Dear CIMSA-ers.. Let us proudly present to you CIMSA Project Maga zine #3. CIMSA Project Magazine is published regularly two times a year, in October Meeting and May Meeting, and previo usly we have already had Project Magazine# 1 and #2. The contents in this magazine is special for CIMSA projects : local, national, and internationa l. The purpose of this Project Magazine is to publish the projects held by CIMSA and it is also expected that through this magazine, locals and SCO an increase their spirit in doing projects and publish it. Some projects that haven't been listed here will be published in the next edition of Project Magazine.
Project Dream Team (Project Coordinators Local and SCO):
Manda – PC Unsyiah Puput – PC UR Cicim – PC UNAND Vandy – PC UI Ayesh – PC UIN Juju – PC UNPAD The structure is a bit different with the last editio Vhara – PC Unissula n. For this edition, it includes projects of SCO, news of intern ational projects that Kiel – VLE UGM have been held, best Project Presentation and Project Fair in May Nisa – PC UMY Meeting 2011, and news of PP PF in August Meet ing Denmark and Join Tije – PC UNS Conference Hongkong 2011. Ayu – PC UMS Thanks to all of my Peerz (Project Coordinator), Puput as my Sasa – LOCO UNAIR assistant, all of my beloved CIMSA 2011/2012 officia ls especially for NOs Inno – LOCO UWKS and Memes as VPI, and all contributors for this Projec t Magazine. I am Ranu – VLI UB looking forward for suggestions and constructiv e criticism to improve Project Magazine. Ren – PC SCORA Rina – PC SCORE Have a happy reading, guys! Ervan – PC SCOPH Be Active with CIMSA Yana – PC SCOPE Ghufron – PC SCORP Herli and Zul – PC SCOME
Gia Noor Pratami Project Development Director CIMSA 2011/2012
Projects for Project Pr
October Meeting Band
ung 2011
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Earth Hour Mom's Day Video Skills Lab Bakti sosial Deal Campaign SCORA goes to School 201 1 INERSIA SEX FAIR CIMSA Youth Camp on Leadership and
Human Rights 10. Eat, Milk, love 1 1. Prokes Vakta 12. SCOME vaccination 13. Hari Kesehatan nasional 14. The 'S' 15. INCISURA 16. Meet Doctor Bear 17. Rumah Singgah Kali Code 18. SCOREaction 19. UFO (Urin Test for Awarning) 20. TENTAMENT 21. SCORA GOSH 22. EKSITASI (Edukasi SIswa mengenai perTolongan lukA dan Sinkope) 23. English Day 24. Save our nature (world environment day) 25. Hygiene Determining Life's health 26. World Diabetes Day, Theme : Manage Your Sweet Life Manage Your Sweet Consumption 27. BCA (Breast Cancer Awareness) 28. GAP Exchange 29. SCORE goes Public 30. Decitome
Projects for Project
October Meeting Ba
ndung 2011
1. Pelatihan Manajemen Laktasi 2. Saviour ( Save Our Mother to Save Our Generation) 3. INERSIA 4. Hari kesehatan Nasional 5. Deal Campaign 6. Rumah Singgah Kali Code 7. TORCH 8. International Summer Course 2012 9. Improving Maternal Health 10. TAM (training alternative Medicine) 1 1. TRADE (Travelling Disease Update) 12. World Diabetes Day, Theme : Manage Your Sweet Life Manage Your Sweet Consumption 13. Prokes Vakta (promosi kesehatan dan vaksinasi balita) 14. SCOME Vaccination 15. Video Skill Lab 16. HereAfter #2
News of PP PF August Meeting Denmark 2011
Contents >>> IFMSA 60th General Assembly August Meeting 2011 was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. This is a special thing because the first General Assembly 60 years ago was also happened in Copenhagen. General theme of this GA is health in the future, we try to discuss about how to implement the technologies and world's condition to improve the future health. One of main point of IFMSA way to get in to future health is through the project. In this event and it has been always done is Project Presentation and Project Fair. In a project fair is much fun way to show our project. All the chosen project from all of the world from IFMSA NMO has been showed here. All off the participant gather in one hall and they show all of te project with all the way such as they bring a posters, merchandise, paper, news and etc. In this occasion, one of CIMSA's project has been chosen to be shown in this project fair, it is International Tropical Medicine Summer School from University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. It has reached to their 7 years of summer school. In this project, we have team to prepare it , there are : Fatia Nur Masriati and Niko Kristianto and also my self. Because of this is tropical medicine summer school, we prepared some posters with mosquitos picture because one of focusing disease in this summer school is degue. We also brought some merchandise such as posters, leaflet, key chain and pin. Then we decorate it with batik too. In my experieced, they was really amaze with this project because we have been manage it for 7 years and the other summer school usually just begin and reached a couple of year. About the Project Presentation, it was presented by Nia Amerina , one of SCOPH member at CIMSA University of Indonesia. CIMSA's project for this Project Presentation is ACHP (Asian Community Health Project) , and they give 5 minutes to explain, then question and answering session. We all the delegates were enthusiastic to listen us. It is hoped that CIMSA's project in the future is develop more and more and we can have this time again to share our project in IFMSA event.
Editor in Chief: SA 2011/2012 Gia Noor Pratami – PDD CIM nt 2011/2012 ista Dwi Putri lovita – Project Ass Cover / Layout: iversity of Sebelas Maret Trisna Rizki Prasetyo – CIMSA Un
Mega Iriani Putri National Exchange Officer for Incoming 2011/2012
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
i 1 3 5 7 9 11 12 13 14 17 18 19
Publisher: Medical Students' Activities sian one Ind for Center al Gener Secretariat: 1st Floor Library of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine Universitaty 10430 INDONESIA a Pus Jl. Salemba Raya no.6 Jakartw.c Website ww Contact: project@cimsa.or .id
Breaking the Silence Breaking the silence is a transnational project of IFMSA and become a national project of SCOME CIMSA. This project is implemented in many locals of SCOME. The activities are seminar, workshop, and talkshow about sign language to medical students to interact with deaf and speech impaired patients. In workshop the experts talk about basic knowledge of sign language and social life of the deaf-mute that is not known widely by the audiences. Also there is training sessions improve the skills of w o r k s h o p participants about sign language. The project's aims are: 1. To inform and increase public's awareness and knowledge of deaf and speech impaired 2. To increase the participation of medical students in health promotion and education to the community especially the deaf and speech impaired 3. To create a friendly atmosphere for deaf and speech impaired For the term 2011-2012 Breaking the Silence will be held in ten locals of SCOME, they are SCOME University of Syiah Kuala, University of Andalas, University of Indonesia, University of Riau, University of Padjajaran, University of Gadjah Mada, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, University of Sebelas Maret, University of Islam Syarif Hidayatullah, and University of Islam Sulatan Agung.
On 25th June 2011, thirteen delegates representing CIMSAISMKI attended JC(Joint Conference) 2011 Hongkong . The Joint Conference 2011 brings together the two major medical students associations in Asia-Pacific region, namely International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) and Asian Medical Students Association (AMSA) International and) with sufficient and balanced focus on academic, cultural and social aspects of medicine as well as personal training and international collaboration. This is the first ever joint conference between AMSA and IFMSA. For eight days and seven nights, 550 delegates representing their home countries and their local AMSA or IFMSA organizations gathered to participate in keynote lectures, workshops, training and paper, poster, and video presentations to discuss and investigate this year's theme: Integrative Medicine, or the integration of complementary and alternative medicine with mainstream Western medicine in the promotion of holistic, patient-centered healthcare. During the conference, countries are encouraged to present their own unique trend in integrated patient-centered care, which allows further cultural exchange and understanding. There was Project Fair during the conference. Project Fair is a 1-hour long event where you can bring posters, leaflets, brochures, stickers and any other kind of promotional material about your project. You'll have the chance to tell other IFMSA members about your work as well as to get feedback, improvement suggestions and new collaboration opportunities. At the International booth, Indonesia has proudly presented our unique projects from each standing comittee in Indonesia. The projects were: 1. TRACHEA (Training from SCOPH of Public Speaking in Public Health) --> SCOPH CIMSA University of Padjajaran 2. TB EXCHANGE --> SCORE CIMSA University of Airlangga 3. BREAKING THE SILENCE --> SCOME National 4. PBL in Your Mind --> SCOME CIMSA University of Andalas 5. DELTOID (Delivering Information of Homophobia in Indonesia) --> SCORA CIMSA University of Indonesia 6. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY --> SCORA CIMSA University of Andalas 7. SCORA COUPLE PHOTO COMPETITION --> SCORA CIMSA University of Indonesia 8. NPEW ( National Peer Education Workshop ) --> SCORA National
(Inspirasi Mengejar Studi dan Beasiswa)
INERSIA is an event for the activities of Medical Education Expo 2011 and it will be held by SCOME CIMSA University of Indonesia. The project's aim is to facilitate medical students who want to study abroad and those who want to get a scholarship to continue his studies. The expo provide information about educational programs and scholarships in the fields of medicine and health, also specialists abroad. Medical Education Expo consists of two series of activities, exhibitions and educational seminars. The exhibitors are educational institutions that facilitate student or general public who wants to study abroad. The exhibition will be held for 3 days. The educational seminars provide details information to the seminar participants about the procedures that must be done to continue their studies abroad according to the destination country. In addition, the seminar will also give information about the scholarship in the country; it will be delivered by speakers from Ministry of Education. At this seminar will also be presented about the experiences of student from Faculty of Medicine that has studied in Newcastle for 1 year.
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
Sulaeman Andrianto Susilo Head of Delegation JC Hongkong 2011 National Officer on Reproductive Health including AIDS 2011/2012
News of PF Join Conference Hongkong 2011
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
CIMSA in CIMS CITY CIMSA in CIMS CITY (Carnival Including MDGs Socialization City), proudly presented by CIMSA UGM, was an event to spread the news about Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) to public, especially students of Faculty of MedicineUniversitas Gadjah Mada. It was held on Friday, April 29th, 2011 in UGM campus, and very welcome for public. This event was nicely wrapped in some competitions and exhibition stalls, presenting every point of MDGs, except point 8. For point 1, we presented by having a healthy, cheap, yummy food bazaar. For point 2, it was socialized by promoting public to kindly give some unused children story or knowledge books, which would be used for our weekly home stay, “Rumah Singgah Kali Code”. Point 3 was executed by a Photography Competition entitled “Gender Equality”. While point 4 and point 5, were brought together in a cooking competition entitled “Resep Mama”, as a symbol of healthy happy mom and baby. Well, for point 6, we made a tiny theater, with a film about HIV/AIDS, malaria and other related diseases. For point 7, we created a unique design of trash bins, which were available in every corners of the event venue. Those who came along the event could ask as much as they want to our Exhibition Stall Crews, all about MDGs. M o re ove r, we h a d s o m e ga m e s , m u s i c performances, photo booth, also, free stickers which were written some Fun Facts about every point of MDGs on it. Hopefully, CIMSA in CIMS CITY may give some great impact for everyone who have involved and not forgetting, the society as well. Spread the news of MDGs, apply them, and have fun!
(Bina deSa CimsA UnPad SeHat prOduktIf manDiri)
As a local CIMSA in Indonesia, University of Padjajaran Bandung has a vision to improve the quality of health in West Java society based on professionalism and sense of being part of the society. Not only about the vision of CIMSA University of Padjajaran, but also including about MDGs points, especially the point number 4, 5 and 6. There were seminar, workshop, training and real action to reach the aim. The project's aim is to lead the village target as an independent village , especially about medical and healthy things. Each Standing Committee can take part in this project. For example, SCORA can explain about menstruation and other things about reproduction health, SCOPH can share about the diseases that have a high prevalence in that village, so every SCO has their own part in one village. This project will be held for the term 2011-2013. The great point of this project is the way to follow up this project because some of projects have never been evaluated, but this project has their routine follow up to keep and evaluate their work.
Skills Lab Video
(Complementary Alternative Medicine)
Bekam Therapy in Modern Medicine Perspective Alternative medicine is a treatment that has been almost abandoned, but in some areas, especially in Indonesia, it is still widely used. Along with the increasing knowledge of the modern world, alternative medicine can still compete. CAM is a seminar held by SCOME CIMSA University of Islam Syarif Hidayatullah about bekam therapy on 3rd of July 2011. The participants were medical students of University of Islam and communities around university. The aim of this project is to increase knowledge of medical students in the field of alternative medicine. The event began with a seminar by dr. Ali Muhammad Ali Toha As- Segaf, MARS. Seminar discussed all about bekam; from the history, mechanisms, benefits, indications, contraindications, and others. Participants were very enthusiastic because the mechanism of bekam in body has not been much known by people, how blood cells that have been damaged can be removed by bekam. So people who after undergoing bekam treatment will feel fresh and the dizziness is gone. After the seminar, the event continued with a practice of bekam treatment.
Skills lab video is a project of SCOME CIMSA University of Riau, created in cooperation with skills lab mentor to facilitate students in learning the skills lab topic. The production of video conducted during July and August 2011 with the involvement of lecturer as supervisors. In this video there is a simulated patients and students who practice under the supervision of lecturers. This video is made to prevent the occurrence of errors in skill practice. It is expected that students can learn these skills from video before starting the topic, so it can make the lecturers easier in teaching the topic. Also students can get good score in the exam and able to apply the skills practice correctly fit the guidelines on the video that is already standardized.
- Asri Kartika Putri-
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
>>>IN MAY MEETING 2011 17
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
Report of International Projects
Tuberculosis Exchange in the Hero City Surabaya is known as the town of hero, also a city of immense knowledge. Month of fasting yesterday, one of the major university of Surabaya, Airlangga University, which had been organized large-scale international event named Tuberculosis Exchange (TBX). The event was also an international project SCORE CIMSA. TBX carried out aiming to study tuberculosis in depth and how tuberculosis could become endemic in tropical countries. TBX had been going on for 16 days, which the Muslims were running fast, from the date of July 31st, 2011 until August 16th, 2011. The form of activities of the TBX is a special lecture on the TB problem, Lab work (Microbiology Laboratory and JICA-Japan International Cooperation Agency), clinical observations of patients suffering from tropical diseases (dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital), Observation of the ITD-Institute of Tropical Diseases of Airlangga University, the Search field on the spread of TB in Surabaya / around East Java, Indonesia, and the most eagerly awaited is a social program. The event was attended by 6 students and 1 international student nationwide. 6 international students from Canada (2 people), Norway (1 person), Bahrain (3 people) and students from the University of Airlangga (1 person). Although only 7 people, the spirit of the organizers and participants are not receding. Special lectures was started on August 2nd, 2011 until August 12th, 2011. The lectures dated August 2 to 10 held at the ITD (Institute of Tropical Disease) campus C, Surabaya. While the lecture on August 11 to 12 held at the faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University. Course material provided is General Overview of Tropical Disease, Epidemiology of TB disease in the Indonesia and the world, and Study of mycobacterium tuberculosis, Patophisiology and Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis, Clinical Approach of tuberculosis: diagnosis & therapy, Radiology Aspect of TB, Mechanism of TB Drug Resistance, programmatic Management Drug Resistance of tuberculosis (PMDT) in Indonesia, Rapid Diagnose and Laboratory of TB, TB and HIV, Infection Control of TB, Management of tuberculosis: Community Study and the National Strategy of TB, the TB work place and lab workshops. In addition to get some of the lectures, participants also get module case on 12th of August 2011 should be prensented in front of doctors and lecturers who are experts in the field of tuberculosis. Hospital visit also obtained by students who participated. On August 8th and August 9th is a pretty special day for participants TBX, because on that day they had the opportunity to take direct patient sputum samples. It was held in Jolotundo, Surabaya. For social program, participants were invited to a health museum, mosque Al-Akbar, House of Sampoerna and Madura islands. They also had opportunity to visit the city of Yogyakarta on 13th to 16th of August 2011.
Violence in marriage, divorce and free sex are quite big issues in Indonesia. Day by day, the number of prevalence is increase. Therefore, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta held a seminary about those topics. The aim of this project is to conduct and share to the fourth grade students about the topics. In the seminar, there were three speakers who talked about divorce, free sex and violence in marriage. After giving the presentation, participants could ask the speakers. Door prize was also a part of the seminar. The seminar was held on 12th June 2011. This seminar will be held once a year as a routine project.
Aksi Damai Peduli Hep
Hepatitis is one of disease that has high prevalence in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the medicine of hepatitis is quite expensive, reaches 50000 rupiahs. So, people with economic problems can't get this medicine easily. Therefore, to celebrate World Hepatitis Day in July 28th , SCORA CIMSA University of Indonesia with Aliansi Masyarakat Peduli Hepatitis (AMPUH) or Hepatitis Care Society Alliance (HCSA), held AMPUH UI. This project conducted by collecting assignments from society, split the brochures and closed by nonviolent action about reduce the cost of hepatitis medicine. The aims of this project are : 1. To celebrate World Hepatitis Day 2. Increase public awareness about hepatitis. AMPUH UI was held successfully on July 28th, 2011 and followed by representatives from CIMSA UIN and CIMSA UNPAD.
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
Amrina Rasyada Project Coordinator SCORE 2011/2012
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Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
Report of International Projects
ACTION 2011 INDONESIA The Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Diseases, Outbreaks, Natural Disasters and Refugee Management (ACTION) is aimed at providing healthcare students from Asia-Pacific most of the essential knowledge and skills required to prevent, cure or relieve, and rehabilitate victims of infectious diseases and natural disasters.. This year, ACTION was held in Malang from the 15th of August until the 21st of August 2011 and was hosted by the Medical Students' Committee for International Affairs (MSCIA) University of Brawijaya. This year's theme was “The New Wave in Disaster Medicine for the Management of Earthquake.” There were 8 participating countries, which were Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia, with a total of 30 participants. During ACTION 2011, there were a total of 6 speakers and 1 Emergency Team who gave lectures and trainings to the participants. On the first day, the participants arrived at the venue (Royal Orchids Hotel), registered themselves at the registration desk and settled in their rooms. At 7 pm, we had dinner followed by the Welcoming Party. On the second day, there were 3 lectures with the topics: Introduction to the Management of Disaster caused by Earthquake in General, Template for Preparing Emergency Medicine Assistance: Lessons Learnt from Several Natural Disaster in Indonesi, and Millennium Development Goals point 7. On day three, all the lectures were given by an international speaker from Malaysia, dr. Alzamani Mohammad Idrose. His topics were: “Camp Management” and “Medical Mistakes during Disaster”. Day four and five was full of training course provided by the Emergency Team of Saiful Anwar General Hospital. The course was about Basic Life Support. On day six, participants were divided into a couple of groups and were asked to make a project based on what they have learnt from all the lectures given during ACTION 2011. The project was a draft of what they must do when they return back to their own countries. Also during the whole week, participants were divided into groups and were asked to make a poster in their spare time. And on that sixth day, a poster competition was held. The Bromo trip was the last agenda for the ACTION participants, and after seeing the sunrise, the participants were taken to Utami Hotel at Surabaya, which marked the end of the journey of ACTION 2011. Every participant seemed very pleased and happy, but for some it was quite sad because they had to leave Indonesia. So that was a short summary of ACTION 2011 Indonesia. ACTION 2012 will be held in Taiwan and we hope for the best for the next ACTION!
(Cegah Kanker Payudara dan Kanker Serviks) Breast cancer and cervix cancer are kind of cancer that have high prevalence in women in the world, even in Indonesia. Based on data from Hospital Information System (HIS) or Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit (SIRS), shows that the highest prevalence of cancer in Indonesian women is breast cancer. In 2004-2007, the prevalence is about 26 per 100.000 women. As medical students, we require to apply our knowledge theoretically and clinically to participate in applying “Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi” about society care. Therefore, CIMSA University of Islam Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held CAPAS, a seminar about breast cancer and cervix cancer and workshop about SADARI (a program to check breast which can do by women by their self) on 19th of March 2011. The participants were very enthusiastic with this seminar. The project's aims are: 1. To teach and share about breast cancer and cervix cancer so public know more about these diseases. 2. To realize Indonesian women about early detection and early medication of breast cancer and cervix cancer 3. Participate in reducing women mortality as an action to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
(Introduce You About Reproductive Health) In order to improve reproductive health knowledge, SCORA CIMSA University of Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah) held IYALAH (Introduce You About Reproductive Health). It was held on 9th of October 2010 at hall FK UNSYIAH. The aim of this event is to increase knowledge about reproductive health for SCORA's members and also showed how to do breast examination by ourself. Before training started there was an introduction about SCORA by playing a short video. The speakers of this event were doctors who were experts in reproductive health. Besides improved our knowledge, we can also try to practice our knowledge by trying it in a small working group discussion. The event got an enthusiasm from many people. Actually, SCORA events were very exciting and fun, good job SCORA.
Made Satriya Ranuwibawa Vice Loco for Internal Affairs MSCIA 2010/2011
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
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Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
Report of International Projects
Health can be obtained from a healthy environment. As a medical student, things that we can do are invite citizens to maintain clean environment and utilize used goods into useful goods and high artistic merit. RESPECT is go green action from SCORP CIMSA University of Andalas which the activity is cleaning up Padang beach. The participants are junior and senior high school students in Padang city. The aims of this projects are: Creat a clean environment Increase awareness to the importance of cleanliness Increase creativity of junior and senior high schools students This activity is a contest and the group of students who could collect the most trash willl gets prizes, so there is motivation to follow this activity. Besides that, there is also contest to create something from used goods for junior and high school students, so by this activity they able to utilize used goods with high creation. RESPECT has been held with seven schools in Padang City as participants and was attended by representatives of the mayor, department of cleanliness, department of health, and department of tourism Padang city.
7th International Tropical Medicine Summer School (ITMSS)
Report of
:: Rumah Singgah Kali Code :: SCORP as a Standing comiitte that upholds human rights, one of that is the right of children. SCORP also participate and assist government's efforts in the fulfillment of the rights of children especially for children that underprevileged. SCORP in CIMSA University of Gadjah Mada make a project to achieve it. This project is a series of teaching activities in the Shelter of Code River once in every week. The aims of this project are: 1. Help to provide a good teaching about lesson in school or art for children at the shelter. 2. Increase the sense of humanity of SCORP members to the people who are underprevileged. The members of the SCORP and other SCO teach the children and the lesson that they teach such as art, mathematics, science, and etc. The children are grouped into 3 classes, there are class for the children who haven't get education in school, class for children grade 1-3 of elementary school, and class for children at grades 4-6 of elementary school.
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
Last July, MMSA University of Muhammadiyah Jogjakarta held the 7th International Tropical Medicine Summer School (ITMSS) program. To be exact, it was held from the 11th of July until the 31st. This year, the chosen PO is our own last period's Project Coordinator, Irwansyah. The topic for this year is still the same, which is about Malaria, DHF, and TB. Around 31 medical students from 7 different countries participated this year. As usual, this program was grandly opened by a welcoming ceremony which was held in our own university. The theme for the welcoming ceremony was “Nusantara Night”. The main show for this event was the Nusantara Parade, which is a special appearance from the committee for the participants. We did a parade of a few of many traditional dances from our wonderful country. The programs that were held in this year's ITMSS was lecture by experts, tutorials, skills lab, practicum, clinical visit (to RSUD Muntilan for DHF, BPKPM at Solo, etc), focus group discussions (FGD), dance training, and social program every weekends, such as to Borobudur, Sundak Beach, Prambanan and the Ramayana Ballet, Keteb Water Fall, Kraton Palace, House of Tembi and many more. We also had International Night, which is a combination of our last ITMSS programs, International Dinner and International Expo. In this program, the participants were given the chance to represent their country with all their traditions and of course, their traditional foods. For the closing, we had a farewell ceremony which was also held in our own university. Overall, this year's ITMSS program was quite a success, even though we had a few ups and down in it. So, let's just hope that our next one would be much better! Warm regards from Yogyakarta Annisa Firdausi Project Coordinator of MMSA UMY 2011/2012
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Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
CIMSA Initiative Project
:: Earth ::(Mari MALIGNAN :: Lestarikan Lingkungan) Hour ::
MDGs Indonesia Role of Medical Students to Achieve MDGs Initiative project is a centralized project that the implementation is under the monitoring of Executive Board of CIMSA and run for 2 years. Executive Board will determine a person as project officer to coordinate CIMSA Initiative project. For the term May 2011 – May 2013, CIMSA will organize projects that related to Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) with the theme 'Role of Medical Student to Achieve the MDGs'. Through these activities, we invite everyone to contribute in alleviating the problems of Indonesian society to achieve the MDGs goals. The aims of this project are: 1. To help the Indonesian government in achieving MDGs targets. CIMSA will focus on points 4 – Reduce child mortality , 5 – Improve maternal health, and 6 – Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. 2. To increase awareness among medical students to participate in achieving MDGs targets 3. To empower medical students for actively contributing to improve the quality of public health in Indonesia. This project have to be held in each local of CIMSA. The activities start from pre survey. Pre survey is conducted to obtain data relate to the MDGs points 4, 5, and 6 in each local. After that, data is useful to determine which points will local focus on to make projects. The form of activities are: - Poin 4 – Reduce child mortality · Education about infants and toddlers health, exclusive breastfeeding, early initiation of breastfeeding, nutrition intervention, and immunization. · Child health examination. - Poin 5 – Improve maternal health · Education to pregnant women and women of childbearing age that includes contraception, antenatal care and service management, and the needs of a family to do a family planning. · The medical examination of pregnant women. - Poin 6 – Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases · Regular education to communities at high risk of HIV infection such as commercial sex workers, transgender, users of sharing needles, and homosexuals, also socialization of nondiscriminatory behavior toward people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA). · Educate about the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases to the general public.
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
In celebrating the day of world environment, SCORP University of Islam Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an event that is MALIGNAN (Mari Lestarikan Lingkungan - Let's Preserve the Environment) on 26th of Juny 2011. This event included activities:
Initiative Project
1. Fun Aerobic CIMSA. It is a gymnastics, attended by members of CIMSA and general public. This activity's aims is to increase public awareness about their health. 2. Examination blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid and measurement of blood pressure. This activity was done after gym together. This activity's aim is to determine the risk factors that exist in the general population, so that people know the action that should be done. 3. Planting trees together. The aim is to increase public awareness in preserving the environment. 4. Emissions test. The car drivers that attended in this MALIGNAN event may get this emissions test. For this test SCORP worked together with one of famous garage. The emission test aims to determine the feasibility of gas in our cars on the environment. This MALIGNAN event was a success event because the enthusiasms of people were very high, it could be seen that many people attended and participated in this event. So it is proving that the community around university is still concerned about the environment and health.
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Earth Hour is a global activity organized by the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and holds every year on Saturday of 4th week of March that asks the homes and offices to turn off lights and unnecessary electrical equipment during one hour to raise awareness on the need for action on climate change. SCORP CIMSA University of Syiah Kuala will make this project in Banda Aceh. This project is expected to perform community aware of the importance in protecting the environment and reduce excessive energy consumption. The activities will include: - Spread brochures / flyers in the community - Socialization through the mass media about Earth Day - Invite people turn off their lights for one hour - Hold a contest of recycling used goods among students in the city of Banda Aceh
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
# English in Action
B>> A >> CD
English in Action is a project held by SCOPEople University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta where English take the main part, involving all SCOs for the committee. The form of activities is English competition for high school student in eks-karesidenan Surakarta. This competition consists of two category, English debate competition and speech contest. Each category has three rounds. First round is pre-eliminary, second round is elimination round, and the last is final round. This project was held successfully on February 26th ,2011 and followed by many students in eks-karesidenan Surakarta.
Aksi Bersih Cegah Diare This event was a counseling held by SCOPH University of Riau on July 16th, 2011. As we know, hand is source of germs that most become source of disease. In children, hand hygiene is often overlooked. This is often become the cause of diarrhea in children. Not only hygiene, the children tend to forget and don't care about the cleanliness of the environment. Children should be taught the difference between organic and non-organic garbage. The project's aims are: · Educate healthy lifestyle and clean for children to reduce cases of diarrhea that generally more common in children, then be applied in their daily life. · Educate how to wash hands properly. · Assist the children in distinguishing organic and inorganic waste, and the utilization of each. First, starting with the provision of materials, which materials on diarrhea and how to wash hands properly, and lessons on organic and non organic waste. After the presentation, a quiz was given to them. Then, continued with the practice of hand washing. Because of limited facilities at the school, the practice of hand washing was done by spraying the child's hand one by one because there was no tap at the school.
SCOPH >> Meet >>
. . . Seminar Caucus VI . . .
r a e B r o t c o D
“The Role of Skin in Aesthetics Nowadays”
National Seminar on Health with the theme "The Role of Skin in Aesthetics Nowadays" discuss about skin's problems and skin care trends was held by three locals CIMSA, they are Universities of Sebelas Maret Surakarta, University of Islam Sultan Agung Semarang and University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta on 27th of March 2011 at Graha Saba Buana Surakarta. Seminar " The Role of Skin in Aesthetics Nowadays " is divided into 3 sessions. The first session was presented by dr. Muh. Eko Irawanto, Sp.KK with the title "All about the human's skin, it's common problems found in everyday life, and it's Prevention" . This first session explained about human skin in general. The second session was presented by dr. Moerbono Mochtar, Sp.KK with the title "Skin Bleaching, is it safe?” He explained about the aspects in the process of skin bleaching, of course accompanied by an explanation of this process is safe or not. The last session titled "Choosing Right Cosmetics, Skin Care, and The Role of Sunscreens" was presentdeby Prof. Dr. dr. Harijono, Sp.KK. This session explained about how to choose cosmetics that suits to our skin. He also described about the importance of facial treatments using sunscreen or sun block.
Meet Doctor Bear is an event held by SCOPH CIMSA University of Gajah Mada. We know that effective communication skills and how to make a personal approach, especially in pediatric patients are less cooperative, is a huge capital for a prospective physician and public health. Considering the lack of mastery of these skills and lack of material that is given in the learning activities on campus. In addition, it is important to introduce medical profession and hospital environment as well as the promotion of personal hygiene to children since the early age. · Improve the ability of medical students in communicating effectively with patient and approach the child · Provide health care education and promotion of self and environment to children in a fun way · Introduce the medical profession and health professionals to children · Eliminate the fear of children to the doctor and hospital environment in a fun way
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
SCOPE is a standing committee that facilitate medical students to going abroad by exchange. Unfortunately, there are still many people that haven't known about exchange. ALOHA is an expo to promote the exchange program by IFMSA. This project is a merger project between SCOPE and SCORE CIMSA University of Gadjah Mada. ALOHA is held by opening a stand that sell and collect the exchange application forms, presentation and discussion. A week after the expo, the applicants collected their form application and also motivation letter. This project's aims are : 1. To facilitate medical students who interest to join IFMSA's exchange 2. To introduce SCOPE CIMSA University of Gadjah Mada 3. To inform about the line and conditions of the exchange ALOHA was held succesfully on 4th-6th, 13th of April 2011. The participants were so excited about this project, which could be seen that the application form was sold out.
>> Tensi Day (Sunday Health) <<
This project is a routine project by SCOPH CIMSA University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) and held once every two weeks, starting on June 26th, 2011. The project is a free health examination including anamnesis, blood pressure, blood glucose and healthy controls. In Manahan, we built small tent. If there are people pass the front of the tent, we invite them and offer our health examination. Starting from the anamnesis by members of CIMSA UMS, and an examination (medical consultation) by the doctor of Faculty of Medicine UMS, then examination the blood pressure and blood glucose by members of CIMSA UMS. People who check their health on Sunday health tents can know the blood pressure and blood glucose, and know the answer to the question that people ask about their health.
Children have to know about healthy life, so they can practice it in daily life. Nowadays, knowledge and good habits are important to be given to the children. This project aim is to teach student of elementaru school about English and healthy life so we can improve the children's life quality. This project will be held in an elementary school and a merger between SCOPE and SCORP CIMSA University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The students will learn about the right way in teeth brushing and hand washing. This project has been held before on December 16th, 2010. This successful project makes University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta wants to keep this project to be a routine project each year. During 2011-2012, this project will be held on April 2012.
Diseases while travelling becomes hot issue nowadays. There are many news about tourist or students who got disease while abroad or exchange. Unfortunately, many people haven't realized about this thing. People have no idea about what they should prepare before departure, lack of knowledge and skill about using general health instruments like DC shock. Realize that diseases while abroad is a an important issue but there aren't many people have quite knowledge about this, SCOPE CIMSA Unsyiah will hold a seminary and workshop about abroad preparations. The aims of this project are to share about diseases while travelling and also to introduce SCOPE CIMSA Unsyiah to new students batch 2011. The project will hold on the last week of October and also as a Early Morning Attack project.
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
>> World Without Cancer <<
Cancer is a malignancy that manifests itself in abnormal growth of cells, excessive and uncontrollable. Cancer is a multifactorial disorder, caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, dietary, and lifestyle. Nowadays, cancer is one of the biggest causes of death in worldwide. In order to prevent cancer and to develop empathy for the patient, SCOPH CIMSA University of Indonesia in collaboration with Community HES (Health, Environment, Social) wants to help the realization of that goal by making a one day seminar and talk show titled World Without Cancer: Knowing What is Cancer, How to deal with it, and How to help The Patients. The goals are : · Socializing cancer as one of the major killers in Indonesia · Promoting a healthy lifestyle for prevention of cancer · Increasing public awareness for the care and continually strive to help cancer patients · Providing psychosocial support and assistance for cancer patients · Awakened the public to care and continue to assist cancer patients. · Growing empathy in society that people with cancer should be improved the quality of life. In addition, the community also came out to give moral support to families that one of them developing cancer. With the theme 'World Without Cancer: Knowing What is Cancer, how to deal with it, and How to help The Patients', this seminar and talk Show is opened for public. Participation in the seminar is free and does not charge. This activity's aim also to collect donations of toys and children's books and will be donated to patients at the pediatric ward Dharmais Cancer Hospital.
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Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
**SCORE goes Public**
**SEX (Student Exchange) Fair**
SCORE goes Public is a SCORE national project and must be done in each local. As the organization with the main activity is research exchange, the members also have to know about what the research is and how to carry it out. So, it is needed to make a project to fullfill the SCORE's members in exploring their knowledge and ability in doing research. By SCORE goes Public, hope each SCORE's member can do a benefit research for the society. The aims of SCORE goes Public are: 1. Increase the SCORE's members about knowledge and ability in research. 2. Make a research that can be done with other SCO's project (transSCO research) or an autonomous research. 3. Increase the SCORE's members activity in research for studying. 4. Give a contribution to the society by means of research activity and its result. This project is divided into four levels: a. Training for Trainer (TnT) : training about research to SCORE's members. b. SCORE goes to faculty or trans-SCO: make a simple research by transSCO or research with the target is the society in Faculty of Medicine. The principle of transSCO research is evaluate the success of other SCO's project (SCOPE, SCORP, SCORA, SCOPH, SCOME). c. SCORE goes to university: make a research with the target is the society in university d. SCORE goes to society: make a research with the target is public society. This research can be done by making a cooperation with external side like Public Health Department and etc.
Student Exchange Fair (SEX FAIR) is an event organized by SCORE CIMSA University of Indonesia. This is a workshop / fair which aims to attract medical students to exchange in the field of research, provide information and facilitate students, both preclinic and clinic, to help them get the chance to run student exchange with an affordable cost. In this fair we provide time and place for students to be one by one asking all matters concern about student exchange that is carried out by the IFMSA and CIMSA, the opportunity to enroll them in order to become exchange student for the next season. We also provide brochures and website address referencing IFMSA in order to carry out more about student exchange. At the time of activity, students who are interested to follow the students exchange, they can get comprehensive information about the procedure that starts from the enrollment data itself, choosing the country, costs required, allocation of accommodation by the state host, duration of exchange themselves, as well as other information related to exchange student.
**TORCH** (training for researcher)
In this period, SCORE goes Public is focused on level 1 (TnT) and level 2. For level 2 is focused on transSCO research (research to evaluate the success of other's SCO project in CIMSA). For the first time, transSCO research for SCORE Goes Public project was held on World Aids Day (WAD) event, which that project was carried out by SCORA CIMSA. WAD series of events was vary, like, seminars, longmarch, etc. The objectives of this research are to determine people's knowledge about HIV / AIDS, to know how big the community care for PLWHA, as well as to determine the effect of WAD series of events to the community.The used method was by giving questionnaires to the participants of education and interviews to the public when the action of longmarch. The research went well. The results of this research will be given to each local LORA and NORA as the evaluation materials for SCORA.
Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities
SCORE-CIMSA University of Gajah Mada had one project that is also interesting. The project is TORCH (Training of researcher). It is a form of training (Training) Research activities that combine in a series of research seminars and ends with a competition that followed the participants. This event have been held before and for this year it will be held at the Faculty of Medicine, in November 2011. Lack of Awareness and Quality of medical students in the field of research become the background of why the event is held. As we know, the importance of research in this day and age. The purpose of this project is to improve the quality and quantity of medical students in research of UGM. In addition, training and the competition is expected to come to fruition. Participants who followed the TORCH gain adequate knowledge and have good capacity in the field of research. TORCH event was held for 3 days and divided into 3 consecutive weeks every weekend. Beginning with the training that was held for twice, held every weekend in 2 consecutive weeks, training was given by experts in the field of research which contains the ways of doing research is good and right as well as tips and tricks. The 3rd week which is the last week of competition there was cast in a study conducted by the participants of this TORCH. Participants are divided into several groups where each group must be able to give you creative and original ideas for research and then proceed with the presentation of the group. The event ended with a series of TORCH Best Presentation Winners Announced for the winner and giving door prize.
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Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities