aorta July - October 2012 //Issue: Stem Cell
Article about Stem Cell
The new Official Team 2012 - 2013
about us ”Empowering Medical Students and C
Improving the Nation’s Health”
enter for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities, CIMSA, is an independent, inclusive, nasionalist, non-profit and non-party organization. CIMSA is an individual based organization with members consisted of medical students from many universities in Indonesia. Established in 2001, and has grown up from 6 to 15 locals with approximately 5000 members. CIMSA aims at providing Indonesian medical students’ activities lodge to empower and express their idealism, thus medical students will have the same opportunities to get involved in health as early as possible and contribute to the development of this country. Our activities are applied not only in the local and national, but also in the international level. This can be achieved because since its establisment CIMSA has gained trust from the international world to become the full member of IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Association); the largest students’ organization in the world with approximately 107 contries as its members representing more than one million medical students worldwide. CIMSA’s field of work covers 6 aspects represented in the form of Standing Commitee (SCO); 1. SCOME, on Medical Education, is a forum for medical students who have special interest in the improvement of medical education. 2. SCOPE, on Professional Exchange, fasilitates all medical students to feel the atmosphere and culture in foreign country while experiencing the clinical study. 3. SCOPH, on Public Health, focuses on the importance of public health issues in medical education or community. 4. SCORA, on Reproductive Health Including AIDS, aims at raising the awareness on reproductive helath including sex education, gender equality, etc. 5. SCORE, on Researh Exchange, gives a chance to all medical students to partake in medical research in foreign country 6. SCORP, on Human Rights and Peace, is related to issues on human right and peace, including poblems faced by the refugees.
Cimsa Nasional CIMSAindonesia @cimsanasional General secretariat: 1st floor Library Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Jl.Salemba Raya no.6 Jakarta Pusat 10430 Indonesia
Thank you to all contributors for this edition.
Berli Kusuma Rebecca Oktavia Frasisca Jesita Silfiana Raymond Surya dr. Ufara Zuwasti dr. Ghaisani Fadiana
This is Molly.
She has a disease called diabetes. She has to inject insulin everyday and has to be careful about what she eats. Molly’s diabetes is caused by a problem with one of her organs. Which organ is it? a. liver (go to page 17) b. kidney (go to page 15) c. pancreas (go to page 21)
MC Team
Atika Primandina . Annisa Kallista Camelia Pondra . Dhany Indirwan Febriana Intan . Hafif Kusasi . Monika Hasna Raditya Pradipta . Rikeish . Rizky Saraswati
Hello everyone! Have you heard something about stem cells? Stem cells as the future medicine are still in the research phase and not publicly used yet. But look at the bright side that in the future, people with several severe chronic disease may have chances to be cured and to have their normal life. In this 7th edition we take stem cell as the main issue. There is a brief expalanation about stem cell and an expert opinion about it. Not all about stem cells, there are also latest news from the official team, meeting reports from our delegates, and also some articles as well. What’s new? From now on, the project magazine that used to published 2 times per year will come together with AORTA in C-pro, CIMSA’s projects. And now, we invited Molly with us to bring some fun to help us learn a bit about stem cells. So, here you go, 7th edition of AORTA. Enjoy!
Sekar Laras & Akmal Akbar Chief Editor Media and Communication Director & Task force for Media and Communication Director
Editorial Page
About Us
The Contributors
Editorial Page
President’s Note
Official CIMSA News
May Meeting, Jakarta
August Meeting 2012, India
Asia-Pasific Regional Meeting 2012, Malaysia
What are Stem Cells?
How Stem Cells are Changing the Way We Think About Disease?
Interview with Alumni
Official Team 2012-2013
Contents 4
s ’ t n e d i s e Pr Note Dear all, Be ACTIVE with CIMSA! Activity based, Continuity based, Technology based, International based, and accommodatiVE. To achieve these elements, there are so many values to be counted. We do action. We evaluate the impact. We think globally. We are creative. To learn together, get the experience, discuss the health issues, and share them with the world. For all of these to be accommodated, we need a tool called media. To publish is to communicate. AORTA, as one of CIMSA publication medias, is created to be the speaker of medical students’ ideas, thoughts and ways of action, in playing their roles for the society health effort. The ideas to be shared between us, the medical students, stakeholders, other parties, and not forgetting, global society. By having this ‘tool’, hopefully, we can, together hand-in-hand, empower medical students to be the ones who might just be able to create a better tomorrow for the generation to come.
Asri Kartika Putri President CIMSA 2012 - 2013
Official CIMSA News
1. CIMSA for MDGs
Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) as a medical student organization in Indonesia, which has the motto ACTIVE, need to contribute to help the government in achieving the MDGs in Indonesia. CIMSA’s locals that spread from Aceh to Malang as the tip of the spear, has demonstrated its activity in improving health care in Indonesia. Therefore, in February 2011 at the National Leadership Summit 2011 in Aceh, CIMSA established a Policy Statement that CIMSA will assist the government in improving the achievement of the MDGs in Indonesia especially points 4, 5, and 6. The purpose of the establishment of this Policy Statement is to focus CIMSA’s activities to improve the achievement of MDGs points 4, 5, and 6. To achieve them, CIMSA established a program called CIMSA for MDGs - Role of Medical Students to Achieve MDGs. Go with CIMSA for MDGs, CIMSA also launch a new blog to support it. The blog contains the stories of the activities from locals and articles from the member about MDGs. You can also visit the blog and even contribute for MDGs with your stories and ideas. Visit CIMSA for MDGs’ blog here Gia Noor Pratami - Research and Development Director
2. NEW website
Hello again from us! We are going to bring something new to CIMSA, and that will be the totally new website. With new layout, new concept, new pages, and together with the former Fundraising and Merchandise Director, Hafizha Herman, a new CIMSA’s merchandise page where you can see the photos, specifications, and the look book for CIMSA’s merchandise. You’ll get everything new. For this new website, we also work with many people from the layout design, concept, photos, and models. So here, we want to say thanks to Theodora, Eduard, and everyone involved in the making of the new website. You’ve played a big role! So, be patient waiting for the launching of the new website, and sorry for the inconvenient. Follow our twitter, @cimsanasional, for the latest updates. Sekar Laras & Akmal Akbar - Media and Communication Director
www. cimsa.
3. ATBH VI Conference The sixth All Together Better Health Conference (ATBH) was held on October 5th-8th in Kobe, Japan. The ATBH conferences are the leading international interprofessional education and collaborative practice conferences. The All Together Better Health conferences are supported by InterEd, the international association for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice - a not-forprofit association. The conference was divided into several sessions; oral presentations, oral poster presentations, keynote lectures, symposiums, round table discussions, workshops and student sessions. In the Student Oral Presentation session, a research done by HPEQ Student was selected to be presented. ‘Perception of Students from Various Professions Regarding Inter Professional Education (IPE) in Indonesia: A National Pilot Study’. The presentation had many positive reviews from the other participants. They were really inspired by the fact that in Indonesia, the students are the one who started the IPE movement first rather than the teachers. And the fact that Indonesia has become the pioneer of student alliance for education (CIMSA and other student organizations are the members of HPEQ Student, an Indonesian Health Professional Student Organization Alliance for Education). Another highlight of the conference was the 2012 International Health Care Team Challenge (IHCTC). The student participants were divided into a group of 6 from different health professions. Then they were given a complex clinical case scenario and they had to give a management plan to the patient. The best overall management plan and interprofessional approach was declared the winner. Social worker, Occupational Therapist, Osteopath, Psychologist were some of the health profession students who participated in the competition. Student is an important element in the IPE as well as a moving factor to start collaborative practice in a country. Therefore, students must first understand the concept and benefits of IPE so that students are motivated to embody IPE in their learning process. You can find out more about HPEQ Student and students’ involvement in IPE in Candrika Dini - Task Force for Liaison Officer to DIKNAS
We won the challenge! Best team and audience’s favorite team.
Biology Today ?
Awesome! To get her embryonal stem cells, Molly has to find out where the stem cells come from. a. Morula (go to page 9) b. Blastomere (go to page 16) c. Blastocyst (go to page 28)
May Meeting is one of several events
from CIMSA that eagerly awaited by all the members, why? May Meeting is a time when CIMSA members can meet each other to share their experiences in improving the health of the people of Indonesia. In addition, the May Meeting is an important moment when the regeneration of the CIMSA’s official team which always creates future leaders selected through this very special meeting. This year, CIMSA University of Indonesia (UI) has a great opportunity to host this event after CIMSA UI host the National Leadership Summit in 2010. In May Meeting 2012, CIMSA UI takes the theme “Be Holding Cancer for Caring Better” which was successfully held on 17 to 20 May 2012. Overall, the implementation of this May Meeting was quite successful. It can be seen from the enthusiasm of the participants in May Meeting 2012 which is outstanding. The event started on Thursday by the introduction of standing committees by the former president Niko Kristianto CIMSA 2011-2012 followed by the introduction of the participants. The event packed so neat by the committee in cooperation with the national official CIMSA. In the evening, the meeting was opened by the FKUI student manager and attended by the chairman of the BEM IKM FKUI. The next day, on Friday, the SCO-sessions went pretty well and the participants looked so close each other. That day, the program closed with the presentations of the national official candidates CIMSA 2012-2013. Lack of sleep did not dampen the spirit of the participants May Meeting 2012. The proof, the training session and the project fair on Saturday did not dampen the spirit of the participants. The participants from various universities tirelessly promote their local projects
" They brought great stories and unforgettable experiences of the May Meeting 2012 to their locals. "
The evening closed with the official results of the election and the 2012-2013 National CIMSA award winning announcement. CIMSA UI and CIMSA UGM announced as the best local CIMSA in 2011-2012. In the end of the day, all participants still looked fresh and enthusiastic. Finally, on the last day, Sunday, May 20 2012, CIMSA’s president for 2012-2013 was elected, Asri Kartika Putri. In the end of this May Meeting 2012 when all the participants were going back to their regions, they brought great stories and unforgettable experience of the May Meeting 2012 to their locals.
by: Raymond Surya
August M
Mumbai, India L
ast August, 15 Indonesian Medical Student brought some important mission in the annual meeting of IFMSA, August Meeting (AM) that held in Mumbai, the city of Bollywood. The first mission was to win the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) bidding and the second one, as important as the first, was a mission from SCOPE and SCORE to hunt some sign from many countries in Contract Fair. The meeting that was held in 9-15 August 2012 had a theme that concern about Universal Health.
That’s us! a and Berli Kusum :) ia Fransisca v a t c O a c c e b Re
For six days we attended many sessions such as The Opening Ceremony, Standing Committee/ NMO management/ President Session, NMO hour Regional Meeting, Theme Event, Training, Project Fair, Project Presentation, Contract Fair, Small Working Group, Food and Drink Party, Social Program, Cultural Night and Plenary Session. There were some trouble with the Organizing Committee (OC) in this GA, but IFMSA could hand this thing well. AM was opened by IFMSA President, Christopher Pleyer. He brought all the Executive Board of IFMSA that attend in the meeting and that could help us if we found any trouble. The second day we were divided to some groups to attend some different session. Asri
Meeting joined the President session that discussed about the problem that happened in the AM while the other attended NMO Management and SCO Session. Fortunately, we had some Indonesian representative in all SCO Session in AM. In the SCO Session we discussed some health problem around the world especially some that related with the Universal Health. On that day we also attended Regional Meeting, discussing problem in Asia Pacific region, and Grand Theme Event, lectures that tell us about some topic such as alcohol use, maternal health and traditional medicine.
The fifth day. Yes, it’s the bidding time! In the Regional Meeting Session on the forth day, the bidding for APRM was held. Mas Boy and Beth presented our APRM concept that will be held next year at Yogyakarta in front of others NMO in Asia Pacific Region. With all the preparation, we had much hope to win the bidding against Nepal. But, the result couldn’t be announced that time because we had no extra time for Regional Session. The last day, the sixth day we ate all of that Indian food, we attended all the session left passionately. In the evening Indonesian delegation gathered The third day which was likely the same with in NMO Session that led by Asri. We shared what we the second day, but there was a Project Fair Session get in AM. Over all, we were proud to be Indonesian in this day. Chosen NMO presented the best project delegation led by Asri. She played her role well in in their country. The situation was so crowded and the meeting. There was lots of experience we got. cheerful. The next day, we had to prepare ourselves We felt so happy getting new friends from different better. We began day three with so much hope and nationalities. We become more delighted knowing expectation. This was the execution day for contract Indonesia had won the bidding for APRM 2013! Mishunting, Contract Fair! It is the most important ses- sion accomplished. sion for SCORE and SCOPE because this two hours determined what these SCO will do in the next one year. Every country wear their unique attribute to attract people come to their country while the NEO and NORE were walking around looking for the contracts. Everybody having fun.
namaste. 12
Asia Pacific Regional Meeting Penang, Malaysia
by: Jesita Silfiana
bout two months ago I heard information that Asia Pacific Regional Meeting will be held in Penang, Malaysia and I really excited to join this event. Their theme was TRANSITIONS 2012, Doctor-in-training Changing the Global Health Landscape of Asia-Pacific. Besides the interesting theme they bring this year, it only takes about two and a half hour from Jakarta to Penang which means there must be many people from our beautiful country, Indonesia, who want to attend this event. And it is so true. We have 40 amazing delegates from Indonesia with our beloved head of delegates, Asri. One by one Indonesian delegates arrived in Penang on September 13th, 2012. We stayed at Bayview Georgetown Hotel Penang with other 300 APRM delegates enjoying malaysian good ambience for four days. This year, APRM has many interesting programme. There were Opening Ceremony, three Standing Committee Sessions, two Training Sessions, Keynote Lecture, Gala Dinner, AsiaPacific Global Health Fair and Exhibition, Global Health Film Festival, Health Forum at Komtar, IFMSA Project Presentation, International Democracy Night, Penang Heritage Tour, and the last was Closing Ceremony. Every programme has its own meaning and memory that we bring with us today until forever. On the first day, we already had sco session to attend. That was the first time we gather together and began to share information. In the evening there was keynote lecture of APRM 2012 from dr. Tikki Pang, Former Director of Research and Coorperation, WHO, Geneva. All of the delegates were gathered in the hotel ballroom with attractive decoration. In the same ballroom we
had our spectacular Gala Dinner with guest of honor, Mr. Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang. After having dinner, all delegates dance together to break the ice between them, dancing gangnam style. On the second day, we attended Training Session 1 and Standing Committee Session 2. Training Session was split in to many groups with interesting topic. Then finally I decided to attend “How to be a good leader like Steve Jobs�. And now I know how to act and practice to be a better person. For the scosess that day, I went to Sri Mas room, gathered with SCOPH. We talked each other about our project and make a small group of random people to show our performance for ice breaking. We also had Global Health Fair and Exhibition and Global Healh Debate that day. By seeing the Global Health Fair Exhibition, I felt like going around the Asia-Pasific country because all of their stands represents their health status and their country speciality. Our APRM 2013 booth gave souvenir from indonesia to attract delegates. Many delegates came to our booth to know more about Yogya and Indonesia.
about Yogyakarta and Indonesia. Global Health Debate was breathtaking. There were two Indonesian Delegates, Ervandy and Shela Putri, showing their debate ability about Health financing reform in Malaysia. We had our second romantic dinner at Revolving Restaurant. The interesting thing was, the restaurant was spinning very slowly so we could see all Penang from up there. On the next day we went to the highest building in Penang, Komtar. We had our APRM theme forum which had 3 different session and student panel there. Scosess and training session was held in Bayview hotel again followed by Project Persentation. Happily, our friend, Ervandy was given the sertificate as The Best Project Presentation APRM 2012: ACHP by SCOPH CIMSA. This makes me proud to be Indonesian even more. We spent our third night at Penang Medical College to celebrate International Democracy
Night. We all having fun that night. Trying new food from many country, wearing our traditional clothes, and perform our culture in front of all delegates. That night was unforgetable. And finally, I did not realize it was the last day we stayed in Penang. We spent our last day to see Penang Heritage Trail. We saw the true Penang in this programme. We went by foot. Despite the raining at that time we still enjoying every moment there. The last event was the closing ceremony. We all gathered in one big ballroom to take the last photo all together. The OC made us one sweet video about our activity. And I’m gratefull I can attend this amazing event with all amazing delegates in this amazing OC, Malaysia. I can not wait for another IFMSA activity that I know will give us many unpredictable surprise, unforgetable experience and uncountable friends.
What Are Stem Cells? R
esearch on stem cells is advancing knowledge about how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This promising area of science is also leading scientists to investigate the possibility of cell-based therapies to treat disease, which is often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine. Stem cells are one of the most fascinating areas of biology today. But like many expanding fields of scientific inquiry, research on stem cells raises scientific questions as rapidly as it generates new discoveries. Stem cells are a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types. Commonly, stem cells come from two main sources: Embryos formed during the blastocyst phase of embryological development (embryonic stem cells) and Adult tissue (adult stem cells). Both types are generally characterized by their potency, or potential to differentiate into different cell types (such as skin, muscle, bone, etc.).
regenerates the entire original organ. It is generally thought that adult stem cells are limited in their ability to differentiate based on their tissue of origin, but there is some evidence to suggest that they can differentiate to become other cell types.
Embryonic stem cells . Embryonic stem cells are derived from a four- or five-day-old human embryo that is in the blastocyst phase of development. The embryos are usually extras that have been created in IVF (in vitro fertilization) clinics where several eggs are fertilized in a test tube, but only one is implanted into a woman.
Sexual reproduction begins when a male’s sperm fertilizes a female’s ovum (egg) to form a single cell called a zygote. The single zygote cell then begins a series of divisions, forming 2, 4, 8, 16 cells, etc. After four to six days - before implantation in the uterus - this mass of cells is called a blastocyst. The blastocyst consists of an inner cell mass (embryoblast) and an outer cell mass (trophoblast). The outer cell mass becomes part of the placenta, and the inner cell mass is the group of cells that will differentiate to become all the of an adult organism. This latter mass Adult stem cells . structures is the source of embryonic stem cells - totipotent cells (cells with total potential to develop into Adult or somatic stem cells exist throughany cell in the body). out the body after embryonic development and are found inside of different types of tissue. In a normal pregnancy, the blastocyst These stem cells have been found in tissues such stage continues until implantation of the emas the brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, bryo in the uterus, at which point the embryo is skeletal muscles, skin, and the liver. They remain referred to as a fetus. This usually occurs by the in a quiescent or non-dividing state for years unend of the 10th week of gestation after all major til activated by disease or tissue injury. organs of the body have been created. Adult stem cells can divide or self-renew However, when extracting embryonic indefinitely, enabling them to generate a range stem cells, the blastocyst stage signals when to of cell types from the originating organ or even
isolate stem cells by placing the “inner cell mass” of the blastocyst into a culture dish containing a nutrient-rich broth. Lacking the necessary stimulation to differentiate, they begin to divide and replicate while maintaining their ability to become any cell type in the human body. Eventually, these undifferentiated cells can be stimulated to create specialized cells.
the capacity to serve any function after they are instructed to specialize. Every cell in the body, for example, is derived from first few stem cells formed in the early stages of embryological development. Therefore, stem cells extracted from embryos can be induced to become any desired cell type. This property makes stem cells powerful enough to regenerate damaged tissue under the right conditions.
Potency . Stem cells are categorized by their potential to differentiate into other types of cells. Embryonic stem cells are the most potent since they must become every type of cell in the body. The full classification includes: • Totipotent - the ability to differentiate into all possible cell types. Examples are the zygote formed at egg fertilization and the first few cells that result from the division of the zygote. • Pluripotent - the ability to differentiate into almost all cell types. Examples include embryonic stem cells and cells that are derived from the mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm germ layers that are formed in the beginning stages of embryonic stem cell differentiation. • Multipotent - the ability to differentiate into a closely related family of cells. Examples include hematopoietic (adult) stem cells that can become red and white blood cells or platelets. • Oligopotent - the ability to differentiate into a few cells. Examples include (adult) lymphoid or myeloid stem cells. • Unipotent - the ability to only produce cells of their own type, but have the property of selfrenewal required to be labeled a stem cell. Examples include (adult) muscle stem cells.
Stem cell controversy . The debates surrounding stem cell research primarily are driven by methods concerning embryonic stem cell research. It was only in 1998 that researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison extracted the first human embryonic stem cells that were able to be kept alive in the laboratory. The main critique of this research is that it required the destruction of a human blastocyst. That is, a fertilized egg was not given the chance to develop into a fully-developed human.
Legal issues . The stem cell debate has risen to the highest level of courts in several countries. Production of embryonic stem cell lines is illegal in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, and Ireland, but permitted in Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK. In the United States, it is not illegal to work with or create embryonic stem cell lines. However, the debate in the US is about funding, and it is in fact illegal for federal funds to be used to research stem cell lines that were created after August 2001.
Embryonic stem cells are considered pluripotent instead of totipotent because they do not have the ability to become part of the extraembryonic membranes or the placenta.
Research with stem cells . Scientists and researchers are interested in stem cells for several reasons. Although stem cells do not serve any one function, many have
References: StemCellBasics.pdf
How Stem Cells Are Changing the Way We Think About Disease
reating disease is about fixing broken parts — about replacing cells that no longer work as they should, repairing tissues that falter and boosting systems that fail. But curing disease is a different matter. To cure disease, you have to do all of that and more. You have to remove the pathological cause of the problem and to ensure that it doesn’t return. This requires teasing out where rogue cells went wrong and finding a way to nurture healthier ones to replace them. That’s where the promise of stem cells lies. As the mother cells of every tissue in the body, they are the biological ore from which the body emerges. All cells can trace their provenance to a stem cell, to the embryo and the first days after fertilization when such cells form. It’s now possible to grow stem cells in a lab, not just from embryonic tissue but also by turning back the clock on an already developed cell like one from the skin, bypassing the embryo altogether with four important fountain-of-youth genes that rework the skin cell’s DNA machinery and make it stemlike again. These biological wonders are transforming the way we treat disease as well as how we think about unhealthy states and even the way we approach aging. Now that it’s possible to generate an unlimited supply of stem cells from our own tissues, scientists say it’s only a matter of time before they figure out how to turn those cells into nerves, heart cells, liver cells or any other living tissue we may need if we get sick or injured. Disease, therefore, no longer needs to be a black box of medical mystery. To expose what makes nerve cells in patients with Lou Gehrig’s disease lose their ability to control muscle, for example, some researchers have already grown motor neurons from stem cells made from patients’ skin and watched how
Alice Park, “10 Ideas That Will Change the World”,28804,2059521_2059712_2059711,00.html
they develop, at first normally, then veering off into pathology. Such a disease-in-a-dish strategy led to the discovery that it’s not the motor neurons that are at fault but that other cells assigned the task of supporting these nerves turn toxic and break down the connections to muscle. With that insight, drugmakers have begun screening compounds to see if they can find an agent to block that lethal effect. Even when we already know what causes a disease, stem cells can help us improve on existing therapies. Stem cells may make it possible for Type 1 diabetics, for example, to eliminate their repeated blood checks and insulin injections by someday allowing them to generate their own insulin-making pancreatic cells. If stem cells can replenish the dying brain neurons that affect memory and cognition, Alzheimer’s patients might also benefit.
“If these cells can replace ailing cells, why
not aging ones? Can stem cells, as a source of replenished, renewable and healthy cells, keep us young forever?
But why stop there? If these cells can replace ailing cells, why not aging ones? Can stem cells, as a source of replenished, renewable and healthy cells, keep us young forever? “In the absence of disease, why would we die?” asks Douglas Melton, a stem-cell researcher at Harvard University. “With stem cells, can we get control of the aging process?” There’s tantalizing evidence that this might be possible, at least when it comes to blood and the immune system. Thomas Rando, a researcher at Stanford University, thinks stem-cell treatments may enhance healing in older patients who have difficulty recovering from surgery or a fracture. But he’s also thinking about deeper issues involving the power of regenerative medicine. “There are very basic questions I hope we can make headway on using stem cells — in terms of understanding cellular aging, how that’s related to tissue aging and the aging of an organism,” he says. Which leads to the interesting possibility that with stem cells, we may no longer define age as how old we think we are but as how old our cells tell us we are.
Great! Now, Molly is looking for a new treatment, where her dmaged cells can be replaced by new cells. What is the best treatment for Molly? a. Insulin (go to page 24) b. Embryonic stem cell (go to page 8) c. Pancreas transplant (go to page 37)
Doctor: A Noble Pro for Better In this country, doctors are part of the small group of intellectual people; less than 2% of our total population enrolls in the higher education or less than 25% of high school graduates (note: even smaller percentage gets in to medical school). Thus, doctors are expected to think and do beyond “just” medicine.
istory has recorded that doctors play numerous roles in shaping a nation, apart from their main duty to cure patients. To name a few, Sutomo, MD, Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, MD, Cipto Mangunkusumo, MD had shown their dedications in unifying this country. Young medical activists also created history at the 1928 Youth Pledge.
What happens to the profession of doctors today? Is it still noble? In the recent years, there has been degradation in moral ethic conducted by some practitioners, which has yielded to a decline in public trust. Most of the time, it is due to the lack of comprehension of medical professionalism both by the professionals themselves and the society. It has been told that as doctors, we cure sometimes, treat often, and comfort always. The word doctor comes from the Latin word “docere”, which means “to teach”. This shows that the hearts of medicine are education and prevention. Regardless of moral issue, doctor is still seen as noble profession. When public hears the word “doctor”, respect follows. Doctors must realize how powerful the impacts of messages are, when conveyed through them. Thus, the profession should be seen as a stepping-stone to improve the nation through health. As general practitioners, we should be proud standing as front-runners in ensuring people’s health as primary care is the backbone of preventive health care. The “five-star doctor”. The concept of the “five-star doctor” is an ideal profile of a doctor possessing a mix of aptitudes to carry out the
ofession Nation written by: dr. Ufara Zuswati range of services that health settings must deliver to ensure health equity. Those attributes are as follows: care provider, decision maker, communicator, community leader and manager. Doctors must understand the broad concept of public health; they must be able to plant the community’s need for health. People must be literate to health so they can make an informed decision of their health condition.
with Liberia and The UK. Health is being lobbied everywhere to have a bigger attention after 2015. As doctors, we should equip ourselves with the most updated knowledge of what is happening today. Development in medicine today does not solely depend on development in science and clinical practice, but also to public health priorities and challenges.
Strong medical education as foundation. Doctors and partnerships. Though health is Medical schools play an important role in shaping a shared responsibility, its core must be fully appre- health-care system by producing the five-star dochended by health related professions, this will en- tors and giving a more relevant education to people’s able them to engage other sectors to work together needs. Nowadays, medical students will see continuto improve health. The focus in health care is also ing changes in medical practice and the delivery of shifting from the unique doctor-patient relationship health care during their future careers (Adli, et al., to the interaction of the patient with the health care 2009). There should be a reform in health education. team (Szlezák,et al., 2010). The concept of inter-pro- Public health must be reinforced and integrated in all fessional health care is gradually being introduced. aspects. Medical students must be given vocational Each profession must understand his/her scope of subject so they are exposed to options for their fuwork and must be open for collaboration. Partner- ture career. Medical students are untapped potenship is the only way to bring together all scattered tials, their voices and actions need to be heard and potentials owned by all sectors in order to bring the considered. Medical students are the doctors of tobest care for the people, as now the public’s demand morrow, but already leaders of today. to health care is increasing progressively as there is more access to information available. Indonesia and universal health care. Right now Indonesia is moving towards universal health coverage as the best mean to reduce inequalities in health-care. Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO DirectorGeneral, stated that “Universal health coverage is the single most powerful concept that public health has to offer”. People must feel secure in terms of health care, as health is a pre-condition that has to be met to make development possible. When people are healthy, they will be able to pursue education; healthy and educated human beings are assets for the country’s economic growth, as they will become productive. Indonesia also sits at the High Level Panel on Post 2015 Development Agenda together
dr. Ufara Zuwasti Kantor Utusan Khusus Presiden RI untuk MDGs Jl. Teuku Umar 10, Jakarta Pusat 10350
C CIMSA SAWEU GAMPONG - CIMSA Syiah Kuala University
Nowadays MDG’s has been the biggest health issue among people over the world especially medical worker. So that to give contribution as medical student. CIMSA UNSYIAH planned to make project named CIMSA Saweu Gampong support the government in implementing the MDG’s program support the government in implementing the MDG’s program. In this case CIMSA UNSYIAH will carry out activities of the Village Patronage “CIMSA Saweu Gampong” with a goal in the development and community empowerment as a village built of course, a program of events is applicable, useful, and sustainable. For that, we chose as a target village “Neuheun”. Neuheun village is a village belonged to the territory of the Grand Mosque District of Aceh Besar. Gampong villages also affected by the earthquake and tsunami disaster on December 26, 2004 that devastated most of the houses in this village. Neuheun village as a village that has a fairly heterogeneous population consisting of different cultural backgrounds, educational, social, economic. The activites included in are seminars about HIV/AIDS, door to door counseling about malaria and dengue, group discussion about breast cancer, door to door outreach to pregnant mom about health during pregnancy and the importance about lactation and breast feeding, english day for kids and debate competiotion and the last was free health consultation for people in Neuheun village.
Hopefully this project will be held sucessfully, to support MDG’s in a good way.
Well done! You found it. Her pancreas contains insulin-producing cells. Insulin helps us get energy from food. Molly’s insulin-producing cells don’t work properly, which giver her diabetes. Which cells are the insuling-producing cells? a. alpha cells (go to page 32) b. beta cells (go to page 18) c. delta cells (go to page 10)
CIMSA for MDGs CLINIC CIMSA - CIMSA Sebelas Maret University It was all started from the earlier CIMSA UNS project, “Posyandu Lansia” which is held at Pesantren Daarud Dzikir. The headmaster once planned to build a school clinic, but not be implemented yet. So we took the initiative to build a clinic there. Fortunately, this school has a lot of donors for the sustainability practices in the school, and the head of the boarding school trying to contact one of the donors, Mrs. Pipit. She was invited to corporate with the boarding school to provide CIMSA’s clinic. Then Mrs. Pipit agreed to help realize procurement CIMSA clinic. To undergo a clinic, a doctor should be in charge. Luckily, the husband of Mrs. Pipit (Mr. Ikhsan) is a military doctor, but he is pretty busy, and so he could not keep full in clinic. Finally came the idea of medical assistance, assisted by CIMSA. It becomes an advantage for preclinical students to continue practicing to face the patients. Places and medicine has been prepared by the school with the donors’ help. Schedule to open the clinic only two days, Friday and Sunday. And the clinic opened at 15.00. In maintaining the clinic, we asked for clinical students (Co-ass) to help for patients’ consultations & examinations. And the preclinical students help registration, measuring the vital signs, and pharmaceuticals. There are four to five pre-clinical students and one clinical student help in one day. SCOME and SCOPH CIMSA UNS helped to arrange the pre-clinical students’ schedule for their turn in clinic & also contact the co-ass (whom all of them are CIMSA members). This clinic targets the people who live around the clinic and Pesantren. Our clinic is expected to provide health services for the people there. The CIMSA members also get the advantage by getting experience & practice their clinical skills, apply the knowledge and face the patients, which would certainly be a useful provision for the future of our profession.
We hope, will continue to run the clinic CIMSA UNS up indefinitely.
22 20
When did you join CIMSA?
with the Indonesian Vice President. :)
I joined CIMSA in 2005, when I was in my first But the most amazing thing was the people I met; year of medical school. the IFMSA people, the government people, everyone who supported this event, and especially What is your last position in CIMSA? I worked in CIMSA as Treasurer during 2006- The March Meeting 2011 Organizing Committee. 2007 term and subsequently continued working If someone asks me how this March Meeting as Supervising Council for Financial Affairs dur- 2011 could ever happen, I’d say, nothing could ing 2007-2008 term. Officially, that was my last answer that better than the people who actually position in CIMSA. However, the very last thing I made all of the efforts; it’s the OC. Without the achieved in CIMSA was being one of IFMSA 60th dedicated and hardworking people, this everyMarch Meeting 2011 Chairs, together with Ufara. one’s dream never come true.
What is your motivation to make March I just got enrolled in residency program at Pediat- Meeting 2011 amazing? And, what’s your activity lately?
rics Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. Beside working as pediatric resident, my recent activities involve doing research, taking part in smaller organization concerning health promotion for public, and initiating projects of my own foundation.
Since its initial establishment, General Assembly of IFMSA has been held twice in Asian countries; Taiwan in March 2002 and Thailand in March 2010. At that moment, with all due preparations, we believed that it was the right time to bring back this moment again to Asia, Indonesia.
Have you heard that APRM 2013 will be held I also believe that by hosting the GA, more people, governmental organizations, and non-govin Indonesia?
YES, of course! Another great opportunity for ernmental partners would be aware of the issues we bring then join the shared visions for healthier this organization. Can’t be more excited! Indonesia. In our way to achieve them, we would Can you tell to us, how amazing March Meet- not only represent ourselves and our organizations, but also our beloved country. And by hosting 2011 for you? A bit hard to describe, but yes, it’s truly an once- ing GA, more Indonesian medical students would in-a-lifetime amazing experience. Some of you know recent issues in global health, to feel the might think that I had organized similar inter- atmosphere of IFMSA meeting, and most impornational events long before I organized March tant thing, more students could be involved to Meeting 2011, but in fact, no I had not. It was give their best contribution, so they could say “I really amazing for me because that was, simply, have done something for my country”. my ‘first time’.
It was the first time I organized an event only through emails, online conferences, and rarely phone calls with the team across lands and continents. It was the first time I had such big responsibility, not only towards IFMSA, but also towards Indonesian government because it represented the whole country. It was also the first time I got inside the Presidential Palace and shook hands
Is there any good or bad memory from March Meeting 2011? Being underestimated is an example of bad memories. Several months before March Meeting 2011, I had a chance to meet one of my lecturers to discuss about the possibilities of sponsorship. He explicitly denied continuing the conversation because he thought it was impossible for us to host such international event. In front of his
dr. Ghaisani Fadiana
with alumnus. and economic) gave me chances to see everything beyond the borders. They taught me how to see problems (esp. in medicine and health) in Indonesia with different perspectives, something that I never had from medical school. During 2-year-preparation, I had been confronted to many situations expecting multi-level problems solving and decision making. The situations varied, from local to national issues. All the experiences taught me how to struggle and survive, and how to make good decision in a very stressful situation.
colleagues, he introduced me and said “Oh ya, ini nih.. Masa ada mahasiswa kita yang beraniberaninya mau organize acara internasional?! Memangnya dikira mudah apa..” then laughed. It was quite depressing for me. But I was sure that we could make this happen. Other than above mentioned, there were all good memories :) What are advantages from March Meeting 2011 and CIMSA that influence your life? Friends, I made friends not only with IFMSA people, but also the people who gave supports, from government and sponsors. It’s not about network, because being friends means you have more intimate interpersonal relationship than just exchanging name cards and greeting occasionally. I was lucky enough to meet a lot of people during March Meeting 2011 preparation. Meeting inspiring people and experts from many fields (public health, education, business, sociology,
The last, what is your wish for APRM 2013? Is there any message for the OC and CIMSA? I always tell two things to my successors and juniors. First, wherever you are, always dedicate your energy, mind, and heart. That also means, if you partake in any kind of groups, organizations, or committees, never hesitate to set your dreams high, work hard as best as you can, and give back what you have been given. Second, someone will get things they deserve. Fortuna favi fortus. Luck favors the brave; opportunity comes to those who are courageous enough to work hard, to take risks, to fall, and to rise again. Last March Meeting 2011 was an example of how a small dream turned into big reality. I believe, March Meeting 2011 offered new milestone for CIMSA to grow up and expand. It’s now your task, to deliver more efforts, step-by-step to grow CIMSA as you want to see in the next 10-20 years. It’s time for you to shape your own dreams, put them as high as you could, and work hard to achieve them. March Meeting 2011 was once a dream, so is APRM 2013 now. I do hope, that these shared dreams would not just come to an end, but always handed over from generation to generation. Good luck CIMSA, go make it happen!!
Check the result!
O.K., here is the last test. Prove that you are a real CIMSA member! 1. In which year CIMSA became a full member of IFMSA? 2. When did CIMSA established? 3. In which year IFMSA established? 4. How many locals started CIMSA at the first year? 5. How many locals are there now? 6. How many digits are your CIMSA’s ID number? Check your answers at the page that showed by adding all the numbers in the highlighted row.
- pro Dear CIMSA-ers..
Fatmala Haningtyas Project Development Director 2012-2013
Let us proudly present to you CIMSA Project Magazine #5.
CIMSA Project Magazine is published regularly two times a year, in October Meeting and May Meeting. The purpose of this Project Magazine is to publish the projects held by CIMSA and it is also expected that through this magazine, locals and SCO can increase their spirit in doing projects and publish it. Some projects that haven’t been listed here will be published in the next edition of Project Magazine. But at this year we have a different face for Promagz. We make collaboration with AORTA Magazine, it’s more colorful and interesting for us to read and know more about CIMSA. We know that CIMSA is an organization based on activities, at this year we have a big project about MDG’s, we called MDG’s months. All of local CIMSA in Indonesia participated to join this project. They do some project about MDG’s (at September – October – November 2012) such as village project, elucidation, education, etc. And for the last, I would like to say Thanks to all of my Peerz (Project Coordinator), and my beloved Project Assistant (Riena Amanda S), all of my beloved CIMSA officials my pinyuu, and all contributors for this Project Magazine. I am looking forward for suggestions and constructive criticism to improve Project Magazine. Have a happy reading, genks! Be Active with CIMSA
Project Dream Team (Project Coordinators Local and SCO): - Manda – PC Unsyiah - Farida – PC UR - Vivit – PC UNAND - Vandy – PC UI - Ayesh – PC UIN - Oya – PC UNPAD - Eta – PC Unissula
- Dhani – VLE UGM - Nisa – PC UMY - Tije – PC UNS - Ayu – PC UMS - Vidy – PC UNAIR - Raka – PC UWKS - Fina – VLI UB
- Ren – PC SCORA - Rina – PC SCORE - Ervan – PC SCOPH - Yana – PC SCOPE - Ghufron – PC SCORP - Herli and Zul – PC SCOME
SCOME DOWNS TO ROAD - CIMSA Riau University SCOME downs to road, SCOME members were the teachers for 20 street-working children. We taught them several educations including reading, calculating, brushing teeth, woundtreating, washing hands, studying some basic conversations in english, etc. And also was held drawing/ coloring competition too. That’s why it’s called SCOME DOWNS TO ROAD. We found that street-working or street-living children’s education and their personal hygiene are almost totally ignored by ordinary people even governments. That’s why we try to aim this kind of population. This project held at 8 a.m. till 12 a.m., First, we cooperated with Dinas Sosial Kota Pekanbaru to give us some information about the population of street children/ street working children and for giving us permission to run this event.
After we wrapped about 20 kids, we bought needs for them such as drawing and coloring book, pencils, erasers, crayons, toothbrush and pasta, books, etc. Then, we applied permission letter and proposal to some parties. And on the DAY, SCOME members were the teachers for some street-working children. We taught them several educations including reading, calculating, studying some basic conversations in english, etc. And there was held drawing/coloring competition too. And at the end, we rolled out/held a long white cloth, and made a footprint in ink colors on that long white cloth. Say bye, and big proud this event ran very well. We plan to run 2nd SCOME DOWNS TO ROAD this September, agenda: brushing teeth, woundtreating, washing hands, etc.
Next, we came to the population/ down to road and invited those kids to participate this event, of course we persuaded them with giving them list what they would get, and gave PERMISSION LETTER to their parent. That’s why it’s called SCOME DOWNS TO ROAD
CIMSA HUMANATARIAN CIMSA Padjajaran University This project was made to celebrate MDGs month especially MDGS point 6: Combat HIV AIDS, malaria and other diseases. This project will be held at Kalirejo Village for next September till October. The aims of projects are Reduce morbidity rate of malaria in Desa Kalirejo, Enhance ability of the people itself to prevent malaria transmission, Increase people’s knowledge on cause, spread, and cycle of malaria in Desa Kalirejo. Therefore, content of this project consist things that we thought could be one of many other way. We’re going to do things on 2 months continously at Desa Kalirejo. It is divided to 8 different activity during 2 months continously. They are: 1. Screening house to house 2. Activation of the youth organization (Karang Taruna) 3. Module development and practices 4. Campaign : The life cycle of malaria, Preventive measures in prevention of malaria, Function of drug and bednet for preventing malaria 5. Community Service 6. Construction of “Apotek Hidup” 7. Sirih soap making 8. Socialization of bednet and adding plastic on the wooden roof
Congratulation! You managed to get your embryonic stem cells to grow into insulin-producing cells. You’ve made Molly better. But, how possible is this treatment now? a. Late stage research (go to page 25) b. Being tested in humans (go to page 19) c. I can go to my doctor and start the treatment (go to page 40)
WORLD AIDS DAY - SCORA CIMSA Spreading danger about infectious disease to help prevent the number of people infected by the disease and also decrease this infectious disease. Nowadays, HIV/AIDS are one of cruel health issues, so that every year we do a memorial world aids day to do a campaign dangers about HIV/AIDS and not to discriminate people with AIDS. So many CIMSA’s local do some activities to help the campaign of HIV/AIDS. Brawijaya University held a health counseling, and trained regeneration community care HIV to spread to people around about this disease, then held a seminar and talkshow about HIV/AIDS to enhance students knowledge about HIV/AIDS. UIN and UNISSULA as well planned to held a counseling to school and held a charity event to gain peple attention about HIV/AIDS. UNISSULA planned to present a stand up comedy as a different way to campaign HIV/AIDS. Hopefully, all of these event will held sucessfully and reach the main goals and target to help goverment implementing MDG’s program
Prolactin (Empowering Mothers on Lactation) “Better mother for the best child” - CIMSA University of Indonesia Prolactin is one of SCORA’s projects from CIMSA UI. This is seminar and workshop about empowering mothers on lactation. The aim of project is Increasing the level of babies health and safety by reactivating the lactic management programs. This project held at Kuliah Departemen Parasitologi, Medical Faculty of Indonesia University, JL. Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta Pusat (18 December 2011). The participant is not only medical students but also general practitioner, pediatrics and medical workers in Jakarta. The seminar and workshop was attended by 36 medical students, doctors, pediatrics, and health workers of Jakarta. The seminars was talked about basic materials and the recently issues about ASI. The seminars was continued with worskhop. The participants were divided by small working group that previously made, with that, the participants did some practices about the materials already given and had a chance to discuss with a facillitator, for each group. There were pretest and postest held to know about the understanding of participants.
BASIC (be acknowledged of sex in community) – CIMSA Pelita Harapan University Basic is an activity to educate students about Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) and giving potential future medical students an insight to the faculty. STD or Sexually Transmitted Disease is a disease that has significant probability of transmission between humans by means human sexual behavior. Nowadays, the case of STDs are getting more and more significant in community. Human sexual behavior is increasingly diverse. Many young people or teenagers tend to have free sex. As the number of young people who have free sex increase, then increasing the number of people infected with STDs. The STDs transmission not only through unprotected sex but the transmission can be through by wearing same stuff, such as toilet seats and towel, with infected people. In Indonesia, a few decades ago, STD becomes a health problem that needs to be considered. The victims generally were adults, between the ages of 19-35 years old. But now STDs not just alarming adults but underage teenager as well becomes a victim. This happens because the influence of modernization which resulted in irregularities life style in community. Along with the modernization, the types of STD become varied and the number of people who infected with STDs is much increased. This project will be held in Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Saturday – Sunday, 3rd – 4th November 2012. This program is held with the purpose to Increase knowledge and awareness of high school students about STDs, Make High school students understand the efforts that must be done to tackle and prevent the spread of STDs, Raising awareness of medical students against the disease that becomes endemic in community, Improve the creativity of medical undergraduates in preventing major health problems in Indonesia. This event will be publicated in school arround Tangerang and Puri Indah. And the event will take place in UPH for 2 days in weekend. We will make pre test and post test to know how well they are studying.
SCORP GO GREEN - CIMSA University of Indonesia SCORP Go Green is SCORP’s project from CIMSA UI. We convert from plastic bags to eco friendly bag, and interactive counseling with students and teachers of elementary school. This project held at 25-27 April 2012 in Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia. And 28 April 2012 in SD Lentera Putera Kita (LPK), in Menteng, Center Jakarta. We gave eco friendly paperbag instead of plastic bag we usually used to every costumers (no matter how many the number is) of bursa and kafetaria, and for addictional, also to visitors and of research fair. It is held for 3 days, from 25 to 27 april 2012. And for counseling, we divided our team into two (for 2 classes, 4th and 5th grade).
There’re also quizes competition on both classes about many subjects (math, social, science, and definitely about go green campaign). After that, we collected and assessed some creativites that had been made by the students of SD LPK. Theme for the competition is “Sulap Barang Bekasmu Menjadi Benda Bermanfaat”. At last, we ask for feedbacks from the students and teachers about our program. And finally, we produced 500 eco friendly bags, interactive counseling of 4th and 5th grade student of elementary school (70 people totally), gave plants as a symbol of Go Green Campaign for school.
We give different topic for each class. In first class, we talk about diarrhea in children, how to treat diarrhea and Roles of School community in children health. After that we do sharing about School medical care or known as Unit Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS). In second class, our topic is “6 ways of hygienic hand-washing and how to brush teeth rightly”.
EARTH HOUR - CIMSA Syiah Kuala University Earth hour day is one of global campaign to ask people, comunity, or govermant to pay attention about discharge effect of global warming with the simple step such as turn of the lamp and electrical equipment for one hour. because of that, SCORP UNSYIAH as SCO who take care for humanity and environment, also participate in this campaign. SCORP CIMSA UNSYIAH for the first time particapated when yanti as LORP, and Reza Arsalan as PO of this project. At 31th maret 2012 in museum of Tsunami we did this project.and we also made some competition for student of senior high school, the competition such as recycle scarps, enviropment photography, and music
percussion from scarps. At 8 pm we start this project, first was opening ceremony by host, and exhibition of photography, and recycle scarps, at 9 am we turned off the lamp, and also performence from percussion team, rapa’i team from FK Unsyiah, and also special performence from Farhan Mar’ Isa. At 10 pm we turned on the lamp again and told the winner of competition. At 11 pm was closing ceremony. Finally, we succesfully did this project, and approximately 400 people have came to participate for this project. At last we, SCORP UNSYIAH hopely all of people know the means of this project, so for the future we all can take care of our earth for the better life.
Medical Plant Garden - CIMSA Andalas University Project of SCORP CIMSA UNAND as a concrete implementation of GO GREEN and also to celebrate World Environment Day (WED). This project was held in Jl Jati Koto Panjang RT/RW 03/04 Kel Jati,Padang Timur and involved SCORPION as committee and people at that place as participants. By doing this project, both Scorpion as committee and resident of the location were expected to concern of their environment. At 08.00 am the event was begun by opening ceremony and some excercise so that participant (SCORPION) had passion and fresh in doing this project. The next session was ‘long march’ from campus to project location. During ‘long march’ they did campaign and shared pamphlet about environment to people they met. On the location, there was second opening ceremony with the placeman and some resident. Then, they went to houses had choosen before to plant the medical plant. The participant did not forget to have a chat with the resident to build a good communication. At 11.00 am, Medical Plant Garden was completed and closed by the placeman. Participant also gave a gift to the placeman and resident whose choosen houses to do this project. Two weeks after doing Medical Plant Garden project, participant followed up the project and it had a good result. Although the plant can not be utilized yet, the resident always care the plants so that both garden and medical plant were in a good condition.
Tuberculosis Exchange - Airlangga University Surabaya is known as the town of hero, was also a city of immense knowledge. On fasting month, one of the major university of Surabaya, Airlangga University, had organized largescale international event named Tuberculosis Exchange (TBX). The event was also an international project of SCORE CIMSA. TBX goals are to study tuberculosis in depth and how tuberculosis could become endemic in tropical countries.
Drug Resistance of tuberculosis (PMDT) in Indonesia, Rapid Diagnose and Laboratory of TB, TB and HIV, Infection Control of TB, Management of tuberculosis: Community Study and the National Strategy of TB, the TB work place and lab workshops.
TBX had been going on for 12 days, on July 14th, 2012 until July 25th, 2012. The activities of TBX is a special lecture on tuberculosis problem, Lab work (Microbiology Laboratory), clinical observations of patients suffering from tropical diseases (dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital), observation of the ITD-Institute of Tropical Diseases of Airlangga University, the Search field on the spread of TB in Surabaya / around East Java, Indonesia, and the most eagerly awaited is a social program. The event was attended by 6 students, 3 students from Andalas University, then 2 students from Pelita Harapan University, and 1 student from Airlangga University. Participants began to arrive on July 14th, 2012. Then, on July 15th, 2012 participants were greeted at Airlangga University medical school through a welcoming part, tour the campus, special Bali traditional dances from Airlangga students. In addition participants were also invited to the submarine monument (Monkasel) Surabaya.
Hospital visit also obtained by students who participated. Is a pretty special day for participants TBX, because on that day they had the opportunity to take direct patient sputum samples. It was held in kali kedinding, Surabaya.
For social program, participants are invited to a health museum, Suramadu bridge, House of Sampoerna, and Madura islands. In the museum of health, participants were invited to see the historical objects of the medical world. In the House of Sampoerna, they can see the manufacture of cigarettes directly and around the city of Surabaya with buses provided. In madura Island, they are invited to buy a typical batik madura. They also had the opportunity to visit Yogyakarta. Unfortunetly, who come join to Yogyakarta Special lectures were held on July 16th, are participant students from Andalas University 2012 from MDGs Prof. Dr. Nila Moeloek, Sp.M, and Tuberculosis Exchange 2012 committee. WHO dr. Sri Prihartini and from head of Institute Tropical Disease Prof. Nasronudin. Lectures continued on the next day i.e. course material provided is General Overview of Tropical Disease, Epidemiology of TB disease in the Indonesia and the world, and Study of mycobacterium tuberculosis, Patophisiology and Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis, Clinical Approach of tuberculosis: diagnosis & therapy, Radiology Aspect of TB, Mechanism of TB Drug Resistance, programmatic Management
SCORE Goes Public - SCORE CIMSA SCORE goes public is national SCORE’s research-based project, which must be done by every LCRE at least once along one year stewardship, by doing a research that can be useful for SCORE, CIMSA, and communities around them. The objectives are to enhance knowledge and abilities of SCORE’s members in research. and what we’ve got from the research can be use as a contribution to society. Before doing the real research, first SCORE member itself got trained about research from research expert, and this training held in every LCRE. There are basics topics can be given to SCORE’s member to make sure every SCORE member has skills and knowledge to do their own research. After recieving the materials from the training, then SCORE’s member will be able to start their own research. That’s why this activites give SCORE’s member so many knowledge and experience before facing our own task as students to do our research by ourself.
Exchange is Delicious! - CIMSA Sultan Agung University This project comes from CIMSA UNISSULA, It’s kinda trans-sco project between SCOPE and SCORE to promote the Exchange students ,In this event we used two methods: 1.Leaflets (flyers) and the expo. 2. Seminar This project will be held two times : Expo will be held On: Thursday-Friday, 28-29 June 2012 Place: the front parking field Pumanisa canteen. And the time is 8:00 to 16:00 pm we build a stand there and provide some food and drinks. The stand was decorated with flag of each country, CIMSA’s logo, some photos from foreign and students exchange. First, we share about TRAVEL MEDICINE, Sharing Exchange Experience and sometimes our incoming come to the stand and tell their exchange’s story. The last Impression and a message from attendees + sale the exchange form. Seminar will be held On: Saturday, June 30, 2012 and the location is in 3rd floor of the building B FK Unissula, the seminar started at 07.00 am – Finish. And you know, The aims are Promote the activities Exchange by SCORE and SCOPE 1. As a media introduction of the exchange activities of SCOPE and SCORE both in the field of outgoing 2.As a marketing medium exchange activities of SCOPE and SCORE both in the field of outgoing 3. As the media exposure of the flow exchange of SCOPE and SCORE both in the field of outgoing. 4.Providing a form for professional exchange and outgoing exchange students research UNISSULA Medicine 5. Provide opportunities for students of the Faculty of Medicine UNISSULA to gain experience and new knowledge.
Congratulation! Molly has a message for you, check it in the back cover of this AORTA!
English Day - CIMSA Sebelas Maret University English is a global language which has been and also the obstacles which has to face. It should used globaly in most of countries in the world. be a spirit force and positive motivation for IndoTo speak english fluenty and properly would be nesia young generation to bring this country into a golden ticket to a better future. bring us into wide range knowledge This event world. held from 07.30 am – 03.00 pm with 8 English day debate delegations is one of SCOPE and 11 speech parCIMSA Local UNS ticipants. For the annual event. In juries, SCOPE co2012, the annual operated with LIA event with has ED anguage instute. as nickname, held Prizes for this event on last May 26th. quite interesting, ED is a debat and Rp 1.200.000,- for speech English the 1st debate winCompetition for ner, Rp 900.000,Junior High School for the 2nd destudents with this bate winner, Rp year theme ‘Head600.000,- for the ing To the Fair Dis3rd debate winner. tribution of Basic For speech winEducation in Indonesia’. The reason why this ner the 1st prize is Rp 500.000,- 2nd prize is Rp theme has been choosen for the event because 400.000,- and 3rd prize is Rp 300.000,-. of the inequality of basic education in Indonesia
Indonesian Disease Today (IDT) - CIMSA Gadjah Mada University IDT is a community IDT is a communitybased project. We root out, then reach out the social determinants on health through societybased. IDT is a project which involves the society as a “pull-factor� so that they do not depend on us. They know what needs to be improved and we encourage them to do the activities needed to be done to solve the recognized huge problems. This project held in Dukuh Kedaton, Pleret Village, Kabupaten Bantul, Jogjakarta. April 13th15th Dengue haemorrhagic fever is one of the most dangerous communicable diseases that can cause death within a short time and often cause outbreaks. The drug to eradicate the virus and the vacine to prevent dengue fever is NOT available yet. Participants stayed at the house of village residents. A whole series of events, started from training and health promotion campaigns was carried out directly in the village and communities that had been selected. The last day, the participants and residents of Kedaton village had a discussion session. This was a closing session and the conclusion from activities that had been done. When the follow-up team arrived in the Kedaton Village, we were greeted with warm greetings by Bapak Dukuh. We talked for a while
and asked the development of Kedaton Village in preventing the dengue fever. And apparently Bapak Dukuh did not tell the citizen about our visit, not because of lack of preparation, but deliberately so that people did not prepare his house, so we could see the natural condition of the house as it is. Follow-up was done by dividing the group into five teams, because there were 14 houses, so there are four teams taking care of 3 houses and 1 team taking care of 2 houses. Each team consists of 3 SCOPHIANS. We already prepare the checklist of what should be asked about the continued impact of the Indonesian Disease Today 2012 with Dengue Fever. Then we also immediately see the condition of the home, rooms, bathrooms and all corners of the house. We saw one house which clean and drain the tub once in a week. Some of them said 2 days and 2 nights were too short, they wanted more time for IDT. Broadly speaking, the residents said, the number of dengue fever in Kedaton Village been very much reduced. Moreover, this is not the rainy season, mosquito not encountered. Expected no more dengue fever cases that occur here. Other health problems in Kedaton Village also do not occur. May follow-up activities can be beneficial and can run smoothly later on the second and third. Relations with Dukuh Kedaton also expected to be maintained.
VISCERAL - CIMSA Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University VISCERAL which stand for Visiting to eduCate EldeRly Abot healThy are project organized by SCOPHians of CIMSA UIN that held to educate elderly with personal approach so they can be comfortable being acompanied and cared for. The project were planned to be held on january 2013 on Panti Werdha. The activities will improve personal communication of SCOPHians of CIMSA UIN to talk and help the eldery about clean habits in daily activities for examples, like: brushing teeth well, washing hand before eat, and some good diets for them. Not only guide how to live clean and healthy, SCOPHians of CIMSA UIN will also check the elder blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol and uric acid for them. We also added fun games and interactive quizes for the ledery to lighten up the mood. And the quiz question were asked to evaluate the materials that we presented earlier. We’re going to provide free consultations and medications for the participant. Hopefully this event will help eldery to be healthier.
Teddy Bear Hospital Full of Love - CIMSA Sultan Agung University “Teddy Bear Hospital Full Of Love” is a series of events aimed against children by doing approach, communication and education about the importance of health for children. The participants were given the opportunity to meet with the patient’s real child in a “Teddy Bear Hospital” and using the media dolls and toys in the approach to child. The have been held twice. First on Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital June 17th 2012, and TK Pertiwi june 24th 2012. This project aimed to educate the children about the importance of changing the bad paradigm of health of children to the doctor and to provide education and health promotion in children and introduce them the medical profession and the hospital environment in a pleasing and less intimidating. We get along play and sing with the childern so that we can made a good relationship with them, we organized drawing and coloring in the childern’s ward so for childern who can’t play putside together get an easier way to play together. We also watch a video of health and healthy and clean way of life such as the way to brush teeth and wash hands properly, and explain how improtant doctor rules in curing disesase. In the end we made quizes to evaluate the health video materials to the kids.
The National Official Team 2012-2013 Adetya Rahma Dinni Fundrising and Merchandise Director
Ari Sri Wulandari Human Resource Director
Gia Noor Pratami Research and Development Director
Fatmala Haningtyas Project Development Director
Zulva Fuadah A. National Officer on Medical Education
Jauhara National Officer on Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS
Ervandy Rangganata National Public Health Officer
Oktavia Utami Liaison Officer for Student Organizations
Candrika Dini Task Force for Liaison Officer for Diknas
Andi P. Kevinsyah Liaison Officer for WHO
Asri Kartika Putri President
Niko Kristianto Supervising Council
Rivano Frits H.P. Supervising Council
Bobbi Juni Saputra Supervising Council
Ardina N. Pramudhita Secretary General
Tita Rashida Vice President for Internal Affairs
Christopher C.P.H. Vice President for External Affairs
Leonita Ariesti P. Treasurer
Farhan Mari’ Isa National Exchange Officer (Outgoing)
Mufqi Handaru P. National Exchange Officer (Incoming)
Ida Ayu Narayani National Officer on Human Rights and Peace
Adelia Ulya R. National Officer on Reasearch Exchange
Yehezkiel Nathanael Task Force for Liaison Officer for IDI
Akmal Akbar Task Force for Media and Communication Director
Bethari K. Abianti Marketing, Campaign, and Advocacy Director
Diko Anugrah Alumni Director
CONGRATULATION for our members for being chosen as the next IFMSA Asia-Pacific and International team. Good luck for your next job ahead and make us proud!
Dian Oktavia Giriningrum
Development Assistant for NMO Development Asia-Pacific Team 2012-2013
Shela Putri Sundawa
Development Assistant for Advocacy, Education and Policy Asia Pacific Team 2012-2013
Farhan Mar’i Isa
Regional Assistant of SCOPE Asia Pacific Team 2012-2013
Praise Jeremiah
Regional Assistant of SCORE Asia Pacific Team 2012-2013
Akmal Akbar
Development Assistant for Media and Marketing SCORE International Team 2012-2013
Muhammad Rifki Zidny
Supervisory Board SCORE International Team 2012-2013
Airin Aldiani
Layout Designer IFMSA Publication Team 2012-2013 41
our locals Syiah Kuala University Andalas University University of Riau Pelita Harapan University University of Indonesia Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Padjajaran University Gadjah Mada University Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Sebelas Maret University Sultan Agung Islamic University Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Brawijaya University Airlangga University Wijaya Kusuma University of Surabaya 42
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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities Official Magazine