AORTA 8th edition

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aorta November - February 2013

//Issue: Universal Health Coverage

Welcoming AORTA’s New Sections

CIMSA Delegations in External Meetings


Speak Up for UHC!

about us ”Empowering Medical Students and

Improving the Nation’s Health”


CIMSA’s field of work covers 6 aspects represented in the form of Standing Commitee (SCO); 1. SCOME, on Medical Education, is a forum for medical students who have special interest in the improvement of medical education.

enter for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities, CIMSA, is an independent, inclusive, nasionalist, non-profit and non-party organization. CIMSA is an individual based organization with members consisted of medical students from many universities in Indonesia.

2. SCOPE, on Professional Exchange, fasilitates all medical students to feel the atmosphere and culture in foreign country while experiencing the clinical study.

Established in 2001, and has grown up from 6 to 15 locals with approximately 5000 members. CIMSA aims at providing Indonesian medical students’ activities lodge to empower and express their idealism, thus medical students will have the same opportunities to get involved in health as early as possible and contribute to the development of this country.

3. SCOPH, on Public Health, focuses on the importance of public health issues in medical education or community. 4. SCORA, on Reproductive Health Including AIDS, aims at raising the awareness on reproductive helath including sex education, gender equality, etc.

Our activities are applied not only in the local and national, but also in the international level. This can be achieved because since its establisment CIMSA has gained trust from the international world to become the full member of IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Association); the largest students’ organization in the world with approximately 107 contries as its members representing more than one million medical students worldwide.

5. SCORE, on Researh Exchange, gives a chance to all medical students to partake in medical research in foreign country 6. SCORP, on Human Rights and Peace, is related to issues on human right and peace, including poblems faced by the refugees.

Cimsa Nasional

General secretariat: 1st floor Library Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Jl.Salemba Raya no.6 Jakarta Pusat 10430 Indonesia

CIMSAindonesia @cimsanasional 1

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) is an independent, non-political and non-profit organization. It was established in 2001 with a purpose of “Empowering Medical Students, Improving Nation’s Health”. CIMSA is affiliated with International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), with six standing committees, the health-related fields which we are working on: Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH), Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP), Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME), Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS (SCORA), Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) and Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE). CIMSA pursues its goals by accommodating medical students to carry out their action in the basic nature of activity based, with the value of continuity. CIMSA has shown a strong commitment to support the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially goal 4, 5 and 6, in Indonesia. Policy statement, declaration, local and national MDGs related-projects were made, including CIMSA MDGs Month 2012 that have been successfully done, congratulations. We apply the need-assessment, do action, evaluate the impact, then try to keep improving the activities quality in order to serve the community. On the other hand, the health problem today is increasingly complex. Health becoming interconnected with human development as the whole. The role of health care might help to solve the public health problems and facilitate the community development itself. The issue of “Universal Health Coverage” will remain central in the global health agenda for this upcoming years, recognizing the contribution of universal health coverage towards achieving Millennium Development Goals including goal 4, to reduce child mortality; Goal 5, to improve maternal health; and goal 6, to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and other diseases. Think globally, act locally. CIMSA is trying to facilitate and I would like to encourage all the members, as we are the young health activists, to be the initiators and actively contribute to work on these issues, Universal Health Coverage and its contribution towards Millennium Development Goals. Hopefully, we can hand-in-hand keep pursuing our mission, “Empowering Medical Students, Improving the Nation’s Health”, together.

Asri Kartika Putri CIMSA President 2012-2013


president’s note

Dear all,

editorial page Once again another edition of aorta is published. How time flies! So much have taken place this year and I am heartened by the exciting year upon us.

Ever since, health for all is always been the ultimate dream. Looking to the future, what will we see in this long road to achieve universal health coverage in Indonesia? In this issue, you will find various sides and opinions on universal coverage. You can know more about our new local, the upcoming projects, and many more! Hopefullly, you’ll be inspired of the stories we told right here in aorta. Thank you all for all the contributors and the media and communication team in the making of this aorta. I simply encourage by your efforts and urge you all to keep on writing. Please enjoy! Sincerely,

Theodora Caroline Sihotang Editor in Chief

MC Team

Akmal Akbar - Fadhli Rizal Makarim Windhy Monica - Elsavina Rizky Raditya Pradipta - Carmelia Cantika Maharani Deneisha Kartika Puspitarini - Dea Saufika Eduard Jordi Luminta - Siti Tia Yusrina Khairana



about us president’s note editorial page official news 65th Session of the WHO SEARO Light the Prambanan Blue KPMK Seminar & Workshop 3rd HPEQ Conference new local: UISU meeting report: October Meeting 2012 History of UHC The Path to Universal Coverage personality quiz real action - UHC speak up for UHC alumni interview Universal Health Coverage alumni opinion upcoming meeting: May Meeting 2013 exchange stories fun facts upcoming projects active member local inspiration C-pro official team 2012-2013 4

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official news NEED A NEW TRAINER? Hello, it’s just flash news! We have new ammunition for trainers! They are Zaki from Unsyiah, Vini and

Tari from Unand, Iqbal Maulana and Shela from UI, Nanda and Cendy from Unpad, Ikal from UGM, Adit and Iqbal from UMY, Galang and Mekki from Unissula, and Asaf from UB. They had graduated from Indonesia Training New Trainers 2013 with international license. And now, we have 43 trainers which are spread in 11 active locals! Another good news, now CIMSA have Training Support Division (TSD) for organizing the trainer’s and training’s needs. So, if your local need a trainer, don’t hesitate to contact them! Trainer is a backbone of organization and we serve you the best we can do it. For further info, you can contact me! Ari Sri Wulandari - Human Resource Developement Director

CIMSA-ISMAFARSI NEWEST COLLABORATION Here we are! Have you ever heard about Antimocrobial-resistance symposium or AMRS? Yup, we are back again for you with another way to combat the reistance of antibiotic. AMMCI, Antimicrobial-resistace Motion CIMSA-ISMAFARSI has 5 points of collaboration, which are; Opening Symposium (AMRS 2012), Online Forum, Audiensi, Education, and Closing Symposium.

Based on the open reqruitment from last November 2012, we have 5 people from CIMSA and 5 people from ISMAFARSI joining in a team as the core of AMMCI. From CIMSA, there are; Zulva Fuadah Achsrianti (UMY), Oktavia Utami (UIN), Mutiara Ramadhiani (UI), Karina Kristianti (UGM), and Helina Rahma (UIN). From ISMAFARSI, there are; Deby Jannati Gustiwi (UI), Muhammad Herpi Akbar (UNSRI), Lelyta Ayu Saputri (UII), Fio Noviany (UIN), and Ridho Muhammad (UI). Congratulations the chosen ones! Next, we are looking for you all to join us as committee of the closing symposium. The announcement will be published on the mailing list, so keep in touch with us! Zulfa Fuadah - National Officer on Medical Education


SCHOLARSHIPS TO GRAB! Are you looking for scholarships? We present to you the scholarship from the KEMDIKNAS and links

to check it on the web. Beasiswa unggulan kemendiknas P3SWOT Scholarship (open admission: 1 Januari 2013-31 Desember 2013) Scholarship S-1 to S-3 in Brunei (closing admission : Februari 14, 2013) http://www.dikti. Flanders Scholarship Belgia 2013-2014 (closing admission : Februari 1, 2013.) Scholarship S-1 to S-3 from India Goverment (closing admission : Februari 15, 2013) DIKTI-NESO PhD special channel for Indonesian lecturers (closing admission: April 1, 2013). Dikti Funded Fulbright Scholarship Programs for Indonesian Lecturers; Master’s Degree Program (April 15, 2013), DIKTI funded Fulbright Ph.D Scholarship Program (April 15, 2013), DIKTI funded Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Program (April 15, 2013), DIKTI funded Fulbright Senior Research Program (August 31, 2013). You may feel like it isn’t worth it to apply to scholarship awards because of how competitive many of them are. But someone has to win, so why shouldn’t it be you? KEMDIKNAS will be waiting for your application guys. What are you waiting for? Yulia Devina Suci K. - Liaison Officer for DIKNAS


all know how non-communicable diseases have frightened out nation. CIMSA, as an activity-based medical student, is not going to stay still and watch. As a future doctor it is our duty to not only gaining knowledge but also giving the knowledge back to our society to open their minds and eyes about this issue. SCOPH as a Standing Committee on Publich Heath take non-communicable disease as out focus this year. To achieve this vision, CIMSA working together with AMSA Indonesia, established a forum, Youth Collaboration Towards Action on Non-Communicable Diseases (YCTA on NCDs). Considering the facts about how cancer is one of the biggest threat, YCTA on NCDs is going to pick cancer as one of our main concern. In this forum, we’re going to discuss all about cancer. So it’s time for YOU to be a part of this super forum. From this small things become a great things. Because Indonesia really needs your contribution. Join our forum! Twitter: @YconCancer Ervandy Rangganata - National Officer on Public Health



65 Session th

of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia by: Andi Putra Kevinsyah - Liaison Officer to WHO

The Regional Committee of the WHO, is a

increasing longevity of life had also been a high priority in the South-East Asia Region. In view of the Universal Health Coverage, the Regional Director addressed that it needs balanced development between preventive and curative care. He pointed that it needs health system based on primary health care approach, and that UHC cannot be achieved by health sector alone, where the efforts of other sectors need to be mobilized in a more efficient manner through partnerships. The Regional Committee itself begins on September 5th, where Her Excellency Dr Nafsiyah Mboi, Honourable Minister of Health of Indonesia, was elected as the Chair of the Regional Committee, and His Excellency Dr Ahmed Jamsheed Mohamed, Honourable Minister of Health of Maldives, was elected as the Vice-Chair. The session then continued with the Biennial Report on the Work of WHO in the South-East Asia Region, where the Regional Director reported the efforts on communicable diseases. Following the Report of the Regional Director, was an address from the WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, beginning with her congratulating India for “providing definitive proof that polio eradication is technically feasible” and that “The Indian government succeeded because of its passionate engagement in a mission to protect its people from a vicious disease”. She also congratulated the Region on Draft Strategy for Universal Health Coverage, where she pointed that the UHC upholds the core value of solidarity, social cohesion and human security, and is a powerful social equalizer that helps correct gaps in health outcomes, especially in SEA Region has millions of low-income households living on the margins of survival, where by just paying for medicines can push them deeper into the abyss of abject poverty. These problem can only be corrected when equity is an explicit policy objective, as set out in the draft strategy. Responding on the fast approaching of the target date of the Millennium Development Goals

board that consists of the Representatives of the Ministries of Health from every Member States in that WHO region. The Regional Committee meets once a year to set the guidelines or strategies to implement the policies adopted by the World Health Assembly, to discuss the governing body matters, the programme budget of the regional office, and also, once every five years, elect a new Regional Director. It was with great delight that we, CIMSA delegates, were able to be the IFMSA representatives to attend the 65th Session of the Regional Committe for South-East Asia. The Session was held in Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, jointly with the Thirtieth Meeting of Ministers of Health of Countries of The South-East Asia Region. The Meeting of Ministers of Health was held on September 4th 2012, continued with the Session of the WHO Regional Committee on September 5th to September 7th 2012. It was attended by representatives of all 11 Member States of the Region, UN and other agencies, nongovernmental organizations having official relations with WHO, as well as Observers. The IFMSA, being a nongovernmental organization having official relations with WHO, is given the opportunity to deliver an intervention in one of the agenda points of the session. The 65th Session of the RC for SEA was opened in the Joint Inauguration of both meetings, in September 4th 2012. Attending the Inauguration were His Excellency Professor Dr Boediono, Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia, His Excellency Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization, and the distinguished delegates of the SEAR Member States. In this Inauguration, the Regional Director of the WHO SEARO, Dr Samlee Plianbangchang, addressed the progresses of WHO and it’s member states’ efforts in improving the health of their populations. The prevention and control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) in view of


(MDGs), Dr Margaret Chan discussed on the debates about the next generation of internationally-agreed development goals, in that she added that health was a precondition for development, and was a powerful driver of socioeconomic progress. Given the success of the MDGs, most agree that the post-2015 agenda should likewise focus on a limited number of measurable goals, with the Director General emphasized: “In my view, one of the best ways to respond to these challenges is to make Universal Health Coverage a part of the post-2015 development agenda”. She exhorted the countries to ensure that their inputs were accommodated in the post-2015 goals, in order to ensure that their health priorities were appropriately reflected. The following agendas were mostly WHO SEAR Governing Body matters, such as the WHO Reform, addressing an initiated reform of the Organization’s objectives and resources to be more effective, efficient and accountable. Assessment of the Programme Budget (PB) 2010-2011, implementation of the PB 2012-2013, and a proposed PB 2014-2015. The session then continues to the Agenda Point on Technical Matters, discussing the WHO SEARO’s Programmes, and in which we, the IFMSA representatives were given an opportunity to deliver an intervention in one of the Agenda Items. Discussed on this Agenda were items on NCD including mental health and neurological disorders, selection of a subject to for the Technical Discussions before the 66th session (in which the committee uninamously voted and agreed for UHC), Role of WHO in managing emergencies, Health workforce training and education, and also progress reports on selected Regional Committee Resolutions, including the Regional Strategy for UHC. The IFMSA representatives participated in the discussion and delivered an intervention on the item on “Role of WHO in managing emergencies”,

where we laud the SEARO’s initiative of establishing the South-East Asia Regional Health Emergency Fund (SEARHEF) to provide immediate financial support for emergencies and disasters in the Region. We stated that the medical students, joined in the AsiaPacific Region of IFMSA has been preparing medical students against emergencies and disasters through various international trainings, such as Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Diseases Outbreaks, Natural Disasters, and Refugee Management (ACTION), and CIMSA’s International Summer Course on Disaster Medicine and Management. We also pressed on the necessity of medical student’s involvement in emergencies and disasters, that the mobilization of medical students to engage in community-based initiatives that raise awareness, and enhance the capacity of communities for disaster preparedness and emergency management is needed. Concluding our intervention, we expressed that “Medical students are ready to work with WHO and its Member States towards a healthier and safer South-East Asia Region”. The 65th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia concluded on September 7th 2012, with three decisions and nine resolutions made. The committee decided that the 66th session in 2013 will be held in the SEARO HQ in New Delhi, India, and that the next session will be holding the election of the new Regional Director. We, delegates of CIMSA highly hope that members of CIMSA will also be participating the next session of the Regional Committee. Representatives: Andi Putra Kevinsyah - Liaison Officer to WHO Asri Kartika Putri - President Shela Putri Sundawa - Development Assistant for Advocacy, Education and Policy, Asia Pacific Team


Light the Prambanan Blue World Diabetes Day 2012

by: Yehezkiel Nathanael Setiadi - Liaison Officer to National Health Institution Light Prambanan Blue was the closing event of the celebration of the World Diabetes Day 2012 which have been made by Persatuan Diabetes Indonesia (Persadia) as an affiliation of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). WDD 2012 celebration is an annual event conducted by Persadia. This year, many events have been conducted in many cities. It is crucial because in WHO statistics, there are 21 million diabetics in Indonesia that we should be concerned about. Because the complications would be very dangerous and most people with diabetes can be prevented with a good lifestyle. This is a great opportunity that CIMSA has been invited in the event. The Closing Celebration of WDD 2012 was held at Prambanan temple on November 18th 2012. This event was attended by officials of Persadia, diabetics from various cities, and other invited guests. The night was opened by a speech by Prof. DR. Dr. Sidartawan Soegondo, Sp.PD-KEMD, chairman of Persadia and representative from NovoNordisk, which is the partner of this event. The event continued by an interactive discussion from diabe-

tes experts about Healthy Lifestyle for Diabetics. In this discussion, there was numbers of question from diabetics about their disease and also encouraged sharing among people with diabetes. That was an opportunity for diabetics to share their experiences and hopefully it could strengthen them. This forum discussion are very important for our patients, as a physician, we do not only treat the patient physically but also care about the psychological aspects of the patient. In this event, there was also the appearance from Young Club DM Type 1. Pediatric patients are given the opportunity to increase their confidence and we can also learn from them, there are a lot of people out there who are less fortunate but they have more passion for life. The event was closed with the blue lighting of Prambanan temple symbolizing the colors of diabetes. Through this event, we can see the other side of patients that we will encounter later. Patients not only requires physical treatment but also moral support.


“Challenges and Opportunities for Local Government in Carrying Out the National Health Insurance System Policies”

dents’ role in the implementation of SJSN. He said that students actually played a big role in doing campaign for the community and educating other health professional on this issue. He also hoped that CIMSA and Ministry of Health could do more collaborative work. After the break, the event was continued by seven more lectures, and they were: 1. Penganggaran Daerah dalam Rencana Implementasi BPJS Kesehatan by D. Yuswandi A Temenggung MA, M.Sc (Dirjen Keuangan Daerah, Kemendagri RI) 2. Kesiapan Daerah dalam BPJS Kesehatan : Kasus DKI Jakarta 3. Perencanaan BPJS Kesehatan Terhadap Peran Daerah di Era BPJS by Drs. Kemal Imam Santoso, MBA (Wakil Dirut PT Askes Indonesia) 4. Berbagai Isu Jamkesda dalam BPJS Kesehatan by drg. Usman Sumantri M.Sc (Kepala PPJK, Kemenkby: Ida Ayu Narayani - NORP es RI) 5. Kontribusi dan Peran E-Health dalam Jamkesda by Ir. Syaiful Hidayat (E-Health PT Telkom IndoneGood day everyone! Right now you’re about to read my report on Seminar & Workshop about “Challenges sia) Pengalaman Implementasi Jamkesda di Daeand Opportunities for Local Government in Carrying 6. rah : IT dalam Jamkesda by drg. Pembajun SetyaninOut the National Health Insurance System Policies”. On December 7th-8th 2012, CIMSA was invited by gastutie, M.Kes (Kepala Jamkesos DIY) Jamkesda dalam BPJS Kesehatan : Kajian Pusat KPMAK (Kebijakan Pembiayaan dan Manaje- 7. men Asuransi Kesehatan) FK UGM to attend a semi- dari Berbagai Daerah by Dr. drg. Yulita Hendrartiani, nar and workshop with the mentioned theme above. M.Kes, AAK (Pusat KPMAK FK UGM) This event was taken place in Jogja Plaza Hotel, YoThe aim of this event was to give the particigyakarta and attended by many important people pants the current updates on progress of the prepafrom the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, PT Askes Indonesia, PT Telkom Indonesia, Jamkesos ration of SJSN, the role of local government in supDIY, Pemda DKI Jakarta, and people who work with porting the policy, and to find solutions on problems related to Jamkesda’s role in BPJS. The discussion Jamkesda throughout Indonesia. The event was divided into two days, where about the last goal was carried out on the second day the first day was filled by speeches from the expert where participants were divided into 3 large groups and the second day was allocated for the workshop. and each of the group were signed to discuss about The first day was opened by acceptance speech from different topics. I took part in the group where we Prof. Dr. dr. Teguh Aryandono, Sp.B(K)Onk (Dean of discussed about problems and solution related on Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University) and fol- issues around Jamkesda and BPJS. I could fairly said lowed by keynote speech from Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron that throughout the discussion and the whole 2 days, Mukti M.Sc Ph.D (Deputy of Health Minister). After there were still a lot of issues surrounding Jamkesda the keynote speech by Prof Ali, the participants were and BPJS, many also said that they were not ready if given 15 minutes of break, where I got the chance to BPJS is going to be implemented in 2014. But, they talk to him in person. I first introduced myself as a also admitted that if it was for the people’s sake and representative of CIMSA and turned out, he remem- a better nation’s health, they themselves were willbered CIMSA very well from October Meeting 2012! ing to do their part to support the implementation of We chatted for a moment about his opinion on stu- BPJS in the future.


3 HPEQ Conference rd

Luthfi Aulia Supriyadi - Marketing Campaign Advocating Team

On 7-8th November 2012 Department of In-

in Indonesia and hopefully we can spread knowledge donesian higher education held the 3rd HPEQ (Health about HPEQ to all medical student in Indonesia Brilliant concept of the conference, all thanks Professional Education Quality) conference in the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. The main theme of to the committee so we can really enjoy, learn and this conference is “Advocating Science to Reach Ed- spread our knowledge. In this time, the student orucation-Health System Integration through ICT”. the ganizations are given the opportunity to advocate conference brought together over 7 different health directly to stakeholders based on their profession. care profession student organization and institution. Medical Student Organizations (ISMKI, CIMSA, and The student organization are Center for Indonesian AMSA) got a chance to talk with Prof. Tri Hanggono Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA), Asian Medical Achmad (Rector Unpad) as stakeholders of the MediStudents’ Association (AMSA), Ikatan Senat Maha- cal Profession in Indonesian Institute. The end of the siswa Kedokteran Indonesia (ISMKI), Ikatan Lembaga conference was closed with a live streaming conferMahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan Indonesia (ILMIKI), ence discussing healthcare college system that is diHimpunan Mahasiswa Diploma III Keperawatan (HI- rectly presented by the Deputy Minister of Education MADIKA), Persatuan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran and Higher Education and all the student health cares Gigi Indonesia (PSMKGI), Ikatan Mahasiswa Kebidan- organizations sing together as a form of intimacy. an (IKAMABI), Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Farmasi Seluruh Indonesia (ISMAFARSI), Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (ISMKMI), and Ikatan Lembaga Mahasiswa Gizi Indonesia (ILMAGI). CIMSA was taking part as representatives for medical student on this conference and delegating 10 student from various university. This conference brings you a dynamic conversation by using videoconference connected to many satellite host in Indonesia, so we can reach and discuss with health care stake holder in this country including the rural area of Indonesia. The conference was broadcast live via streaming on It is welcomed by the minister of national education as a good step to progress quality of human resources especially on health sector toward globalization era. The conference delivered some knowledge and soft skill training to developed the quality of healthcare in Indonesia. On this excellent conference we learn how to build partnership between student healthcares and learned about our role on university accreditation, how to advocate and apply media for advocation purpose and many more. All participants were very enthusiastic in the 3rd HPEQ Conference. The participants thought this is very great conference to develop the quality of health cares student


new local CIMSA UISU North

Sumatra is known with its special characteristic, especially the capital itself, Medan. Its persistant inhibitant, natural beauty, and the role of being such a incredible part of Indonesia’s history that are confirm the popularity in the society. We not only know from history books, but also from our friends who was born in North Sumatra. Indeed, our friends are spreaded almost throughout the country because of our friends were persistent in achieving their goals. Of course, as a human being who are hungry for inspiration, meet up with friends like this becomes a special experience. Proudly, CIMSA nowadays allows us to meet them. And now, CIMSA widen its domain in North Sumatra! Here some good news in NLS 2013, UISU that in the last year became an observer, now it had passed to be a new local. Well, let’s talk about them before your curiousity become madness! *wink* Islamic University of North Sumatra or the more we know the UISU, is a private university that was shaded by the foundation UISU. This oldest university in Sumatra has nine faculties and located at two points in the city of Medan. One of the main long-standing faculty is the Faculty of Medicine, who also is the oldest medical school outside of Java. UISU itself since long ago have been active in thr organisms, as one of the main means of actualizing beings first educated in Sumatera, of course UISU students has registered in Indonesia’s world education. In 2011, a group Jalan Karya Bakti UISU students need a place of non political, non profit, and

able to accommodate all of their passion. After some thought and was added by some friends in the University of Riau, they finally agreed to create CIMSA. They feel the spirit of freedom of work and the activism is compatible with CIMSA soul. Slowly but surely, a few incredible pioneers invited their UISU friends and find out who is interested to join CIMSA. Assisted by VPE, Mba Oghe, finally the students of 2009-2011 batch on October 28, 2011, gathered and agreed to established CIMSA. They also consulted to nominate board candidates. Finally, elected EB were 5 people, 4 people for Supdiv and agreed to set up four early SCOs, they are SCORA, SCORP, SCOME, and SCOPH. The promotion through brochures and social media such as Facebook also showed a result, 120 people signed up as candidates CIMSA. Then,UISU was passed as Observer UISU when PS NLS 2012 in Yogyakarta. UISU friends also have set up a work program and other supports that will be needed after being a local. They’ve put a program of work, many of them are inspired from others local. Uunexpectedly, UISU apply to be a candidate of NLS Host 2014. Cool! And do you know, because this local still in the time of transition, its LOCO have been serving for 2,5 years official. Actually there were so much stories and ispiration about UISU local. But maybe aren’t likely to tell it all here. Let’s make some hopes and pray also supports to make this new local better and better.


Be Active with CIMSA!


May 17th, 2012.

CIMSA UPH won the bid to be the host of October Meeting 2012... That was how it all began. CIMSA UPH was reactivated in May 18, 2011 and it was considered a newborn organization in UPH’s Faculty of Medicine. The opportunity to host a national meeting was taken as an honor, thus CIMA UPH began to prepare for their specific task as the October Meeting Organizing Committee. The Project Officer was appointed to Agatha Yunita WS of FoM UPH and the committee was then formed, with its complete 13 divisions and their respective subdivisions. After 5 months of hard work, the day finally came. October Meeting was preceded by TNT (Training New Trainers) - October 16th, 2012. The trainers of TNT are Niko Kristianto (UGM), Briliansy (UGM), and Mega Iriani Putri (UMY). On October 18th, 2012, 13 new trainers were finally established and October Meeting 2012 started. One by one, delegates arrived from a variety of universities, carrying with them the enthusiasm to participate in the meeting. They were greeted by their respective Liaison Officers with humbleness and love. The delegates were brought to the day’s activities- ice breaking games, field work, sco-session 1, official opening, sco-session 2, welcoming ceremony, and plenary session 1. The highlights were meeting new friends from different universities, recognizing

other members of their family, CIMSA. Welcoming party was held in MRIN (Mochtar Riady Institute of Nanotechnology) hall. Other than the delegates, the ceremony was filled with invited guests such as the FoM UPH dean, vice dean, some lecturers, and other organization representatives. The first day ended with the plenary session 1 in Building D Main Campus UPH, Karawaci. It was continued by the journey to Puspiptek,the delegates’ base camp. The second day begins with the very wonderful and pleasant morning call to the very exhausted delegates. We strived to keep up the spirit in enduring the second day. The delegates were brought to see the Grand Lecture, a general speech about stem cell by dr. Alok, Prof. Amin Soebandrio, and dr. Harsan. The lecture went smoothly, whilst providing a new insight to the audiences. The next activity was WOCO (Working Committee) which was started by a huge welcoming ceremony to Prof. Ali Gufron, Vice Minister of Indonesian Health Ministry, and followed by his speech and lecture. Sco-session 3 was lead by NOs, plus one of our special external speakers, Dik Doank. The session was really inspiring to the delegates. Next was the extraordinary sco-session 4. It was so because it was held in Flavor Bliss, Alam Sutera. The delegates went with their respective


SCOs in buses so they could gather in their appointed restaurants to have dinner. Even though sco-session 4 ended quite late, plenary session 2 could still go on without any obstacles. The third day was memorable because everyone gets a chance to express their creativity through their costumes. Before that, the delegates went through another trainings and sco-sessions in Puspiptek, featuring the famous Fuad Baraja. Everyone then went to UPH for the Project Fair and costume farewell party. We were apparently visited by some CIMSA alumnus, thus resulting in an impromptu alumni session. We had some obstacles this day. First, the project fair finished late. Second, the farewell party started late so not all delegates could have their turn to perform in the talent show. Third, the plenary session 3 just ended at dawn, causing a decrease in sleeping time for the delegates. The fourth day, the last day, it was the day to say goodbye. That day held the last sco-session and special session where we gathered in Puspiptek garden. The officials and the delegates brought a touching performance for the OC. We were really touched for the appreciation, even though we still couldn’t make OM as a perfect event for all. Finally, we would like to thank all the participants, especially the officials for their help in making this October Meeting possible. We appreciate all your help, since we are a new standing organization in UPH. We learned a lot from this experience. It surely would make us wiser as an organization. For the sponsors; LIPPO Group, Siloam Hospitals, MRIN, UPH, Waroeng Kita, and Spektra, thank you for supporting us. We would like to apologize for any of our wrongdoings, including the sudden change in venue. Once more, thank you to all the people who have contributed to this event.

“OM 2012 by CIMSA UPH was just the unforgettable one! Too many good stories to tell, so many things to learn from. Thank you dear OC, team of official, and all delegates for making this OM beyond the awesomeness!”

– Asri Kartika Putri (President of CIMSA 2012-2013)

“So, I have participated many CIMSA meetings. And in this meeting, OM 2012 hosted by UPH, was the greatest CIMSA meeting ever. With all the famous lecturers, interesting theme, and of course the friendly OCs”

– Iqbal Fahmi (LOCO CIMSA UGM 2012-2013, delegates OM 2012)

“Hopefully after organizing this October Meeting, FK UPH will be more active in CIMSA. VIVA CIMSA!”

– dr. Daniel Richard Kambey (alumni CIMSA)

“To be the project officer of the last CIMSA October Meeting was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had. The chance to know many amazing officials and delegates were another opportunities I will never forget. No matter how many times I say thank you still don’t feel enough to show my sincere gratitude to all of them and to the wonderful committees. I would like to say sorry for all the mistakes I did, and please believe that none of them was intentionally made. I personally hope that after having this 2012 October Meeting, we as CIMSA members could become close as a family and solid as a team.”

– Agatha Yunita WS (Project Officer of CIMSA OM 2012)


of Universal

Nowadays, “universal health care” is term that quite common in our ears. This term is first introduced in World Health Assembly 2005 and defined as “access to key promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative health interventions for all at an affordable cost.” But, the concepts of Universal Health Care has existed long before 2005. Guest what? The concept of universal health care already existed since 1883. The concept of universal health care has already existed as the Germany is the world’s oldest universal health care system, when Otto von Bismarck, the Germany’s Minister President of Prussia that time. Otto von Bismarck issued his social legislation, which included Health Insurance Bill of 1883, Accident Insurance Bill of 1884, and Old Age and DIsablity Insurance Bill of 1889. That legislations marked the birth of universal health care.

Otto von Bismarck and his social legislation in Germany (1883, 1884, 1889)

Actually, there is two concepts in universal health care. First is the concept of “social insurance” of Germany and the second is the concept of “social security” of England. In the first system, all citizen in one country must pay insurance bill to the government that regulates the bill for health care. In the second system, the bill of health care is covered by government which pay the bill from the tax.

If the first concept introduced by Germany, the second concept introduced by England. But, that birth from the first concept. In the United Kingdom, the Parliament of United Kingdom issued the National Insurance Act 1911 that become the national insurance that covering most employed persons and their financial dependents and all person who had been continuous contributes to the scheme for at least five years wheter they are working or not. But, the concept national health insurance only survived until 1948. In 1948, the England as one of countries that take major part in World War II has a great suffering in their country. Poverty and unemployment became so high in England until the citizen cannot pay the bill of national health insurance. Those condition make the United Kingdome to make the creation of the first National Health Service in 1948. National Health Service extended health care security to all legal residents and covered the bill from the tax. History recorded the creation of National Health Service as the next steps of Universal Health Care evolution. Because funded by tax, this system make the effort to implemented justice between the rich and the poor. In the “national social insurance” concept all citizen must pay the same bill, wheter they are rich or poor. But in the concept of ”national social security”, citizen pay the tax based on their incomes status and the tax used to pay the health bill of every citizen.


United Kingdom’s National Insurance Act (1911)

HISTORY l Health Care

by: Christopher Christian H. - Vice President for External Affair

Before we continue our discussion through history, I want to states that basically Universal Health Care is the implementation of “health for all” spirit. As the times rolling up, the spirit “health for all” already recognized by many countries in the world. Spirit “health for all” is first stated in The 1978 Alma Ata Declaration which signed by 134 countries. This spirit states that “health is fundamental human rights and that the attainament of highest possible level of health is a most important world-wide social goal.” Interesting fact is this Declaration also marked the birth of World Health Organization.

The Alma Alta Declaration is praised as a next steps toward universal health care, but this declaration also criticized because its lack of implementation. Therefore, in World Assembly 2005, the World Health Organization accept the Universal Health Care as target for all countries in the world. In that assembly, Universal Health Care is defined as “access to key promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative health interventions for all at an affordable cost.” National Health Service’s main office in Whitehall, London (1948)

Based on report by Stuckler et all in First Global Symposium Health Systems Research, out of 192 countries studied, 75 countries had legislation mandating universal access to healthcare services independent of income. But, only 58 countries met the criteria based on available measure of coverage, which is including >90% of the population having access to skilled birth attendance and isurance coverage. Do you want to know, where is our position based on that report? Actually, Indonesia is not included in the 75 or 58 countries in that data, because we still don’t have universal health coverage yet in our country and we still don’t have a clear legislation about the implementation of Universal Health Care in our country. As medical students, we must take part on this action too. We can disseminate the concept of UHC to all people in our country. Don’t hesitate to do that since we are the youth is always the change-maker in history and remember the vision of our beloved organization CIMSA: “Empowering medical students, improving nation’s health.” For the conclusion of our discussion, I want to quote my most favourite president of foreign country, Barack Obama.

58th World Health Assembly (2005)

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some more time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

- Barack Obama


THE PATH TO UNIVERSAL COVERAGE by: Theodora Caroline S. - Media and Communication Director

Why universal coverage? Promoting and protecting health is essential to human welfare and sustained economic and social development. This was recognized more than 30 years ago by the Alma-Ata Declaration signatories, who noted that Health for All would contribute both to a better quality of life and also to global peace and security. There are many ways to promote and sustain health. Some lie outside the confines of the health sector. The “circumstances in which people grow, live, work, and age” strongly influence how people live and die (3). Education, housing, food and employment all impact on health. Redressing inequalities in these will reduce inequalities in health. But timely access to health servicesa – a mix of promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation – is also critical. This cannot be achieved, except for a small minority of the population, without a wellfunctioning health financing system. It determines whether people can afford to use health services when they need them. It determines if the services exist.

ally, about 150 million people suffer financial catastrophe annually while 100 million are pushed below the poverty line.

How do we fix this? Three fundamental, interrelated problems restrict countries from moving closer to universal coverage. The first is the availability of resources. No country, no matter how rich, has been able to ensure that everyone has immediate access to every technology and intervention that may improve their health or prolong their lives. The second barrier to universal coverage is an overreliance on direct payments at the time people need care. These include over-the-counter payments for medicines and fees for consultations and procedures. Even if people have some form of health insurance, they may need to contribute in the form of co-payments, co-insurance or deductibles. The third impediment to a more rapid movement towards universal coverage is the inefficient and inequitable use of resources. At a conservative estimate, 20–40% of health resources are being wasted. Reducing this waste would greatly improve Where are we now? the ability of health systems to provide quality ser The World Health Assembly resolution 58.33 vices and improve health. Improved efficiency often from 2005 says everyone should be able to access makes it easier for the ministry of health to make a health services and not be subject to financial hard- case for obtaining additional funding from the minisship in doing so. On both counts, the world is still a try of finance. long way from universal coverage. The path to universal coverage, then, is rela On the service coverage side, the proportion tively simple – at least on paper. Countries must raise of births attended by a skilled health worker can be sufficient funds, reduce the reliance on direct payas low as 10% in some countries, for example, while ments to finance services, and improve efficiency it is close to 100% for countries with the lowest rates and equity. These aspects are discussed in the next of maternal mortality. Within countries, similar varia- sections. tions exist. Rich women generally obtain similar levels of coverage, wherever they live, but the poor miss Promoting efficiency and eliminating waste out. Women in the richest 20% of the population are Raising sufficient money for health is imperaup to 20 times more likely to have a birth attended by tive, but just having the money will not ensure unia skilled health worker than a poor woman. versal coverage. Nor will removing financial barriers The other side of the coin is that when peo- to access through prepayment and pooling. The fiple do use services, they often incur high, sometimes nal requirement is to ensure resources are used efcatastrophic costs in paying for their care. ficiently. In some countries, up to 11% of the popu- Opportunities to achieve more with the same lation suffers this type of severe financial hardship resources exist in all countries. Expensive medicines each year, and up to 5% is forced into poverty. Glob- are often used when cheaper, equally effective op-


tions are available. In many settings, antibiotics and injections are overused, there is poor storage and wastage, and wide variations in the prices procurement agencies negotiate with suppliers. Reducing unnecessary expenditure on medicines and using them more appropriately, and improving quality control, could save countries up to 5% of their health expenditure. Medicines account for three of the most common causes of inefficiency outlined in this report. Solutions for the other six can be grouped under the following headings: • Get the most out of technologies and health services • Motivate health workers • Improve hospital efficiency • Get care right the first time by reducing medical errors • Eliminate waste and corruption • Critically assess what services are needed.

Particular attention must be paid to the difficulties women and ethnic and migrant groups face in accessing services, and to the special problems experienced by indigenous populations.

An agenda for action No country starts from scratch in the way it finances health care. All have some form of system in place, and must build on it according to their values, constraints and opportunities. This process should be informed by national and international experience. Health can be a trailblazer in increasing efficiency and equity. Decision- makers in health can do a great deal to reduce leakage, for example, notably in procurement. They can also take steps, including regulation and legislation, to improve service delivery and the overall efficiency of the system – steps that other sectors could then follow. Simply choosing from a menu of options, or importing what has worked in other settings, will not be sufficient. Health financing strategy needs to be Conservatively speaking, about 20–40% of re- home-grown, pushing towards universal coverage sources spent on health are wasted, resources that out of existing terrain. It is imperative, therefore, that could be redirected towards achieving universal cov- countries develop their capacities to analyse and unerage. derstand the strengths and weaknesses of the system in place so that they can adapt health financing Inequalities in coverage policies accordingly, implement them, and monitor Governments have a responsibility to ensure and modify them over time. that all providers, public and private, operate appropriately and attend to patients’ needs cost effectively A message of hope and efficiently. They also must ensure that a range The first key message of this world health of population-based services focusing on prevention report is that there is no magic bullet to achieving and promotion is available, services such as mass universal access. Nevertheless, a wide range of excommunication programmes designed to reduce to- periences from around the world suggests that counbacco consumption, or to encourage mothers to take tries can move forward faster than they have done their children to be immunized. in the past or take actions to protect the gains that They are also responsible for ensuring that have been made. It is possible to raise additional everyone can obtain the services they need and that funds and to diversify funding sources. It is possible all are protected from the financial risks associated to move away from direct payments towards prepaywith using them. This can conflict with the drive to- ment and pooling (or to ensure that efforts to conwards efficiency, for the most efficient way of using tain the growth of expenditures do not, in fact, exresources is not always the most equitable. For ex- tend the reliance on direct payments) and to become ample, it is usually more efficient to locate services more efficient and equitable in the use of resources. in populated areas, but reaching the rural poor will require locating services closer to them. Governments must also be aware that free public services may be captured by the rich, who use them more than the poor, even though their need may be less. In some countries, only the richest people have access to an adequate level of services, Source: while in others, only the poorest are excluded. Some Executive Summary, The World Health Report, groups of people slip through the gaps in most sys- HEALTH SYSTEMS FINANCING, The path to universal tems, and patterns of exclusion from services vary. coverage (WHO)


personality quiz When doing my job, I prefer ... indoor


It’s hard to make a decision!

I like being ...


with others


Sometimes I moved into tears over the heartache of others.


In the middle of a meeting, I have questions in my mind.


Internet surfing!

When holidays ...


alright then..



When my friend ask me out ...



Labs, doing some projects.

It’s easy and enjoyable to make new friends.

Choose only one question that you think most important.

Raise your hand everytime you have a question.

A B C D 19

A. Scientist Decisions come very easily. They love logic and ideas and are drawn to scientific research. Serious and quiet. They can usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. Creative thinkers. Sometimes hard to get to know them well. Can become very excited about theories and ideas. Exceptionally capable and driven to turn theories into clear understandings. With this personality, you can conduct a health research. For example A few years ago The Global Forum for Health Research produced an excellent report that tracked financial flows in health research. Or research about infectious diseases of poverty.

B. Social Worker Interested in serving humanity. Well-developed value system, which they strive to live in accordance with. Extremely loyal. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Like to be in charge. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Health workers can do prevention and primary care, and make the essential drugs available to everyone. held a social healthcare service event at remote areas so that access to health care can be easier

C. Journalist These people love novelty and surprises. They are big on emotions and expression. Open-minded. Usually talented writers. Mentally quick and able to see possibilities. Interested in understanding and helping people. To show your contribution, you can spread the Universal Health Coverage campaign trough media by using your writing ability. So that everyone knows the importance of UHC.

D. Activist They actively send their thoughts and ideas out into the world as a way to bring attention to what they feel to be important, which often has to do with ethics and current events. Usually popular among others. Enthusiastic. Able to do almost anything that interests them. As someone with an activist personality, you can conduct a health education about infectious diseases of poverty. Share your ideas to governments that they need to give higher priority to health in their budgets as domestic financial support is crucial for sustaining universal coverage in the long term


real action Human Rights Day 2012: Concerning Universal Health Coverage by: Bella Yunita

Human Rights Day (HRD) was celebrated universally at 10th December each year. To celebrate that day, Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace UI (SCORP UI) also make a project annually. SCORP CIMSA is concerned about Universal Health Coverage (UHC). So, we made a project based on that issue. The idea comes when we remember that this year CIMSA UI also build its community development in Menteng Jaya, Jakarta. This project is about educating people who live to understand about health insurance and how to get a fair health service. We all already know that health insurance and service in Jakarta sometimes is hard to get, citizen must follow some steps and it’s not easy if they don’t know how to get it. Firstly, we did a door-to-door survey to analyze the people knowledge about health insurance. We invited SCORE UI to join because they know and understand more about research and survey. The survey itself was done periodically from 17th – 29th December 2012. The main event was held on 5th January 2013. From early morning, we invited people door to door to come to our carnival. Yes, the theme of our project is carnival! So, we’re very pleased because about 120 participants come to our project. The event started with two counseling, about Kartu Jakarta Sehat and administration algorithms in RSCM. Kartu Jakarta Sehat is a health insurance for low economic people. Counseling about Kartu Jakarta Sehat was given by Suku Dinas Kesehatan Jakarta Pusat, Ratu Umamah, drg. Then, the counseling about administration algorithms in RSCM was given by its director of public relation. The next event is quizzes, about the counseling itself. The event was followed by door prize and free medical screening. And at the end of the project, we did again the survey, to assess what they know after joining this project. When the event was ended, we also give the participants a sticker about administration algorithms in RSCM so they can patch it at their home.


The events was published since early December, because we did the publication since December 10th, 2012, which is the celebration of Human Rights day. So, from 16 December we opened a poster Competition for people at Yogyakarta, especially medical students to create a poster related with the Universal health Coverage. The main theme is Universal Health Coverage for The Prosperity of Our Health. We closed the registration on December 23rd, 2012 and the poster should be posted on December 26th. The winner are the best poster and the most favorite Poster which will be announced at 29 December 2012. Then, on December 29th, there wer 2 lectures. Lecture from our National Officer on Human Rights and Peace, Ida Ayu Narayani, to introduce SCORP & CIMSA and from Prof. Dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto M.Med. Sc, PhD. (The Chairman of Indonesian Pharmacologist Association) about Universal Health Coverage as SCORP CIMSA focus this year and its correlation to World Health Organization. So this is an issue that is very important to know, especially for medical students who are also engaged in the health sector and will contribute to the success as well as the purpose of the program is to create a better health care for the community.


In addition we added a debate session to help the participant to have a better understanding about UHC. During the debate session, all of the participants was divided into small groups and then in groups, the participants will discuss each will be followed by debate or argue with other groups about the topics that had been raised. Next, we had a miniquiz session where all of the group members battled against each other to be a winner by answering the questions which the topic was taken from the lecture. By all of those sessions we can see how far the knowledge achieved from the seminar was interpret and implement by the attendants.

speak up for UHC What can we do to support UHC? UHC supposedly made to be a better system than our previous system (Askes, Jamkesmas, etc.), that’s why we should eliminate some minus on our previous system, such as: (1) Lack of information. The education about UHC should be started from now on, so people won’t get the wrong information, or get no information at all. (2) Doctor Distribution. About 65-66% doctors are concentrated in Java Island, to make this system works, doctors should be distributed evenly. (3) Poor administration. Ensure we have a good administration before we implement this system. So a problem like illegal payment, (payment for making kartu miskin / jamkesmas / askeskin card) or other administration problem won’t happen in this new system. (4) Various categorization. The system before criticized for having much “poor standard”. Beside standard Based on BPS, we had also standard based on Local Government which is different for every local. We as a medical student couldn’t do those all alone, but we still can take a part in advocating and controlling areas. The technical explanation of UHC itself hasn’t been 100% clear. So, for now, at least we can do the 1st & 2nd point, educating people around us about UHC and strengthen ourselves if someday we are placed in remote area !

Why should we be interested in UHC? We should know about UHC because UHC is a form of social protection organized by the Republic of Indonesia to ensure their citizens to meet the basic needs of a decent life. Benefits of universal health care program is quite comprehensive, covering pension, national health insurance, accident insurance and death benefits. The program will cover all Indonesian citizens, regardless of whether they belong to the formal sector workers, informal sector or self-employed. UHC can improving access to health services and reducing poverty from catastrophic healthcare expenditure. UHC reforms can improve health and financial protection of people around the world, especially poor and vulnerable populations. - Wida, CIMSA UMS

- Angga Ibrahim, SCOME CIMSA UIN 2010


alumni interview

What if Our Healthcar

Diko Dr. Syifa Diko Dr. Syifa Diko Dr. Syifa Diko Dr. Syifa Diko Dr. Syifa

: “Hello, doctor Syifa! How are you?” : “Alhamdulillah, I am fine..” : “So, what’s your activity lately?” : “Currently, I work as a PTT doctor of Indonesian Ministry of Health Center in health center in a very secluded category area, East Kotawaringin district, Central Kalimantan.” : “Can you tell us something more about your working experience?” : “Many things that I have gained here, faced with various patients from various backgrounds and illness. Being a PTT doctor here, have trained my medical skills, decision-making, social and other problems. : “Wow, it must be great doc. So, is there any problem with our healthcare system?” : “Yes. I think, our health care system insurance is still not running well. : “What’s your opinion about our healthcare system? : “Many things that seemed uncomplete in its execution, and I believe health of rural communities still lacking and underestimated. Whether this is because of the stigma that health care in our country which is considered ‘too expensive’ (there’s a phrase in the community: there is no money so no treatment), lack of socialization regarding health or lack of prevetive activity from the first level of primary health care that could touch everyone in the comunity. While the part of the government, the health insurance system as Jamkesmas, Jamkesda and other health insurance was not evenly distributed. For example:

1. Distribution “Jamkesmas” right for society is not evenly distributed and not right on target. Data of all

society registered in the service is obtained from the center (statistical possibility). In fact, a lot of changes in the data due to migration of the population (the data is not updated). Many people still questioning, why is there one that receives, some not, but they are the same economic status. Many people who should not be the main target but instead they get the service. Sometines this creates jealousy among citizens.

2. “Jamkesmas”/”Jamkesda” identified with third class of service quality. Many people are lazy to use the facility on the grounds of health services received less good and less maximum. Most “Jamkesmas”/”Jamkesda” will only be used if it has been trapped for treatment but no further charges.

3. Some of the health insurance payment system / guarantor to healthcare providers is still going nowhere and some are considered less appreciative of the services.

4. The high costs for screening and treatment until rehabilitation is yet to be covered by health insurances (usually for a specific disease or long-life treatment) and there are still many people who have not been able to reach out these costs (especially the community outside Java ).

5. Health services outside Java was still not evenly distributed and not maximized. This are due various kinds

of reasons, ranging from distance to health facilities is far and expensive, until to the limitations of health care facilities.”


re System Kept Us Healthy? Diko Dr. Syifa Diko Dr. Syifa Diko Dr. Syifa Diko Dr. Syifa

: “Did you ever heard about the Universal Health Coverage? What do you think about that?” : “Yes. A system designed to protect the public health in a form of health insurance policy in a country and intended for all citizens without exception. In my opinion, this system is very good to be applied for ensure the health rights in our country.” : “Do you think Indonesia should have universal healthcare? Why or why not?” : “Yes. Indonesia should begin to think to protect the health rights for all citizens equitably. Health insurance system should be expected to improve the health, which will also improve the welfare of Indonesian citizens. People no longer need to worry, whether I can seek treament and get the maximum health services. Do not forget, this system was created to faciltate the public to access health services. : “The last question, what is your wish for Indonesia’s healthcare system?” : “I really hope the health care system in Indonesia changed for the better. It needed the support from all parties and cross sectors. I really hope a health care system that is easy, maximum, cheap, equitable and affordable for the public. This should be supported by iproved standards of service, facilities and infrastructures. Also do not forget, with attention to welfare for health care service providers because it is the people who fought in the fore front point, to a Healthy Indonesia. Thus, the slogan Healthy Indonesia was no longer be just a dream.” : “Thank you for your time dr. Syifa.” : “Respectfully.”


Universal Health Coverage by: dr. Yudo Irawan - Dermatovenerology’s Resident of FKUI-RSCM UHC is defined as ensuring that all people can use the promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative health services they need of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship. This definition of UHC embodies three related objectives. First, equity in access to health servicesthose who need the services should get them, not inly those who can pay for them. Second, that the quality of health services is good enough to improve the health of those receiving services, and lastly, financial-risk protection ensuring that the cost of using care does not put people at risk of financial hardship. Progress towards UHC can be measured with indicators that are alikely included in the set used to measure progress towards the Millenium Development Goals for health. All the indicators could be disaggregated by income or wealth, age, sex, indegenous status, etc. The availabiliity of essential medicines, the number of health workers per population and their geographical distribution, and the number of hospital bed per population are examples of indicators that show how easy, or how difficult, it will be to move close to universal coverage. UHC brings the hope of better health and protection from poverty for hundreds of millions of people, especially those in the most vulnerable situations. UHC is firmly based on the WHO constitution of 1948 declaring health a fundamental human right and on the Health for all agenda set by the Alma-Ala declaration in 1978. Achieving the health Millenium

Development Goals and the next wave of targets looking beyond 2015 will depend largely on how countries succeed in moving towards UHC. In Indonesia, the general decentralization process implemented in 2001 has had many impacts on the health system. However, compared with neighboring Malaysia and Thailand, Indonesia spend relatively little onn health services. Since 2005, a new non-contributory scheme has been designed to provide state-subsidized health in insurance for poor households, using the civil servant’s scheme as insurance carrier. Ministry of Health. Republic of Indonnesia developed a new strateging plan 2010-2014. One of the strategies to be implemented is to increase public budget for health to reduce financial risk for health problems-especially for deprived people and communities. Towards UHC, the goverment also improving community access to health care through social mobilization and community empowerment and quality of health services. The government also improving capacity of medical personnel and its distribution. Improving availability and affordability of essential medicine. Indonesia’s government has strong commitment to health and work towards attainment of UN Millenium Development Goals. It’s our job to fully support the government with their startegic plan 2010-2014. So, are you ready for UHC?


alumni opinion What is Your Opinion About Our Health Care System?

“The human resource in rural area is very low, for this time being they compesate by having he heath care worker provider by the people there and PTT doctors. For the heath care, patients expect not only having physical exam, but can be medicated and undergo futher examination if necessary, and most of all to be comfortable in having medical attention.” - dr. Vita “It is very heart-breaking to see a level of service they can get. The health in rural area should be fixed from a lot of side in order to achieve and optimal health care.” - dr. Adriyawan “Actually, the health system in Indonesia is fairly good, although the information on some insurance is not yet to be socialized. The big difference in terms of facilities is also a big concern. The place where I work now, is a province-level hospital but only have 4 specialist, the lab can only do a complete blood routine and blood chemicals, and the room facilities is not good. The health care system should not be completely desentralized.” - dr. Hemastia

upcoming meeting

May Meeting 2013 May Meeting is one of the annual meeting that is held by Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA). It was great when we heard that CIMSA UR got a chance to held this meeting. We want to say thank you to national CIMSA for giving us this honor. CIMSA UR is located in the center of Pekanbaru, Riau. It is about 934 km away from Jakarta. It’s quiet far but I’m sure that all CIMSA members are so excited to come here. Riau has Malay culture that will provide you a Malay atmosphere from the very first moment you arrive in Riau. I hope you can get more experience by attending this May Meeting. The agenda will be the same as the last May Meeting. But to make sure, Pekanbaru will give you more. Warmest greeting to all May Meeting delegates. Welcome to “Bumi Melayu Lancang Kuning” it gives me the pleasure to extend my warmest

welcome to all delegates to the first and ever CIMSA meeting to be held in Riau. All of the committees and I are so excited to welcome you, the extraordinary people. I hope all CIMSA members will get new lessons, new friends, and “new faces” after coming to this May Meeting 2013. And for a thousand times I want to officially invite you together to join May Meeting 2013 hosted by CIMSA UR. See you, fellas!


Best Regard, Achsanul Kubri Project Officer MM 2013

fun facts Universal coverage ensures that all people can use health services

without financial hardshi p. All people should have

access to the health services they need.

Out-of-pocket payments push 100.000.000 poverty every year.

people into

The most effective way to provide universal coverage is to

share the costs across the population.

All countries are continually seeking for health care.

more funds

In 2010, 79 countries devoted less than 10% of government expenditure to health. Countries are finding innovative revenue for health.

ways to raise

Only eight of the world’s 49 poorest countries have any chance of financing a set of basic services with their own domestic resources by 2015. Globally, 20–-40% of resources spent on health are


All countries can do more in order to

move towards universal coverage. 27

She is Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO.

Connect the Dots!


Connect all the dots below and find out who she is!

She is highly committed to universal health coverage and has made it an important part of WHO’s agenda under her service. Universal health coverage is, she says, “the most powerful unifying single concept that public health has to offer, because you can realise the dream and the aspiration of health for every person irrespective of what class you belong to, whether you are a woman, or whether you are poor”.


upcoming projects

Indonesian Disease Today 2013

Indonesian Disease Today (IDT) is one of the annual activities of the national SCOPH which attended by members of various local CIMSA throughout Indonesia. In 2013 it will be held by the local Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta with the theme “Medical student in action: Preventing Non -Communicable Disease by Caring to Others “. We choose this issue because of the fact that the prevalence number of non-infectious diseases are increasing day by day, especially hypertension, stroke, and diabetes mellitus. Although those disease aren’t infectious diseases (non-communicable disease), but it’s still giving a high threat which cause high number of death in Indonesia. It is the responsibility of all parties, not just the government that has an important role, but the contribution of the public (include us the medical students) to control and prevent these diseases. What we can do as a medical student is to become “agents of change” to improve nation health. IDT 2013 will be held on 5-7 April 2013, in Selo, Boyolali district, Central Java. There will be a lecture, public speaking training, welcome party, SCO sessions, social events, and camp (live in). The purpose of all these activities to gain knowledge and ex-

perience of the participants about health issue concerning non-infectious diseases (non-communicable disease) in particular diabetes mellitus, stroke, and hypertension and to increase awareness and knowledge of local communities so that these diseases prevalence and the number of patients can be decreased. In addition, through this activity are expected to intimate between local CIMSA. By following the IDT 2013 “Medical student in action: Preventing Non-Communicable Disease by Caring to Others”, you’ll get not only new-and-unforgettable experiences, you also share knowledge in order to serve the communities, learn the language and culture of the local residents, and definitely get new friends! So don’t miss this rare opportunity. Let’s join IDT 2013!

Training for Research Exchange 2013 T-REX 2013, Training for Research Exchange 2013, is SCORE’s first national training and will be held from 22nd March 2013 to 24th March 2013. It is a great honor to announce that Universitas Gadjah Mada was chosen as host this year. Via T-REX, participants (members of Standing Committee on Research Exchange throughout Indonesia) will be exposed to the wonders of research and let us not forget, SCORE itself. This year, we chose to focus on the process of making a good questionnaire. This questionnaire will be associated to disaster management, whereby we took advantage of Yogyakarta being prone to Mt. Merapi eruption and earthquake. With T-REX 2013, we hope that members of SCORE can further know about SCORE as there will be sessions regarding SGP (SCORE Goes Public), PET

(Pre-Exchange Training), GAP (Global Exchange Project), Prohunt (Project Hunting), Incoming and Outgoing. Participants are also given the opportunity to conduct a survey to the villagers who were the victims of the Mt. Merapi eruption few years ago in 2010. We also hope that with T-REX 2013, SCOREPUBLIC may bond with each other regardless of which Local Committee they are from. Before I end, to my fellow committee members and those who are involved in making T-REX 2013 a dream come true, words cannot describe my gratitude and appreciation to you guys. May T-REX 2013 be a blast and an encouragement for many more SCORE national trainings in years ahead! Go SCOREPUBLIC!!


National Peer Education Workshop 2013 Have you ever thought that actually STI (Sexually Transmitted Disease) is actually worse than what happened now? How bad is it? Don’t you want to do something about it? Are you interested in peereducationing and working with people with around your age? Yes, we actually will have something to do about it and it has something to do with peer-education project, NPEW 2013. As known, NPEW 2013 stands for National Peer Education Workshop and for this year, we got “Maternal Health” as for our general theme. This actions will be held in Malang (to be exact Batu), Jawa Timur, Indonesia on April 5th – 7th, 2013. On that days, all SCORAngels and SCORAngers, 15 locals from all over Indonesia, will come together to do something useful to people around. What is exactly this NPEW 2013 about? Of course, we will learn a lot of things here. There are presentations about Sexually Transmitted Disease and the impact on pregnancy, reproductional Health including AIDS, and how to be a good peer-educator. There is also a talkshow. And yes, we have something new here. We got something called VGD (Vocal Group Discussion). What is VGD? And how is exactly that PPTCT works? You have to come to know the answers, guys! For the third day, we have Counseling program. Our target for this counseling program is young preganant women in the countryside who doesn’t get information about reproductional health or STI or HIV/AIDS before. So, this is our chance to help them, to prevent them from those diseases. Isn’t preventing better than curing? Are you curious now? So, do you want to learn to and be a peer educator? Do you want to gather together with all other SCORAngels and SCORAngers from all over Indonesia to share your experiences from each other? Better prepare yourself to join us from now on! See you soon in NPEW 2013 in Malang!


Weekend Training 2013 In general, WET is an annual training for all Scope in Indonesia which is held on the weekend. The training itself contains a specific theme which has the relation between exchange and medical. WET is also held in order to introduce the newbie of Scope to NEC and their works, so their mind will be opened about Scope, broadly. Despite the trainings, WET is also a place to bond all Scopeople (Scope’s members) from all cities in Indonesia. WET 2013 will be held on 22nd-24th of March, 2013 in Villa Lantera, Setiabudhi, Bandung. This event will go for three days: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The contents are material sessions, ice breaking, and social programs. For this year, the theme we’ve raised is “Cultural Shock”. Why? Because cultural shock is a personal disorientation leading to signs and symptoms physically and psychologically which usually emerge on exchange students. Therefore, this material—we thought—can be really useful in either preparing our outgoing students or welcoming our incoming students so they’ll not experience the so-called-cultural shock. Other than the themed material, WET also has sessions with each of NEC’s staffs and NEO. There also will be welcoming and farewell parties. We will have barbeques while listening to band performing, we will also have fun games to get to know each other, and there will also be a competition of performances from each local of Scopeople. We, Scopeople, sure know how to have fun so the party will sure be fun-guaranteed. At the end of the day, we also will have project fair. Here, each local will show their projects and hopefully, we all can learn from each other. After that, we will make a time capsule. Each local of Scope will write down their hopes, either in the form of PoA or else in a piece of paper which will be saved in a locked box. This box will be kept yet not allowed to be opened even just a bit until the next year. So, at WET 2014, each local will get the chance to read what they’ve written a year ago to see how much they’ve accomplished. This time capsule will be a good way to introspect Scope’s achievements in the following year. Last but not least, there will be a Social Program.


active member

Aditiya Bagus Wicaksono SCORA CIMSA UIN @aditiyabagus


Itqan Ghazali SCOPE CIMSA UNS @itqanz

Pratama Widi Permana SCOPE CIMSA UGM @pratamapermana

Why are you interested in joining CIMSA?

Because it’s fun. First impression of cimsa in my mind is some kind of organization that really do something for Indonesia and all members of it are serious to do that. And the best is, they are cool and easy going :D, and moreover if you have been in some national meetings of CIMSA you’re gonna feel that feeling. This CIMSA ‘atmosphere’ made me interested in it and would like to know more about it. –Adit I’m so interested in joining CIMSA because this is an organization which is based on activities that every medical student need. Here, I can connect & cooperate with so many medical students from Indonesia and even other countries to create a better world from our point of view as medical students –Itqan Aside to the interesting projects and events they have, I knew that this organization could give me one good kinship environment since the first time I was introduced to CIMSA. I could tell from the faces of each and every one of them that they really enjoy being in this such organization without having such perforce feeling. –Pratama

What motivates you to participate actively at CIMSA?






I’ve explained it above. The reason why I participate actively in CIMSA is because that I want to. I do want know more about CIMSA and I hope I can be a part of agents of change in Indonesia by joining it. besides, I wish I could improve my soft skills in there. –Adit Experience! To get much experience is my biggest motivation to be active in CIMSA. And now, I’ve got some rare experience when I become an active member in CIMSA, and I believe there will be so much great experience ahead. CIMSA supports & gives me great chances to participate in every world’s health problems that make us aware about them. CIMSA supports every medical student in Indonesia to join exchange programs. Since I’m part of SCOPE (Standing Committee on Professional Exchange), I’m obviously connected to many medical students from around the world, have a role in exchange programs, strengthen my English skill and widen my knowledge about other cultures that others might don’t get this chance. Furthermore, I can participate in research, reproductive health, public health and medical education. It’s like a complete package, isn’t it? –Itqan In order to participate actively in CIMSA, you must love what you’re doing, meaning that you must love CIMSA itself. As from myself, having such eagerness to participate in one big organization since high school can be finally realized in CIMSA, thus I can enjoy every moment and every second I spend in this great organization. –Pratama



What is your most memorable experience at CIMSA?


:) :)

when participating October Meeting 2012, haha..why? because that was the first time I didn’t sleep until 5 am, talking about projects of CIMSA, and I only got an hour to sleep. So, exhausting isn’t it? I hope i can feel that ‘feeling’ again in May Meeting 2013. So OC, please give me a seat :D –Adit umm, being interviewed by AORTA is the most memorable experience lol. Well, the most memorable experience in CIMSA is when the incoming student and I had great friendship and had fun together in their clerkship month or social programs done in our local. We didn’t only do professional exchange, but we also did “mind” exchange which can open my mind about world and its problems. I hope I can meet them again in my exchange turn someday. Amin! –Itqan The most memorable experience in participating in CIMSA is that I got the chance to be the official committee of one of the national meeting, the National Leadership Summit on February 2012. It’s really great that I had the chance to participate in such big event of CIMSA, got to know other member of CIMSA from different universities, and also got the experience to work with great people from my own university as well. –Pratama

What contributions have you done for CIMSA?

I think I haven’t done many things yet for CIMSA. Until now, I do usual things as a member of CIMSA. I attend the meetings, chat meetings, doing some works for CIMSA (eg. being an OC of CIMSA projects, doing ‘tenda tensi’ collecting money for CIMSA, and etc.). I hope I can do more next time :). –Adit My contribution to CIMSA might be not as much as CIMSA has given to me and many other medical students in Indonesia. But I’ll try to make it balance by participating in many CIMSA’s activities and events. Giving contribution to CIMSA is giving contribution to Indonesia, so there’s no reason to not giving contribution to CIMSA. –Itqan Actually I didn’t do that many contributions, I did as many as the other’s has contributed, but I did participate in almost every events that my local held. I also participate by working under the Local Media and Communication Director as the Web Designer. Another participation that I did was trying to apply to be the Vice Local Coordinator, because I thought that I could give more participation by being in such position, but unfortunately I didn’t get elected. It didn’t stop the though, because I believe that there are so many other ways to contribute. –Pratama


In your opinion, why medical students should join CIMSA?

They MUST join. You know as med students, we do study hard, reading many books and journals, memorize many about medical things, but we shouldn’t forget about others things beside those, like socializing to other med students in different university, learn how to manage your tight schedule, build teamworks, and etc, that you can get by joining CIMSA not from your books. I agree that everyone has their own choice, but for me, CIMSA is the right place to maximize you potential, and you need it for being a professional doctor later. –Adit CIMSA is different; it’s a complete-package-organization which is based on activities. You’ll get experience, great chance, wide connection and you can learn so many things in CIMSA. For all medical students out there, don’t hesitate to join CIMSA, and for you who have joined CIMSA, let’s be active together! –Itqan I strongly agree that medical students should join CIMSA because as all the others have said that studying should be combined with organizational experience as well, and CIMSA is one great choice to start your first step. I’m pretty sure with all of the great goals and awesome projects, excellent environment, and fascinating hard working people, CIMSA will make you one great doctor. –Pratama


Describe CIMSA in one sentence

CIMSA, the coolest organization ever. –Adit CIMSA is a medical student organization based on activities that will endlessly give contribution to our nation! ;) –Itqan My second family. -Pratama


local inspiration Harvard Model United Nation 2012 On February 2012 I got chance to join “HARVARD MODEL UNITED NATION”. December 2011 when I saw announcement about HMUN, me and my friend, Maizan decide to send our essay about “how to develop our country” then a week after, they called us to have interview about HMUN. They’re asking about what we know global issue and how prepare are we to join this program. After month they announce who pass this program, which are 12 student, including me and maizan. We divided into several division like WHO, Politic Issue, etc. Because of we are medical student so we took WHO as our division in HMUN. The Committee gave us two global health issue, for example Non Communicable Disease and Malnutrition in children. When we were joining this program we made resolution about one of the topic, based on polling and the topic is Non Communicable Disease. In division WHO we combined from all over the world with different ideas and opinion to make one resolution. For non-medical student they always thought to increase the tax but the medical student thought how to make public health service. And in the end to opinion accepted for rich and poor people. Here I learnt so many things that I don’t get in my daily life in campus. For example how to talk in front of public, to interact with foreign people, to advocate, and you can upgrade your English. The last you get new friend. Expand network of people


Hana Fadhilah HRDD CIMSA UIN 2012-2013

Iqbal Fahmi LOCO CIMSA UGM 2012-2013

3rd University Scholar Leadership Symposium Hello CIMSA, my name is Iqbal Fahmi from

that Indonesian government only focused to educate CIMSA Universitas Gadjah Mada and here I want to children in terms of math, English, or other subjects, share my experience joining the 3rd University Schol- but there was no music or art subject. Whoever ar Leadership Symposium (USLS) held by Humanitari- wanted to learn art or music, must pay more, so only an Affairs UK, which was held in Bali, 1st – 7th August, the rich children got the facilities. Based on that fact, 2012. The USLS was an international leadership and he built a foundation that provided the lesson and humanitarian conference for youth leaders all over workshop to Indonesian youth, which he thought, the world. Not only a conference, the USLS was also had so much talented for free. The professor from consisted of training ground which was intended to Rotterdam University was so inspiring that he wasn’t give the participants skills and experiences, especial- only giving lesson, but also trying to improve the soly in humanitarian works. Joined by over 400 youth cioeconomic level of Indonesian youth, especially Baleaders from all over the world, this conference gave linese. The last one was “Baby Bonus” brought by me so much priceless experiences. As we know, The Humanitarian Affairs UK has CNN Hero of The Year 2011, Ibu Robin Lim, a mida big vision to gather the youths all over the world to wife. She taught me that being a medical provider make a global movement in humanitarian works. In was not only giving medicine or healing a disease, order to complete its vision, there were so many dis- besides there was also giving love. The Philippino cussion and sharing session to mold the participant’s built a Bumi Sehat Foundation in Ubud which consense of compassion for the less fortunate and build cerned in maternal and newborn health in medicalthe sense of being a philanthropist. There were four but-traditional way. In the lecture, she asked the grand lectures that were brought by four amazing audience,”What is the use of our hands?” Then, he lecturers who had done big things in humanitarian told the importance of hands and how should it be used. She was so inspiring that many audiences cried actions. Firstly, he was Mr. Arthur Gillette, retired di- while seeing a video of mother delivering a baby. The symposium hadn’t been ended. There rector of UNESCO. In his lecture entitled “Making Dreams Happen”, he told about his experience being were plenary discussions that brought many issues a volunteer around the world: in slum area, natural like women empowerment, world hunger, street childisaster, even in Cold War. He opened my eyes about dren, clean water, and other issues. In the end of the volunteering, that was so closed to medical works. symposium, all of participants jumped into humaniHe taught that there was no matter of age to be a vol- tarian action. There were several actions like playing unteer if you had the passion, and you had not had to with orphan, cooking for 100 persons, built a house, worry that good thing would come to those who had and other activities. To conclude, this was a valuable experience done the good one. The second lecture was “Overcoming Chal- to join the USLS. I got not only all of the priceless exlenge” by Geraldine Cox. This incredible woman was periences I had mentioned above, but also got a lot the founder of Sunrise Children’s Village, an orphan- of friends from all over the world, not only medical age in Cambodia. She told an inspiring story about students, to make a global movement in one purher struggle in setting up the orphanage, which was pose, humanitarian actions. used to be a hut, after the death of her husband and her resigning from her job. This also reminded to the CIMSA UGM’s Rumah Singgah Kalicode. From her, I knew that we must overcome any challenges we faced in doing good for others. The next was “Music Matters”, a musical lecture from Raoul Wijffels, founder and executive director of One Dollar for Music Foundation. He thought



1D1F (1 DIRECTION FOR 1 FUTURE) - SCOME CIMSA UIN 1D1F was an event by SCOME Local UIN on 22nd December 2012 which goal is to provide knowledge about the continuation of profession after graduation of medical. This event was organized as a media of career development for medical students. On this event, Participants follow an assessment of psychological to see the potential that can support the participants to choose the appropriate further education that support the career in the future. After that, participants attend seminars that will introduce the profession especially in medicine and generally in health sector. And we bring in speakers who had chosen an unusual career after graduating from medical school to become a doctor to explained that after graduation of medical not only a specialist profession that can choose, but many other professions are also much needed. The speakers are dr. M. Djauhari Widjayakusumah pengurus IDI dan IKI, dr. Adhi Wibowo N, Sp. KO Directur Addiction and AIDS Research Center, Research Fellow in Treatment Research Philadelphia USA, dr. Joserizal Jurnalis, Sp.OT Pembina Mer-C Himpunan Tenaga Kesehatan Indonesia untuk Palestina, dan dr. Irzan Directur National Medical Multimedia Development Center. We hope that after this event, participants can find out what the potential who their have for supporting their career in the future, get report for possibility of specialization based on their potency, and get a new reference of the development of a career especially in medicine and generally in sector of health.

National Doctors’ Day - SCOME CIMSA Unsyiah HDN or Hari Dokter Nasional is a national day to celebrate National Doctors’ Day in Indonesia, on October 24th every year. This event is very useful I think for showing how important to be a Doctor, how difficult, complicated and full of risk. For being a Doctor also must has a humble and helpfulness soul. The National Doctors’ Day at Medical Faculty of Syiah Kuala University was being celebrated well. We gave red roses for Doctors at our campus, to lecturer of PBL and laboratory skill. They were very impressed and appreciated to our event. They were feeling touched too. And they all liked our red roses that SCOME made by own SCOMEdians. The first plan was, we would give our red roses for Doctors at RSUDZA (Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Zainoel ABidin). But unfortunately, several of us have sudden academic schedule. So we only gave those roses at campus. For our gratefulness, this event was celebrated smoothly even though there were some obstacle but we could handle it. Our hope for the next same event is, SCOME CIMSA Unsyiah can make an amazing event more than this year. So that, Indonesian Doctors’ can be better, be more quality and consider as most important to patient and based on Code Ethic of medicine.



RP4all (Rupiah for All) – SCORP CIMSA UNAND RP4all is a project to help people, in many ways such as, becoming a volunteers, fundraising, and donating. Rupiah for All is one of SCORP Local UNAND’s project which dedicated for the victim of natural disaster. Becoming a major Indonesian city threatened by disaster, International scientists are concerned about the growing threat of an earthquake or a tsunami in Padang, This port on the west coast of Sumatra, which is located between two lines of high seismic activity: the Great Sumatran fault, on the mainland to the east, and the Sumatra trench, a subduction zone under the ocean, to the west. This is why we created that action. This project not only concerned about earthquake and tsunami, but also other natural disaster such as, floods and landslide. The main goal is to help the victim, make sure they have enough food and equipment for surviving. Hopefully can help people around the world, but especially in Padang. Basically, we can do everything to help them, the first thing, you can pray for their safety, and in SCORP, we can do an action! The SCORPion can be a volunteers, come to the location and help the victim directly. The other activity that we can do is fundraise some money in many ways, our favorite is to sing a song from shop to shop, café to cafe to earn some money. After that we buy them an equipment and donate the money. There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you don’t do them.

SOS (Save Orphan Soul) - SCORP CIMSA UA On November 18th 2013, SCORP CIMSA UA held an event called Save Orphan Soul. This event took place in Achmad Baidlowi Orphanage, Surabaya. SCORP CIMSA UA holds this event every year. This event is about sharing and caring with orphan childrens. In this event we watched movie together, danced together, and had magic performance. And also as the main event, we asked the children to draw their aspiration and hung their drawings on the branch of the tree.Some of them wanted to be a doctor, some wanted to be a policeman, and some wanted to be a football player. Some of the children couldn’t reach the branch because it was too high so SCORP members had to hold them and it was really fun. We put the tree in the orphanage so they can always see it and gives them hope to study and fulfill their dreams. We also played some games and gave them presents for winning the games.


scora World AIDS Day - SCORA CIMSA UB World AIDS Day (WAD) is an annual event, organized by MSCIA (Medical Students’ Committee for International Affairs) to commemorate World AIDS Day on December 1st, which its goal is to reduce the prevalence of HIV / AIDS in Malang and to prevent HIV/AIDS from teenagers. In contrast to the implementation of the “World AIDS Day” in previous years, in 2012 WAD target was high school and college students in Malang. A series of activities will be carried in this WAD, such as counseling to high school, followed by forming a high school students community that care about HIV / AIDS, named KoPHA. The participants of KoPHA are expected to actively participate in the prevention of transmission of HIV / AIDS.

The series of events started by the Training of Trainers (ToT) held on Friday, May 11th, 2012. Training of Trainers (ToT) was an activity that is given to OC of World AIDS Day and the Department of Reproductive inc. AIDS (DORA) members by an education on reproductive health, especially HIV / AIDS which starts from the definition, causes, modes of transmission, treatment and how to prevent, given by dr. Viera Wardhan, from divisions of Public Health who is an expert in HIV/AIDS. World AIDS Day’s OC use the ToT to develop and disseminate knowledge and information required in the health education program

to SMA Negeri 3 Malang. ToT 2 held on September 25th 2012, presented by dr. Nuretha from FKUB Public Health Division. ToT 2 was implemented to deepen the knowledge on HIV / AIDS in KoPHA, so they can share the knowledge they’ve gained to their friends. The next event was health education. The target were students at SMAN 3 Malang. Within this education OCs provides information on HIV / AIDS, ranging from definition, transmission, causes of disease, the dangers and how to prevent HIV / AIDS. 1stWAD event in SMA 3 Malang followed by forming a Community Care HIV / AIDS (KoPHA). OCs facilitated and delivered a project that will held by KoPHA on 2nd WAD event to share their knowledge on HIV / AIDS to other teenagers in Malang. 2nd WAD held on November 18th 2012 at Muhammadiyah orphanage. The event was fully conceptualized and executed by KoPHA. OCs act as event supervisor. 2nd WAD event also aims to train KoPHA to be confident to be peer educators on HIV / AIDS. The commemoration of World AIDS Day held on December 1st , 2012. The event started at 6 in the morning and began with a long march around most areas of UB, wore red t-shirt uniformly and carried a red balloon each. The balloons were released jointly by the participants in front of the building’s UB by about 83 participants. After a long march, we went to the 4th floor Inbis building, site of the bazaar, acoustic, door prizes, seminars and talk shows. Seminar speaker is dr. Gatoet Ismanoe Sp.PD, KPTI and a physician from KPA (Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS). Talk show presented by the representatives from NGOs concerned about AIDS and sources, a mother and children suffering from HIV / AIDS. KoPHA also invited to participate in this event. Target participants in this event were UB students and other universities in Malang. The whole series of events WAD 1, 2, and 3 took place very smoothly and succeed.


TESTIS- SCORA CIMSA Unissula We had held a series of events that we named TESTIS ‘The Educational School Partnership to Avoid AIDS’ that may have previously been publicized by our LORA, Shinta Andwicia Anggarwati. The aim of this project was to commemorate the World AIDS Day by performing various actions such as counseling and talk show to encourage all elements of society to show concern and take action to prevent the spread of the disease, especially in Indonesia. The first event, on October 29, 2012 we did is on SMAN 3 Semarang and 10th November 2012, exactly on Hari Pahlawan, we succeed to join and share experience and knowledge about HIV/AIDS to SMAN 5 Semarang. With a great enthusiasm from students at the school, they’ve got many knowledge from the speakers of HIV/AIDS. These events contain education materials by Komisi Penanggulangan Aids Provinsi Jawa Tengah and Standup Comedy Central Semarang. Our counsel

shared some information about the importance of breast cancer and told how to check by ourself and prevent it. We used mannequin for practice. And the main event held on Saturday, December 15th, 2012. It was live in the building Ar-Razi Faculty of Medicine, University of Islam Sultan Agung Semarang from 2 pm until 6.20 pm. With pleasure and honor, we invited delegates from Diponegoro University in Semarang, Semarang Muhammadyah University, BEM each Faculty at Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang and 5 delegates from every major school in Semarang (SMAN 3 and SMAN 5). The material was given by National Narcotics Agency (The Chief of BNN prov. Java Police commissioner Major for speaker), dr. Iwan Setiawan (expert sexologists and consent of HIV/AIDS), AIDS Commission and NGOs province of Central Java Love Cares. And also there were some entertainer from BCC Theatre, Standup comedy Semarang and the awesome ones was live performance from MATC band.

CIMSA’s Flash Mob - SCORA CIMSA UPH CIMSA UPH organized a flash mob event with the theme “Positive about living with HIV” on September 8th 2012. This event’s goal was to make changes in people’s thoughts about children with HIV. These children were infected by HIV since they were born. So, we as the committees wanted to make people thought that not all of children with HIV were bad. Get an HIV since they were born was not their fault. We tried to convince that children with HIV were not somebody who must be dissociated. Before we held the event, we have done the survey. We met with one of organization that took care of HIV children. The organization was called Yayasan Pelita Ilmu (YPI). They said that they already have enough donator for the funding, but the children is still lacking of acceptance in society. Because of this reason, we as the committee arranged a plan to share some time with them and invite them to go to Seaworld, Ancol. The preparation for this event started from June 2012. We had to arrange the flash mob and in-

vited the people who wants join. After few months of preparation, finally we could collect 75 people that are ready for the flash mob. We were very thankful with the people who joins to dance that spared their time for practice and people who collects the donation and the opinion. We were also thankful to our guest from UKRIDA who joins the flash mob. The flash mob was held twice at Supermall Lippo Karawaci at 4 PM and 5 PM. Not only we asked for donation, in this event, we also asked for people’s opinion about children with HIV and we would give it to YPI. After the flashmob was done, the event was continued with Seaworld time. On September 15th 2012, we invited 23 children of HIV and 4 caretakers to go to Seaworld. We chose Seaworld as the recreation place because they never go to Seaworld before and they could learn about marine life. They were having fun that day. We as committees were also learn to know and understand how they live from their perspectives.


score SPECTRUM - SCORE CIMSA UI CIMSA as one of the few organization in which medical students are able to freely live up their minds and put them into actions for the sole purpose of furthering healthcare of Indonesian society, felt the need to give way to even more chances for doing even bigger contribution to that purpose. For that purpose, CIMSA UI decided to confirm Menteng Jaya as its community development. Here at CIMSA UI, and of course all other locals and every members of CIMSA, believe that to enhance healthcare, especially to achieve MDGs, we have to address the issue at a community-based and door-to-door level, assigning the best we could to help improve the community’s healthcare quality by following closely, continually, and accordingly based on the problems there. As an introduction to the community and also showing our determination to start the Community Development, SCORE UI was electively chosen as the project officer for that project. The event itself was held with the help of all the SCOs in CIMSA UI. Because it was held in Ramadhan, the theme of the project was suited to celebrate that holy month for moslem. A fast-breaking (buka puasa) event with the community was chosen to be the theme. The main participants were children, who are orphans, from the local orphanage located near the governmental heads of the community.

Rundowns include Tilawah Qur’an, performance by the orphanage (marawis), Ceramah from Ustad, symbolic start of the Community Development program, and Buka Puasa Bersama. All events were done in the local mosque, where about 40 of CIMSA UI members come to participate in the event, plus about 30 children from the Menteng Jaya orphanage, and about 40 people of the community also come including Ibu RW, Pengurus Masjid, and several people from the government of the community. During the break before Buka Puasa, one of our members fill the time with a magic performance to the children, who were very interesting at magic performance. The participants and the crew from CIMSA UI laugh together. They look very happy. Before the project was held, publication was also made to invite alumni and several locals of the same caucus. We are happy and proud that they were able to attend the event along with some members of other locals. The whole event lasted for about 4 hours ending with all participants ate Buka Puasa together. We hope this project can be a good start to represent CIMSA UI to people who live in Menteng Jaya and after this project, we can make another project in Menteng Jaya, as our community development.


Research Corner - SCORE CIMSA Unsyiah Research corner is SCORE’s project that held on CSG (Cimsa Saweu Gampong) sequence projects. This project held on 29th December 2012 on perumnas neuheun elementary school. We held this project with 40 students of 6th grades. The main purpose of this project to attract elementary students to do some” mini research” with easy ways then they want to do research in early age. The most important point of this project is the student can be amused with these experiment and can be interested to make progress to do others experiment with themselves. We started at 10.00 a.m. and finished at 01.00 p.m. Firstly, we introduce ourselves as Medical Students of Syiah Kuala University and we are CIMSA. We told them we’ll playing yet studying with experiments. The experiments are “lava lamp” and “blowing up balloon without mouth”. Then, we showed them with video simulation and challenged them to make it in their groups. After that, we separated them in 8 groups and we gave them the materials. Each group of students will do their experiment with explanation of “kakak/ abang PJ”. After that, all students tried to do their experiments as a group, they learned about something new and it’s a lot of fun! It was little bit crowded when they whooped & succeed to do their experiment. “Lava lamp is their first experiment and the second one was “blowing up a balloon without mouth”. In the experiments we used baking soda and vinegar, when two of the material combined, some gasses will created and make the balloon expanded. In the end of this project, we give them some questionnaire to follow up this project. We asked them “What do you think about this project?”, “Is it fun or not?”, “after you did all of the experiments, don’t you want to do it at your home?, “do you want this project held continuously in your school?”. After we collected their answer, we gave them some consumption and took some pictures with them.

scope SCOTRAIN- SCOPE CIMSA UGM On November 24th, 2012 in Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Standing Committee on Profesional Exchange (SCOPE) CIMSA UGM held a training for new members of SCOPE batch 2012. The training named SCOTRAIN. SCOTRAIN stands for SCOPEOPLE-in-Training. This training was attended by new members of SCOPE. The aims of this training is to make the new members of SCOPE know more deeply about SCOPE, CIMSA, and IFMSA and they know more about incoming and outgoing. For this purposes, the training session consisted of mini test, mini lecture and mini simulation. The mini test was held twice, at the beginning and the end of training. so that was called pre-test and post-test). These tests were given to know how far the understanding of participants about SCOPE, CIMSA, and IFMSA. The first lecture is about “What is SCOPE in Local, National, and International?” The lecture is given by Ageng (SCOPE 2011). This lecture is about knowing what is scope, the aim of scope, the structural organization of scope in national and international, the projects, the meetings. The second lecture is “All about Exchange”. The lecture is given by Ayu Faudhiyah (LEO). The lecture is


sharing and how to manage exchange well. The lecture is given by Ajib (Treasurer Scope National 2011-2012). Then, we have simulation. In the simulation session, the participants was divided into 3 groups and each group was facilitated by trainers who acted as an incomer, so the participant could practice to manage the incomer based on the theory they’d have in the lecture before. There were also some games to make the situation more fun and the participants didn’t feel bored. In the end of the training, we announced who had the highest score of pretest and the most active participants. Last but not least, The participants were be hoped to know about SCOPE, CIMSA, IFMSA better than before.

English for Kids - SCOPE CIMSA Unsyiah Hello CIMSAers all over the word. We are from SCOPE Syiah Kuala University presents “English For

Kids”. It held in Neuheun Elementary school, 22 December 2012. Neuheun is our village patronage.Cool yeah! When we first time visited this elementary school, the teacher said,”We never teach english to student from grade 1-6 because we dont have english teacher here”. So why, we made decission that we would teach 5th years student. The day that we waited for had come. On 9 am we went to Neuheun. It’s about 25 minutes we arrived there. We decided our team in 2 groups( 5A & 5B) cause neuheun elementary school has 2 class for grade 5.In one class there is 25 student. So,total students in grade 5 is 50. Then, we introduce our self to students and there were so enthusiastic. We decided a group for student, in one group there are 5 student and 1 teacher(from SCOPE). Before we started to teach them, teacher group asked the student to pray then we had self introduction. After it, we gave pre test before start to teach something to appraise how was the english capability of them. Then we start a learning, about vocabulary of noun in class and occupation. Then we sang together(Are you sleeping?). Wow!!! They have nice voice. After it, we continued learning about greetings and self introduction. Every student must introduce their self with english. There was one of nice story our teacher when she taught greetings. teacher,”my lovely student, the english of “senang berjumpa dengan kamu” is “Nice to meet you”. One of student,”Nice to meet you kakak”. It’s so SWEET. And after it we gave post test. One of team compared the score of pre test and post test. And the score of post test is higher than pre test. COOL YEAH! And after it we ask ed5A dan 5B to go in one room and we gave a quiz that the winner would have SCOPE note. And after it we did “banana dance” that the student with spectacular dance would get health kit. And after it we took picture together. It’s really a very nice project that aim is achieving universal primary education.


MEDICINE - SCOPE CIMSA UNS MEDICINE, which stands for Medical English Debate Competition is such a great project held by SCOPE CIMSA Sebelas Maret University to support MDGs month, it was held on November 24th 2012. This English debate competition was opened for all of medical students in Solo, Yogyakarta and Semarang (Joglosemar). Theme that we set was “MDGs for a better Indonesia”. We know that Millennium Development Goals are created to make a better world, as Indonesian medical students we have obligation to make Indonesia as a better country by reach every point of it. The reason why this theme has been choosen for the event is because of the importance of nation’s health and prosperity. Here, we asked all of medical students around Solo, Yogyakarta and Semarang to think and express their thoughts loudly by debating about any problems for reaching MDGs, so that we all could hear many brilliant ideas of solving MDGs’ problems. MEDICINE was held from 07.00 am – 06.30 pm and was participated by six debate teams: three debate teams from Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta; two debate teams from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta; and one debate team from Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang. In the competition, they competed closely in the preliminary rounds. Teams that “break” the grand final round are Sebelas Maret University A team and Gadjah Mada University B team. And the grand final round motion was about children which is related to the 4th goal of MDGs. The grand final round was a very close debate, each team sticked up with their arguments; it’s even hard for the adjudicators to decide the winner. After this final section of competition, the delegation was pleased to pray Maghrib first then gathered again on the hall room. Then, finally winner was announced, the 1st winner is Sebelas Maret University A team, the members were Ginong, Fika, and Aisya; the 2nd winner is Gadjah Mada University B team, they were Hanum, Rafifa, and Farid; and the 3rd winner is Gajah Mada University A team, they were Ghassani, Rayhan, and Brillian. The best speaker award was achieved by Ginong from Sebelas Maret University. The prizes is quite interesting, Rp. 2.100.000 for the 1st winner, Rp. 1.800.000 for the 2nd winner and Rp. 1.500.000 for the 3rd winner. All of the winners also got certificates and trophy as our appreciation. Last, we quoted our project officer’s words in her speech “We hope we can make this nation better by contributing even with a small step. If we believe, we’ll make it!” – Melinda Didi Project Officer of MEDICINE.



World Diabetes Day - SCOPH CIMSA UI & CIMSA UIN World Diabetes Day is an annual remembrance that is known across the globe on the 14th November. Diabetes, as you may already know, is one of the most prevalent disease in the world and is known among elderly, particularly those who are living in urban areas. Diabetes is a disease that is characterized by the increasing level of blood glucose. Depending on the cause, diabetes is then grouped in several types, e.g type 1 and type 2. In Indonesia diabetes had already been a source of death for a particularly long period. It is the cause why SCOPH CIMSA UI select diabetes as its main project this year. At the beginning, we had the idea of collaborating with another Standing Committee in UI to execute this project but then we realized SCOPH CIMSA UI have never created a project that merge with another local. Based on that, we explained our idea and invited SCOPH CIMSA UIN to join. SCOPHians form UI and UIN brainstormed to create World Diabetes Day 2012 based on three events, with three different goals. First, a seminar that targets medical students/medical professionals on the latest technology-based diabetes therapy. Hence, with weeks of planning the OC conducted a seminar on Molecular Diabetology, Epigenetics of Diabetes, and Prevention of Diabetes on

11th November 2012 in Mercure Hotel, Ancol. Second, a local celebration that targets the public on each local (UI or UIN). This event was held on the particular day of World Diabetes Day, which is 14th November 2012 consisted of collecting signatures, testimonials, donations and lastly a photo session. For the photo session, we made blue circle as the shape for celebrating WDD. And last but not least, a diabetes exercise session with a free glucose check-up that targets the public. We held this event on 17th November 2012 in Monas. We were very pleased with the outcome. The seminar was a huge success, the speakers were very well performed and an expert on their own field. Also the total of the participants was almost 100 registers. The local celebration was also a good experience, with the collection of more than 100 signatures of each local. Lastly, the diabetes exercise was also a pleasant experience with more than 60 participants on the exercise and the free glucose check. There were minor setbacks and stalls, but overall the achievement was great. Not only did we finished a project, but SCOPH CIMSA UI and UIN also created history by this collaboration and new friends are born.


World No Tobacco Day - SCOPH CIMSA UNAND

To celebrate the world antitobacco day on May 31st 2012, SCOPH CIMSA BEM KM HK UNAND collaborate with DIMAS BEM KM FK UNAND held a project entitled WORLD No Tobacco Day 2012. The purpose of this event is quite simple yet meaningful, thus to campaign the WHO slogan, “Make everyday world no tobacco day.” As all of us have known, the tobacco company is always on a great attempt promoting to attain new consumers. The target of the promotion is individual 5-19 years old range. Those population is susceptible on the paradigm the tobacco advertisement mean to, that smoking is cool. For that SCOPH CIMSA BEM KM FK UNAND and DIMAS BEM KM FK UNAND dedicated to establish the mindset upon actual adverse effect of smoking, especially to middle and high school students. The theme of this project was “Love Lung Save Future.” There were 5 major activities, namely Event Testimonial-writing, which was held in our campus on May 31st 2012. The celebration then continued with another activity, a Street Campaign was being held. At that time we handed out pamphletes in 3 traffic lights. The third event was talkshow and hospital visit. Before the event was held, a mini survey was conducted to the first grader high school students of 15 high school in Padang. The purpose was to assess the smoking prevalence. After that, we invited the selected high shools, which are Adabiah high school, Adzkia Vocational School, and 6 Vocational School, to

attend a mini talkshow. The talkshow was supported by pulmonologists and some patients from lung ward of Dr. M. Djamil hospital. The patients shared their experience of smoking and the adverse effects they got from the habit. The excitement of the high schoolers were boosted when they were invited to see the patients in the ward. There they could see the real patients, to send the real message of the adverse event of smoking. The forth event conducted was a poster competition. Under a theme, “no smoking”, we wanted to see the fresh ideas come from youth on the battle to no smoking. The closing event of our series of events was longmarch. The longmarch track was from the campus to town’s sport arena. Along the street we also gave flyers to the pedestrians and a brief explanation on the importance of keeping off smoking. That’s all our brief report from SCOPH CIMSA Andalas University. Be active with CIMSA!


mdgs project CUAMI - CIMSA UNAND It was started at NLS on February 2012. CIM-

The third part of CUAMI held on October SA UNAND planned to make a project that support 27th-28th, 2012. Members of CUAMI divided into government in decreasing malaria cases in Indonesia some small groups to spread to resident’s home and by MDGs program. The project named CUAMI (CIM- stay there for one night. The mission was giving education about lifestyle and nutrition in order to proSA UNAND Against Malaria Infection). CUAMI did by some members of each SCO in tect them of malaria infection. The day after, CUACIMSA UNAND. It was scheduled on October 2012 MI’s schedule was cleaning the village and repairing and preparation started on July. The first step was gutters with residents. The last part was Visit to Healthy Center. The survey to get a right place. Then, Bungus Taluk Ka- bung was the chosen village. Why? Based data from residents were taught to separate organic and anorDinas Kesehatan Kota Padang, the village had a rapid ganic trash. Then, organic was able to make compost increase in number of malaria cases. It was 0 in 2010 and anorganic to reuse or recycle. This was held in and 69 in 2011. So, what would CUAMI do there? RT’s house. To make all point of CUAMI sent to all CUAMI would educate residents about malaria infec- residents, posters were put on the public place and tion and optimize PUSKESMAS and KADER as guide trees (permitted by RT). After all CUAMI events are done, the follow for residents to do malaria prevention. In order to achieve them, CUAMI has some particles: Visit to up will be done in January 2012. Doctor, Visit to Village, Visit to Family, Visit to Healthy Center, Follow up Visit to Doctor was a seminar and panel discussion having theme “Biomolecular of Malaria and Antimalaria Resistance” that attended by medical students at Padang and kader from Bungus Taluk Kabung. Kader was invited because they will be guide for residents in doing malaria prevention. The speakers are Dr. Nuzulia Irawati MS from FK UNAND and Prof. Inge Susanto, M phil from UI. This first part of CUAMI was held at campus FK UNAND on October 7th, 2012. The next part was Visit to Village on October 14th, 2012. This meant the village directly visited. There were two points here, getting to know the main problem of growth malaria cases and doing approach to the residents for the sake of the next part of CUAMI. The first point was gotten by having a chat with residents door to door. The chat guide by a questioner had arranged before. After chatting, residents invited to clean their surrounding. Observing the village and questioner could give a conclusion that the problem was resident’s lack of knowledge and awareness of malaria so that they do not care about their surrounding. Trash and bad gutters were usual for them. The second point was gotten by having good communication and attitude there.



Processus is an acronym for the event to succeed the MDGs month program CIMSA Unissula, Program Social Care and Treatment Cimsa Unissula. This event consists of 4 series of events where all Cimsy Unissula participates. The 4 series of events are counseling, healthy cooking, Incisura and Cardiac. The essences of all these events, namely Towards for Better Indonesia in accordance with the objectives of the MDGs themselves. Here we take the 3 points of the MDGs which points 4,5 and 6 where we focus more on point 6 is on Communicable Diseases. Alhamdulillah MDGs month was the first time project, its also coincided with the launch of CIMSA Unissula guided village, located in the village of Tambak Mulyo, Semarang. In this village predominantly fishermen and there is also The Fish Sales. There, we were provided a place to carry out our projects which located in the IHC (Posyandu) used a now rarely used. The lectures of the processus, dr.Ophi Indria Desanti, MPH. Treading first event Sunday, October 21st , 2012 the extension of PHBs “Clean and Healthy Behavior””. Why?? Because in this guided village prevalence of diarrhea is still quite a lot and in terms of environmental cleanliness is very less. It is expected from this extension so more people know the little things that are very useful for health. Continue with

the inauguration Bindes by Loco, Mr. RW and DosBim. Do not forget to pre and post evaluation. 2nd event was on Sunday, November 4th, 2012 with the theme ‘Healthy Cooking Festival’. So with a moderate budget can get the target of nutritious foods. From representatives of each RT, we make a group cooking with assessment criteria creations, taste, team cohesiveness, cleanliness etc. Then the counseling of “Foods”. InCiSura “In Cimsa Sunday-Rame rame”, is the 3rd processus event on Sunday, November 11th , 2012. Here there is a healthy exercise with PKK, tension tents and eating green bean porridge made by Cimsy. In addition there is some information from SCORA Cimsa about SADARI. And the last, we have cardiac “CURE AND TREATMENT DAY SESSION AT CIMSA” with the theme “Safe Money Stay Healthy”. It’s held on Sunday, 2nd Desember 2012 . This is the kind of annual project Mass Medicine. Not only from CIMSA but also collaboration with the Faculty of Dentistry Unissula. Cimsy were taught to jump into the community and practice what is obtained from the theory. We also invite CIMSA alumnus who has become a doctor to participate in this event. Alhamdulillah projects running smoothly. Thanks for all OCs. Because We Care for Better National Health.


official Treasurer Leonita Ariesti P.

VPI Tita Rashida

President Asri Kartika Putri

VPE Christopher C.H.

Secretary General Ardina Nur P.

NORE Adelia Ulya R.

SC Niko Kristianto

SC Rivano Frits H.P.

SC Bobbi Juni S.

NORP Ida Ayu Narayani

NORA Jauhara

NPO Ervandy R.

NEO-out Farhan Mar’i Isa

NEO-in Mufqi H. Priyanto

NOME Zulva Fuadah A.

FnMD Adetra Rahma D.

HRDD Ari Sri Wulandari

PDD Fatmala H.

RnDD Gia Noor Pratami

AD Diko Anugrah

MCD Theodora C.S.

LO WHO Andi P. Kevinsyah

LO Diknas Yulia Devina

LO NHI Yehezkiel N.S.


LO SO Oktavia Utami

MCAD Bethari K. Abianti

Syiah Kuala University

cimsa’s local

Andalas University University of Riau University of Indonesia Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Pelita Harapan University Padjajaran University Islamic University of Sultan Agung University of Sebelas Maret Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Gadjah Mada University Brawijaya University Airlangga University University of Wijaya Kusuma

Congratulation for our members for being chosen as the next IFMSA Asia-Pacific and International team. Good luck for your next job ahead and make us proud!

Yehezkiel Nathanael Setiadi IFMSA VPE Team for Asia-Pasific IFMSA VPE Team

Regina Ivanovna

Editor IFMSA SCOREview Editorial Team


Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities Official Magazine

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