Production Director Simon White 01795 509105
Marketing Director Tony Field 0788578772
Senior Account Manager
Shaun Phillips 01795 509105
Editorial Assistant Jenna Burridge 01795 509105
Circulation Manager Jake Lambeth
WELCOME TO ENGINEERING UPDATE Engineering Update is a journal, providing advice and solutions for management and technical challenges encountered by Managers, process and control Engineers. An in-depth and innovative guide to the most state-of-the-art products and advanced technologies in the business. With Readers worldwide, our subscription based distribution consists of – All UK’ s major manufacturing units. Process Engineers,Instrumentation Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Plant Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Environmental Engineers, PrecisionEngiPrecisionEngi neers & General Engineers. Companies and Organizations in the Food, Dairy, Beverage, Brewing, Semiconductor,Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Chemical, Oil & Gas sectors. With a circulation of 12,000 printed copies and 32,000 digital copies emailed out internationally. The journal is reader focused, with relevant and interesting editorial to inform and educate on the latest management techniques,products, solutions and services. A4 glossy, the journal will be great to read and hold with advertising being placed next to relevant and thought provoking editorial, with no more than 50% advertising.