2018-2019 CIL Annual Report

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Creating Opportunities for Disability Inclusion

2018/201 9 ANN UAL REPORT Yearsof of Service Service in 343Years inCentral CentralFlorida Flori

Creating Opportunities for Disability Inclusion

LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND BOARD CHAIR Dear Friends, What an exciting and impactful year for CIL! We have accomplished much, guided by our vision; “for people with disabilities to have full access in our community”. We are proud of maintaining high standards of integrity and transparency in donor relations, community service, organizational governance and fiscal responsibility. We are operating under our priority areas of concern where inclusion can be measured: Acquire Valuable Employment, Adaptive & Assistive Technology, Access to Home and Community, and the Ability to Self-Advocate. With these areas in mind we have excelled in offering some crucial opportunities to our community by forging critical community partnerships to help in making this happen. •

• • •

2018 -2019 was a banner year for CIL’s Home Accessibility Services that diverted over 234 people from entering more restrictive environments such as nursing homes. CIL successfully transitioned 22 clients out of restrictive environments back into the community and into their own homes Over six thousand people were assisted with referrals and community resources 100% ProjectSEARCH program students who completed the program were successfully integrated into competitive compensated employment

On behalf of the staff and Board of the Center for Independent Living, we want to thank you for your past and current support. We invite you to contact us to learn how we can work together to continue to make our community inclusive by breaking down barriers for people with disabilities. Fluctuating economies make it even more important that we stay focused on helping everyone gain access to society and empowering the next generation to meet the rising needs in our communities. Together, we are positioned to serve even more people in need this year. Please consider helping us reach our full potential in 2019 - 2020.

Elizabeth Howe Executive Director


Mellissa Slover-Athey Board Chair


Our Vision

Our Mission


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Accomplishments At the Center for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc., we’re proud to conclude another year of serving people in our community with disabilities.

Among our accomplishments in 2018-2019:


clients received 104employment counseling

amplified telephones distrubuted to hard-of-hearing clients received home 131 people modifications such as ramps, ADA toilets, grab bars, and roll-in showers


clients received assistive technology

clients received 110 housing services participating in 24 Students High School High Tech program in Polk County



people benefited from tax preparation services transitioned 22fromclientsa nursing facility to home-based care

Since being diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in 2002., Marjorie and Norm have faced an uphill battle that they never saw coming during their 37 years of marriage. Due to declining health conditions related to her COPD, Marjorie had to leave her job and soon became dependent on her walker and oxygen tank. Norm, who suffered a stroke and receives dialysis 3 times a week, is also dependent on his powerchair to get from place to place, and more importantly to and from their home. But growing medical costs and other related financial strains forced them to move from their home of over 20 years to a smaller home that lacks the accessibility that they both so desperately need to live independent lives. Each day, Marjorie and her husband battle their conditions with positive attitudes and strive to make the most of each day, but getting in and out of their home is a dangerous battle that they shouldn’t have to fight alone. CIL, with the support of our donors, provided the Lieberman’s with something more than a new and safe ramp at their home; they were able to provide the freedom that they both needed to live more fulfilling and independent lives. Marjorie and Norm still have daily battles, but because of people that care, they have one less battle and one more reason to appreciate each day.

I found myself just ‘yes-ing’ people on the phone. But now, I know I’ll be able to hear everyone clearly. – Florence Brown, FTRI Client

By Disability 136 42 462 11 148 603

People with cognitive disabilities People with mental disabilities People with physical disabilities People with visual disabilities People with multiple disabilities People with hearing disabilities

By Age

Clients CIL Helped

3 96 73 486 744

People younger than 5 years old People 5 to 19 People 20 to 24 People 25 to 59 People 60 and older

By Gender

IN 2018/201

559 843

Men Women

Other Highlights 

 CIL successfully transitioned 22 clients out of assisted living facilities back into the community and into their own homes  CIL collaborated with Orange County Government to help implement 911 emergency contact number to text for deaf or hard of hearing consumers  CIL provided Disability Sensitivity Training to poll workers at the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office  CIL provided Accessibility Site Reviews for medical offices around the Central Florida area  CIL recognized as recipient of Orlando Business Journal Diversity in Business awards 5 4

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Volunteering By the Numbers FY: 17-18: 243 volunteers FY: 18-19: 313 volunteers % increase: 28.8%

FY 17-18: 2463 hours FY 18-19: 3840 hours % increase 55.9%

We partnered with CIL not only to help monetarily but also with volunteers. We are so excited and privileged to help Miss Andrews break down some of the barriers she has been facing. – Taylor Williams, KMI International

$97,651.20 value of volunteer service hours


Community Events

Celebrating Independence Gala 2019

RAMPAGE Each year, the community comes together across Central Florida and gives a valuable resource; their time and sweat, to help CIL’s Rampage campaign. This year’s annual event brought hundreds of volunteers together to build wheelchair ramps during the fall and spring. These ramps not only help improve the quality of life for the recipients, but also increase their independence and safety.

anks to RAMPAGE Corporate Sponsors: • ABC Prosthetics & Orthotics • First United Methodist Church Of Winter Park • iVenture • KMI International • Orlando Health • Publix • Rotary Club of Casselberry • RS & H Elevate Fund • Siemens • Turner Construction

Volunteer Hours contributed to this years’ RAMPAGE campaign:


CIL’s 4th Annual Celebrating Independence Gala on Friday, June 21st, 2019 in Winter Park, FL at the spectacular Alfond Inn. The annual fundraising event was a celebration for the community, supporters and friends that have an interest in making our community inclusive in these areas; access to valuable employment, adaptive assistive technology, accessible housing, and access to transportation. T he event showcased CIL’s impact, successes of the past year and hopes for the future of continuing to break down barriers for people with disabilities. e event raised $40,000 which funds the crucial program and services CIL provides for those with disabilities throughout 7 counties in Central Florida.

Gala Sponsors:        

CenterState Bank WHILL All-In-Construction Orlando Health

 I

      

Chair the Love Belfor Property Rest oration Wheelchair Vans of FL R Integrated Business Group

CIL Services and Programs Transition/Diversion

Foundations to Freedom

Helps provide increased accessibility and independence, through home modifications and durable medical equipment

Independent Living Skills

Step Ahead

Assists young adults living with disabilities age 16-24 transition from school to adult life

Peer Mentorship

Aspire to Hire


Helps consumers get jobs by teaching job readiness skills & providing supported employment

Information & Referral

Community Inclusion

Helps individuals find and use resources and services appropriate to meeting their goals to live independently 8

Center for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc. FI N A N C IA L S TAT EM E N T: F I S CA L YE AR 2 0 1 8/ 2 01 9



Cash and cash equivalents $58 ,768 I nvestments $ , 1 0 Current Assets (net) 256,867 Other receivables, net allowance Property and Equipment; (net) 284,867

Accounts payable

Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities

Total Liabilities Unrestricted Net Assets Total Assets

Total Liabilities and Net Assets


9 9

$6,889 87 450 46,043 000 349 77,000

123,043 515 132 418,642 541,685

2018/2019 Individual

Judy Albertson Maryann Allen Rebecca Arceneaux Kennie Armstead Denise Auffant Marilyn Austen Harrison Babb Mary Bailey Maxine Bartz Mary Lou Basham Dominic Benevento Herb Bennett Dominic Benvento BeBe Bingen Glenn Bischof Grace Bonner Jewel Bracker Kenneth Bradley Melissa Brodsky Shirley Bruce Glenn Bryan Charlotte Bryant Melissa Brzezinski Edwin Burgos Keri Burns Harriett Cantrell Ronika Carter Sabrina Case Andrew Cass Ardel Cheffer Eddy Chiriboga Cindy Clark Irene Clark Mike Cliburn Beryl Colbourn Vera Collett Gilbert Comeau Kimberly Conte Matt Conte Chris Coonce Diana Cop Linda and Michael Costa

Donors Trina Cothrin Cowles Bill Chris Cuance Daniel Curry Samantha Debell Hector Del Valle Clarissa Detzel Helyn Dick Heather Dirks Tom Dirks Esteves Julia Tennie Fannin Patricia Feverston Michael Fogle Font Ana Timothy Frazier Gerald Fridley Garden Kay Joseph Gardner Jennie Garrick Linda Garvin-Manzonelli Nancy Gavaghan Chikeena George Shelly Germaine Kristi Gomen Rosa Gonzalez Jessica Gonzalez Genoveva Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez Erin Goode Joan Gorman Jean Graham Jimmie Granger Candace Griffin Michelle Hagel Greta Hayward Danielle Head Miesha Hegwood Ulla Held Cleveland Hill Edwin Hoeckendorf Douglas Hoeksema Phil Hoffman Donna Hogan Michelet Holton

Shari Horsey Elizabeth Hotopp Elizabeth Howe Kristine Howland Ora-Monet Hughes Carol Hughes Kalee Humphrey Tiffany Hutchinson Holly Hyman Stephen & Andrea Infantino Barbara Interlicchio Boo Irving Jermia Irving Edward and Diana Isola Armon & Candace Jadidian Nadia Jafir Vendela Johnson Melisa Johnson Tee Johnson Melisa Johnson Wayne Kalish Ronnie Kelapine Robert Kinsch Kathleen Kirby Roberta Klusmeier Melissa Knight Annette Knopp Martha Knowles Renee Kumar Luana Kutz Barbara Labiak Daniel Lacich Matt Lallathin Kinsey Lallathin Scott Lara Leslie Lavery Jascinth Lawrence Tommie Lawson Charlotte Leavitt Thomas Leavitt Jennifer Lebron Kevin Lindeman Marie- Jo Lindquist Joan Ellen Listowski Catherine Lopez Alfonso Lopez Mary Lynch Suzanne Lynch Zenia Mackey


Tamara Mackroy Anne Maley Judy Mamos Kamal Mangal John Manning Summer Manning Sandra Marshall Lynette Maynard Louise Mazzioll Carolyn McCreery Mary Ann McCunn Bryar Mcdonald Tywanna McGee Cynthia McLaughlin Cassidy McManus Charles McNulty Faye Merritt Van Messer Jim Moody Malinda Muncy Cindy Muncy-Rowe Betty Muscarella Amy Myers Andrew Myers John Nasby Chris Nelson TN Nguyen Cindi Niemann Pamela Nunn C. Stuart O'Hara Neil and Joan Okun Edward O'Neil Tope Oshodi Heather Packard Stevey Panton William Parker Brittany Pilcher Gary Pilcher Bryan Pilcher Sherri Poling Joanne Poretti Brendan Poscarella Sandra and Pat Adams Powers Joanne Prochet Yvette Pue Quilters of Lakeland, Inc. Zaida Ramirez Rhea Rein Kamille Richards Jenny Rivera Ozem Rivera Shelby Roberts Elizabeth Roberts Mary Robertson Ruth Roche

Mildred Roldan Rebecca Rose Charles Roux Maxine Ruddock John Sala Erin Scholes Michael Schwartz Rick Scott Gregory Seidel Gloria Shuster Barry Siebert Dixie Slater Mellissa Slover-Athey Cheryl Stone Logan Suarez Kevin Suarez Joseph Tanghae Eleanor Tennant Marilyn Terborg Joseph Terranova The Armstrong Family Trust Rick Thomas Carol Thomas Patricia Tighe Jack Titen Michelle Torres Sonia Torres Adriane Trautman Becky Trautman Kasheem Traylor Rachel Trice Linda Trimble Melissa Vander Vennet Jessica Varda Argelis Vasquez Saturnino Vazquez Ileah Vazquez Lauren Vergamini Danny Vernetti James Volk William Wagner Robert Walker Kevin Walker Timothy Wata Barbara Welch Michael Welch

Tiara Welch Douglas White David Whiteside Joseph Williams Chasity Williams Taylor Williams Alonzo Williams Art Wilsten Kay Yeuell


Corporations/Foundations AIT Worldwide Logistics Altrusa International, Inc. Of Orlando-Winter Park Amazon Smile Foundation Biz Buzz DaVita Disney Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation- Richard J. Conlee Fund Functional Independence Training Corp "F.I.T" George W. Jenkins Fund within the GiveWell Community Foundation Harper Family Foundation Knights of Columbus #12402 KMI Lucky's Market Millennium International Textile Network for Good Rotary Club Of Winter Park Sorenson Target The Able Trust The Boyd Foundation The Heart of Florida Civitan Club The Joe & Sarah Galloway Foundation The Lee Foundation United Way Workplace Giving Walmart


Board of Directors Officers: Mellissa Slover- Athey


Maxine Moul

Vice Chair

Steve Beres


Cheryl Stone


Kim Byerly

Past Chair

Members: Christopher Pruitt

Kyle Len

Christopher Nelson

Dr. Maxine Ruddock Michelle Blake

Jim Moody Tamara Mackroy



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