CIL 2014-2015 Annual Report

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DFOUFS! GPS Creating Opportunity for Disability Inclusion

2 0 1 4 – 2 0 1 5AANNNNUUAALL RREEPPO O RT RT 2013/2014 YearsofofService ServiceininCentral CentralFlorida Florida 339Years

LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR This year was filled with growth, empowerment, and celebrations at the Center for Independent Living! We continued to introduce and expand the programs we offer to our community of people living with disabilities in Central Florida. The outpouring of support from donors, sponsors, community partners, and volunteers leaves me humbled and enthusiastic for the years ahead. This year, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. A momentous occasion supported by state and local officials, partners, and the community. Mayor Steve Leary proclaimed July 26th Disability Awareness Day in Winter Park. The 4th Annual Stroll ‘n’ Roll was held on October 18, 2014. Participants from around Central Florida walked with us in the cause to raise awareness for our disabled community. We raised nearly $35,000 this year, and are thrilled to host the 5th Annual Stroll ‘n’ Roll on Halloween later this year in Baldwin Park. A few weeks ago, I heard great news - We were awarded Program of the Year for the impactful work provided to young adults in High School High Tech in Lakeland! The dedication of our staff and the students is commendable and I am grateful students with varying disabilities are on the path to receive a high school diploma and explore STEM opportunities in their future. Our Winter Park office also launched a program to support our young adults transition from high school life to an independent adult life. StepAhead began its first cohort helping students learn valuable life skills and gain mentor guidance to establish key goals for the future. Working together with families, we saw great progress in our students and wish them a fulfilling life as they forge onward. As I look ahead to the next year, I am reminded we will celebrate our 40th year of providing services to Central Florida. Times and needs have certainly changed over the years. Recently, we expanded our development team to help us meet the growing needs of our community. As we celebrate the work we have done and look to build on new opportunities, I sincerely thank every person who has given so generously of your time, energy, and resources. On behalf of the thousands of clients we serve and the disability community around the world, thank you for your unwavering support of our mission at CIL and for helping us achieve our goal of empowering people of all ages with disabilities to access the resources they need to live independently! Sincerely,

Elizabeth Howe Executive Director

Kim Byerly Board Chair


2014 2015 2013 –/ 2014

Accomplishments At the Center for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc., we’re proud to conclude another year of serving people in our community with disabilities.

Among our accomplishments accomplishments in Among in 2014-2015: 2013-201: received 866 Clients amplified

with 83 Individuals disabilities hired through



telephones to hard-of-hearing amplified telephones clients. distributed to hardof-hearing clients

Aspireclients to Hire. received employment counseling

received home 137 Clients modifications such as


ramps, disability friendly people received home toilets, grab bars modifications such as and ramps, roll-in showers, through disability-friendly toilets, grab Foundations to Freedom. bars and roll-in showers

230 119

received housing 84 Clients services helping individuals


find affclients ordablereceived and accessible homes. housing services Clients participated in training learning life skills such as cooking, preparing food, budgeting and life management.



Clients received employment conseling.



Clients received Deaf people benefited Voice Services, such as from tax contract tax preparation, review,preparation and support. services Students participated 13 in Step Aheads 1st 2 client transitioned learning from cohort a nursing facility valuable skills to home-based careto live independently.

Deaf Voice at CIL, helped me start a career as a tutor for other deaf individuals. Now, I can live independently and help other deaf people.

2,715 Services Provided By Disability 51 People with cognitive& disabilities 5,759 Information Referral 123 People with mental disabilities 1,878 Consumers 360 People with physicalServed disabilities

Clients CIL Helped Clients CIL 2014 – 2015


ful work experiences. Th is year HSHT visited,disabilities 9 People with visual among other locations, Polk State College, Florida established in 1976, now assistsI N over 2 150 159 People with multiple disabilities 0 1adults 3/2014 and Universal Studios for a beliving with disability achieve self-determined em- Poly Tech Institute 1, 702 People with hearing disabilities ployment goals. The program provides job research, hind the scenes look at the role of technology in deresume writing, job referrals, workforce-readiness veloping the attractions at the world famous theme By Age training and employee advocacy. CIL –CF employ- park. Polk HSHT program was so impactful they of the Year byyounger the Able Trust ment staff work closely with Central Florida em- were awarded Program 5 People than 5 years old academic year. ployers to support disability inclusion in the work in the first complete 45 People 5 to 19 place. In 2014 CIL assisted 83 individuals find and StepAhead was established in 2014 after the federal 62 People 20 to 24 maintain employment. Clients employed through Work Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) autho755 Peoplecritical 25 totransition 59 rized CILs nationwide to provide the efforts of CILS staff can attest to the dignity services as an additional agency core. StepAhead 1,535 People 60 and older of work and pride in the ability to support their serves disconnected youth with disabilities between families. the ages of 17 and providing case management, By25Gender pre-employment skills training, civic engagement, Services for the Deaf and career exploration, work experiences and connec1,038 Men Hard-of-Hearing tions to long term employment support services. 6 1,3 6 Women offering these services since 1986, CIL now empowers over 650 clients a year by providing sign lan- Connect Hear Highlights guage interpretation, video relay service/phone ser- CIL-CF is the Other central regions’ distributor of Spevice, citizenship education, driver’s license training, cialized Telecommunications Equipment to citizens 10,353 Individuals received information communication assistance and advocacy. Nearly of Florida who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf/ referral services from CIL 100 individuals received tax preparation assistance Blind and Speech Disabled. Florida Telecommu57 in 2014-2015 fiscal year generating $162,354 in nications and relay services (FTRI) is a statewide tax return revenue for Deaf and hard-of-hearing nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization that administers individuals. Deaf services provided independence the Specialized Telecommunications Equipment through communication and education. Distribution Program. In 2014 CIL-CF Connect


Youth Transition StepAhead and High School High Tech programs offer comprehensive transition services to over 50 high school students with disabilities this year. HSHT facilitates necessary interventions to help young people explore STEM careers, connect to post-secondary education and engage in meaning-

Hear distributed over 332 new pieces of equipment and 699 other services to Central Florida residents. The program allows impacted individuals to maintain significant relationships with friends and family as well as ensure access information unaccusable with without the service.



2014 2015 2013 /–2014

Volunteer Impact Volunteering By the Numbers 321 volunteers served at CIL

74 Active Volunteers

This continued 4,211 experience gives me hours the ability to standofproud the inservicewith completed tegrity of inclusion to make an impact in society. I can honestly say CIL has given me the chance$81,777 to embrace my povalue of volunteer tential not becauseservice of my disability but hours because of my ability.

2,745 hours

Damaris Febo, CIL Consumer and Intern

$63,329 Value

5 5

Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act On July 26, 1990 former President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law. This was landmark civil rights legislation that opened the door to improving access to services, and to promote greater inclusion in society for individuals with disabilities. The Center for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc. (CIL-CF) hosted two events to commemorate this historic event. One event was held at our office in Winter Park on Friday July 24, 2105 and a second event was held at our office in Lakeland on July 25, 2015. Both events featured a welcome by the CIL-CF board chair Kim Byerly followed by legislators and political dignitaries who spoke, provided letters, and read proclamations in support of the 25th Anniversary of the signing of the ADA and the services CIL-CF provides to consumers with disabilities. In addition, each event featured a consumer who spoke about the services they received from CIL-CF and the how these services have benefitted them personally. The speakers for the Winter Park commemorative event featured Winter Park Mayor Steve Leary, U.S. Congressman John Mica’s (7th District) District Representative Leslie O’Shaughnessy, and State Senator David Simmon’s (District 10) Legislative Assistant Valerie Clarke. The speakers for the Lakeland event featured State Representative John Cortes (District 43), State Senator Denise Grimsley’s (District 21) Legislative Assistant Anne Bell, and Lakeland City Commissioner Don Selvage. A reception followed the speaking portion of both events. As part of these commemorate events those attending had the opportunity to view a gallery of photos from a project called PhotoVoice. The photos, taken by six individuals with mobility challenges, and which included captions that described their photos, show the progress that has been made in creating a more inclusive and accessible society, as well as the challenges individuals with disabilities still face.



CIL in the Community Stroll ‘n’ Roll 2014 CIL’s annual walk to raise awareness for our mission and the community we serve. Each year we continue to grow in our efforts and want to thank our generous sponsors for supporting this year’s Stroll ‘n’ Roll. RAMPAGE 2015 Presenting Sponsor • Firetainment CIL staff and volunteers dedicate their time and energy to help a disabled person gain access and freedom in their own home by building a ramp, Gold installing a roll-in shower, or providing strobe • CenterState Bank home alarm systems. • Seacoast Bank Sponsors Silver • 84 Lumber • Orlando Health • Publix Supermarkets Charities • Florida Community Bank • Home Depot Foundation • Centennial Bank • Gatorland • McKesson Foundation Bronze • Moss Krusick and Associates • Binson’s Home Health Care • Integrated Business Group • Lakeland Electric • OUC • Paralyzed Veterans of America • iVenture Solutions • Orlando Health • Wellcare • Orlando Rotary Foundation • Burr and Foreman • Winter Park First United Methodist Church • Park Avenue Insurance • Frank Garcia Landscaping • City of Orlando Parks and Recreation • Centennial Bank • This year, our sponsors helped raise • Cuhachi and Peterson $22,250 for CIL programs!

Raised: $35,945.82


CIL and Programs HowServices We Serve O RL A N D O - A R E A S E R V I C E S


• Aspire to Hire: Equipping people with disabilities to identify and meet their career goals

• Foundation to Freedom: Making homes, vehicles and communities more disabilityfriendly

• Counseling: Helping low-income individuals and their families find affordable, accessible homes

• Information and Referral: Directing people with disabilities to the resources best suited to their needs

• Foundation to Freedom: Making homes, vehicles and communities more disabilityfriendly

• High School High Tech: Provides students with disabilities opportunities to explore technology-related careers.

• Very blurry, can read :) : Empowering clients to make informed choices and understand the resources in their community

• Independent Living Skills Training: Offering tools that help people learn or re-learn how to be self-sufficient

• Aging in Place: Helping keep individuals independent and living in their own homes rather than in nursing facilities

• Peer Support: Providing a warm, inviting atmosphere for connecting with others and gaining skills that promote independence

• Information and Referral: Directing people with disabilities to the resources best suited to their needs



Center for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc. FIN A NC I A L S TAT E M E N T: FFISCAL I S C A L YEAR Y E A R 2014 2 0 1 3/–22015 014 FINANCIAL STATEMENT:

Assets Cashand and Equivalents cash equivalents Cash Investments Accounts Receivable (Net) Contracts and grants receivable Prepaid Expenses Other receivables, net allowance Property and Equipment (Net) for doubtful accounts Prepaid expenses Total Assets Property and equipment, net Total Assets

Liabilities Accounts Accounts Payable payable Accrued liabilities Liabilities Notes payable Notes Payable Total liabilities Total Liabilities Unrestricted net assets

$98,833 58,768 $ 58,257 158,902 $116,227 50,265


$17,347 $24,295 476,272 $206,2100

Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Netand Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets




13,989 $6,889 $46,846 87,450 $35, 000 83,432 $129, 349 144,417 $385,783 $515 ,132 332,055


2014 2013/– 22015 0 14


Thank you to every person giving of their time and resources to CIL. We are truly blessed to have friends standing with us in our quest helping our disabled community live independendently.

Individuals Individuals Cyrus Abbassi Sandra Adams Powers Amy Alvarado Plank Lucy Alvarez Justo Amala Margaret Anderson Anonymous Alina Arbuthnot Justin Archer Perla Arner Harry Arnold Jason Athey Serena Ayscue Leah Backus Joan Barton Robert Barton Gina Berry Rich and Erika Bodwell Ed Borowsky Juanita Borysewich Bettie Boulton James Bowden Mildred Bowman Hope Brooks Amber Brown Lynn Browning

Kimberly Byerly Brandon Calamaras Michael Calvo Pasco Campano Aida Campbell Kristina Cangemi Yoko Cappiello Sabrina And Daniel Case Andrew Chamberlain Richard Chapa Billie Chayne Tammy Collins Shane Collins Mary Cooper Lila Corley Jessica Correll Marion Coskun Linda Costa Morgan Cothern Clare Courtney Vanessa Crain James Crowell Giuseppe Daristotile Pamela DeSimone Pamela Devack Matthew Devine Jessie Devine Rosemary Devine Amaris Diaz Paul Dietrich John Dietz Heddy Domingo

Lynette Buck Bruce Burgos 10

Elizabeth Howe, Executive Director Gloria Dossett Darlene Duarte Shirley Dyckman Holly Dykema Janice Engle Steven Ferrell Cindy Fife Luis Figueroa Karin Fleming Gerald Fridley Jane Garcia Joseph Gardner Erin Garlow Gert Garman Drew Garner Linda Garvin-Manzonelli Nancy Gavaghan Gina Gawienczuk Lana Gibney Allison Gould Jean Graham Carolyn Green David Griest Ginger Griffith Katherine Grimm Mike Haag Monica Haerter Robert Harris Francis Heidrich Florence Hellinger Arnim Hernandez Mike Hevener Samantha Higgins Geoffrey Higgins Fred Hill Sara Huff Marti And John Hughes

Randolf Hutson Kelsi Iler Delta Ireland Edward & Diana Isola Elizabeth & Delbert James Kim & Rex James Kelly Kinney Danielle Jimenez Jerell John Susan Johnson Kim Johnson Suong Johnson Tina Johnson Lindsay Kadletz Douglas Kinney Kelley Kneessi Karen Kneessi Justin Kneessi Alyssa Kneessi Michelle Knight Dennis Koscicki Erin Koscicki Alexis Kubart Ricky Kutz Luana Kutz Bryan Lafferman Mark Lamb Rebecca Lawrence Jeanne Layton Robert Lemon Jr. Donald and Harriet Levine Rhonda Loft LA Lord Estelita Loya Ricky Lutz Craig Lynch Donna Mack Milagros Maldonado Anne Maley Ken Malines Kamal Mangal Brian Margolis Stephen Mazza Pete McAlindon Richard McCaffrey Janice McCrea Beth McCullough

Mark McHugh Kathleen McInturf Betsy McKeeby Nancy McSwain Vicki Medina Kim Mendoza Michele Merritt Van Messer Barbara Metz Beatrice Michalski Brett Miller Parbatie Mohamed Lorna Moir Arman Molla Vivian Monaco Roger And Anne Morehead Dorienne Murrell Betty Muscarella Rebecca Napier Michael Nardella Cathy Nguyen Theresa Nowotny Neil Okun Paul Oppedisano William Osborn Terry Overton Dale & Carole Parker Matthew Pellegrino Jeff Perrine Aidian Perry Christine Phan Don Pirozzoli Carl Plaugher Paul Polgar Jane Porche Denise Powell Bill Primo Amanda And Robert Proctor Yvette Pue Joanne Puleo Paula Putnam Jeff Racine Kay Rawlins Gina Reid Jason Reilly Lauren Reynolds Jean Riley 11

Mary Robertson Emily Rollins Ty Roofner Robert Rosen Abby Rosenson Michael Rowen John Rumbley Barb Ryan Julia Ryan-Brawner Lorraine Scholler Brandon Scholler Catherine Scott Shawn Shaffer Gloria Shuster Joie Slover Mellissa Slover-Athey Hannah Snyder Michelle Soto Harriet Staryk Gyanu St. Hapit Cheryl Stone Curtis Syme Laura Tanner Billy & Eleanor Tennant Nathan Tyson Maria Vasquez Matthew Vegter William Vegter Kenneth & Jeannie Venning Anthony Vernucci Danielle Vieyra Alma Voll Renee Walker Lucy Weber Nicki Wendel Nicholas Whitehouse David Whiteside Seth Wiepking Brad Wilhite Taylor Williams Jennifer Witherington Amanda Yates Kay Yeuell Jennifer Zito Gidget Zook


Corporations & Foundations 84 Lumber Company Binson’s BMO Harris Bank Brown & Brown of Florida, Inc. Centennial Bank-Winter Park Cent er State Bank CenterState Bank Citizens Bank Of Florida CIty of Orlando Parks and Rec Condev Homes Costa Communication Group Costco Cuhachi And Peterson Darden Restaurants Coporates First United Methodist Church Of Winter Park Florida Community Bank Frank Garcia Landscaping Inc Gatorland Grale B Appleby Trust Guardian C R M, Inc. Guardian CRM

Home Depot- Winter Park Insperity Insperity Services Integrated Business Group James T. Barnes Foundation Leaderas Strategic Advantage, Inc. Life At UCF, Learning Institutes For Elders At UCF McKesson Foundation Moss Krusick And Association Olive Garden OUC Pi Kappa Phi- The Ability Experience Publix Charities The Joe Terranova Trust Walt Disney Company Foundation Walt Disney World


Center for Independent Living in Central Florida Inc Board of Directors




Kim Byerly

Cheryl Stone

Members Hector Del Valle • Alexis Kubart • Donna Lendvay • Maxine Moul Charles Polk • Mellissa Slover-Athey

CIL Directors Executive Director Elizabeth Howe

Director of Finance and Operations

Program Director John Hurt

Jason Venning

Contract Services Director

Development Director

Jascinth Lawrence

Margaux Pagán

I needed support at work to explain to my manager why I needed an ASL interpreter for meetings. They did not understand that writing notes to me in English was not working. CIL staff were able to help may manager understand my communication needs and hire affordable interpreter services . – Charles


DFOUFS! GPS Creating Opportunity for Disability Inclusion

Mission CIL, in partnership with the community, promotes inclusion of people with disabilities by eliminating architectural, communication and attitudinal barriers. CIL provides education, resources and training to enhance self-determination through informed choice.

Vision To preserve the dignity and respect of people with disabilities through full access and inclusion into society.

MAIN OFFICE 720 N. Denning Drive, Winter Park, FL 32789 407-623-1070 voice s 877-891-6448 toll-free 407-623-1185 tdd s 407-623-1390 fax LAKELAND OFFICE 500 S. Florida Avenue, Suite 330, Lakeland, FL 33801 863-413-2722 voice s 863-413-2725 fax

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