Building Ramps, Changing Lives CIL’s RAMPAGE ramps up for Fall!
IASRAW Accessible Sporting comes to Orlando!
Fall Prevention
Falls are the number one cause of senior injury. Learn how you can stay safe.
Project SEARCH CIL’s third year of Project SEARCH begins!
Builder’s Breakfast
Building Ramps, Changing Lives
CorePAH! September 26th, 2018
Project SEARCH The 2018 Project SEARCH class is underway at Lakeland Regional Health.
Builder’s Breakfast September 26, 2018
2018 brings with it more ramps and more lives changed for the better.
Upcoming Events
CIL is teaching construction companies how to use their expertise to make an impact in their communities.
Preventing Falls September is fall prevention month. Learn how a fall prevention program can help you overcome fear of falling.
The Department of Labor’s employment awareness month celebrates 30 years of employing individuals with disabilities.
Renovating for Independence
Linda was having trouble using the restroom. After her daughter called CIL and a Winter Park Agency she received life-cahnging renovations.
Central Florida is home to many disability groups. Meet the group trying to bring accessible sports to the region.
“The security of having an accessible home is phenomenal. The sense of independence and being able to stay in our own home can’t be put into words. ” -Jackie Home Modification Recipient
Board of Directors Chair Mellissa Slover-Athey Centerstate Bank Past Chair Kim Byerly Darden Restaurants
Vice Chair Maxine Moul Orlando Health Secretary Cheryl Stone Retired Microbiologist
Members Hector Del Valle, MSW Ronika Carter AIP Southern Regional Coordinator Watson LLP Dr. Maxine Ruddock Comprehensive Psychological & Assessment Services
Tamara Mackroy Comprehensive Health Services
Steve Beres Regions Bank
Ha Tran Crummer School of Business
MISSION “CIL, in partnership with the community, promotes inclusion of people with disabilities by eliminating architectural, communication and attitudinal barriers. CIL provides education, resources and training to enhance self-determination through informed choice.� | ACCESS QUARTERLY
CIL will be hosting the first annual Builder’s Breakfast on Wednesday, September 26th. Hosted at the Greater Orlando Builder’s Association building in Maitland, FL, the Builder’s Breakfast is an opportunity for the construction industry in Central Florida to learn how they can use their expertise to benefit the Central Florida community in a new way. Many companies participate in causes that appeal to some of their employees or management, and often companies have pillars where they focus their efforts. However in the construction industry companies rarely participate in causes that relate to their industry and use their professional expertise in a new way. CIL’s Builder’s Breakfast is an opportunity for companies to learn how they can do exactly that. Catered byThe COOP inWinter Park, CIL’s Builder’s Breakfast will showcase the impact that participating with CIL’s Foundations to Freedom program has had on local construction and architecture firms like ODC Construction, David Weekley Homes, Cuhaci & Peterson Architects, and Phil Kean Architecture. By aligning an organization’s competitive advantage with their corporate social responsibility priorities they can have a magnified impact on their community.
CIL’s Foundations to Freedom Program is focused towards improving the accessibility and safety needs of people with disabilities in our Central Florida community. Each year CIL is contacted by individuals like Fernando, who worked full time to support his family until he fell ill. Fernando was in a coma for a month while doctors fought to keep him alive while a virus ravaged his body. When he finally awoke Fernando had to relearn how to do the simplest of activities, even how to swallow. He began what would be a year and a half of therapy in order to regain movement. “Learning how to sit up again, write again. It was intense because you figure you’ve done all this for 50 years now, why do I have to learn it again?” Fernando returned home a year and a half later. He now uses a wheelchair to get around. Because of this, he can no longer go up and down the steps to the entrance of his home. He has many doctor appointments and he needs help getting in and out of the house. Even with help, it is still extremely difficult. Therefore, other than to go to the doctor, Fernando rarely goes out. He misses attending church and enjoying the outdoors. CIL’s Builder Breakfast will provide an opportunity for local construction and architecture firms to learn how to incorporate their area of commercial expertise into their corporate social responsibility strategy. By highlighting avenues through which they can use the operations they are already undertaking and incorporating them into their strategies, companies can make a greater impact in their communities with greater efficiency by leveraging their marketplace competitive advantages. | ACCESS QUARTERLY
The Fall 2018 RAMPAGE season is about to get underway! This Fall CIL’s goal is to build four ramps for people with disabilities in the Central Florida area. Plans for ramps are donated by local architecture firms and materials provided by various organizations such as Home Depot and Publix. RAMPAGE is a community effort to bring accessibility to the homes of Central Florida’s disability population. CIL’s RAMPAGE project started in 2005 as a way to reduce CIL’s waiting list for people awaiting home modifications. Companies donate funds to provide materials while architects draft the plans for the ramps.Volunteers are coordinated in daily builds whenever is most convenient for them to participate. Building a ramp affects more than just the person living in the home. Once a person with a disability is able to access their community again, the social and economic impact is far reaching. Family members and neighbors can once again build relationships with them, local businesses benefit from the added economic activity, and churches and social groups may also see additional benefits from the reintroduction of members of their community. Receiving a ramp is often a life-changing event for a person in need. Many times the ramp recipient is unable or unwilling to gamble with their safety by trying to use the stairs to their home, particularly if their home is a significant distance above the ground. The process of selecting who gets a ramp is based on need. Many on the waiting list are unable to afford to have a ramp constructed themselves. CIL solicits private donors and organizations to help cover costs, however in many cases it can take several years in order to receive home modifications. Volunteers on ramps often have little to no construction experience. CIL accessibility team members interpret construction plans and designate easy to follow work tasks. Small tasks that add up to large scale projects like a ramps that allow someone to live independently. | ACCESS QUARTERLY
Project At noon on a Friday at Lakeland Regional Health, a group of gather for lunch.They play on their phones, talk to each other about sporting events, and compare meals. The group is from this year’s Project SEARCH at Lakeland Regional Health in Lakeland which has just started its third year with seven students. Partnering with Polk County Public School, Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Developmental Disability Council, CIL helped establish the Project SEARCH program at Lakeland Regional Health. The program is designed to work with students with disabilities, ages 18 to 22, to help prepare them for highly skilled, complex jobs in a variety of industries. Students participating in Project SEARCH often go through several other programs provided by Polk County Public Schools before they are ready for Project SEARCH. Many teach the social, work, and communication skills students will need prior to joining the Project SEARCH program. When Project SEARCH first began, students rotated through six different departments of the hospital. This, combined with class time, taught students how to operate in a work environment and supported them in their on the job trainings. Word of the success of the program in developing high performing employees has spread throughout the hospital, prompting more departments to participate in hosting the interns.This year, over 30 departments are participating with the Project SEARCH program, including environmental services and the operating room.
SEARCH This year’s group of students includes Keyvonte, the brother of Keyshawn who graduated the program in 2017. Keyshawn has been working at the hospital for over a year now and is well respected by his coworkers and supervisor. Keyvonte is hoping to follow in his older brother’s footsteps. They have lunch together daily at work and Keyshawn supports him in his hopes to get a good job. Most of the students involved in Project SEARCH are looking for better opportunities for themselves. Many see real-life work experience as a good way to achieve their goals and they are excited to be participating in this year’s program. As the students wrap up their lunches they are eager to get back to work Graduates from previous Project SEARCH classes can be seen working in the hospital as well as over 80% of Project SEARCH graduates are still employed a year later. Project SEARCH is a business-led, one-year work-preparation program for young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Most participants are enrolled while transitioning from high school to work. The hallmark of Project SEARCH is total workplace immersion, which facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and hands-on training. Project SEARCH’s primary objective is to secure competitive employment for every program participant. | ACCESS QUARTERLY
Preventing Falls
September is fall awareness month! That isn’t to say that September is the month we are aware of the fall season, but that September is a month to be aware of the danger of falls for seniors. The National Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly one-in-four Americans over the age of 65 fall every year. Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury among elderly adults with an American dying every 19 minutes from a fall related injury or trauma. The financial toll from the frequency of falls is expected to top $67.7 billion by 2020. Falls with or without injury carries a heavy quality of life impact. A growing number of older adults fear falling and limit their social engagements and activities as a result.This can compound the decline of their physical and mental health leaving them with feelings of helplessness. However, there are things individuals can do to overcome their feelings of fear regarding falling. Held at CIL in Central Florida, the Functional Independence Training course offers eight 2-hour weekly sessions that cover education and skills for living a safe and independent life. Participants in the F.I.T. class report having less issues with balance and more confidence in their daily lives. “Falling has increased since 2010 and has been called the epidemic of the decade� Says Nancy Gavaghan, one of the organizers of the F.I.T. program. Nancy has over 25 years of experience in hospital and nursing home therapy and holds classes with Anne Maley, a physical therapist of over 40 years. Together they are working to help seniors overcome their fear of falling and take back their lives. Participants in fall prevention classes report increased balance, activity, confidence, and safety after successful completion of the program. Most importantly, participants report a reduced rate of falls for 8 weeks after completing the program. For more information about the Functional Independence Training classes please visit http://www. 10
NDEAM Since 1945 the United States Department of Labor has celebrated a national observance of hiring people with disabilities. Originally called “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week,” National Disability Employment Awareness Month began as many service members from World War II returned home with disabilities. In order to spark public interest in the contributions of people with disabilities the week of observance was proclaimed for the first week in October. People with disabilities steadily made progress in the workplace. However it wasn’t until 1988 under the first Bush administration that the week of observation became National Disability Employment Awareness Month which is recognized each October. Just two years later the same president would sign the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. In 2018 the disability unemployment rate has reached its lowest point in nearly 20 years, but still lags behind the national unemployment rate. CIL is proud to commit to helping people with disabilities find meaningful long-term employment. Through our Aspire to Hire and StepAhead programs CIL helps to prepare job seekers, both current and future, for work. As we celebrate 30 years of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we look forward to helping connect more people with disabilities to employment. Beyond simply getting individuals employed, CIL offers job coaching for up to a year after hire, training both employee and employer how to make the most of their relationship and overcome obstacles they may encounter.
Renovating for Independence Linda was having trouble using her restroom. An old hip injury make it hard for her to walk and her wheelchair had trouble fitting through the narrow doorway to the bathroom. Additionally she wasn’t able to use her bathtub without help from her daughter or neighbors who gave her sponge baths 3 times per week. She felt helpless. Her Daughter, Deborah, contacted CIL for assistance. She made an appointment for an in home assessment from CIL’s Foundations to Freedom team. When CIL’s Foundation to Freedom team arrived at the home, they immediately realized that the entryway to the home had no ramp and there was no way for Linda to easily exit the home in the event of an emergency. They looked at Linda’s bathroom and assessed it to install grab bars, widen the doorway, install an ADA toilet, install a roll-in sink, and replace the tub with a roll-in shower. Thanks to Linda living in Winter Park, she qualified for funds from the Community Redevelopment Agency for her home renovations. Linda quickly had a new aluminum ramp installed at her front door. With Linda now able to easily exit her home in case of emergency, CIL’s team set to work. They coordinated the renovations for her restroom to make it accessible for her. Now Linda can use the shower on her own and the restroom as well without help. “It creates such a feeling of independence for her to be able to take care of herself on her own,” Deborah, Linda’s daughter says of the modifications. “It helps her keep her dignity and we are so grateful for the help we have received.” Center for Independent Living thanks the Winter Park Community Redevelopment Agency for its support by providing funding for our Foundations to Freedom Program. | ACCESS QUARTERLY 13
Bringing Accessible Sports to Central Florida In 2016, Prince Harry brought his Invictus Games to Central Florida’s Wide World of Sports, part of the Walt Disney Resort. The games welcomed over 485 competitors from 14 countries over four days of competition. Competitors participated in 10 sports and a driving
challenge before tens of thousands of cheering participants. When the event ended, competitors and spectators went home, but the Central Florida disability community had gotten a glimpse of what an accessible sporting program could look like. Central Florida is home to over 136,000 people with disabilities. While the Invictus Games and other events pass through the Central Florida area, Central Florida lacks a dedicated accessible sporting program One local advocate for accessible sports, Hector DelValle, who has been featured in “Access Quarterly” and serves on the Board of CIL, has been building a year-round
accessible sports program for Central Florida residents. The program, IASRAW, which stands for the Inclusive Adaptive Sports and Recreational Activities Workshop will be starting in conjunction with University of Central Florida’s Adaptive and Inclusive Recreation Expo in October, part of UCF’s diversity week. The IASRAW event will feature Paralympic athletes sharing their experiences, adaptive rock climbing, sitting volleyball, a wheelchair rugby demo and other fun activities. The event will feature over 20 vendors from around Central Florida including Oceans of Hope, Ann’s Angels, Next Step Orlando, the Disabled
Outdoor Association, and many, many more. By partnering with UCF, IASRAW hopes to be able to use the event as an opportunity to spread awareness and support for a permanent adaptive sports program in Central Florida. The event will coincide with UCF’s event and take place at the Recreation and Wellness Center on UCF’s main campus. The event will begin at 10:00am on Friday, October 19th and run until 3:00pm. “This is a step forward to have a self-sustaining adaptive and inclusive sports program in Central Florida” says Hector DelValle, organizer of the event. His hope is that in following years the event can grow large enough to support itself and provide a permanent adaptive sports program in the
Central Florida area. Chris Pruitt, another disability advocate working with Hector, has been assisting with the logistics and marketing efforts of the IASRAW event and shares Hector’s aspiration. “The Central Florida region has a large disability population that is vastly underserved and we hope that this will be the start of an adaptive sports program that will serve the community.” For more information or to register for the IASRAW event visit | ACCESS QUARTERLY
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