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Center for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc.

720 N Denning Drive • Winter Park, FL 32789 • www.cilorlando.org • 407-623-1070

How You Can Go On A RAMPAGE With Us ADOPT A RAMP Your commitment to adopt a ramp will allow your organization to be involved in every aspect of the ramp’s construction. From sourcing the materials to having the opportunity to construct the ramp itself. A plaque with your company name will be placed on the ramp after construction is completed. Construction Planners on a RAMPAGE build site


Ramp plans donated by Cuhaci and Peterson Architects and Engineers

Pro bono services such as signed architectural drawings, site surveys, or other specialized services that aid in the development of construction plans, drawings, and compliance for the construction of ramps. Pro bono supporters will receive a certificate of recognition, logo placement on CIL’s website, and will be included in media press releases related to RAMPAGE.

SPONSOR THE RAMPAGE Sponsoring a ramp provides the financial support critical for the acquisition of materials and the resources needed for the construction of life-changing ramps. A variety of levels of sponsorships are available, each with their own perks and rewards.

RAMPAGE sponsors visit a ramp recipient

Center for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc. 720 N Denning Drive • Winter Park, FL 32789 • www.cilorlando.org • 407-623-1070

Center for Independent Living in Central Florida Brittany Pilcher Development Director 720 N. Denning Drive Winter Park, FL 32789 407-623-1070 x131 bpilcher@cilorlando.org

When someone living with a disability is trapped in their home and dependent on others, our entire community is impacted. RAMPAGE transforms the lives of individuals with disabilities who are incapable of leaving their own homes without the help of others and allows them the opportunity to access their community. Since 2005, The CIL team, sponsors, donors, and volunteers have worked together to provide life-changing home modifications to create an accessible environment for individuals with disabilities and their families. With over 100 ramps built by the hands of over a thousand volunteers, w e s e e k t o c o n t i n u e m a k i n g a hands-on impact across Central Florida with RAMPAGE. This year CIL challenges you to join the RAMPAGE in our community and help bring independence to many more individuals and families.


Go on a RAMPAGE with us



• T-shirts for your team • Commemorative plaque on ramp • Featured company logo online • Spotlight in CIL Newsletter/Social Media • Media story pitch to news outlets • Special consumer meet and greet • Video documentary of ramp build



• T-shirts for your team • Certificate of gratitude • Featured company logo online • Spotlight in CIL Newsletter • Media story pitch to news outlets





• T-shirts for your team • Certificate of gratitude • Featured company logo online • Spotlight in CIL Newsletter

• T-shirts for your team • Certificate of gratitude • Featured company logo online



• T-shirts for your team • Certificate of gratitude All levels include recognition in annual report


Karen Norton RAMPAGE Candidate Karen Norton devoted 13 years of her life to the United States Navy. To Karen, the Navy was more than a job, it was a passion. One morning while she was driving for her job, her vehicle was struck and Karen was hospitalized. She learned that that her shoulder had been shattered and she would lose much of her mobility. But more dire were the doctor’s diagnoses of the early stages of fibromyalgia. She was given no choice but to retire from the military. She spent several years after working as a legal assistant in New York City, however she found her job unfulfilling and eventually moved to Florida to live with her sister.

she could not access it.

As someone who was used to living independently, Karen found living with her sister very difficult and eventually purchased her own home. Soon after however, she began finding it very difficult to navigate the stairs at the front of her home. the Veterans Administration had given her a scooter to get around, however her inability to get in and out of her house meant the scooter could only be outside, where Karen is unable to participate in her community or to event go to the store without help. She has caregivers who come to visit her and tend to her needs, but Karen doesn’t want to rely on others for her independence. Karen dreams of having the simple freedom to leave her home on her own terms to be able to visit the store and buy milk. Today Karen lives with her cat, Violet, and waits for the day she’ll have the freedom to live her life again.

Fred Johnson Husband of Sylvia Johnson - RAMPAGE Candidate

Fred Johnson has been married to his wife Sylvia for 59 years and next year they will celebrate their 60th anniversary. During their marriage, Fred served in the United States Air Force as a radar technician and worked as an engineer for Martin Marietta. His wife Sylvia spent her days driving buses transporting children with disabilities to school. During their marriage they had 6 children and 11 grandchildren. Two of Fred and Sylvia’s adult children currently live with them as caregivers after losing their own jobs and eventually their homes. Things were relatively stable in their lives until June of 2016, when Sylvia’s legs gave out from under her and she fell while walking in her home. She fell several more times until finally in September she fell again while taking a shower and was forced to go to the hospital. She was diagnosed with heart disease and told that her heart was functioning at 20% of it’s capacity.After having an operation to improve her heart condition she was required to undergo rehabilitation in order to walk again. When the doctors asked her what accommodations she had to allow her to access her home she told them the truth: none. The steps to Fred and Sylvia’s home now are more than a barrier to simply entering or leaving their home, they prevent her from returning home at all. One of Fred’s sons learned about CIL and encouraged Fred to reach out and be placed on the waiting list to receive ramp. However, until they receive a ramp to help Sylvia access their home, doctors may never discharge her from the rehabilitation center. Fred, having had quadruple heart bypass surgery himself, has been unable to make the trip to visit her. They hope to receive a ramp as part of the 2017 RAMPAGE and with that, he hopes to be able to see his wife again soon to celebrate their 60th anniversary together.

Center for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc. 720 N Denning Drive • Winter Park, FL 32789 • www.cilorlando.org • 407-623-1070


Creating opportunity for disability inclusion by removing architectural, communication, and attitudinal barriers to inclusion.


CIL’s Foundations to Freedom helps provide increased accessibility for people with disabilities. Through customized home modifications, amplified telephones and support services we are able to improve safety, access, and independence; ensuring people with disabilities return successfully from nursing homes or remain in their homes. Foundations to Freedom leverages relationships and shared resources of various community based organizations and businesses to help meet this need.


Services include • Custom installations of wheelchair ramps • Grab bars • Widening of interior doorways • Distribution of amplified telephones Counseling and planning services facilitate transitions from assisted living or nursing homes back to private residences. We also provide used durable medical equipment through our donated equipment service.


STEP AHEAD YOUTH TRANSITION PROGRAM StepAhead addresses the needs of teens and young adults with disabilities, ages 14 through 25 and successfully transitions them in to adult roles. Young adults with disabilities have a higher risk of unemployment than their peers once they transition out of the public school system. StepAhead seeks to level the playing field by providing training, supports, employment connections, and post- SKILLS TRAINING secondary education opportunities in addition to exposure to and an understanding of the community in which they live. StepAhead offers a mix of community based activities and classroom instruction aimed at improving pre-employment and independent living skills for life-long success.



Disability should never be a barrier to having a meaningful job. Aspire to Hire assists candidates identify and leverage their unique abilities to ďŹ nd and maintain inclusive, competitive, and meaningful employment. Job seekers receive assistance in identifying employment goals, gain job readiness skills, understand ADA rights and responsibilities, explore job search strategies, and provide referrals to needed supports services. Employment specialist actively recruits employers to secure job leads and develop job opportunities for our clients. After job placement employment specialists provide job coaching and ongoing support to address concerns on the job and ensure the best employment outcomes for both employees and employers.




DEAF VOICE ADVOCACY PROGRAM CIL helps to empower those who are Deaf to access information needed to make informed choices and gain a better understanding of the resources and opportunities available to them in the community. DeafVoice offers a broad range of services devoted to helping deaf individuals communicate effectively and better navigate the hearing world Services include • Citizenship education • Driver’s license training • Tax preparation assistance • Employment services • School-to-work transition • Communication assistance • Advocacy • Workshops • Other independent living services





WINTER PARK 720 N Denning Drive Winter Park, FL 32789

LAKELAND 5125 S Lakeland Drive, Suite 4 Lakeland, FL 33814

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