Tgm june • july 2013

Page 1 JUNE/JULY 2013

Product focus Which clippers suit you?

Step by step

Something in the water

The cavichon

Increasing your revenue

A look at hydrotherapy

How to

Why you should charge by the hour

pamper a puppy A champion groomer on a dog’s first visit to the salon

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might be slightly biased but, as ever, our contributors have done us proud in this edition. Adam Gibbins, who runs a combined salon and hydrotherapy centre in Chiswick, has written about the benefits of hydrotherapy on page 50. Champion groomer and judge Colin Taylor offers some top tips on how to introduce puppies to the salon and there’s plenty of other advice too from how to extend the life of your tools to choosing the right insurance. The Pet Industry Federation introduce what it is doing on regulating the industry and the English Groomer’s Group talk about another hot topic – pricing! Something which groomer Nichola Smith Moore has advice on too. Read her suggestions on pages 24-26. Husband and wife team Martin and Myra Bannatyne of Adorable Dogs tell us about their business in Paws for Thought on page 4. If you’d like to feature on this page in a future edition, do get in touch. I hope you enjoy your latest copy of Total Grooming magazine!


24 Pricing – make the change and increase your revenue

Amy Woodland on the cover: Lokotah, courtesy of Vikki Griffiths

04 Paws for thought Our regular business profile

06 Conditioning more than just the coat Tracy McCrindle on behavioural conditioning

10 A day in the life Lesley Garratt describes a typical day in the life of a groomer

14 How to extend the life of your equipment Gill East on making the most of the tools of the trade

18 Getting the right business insurance Cover options for grooming businesses explained by an expert

20 the introductory puppy bath Introducing puppies to the salon by champion groomer Colin Taylor

Should you charge by the hour asks Nichola Smith Moore?

28 the Pet trim A step-by-step guide

36 Health and hygiene for the groomer Dana Grant explains the importance of a clean salon


Design and Production

Amy Woodland –

Grant Waters – James Taylor – T: 01795 509108

Publication Manager Mike Smith – T: 01795 509110 F: 01795 591065

Credit Facilities Manager

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Paula Smith – T: 01795 509107

John Denning –

Vickie Crawford – T: 01795 509103

something 50 There’s in the water 40 there’s something fishy going on in pet nutrition The benefits of a fish-based diet according to Angela Baker

46 Clipper product focus A look at the clippers on the market

50 there’s something in the water Adam Gibbins on the benefits of hydrotherapy

56 the Pet Industry Federation The latest news from PIF on regulation

58 english Groomers Group Melanie Winters-Holmes introduces news and views from EGG

64 Reader’s pics Your dogs, your photographs © 2013 CIM Online Limited, The Goods Shed, Jubilee Way, Whitstable Road, Faversham, Kent ME13 8GD. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form – electronic, mechanical or physical – without express prior permission and written consent of the publisher. Contributions are invited and when not accepted will be returned only if accompanied by a fully stamped and addressed envelope. Manuscripts should be type written. No responsibility can be taken for drawings, photographs or literary contributions during transmission or in the editor’s hands. In the absence of an agreement the copyright of all contributions, literary, photographic or artistic, belongs to CIM Online Limited. The publisher accepts no responsibility in respect of advertisements appearing in the magazine and the opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Publisher. The Publisher cannot accept liability for any loss arising from the late appearance or non publication of any advertisement.

Total Grooming Magazine | 3

Paws for thought... In each edition of Total Grooming we ask one business owner to pause for thought and share the story behind their business. In this issue Martin and Myra Bannatyne tell us about Adorable Dogs in West Lothian.. Why dog grooming? It’s a long story but when we got our first dog together over 23 years ago, a Westie, we put him in a grooming salon and when Myra went to pick him up they gave her the wrong dog. After about five hours of arguing they made Myra take the dog home insisting that it was our dog. When she went home the dog went nuts and she called the salon again and they agreed that they had given us the wrong dog. After that experience we said we would never go to a groomers again so Myra went and did a six week evening class on how to groom your own dog.

How did you start? When we would go out for a walk people were always stopping us and asking where we had him groomed. Eventually they started asking if Myra would groom their dogs. In the end she was grooming a dog every night

after work and at the weekends so we realised that we could make a living out of it. Myra gave up her job as a banker in 2006 and did her City and Guilds in Shropshire on an eight-week course. I was still working as a prison officer and when I retired four years ago I went and did my City and Guilds in Cornwall and joined the business.

How is business? Business is booming. We have seven to eight dogs in a day and work Mondays to Saturdays. I like to find out where our customers have heard about us from to keep an eye on what is the best valuefor-money advertising. At first, a lot of our business came from the Yellow Pages but now most of our customers come from recommendations. In fact, 90 per cent are from recommendations and the only place we advertise is on

What makes a good groomer?

What services are offered in your salon?

What is your favorite animal to groom?

When we started out it was mostly Westies and Yorkies that were brought in but that has broadened out. Now we get all sorts of dogs, lots of poodles and doodles. We can groom any dog apart from the giants – and that’s not because we don’t want to but because our bath isn’t big enough. We offer a range of services from just bathing to a full groom. We offer a nail clipping service which is very popular, even with dogs that don’t need a groom and we have a shop on site too selling shampoos, coats, dog food and anything dog-related really.

Westies of course – my wife and I are Westie daft! Not only do we have five Westies at home, but if you came to our house you would see Westie ornaments everywhere and my wife might even be wearing a Westie t-shirt. In fact, we have 600 Westies on our books and it never gets boring!

It’s more than just one thing that makes a good groomer: the ability to listen to what the customer wants; the ability to give them good advice if what they want is not suitable or not achievable. You need to be someone who keeps up with their education by continuing to attend seminars and courses – that’s something both Myra and I do, and you have to be someone who loves dogs.

Contact details for Adorable Dogs: Tel. 01506 464333 Find them on Facebook by searching for Adorable Dogs Professional Dog Grooming Salon

Want to feature in Total Grooming Magazine? Send an email to:, or write to us at: Total Grooming Magazine, CIM Online Ltd, The Goods Shed, Jubilee Way, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8GD. 4 | Total Grooming Magazine

DEZYNADOG TOTAL GROOMING AUG12_Layout 1 05/09/2012 11:07 Page 1

Conditioning more than just the coat In the second part of her series on dog behaviour and grooming, Tracy McCrindle introduces the idea of conditioning as a means of overcoming fears and phobias…


hen we talk about conditioning treatments in the grooming salon, we are generally referring to a product applied between the shampooing and drying stages to enhance the coat. There are, however, other types of conditioning treatments, which you may not even be aware of even though many of you will be using them daily, consciously or not. These are the behavioural conditioners.

Types of conditioning You may have heard the terms ‘classical’ and ‘operant’ conditioning. Don’t worry if you haven’t – one of my main aims with this column is to break away the jargon as much as possible and deliver the scientific stuff in formulas you can quickly learn and start to work with. To make their introductions, classical and operant conditioning are the two main techniques used to alter the behaviour of animals. There are lots of other terms that come under their umbrellas and we will cover those as they come up. I’m going to start with classical conditioning, purely because I think it’s the one groomers need in their behavioural toolbox the most. Classical conditioning deals with changing the dog’s emotional response to something and is the piece of kit you really need when working with fears and phobias. When something (usually a grooming tool in our case) is paired with a painful or frightening experience, the dog can start to have a 6 | Total Grooming Magazine

reflexive fear response to that tool each time it is produced. He is not choosing to behave in a scared manner, no matter how irrational you may think it is, it’s an involuntary response and he needs our help to quell the fear and pair the tool with a new, positive feeling. Don’t get too hung up on finding out why he is scared – yes it could have been bad handling in the past, it could have been that he was accidentally hurt by that tool before, it could have been that he was never properly introduced to it, or it could just as easily be down to some bizarre series of events. Even if you were to guess correctly that the last time the dog had his nails clipped there was a sudden thunderstorm and a scary looking man in a hat walked past the window in the same moment, causing him to associate the clippers with all the things he hates most, you would never truly know if you were correct because the dog cannot confirm the answer for you. It’s more efficient to just identify the thing he fears and help to make it mean something new to him.

How to spot a scaredy dog Identifying a fear response is something most of us will naturally be pretty good at. The dog will display any number of signs that he is extremely uncomfortable with the situation. A few fairly obvious signs include losing control of his bladder or bowels, tensing muscles, barking, howling or whining, shaking, panting, bloodshot eyes, biting and loss of appetite.

In some extreme cases the dog will have a phobia of the entire grooming process or the salon in general but let’s first of all look at dealing with individual fears, as these are what we will come up against most often. This is the dog that copes well with grooming as a whole but freaks out at the sight of scissors near his face, or the sound of the blaster.

Words of advice On page eight you’ll find my stepby-step guide to changing the way he feels about the thing he fears. This is known as ‘desensitisation and counter-conditioning’. I’m going to use nail clipping as an example but the technique can be transferred to whatever tool you need to work with if you think through the steps and adapt the process. Repeat each step several times and don’t move on to the next step until the dog is happy with the previous one. The process will generally take several sessions. It’s handy to note on the dog’s record card what stage you got to. Next time he comes in, start one or two stages back so he can build up confidence again. It may sound like there’s a lot of work and time involved but often results can come quicker than you expect, and in the long run you’ll save hours of struggling. It’s also, of course, a great feeling to know you’ve helped a dog feel much happier about his grooming experience.

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A few words about treats

Start at the lowest level of exposure possible. Hold your empty hand near his feet and give him a treat as quickly as possible (having an assistant is handy here, or try dropping the piece of food from your mouth). Getting the treat to him within a couple of seconds is important as we’re trying to pair the two things in the dog’s mind. Repeat several times before moving on.

- Always check with the owner first for allergies or special diets – ask them to provide suitable treats if need be. - Make sure you are using very high value treats – a dry gravy bone biscuit won’t cut the mustard with most dogs. Think hotdogs, liver, cheese, cooked meats and smelly fish. - Have a selection available – what appeals to one dog may not to another. - Cutting treats into small pieces

allows for more repetitions. - Ask the owners not to feed the dog immediately prior to your session so he is seeing the treats through hungry eyes! - Be careful with your treat delivery timing – the treat MUST come immediately AFTER the exposure, not before. This way the dog learns that nail clippers make yummy stuff happen. If you were to treat first then expose, the dog would learn that eating treats makes scary stuff happen and become afraid to eat.

Holding the paw gently, trim a tiny tip from a nail and treat immediately. Repeat for other nails.

Now lay the nail clippers on the table and place a treat near them for him to take. Repeat several times, gradually moving the treat closer until he will take the treat from the clippers themselves. If he won’t take the treat, move it further away and start again from a distance he can cope with.

Now holding the clippers, touch the paw gently with them but don’t try to clip. Treat immediately after each touch.

Lifting the paw gently, touch the clippers to the nail without clipping and treat immediately after each touch. With the clippers still just in sight touch his paws gently with your hand and treat immediately after every touch. 8 | Total Grooming Magazine

Always end on a high note – don’t be tempted to push on if things are going well. It’s better to cut the session short and keep it positive. If you accidentally go beyond his comfort zone backtrack several stages and let him have a treat for a lower level of exposure. Next time he comes in you’ll be ready to do some more work together.

In the next issue we’ll start to look at operant conditioning and what uses it has in the salon for groomers.

A day in the life Life in the grooming salon can be busy and it can be a challenge to fit everything you need to do into a day. Lesley Garratt of the Canine Design Academy of Grooming explains how she juggles her responsibilities as a groomer, mother, dog owner and more by taking us through a typical day…


t’s 7.15 am and I am rudely awoken by the alarm on my mobile phone. It is plugged in to charge on my husband, Carl’s, side of the bed and he grumpily throws the phone in my direction. I put it on ‘snooze’ and stay in bed for another five minutes but after what seems like about 30 seconds, the alarm goes off again and this time I sleepily drag myself out of bed. It’s time to take Eddie, our newly rescued American hairless terrier, out for his training walk, so I throw on a pair of trackie bottoms and put a coat on over the top of my pyjama top, pull on some wellies, get the treat bag and after retrieving Eddie from his cosy slumber in bed with my eldest daughter, Millie, we are off. We return from our walk at about 8.10 am, just in time to wave goodbye

my make up on to face the day (a task which sadly takes longer and longer the older I get!). Before starting in the salon, I pick up the dog poos in the garden and by this time it is about 9.45 am and time to start my working day.

Starting at the salon Tina and Julie, the Canine Design staff, have opened the salon at 9 am and are busily getting on with bathing and prepping the first dogs of the day. I quickly check the diary to see which students are coming in and what is planned for them – they are all at different stages of their training, so some will need to be taught the basic skills of bathing and prepping, others may be doing assessments or may be working on improving their speed and techniques.

Lesley’s daughter, Lottie with Todi

Lottie in the salon

At 10am I check that the students are all prepared for the day and are ready to groom their dogs. Cleaning is a part of the daily routine

to Millie and Lottie, who are being driven to school by Carl. I sit down for a quick cup of tea and a couple of slices of toast and watch breakfast TV for ten minutes. Then it is time to feed and clean out Spudley and Alison, the two rescued jackdaws who live in an aviary in our garden, and Clinton the rescued Patagonian conure (parrot). If Clinton feels like coming out (which is not always the case) she comes upstairs with me for a shower and sits on my shoulder in the bathroom while I put 10 | Total Grooming Magazine

The students start at 10am so I check that they are all prepared for the day and are ready to groom their dogs. Record cards and daily sheets are checked, clients greeted, their requirements confirmed and dogs installed safely in crates while the students familiarise themselves with what has to be done, and checking any special requirements of the customers. Health checks are then carried out on the dogs and the process of bathing and drying is commenced. I walk around

the salon making sure everybody has their shampoo correctly mixed, their drying equipment and towels ready at their tables and that everything is running smoothly. During this time, the telephone will be ringing, appointments being made and any problems or queries dealt with or made a note of to be dealt with at the end of the day, so as not to take too much of my attention away from the students. Hopefully there will be time to make a quick cup of tea

or coffee for everybody whilst the prep work is being done.

Student support Students’ portfolios are checked, so we can confirm the stage that everyone is at and plans made for assessments, mocks and any additional training which may be required to get them up to scratch. Whilst the students are working, I am taking note of how they handle their dogs and how they carry out each procedure, so this can be noted on their assessment sheet at the end of the day, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses in order for them to improve on their skills. At about 12 noon, all the prep work will be completed, the students trim under the pads of their dogs, trim hygiene areas and all the dogs are taken out for a comfort break. The dogs are then put in crates with a bowl of fresh water to rest while the students have their lunch. It is now time for me to grab a quick sandwich and walk my other four dogs. Eddie, the American hairless terrier, joins the students while they have their lunch as a distraction

from the fact that the other dogs are going out without him. At about 12.45 it is time for the students to re-commence grooming their dogs and complete the trimming process. I walk around to each student, ensuring that they understand what is required of them, demonstrate trimming techniques where necessary

For the complete beginners, I groom one half of the dog for them and observe them trimming the other. and, for the complete beginners, groom one half of the dog for them and observe them trimming the other. The students groom their dogs a stage at a time, while I observe their progress and give them help and constructive criticism, suggest handling techniques and correct any incorrect trimming or handling methods. By about 3.30 pm, the students will be completing their trims – I will do a final check and complete assessment sheets for all of them. The students will then put their dogs safely away to await collection, and clean and disinfect their grooming area and all their tools and equipment.

Finishing up

Eric the Brussels griffon

Chicken the Parti poodle

staff and I will be carrying out the end of day cleaning routine and making sure all equipment is sterilised and returned to the allotted place. At the end of the day, the students are given their assessment sheets, asked to complete feedback sheets on what they have done during the day and, where possible, told what breed of

Throughout the day, dogs will be being dropped off for the salon staff to groom, their requirements noted down on their daily sheets and collection times planned or telephone numbers noted to inform the clients when their dogs are ready for collection. During the day, the next day has to be planned – dogs to be groomed and names of students are written on the white board. If any student doesn’t have a dog allocated to them, I will ring around our bank of ‘model’ dogs and offer a free groom for a breed suitable for that particular student. Customers will start to filter in to collect the model dogs from around 4pm. Their dogs will be returned to them, any health problems which may have been found highlighted and in most cases, their next appointment will be booked. During this time, the other

dog they will be working on the next day. Next it is time to catch up with any telephone calls to be returned and portfolios, grooming sheets and course folders to be photocopied and put together for the next day.

Home time Now to embark on my long journey home – through the door between the salon and my house! I make a cup of coffee and spend an hour or so with Clinton the parrot. She (apparently she is female even though her name is Clinton) likes to sit on my shoulder and watch ‘Deal or No Deal’ and gets excited when people clap and cheer! After watching her programme, it is time to play a quick game of ‘fetch’ with her, which she loves, and she gets rewarded with pecan nuts (her favourite) when she does well! Sometimes I take her into the salon to stretch

Lesley’s timetable 7.15am Get up, walk the dog and breakfast 9.00am Salon opens 10.00am Students arrive; grooming begins 12noon Lunch and dog walking 12.45am Assess and supervise grooming 3.30pm Final checks and cleaning 4.00pm Dogs picked up and paperwork 5.00pm Home time for more walkies and dinner

Total Grooming Magazine | 11

her wings and do some flying and sometimes she likes to play in the doll’s house – screeching with excitement as she runs around the rooms. If there is time, I will take the dogs out for another walk, during which time Carl cooks dinner (and usually goes to the pub for half an hour). It’s then time for a bit of relaxation, sit down for a family meal and chat about our day.

computer. Millie and Lottie go to bed at about 10pm, the dogs are sent out in the garden for their last pee and Eddie the AHT and Eric the Brussels Griffon are tucked up in bed with Millie and Lottie. Chicken the Parti poodle and Todi the Border terrier are snuggled in their blankets in the conservatory and Isaac the Chow cross sleeps on his duvet in our bedroom.

Many hands make light work

By the time everything is done, it is usually about 11.30 pm – time for a quick shower and bed, ready for the whole process to start over. Then Lottie and I feed the dogs and I load the dishwasher and clear up the kitchen.

A labour of love After dinner I catch up with emails, outstanding paperwork, washing and a couple of household chores. Sometimes there is time for half an hour of TV or spending some leisure time on the

By the time everything is done, it is usually about 11.30 pm – time for a quick shower and bed, ready for the whole process to start over again the next day. I have to say I love my job – it is very interesting, quite demanding, and every day is different. For the most part I love working with the dogs and the students and, luckily, I love being busy.

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Eddie the American hairless terrier

A canine client awaiting collection

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12 | Total Grooming Magazine

COAT WHITEN/SHINE Bright Shampoo, Results Rinse, Shine Shampoo, Glisten Shampoo, Leave-In Conditioner, Clean Shampoo, Happy Hair Coat Gloss, Sparkle Spray.

TEXTURIZE Texture Shampoo, Essential Shampoo, Papaya Shampoo, Ruff Coat Spray, Results Rinse

DRY, ITCHY SKIN Oatmeal Shampoo, Treatment Shampoo, Soothe Shampoo, Soy Protein Shampoo, Nourish Conditioner, Quench Shampoo, Leave-In Conditioner, Soothe Rinse.

THIN, LIMP COATS Papaya Shampoo, Clarify Shampoo, Soy Protein Shampoo, Aminoflex Shampoo, Essential Shampoo, Revitalize Shampoo, Glisten Shampoo, Clean Shampoo, Apricot Chamomile Shampoo

How to extend the life of your equipment Having the right equipment can make all the difference in the grooming salon but there’s no point investing in a great pair of scissors or the best clippers unless you look after them. Gill East of the London Academy of Grooming offers a few tips on how to make the most of the tools of the trade…


e are all painfully aware of the cost and care of our equipment, especially those of us who run training schools. Whoops the clipper has hit the floor, along with blades, we must smile and say “accidents happen”, but it is another £100 plus for the school to find. The old saying goes, well if you don’t have to pay for it, the less painful it is. Clippers nowadays have no loops to secure them to a hook, what is the thinking? That you might catch you finger nail in it? To me, it seems like health and safety gone mad again. Most of the holders that are attached to tables are unsatisfactory and the clipper often gets knocked out when

Check equipment for signs of wear and tear

14 | Total Grooming Magazine

lifting animals on and off the table. So the answer is, use it and then disconnect and store away until you need it again later in the practice, although this makes extra work for you, it is cheaper in the long run.

sensitive head areas”. We are so lucky to have all this new technology to help us.

The trouble with clippers But all clippers have their faults, students tell me the Oster A5 Clipper

Your clipper speed will increase immediately and give you a much better action if you maintain it. Some of you are probably thinking: “Well I use three different clippers at the same time to do various parts of the body, some powerful to blast through the knots, the others that are quite for

gets hot, but any clipper gets hot until you have learnt to get a move on, the only real problem with them is they do not bounce. Andis had problems with the connection wire which, according to some, kept breaking; I have been told that has been sorted now. Battery and cordless clippers tend to have enough power so that you can just about trim a dog before the battery is flat. Most clippers range from about £120 to £290 to purchase and you get what you pay for. The Aesculap Fav 5, is a hard working machine and I personal love it, it clips clean and fast. Some people have told me that they do not like the weight but it bounces better if it is accidently dropped. How many of you oil your clipper and put grease on the blade drive?

Aesculap® FAV5 Hybrid® High quality mains clipper with option to go cordless Hy b

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Powerful clipping capacity


Uses all makes of SnapOn blades

Aesculap Suhl GmbH | Fröhliche-Mann-Str. 15 | 98528 Suhl Germany | | Aesculap – a B. Braun company

Grooming Opportunities £Competitive New salons opening soon in the following areas:

Time for a complete makeover

Accrington • Barnsley Cortonwood • Belfast Blackpool Warbreck • Burgess Hill • Corstorphine Coventry Walsgrave • Doncaster Thorne • Dundee Dunfermline • Eltham • Enniskillen • Hatfield Hertford • Keighley • Maldon • Merry Hill • Newport Omagh • Penrith • Peterborough Bretton St Helens • Sutton-in-Ashfield The Groom Room at Pets at Home are modern, stylish grooming salons located within Pets at Home stores – No. 1 in the Sunday Times Best Big Companies to work For 2013! We’re constantly opening new salons, so whether you join us as Salon Manager, Stylist or Assistant Stylist, there are always opportunities to train and further develop your grooming career. The prospects for the future really do look great! Apply online at

Total Grooming Magazine | 15

Your clipper speed will increase immediately and give you a much better action if you maintain it by doing this. On purchase you will always find a tube of thin oil and grease in your purchase box. You can no longer get into the electrical part as you could years ago. I used to get to work on my equipment: mending wires, soldering, all sorts of repairs, but again because of concerns over health and safety that’s finished and now you have to pay for repairs and electrical checks. Due to the fact that with so many of the newer clippers it is not possible to access the part and fix them, sending them away for repairs and buying replacement parts is the only option if you want to maintain them but the cost can be prohibitive. When it is not viable cost-wise to mend equipment we are left with the only option, to throw away.

Oil and grease can immediately improve speed

I would suggest going through a checklist before discarding blades. Firstly check if the two blades are aligned properly. Then, check that the plastic slide bar is intact not split or missing. You’ll also need to check that the two blade grips are straight and you

Shop around to find someone you trust to sharpen your scissors. Oster have launched their two new clippers at Crufts this year the A6 Comfort and the A6 slimmer version, both are very comfortable and very quiet with three speeds. Only time will tell if this is a real winner.

Blades How often do we believe the blades are blunt and won’t cut before really checking it out?

do not have one twisted towards the outside, causing the blade to wobble. This is something that can happen if it has been damaged through dropping. Look to see if there is there a brown mark where the blade edges meet. This can be caused by heat and friction burn through a lack of oiling. Lastly are the screws equally tight on both sides? You can obtain spares guide plates, plastic slide bars and most bits to keep in your

A tube of oil is usually included with clippers

16 | Total Grooming Magazine

cupboard as spares. It is also a good idea to keep a box of your old blades so that you can rob different bits when you need them.

Sharpening I would not in a million years attempt to sharpen my scissors. As my scissors cost between £250 and £300, I value them too much to ruin them. You have to shop around to find someone you trust to sharpen your scissors. Do not just go for the cheap option. A good sharpener will charge you between £12 and £15, per pair. It is false economy to purchase cheap scissors – they simply won’t last. My own Geibb Katana’s are 15 years old and still going strong. In fact I have several pairs. Controversially I do sharpen my blades, although you get the message you should not as they are hollow ground. I have sharpened my blades for more than ten years. When we have a “whoops” blades crisis, it takes me maybe fifteen minutes to put the edge back on them. I sharpen them on a DMT Diamond Machine cutter, which you can purchase from the agent in UK ( This piece of equipment cost me about £240 and I have hardly purchased new blades since I got it, only very occasionally. I have saved on time and postage and always retained my own blades and not had someone else’s returned to me by mistake. It just takes a little time to practice, so that you get even pressure when you are sharpening and the skill to re-assemble the blade properly back together.



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Total Grooming Magazine | 17

Getting the right business insurance No one wants to spend time dwelling on the possibility of things going wrong in the grooming salon but having the right insurance for your business is essential. Anja Cantillon of Pet Business Insurance explains legal necessities and sensible cover options…


epending on the insurance provider you are dealing with, buying insurance can be intimidating. In order to ensure you get the cover you need and you don’t buy insurance you don’t – we always recommend that you take time out to identify and assess the risks to your business. For example, you need to consider the potential problems that you might face in your day-to-day work in the grooming salon. What if someone slipped and injured themselves on the property? What if a dog escaped and caused an accident? Public liability cover would cover you in these instances. What would happen if you were sued because an error or

Insurance can cover you if a dog escapes

18 | Total Grooming Magazine

because misinformation leaves one of your customers dissatisfied? In this case personal indemnity cover would be a good insurance to have. And what would you do if you had an accident and you couldn’t work for a number of days? Having personal injury insurance cover could help cover the costs.

Consider the risks All of these examples are the things, as a business, we don’t want to happen and therefore often don’t even want to think about but they need to be looked at, then you can make an informed decision about the type, or types, of insurance cover that work best for you. The top three things we suggest grooming businesses think about are protecting employees, protecting customers and protecting the advice that you give out. Firstly let’s consider what you need to do when it comes to protecting your employees. Employers’ liability insurance is a legal requirement if your business has any employees. It is important to protect staff against risk in the workplace, but if someone was to be injured, Employers’ liability cover would provide financial compensation that may be awarded. A business caught trading without employers’ liability insurance may lead to prosecution. Currently in the UK £5million is the

minimum cover required, dependant on risk.

Optional cover Next you need to think about the options available to protect your clients, consumers and visitors. Public liability insurance is optional cover to a business. Nevertheless, it can be an extremely beneficial purchase. This is a policy designed to cover a business against any claims brought against them for injury or damage to third parties. It will cover the legal cost and damages that may be seen as a result of the business negligence. Finally, but no less importantly you need to think about whether you need to protect your advice. If you give advice to your customers, professional indemnity will be extremely useful. This would cover you for third party claims of professional error, omissions or neglect. If you would like help about what insurance your business needs and what other covers are available to groomers, talk to the Pet Business Insurance team. We have been working exclusively alongside pet care businesses and can guide you in the right direction to help you make the right insurance cover choices. Visit for more information.

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Total Grooming Magazine | 19

The introductory puppy bath International dog grooming champion and competition judge Colin Taylor gives his advice on how to deal with puppies in the salon…


e often have customers come through the door with their new puppy ready to buy the essentials: a puppy collar and lead, a bed, puppy food, training pads, chews and so on. The customer has had the puppy for a day and have been instructed by their breeder or the vet that the puppy cannot mingle with other dogs yet. The customer will ask about grooming or, more likely, I’ll tell them about grooming without waiting to be asked. Most customers have the impression that grooming their new puppy is something for later, once it’s a few months old. In most cases, the customer is a new dog owner and needs to be educated about the health benefits of grooming. While smooth-coated breeds will need less maintenance from a professional groomer when it comes to our usual suspects, Yorkies, Westies, poodles, Bichon, Maltese, Cockers, Schnauzers

20 | Total Grooming Magazine

etc, it’s best to get the puppy into the salon for its first groom as soon as possible. Even as soon as two weeks after its final vaccination. To be clear: this is not to provide a haircut. Rather, it’s about getting the new puppy accustomed to grooming from a very young age.

The salon can be scary The salon can be a foreign, intimidating place for a puppy or dog on its first visit. The puppy is separated from the safe refuge of its new family. It will be handled by strange people, other dogs will be present, the atmosphere could be loud and industrial with the sounds of blasters, dryers, clippers and possibly non-stop oldies on Radio 2. We need to ease the new puppy into this environment gently. I often suggest a first visit for free, or at a special introductory price. Just a puppy bath with lots of little bribes like dried liver treats so that young Alfie will make

the association between the salon and tasty rewards. My handling will be extra gentle and calm but still assertive to help establish the ground rules. I’ll take Alfie into the bath for a nice warm water shampoo and rinse then towel dry and use the dryer on a low-setting. If Alfie has behaved well through his first bath-time, I will go through the motions of a regular groom by putting him on the table, taking the appropriate brush (which I’ll let him see and sniff) and applying brush strokes over the body including head, tail and legs. If the puppy is resisting this process I give them regular breaks. Next, I’ll turn on the clippers. I won’t run them along his coat, just turn them on so that he hears the whirr of the motor and accepts it as a non-threatening part of his grooming experience. When it comes to his feet, I will first massage and squeeze his paws gently so that he gets used to his feet being handled. I will check his nails

An exciting opportunity to experience a hands on workshop with COLIN TAYLOR. Colin is coming to ESSEX (Little Bentley, nr Colchester) to share his wealth of knowledge with other Groomers on SUNDAY 21st JULY 2013. Colin Taylor has been a leading light in the Grooming world for over 25 years. He is a winner of the World Cup Grooming Games, the Dog Grooming Olympics, the Oster International Tournament of Champions and has held the title of Intergroom International Groomer of the year.

We are a busy, expanding Salon, looking for a groomer with a minimum 3 years experience. It is important that you can groom all breeds to a high standard and handle dogs with care and consideration. You must be able to demonstrate a good knowledge of breed standard. (The ability to groom cats would be an advantage)

This is a FULL DAY event (from 10am) and gives 10 Groomers (5 in the first session & 5 in the second), the chance to work directly with COLIN. One on one tuition with COLIN TAYLOR, passing on his skills, tips and knowledge. Prices to include buffet lunch. Bring the dog of your choice and work directly with Colin - £85 Spectators - £50 Places for the event are limited and will be on a first come, first served basis.

Your duties will also include interacting with clients, salon safety and cleanliness.

Please contact Kelly on 01206 251941 or email for more information or to reserve your place.

We are looking for someone with an outgoing and friendly disposition, who is reliable, honest, trustworthy and with an eagerness to be a long-term part of a growing business. Wage/hours are negotiable for the right person. Please forward a CV to: Snoopies Ltd, Church Road, Little Bentley, Colchester, Essex, CO7 8SD For further information please call Kelly on 01206 251941

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Total Grooming Magazine | 21

and clip them if necessary, quietly praising him and bribing him with more treats. I will inspect his ears but before going directly in, I’ll tickle his ears lightly with the tips of my fingers again, so that he gets used to his ears being handled. I won’t do any plucking because that won’t be necessary and instead just give them a quick swab with a moist cotton bud along with another treat for co-operating. Remember, we are mostly going through the motions.

Little and often Some puppies may need a bit of tidying up around the eyes or the hygiene area. I will usually do this with a trimmer or scissors but you have to use your discretion. If you feel that the puppy has been through quite enough for one day, then ask the owner to come back in a few days. I’ll try to keep Alfie in the salon for about an hour. It’s an hour of separation from his new masters in the company of other people and dogs giving them the chance to get used to the new smells, sounds and sights of the salon. The owners are, of course, welcome to stay and watch but I ask them not

Colin Taylor is author of What Would Colin Do? 101 situations and solutions for every dog groomer. Available online at www.colintaylor or by calling 020 8964 3231. 22 | Total Grooming Magazine

to interfere and to try and make sure Alfie doesn’t see them because the aim is to get Alfie properly socialised with the grooming experience without distraction from his new family. I ask the owners to book again in four weeks time. Again, just for a puppy bath. They will need to stay on this regular schedule for the rest of Alfie’s life. And it’s best to get Alfie started right away. I often also suggest coming in on a weekly basis just to say hello and reward Alfie with a little treat so that he gets excited about coming to the salon instead of fearing it. After this first puppy bath, I show the customer how to brush Alfie with the right kind of brush and ask that they maintain his coat with regular brushing. I explain the importance of starting at an early age – not only is it good for his coat and skin and general welfare, but he’ll enjoy the attention and will come to love being brushed. With regular brushing his coat shouldn’t form any knots and tangles so brushing should always be pleasant. So what about Alfie’s first haircut? New dog owners sometimes worry that if you clip a puppy’s coat too early, you could ruin the adult coat.

In my experience, I don’t see much evidence of this. Generally, I groom to the condition of the coat so that, for example, if a four-month old puppy is badly matted, I will take the clippers to the coat. I won’t brush out because this will be painful. A puppy coat is lighter and fluffier than an adult coat but if it’s in a bad state, it will have to come off.

A good start Generally, this won’t have any adverse impact on the adult coat like changing the colour or texture unless it’s a hand stripped breed. In double-coated breeds like retrievers, Newfoundlands or Chows it’s a different story. Clipping the coat of a double-coated breed may change the colour and texture, but that can happen at any age. As groomers, we have the privilege of being evangelists for the health and welfare of dogs and with each new dog, it starts that moment it comes into our salon as a puppy. We are given the opportunity of educating the new dog owner. Doing our bit to set the dog up for a lifetime of responsible care. How rewarding is that? It’s our chance to help socialise a dog to be thrilled, not threatened, by a visit to the salon.

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Total Grooming Magazine | 23


make the change and increase your revenue

Many groomers make an annual increase to their prices to reflect the everincreasing costs of running a business. Nichola Smith Moore of Smartpets International Animal Care College says next time you increase your prices it might be worth looking at your pricing structure too….


eciding what to charge is always a problem. To make sure you get a fair wage and customers get a fair price you need to make sure you are charging correctly. Many breeds which are the same, take for example cocker spaniels, are not all the same to groom. For example you have the light coated small cocker, the heavy coated cocker and the larger than average cocker. If you charge by the breed you charge the same for all three which is hardly fair to pet owners or the groomer. If you charged per hour it would be fairer to all. 24 | Total Grooming Magazine

Firstly you need to know how much the running costs of your business are. If you don’t know this, you should! If you don’t know what it costs you per hour, how can you possibly know what to charge per hour?

(such as shampoo, ear cleaners et cetera) have a figure for blade sharpening and other items you may forget about. You need to think of everything it costs you to run your business including staff wages, your own wages, national

If you charged per hour it would be fairer to all. The maths You need to add up all your expenses taking into account rents, rates, insurance, stationary, consumables

insurance and tax. You also have to pay holiday pay for your down time and so on. Work out the costs for the year and then divide it down by the numbers

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Total Grooming Magazine | 25

of days you work per year and the number of hours per day you work so you eventually come down to a figure which tells you how much it costs to do business per hour to cover expenses and your wages. Now you’ve worked out your hourly rate, you are half way there so how do you make the change from pricing by the breed to pricing by the hour? Let’s just say you currently charge £30 to fully groom a Westie and it takes you one hour to groom it, you would have, in essence, you charged £30 an hour. Now check that the rate per hour is at least the amount you need to do business per hour. If not you need to increase the cost to make sure you are covering your costs. When an owner phones asking about pricing instead of saying a Westie is £30 I would say we charge £30 per hour and advise that on average a Westie in good condition takes about an hour. I would explain that dependant on coat condition and temperament we charge £30 per hour for pet grooming. If I have to groom a very heavy-coated Westie or difficult dog and it takes an hour and 15 minutes then I charge that extra part of the hour increasing my revenue. For all those extra 15 minutes spent on pets which are larger than average or have hard to dry coats I am getting extra money that I wouldn’t have got if I was charging for the breed.

More or less When doing baths only or grooming cats or dogs such as Labradors, German Shepherds, you will find you need to charge three to five times your hourly expense because of time spent on drying. If you spend 15 minutes on the dog, and he spends an hour in your dryer with the electricity running it is still costing you money. It’s also worth bearing in mind that when you are dealing larger animals, you’re obviously using a lot more shampoo, water and so on. When charging by the hour you do not have to worry about add-on charges for dematting, flea or medicated

Communication is key If you do decide to charge by the hour and not by the breed to make it fairer to all concerned, your next challenge is deciding how to tell the customer. If you don’t raise a customer’s price, it will stay the same so you don’t have to say anything except that you are now charging by the hour and since it took the same amount of time to groom the dog this time as last there is no change in price. But if he comes in matted or is more work next time, the charge

We all know we got into this business because we love dogs, but we have to be business people if we’re to survive. shampoos, because the clock is still running. The extra money those things might have cost you should have been included in your expense per hour. Halfway through the year it is a good idea to start charging any new customers with the hourly price that you’ll be asking for next year. This way they won’t get hit with a raise in six months or less. For those of you not interested in charging by the hour I can only caution not to go up by a pound or two a dog because

Charging by the hour means a fairer price for dogs of different sizes

26 | Total Grooming Magazine

you’ll take as much flack over a small price increase as you will over a larger one, so make it worth your while.

could change. This is also the best way to rebook your customer immediately before they get out the door. If, however, you realise on certain dogs that you are absolutely not charging enough, just tell them that your accountant has gone over your books and that in order to continue grooming “Benji,” you will have to increase the charge explaining that it is because of the time that it takes to groom him. If they would like to keep him in better condition, or bring him in more often so it won’t take so long to groom, then the price could go back down. Ideally you’ll be able to make the next appointment right then. It takes courage to change anything. We all know we got into this business because we love dogs, but we have to be business people with a thick skin if we’re to survive and not be stressed beyond belief. We can’t go on forever feeling sorry for this or that person. Remember the people you pay money to don’t have the slightest sorry feeling for you, and even if they did, they certainly will raise your charges when they raise everybody else’s. So be brave and make the charge and start charging your worth.

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pet trimming a


 £6.25 250ml

Clipper & Accessories Oster A6 Mastercut No.30 Blade  Mastercut Steel Combs  (No.6 ¾" and No.10 1¼") Trimmer Mastercut FreeStyle Trimmer with J1 Blade Scissors Oster Kazu Range: 8” Straight Shear 8" (26T) Blending Shear 6.5” (14T) Texturising Shear Coat Treatments Showpride Detangling Spray  Showpride Oily Coat Shampoo Showpride Conditioner Oster Strawberry Dermasilk Conditioner Hand Tools 12" Finishing Comb Large Flexi Slicker All the products featured in this article are available from:


Sadly the cavichon coat often lends itself to matting but with a bit of owner education and using this instant detangling spray you can make these a delight to groom.

The trim shown has been achieved almost entirely with my new Oster A6 clipper using a Mastercut No.30 blade with No.6 and No.10 Stainless Steel Combs attachments. Although you can also use a No.10 or 15 blade with your comb attachments (never go bigger than a 10 as you'll damage your blade) I would always recommend a No.30 as it's quicker and tends to glide through heavier coats. I haven't counted them, but I'm told the Mastercut blade has 25% more cutting edges than other brands for fasting clipping - but I can tell you I was very pleased the blade's performance!

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Stainless Steel Combs: Choice of 9 sizes FROM £3.50 EACH No.10 comb exclusive to this range Clipper Blades: Fit Oster & Andis compatible. Available in 10 popular sizes


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Styling, grooming notes & photography:

Louisa Tandy LCGI This delightful little crossbreed is one of the prettiest and certainly has all the nicest temperament qualities of the Bichon and Cavalier parentage.

01 Firstly - tackle the matting!


To prevent hair breakage, I start by using a detangling spray liberally and then brushing out the coat. The spray protects the hair shaft, stopping it becoming rough, and limits any damage which will be caused by dematting. On to the bath and, using a good clarifying shampoo to strip back this type of coat, get rid of any dirt and oilyness. Follow this with a good all-round conditioner, which isn't too heavy - so it's faster to dry. Switch to a heavier product (I used Oster’s Strawberry Dermasilk) on the tail and ears if you want a silkier look to these furnishings. Total Grooming Magazine | 29



↑ clipping the body the lines showing the initial clip areas 04

01 02 03 Body, chest and

back of the rear legs These are taken down with the No.6 ¾" blade comb - note that the back of the neck (the crest) and the legs have been left.

04 Rest of the legs both

front and back Now switch to the No.10 1¼" comb and then use this to clip the rest of the legs both front and back.

05 The neck The same No.10 1¼" is used to reverse clip up the neck stopping just before the occiput and skimming off to blend into the head. 30 | Total Grooming Magazine

06 Trim under the pads Use a trimmer to clip under the pads on a 30-15 blade equivalent setting (0.5mm–1.2mm). Top tip To save time, do all you clipping work in one go. A trimmer such as the Mastercut FreeStyle is ideal, as you can quickly adjust the blade for pads (No.30) and for sensitive hygeine areas (No.10).




Total Grooming Magazine | 31

07 08 09 Finishing


You can now go on to put a finish on the coat and adjust the shape if necessary. I am using the Oster Kazu 8” straight shears. Murrays front feet turn outwards so it is a challenge to be able to hide that fault.

10 Topknot 07

Trim the topknot over the ears much like you would do a poodle, rounding the head into the back of the neck.


11 12 Beard Round the beard and follow the shape under the ear.

13 Eyes & head shape 08

Here I have used the Kazu 14 tooth texturisers to trim over the eyes and to shape the side of the head. These give a softer, more textured look. They also came in handy when trimming the top of the head as the coat lacks volume and the texture helps the head to stand up.


14 Ears 09

Trim the ears. These can vary in length and shape from rounded to straight.

14 10 Top tip The Kazu 26 tooth Blending Shears can be used to carve shape into the dog without danger of taking too much off.

£60.00 £65.00 £60.00



customers! ↑ before Murray with 8 weeks of growth! after Murray's owner has promised to ↓ bring him in a little more regularly!

Repeat visits are vital - insist on them! As with most of these woolly crossbreeds, regular visits to the groomer are a must and 4-6 weeks should be actively encouraged. Even if the coat is matted and the owner wants to keep it long, I rarely - if ever - never say “no”. If they want a longer style I give the customer the following options: 1. Bring the dog in very regularly - every 2-4 weeks and let me keep on top of the coat for them 2. Learn to brush the dog better and, if they still struggle, reiterate that they need to bring the dog in every 2-4 weeks 3. Have the dog in a shorter more comfortable style and save themselves money, time and effort If none of the options are suitable then I am happy to recommend another groomer.

Try offering your customer products to use at home It's well worth buying some products and basic equipment to sell on to your customers especially for coat care. When discussing coat care show the customer the items you believe would benefit their dog's coat. All you need is a small display area and the confidence to recommend products to your clients. I find customers are usually very interested to hear which products they can and should be using on their dogs and, they are grateful for the advice. Remember the choice of products on offer at supermarkets and pet shops can be baffling and it can be disastrous if your customers end up using the wrong products. They can benefit from your wisdom and so can your profitability! 30 | Total Grooming Magazine

Extra Profits! Call Simpsons and talk through wholesale prices 01354 691 830. They work with groomers to choose a range of items you are happy to recommend




Oster A6 comfort


PROS: Ultimately flexible - three speeds to choose from. Performs brilliantly - clips heavy coats with no fuss, no excessive vibration or heat build up. Accepts exisitng blades and combs (Oster, Andis and Mastercut).


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Total Grooming Magazine | 35

Health and hygiene for the groomer To look at the beautiful dogs leaving grooming salons after a trim and blow dry you might think it is a glamorous and profession. Dana Grant of Pucci Pet Pamperers says it’s time to think again…


s one might have guessed, grooming is a glamorous job where leisurely lunches and endless cups of tea are the norm. Perfect manicures and make-up rarely need touch-ups except to re-apply the lip gloss after a busy day of chatting to our clients who are envious of our calm, cool and collected appearance. Oh wait – wrong profession, wrong article! Reality is that grooming is a filthy occupation where we have to worry about things like wayward hairs. Cups of tea usually look like they’re growing a carpet, with the occasional ripple from the nail clipping which dive-bombed in to it. A cloud of dandruff and dust mites to swim through during a blasting session is pretty much status quo. Oh, and is that faecal matter on your shoe? How did THAT get on the ceiling? What exactly is that yellow goo on the wall – and worse – the similarly-hued gloop on the table where that male cocker was

Well-turned out pets might give the impression that grooming is glamorous

36 | Total Grooming Magazine

just wriggling about? To a new groomer, would-be groomer or lay person, some of these descriptions might sound far-fetched. I can promise you that there is no exaggeration in my commentary, as each and every one has been inspired by real stories from real groomers (thanks to English Groomer’s Group and Scottish Professional Groomer’s Network FB pages). Surely all this scurf and grime can’t be good for us, can it? Can we do anything about it? Well, actually – yes, and that does not necessarily mean find another job that’s less grotty!

Basic health and hygiene A filthy grooming environment is not only an eyesore and malodourous – which is a turn off to our more enlightened modern clientele, but it’s a potential health hazard. Now I know that many of us think that health and safety measures tend to be a bit over the top these days, but some things do need to be seriously considered with regard to our health. So, in dealing specifically with the health and hygiene aspects for the groomer I have outlined some of the things that we should be doing to protect the one thing that is irreplaceable – our health. And since I’ve promised to keep this relatively short, this will be a brief encounter with grot control. General cleaning should be

Bathing a dog before grooming cuts down on dust

undertaken regularly and at times a deeper clean may be necessary. Keeping your workspace clean and orderly is obvious enough, but how clean is it? While it may seem impossible at times to keep on top of the loose hair during the working day, it is still vital. Loose hair is not only a slip hazard on the floor, but the dust particles that were under that hair will settle on every surface. Some groomers prefer to rough clip before bathing, but they are in fact exposing themselves to more airborne particles in doing so (not to mention excessive wear and tear on their clippers and blades, but that’s a different article entirely). Simply washing every animal first before blasting and drying will cut down on much of this dust intake. If you absolutely must pre-

There are easier ways of controlling your pet’s bad breath ProDen PlaqueOff® Animal reduces bad breath by up to 63% after 12 weeks1 and plaque by upto 35% after the first 8 weeks2

Contains only especially selected seaweed (D1070). A 60g pots cost just £11.99 (RSP) and can last small dogs (up to 10kg) 12 months. Available from veterinary practice, pet stores, selected Lloyds and Co-op pharmacies, and Pets at Home. To order by phone call 0800 032 9009 or visit 1 2

IP_POA_Total_Grooming_175x127_074_13.indd 1

totalgrooming.indd 1

Summit Study 2308, Dog 12105, Day 28 to 88. Summit Study 2208, Dog 12882, Day 28 to 56.

Caring for Healthy Pets

30/05/2013 08:26

28/05/2013 13:27

Total Grooming Magazine | 37

Protect yourself

Remove all hair if a dog with ringworm has been in the salon

clip, then I would suggest wearing a dust mask and using a clipper vacuum system such as iVac. Just by making a few simple changes you can protect yourself from ‘occupational asthma’ which is something that people working with animals can suffer.

Deep cleaning Cleaning is not just about cleaning and removing the dirt and debris that you can see, but also removing that which you cannot see. It may be what you can’t see which is the more dangerous element. The deep cleaning at the end of the day needs to be thorough enough so that you sanitise and disinfect (but not necessarily sterilise) all your work area and equipment. Cross infection is not just a worry to our clients and their pets, but also to the person handling them. Microscopic bits of faecal matter can hold bacteria such as e-coli, which of course you may be completely unaware of until you’ve become seriously ill. Careful removal and disposal of any visible faecal matter is essential, and then further cleaning with diluted bleach or veterinary grade disinfectant such as Trigene should remove trace bacterium. Regular hand washing (aside from washing while bathing the dog’s backside) is essential, particularly for those who are lucky enough to afford themselves a lunch break! If you haven’t got time to walk to the sink to wash your hands, keep a bottle of antibacterial hand gel by your station. 38 | Total Grooming Magazine

Ringworm is a fungus which loves warm moist environments, such as a grooming studio! It is easily transmitted from animal to human through contact. Suspected cases of ringworm should always be handled with protective clothing and gloves. After contact with an animal with ringworm, all the hair must be

While cleaning it’s also prudent use protective clothing to avoid chemical burns. Plastic aprons and grooming sleeves don’t just protect your street clothing, but protect your skin. Cleaning agents can become airborne when used in spray bottles and through bathing systems therefore it’s vital to protect your lungs with a mask to avoid breathing in these vapours which can lead to occupational asthma. There are some really good grooming masks on the market which can be washed and re-used. Moreover, good ventilation throughout the day, especially during deep cleaning, is vital to avoid ‘sick building syndrome’. Keeping your grooming environment clean, whether it’s a mobile unit or salon, is not just for a professional appearance (though it sure does help). It’s not just about keeping the groomers healthy either – but also the animals in our care, which will be covered in a future article. Meanwhile you may need a good sense of humour and a good

Cleaning is not just about cleaning and removing the dirt and debris that you can see, but also removing that which you cannot see. completely and rigorously removed from all surfaces. Once the entire area has been vacuumed, the vacuum cleaner bag (and often the vacuum cleaner itself) discarded. Removal of all hair is important, since spores may survive 12 months or even as long as two years on hair clinging to surfaces.

amount of elbow grease to deal with the ‘not so glamorous’ part of the job of grooming, protecting one’s health is no laughing matter. Oh yes, and as for the wayward toenails and hairs in your tea – the only suggestion I have to ‘fix’ that is to get a travel mug with a tight lid!

Keeping the salon clean helps keep animals clean too


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E: W: Total Grooming Magazine | 39

There’s something fishy going on in pet nutrition A dogs’ dinner doesn’t have to be a meat feast. Angela Baker discusses the merits of fish food and suggests producers and stockists that groomers might want to consider…


ats eat fish and dogs eat meat. That is the common myth that most people have believed for many years but a lot of dogs go crazy over the smell of salmon, and for good reason. Many types of fish such as tuna, cod and salmon are not only tasty but they are also really good for dogs. Fish is an excellent source of protein and Omega 3 fatty acids which are helpful in maintaining a glossy coat and healthy skin. Fish oil can also help to maintain healthy joints and keep a dog active throughout its life. Fish is also great for dogs that have sensitive stomachs and many vets prescribe salmon and potato diets to help treat dogs with food allergies and intolerances. It can help a dog’s stool to become firmer and also help reduce coat shedding. Research has proven that continuous use of fish oil or treats can help to reduce itchiness, rash and irritation of the skin. It would therefore

40 | Total Grooming Magazine

appear that fish-based foods are ideal for grooming establishments to stock as they not only provide a natural source of protein but also help to maintain a healthy skin and coat and generally improve the overall fitness and vitality of a dog.

Leading the way One of the leading pioneers of fish-based food products for dogs is Jill Angell, the original founder of Fish4Dogs but who now owns her own fish-based pet food manufacturing company, Angell Petco. She says: “If we feed our pets what they are naturally designed to eat, we would feed our cats on rabbits, mice and birds – and our dogs on fish! How would a cat catch a fish in the wild? We have all been brainwashed by Tom and Jerry – with Tom stealing a fish skeleton from a dustbin! “In the Baltic, Russia and

Scandinavian countries, dogs don’t eat meat at all – only fish, and their coats are shiny, they have no allergies or itchy skin conditions. They live longer and don’t suffer from arthritic joint

‘Happy In My Skin’ Kits

The Dorwest ‘Happy In My Skin’ Kit will provide you with all that you and your dog need for a relaxing Summer and to ensure your canine friend’s summer is not disturbed by any tiresome skin conditions. The kit contains goodies including a great picnic blanket, plastic water bowl, delicious Lily’s Kitchen wheat free treats, an essential O’Tom Tick Twister plus of course Dorwest’s best selling skin condition treatments Mixed Vegetable and Garlic & Fenugreek tablets plus Dorwest’s organic Comfrey & Calendula skin balm which is ideal for soothing any sore bits! For you chance to win one of these wonderful kits please send you name and address details to Dorwest Competition, CIM Online Ltd, The goods Shed, Jubilee Way, Whitstable Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8GD or email to be in with a chance. Terms and conditions: There is no cash alternative. There can only be one winner and the competition organiser’s decision is final. The prize entitles the winner to one Happy in My Skin Kit. Standard terms and conditions apply.

Total Grooming Magazine | 41

conditions, or sensitive tummies.” Jill continues: “It was only in 1953 that we discovered the Inuits had much healthier hearts and circulations than Europeans do – and that was because they eat no animal fat – just fish and fish oil. So when I started investigating the benefits of feeding fish to dogs I discovered first of all that the Huskies, Malamutes and Akitas absolutely thrived on a fish diet – which is what they were designed to eat originally. The Omega 3 and zinc naturally occurring in fish helps with ZRD (zinc responsive dermatitis). This particularly affects dogs from Northern climates and can manifest itself in itchy skin, hot spots, cracked paws and noses. Just like us – they really do need Omega 3 – it’s not called an Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) for nothing – neither human or animal bodies can make this – so we both have to take it in as food.”

in Scottish Salmon Oil from Angell Petco. This seemingly miraculous ingredient is only available from the island of Malta, where it grows under the sea as an algae. Padina Pavonica has been available in human nutraceutical and veterinary industries for many years, and is now being introduced by Jill Angell into the world of pets. Its benefits for humans are increased bone density (particularly good for osteoporosis sufferers), joint health and strength, hair and follicle growth (keratin) and cell regeneration. So if a dog has itchy skin, bald patches, is recovering from an operation or is getting a little stiff in the joints through age – try the ‘Fisherman’s’ Daughter’ Scottish Salmon Oil with Padina Pavonica from Angell Petco. Other pet food manufacturers that provide a wide choice of fish-based food products include Fish4Dogs with their

Fish is an excellent source of protein and Omega 3 fatty acids. Algae advances Angell Petco has designed a very simple salmon and potato diet, which is hypoallergenic, grain free, gluten free and all natural. The most exciting find yet is Padina Pavonica – now available

Sea Jerky treats, dry complete foods and salmon mouse wet food and Mariner’s Choice based in Grimsby which is centre of the fishing industry in the UK. They too provide a comprehensive range of dry foods and treats. In fact if you look around most of the commercial food manufacturers in the UK now provide at least one fish option in their range. Lily’s Kitchen, the holistic dry and wet food range for cats and dogs has added Fishy Fish Pie with Peas to its wet food range for dogs. This tasty fishy recipe is a complete holistic wet food, packed full of natural ingredients including fresh salmon, fresh herring, fresh turkey together with market vegetables and botanical herbs. This recipe is also grain free and uses fish from sustainable sources.

Fish philosophers Another range to fully embrace the fish-based food philosophy is Applaws. MPM Products the producers of the Applaws range were last year voted one of the Top 100 Fast Track Companies in the UK by The Sunday Times and 42 | Total Grooming Magazine

this is largely down to the quality, care and attention and the inventiveness that goes into their range of dog food recipes. The brand’s philosophy is that protein should be delivered from quality sources, vegetables, natural extracts, fats, oils and also through the addition of active pro-biotics which ensures that a dog is as healthy on the outside as it is on the inside. All their ranges contain only natural ingredients from sustainable sources and do not contain any artificial additives, colourings, preservatives or sweeteners. The Applaws tinned wet food range offers customers a wide choice of fishbased recipes which include mackerel with seaweed and sweetcorn, ocean fish with kelp, tuna fillet with baby prawns and carrots, tuna fillet with sardine and pumpkin and, tuna fillet with vegetables.

Dry foods On the dry food side of things Burns Pet Nutrition offers customers a maintenance diet available in life stages which contains fish and brown rice. Based on leading vet and founder John Burn’s original recipe, Fish & Brown Rice contains everything an adult dog needs for health and vitality. This delicious, premium quality food is formulated with carefully balanced

GIVE IT PRIDE OF PLACE IN YOUR KITCHEN A range of delicious, premium quality foods made with carefully balanced ingredients to ensure your dog gets everything it needs for lifelong health and wellbeing.

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Raw fish diet

ingredients to provide all the essential nutrients a dog needs. When used as a general maintenance diet it can help to maintain healthy skin, coat and digestion. Where dogs need a little extra help Burns Original Fish & Brown Rice can be used for the management of many dietary related health problems. The food is gluten free, hypo-allergenic and highly digestible. Burn’s Choice Fish & Maize (a rice & gluten free, hypo-allergenic diet) would also be excellent for groomers to stock as maize is a fantastic source of Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 is actually the fatty acid recommended for a dry/dull skin and coat whereas Omega 3 is useful for inflammatory skin conditions. Burns natural Keltie treats are the perfect accompaniment to their maintenance diets. Feed as an occasional treat and adjust the daily feeding amount accordingly. Burns Kelties are a natural wholesome biscuit treat for a dog, based on brown rice with chicken and ocean fish. One new company on the market is Prince Premium Grain free food available from PetPrinces UK Ltd. Their Dog Fitness variety contains only natural ingredients (fruit, vegetables and herbs combined together with vitamins and minerals) and a high meat and fish content. Their 12 Kg bags include seven whole fish (salmon and herring) which are caught from the rivers in Denmark. As well as a range of wet and dry foods for cats and dogs they also supply salmon oil.

44 | Total Grooming Magazine

For the Barfers out there a number of BARF food companies that are now providing fish-based products. Albion Meat Products has been providing raw meat products for dogs for over 30 years and now offers a tripe and oily fish recipe in their premium range and cod and coley fish fillets in their chunky range. BARF Pet Foods also offers Fish of the Day dried fish treats as well as Alaskan Coley, Bacalao Perch and Pangasius Catfish in their Petman Range. When stocking raw frozen fish make sure that the fish is of human grade quality, check where is it fished from (i.e. the water quality) and the sustainability of the fish source. Any producer should be able to provide that information for you but these rules should also apply to any commercial pet food company that supplies fish-based products as well. Finally on the health supplement side of things a number of fish-based food providers will supply salmon

Where to buy fish food for dogs Angell Petco: Fish4Dogs: Mariner’s Choice: Lily’s Kitchen: Applaws: Burns Pet Nutrition: Albion Meat Products: Barf Pet foods: Addicare: Lintbells: PetPrices UK Ltd:

oil. One recent company to do so is Addicare. Their salmon oil pet dietary supplement is 100% natural and is sourced from Atlantic salmon and from carefully controlled Scottish sea lochs and waters under natural and environmental compatible conditions. It is available in 500 ml bottles and contains 99% oil. The benefits of giving a dog or cat salmon oil are that it contains Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids which are critical for good health. It helps to maintain a healthy immune system and heart, it supports general fitness, it gives a shiny and lustrous coat, it helps reduce shedding, it prevents hair and skin conditions, it produces good energy levels and reduces problems with stiffness, and joint arthritis in dogs. Another leading brand of fish-based oil products is Yumove from Lintbells which is made from New Zealand, green-lipped mussels. Their range is ideal for dogs suffering from stiffness and is great for working dogs and those involved in dog agility events. All the evidence suggests that fish is great for dogs and that groomers should be looking to stock fishbased products on their shelves for customers to buy. They are a perfect accompaniment to the services that groomers provide in helping to maintain a good coat and skin for all our pets.

NEW From the makers of Hyper-Coat Prime

• Contains Hyper-Coat Prime • Maintains a show winning coat • No added flavourings, preservatives or colourants Westcotts is a complete premium dog food produced using only premium quality ingredients and featuring Hyper-Coat Prime. Available in 2kg and 12kg bags, the quality feed comes in the form of a crunch kibble and contains calcium, phosphorous and hemp seed oil promoting health, strong teeth and bones. Formulated with high levels of chicken and rice, Westcotts is ideal for dogs with a sensitive digestive tract.

A4Advert.indd 2 30/05/2013 16:56

Cool clippers

A selection of clippers from some trusted names...

Mastercut Free Style

Andis SMC2 clipper

FAV5CL hybrid clipper

The Mastercut Free Style is a lightweight cordless trimmer with revolutionary detachable blade system. Unlike competitive products, reliant on attachment combs, the Free Style offers a range of unique adjustable blades permitting clipping heights up to 11mm. Designed for professional use, with two battery packs and a twin port charging stand for near continuous operation. For more information, visit

The Andis SMC2 is a compact, lightweight mains-powered clipper, created for professional use. The ergonomic design has been developed with careful consideration for users with smaller hands, providing light and comfortable operation during extended periods of use. Fully compatible with Andis UltraEdge and CeramicEdge blades for maximum versatility with a variety of breeds and coat types. Visit for details.

Aesculap’s new hybrid clipper gives groomers the chance to buy a professional clipper at an affordable price. It has the same motor and operating system as the FAV5 cordless, which it can be upgraded to by buying the charging station, which includes two lithium-ion batteries. You’ve then got the best of both worlds – mains power plus the freedom of a cordless clipper. To find out more visit

Laube Mini Lazor Clipper

Oster A6 Slim clippers

The Laube Mini Lazor Clipper is the most powerful snap-on blade clipper available anywhere. It has the largest motor of all the Laube clippers, is great for heavy-duty grooming tasks, and produces a smooth clip with no tracking. It is compact and is both cool and quiet when in use. It is designed to last and comes with a five-year limited motor warranty. Only available in the UK from Technogroom Limited

Oster have introduced what they are calling “the ultimate clipping machine”. The A6™ clipper combines Oster’s™ most compact ergonomic design with a high efficiency, precision tuned motor, delivering blade speeds up to and over 4,000 SPM. The new design offers several new patent pending features, includng a revolutionary blade drive system and unique vibration isolators for superior cutting performance. Visit to find out more.

Oster PRO600i cordless trimmer

46 | Total Grooming Magazine

The Oster PRO600i cordless trimmer utilises the latest Lithium Ion battery technology to offer users maximum productivity. Combined with an adjustable blade system, allowing you to cut up to five different hair lengths with one blade, this compact and versatile clipper is ideal for a variety of breeds and clipping tasks. Visit the Oster Pro website for more information.



As used and recommended by vets and pet groomers throughout europe


Total Grooming Magazine | 47

Keep your customers close Before you embark on that costly and time-consuming new business drive, take a step back and look a bit closer to home. Phil Turtle of marketing and PR consultancy looks at the frequently overlooked source of much easier profit…


any businesses, grooming businesses included, may be overlooking significant sales opportunities on their doorsteps by simply neglecting to market properly to their existing customer base. Study after study has shown that it costs far less to keep an existing customer than to gain a new one. Some say it’s eight times less, other say it’s ten times cheaper. Try working out how much you make by keeping customers for six months longer and prepare to be amazed.

A foot in the door With existing customers you have already got your foot in the door. In fact it’s more like your entire leg. If they are already choosing to use your services, they must be convinced you are doing something right. They’re

of your competitors. Everyone has a wandering eye. And if your competitors are putting themselves about, you’d better make sure your efforts at least match up to theirs. Never assume your customers read the press. Let’s be realistic, everyone has less time and reading trade magazines is a luxury people can only indulge in now and again. So while it’s imperative to get your message in every issue of your key trade media (like Total Grooming!); take the trouble to send them your press releases and features directly too. And when you do get stuff published – send them a personal copy.

They will forget how good you are You need to keep reminding customers just how good you are, just how few problems they have with you compared to what they will have with competitors

If they are already choosing to use your services, they must be convinced you are doing something right. pleased with the current product or service you are supplying them, so offer them something different as well. They are more likely to buy from you than a competitor who is still untested. However customers are not impervious to the promotional attempts 48 | Total Grooming Magazine

– and just how much pain and extra work you take off their shoulders. One of the things that can make customers look elsewhere is unresolved complaints or niggles. Asking for these is some of the best free market research you can get. And they’ll be genuinely

Phil Turtle

surprised and impressed that you took the trouble to ask and then took action. Nectar points, loyalty cards and the like work. Otherwise the big retailers wouldn’t invest £millions in them. So how can you take the idea of incentivised loyalty into your sector? How about retrospective volume related discounts to keep them buying? Points-make-prizes schemes work really well too. Humans are essentially emotional beings and seemingly daft little things can make a massive difference. Like a little cake on their birthday or a hand-written thank you note. Do some unexpected things that delight. If something goes wrong, give them something extra when you resolve it. Finally – be consistent. Don’t just read this and “have a go” for a couple of weeks or months – this needs to be month-in, month out, year-in, year-out. All of which will be amply rewarded with a long-term boost to your bottom line.

Eliminate breath,plaque plaque Eliminate bad bad breath, and naturalway way and tartar tartar the the natural Groomers get a trial spray for just £8.75

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Benefits for• Quickly dogsreduces and cats bacteria that cause badand breath cats and gum Benefits forcandogs • No brushing required • Very affordable • No brushing required • No more anaesthesia scaling


• Very affordable Quickly reduces bacteria that can

“I used this product as an emergency on Smokey because as many people who met her in those first few days will know that from a distance, even outside, her breath was absolutely fishy. After 3 days you could actually put your face next to her mouth as the smell had gone. I can only assume that for her this product did soften the plaque and tartar, freshened her breathe and hopefully elimated some of the bacteria. I certainly will continue to use ‘Within just two days Henry’s breath wasit”sweet and clean, added to which, after a fortnight the vast majority of the horrid plaque had gone from his teeth without having used a brush’ HEATHER PARKES Jane Lilley, Living With Dogs column 07.01.11

• No more anaesthesia scaling • Works in days – not months!

• Works in days – not months!

• Quickly reduces thatdisease can cause bad breathbacteria and gum cause bad breath and gum disease

‘Within just two days Henry’s breath was sweet“The and clean, added to which, a fortnight but the vast of was the horrid plaqueRos hadDavies gone from his teeth without having used a brush’ gel was extremely easyafter to administer whatmajority followed incredible.” Jane Lilley, With Dogs column 07.01.11 “I have worked a lot to keep my dogs clean of plaque for many years. I have Living finally found something really special for this problem.” Irma Leino (Iberima Austrailian Silky Terriers) “ThePetzlife gel was Oral extremely administer but what followed was incredible.” Ros Davies “I purchased Careeasy Gel to and I am delighted with the results!” Linda Barclay (Korzwin GSDs) “I have worked a lot to keep my dogs“Six clean of since plaqueweforstarted many using years. the I have found something reallyMaureen special for this(Irish problem.” Leino (Iberima Austrailian Silky Terriers) days gel finally all of the plaque had gone.” Hull Setter Irma Rescue Group) “I purchased Petzlife Oral Careit Gel I am Idelighted with the results!” Linda Barclay (Korzwin GSDs) “It is a fantastic product that does exactly what saysand it does. would recommend it to anyone.” Sharon Stakes (Tundrasteppe Japanese Spitz) “Sixused daysyour sinceproduct we startedforusing the and gel all of the plaque hadare gone.” (Irish Settermuch Rescuesweeter.” Group) Thomas Jones “I have only 3 days already his teeth muchMaureen whiter Hull and his breath “It is a fantastic product that does exactly what it says it does. I would recommend it to anyone.” Sharon Stakes (Tundrasteppe Japanese Spitz) “I have only used your product for 3 days and already his teeth are much whiter and his breath much sweeter.” Thomas Jones

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There’s something in the water Dog groomer and hydrotherapist Adam Gibbins of Dogtown in Chiswick talks about the benefits of introducing poorly pooches to the pool…


t’s a very distressing time when an owner realises their four-legged friend can no longer keep up on walks and may even be in pain. Some see it as a natural part of the ageing process, others ask themselves what can be done to ease the suffering a little. Hydrotherapy could just provide the answer. Not that it’s a miracle cure but what it can achieve is amazing. We have seen aged Labradors carried in by loving owners, who spend almost every moment of their day taking the dog out in the garden to toilet, turning them when they are asleep to stop them getting sores, or standing by the roadside with the dog held in a harness just so he can have a sniff. That same dog can swim in a hydrotherapy pool, chase a toy thrown in the water, and wag his tail like the years have simply melted away. It’s not going to cure him and take away those terrible displaced hips, but for an hour he can be a Labrador again.

How hydro works Supported by the warm water, which is kept at a steady 29 degrees plus, his aching joints are moving in a weightless environment. The warmth of the water eases his pain and the 50 | Total Grooming Magazine

Hydrotherapist Adam Gibbins in action

hydrostatic pressure helps reduce the swelling. And while in the water he can move wherever he wants, without the hesitation that soreness instills. It may not be a miracle, but sometimes it feels like that to owner and hydrotherapist alike. But it’s not only the old dogs that learn and improve by this trickery. It’s also beneficial to the injured, the post surgery, and the fit who need to get fitter. From the smallest Chihuahua to the largest great Dane (and we have

swum with these and everything in between) the benefits of hydrotherapy are being felt and acknowledged more and more, by both vets and owners alike. Most dogs can swim, but we take no chances and each pooch is fitted with a floatation jacket for safety. And of course, we are always in the pool with them to guide, assist and throw the toy. Even the most tentative of swimmers soon catch on. The slightly nervous dog who is reticent to get into the strange pool environment is normally

Does Your Dog Suffer from Itching or Skin Problems? Mange, mites, fleas? Or a skin infection, such as dermatitis? Our customers have found that the antifungal, antibacterial properties of DermOpt Coat Conditioner and Shampoo can maintain and support healthy skin through regular use. “I have been using DermOpt on my little dog for quite sometime now as she has very dry flaky skin and its brilliant. It keeps her skin nice and clear and itch free. Very, very happy with this product. Thank you.”

‐ Sue, from Cornwall Order your free report from Or use this voucher code to get your 15% online discount: groom135511C. DermOpt contains Thrixsolene® which is a biocidal, non‐medicinal product designed for hygiene purposes and no claim is made regarding treatment of the conditions listed.


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Total Grooming Magazine | 51

busting to get into the water by session two. The memory of fun and pain free activity overrides all others.

More than a dip in the pool For some conditions, swimming on its own would never achieve the results we desire. That’s when we deploy the other weapon in the hydro arsenal. The water walker. Think of it as a gym treadmill in a tank. The water walker spots the slackers and encourages them to use all four legs. By adjusting the level of the water and the speed of the belt, we have fabulous control and visibility of which limbs and muscles the dog is actually using. Whichever tool we use – the key remains motivation, and fun is undoubtedly the greatest motivator of them all. Every hydrotherapist wants that element of fun. It means we can work the dog hard to gain muscle and mobility without them really noticing. Make no mistake though; the hard work does pay off. Whoever coined the phrase “No pain - No gain” has never been to a hydrotherapy centre. So it has to be fun, but it also has to work.

Gaining recognition More and more vets are becoming aware of the conditions which can be helped by hydrotherapy. This may be because more owners are asking vets about it, or it may be that hydrotherapists are building better relations with veterinary practices. And

The pool at Dog Town

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the therapists themselves are building better reputations. The two regulatory groups, the National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists and the Canine Hydrotherapy Association ensure standards are met and require annual continual professional development for every member, which gives reassurance of good practice for owners and vets. It’s not just about having a dog swim in a pool. Hydrotherapists are required to have a good knowledge of canine anatomy and physiology. They need to understand spinal and neurological conditions. They need to know how to help and most of all they need to know how to do no harm. That’s why we all back stringent rules and welcome the checks and balances. No registered hydrotherapist would ever swim a dog whose treatment had not been approved by a vet, and we keep the vet in the loop all the way through. If we have any concerns about a dog, we would immediately recommend the owner refer back to the vet.

Rapid results If this therapy is done promptly and correctly, amazing results have been seen. Dogs with osteoarthritis who have never been able to go upstairs, are suddenly capable of leaping onto an owner’s bed. Dogs with spinal conditions who can’t even move their back legs, have improved so much that they can walk unaided. And dogs who faced hip replacement have been saved surgery by conservative management of their

Each dog wears a flotation jacket

Fun is the greatest motivator

dysplasia with hydrotherapy. Those for whom surgery was the only option have fully recovered and much more rapidly than a non hydro dog. Injured dogs, who used to enjoy bounding around and chasing a ball before they tore their cruciate ligaments, have been restored to their bouncing best. And anyone who owns a collie and has been told to cage rest them for months will appreciate the energy burning properties of a controlled swim. So it’s an area we are all proud to be associated with. Animal lovers one and all, we know we can make a difference because we see it every day. We can’t call it a cure, nor can we claim the word miracle, but to all of us who are involved in hydrotherapy, it feels damn close. Find out more about Adam Gibbins’ grooming and hydrotherapy centre at

Dogs can be restored to their best

Tested on humans for animals Oggy have developed a range of luxury grooming products with unique patented formulas derived from the group’s world-leading babycare products…


ll Oggy products use totally natural minerals and organic plant extracts which result in an extremely deep clean, whilst remaining soft and gentle to both the user and pet. All our shampoos and spritzers are dermatologically tested and effective at killing germs and bacteria to 99.999% – 100 times better than most other pet shampoos on the market. The Hair of the Dog range includes ten luxury shampoos and four fruity spritzer’s which quickly clean and deodorise your dog, leaving them smelling great and free of germs. The shampoo range offers a dry option for dogs that are not keen on getting wet, as well as a wet foaming option that is also available in a five-litre salon size.

Oggy also offer Quickfix, a dry foaming pet shampoo that is suitable for all domestic animals and is another great way to clean pets without any fuss or any mess. As well as luxury grooming products we offer a fantastic hygiene product called Wipeout. This multi-purpose cleaner will clean and deodorise any fabric or surface rather than masking the odour like many other bleach based products. We have now added Wowder to our expanding range, a unique liquid grooming cream. This can be applied directly to a dog’s coat to help with detangling while giving a stylish finished result. This is seen as an ideal replacement to grooming talc as it will

not only give a finished look but will also deep clean the coat without any mess. The Oggy range has been developed and is manufactured in the UK a fact that we are very proud of. Oggy are now looking for partners in the grooming sector. Visit to see the full range and call 0191 404 6807 or email should you wish to discuss stocking the range.

Introducing Westcotts brand new premium dog food The makers of HyperCoat Prime, The Animal Health Company, have launched a new premium dog food, Westcotts. Here they introduce it…


estcotts, our new premium dog food, has been specially developed by animal health experts at The Animal Health Company for the competition show dog and provides a number of additional health benefits for canines with skin complaints and specific dietary requirements. Containing HyperCoat Prime, a popular supplement for canines,

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with pure hemp seed oil which is also produced by the Animal Health Company, the luxury dog food contains essential omega oils needed to maintain a healthy skin condition and a showwinning coat.

Healthy teeth and bones Available in 2kg and 12kg bags, the quality feed comes in the form of a crunchy kibble and contains calcium and phosphorus promoting

healthy, strong teeth and bones. Formulated with high levels of chicken and rice, Wescotts helps dogs with a sensitive tract whilst also making it extremely palatable. Produced using premium quality ingredients this new premium dog food is hypo-allergenic, pro-biotic and has no added flavourings or preservatives. It is also free from dairy, eggs and wheat gluten and delivers a complete balanced diet and delicious taste for canines. For more information about the Animal Health Company and their other product ranges visit or call 01787 476400.

Catalog!ue New ut O Now

DEC/JAN 2013

APR/MAY 2013


Tips and tricks Pampering ideas for pets

Doggy debate Step by step Grooming miniature schnauzers

Step by step

Using dye on dogs

All change News from the PCTA

Cat grooming

at its best

Customer complaints

Product Focus

A new idea for your business?

British grooming

The Australian labradoodle

A look at drying equipment


to employed

Regulation and qualification

in dog grooming

The merits of working for someone else

The results of the British Dog Grooming Championship 2012 TGM Cover.indd 3

Advice on how to cope

Dana Grant asks if the industry is ready

29/01/2013 10:53:23

Subscribe and NEVER miss out... If you would like to contribute to future issues of Total Grooming Magazine please contact : Sarah Furneaux If you would like to subscribe to the magazine or have an interest in advertising then please contact : Mike Smith 01795 509110

The Pet Industry Federation solution to regulation In the last edition we announced the Pet Care Trade Association’s name change to the Pet Industry Federation. Now the federation introduces its latest news including their solution to one of the biggest issues facing the industry…


he Pet Industry Federation is launching a Quality Assurance Standard for Groomers to lift public confidence in the grooming industry. Recent media coverage of tragedies in grooming salons has cast a dark shadow over the entire sector, with damaging aspersions made about groomers’ concern for the safety and wellbeing of animals. Heidi Anderton, chair of the British Dog Groomers’ Association (BDGA), which is part of the Pet Industry Federation, says the portrayal is not representative of the industry. She said: “This negative coverage is contrary to the British Dog Groomers’ Association’s long experience in supporting dedicated, passionate, skilled groomers.” However, the BDGA and the Pet Industry Federation recognise that the grooming industry has never been subject to the same scrutiny that is applied to pet retailers selling pets, or kennels and catteries boarding animals, all of which require a licence to operate. Members of the public are therefore choosing their grooming services virtually blind, with no legislative framework to offer reassurance and no prospect of the government addressing this. Chief executive of the Pet Industry Federation, Nigel Baker said that the federation recognised that action was needed. He said: “The Pet Industry Federation realises that a bold move is needed to counteract the negative press groomers have recently experienced, and what better than to

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robustly demonstrate just how safe, caring and professional groomers are through an industry-agreed Quality Assurance Standard? A working party of members of the British Dog Groomers’ Association has helped the Federation Secretariat devise a standard which provides BDGA members with the opportunity to be professionally audited and then to proudly display the assurance logo and certificate on successful completion.” The robust audit of the grooming business covers areas such as animal welfare, staff training, equipment, health and safety and customer care. And groomers also take an online assessment to measure their technical competence. Joanne Angus from Groom Team England has welcomed the move. She said: “It is a positive step for the grooming industry that the Pet Industry Federation are taking the initiative to introduce standardisation for grooming salons. This has been a matter of great debate for some time now, and can only be of benefit to groomers and also the pet owning public, by giving them confidence in their choice of salon.” Louisa Tandy of the English Groomers Group echoed the positive comments and said: “We at EGG are thrilled with the launch of the Quality Assurance Standard for groomers. It will help tremendously with customer awareness of our industry and the brilliant people that work within it, encouraging them to find a quality assured groomer who has been assessed

to be working at the required standard in a safe environment . We feel it is a positive step towards moving the industry forward in a direction that all groomers will want to support and be part of.” The public will be informed how and why to seek out Quality Assured groomers through an on-going publicfacing marketing campaign by the Pet Industry Federation in partnership with consumer media including publications that are seen as trusted sources of information for pet owners. To register your interest in the standard, or for more information, visit

Nigel Baker

Providing excellence in training


he Pet Industry Federation (PIF) attended the Groom Pro Expo/Mastergroom event at the end of April, where PIF Accredited Grooming Training Centres were presented with certificates to mark their successful completion of its robust auditing process. Three of the successful recipients were at Groom Pro Expo: Heidi Anderton LCGI of Absolutely Animals; Mark Davies LCGI of Allbreed Dog Grooming Academy and Carole Gowers LCGI of Evesham Dog Grooming Academy. Nigel Baker, chief executive of the Pet Industry Federation said: “Put simply, our Pet Industry Federation

Accredited Grooming Training Centres provide the highest quality of training for students wishing to pursue a career in dog grooming; our new audit confirms this. As part of our drive to improve standards and raise professionalism within the industry, we have worked with an experienced external quality assurer to create a rigorous and demanding audit, examining areas such as health and safety, staff training, customer care, management processes and of course, occupational competence. We’re proud of our centres. Our unique audit assures students who train at any of our PIF Training Centres that they

will receive an excellent standard of training and learn the skills and gain the qualifications necessary to confidently and successfully operate as dog groomers.” Pet Industry Federation Grooming Training Centres deliver City & Guilds dog grooming qualifications on behalf of the Federation. Tutors are all highly qualified and experienced dog groomers, who have all achieved or are working towards completing the full British Dog Groomers’ Association Higher Diploma in Dog Grooming. All hold a teaching qualification and the majority are members of the Guild of Master Groomers.

British Dog Grooming Championship 2013


ingley Hall, Staffordshire Showground is the place to be on Sunday October 6 if you’re a dog groomer. The British Dog Grooming Championship is set to be the most dynamic ever, being staged in a different, larger venue and incorporating an exciting family dog day – ‘Paws’ at Bingley – attracting thousands of dogs and their families. We were amazed by how popular Team Student was last year! If you’re training at a PIF Accredited Grooming School, you can enter as part of a team (maximum six per team) and be in with the chance of becoming the Student Team of the Year. The UK Groomer of the Year 2013 will have the chance to travel to the USA to take part in Intergroom 2014. Joining them will be a representative from one of our Accredited Grooming Training Schools, drawn at random at the show. Our PIF Accredited Grooming Training Schools will have the chance

to set up stall at the British Dog Grooming Championship, and advertise their services to potential students. Even if you’re not competing this year, there will be plenty to keep you entertained. As ever we’ll have a range of professional seminars and demonstrations to enhance your knowledge and expertise. And thanks to the show’s combined focus on both groomers and dog owners, the trade show will be the largest ever at a UK grooming event, with a range of shopping experiences from professional grooming products, dog treats and dog food, to craft stalls, charity stalls and local businesses. There will also be displays and dog-related activities taking place in the main rings throughout the day, as well as a companion dog show and public-facing seminars helping dog owners look after their dogs. If you would like further information about having a trade stand or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Alexandra Baker on

01234 273933; alexandra.baker@ This year competitors will be able to register online through the dedicated BDGC website – which will be live from mid-June.

Mark Davies of Allbreed Grooming Academy receives his PIF Accredited Training Centre certificate’

Total Grooming Magazine | 57

The English Groomers Group It’s a busy time of year for the English Groomers Group. Groomer and member Melanie WintersHolmes fills us in on all the latest here…


s Total Grooming Magazine goes to print, our biggest event of the year will be getting underway. The very exciting English groomers’ challenge at White Oak Leisure centre was due to take place on June 1 and 2 with exciting new classes for competitors to show off their skills in and great prize money for the best groomers. As I write this I’m busy packing up the entire house to take to the challenge – okay, not quite the entire house but doesn’t it feel like it when you are off to a competition? To all those competing, I wish you good luck and the best advice I can offer to you for this challenge and other competitions is: take a moment to stand back from your dog, look from all angles by moving around your table, smile, breathe and invest in some rescue remedy (plenty of). I am so looking forward to this event and will be writing a full report on how the event goes in the next issue of Total Grooming.

Everyone’s talking about pricing Pricing seems to be a hot topic on the social media sites at the moment and, I’m told, is discussed elsewhere in this

English Groomers Group after their recent win

58 | Total Grooming Magazine

issue of Total Grooming too. The cost you charge is such an important part of any business and it is worth assessing and comparing your prices on a fairly regular basis and, if necessary, recalculating your costs. There are lots of things you need to think about and a few important questions to ask yourself. Firstly, and most importantly – are you running at a loss? If the answer is yes, then you need to do something quick as the situation is not sustainable. Other things to consider are whether you have looked at your costs recently? The price of things change and you need to change your pricing to reflect that. Have you looked at your maintenance costs? Do you know much an hour are you working for and do you know what it costs to run the salon per hour? Finally, are you competitive with your local groomers? Using a simple budgeting plan you can work out your running costs this will give you a true idea of how much you need to make before breaking into profit. You may be very surprised by what you find out. A recent Facebook conversation about pricing for a thick coated labradoodle was very interesting with different groomers putting their prices forward. The prices quoted range from £40 to £65 – that’s quite a difference! Being cheap will never work in your favour as the strain to yourself and your equipment will far out way any competitive edge, and of course a cheap job doesn’t shout quality and will not enhance your reputation.

Vaccinations It would be quite interesting to undertake a survey of pricing across

the country looking at the different prices people are charging for breeds and to find out more about how people set their pricing. Another topic that is never far from the headlines for groomers is vaccinations. Some of us require our dogs to be vaccinated before we can accept them so with some vets now looking at blood tests and homopathetic vaccinations I would like to know how other groomers are responding to this. What is your stand on these issues? We would love to hear from you.

On the winning team The English groomers group would like to thank all of you that voted for us to win our recent award we are very proud to have received this award and will try not to let it go to our heads! We hope that we are providing you with the support and encouragement you need to fulfill your careers in grooming if there are events or subjects you would like us to look into please let us know. We really value your feedback.

English groomers’ quiz Another date for your diary is July 21, 2013. This is the date of the English Groomers’ Group Quiz. Venue and full details to follow shortly. You’ll be able to test your knowledge against other teams of groomers in this hilarious but educational day. The cost is £10 per person to include buffet lunch. Tickets will be available to buy online as soon as full details are confirmed To find out more about the quiz or to let us know your opinions on any of the subjects touched on here contact us on Facebook or visit www.

Oodles of doodles These days groomers are seeing all sorts of oodles and doodles coming into the salon, each with their own distinctive looks. Here, owner and groomer Emily Mulholland offers a snap shot of some of the breeds. It is largely believed that the doodles were originally bred to reduce shedding and allergies associated with


moulting dogs but now this has grown into a very different gender of dogs from the largest rottipoo to the smallest maltipoo. The explosion of doodles has should be something that has benefitted groomers and in the large part we must be pleased with the regular grooming and attention they require.

As an owner of one of these delightful creatures I have experienced the ups and downs of these coats and unfortunately have also seen some of the dreadful states that they can get into. Clipping is something that is seen on a regular basis with these dogs.


Labradoodle Usually one of the largest and with a variety of coat types depending on the cross generation. Can be difficult to balance as usually a little rangy in shape with a long leg and small head. Can carry off a clip off quite well.

Rottidoodle A rarer cross but one I know well. Has a fine wavy wool-like coat which is easily knotted and lacking in undercoat.



One of the most common crosses and very popular. Size varies from toy poodle size to large miniature and these coats are very varied from wiry to dense wool. These dogs do well in clipped and scissor trims and can also carry terrier shapes as they are usually balanced


Total Grooming Magazine | 59

A rewarding career Grooming director of the Pet Industry Federation, Heidi Anderton, explains how she got started in the animal care industry and offers a few tips for fellow groomers‌


rom a very young age I always knew I wanted to work with animals. I could never see myself working in an office or travelling on trains up to London with the commuter crowd all packed in like sardines in a can. I wanted to follow the route of job satisfaction and I certainly got that. I started off in boarding Kennels straight from school in 1997 and loved the job straight away. I loved working with the animals. Luckily enough I was given the opportunity to go on a two-week grooming course on YTS (Youth Training Scheme) back in the day, and absolutely loved it. I knew this was the direction for me, so soon after I returned for another six weeks. Working closely with the dogs and getting to know them on a

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more personal level gave me huge job satisfaction. I was delighted I could make a difference to how the dogs were feeling and how they looked. I could tell how happy the dogs were to be clean, comfortable, groomed out and looking beautiful. The procedure is also pretty quick, turning a dog of rags into a dog of riches in no more than two hours gives a wonderful sense of achievement and having the owner share in that delight is a wonderful bonus. These are achievements I still cherish today which drives my passion for the industry.

Setting out on my own Starting my own business, Absolutely Animals, in 1995 was a huge step in my career. I have since got more involved in the grooming industry and the different related sectors. I have achieved all the

grooming qualifications available and have competed in the competition ring many times in my career. Doing so has taken me to America and across Europe several times where I have been lucky enough to meet groomers from across the world. I absolutely love the European and World

Groom for a living with Absolutely Animals

Accredited Premier Training School • Award Winning Groomers We offer you Nationally accredited • Qualifications in Dog and Cat grooming New Life, New start, New you!

We are a Family run business and are dedicated to fulfilling your learning potential • Award winning groomers • Tutors who are qualified in teaching and assessing • Pet Care Trade association and City and Guilds Assessment Centre • Level 3 certificate in dog grooming • Advanced diploma in dog grooming • Higher diploma in dog grooming • Seminars and workshops • Grooming supplies • Designer pet supplies • Based in London •We are a friendly family run business Our courses are flexible and designed for the individual Call Heidi or Christine to discuss individual requirements you may have 020 8857-2888 What our students say: “I have gained more confidence in my work and I will be going back to wales with a different way of looking at my clients dogs!!” “I would encourage anyone if you are thinking of doing this course...go for it!! And you won’t get better than Absolutely Animals the teaching is second to none” “My time on the 30 day dog grooming course was so enjoyable. I was made to feel welcome and encouraged to relax and enjoyed the whole experience. I started grooming from home immediately” “Upon leaving my course I got a job straight away in another salon. They were so impressed with my training they thought I had been grooming for years” • 020 8857 2888

grooming communities as well as our own of course. Seeing how groomers groom differently across the world is a wonderful learning and social experience which I would highly recommend to any groomer. My participation in the competition sector has helped my business, evolve naturally from a dog grooming business into a Premier Accredited training school. We are now open seven days a week and some evenings for dog grooming as well as cat grooming and six days a week for training upand-coming dog and cat groomers. As I have evolved my business I have taken a path to be qualified in teaching, assessing and internal quality assurance, so I can also deliver the best training to future dog groomers,


he grooming industry has boomed over the past 20 years and there are much better techniques, and equipment available, for those in the industry now or starting out. These will make the process much easier, quicker and less physically challenging, than when I first started. I have put together a list of my top five pieces of equipment which I hope that will inspire you.

Heidi Anderton’s top five pieces of must-have equipment 1. The Combi blaster and dryer – includes variable heat and velocity 2. The Groomers Helper – control and handling aid 3. The variable length trimmers – for those delicate places 4. Metal attachment combs – variable sizes, completely cuts down the manual scissoring 5. The Happy Hoodie – use on the dog when blasting, blocks the noise and settles the dog

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as well as my clients’ dogs and cats. I guess I do like a challenge and am so glad my career is centred on a passion which I love. I am very proud to have achieved all this as a single mother of three children, and to be working alongside my daughter Christine who has been born into this industry and is successfully progressing in a dog grooming career of her own.

Where I am now At present I am using my knowledge gained to help the Pet Industry Federation in the role of grooming director. There is a lot we can still do to improve our industry for ourselves and the general public. Plans are underway for a bigger and better British Dog Grooming Championship, taking

place this year on Sunday October 6 at Bingley Hall, Staffordshire County Showground (Ed’s note: read more about this on page 57). This year’s event looks set to be the most dynamic ever, being staged in a different, larger venue and incorporating an exciting family dog day – ‘Paws’ at Bingley – attracting thousands of dogs and their families. I hope we will be able to showcase our skills to the public, highlighting and educating owners in caring for the coat care of their pet. Grooming dogs can be a very lonely and repetitive business if you don’t go out and meet others and continue your learning keeping up with the latest trends, the British Dog Grooming Championship is a great place to do this. I hope to see you there!

Accredited Satellite Training Centre

Dee For Dogs Offering City and Guilds Level 2 and Introductory Level 3 Available to new and experienced groomers. Tailor made courses to meet your individual needs and learning abilities. T: 01702 232623 M: 07736 062044 E: W:

Dog Training and Rehabilitation Primal Plus Dog Training and Rehabilitation We have devised a new quick and easy method of training dogs. Due to it’s success and demand from clients we are now unable to cope on our own so we are offering to teach our techniques to the right people. We are looking for experienced dog handlers from any field, trainers and behaviourists. We are going to run two courses, one is for those wishing to remain independently working for themselves, the cost for this is £3,500 which is a 2 day course. W:

Dog First Aid Training Courses and Equipment Animal Aiders Animal Aiders provides high quality and affordable dog first aid courses all over England, ideal for dog professionals, including groomers. T: 01284 811192 or 07758 739332 E: W:

Grooming Salon

Dazzling Dogs & Cats We are Dazzling Dogs & Cats a pet grooming salon based in Melksham Wiltshire offering a variety of key pet services to include Dog Bathing, clipping, Scissoring, Handstripping and Dematting. We also offer a range of cat services to include full grooming, dematting and desheading. Dazzling Dogs & Cats Unit 8/9, Avonside Enterprise Park, New Broughton Road, Melksham, SN12 8BT W: E: T: : (01225) 581582

GHY13 Expanded Entries :Expanded Entry Template

Grooming Products

Quistel Ltd 202 Moorside Road, Swinton Manchester, M27 9LE

Quistel TEL 0161 211 1292/ 0800 622 6190 FAX 08452578054 Quistel manufacturers and markets the ultimate in pet grooming products specifically created to enrich and maxmise RADIANCE+REJUVENATION+ RESISTANCE. The quistel grooming range is organic, non toxic, hypoallergenic, free from synthetic or artificial agents, dyes and perfumes. T: 0800 622 6190 W:

Grooming Suppliers



Mobile Grooming Service

Page 28

Dog Groom UK Would you like to be your own boss? Would you like to own an executive Mobile Grooming Salon? Would you like to earn an excellent income? Would you like Training to City & Guilds Standard? We are recruiting a quality team of Grooming Partners, offering them the BEST training, the BEST support team, the BEST image and the BEST Mobile Grooming Salon T: 0800 014 8289 E: W:

Pet Product Distribution Company Of Animals Everyone at the Company of Animals loves animals! We are all fully trained in pet care and experienced pet owners which makes us the perfect people to dream up new pet training accessories. The training and behaviour specialists’ in the marketplace. Established in 1979, Company of Animals has always been about a commitment to quality and excellence that puts the pet at the heart of everything we do. E: T: 01932 566696 F: 01932 565979 DeZynaDog Ltd Specialist suppliers for the Professional Animal Grooming Industry. Striving to offer clients the largest range of equipment and products under one roof in the UK, together with help, advice and excellent service from an experienced team dedicated to the industry. DeZynaDog is known in the industry as the One Stop Shop for Groomers. T: 01553 816400, F: 01553 816408 E: W:

International Animal Care College

Smartpets International Animal Care College Unit 41 Dunlop Ind Units, 8 Balloo Drive, Bangor N Ireland BT197QY N Irelands only City&Guilds Dog grooming training & assessment centre T: 028 91 450585 W: www.smartpetsgroomingschool.

Phileas Dog Phileas Dogg has sniffed out unique, quality pet brands from around the world to distribute to the pet retailer and groomers throughout the UK. It’s not WHAT we do but WHY! the slogan behind one of our exclusive brands Organic Oscar, a high quality, organic, all natural and eco-friendly range of shampoos, presented in the company’s unique patented 100% recyclable bottle. Phileas Dogg is proud to exclusively market and distribute Organic Oscar and Purifeye a natural Tear Stain suppliment, remedy , visit our web site to see how Organic Just Got Better!! T: 01428 770044 E: W:

Printing & Manufacturing DES CURRIE – PRINTER Grooming Client Record Cards Professional cards as supplied to most U.K. top groomers We supply a Full Starters Kit Made up of Record Cards Continuation Cards & Sleeves A-Z index Cards & a Filing Box WE ALSO SUPPLY Gift vouchers, Stickers, Certificates, Flea Control & Shaving off Consent Sheet Receipts, Vet Report Sheet, Terms and Conditions Signs, Laminated Signs etc. Appointment Cards 10,000 £99 (our size) For samples & prices phone Or call and collect at Established 1976 89 Derwent Street, Consett Co. Durham, DH8 8LT T: 01207 505191

Pet Solutions InformPet Ltd Voted ‘Highly Commended’, in the Best Health Product category, in the Your Dog Product Awards 2012/13, ProDen PlaqueOff Animal is a natural food supplement patented for the reduction of plaque, tartar and bad breath in cats and dogs. Added to food once daily results can usually be seen within just 3 to 8 weeks. Unit B, Airedale Works, Calverley Lane, Leeds, LS13 3LP T: 0800 032 9099 E: Online Pet Solutions Websites and Logo designs We are experts in designing modern, clean, professional websites and bespoke company logos that stand out for businesses in the pet industry. Our websites are rich in functionality, search engine friendly and can be easily maintained through our content management system. We offer three fixed price website packages starting at just £199. Company logos are only £99. T: 0800 043 0414 E: W:

Satellite Training Centre Bristles City & Guilds Satellite Training Centre for Dog Groomer Training courses. One to one tuition 1 to 20 day courses available. Learn to groom your own dog or start a new career, Please call or email for more details T: 01691 671600 M: 07701 000668 E:

Shampoo Hanlee’s Salon Shampoo. Professional quality salon shampoo used on Crufts winning show dogs and recommended by top groomers in the country; • Made in UK, • Contains Aloe Vera and Tea Extract. • Gentle on skin • Deep cleansing. • Detangling properties. • Helps eliminate odours such as tobacco. Contact us for a free sample For 10% off your first order use discount code TG13. M: 07415 690884 E: W:

Total Grooming Magazine | 63

Readers’ dogs... W

e love to see pictures of your dogs and the dogs you’ve groomed. Here are a selection that have been submitted through our Facebook page...

Dave and Brian – Tracy Burns

Daisie – Carol Finken

Coco – Gemma Ward

Moonshine – Deb Knight

Chico – Caroline Kelly

Tinker – Sally-Ann Harris

(L-R): Eli, Stan, Lola, Bonnie, Eva – Tina and Sandy West

Pamela – Denise Pope Charlie – Christine Mathieson

64 | Total Grooming Magazine

If you’d like to see your dog featured in Total Grooming Magazine, visit our Facebook page.

The importance of having a good dog bed

During a decade as a dog behaviourist, Pippa Ducat, has acquired first-hand knowledge of a dog’s needs, comfort and security. Here she explains how a good night’s sleep is as important for your clients’ dogs as it is for you and introduces her latest business venture…


ogs have been domesticated to live with us for over 15,000 years. The ancestors of modern domestic dogs were territorial, den-dwelling canines who loved to rest safely in a familiar spot with lots of comfort. Dogs today are naturally attracted to the same things, so getting a dog bed is something every pet owner should strongly consider. A dog bed is not only a luxury but essential for a well-behaved pet. It offers lots of benefits for your dog’s physical and emotional well-being. A bed would make your dog less anxious and stressfree and also enables him to have the 14 hours of sleep that are recommended each day for most breeds. Having a bed for your dog helps prevents the hip and joint problems that usually come with age. These problems are as painful to dogs as ourselves.

Hip and joint supplements do help but a good bed is the most important preventative measure. Further to this, cold air affects dogs who sleep on the floor or just on a rug. Older houses that have draughts or exposed wooden floorboards also exacerbate potential medical problems. A dog bed helps him avoid sickness, which in turn saves you trips to the vet.

Space to relax It is important for your dog to have his own space – as it is for all of us! Dogs are territorial animals and they feel most secure when they have a place that they can go back to at will. Getting a bed for your dog is a small investment that will go a long way in a trusting partnership. As a dog behaviourist I set up my own company Best Behaviour School

for Dogs ten years ago. Through my work I have acquired first-hand knowledge of what dogs need to make them feel secure. Like others who work in the pet industry the importance of meeting these requirements to help reduce behavioural problems is clear. Training and security are vital to achieve a well-behaved dog. Essentially, like us, all dogs benefit from a place to call their own and a warm draughtfree space to keep them fit and healthy. To this end, I have worked with other experts and friends to develop bedding, beds and feeders to improve a dog’s daily life and, consequently, the relationship between dog and his owner. The result is my latest venture, Bark & Whistle. It has been an ambition of mine for a long time to create a range of products that are stylish, but more importantly, beneficial to dogs. My Total Grooming Magazine | 65

Bark & Whistle collection includes lovingly crafted beds, bespoke pet cushions, distinctive collars and leads and other stylish essentials for pets and the home. The luxurious products are handmade in England using seasonal colour palettes and I am really pleased with how they have turned out and with the reception they have had so far since I launched them last year.

For dogs and for you Whilst the range has been designed with pets in mind, the products also look equally as stylish in any interior so can enhance your living space as well as your pets. The fabrics are able to blend with an overall décor, which in turn enhances your living space. And, of course, you do not need a dog or cat to use the cushions, draught excluders and doorstops which form a part of the collection. The Wine Box collection includes some unique designs of dog and cat beds, raised feeders and beautiful toy boxes based on a vintage-look wooden wine box. The hand selected fabrics for the bespoke pet cushions and comforters are seasonal, hard wearing and durable. These products make a

stylish addition to any home and that extra sophisticated touch to your décor. Getting a bed for your pet is a small investment, but nevertheless an important one, and will go an extremely long way in a trusting relationship between you and your pet. If you’re happy with the way it looks in your home – so much the better. I feel each dog deserves the very best and, in turn, he will repay his owner with trust, love and friendship for life.

To find out about individual purchases or opportunities to stock Bark & Whistle products contact Pippa by emailing pippa@ or by calling 01732 764081 or 07779 100204. Find out more at the Bark & Whistle website www. or on Facebook at BarkandWhistle

Dogs like a familiar space to return to

Bark and Whistle cushions for dogs – or for you!

66 | Total Grooming Magazine

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