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Allergy season: how to spot symptoms
Allergy season is here, and pet experts are warning owners to be vigilant of the potential allergies that their furry friends may experience.
Seasonal allergies are a common risk to pets. Studies show 15% of dogs suffer from them, whilst cats are also particularly prone, especially if they spend a lot of time outside.
Typically, trees, grass, and weeds are the main cause of allergies in spring, as these release pollen into the air, causing some animals to develop an irritation to the airborne particles.
From biting their skin to backward sneezing, pet experts at Trusted Housesitters have shared five ways to spot if your pet has seasonal allergies and how you can treat this.

1. They are scratching and biting their skin
That they have itchy skin around their chest, paw, or armpit. If left untreated this can lead to them biting their skin causing severe discomfort, infected sores, and scabs. Your pet may also drag its face or body across carpeting or rough surfaces to gain some relief from the itching.
2. They have bald patches
Hair loss in cats is just one symptom of a skin condition or seasonal allergy. Consulting with your veterinarian is the best way to confirm which one this may be. This can also affect your other furry pets, so keep an eye on any bald spots under their legs, between the toes, on their sides and belly.
3. They’re sneezing backwards
Change of weather can cause dogs to sneeze. However, they actually ‘reverse sneeze.’ One of the reasons this happens is when a muscle spasm in the back of the throat occurs due to pollen. Occasional episodes of reverse sneezing are normal and aren’t dangerous, however, if you notice your furry friend is experiencing this consistently, then it’s best to consult a veterinarian.
4. Watery eyes
This can occur not only in cats and dogs but other pets such as rabbits. If you notice they have watery ocular discharge accompanied by inflammation, or see them squint, then most likely they have an ‘allergic conjunctivitis’. This can be easily treated by simply flushing the eyes with sterile saline once or twice a day.
5. They are shaking their heads
This is a natural reflex that helps them to remove the allergen from their face and eyes and relieve them from discomfort. However, if you notice this is done frequently and excessively, then it’s essential to be aware that they may have an ear infection or significant inflammation and discharge, which should be seen by a professional as soon as possible.
For more information, visit the TrustedHousesitters blog at https:// www.trustedhousesitters.com/blog/ search/?q=allergy