CIM Industry Partnership

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Industry Partnership

A Trusted Partner

CIM answers the challenges that face the industry:

• ESG & Decarbonization

• Diversity & Inclusion

• Public Perception

• Information Sharing

• Industry Standards

• Essential Resources

• Collaboration

“CIM gave me an opportunity to learn from the best. It gave me an opportunity to collaborate, and that collaboration and that togetherness has made us a key factor on the Canadian and international mining scene."
- Gord WinkelChair, David and Joan Lynch School of Engineering Safety and Risk Management, University of Alberta

Key Industry Issues

How CIM is responding


Today's investors and communities demand stewardship, oversight and transparency in the drive to cut carbon emissions, manage tailings, and engage local communities and stakeholders.

• Decarbonization

• Tailings Management

• Indigenous Relations

• Water

• Clean Technologies

• Reclamation


Leadership in shared industry challenges

CIM is a leader in the promotion of sustainable mining practices. CIM drives thought leadership for innovation and advancement in clean technologies.

"Brand Canada: Our Critical Advantage"

CIM's annual convention features extensive presentations, discussions and technical sessions that encourage collaboration to address the challenges facing the local, regional, national and global industry.

CIM CONNECT 2024: Collaboration with Global Organizations: CIM ESRS Working Groups: Commitment

The CIM Environment and Social Responsibility Society organizes its work around five industry concerns: Mine solids management; tailings water management; air quality; environment & social responsibility; Indigenous affairs​.

Global Action on Tailings​.

Member of ICMM

CIM’s Environmental and Social Responsibility Society, Health & Safety Society, and Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee are dedicated to issues of ESG.

Towards Net-Zero webinars; Symposium on Mines and the Environment; technical presentations, resources and case studies in decarbonization​.

ESG Guidelines for Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimation (approved by CIM Council in September 2023).

Decarbonization & Critical Minerals

Ambitious targets to decarbonize the economy has brought the need for critical minerals like copper, nickel, and lithium into sharp focus.

• Guidelines

• Resources

• Engagement

• Knowledge

• Insight

A generational opportunity

Canada has an enormous opportunity to meet carbon emission reduction objectives both within operations and throughout the global economy. CIM has the resources and community to help achieve these goals.


• Resource and Reserve Estimation for Lithium Brines – Currently under review.

• CIM Environmental, Social and Governance Guidelines for Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimation – Published

• CIM Industrial Minerals Leading Practice Guidelines – Published

• 5 more guidelines are currently moving through the drafting stage


The CIM Metallurgy and Materials Society hosts the annual Conference of Metallurgists, offering discussions on issues critical to the science and engineering of metallurgy and materials, along with nine technical symposia. The theme this year is Clean Technologies for a Materials-Intensive Future.


May 2024 saw the return of CIM CONNECT – CIM's annual convention and expo featuring 200+ technical presentations, 500+ exhibiting companies and social and networking events. The theme was Brand Canada: Our Critical Advantage.


500+ CIM Academy and Knowledge Exchange webinars foster collaboration, learning and innovation within the CIM community and beyond.


CIM Magazine focuses on case studies, evolving practices and innovations in the industry as it targets Net-Zero emissions by 2050.


"Future of photovoltaic materials with emphasis on resource availability, economic geology, criticality, and market size/growth" - 2024 winner of the Barlow Medal for Best Geological Paper, published in CIM Journal and focused on energy transition minerals.

An Inclusive Industry

Through our technical societies, branches, committees, events, publications and media platforms, CIM is helping to move the dial on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion.

• Diversity & Inclusion

• Communication & Indigenous Relations

Leadership in diversity and inclusion

Hiring Neurodiverse Candidates (Pilot


The "Neurodiversity in Mining" pilot program is meant to demonstrate and inspire the mining industry to expand their hiring practices and incorporate neurodiverse candidates into our workforces.

Diversity & Inclusion:

CIM’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee (DIAC) is working to encourage diversity and inclusion within CIM and the mining industry at large by hosting monthly webinars and conference programs and by leading various working groups such as: Indigenous Relations, Women, 2SLGBTQ+, “Neurodiversity in Mining” Initiative.

Leading with Empathy:

CIM's mentorship program and knowledge sharing platforms support empathy and understanding as core values among industry professionals.


CIM Indigenous Partnership Award presented in 2024.

The CIM Indigenous Partnership Award recognizes community and industry working together to deliver an initiative, program or agreement that demonstrates significant, ongoing contributions to the advancement of Indigenous reconciliation in the mining sector. This award honours exceptional, sustainable collaborations with, and within, Indigenous communities.

CIM Initiatives

Guidelines and Leading Practices

• Guidelines

• Environment, Social, Governance

• Mineral Exploration

• Commodity Pricing

• Reasonable Prospects for Economic Extraction

• Mineral Processing

• Estimation of Mineral Resources and Reserves

- Placer Deposits

- Lithium Brine

- Coal

- Industrial Minerals

- Potash

- Lateritic Deposits

- Rock-hosted Diamonds

- Uranium

Essential Resources

• The CIMVAL Code for the Valuation of Mineral Properties

• CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources & Mineral Reserves

Industry Standards

Canadian and Global Leadership

• CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves are the current Canadian reporting standards for mineral resources and mineral reserves; the Canadian Stock Exchange requirement for disclosure on mineral properties.

• Internationally, CIM is actively aligning standards and eliminating duplication through its work on the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards and the Global Mineral Professional Alliance.

• CIM standards, best practices and guidelines foster greater standardization of reporting within the public domain here in Canada under NI 43-101.

• The CIM Standards, Leading Practices and Guidelines Directorate (SLPGD) is currently drafting the Cost Estimation Guidelines, which will serve as a "how to" on effectively managing cost estimating activities involved in mineral projects.

Informed Insight

Recognition: CIM Magazine has been recognized multiple times for its editorial including receiving a gold award from Trade Association Business Publications International for the climate journalism of the magazine's "Net Zero Challenge" series.

Technical Expertise Reduces Risk

CIM is the trusted leader in creating, curating and sharing leadingedge knowledge content and advancing the level and quality of technical and industry knowledge.

Award-winning Publications: Career Development:

CIM Magazine; CIM Journal; OneMine; CIM Technical Paper Library.

CIM Academy online platform, Knowledge Exchange webinars; NI 43-101 and Mining 101 short courses. Distinguished Lecturer Series.

World-class Conferences & Tradeshows:

Capital Projects; Mining 4.0; Maintenance, Engineering & Reliability/Mine Operators; CIM CONNECT


There is an urgent need to attract, retain and grow talent and make our industry representative of the people we serve.

• Diversity & Inclusion

• Community & Indigenous Relations

• Health & Safety

• Professional Development

• Mentorship

Grow Talent

CIM Initiatives

Education & Training:

Webinars, technical presentations and short courses​.

Future Workforce:

Canadian Mining Schools Committee addressing curriculum development; CIM Mentorship Program; Partnership with Canadian Mining Games; partnering with MiHR and PDAC on the annual, virtual job fair

Championing Health & Safety: Diversity & Inclusion:

Pan-Canadian initiatives through CIM Health & Safety Society.

Webinars and workshops on neurodiversity, Indigenous and community relations​.

Recognizing Excellence: NEW Mentorship Program:

Prestigious awards for diversity and inclusion, young leaders, safety, contribution to the industry.

The CIM Mentorship Program is an opportunity to guide the next generation, become a better leader, refine skills and build networks.


Collaboration is at the core of our purpose.

CIM is a catalyst for connectivity.

Trusted Industry Voice

CIM is the only national body that represents the full minerals lifecycle.

CIM is uniquely equipped to address pressing industry issues.

CIM has a non-commercial, vested interest in enabling and supporting Canada's minerals industry in its role as a global leader in sustainable and responsible practices at home and around the globe. We do not have a lobbying function or represent any company’s interests, but rather those of the overall industry.

• Technical Societies

• Branches

• Committees

• Student Chapters

• Publications, Technical Resources and Media

• Technical Programming

• Professional Development

Public Perception

Improving the awareness of the essential contribution mining makes to society is imperative​.

• Socio-economic Benefits

• Advancements in Sustainability

• Careers in Minerals Industry

• Contribution Towards Net-Zero Future

Improve The Awareness

CIM Initiatives

Public Education: Community Outreach:

CIM Foundation educational mineral cards program.

CIM teacher’s mine tours experiences; Branch engagement activities with their local communities​.

Careers in Mining: NEW Mine Evolution:

Build the ultimate modern mine to unlock our green future: an online educational game demonstrating the valuable contributions the minerals industry makes in society and our commitment to sustainable practices.

Online now, designed for students ages 7 to 17, but fun for all

Annual Virtual Job Fair in collaboration with PDAC and MiHR.
CIM Job Board

Partnership Opportunity

Achieving sustainable prosperity through partnership

Together we can achieve more! We have the tools, the reach and the people to address pressing industry issues. Through partnership, we can accelerate positive change.
- CIM -

The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, leading not-for-profit technical society of professionals in the Canadian minerals, metals, materials and energy industries.

Why Partner?

Exclusive choices for booth space at the CIM CONNECT Convention + Expo. Your company highlighted in the annual report. Listed in the corporate member directory. Celebrated on social media. Access to leading edge knowledge and innovations through our CIM technical paper library, CIM Magazine, CIM Journal and during our renowned conference.​ This is an opportunity for your company to share expertise, be heard and get noticed in the mining industry locally and globally leading-edge.

• Be recognized (locally, nationally and globally on industry challenges, innovation and community outreach)

• Be informed (the exchange of information, adoption of best practices and development of your workforce)

• Be connected (technical capability, professional networks, your future workforce and brand visibility)

▪ CIM Health & Safety Conference

▪ October 6 – 8, Toronto 2024


▪ October 16 – 18, Vancouver 2024


▪ November 3 – 5, Toronto 2024


▪ May 4 – 7, Montreal 2025

Forging a responsible future together.

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