Your North Star to continuing professional development

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Your North Star to continuing professional development. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) helps you stay relevant and successful in this landscape of change

Why continuing professional development? XXBoost your professional competence. XXEnhance your employability and open up new career opportunities. XXBuild a network of peers. XXGrow personally and professionally. XXDevelop a mindset fit for the digital age. Here are some more reasons to undertake CPD.

Your North Star to continuing professional development.

What counts? Any activity that helps you develop your knowledge and skills will count as CPD. XXWork-based learning XXProject work XXCoaching and mentoring/being coached/mentored XXAcademic and professional qualifications XXInternal and external training courses XXConferences and events XXLocal CIMA events XXReading technical reports and journals XXOnline learning XXResearch

Your North Star to continuing professional development.

How do I pursue continuing professional development? Choosing your CPD activities depends on your needs and goals. To help structure your development you should work through the CPD cycle at least once a year. 1) Define current and desired roles recognising expectations of employers and others. 2) Assess skill gaps using the CGMAÂŽ Competency Framework. 3) & 4) Design and Act on your development needs by undertaking learning activities. 5) Reflect upon and document the outcome of each activity. 6) Evaluate your progress against the set objectives. You can carry forward any outstanding objectives to the next cycle.

Use the Competency and Learning website to track your development and needs. If selected for CPD monitoring, you will be required to submit your record.

Your North Star to continuing professional development.

When should I start? There is no better time than now. Here’s how to plan your CPD journey. XXStart planning and recording your CPD soon after you are a CIMA member. XXKeep on learning and record your activities on the Competency and Learning website. XXIf selected for monitoring, submit your 12-month’s CPD record or provide confirmation that you work for an accredited employer.

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