Access Quarterly In this issue:
Feature: victory cup initiative 2020 Celebrating Independence Gala free tax preparation services Disability sensitivity training Rampage 2020 Coronavirus Safety
Spring | 2020
In this Issue 02 gala 03 Victory cup 04
free tax preparation
Disability sensitivity training rampage with rs&h
06 07
Coronavirus Safety
Upcoming Events 2020 Celebrating Independence Gala
Celebrating Gala
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A STORY OF VICTORY AND HOPE CIL participates in nonprofit competition by Melissa Perez
he Victory Cup Initiative is a chance for eleven Central Florida nonprofits to tell their stories, build their strategies, and work with other community leaders to make a difference in Central Florida. Each nonprofit is given a chance to tell their story as an organization in front of the audience, which consisted of 500 community members, corporate sponsors, supporters, and philanthropists, who would decide who would win first, second, and third place through mobile voting. The initiative started as just an idea by a woman named Ashley Vann, just over five years ago.The premise was rooted in Ashley’s deep passion for uniting donors with the causes that they care about, while also offering exposure to other nonprofits for potential partners, donors, and advocates. Within its first five years, the Victory Cup Initiative has been able to connect thousands of Central Florida’s business leaders with over 50 nonprofits. After applying for three years to be a selected finalist for the initiative, CIL was finally selected to participate in the 2020 Victory Cup. The rules of the initiative were clear in that only one person could be chosen to speak in front of over 500 people, a difficult choice to be made. Ultimately, we selected Chris Pruitt to represent our mission, our goal, our work, and our purpose. Chris is an active board member and disability rights advocate; his passion for creating a community of inclusion and equality made him the perfect person to not only inform the audience of the work of CIL, but also the perfect person to share his own unique story and his journey to a life of independence. The most intimidating rule to the victory cup is that the speaker must not exceed two minutes and thirty seconds in telling their story. Chris spoke about how in 2014 he broke his neck, which had left him paralyzed and as he described it “a prisoner in my own body”. He spoke about the reality that many Access Quarterly | 3
other persons with disabilites face when they come home and find the place that was once built around their comfortability is now a fortress of barriers. As Chris came to reconnect with his community through volunteering, he eventually stumbled upon CIL.The volunteer work he was doing gave him a sense of purpose and “made [his] life seem worth living again” The path to the Victory Cup for CIL began months before the event, and although we had an idea of how they wanted to present and share our story as an organization, the storytelling workshop, provided by the Victory Cup, gave much clarity on how to proceed and how to craft our unique story. The workshop, held at the start of 2020, was led by Alice Fairfax, a published author and actor who has received her BA from Rollins and a certificate in innovation and creativity from Walt Disney and Harvard. She gave guidance and tips to how each organization can successfully tell their own story. The hard work put into Chris’ speech paid off, as CIL was awarded 3rd place and a $10,000-dollar prize. Second place prize of $15,000 dollars was awarded to Support Our Scholars, a nonprofit that provides mentoring and financial support to young college women in need of financial support. First place, and an award of $20,000 dollars, was bestowed to The Lifeboat Project, an organization that raises awareness on human trafficking and empowers the lives of survivors through housing and education. Fourth through eleventh place also received $2,500 dollars. To see Chris’ Victory Cup speech, check out CIL’s official Youtube page @CILOrlando.
Making tax season easier
One SIGN at a time.
t’s that time of year that everyone dreads and is determined to procrastonate on... tax season! Fortunately, CIL is offering a free tax preparation service for consumers to make this daunting and sometimes confusing task simple! Starting Februrary 3 and until April 14, consumers who meet qualifications can schedule an appointment to get their tax returns filed by an IRS certified tax preparer, Martha! This resource offers people who are Deaf the ability to efficiently and pleasantly go through the process with a knowledgable person who is also Deaf and uses American Sign Language. To make an appointment text 407-928-9239 (text only) or email
Tax filer, Martha, helping two CIL consumers fil taxes.
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Disability Inclusion at the Polls
Creating a more informed community about disabilites by Chance Morrow
ith Florida’s presidential primary on March 17, CIL has partnered with Orange County Supervisor of Elections to inform and educate upcoming poll workers on the best and proper ways to interact and communicate with all types of voters- especially voters who have disabilities. The trainings started on and concluded on March 11. “We are so excited and thankful for Bill Cowles and the Orange County Supervisor of Elections office once again inviting CIL back to not only educate, but also work to break down unhelpful myths and misinformation about individuals who have disabilities. Our goal is simply to educate our community about the disability community,” said Elizabeth Howe, Executive Director of CIL. The training, presented by various CIL staff members, addresses various topics concerning different types of disabilities, disability awareness, as well as appropriate and proper language to use. This training and information proves to be extremely relevant in Orange County where over 1,349,000 people call it home, and of those people there are approximately 176,456 people who have a disability of some sort. While this training is mandated through a Florida Statute, Title IX, Section 102.014, this information proves to be beneficial to those who are not educated in disability sensitivity.
Marketing & Public Relations Manager, Chance Morrow, presents on Inclusive and People First Language to Poll Workers in training.
We are very grateful for the partnership we have with the Center for Independent Living.
- Bill Cowles, Orange County Supervisor of Elections
“Not only was CIL willing to help with training our staff, they also agreed to conduct the training prior to each poll worker training classes each election cycle since becoming law. I truly believe that our poll workers get more out of them presenting the topic than from our staff. I remember one of our Poll Clerks telling me after a presentation that it was very helpful not only when helping voters, but for assisting her aging mother as well. We are very grateful for the partnership we have with the Center for Independent Living. Access Quarterly | 5
Meet Celia, Celia Henry’s life dramatically changed 5 years ago after a car accident left her with cervical and lumbar stenosis at the age of 65. She relies on both her wheelchair and cane to get around the house, along with the help of Dana, her best friend, who helps her with most of her needs, like cooking, cleaning, transportation, and other day to day tasks. Although most of her house is accessible, Celia’s front steps made it difficult for her to enter and exit her home safely and easily. Most of the time, Celia was confined to her home unless Dana carried both Celia and her wheelchair up and down the stairs, a tiring challenge to say the least. Celia recalls, “Getting outside before getting the ramp was horrible.” At one point, Dana needed help from emergency services after some trouble getting Celia down the front steps. In late September of 2019 Celia was ready to gain back her independence, and that’s when she reached out to CIL to make her home more accessible. By late January of 2020, CIL began setting dates for her ramp installation. Celia was beyond excited, and she even mentioned that she wanted to get her hair and nails done for the one of a kind occasion, making sure her first time down the ramp would be a memorable one. When Celia wheeled up to the front door to go on her daily walk on a beautiful, sunny day, she was shocked to see the ramp done. “I didn’t expect to see it finished; the whole thing was a surprise.” Thanks to the efforts of staff and volunteers from RS & H, an architecture, engineering, and consulting firm, Celia will get in more of her afternoon walks that she enjoys so much. She has regained a sense of independence through the help of CIL, and she and her loved ones can rest easier knowing that Celia is living a more independent life. Celia remarked on her experience with CIL, “This has been an adventure of a different kind. I think it’s beautiful; it really is.”
w nd ne as a p h m ew ra at RS&H n r e h th loves endence her. a i l e C indep d to give f o e sens helpe
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Staying Healthy & Informed
Tips and information to help you during this unfortunate time
Help fight the spread of Coronavirus! Practice social distancing!
Social distancing is an effective tool to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Stay home if you are able. When you leave your house, practice social distancing. Avoid groups and maintain a distance of 6 feet from others, when possible. This is imporant to protect yourself and others around you. The virus can spread even without symptoms.
For more updated information about the Coronavirus and additional tips to keep yourself and loved ones safe, please visit The World Health Organization and the CDC online. Access Quarterly | 7
our mission CIL, in partnership with the community, promotes inclusion of people with disabilities by eliminating architectural, communication and attitudinal barriers. CIL provides education, resources and training to enhance self-determination through informed choice.
our board Chair Mellissa Slover-Athey Past Chair Kim Byerly Vice Chair Maxine Moul Secretary Cheryl Stone Treasurer Steve Beres
Michelle Blake Hector Del Valle, MSW Kyle Len Tamara Mackroy James “Jim” Moody Christopher Nelson Christopher Pruitt Dr. Maxine Ruddock
Stay social with CIL!
720 N Denning Dr. | Winter Park, FL 32789 • 407-623-1070 •