aorta July - October 2013
//Issue: Community Development
Interview with Alumnus
The new Official Team 2013 - 2014
MM 2013 Riau
about us “Empowering Medical Students and Improving the Nation's Health.''
Cimsa Nasional CIMSAindonesia @cimsanasional
enter for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities, CIMSA, is an independent, inclusive, nasionalist, non-profit and nonparty organization. CIMSA is an individual based organization with members consisted of medical students from many universities in Indonesia. Established in 2001, and has grown up from 6 to 17 locals with approximately 5000 members. CIMSA aims at providing Indonesian medical students’ activities lodge to empower and express their idealism, thus medical students will have the same opportunities to get involved in health as early as possible and contribute to the development of this country. Our activities are applied not only in the local and national, but also in the international level. This can be achieved because since its establisment CIMSA has gained trust from the international world to become the full member of IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Association); the largest students’ organization in the world with approximately 107 countries as its members representing more than one million medical students worldwide. CIMSA’s field of work covers 6 aspects represented in the form of Standing Commitee (SCO); 1. SCOME, on Medical Education, is a forum for medical students who have special interest in the improvement of medical education. 2. SCOPE, on Professional Exchange, fasilitates all medical students to feel the atmosphere and culture in foreign country while experiencing the clinical study. 3. SCOPH, on Public Health, focuses on the importance of public health issues in medical education or community.
General Secretariat: 1st floor Library Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Jl.Salemba Raya no.6 Jakarta Pusat 10430 Indonesia
4. SCORA, on Reproductive Health Including AIDS, aims at raising the awareness on reproductive helath including sex education, gender equality, etc. 5. SCORE, on Researh Exchange, gives a chance to all medical students to partake in medical research in foreign country 6. SCORP, on Human Rights and Peace, is related to issues on human right and peace, including poblems faced by the refugees. 1
president's note A
Dear friends, Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) is an independent, non-political, and non-profit organization. It was established in 2001 and affiliated with International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA), with six standing committees, the health-related which we are working on: Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH), Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME), Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP), Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS (SCORA), Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) and Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE). 12 years CIMSA served Indonesia. With activity-based projects, CIMSA encourage and accommodate each of its members to be able to contribute in one big mission, “Empowering Medical Students, Improving Nation’s Health”. Like an age of children, CIMSA are in the stage of rapid growth in the learning process toward maturity. CIMSA will continue to learn and grow to become a professional organization of medical students. Towards 13 years, CIMSA has a focus on community development. Through this focus, hopefully we as medical students can give our best effort to make a real impact in our community, and Indonesia. There are no greatness without process. We need to learn, share, and broaden up our knowledge, together as one CIMSA. To support this learning process of CIMSA, we need a good media to share the information and knowledge, and also make a publication of our projects and activities. With the purpose to improve our internal also external through a good communication, we hope that Aorta can be one of the inspirational media for all medical students.
Muhammad Hafif Kusasi President CIMSA 2013-2014
Editorial Hello CIMSA Indonesia! My name is Eduard Jordi Luminta, and as the elected Media and Communication Director of CIMSA 2013-2014, I will be in charge for 3 editions of Aorta starting from this one. It is a great honor to serve thousands of CIMSA members all over Indonesia, and now I proudly present to you the 10th edition of Aorta. I also want to congratulate my fellow elected officials and hope they will bring CIMSA to a greater height than before. The latest edition of Aorta will talk about the current health issue in Indonesia, which is about community development. There are also reports from CIMSA national meetings, both the previous and upcoming ones. Last but not least, I want to thank everyone who has helped in the making of this Aorta such as the editors, designers, and of course the most important one, the active members of CIMSA who have contributed their thoughts and opinions in this magazine. Without further ado, please enjoy the latest Aorta. Sincerely,
MCTeam Annisa Abdi Ghifari Adianto Jaya Negara Sonya Alexandra Denalia Aurika Alberthus Donni Budi Prasetya Aditya Indra Pratama Dina Rahmatika Karina Kazia Harris Christy Magdalena Fatya Nur Aninda
Eduard Jordi Luminta Editor in Chief
Heru Ardila Putra
Contributors Ilham Ari Seja Presstisa Gifta Axelia Anak Agung Gede Wiadnyana
Jesita Silfiana Iswandy Janetputra Turu' Allo Hasya Layalia Lahino Christopher Christian Halimkesuma Regina IvanovNa Ufara Zuwasti 4
A big thank you to all the contributors for this issue!
01 About Us 02 President's Note 03 Editorial Page 04 Contributors 06 CIMSA Official News 07 Best Local: CIMSA UNAND 09 GAP Exchange 11 Upcoming Meeting: NLS 2014 UB 13 World No Tobacco Day 14 Best Project: "Matahari" 15 Community Development 17 Interview with Alumni 19 May Meeting 2013 Riau 21 Cinta Dari Wamena 23 National Official Team 2013-2014 25 Our Locals 5
//official news //SCOPE director
On 5th of August this year, during the August Meet-
ing General Assembly in Chile, Farhan Mar’i Isa from CIMSA was elected as the SCOPE director of IFMSA 2013 - 2014. The former National Exchange Officer of SCOPE CIMSA Indonesia 2012 - 2013 will be the third person from NMO Indonesia to join the Team of Official IFMSA. He was competing with 4 other nominees from other NMO and finally win the voting by a landslides, claiming more than half of the votes available. Look forward to see more of Farhan and his new position in the next edition of Aorta!
//Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
All good things must finally come to an end
and it includes this one, Asia Pacific Regional Meeting 2013. The event, hosted by NMO Indonesia and which is organized by CIMSA Indonesia was held in Yogyakarta at 5-8th of September 2013. After hearing and seeing the numerous applications and reports about Asia Pacific Regional Meeting in CIMSA’s national meeting and social medias, we will see the last report in the October Meeting. Last but not least, we from CIMSA Indonesia want to thanked the co-chairs specifically, Amandha Boy Timor, MD and Dian Oktavia Giriningrum, MD in making the biggest event which was organized by CIMSA Indonesia this year, as well as all the organizing committee, volunteers, and the participants.
enter for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities of Universitas Andalas Faculty of Medicine, or usually known as CIMSA Unand is one of CIMSA’s local in Indonesia which committed to Empower Medical Students and Improving Nations’s Health. CIMSA Unand itself is one of the founding father of CIMSA Indonesia, which was formed in 2001. So, it’s already 12 years since CIMSA Indonesia and CIMSA Unand itself established and making direct impact on the community around it with various activity and creative projects. On 18th of March, 2005 CIMSA Unand was officially recognized as one of the Student’s Activity Unit in Medical Faculty of Universitas Andalas. Since its inception, CIMSA Unand have experienced a rapid growth in a lot of areas. One key area where CIMSA Unand have grown progressively is it’s member. CIMSA Unand, which was established by few medical students now have roughly 200 members that actively participate in various projects and activities, with prior member or alumni which roughly totaled at around 600 people.
owadays, the projects in CIMSA Unand are those which have background and reasoning, so that each and every project have their own unique objectives and aim, tailored to the function of each Standing Committee in CIMSA. This year, CIMSA Unand have a national project in which we are entrusted to be the host of one of CIMSA national event, which is the October Meeting.
2009, Best Event on LUSTRUM IKM FK UNAND, and Best Local CIMSA 2011-2012.
There are also several changes in CIMSA Unand as a whole, namely in the process of recruiting the newcomers that want to be a part of CIMSA Unand as an active member. Now they have to make a project that involves every newcomers, compared to before when the new project for newcomers are made in each Standing Committee only, not in broader scope such as now and with the changes, we hope there are feeling of togetherness to be CIMSA member as a whole. The process of choosing the appropriate project was also not easy, with numerous consideration by the Standing Committee, and even some projects needed Trans-Standing Committee. Since officially recognized in 2005, CIMSA Unand have collected several achievements, such as the Runner Up of Indonesia MDGs Award 2012 MADEC SCOME CIMSA UNAND, the Runner Up of Indonesia MDGs Award 2011 in the category “Youth Organization”, SCORA Best Local Award for July-December 2010, SCORP Best Local Award 2008-
The most recent awards that we get are as the Best Local SCORE 2012-2013, Best Local SCOPH, Best Local SCOPE, Best Project SCORP 2012-2013 “TAP”, Best Project Fair May Meeting 2013 “Matahari” and last but not least is Best Local CIMSA 2012-2013.
We want to thank everyone for choosing CIMSA Unand as the Best Local 2012-2013 in May Meeting. We hope the award would increase our passion and spirit in improving the condition of Indonesia and we also hope all local of CIMSA in Indonesia could stay committed in regards to improving nation’s health. Think Globally, Act Locally. GO CIMSA! Be Active with CIMSA! Empowering Medical Students` Improving Nation`s Health Sincerely, CIMSA Local UNAND
particularly parasitology laboratory. In the evening, all participants performed and enjoyed cultural show with SCOPE’s exchange students in Cultural Night event. The amusing part was when all people in the room danced Italian dance led by Deborah and Vale, participants of GAPexchange.The next following days in the first week, participants had some lectures, those were Parasitology and Epidemiology of Malaria by Prof. Yoes Prijatna Dachlan, M.D, M.Sc., Parasitologist, Vector of Malaria by Subagyo Yotopranoto, M.D.,DAP&E, Diagnostic of Malaria by Prof. Dr. Sri Hidajati Bayu Santoso, M.D, DTM., MSc., Parasitologist, and Severe Malaria and the Treatment Prof. Soeharto, M.D, M.Sc, DTM&H, Internist.
GAP Exchange M
alaria have a high right of incidence in this country, especially in Eastern Indonesia. All species of Plasmodium are found in Indonesia. Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum, which are the main cause of Malaria in Indonesia, are mostly found in Maluku, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua. 100 Indonesians are in risk of Malaria every year. Combating this disease becomes a challenge of the decade, not only for Government, but all Indonesians.
Participants also did laboratory work with Prof. Dr. Sri Hidajati Bayu Santoso, M.D, DTM., MSc., Parasitologist and Suhintam Pusarawati, Vet, MSc, those were making thin and thick blood smears and observing morphology of Plasmodium sp. in every stage of life.
On the last day of the week, participants had briefing for community survey by Ivan Rachmatullah, M.D. MPH., and for field trip GAPexchange 2013 is Global Action Project to Lombok Island by LORE UA. aimed to give understanding about Malaria in all aspects held by SCORE CIMSA Airlang- Accompanied by several members of ga University. The particular goal is to under- SCORE UA, 4 participants, Dr. Bagyo, and Dr. stand parasite, vector, and diagnosis of Ma- Ivan went to Lombok Island on Sunday evelaria by lectures and field trip in an endemic ning, July 14. They stayed in Wisma Nusanisland. The output of this project is publishing tara in Mataram for a night before doing the two journals about vector bionomic of Ma- upcoming hectic schedule. laria and analysis of population behavior correlated with Malaria case in the endemic It was a bright morning to start a hectic day, participants of the field trip met in restaurant, area. some of them had breakfast, others that were already had sahur had chit-chat, beThis program was held on July 8 2013 fore meeting Pak Budi, an officer of Provinuntil August 2 2013. There were 4 cial Health Office. The schedule was started participants came from Czech Republic, by visiting Provincial Health Office and North Canada, and Italy. Lombok District Health Office to reintroduce 2 Participants that came a week earlier did its research project and the participants to hospital visit. All participants started GA- officers. After that, participants visited North Pexchange by visiting Institute of Tropical Lombok Hospital and Puskesmas in Tanjung. Disease (ITD) in Surabaya with Sukmawati Watch showed 1 PM when the sun started Basuki, dr., Msc. on July 8. Staff of ITD ex- burning skins and participants reached Puri plained profile of the institute, then, partici- Bunga Senggigi Hotel, checked in, had pants walked around to see laboratories, lunch and finally a rest. They prepare for
catching mosquitoes in Tanjung, North Lombok, at 6 PM after fully recharging their energy by having dinner and buka for those who fasted. Participants caught mosquitoes by two methods, cow bait and human bait. For sampling, they had to catch mosquitoes at border of a village and forest for 6 hours in the dark. Imagine that. It was really an interesting rare opportunity!
On the next day, some participants were ready for breakfast at 7 AM, then, all of participants left hotel at 8 AM to go to Tanjung. Schedule of the day was exploring swamp area to collect larvae of Anopheles sp. After collected, samples were saved in tubes and packed. All samples were brought to Surabaya, saved in Parasitology laboratory of Airlangga University, and identified later. Participants did community survey related to population behavior and Malaria prevention program in a village within Tanjung on the next day. The aim of the survey was to get information about population behavior which might become risk factor of Malaria. Participants would also analyze effectiveness of Malaria prevention program in the area. To collect adequate data, participants interviewed 30 people.
Some of interviewees spoke local language only, luckily, there were some translators helped participants. It was the last activity related to the research they did in Lombok Island. Result of the survey was discussed later in Surabaya. Dr. Bagyo and Dr. Ivan left the island in the afternoon, while other participants went to Sendang Gile waterfall. Two rainbows across the waterfall looked good as the end of field trip.
ticipants of the field trip identified mosquitoes and larvae, then, foreign participants and 3 SCORE UA’s members started working to create two journals. First journal was about vector bionomic of Malaria. The tutor was Subagyo Yotopranoto, M.D.,DAP&E. Second journal was analysis of community survey. The tutor was Ivan Rachmatullah, M.D. MPH.
It took almost two weeks and plates of Italian food, their favorite, to finish the journals. Both journals will be published after accepted by the main tutor, Sukmawati Basuki, dr., Msc. Within period of creating journals, participants and SCORE UA’s members gathered together to have dinner. It was the idea of participants to cook for everybody as an appreciation of the hospitality. The Italians cooked special delizioso pasta and lasagna for everybody! Petra and Cynthia –the other participants- cooked delightful pancakes. Indonesians taught foreign participants to play “Smash Mosquitoes!” using poker cards. They really liked the game, Petra even said, “I’ll play it again in Czech!” Overall, participants said that they liked and enjoyed this project beyond their expectation. This project gave them precious experience of research and living abroad, deep knowledge, and better understanding not only about Malaria but also Indonesian culture. For Indonesia, this project was held to contribute to understand Malaria better and indirectly combat this infectious disease as an implementation of MDGs point 6.
For medical students, hopefully this program Fourth and fifth days in Lombok were time for inspired to do more research about Malaria social program. They swam, took sunbath- and other tropical diseases in Indonesia. Last ing, and had fun in Gili Islands. They also vis- words, for everybody: ited Kuta beach. All participants left Lombok on Friday evening. Back to Surabaya, on Monday, July 22, par-
Let’s fight against Malaria!
upcoming meeting N
ational Leadership Summit (NLS) is one of the three national meetings of CIMSA with the purpose to build the character and skills of all members of CIMSA that can be applied in organizational and daily life as a future potential health professionals in Indonesia.
This time MSCIA Universitas Brawijaya gets the opportunity to be the host of NLS 2014. The National Leadership Summit at Universitas Brawijaya will be held on February of 2014 in Malang. Malang is located in the province of East Java has a different atmosphere, famous for its cool air and Traditional Art Malang Mask. Besides, there are many kind of culinary and tourist attractions that are available in the “Bumi AREMA”. MSCIA Universitas Brawijaya would like to welcome all delegates of NLS2014 to “Bumi AREMA”. We hope we can provide a new experience and a new feel to the entire delegates of NLS2014 later, and can give special memories in every event. We MSCIA Universitas Brawijaya invite all CIMSA’s members to come in NLS2014. We are very pleased and excited to welcome the entire delegates of NLS 2014. We are waiting for you in NLS2014 by MSCIA UB.
Best Regards, Anak Agung Gede Putra Wiadnyana Project Officer NLS 2014
GEAR UP. See our newest collection of CIMSA original merchandise, first and foremost on the website, with the new merchandise page!
Contact your local Treasurer or FnMD for more information!
World No Tobacco Day.
31 M AY
“Ban Tobacco
Advertising, Promotion, and Sponsorship”.
arly in the morning at 8.00 a.m located in Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia, Kuningan-Jakarta, many people dressed in batik gathered in Siwa Besi room to attend Worlds No Tobacco day held by Kementrian Kesehatan RI. This is an annual event on 31 May to highlight the health risk associated with tobacco and advocate tobacco advertising policies. This event is held to increase our awareness to reduce tobacco consumption. Theme event of this year is “Ban Tobacco Advertising, Promotion, and Sponsorship”. This event is started with opening speech by dr. Khanchit-WHO Indonesia Representative and followed by dr. Nafsiah Mboi, stated that government has banned tobacco advertising and sponsorship through PP Number 109 Year 2012 about tobacco effect in our health and Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan (Permenkes) Number 28 Year 2013 about health information in every tobacco product. Indonesian Health Minister, dr. Nafsiah Mboi, SpA, M.P.H., said that tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship must be minimalized comprehensively to lower the prevalence of smokers in Indonesia. Advertising has a really big impact in tobacco consumption. According to Riskesdas 2010, 17,5 percent children start to smoke since 10-14 years old. And young adults smokers rise up to three folds from 7,1 percents to 43,3 percents. There are also talk show with Putri Indonesia
2013-Whulandary Herman, dr. Nafsiah Mboi and two students from junior high school. They are talking about how tobacco advertising influence people in tobacco use and sharing. With warm smile and kindness, dr. Nafsiah Mboi asked the students the reason of smoking. They said tobacco advertising nowadays are really attractive and as if smoking is cool. This is one of the reason of this year theme event, to ban tobacco advertising. After the inspiring talkshow, there is Indonesian Youth band entertaining the audience with their beautiful voice. And before lunch time there are an announcement of the winner in poster, essay and video competition. Hopefully by this event we can increase our awareness to prevent tobacco use through limit its advertising, promotion and sponsorship. According to WHO, the ultimate goal of World No Tobacco Day is to contribute to protect present and future generations not only from these devastating health consequenses, but also againts the social, environmental and economic scourges of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke. Lets share this good news because caring is sharing.
The project started early in the morning and although there wasa slight drizzle it didn’t reduce the anticipation of the local residents, and gratefully the weather goes sunny for the rest of the day. Hopefully this project achieved its aim, not only to improve the district’s health and awareness, but also to sow the sense of beThe main event itself also divided longing of CIMSA in the heart of into two segments, the first seg- the newbies and to empower the ment, held from 9am til 12pm, newbies to be active and contribwas allocated for SCOME, SCOPE utive in accordance to the vision The project officer itself was also and SCORE and the second seg- and mission of CIMSA itself. a newcomers from CIMSA Un- ment, from 1pm til 4pm, for and batch 2012, Kemal Fadhli SCOPH, SCORP and SCORA. Hadi from SCORP. This internship project is one of the series and requirement for new member recruitment made by HROD officials as an indicator to determine which newcomers would be accepted to CIMSA Unand. atahari, short for Bersama Terangi Harapan Nagari, is an internship project from CIMSA Unand’s local specially created for the newcomers of CIMSA Unand batch 2012. It is a trans-SCO project involving all 6 SCO into one program with different duty and task assigned for each SCO in a region in Padang, at RT 04 and 05 Lumba-Lumba st., Rimbo Kaluang district on December 2nd, 2012.
It surely was not an easy project to make, with all the SCO have to be included and not to mention the newcomers are the committee who directly hold the project, and for some of them this was a completely new experience. To make things more synchronized and systematical, the project committee was divided into two; general committee and the SCO’s specific committee. With the general committee, consists of PO, secretary, treasurer and coordinators, coordinating the main event and the SCO committees plan and execute the role of their own SCO for the project later on. It started by committee selection from the newcomers training on November, surveys and brainstormings became everyday meal
for the committees. To build the interest for the resident of Rimbo Kaluang district, 2 days before the main project the newcomers held a parade going around the district, announcing and socializing the main event on December 2nd, 2012 held at nearby mosques and public health center.
Each SCO deliver their own role such as: -SCOME: Held a medical movie about dengue fever awareness to children. -SCOPE: Introducing countries of the world and english to children with drawing. -SCORE: Conducted small experiments such as making rocket and volcanic mountain from recycled bottles and gizmos for the children. -SCOPH: Doing house-to-house visit to spread the awareness of clean and healthy behavior. -SCORP: Also doing house-to-house visit to inform the risks and solution to a careless garbage and waste disposal process. -SCORA: Socializing about early reproductive health to senior high school students.
ommunity development combines the idea of “community” with “development”. Before we start, let’s we discuss first, what is the meaning of community and development itself. The basic concept of community it’s a group of people with shared identity. It implies more than merely physical place, but it may reference a discrete collection of persons about which common interest shared. Development is process.That involve change, improvement and vitality, a directed attempt to improve participation, flexibility, equity, attitudes, and quality of life.
When we put the two terms together – community development – means that a community itself engages in process aimed at improving the social, economic and environmental situation of the community. It is a process whereby community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems. Yes, the community itself takes action and participate together. The “concrete” benefits of community development, such as employment and infrastructure, come through local people changing attitudes, mobilising existing skills, improving networks, thinking differently about problems, and using community assets in new ways.
Community development improves the situation of a community, not just economically, but also as a strong functioning community itself. –Jim Cavaye-
When you are going to do the Community Development into a rural area, don’t even forget that Community Development has their principles in their process:
Then what could we do, as a medical students? A simple thing as, we gather all the medical information from one place or a village, our very own soon to be lively-village. After we collect all the data, then we process that data, generate something we called the beneficial output. Why beneficial? From that output, we could educate them, and do something about it. So our future project is what the people need, based on the output. Something like prevention, education, curative, and promotion. That makes our project more favorable and of course long-lasting.
1.Start where rural people are –
Start from the present condition of the village.
2.Community development cre-
ates a vehicle for people to act on existing concerns.
3.The passion and enthusiasm of local people drives action. Drive them to have their of passion for their development.
Reach Out.
4.Community ownership/involve-
ment – Let them lead their own development.
5.External facilitators and resource
people are “ invited in” to work with rural people, rather than working for them, or delivering services to them.
Interview with Alumni
UFARA ZUWASTI: “It won’t be easy but, it will pay off.”
PROFILE Name : Ufara Zuwasti, MD Address: Harapan Indah, West Bekasi Education: Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (2004-2010) Twitter: @ufaraz_ Current job: Working at Office of President’s Special Envoy on Millennium Development Goals CIMSLIOGRAPHY 2005-2006 Member of CIMSA 2006-2007 Newsletter Editorial Board CIMSA 2007-2008 Vice President for Exteral Affairs 2008-2010 Alumni Director 2011 Project Officer March Meeting Jakarta
n the second floor of the State Secretariat, the pastel square room—part of the parlor—offers a stunning view of the nation’s culture. You are offered with wonderful painting across the room. I can see webbing used as tablecloth. This room is where I waited Ufara Zuwasti for the long talking in August. Kak Ufa, that’s how I called her, appeared with a palpable ease; her presence makes the place feel open and approachable. She led me to the meeting room, ordering iced coffee for herself and mineral water for me, where we began our discussion..
egina: How are you doing, Kak Ufa? What’s your current activities? fara: I’m great, thank you. Now, I work as Team Program Manager of Pencerah Nusantara and General Practitioner at Budi Jaya Hospital.
: Could you tell me more about Pencerah Nusantara? : Pencerah Nusantara is a new program, it is now on its second batch. We basically distribute a team of health professionals to seven locations throughout Indonesia. The locations are Mentawai, Karawang, Pasuruan, Ende NTT, Berau East Kalimantan, Lindu and Ogotua East Sulawesi. The main goal of the program is to strengthen Primary Health Service in the periphery area. The program conducted by Pencerah Nusantara is the integrative model of intervention, hopefully we could apply the model of this integrative intervention throughout Indonesia.
: Kak Ufa, I heard that you will continue your masters degree in England, Oxford if I’m not wrong? : Yes, on October I will go to England for master degree on Global Health in Oxford University. : Why Global Health?
: Early in CIMSA, I was exposed with Global Health issues. In reality, many patients come to doctor not because of the diseases, but because they just don’t understand. Furthermore, many diseases can be prevented by increasing people’s awareness. From that, we could understand that the primary work of general practitioner is to prevent people to get ill. In fact, I also want to be a specialist doctor. But before taking the leaps, I need to see medicine from bigger picture. I need to see beyond medicine and get the idea of what medicine really is. Or I’d also like to work in goverment sector or international organization.
Interview with Alumni
: Is it difficult to get accepted at Oxford?
: Well, entering master degree is different from undergraduate program. The first requirement is to meet initial standards, like minimum GPA and your personal statements. It is rather relative to say whether it is difficult or not. But I think, why I got the place is because I have been consistent from early to pursue what I want. Firstly, studying medicine is a good place to start. Secondly, within my education path I have been consistent on leading my way. Universities are looking for your consistency and what’s next—what will you do by the time you held the degree, and how you develop yourself in the future.
: Do you have any influential people affecting your life or your career? A mentor? : Maybe my answers would sounds cliche, it’s my mother. She has a background on healthcare service, a nurse. Now she’s working at ministry of national health. She is very persevering and is pushing me to my limit. Secondly, people around me, Prof. Nila Moeloek. In her 60s, she held at least three head positions; the head of Office of President’s Special Envoy on MDGs, Head of PERDAMI, and Head of Dharma Wanita Persatuan. Her motto is action, action, action. And she is a very good mentor too. When you discuss with other people sometimes you feel inferior. But it’s different with Prof. Moeloek, she appreciates your ideas and she acknowledges well. She is not the type of person who is shy to ask questions. A very good person for me.
: What is your aspiration on CIMSA today?
: Every member should know what potency they could explore from CIMSA. At least for themselves. Sometimes we could not see the benefit of an organization. When your colleagues are not working well, your local somewhat been down. People usually degraded or trap in desperation. There are not many people who are brave to take step forward such as to initiate something. I encourage CIMSA members to take step forward, to begin something. Many will think that it’s complicated and so on. I want CIMSA member to look beyond and have guts to start. Because at the end it will pay off. August Meeting Jakarta : When I was with Nina within SCORE exchange in Germany, we’ve been to seven GAs. People kept talking that Indonesia should be the host. But in fact no one took it, it becomes issues. We think that we had to do it by ourselves, the one who take responsibility. Ini-
tially, our budget plan was seven billion. Imagining it was a fantastic feeling, but hard to get. By the time going, we learn it as simple as cutting your budget. During the preparation, I could not even sleep, waking up around 2-3 AM in palpitation. But everything I had, those what makes me today. The first time I interact with Prof. Moeloek, asking her to be August Meeting Jakarta’s Patron. Hearing our budgeting plan, she’s pretty surprised. But by the end of the event, we proved that it’s done and profitable, also CIMSA been recognized. August Meeting Jakarta was held on 2011, but when you ask people in IFMSA what is the best GA, they would still say that August Meeting Jakarta was the best GA ever. Working in Office of President’s Special Envoy on Millennium Development Goals : One day Prof. Moeloek texted me, saying whether she could call me or not. And I said of course. When she called me, she said “Would you like to work with me?” Now, here is where I am. I think I need a job that will accomodate me. I want to study abroad and I have to get scholarship—because I could not afford my study in America or England by myself. At that time, I did not look for how much the salary is, but I regard this as another milestone for me to be able to apply—for my master. With experiences I have worked here, I got at least four scholarships at Oxford which I have to choose.
: On last August Meeting, our friend Aan was elected as SCOPE-D... : Wow, Awesome! Congratulations Aan!
: For this last question, I would ask your message for all CIMSA Member. : I want CIMSA members to realize how much potency they have. I want CIMSA members to utilize their moment at CIMSA. Because CIMSA is active because of its members. If the members are inactive, CIMSA won’t be active either. Don’t reverse it. Do more. It won’t be easy but it will pay off at the end. With those climax, we end our warm discussion. Through that pastel square room I went out with an easy feeling. Au revoir Kak Ufa, we looking forward to seeing you again. Regina Ivanovna Task force for Alumni Director CIMSA
Meeting Riau 2013 H
ello CIMSA!! Do you still remember the hottest May Meeting in Riau? I’m pretty sure you do, because Riau welcome you with 39 degrees Celcius and OC welcome you with passion burning in our soul. 23-26th of May 2013 is the date to remember, especially for CIMSA for these 12 years. We thanked CIMSA for giving CIMSA Universitas Riau the honor to host May Meeting 2013 with the theme Universal Health Coverage: Saving Millions of Women to Attain Millenium Development Goals, trying to relate UHC with the 5th point of MDGs: Maternal Health. 19
On the first day, from a distance we can see a lot of people with “Medical Student of Indonesia” in the back of their jacket ready to go to the first venue at Gedung Guru, which located on Sudirman Street. After registration and handing out the goodie bag, all delegations attend the first agenda. It was Newcomers Session presented by CIMSA National Official 2012-2013. Then the agenda is continued by the new one, Magic Session with Consss Organization concept where all delegation played icebreaking games and then they attend the Scosession 1. After spending two hours for Scosession 2, delegations were ready for a Standing Party with Malay culture concept. Persembahan and Sirih dance successfully mesmerized all delegations and the event was closed by Pencak Silat from one of the organizing committee member. The first day was ended by Plennary Session 1 and all delegations went to Tune Hotel to take a rest.
On the third day, the local committee was in a hurry to knock the doors to wake the delegations up. All agenda for 3rd day were ready and so do the delegations. The best moment was on Project Fair with outdoor concept. It showed the creativity of CIMSA member from every locals. The most important agenda was Plennary Session 4 that elected the National Official of CIMSA for 2013-2014. It was so beautiful to take part in succeeding the regeneration of CIMSA which is very important.
Finally, the last day we presented the farewell party in the morning at Anjung Seni Idrus Tintin with Superstar theme and successfully presented ‘celebrities’ from all over the world. The fourth day was ended by Photo Session and became the first step for delegations to leave the venue and get ready to go back home. All the bittersweet come together, becoming the one that was written on our heart. Thank you for delegations, thank you for Pinyu, and thank you for all the other OC. You are incredible. Remember us, the OC of MM 2013 with lots of love.
The second day was started with Parallel Session 2 and Grand Lecture by Indonesian Vice Minister of Health, Prof. Ali Ghufron and Dr.dr.Donel Sp.OG about Universal Health Care and maternal health. The last session for the second day was also the Plenary Session.
“Cinta dari Wamena” (From Wamena with Love) is a 2013 Indonesian movie which tell about friendship of three Wamena teenagers and their struggle to fight HIV/AIDS that epidemic in Wamena teenagers. So, basically, this movie is edu-tainment movie about HIV/AIDS, which try to entertain and educate in the same time. This why we, Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities, feel gladly to involved in promotion and free screening of this movie.
mote this film by arrange free screening of this movies in twelve cities with budget from PT Corsores. These twelve cities is Medan, Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, and Malang. Each movie screening is held in famous movie theatre of every cities. Then, as part of this agreement, we have some rights, which are (1) inclusion of our logo in movie poster and mentioned in credit title, (2) get copy of this movie and have special rights to play this movie, and (3) involved in social acts with this movie’s profit. Then, after 2 months negotia- After the negotiation part, tion about each side’s rights then we make coordination and responsibilities, PT Cor- between national officials and sores Indonesia and CIMSA local officials which will be signed Letter of Agreement the executor of this cooperain March 14th 2013, repre- tion. For the coordination, we sented by dr. Ronald as Direc- arrange chatmeet which intor of PT Corsores Indonesia volved many people, from naand myself as CIMSA’s Vice tional officials, NCORA team, President for External Affairs LOCOs, LORAs, VLEs, and at that time. In this coopera- dr Ronald from PT Corsores. tion, CIMSA’s duties is to pro- FYI, there are more than 100 people in this chatmeet. ooperation between PT. Corsores Indonesia and CIMSA in this movie starts in preparation of external speaker in National Leadership Summit 2013. External team in that time try to reach out a doctor figure which have experience to serve in Indonesia’s rural area and they met with dr. Ronald Gunawan. So,dr Ronald agreed to become speaker in NLS 2013 and told us about his experience to serve in Papua for more than 10 years! Then, he also told about his soon to be lauched movie and showed his interest to involving us in promotion of “Cinta Dari Wamena”.
Then, after the general chatmeet, we move on to area chatmeet with every local in said area and coordinator of every area is being choosen.
SA UA and UWKS with Anggindita DW as coordinatoor.
Since April to June 2013, every area committee then prepare for the free screening from proFrom Medan, we have CIMSA motion, spread the ticket, and UISU with Misbah Munawarroh logistic deployment. After that, as coordinatoor. From Jabo- in June we busy with the film detabek area, we have CIMSA promotion schedule. In June UI, UIN, and UPH with Aditya 7th 2013, PT Corsores IndoCakasana, Annissa Kallista, nesia held press release in XXI and Arlha Debinta as co-coor- Epicentrum for this film and I dinatoor. From Bandung, we join the event to represented have CIMSA Unpad with Firda CIMSA. This movie screening Muthia Elsyanty as coordina- have two tipes, which is spetoor. From Jogjakarta, we have cial movie screening and reguCIMSA UGM, UMY, and UKDW lar movie screening. In special with Sofia Zachra Faiza as co- move screening, the screening ordinatoor. From Solo, we have continued by discussion with CIMSA UNS andUMS with artists from this movie. Special Surya Ari Wahyudi as coodina- movie screening held in five cittoor. From Semarang, we have ies, which are Bandung in June
this event, comes from CIMSA, some of pinyus *officials 20122013* and cilos *officials 20132014*. Well, that’s all that I can tell you about “Cinta dari Wamena” for now. I hope after this, we will get copy of this movie and maybe we can start our campaign using this movie. Remember, our cooperation in
“HIV/AIDS is indeed infectious disease of imunne system, but the worst thing is HIV/AIDS also a ‘love’ disease. They are rejected, ignored, and left by many people including their loved ones. Because of that, you can give HIV/AIDS patient many drugs such as ARV, but without love all of that is nothing. Only love can cure them totally.” - dr Ronald 8th 2013, Surabaya in June 9th 2013, Tangerang in 14th 2013, Jogjakarta in 15th 2013, and Solo in 16th 2013. Regular movie screening held in June 15-16th 2013, at all the cities except Solo which are Medan, Jabodetabek area, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Semarang, Malang, and Surabaya. There is also CIMSA Unisulla with Fadhil gala premiere of this film, which Rizal as coordinatoor. From held in June 13th 2013 at XXI Malang, we have CIMSA UB Epicentrum. In this event, many with Nadia Rizki Rahmawati as people comes up from media coordinatoor. Last but not least, people, government people, from Surabaya, we have CIM- and sponsors of this movie. At
this movie maybe already finish this time, but our struggle againts HIV/AIDS is still far than finish. I want to close this article with something that dr Ronald ever told me. So, if we do HIV/AIDS campaign, always remember to say that it is “from CIMSA with love”. :) Christopher Christian H. Supervising Council 2013-2014 Vice President for External Affairs 2012-2013 Liaison Officer for Ministry of National Education 2011-2012
the NAtionAl OfficiAl teAm 2013-2014 Eduard Jordi Luminta Media and Communication Director
Dereisha Kartika P. Task Force for Human Resource Director
Rifqi Aulia Destiansyah Research and Development Director
Iswandy Janetputra T.A. National Officer on Medical Education
Nandamia Rochmah National Officer on Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS
Zahra Mustavavi National Public Health Officer
Hanifiya Samha Wardhani Liaison Officer for NHI
Hasya Layalia Lahino Liaison Officer for Student Organizations
Rizky Saraswati I. Liaison Officer for Diknas
M. Hafif Kusasi President
Rizka Riana Sari Project Development Director
Inez Putri Pratiwi National Officer on Human Rights and Peace
Jesita Silfiana Liaison Officer for WHO
Jauhara Supervising Council
Christopher C.P.H. Supervising Council
Akhmad Ulil Albab Secretary General
Iqbal Fahmi Vice President for Internal Affairs
Rizky Meizikri National Exchange Officer (Outgoing)
Prastika Chandra Fundrising and Merchandise Director
Ida Ayu Narayani Supervising Council
Theodora Caroline Supervising Council
Yehezkiel Nathanael Interim Vice President for External Affairs
Vini Jamarin Treasurer
Devianty Octavia National Exchange Officer (Incoming)
Chessie Imanda Saib National Officer on Reasearch Exchange
Anisa Aulia Fitri Marketing, Campaign, and Advocacy Director
Regina Ivanovna Task Force for Alumni Director
Our Locals. Syiah Kuala University
Andalas University University of Riau Pelita Harapan University University of Indonesia Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Padjajaran University Gadjah Mada University Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Sebelas Maret University Sultan Agung Islamic University Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Brawijaya University Airlangga University Wijaya Kusuma University of Surabaya Duta Wacana Christian University 25
26 Center for Indonesian Medical Student’s Activities