stroke in her right eye.
However, MaryAnne lived in a mobile home one of the highest floors the accessibility team had ever seen. CIL’s accessibility team determined that MaryAnne needed a 47 foot ramp to safely enter and exit her home. The Center for Independent Living’s team went into action, collecting donations, recruiting volunteers, and finding sponsors for the contruction of MaryAnne’s ramp.
Life was difficult for MaryAnne afterwards. Learning to adapt to her loss of eyesight proved challenging not only for her, but for her daughter who now needed to help MaryAnne get up and down the stairs to her own home. As time went on MaryAnne grew more and more afraid of falling | ACCESS QUARTERLY
Funds from CIL donors helped to purchase the permits and surveys required to construct MaryAnne’s ramp. Local sponsors helped to provide the funds for materials food, water, and tools for volunteers to use in the construction process. Several teams of volunteers from the Osceola Fire Department, Orlando Veteran’s Administration, Siemens, and RS&H construction donated their time and expertise over 4 days to help build MaryAnne’s bridge to freedom. Today, MaryAnne still teaches children how to play the piano. She is once again active in her chuch and plays the organ from time to time for Sunday services. Most of all however, MaryAnne’s greatest joy comes from being able to sit outside in the sun and enjoy the outdoors once again. “Being dependent was so hard for me, you know, it was very hard for me.” Says MaryAnne. “It’s the little things, like being able to walk outside and sit and enjoy this beautiful world that mean more to me than anything.”
architectural, and attitudinal barriers to disability inclusion and creating a truely inclusive and accepting community.
OUR DONORS MaryAnne’s story is a familiar one. The details may change but CIL helps to provide access and independence for thousands of people in need. MaryAnne’s story has been repeated countless times, providing the access needed to live independently. The foundation of our ability to provide those critical services is the generosity and support of our donors.
OUR SPONSORS Our sponsors provide critical support for accomplishing our mission in the community. By leveraging their extensive network of contacts, financial support for large scale projects, and helping to promote CIL in the community, sponsors and corporate giving afford us the flexibility to provide the disability community the support it needs to be successfully independent.
OUR VOLUNTEERS Without volunteers to help put the resources provided by our sponsors and donors to use, we would be unable to make an effective impact in our community. Projects and services that would normally take weeks could take months or years relying only on CIL staff. There are over 800,000 people in Central Florida with a disability and that Without donors to provide income to fund our number grows every day. Volunteers make our programs, thousands of people across Central mission of breaking architectural, attitudinal, and Florida would still be living in dependence. In the communication barriers possible. 2015-2016 fiscal year, donors made it possible for CIL to impact the lives of thousands in Central Without or donors, sponsors, and volunteers, we Florida. Donors like you are essential to advancing would not exist to help so many people in need. our mission to eliminate communication, Thank you. | ACCESS QUARTERLY
Each Step Creates A New Opportunity Saturday,September 17, 2016
Harbor Park in Lake Baldwin 4990 New Broad Street Orlando, FL 32814 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. REGISTER TODAY 12
SILENT NIGHT An accessible celebration of the holidays for all ages.
Coming December 2016
For more information please contact Jascinth Lawrence at 407-623-1070 | ACCESS QUARTERLY
We are currently seeking groups and individuals interested in making an immediate impact in someone’s life by building an accessible ramp.
We are now accepting applications from individuals who are interested in becoming a Support Coach.
Stroll ‘n’ Roll
CIL’s Stroll ‘n’ Roll committee is seeking additional members to assist with team recruitment.
Silent Night
We are seeking volunteers to help us celebrate the holidays in an inclusive way!
VISIT to search for current opportunities