Local Profile of CIMSA Andalas University

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Universitas Andalas

Contents Preface President CIMSA Preface Local Coordinator About Us IFMSA SCOME SCOPE SCORA SCORE Local Projects Testimonials Official Team

3 5 6 10 12 16 21 26 32 35 38

Preface President CIMSA

Dear all,

be three National General Assemblies of CIMSA, aimed to gather the medical

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’

students of Indonesia, to involve more

Activities (CIMSA) is an independent,

in activities, share ideas, learn togeth-

non-political and non-profit organiza-

er and create the leaders of tomorrow.

tion. It was established in 2001 and is

Generally, CIMSA has six fields which

having a purpose of “Empowering Med-

we are working on, including medical

ical Students, Improving the Nation’s

education, public health, human rights

Health”. With more than 5,000 active

and peace, reproductive health including

members, CIMSA, as the center for med-

HIV/AIDS, research and professional stu-

ical students’ activities, is facilitating its

dent exchange.

members with many opportunities and internal strength for them to be able to

CIMSA is affiliated with International

serve the society well. Annually, there will

Federation of Medical Students’ Associa-


tions (IFMSA), the largest medical stu-

basic nature of activity based, with

dents organization in the world, rec-

the value of continuity. We apply the

ognized by World Health Organization

need-assessment, do action, evaluate

(WHO). We think globally, act locally.

the impact, then try to keep improving.

It also shows a strong commitment to support and help Indonesia in achiev-

At last but not least, I would like to

ing Millennium Development Goals

gratefully thank God for His abundant

and Universal Health Coverage. Policy

blessing and extend my gratitute to

statements, declaration, local and na-

everyone who has helped with the

tional related-projects were made and

writing and publication of this organi-

both national and international awards

zational profile. Hopefully, this Organ-

were honourly given to CIMSA.

izational Profile of CIMSA may open some valuable opportunities for us to

Additionally, the International re-

be able to work hand-in-hand, through

lationship benefits us to get more

collaboration and cooperation, in order

involved in acting on Global Health

to achieve the goal of ours, actualizing

issues, representing Indonesian Med-

the nation’s health quality and welfare,

ical Students, worldwide. Moreover,


CIMSA is working together with government, non-government and In-

“Empowering Medical Sudents, Im-

ternational organizations. Over the

proving the Nation’s Health!”

past years, CIMSA has proved its professionalism in cooperating with the

Yours faithfully,

stakeholders and other external bodies. As concluded, CIMSA pursues its


goals by accomodating medical stu-

Asri Kartika Putri

dents to carry out their action in the

President 2012-2013

Preface Local


CIMSA accommodates all of it. Movement conducted by CIMSA is very wide, because CIMSA has a lot members in several cities in Indonesia, one of them is CIMSA local Andalas University, Padang. CIMSA Andalas University carry out activities in the Faculty of Medicine Andalas University, that focusing on health, education, and humanities. Those objectives were executed by agencies owned by CIMSA, called the Standing Committee. In CIMSA UNAND itself, there have been six SCO by now.

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

CIMSA UNAND as one of active locals in

Being a medical student requires us to

CIMSA hope to continue moving togeth-

care about the life of the world of health,

er with other CIMSA Locals to create a

either in Indonesia and worldwide. Being

further developments in the world of

a student is not only to study but also to


learn contributing to this country, be-

GO CIMSA. Be Active with CIMSA.

cause yes, we are the agents of change. To make significant changes in the country, need a movement in harmony of the various parties in the country.


About Us

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) is a non-profit and non government organization that is independent, nationalist, non-political and non partisan with activity based programs. CIMSA consist of 6 standing committees related to health issues, that is Reproductive Health including AIDS, Public Health, Medical Education, Human Right and Peace, Research Exchange and Professional Exchange. Having 17 active locals throughout Indonesia, CIMSA is affiliated with International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), the biggest students’ organization in the world who has been recognized by United Nations.



SA) in 2002. Since then, CIMSA con-

CIMSA (Center for Indonesia Medical

tinues to grow to more than 20 locals

Students’ Activities) was officially es-

spread in various Faculty of Medicine

tablished in May, 6th 2001 by some

throughout Indonesia.

medical students from various city


of Indonesia based on the inclination

CIMSA UNAND was formed in 2002.

for an organization that based on on-

At first, CIMSA UNAND was an inde-

going activities; utilize the develop-

pendent student organization and not

ing technology, with internationally

included in the Student Government

standard programs to support medi-

of Medical Faculty of Andalas Univer-

cal students in Indonesia

sity. Event by standing alone by itself,

CIMSA held its first General Assembly

CIMSA UNAND has already created

at May, 11-13 2001 and become affili-

lots of projects. And in 2008, a year

ation with International Federation of

after Student Organization verses

Medical Students’ Associations (IFM-

was added in the student government


law, CIMSA UNAND officially became a

opportunities in education and health

part of Student Government of Medical

and also in effort to improve lives and

Faculty, Andalas University on July 15th

also reach prosperity and social jus-

2008 when Mardlatillah Affani served as

tice. In addition is to reach universally

Local Coordinator at that time.

healthier lives for a healthier world.”

The ‘accommodative’ principle of CIM-


SA was the reason why this decision

To empower medical students to be

was made: to accommodate each and

able to actively learn and create, and

every medical students of Andalas Uni-

also to plan strategies and execute

versity opinion and ideas through pro-

movements to improve nation’s health

jects and other activities. And from that

and well being.

time, CIMSA UNAND still tries its best


to serve all the students and society.

1. To be the media between Indone-



sian medical student and profes-

“To empower Indonesia medical stu-

sional organizations, both govern-

dents in order to create a healthier,

mental and non governmental, in

more secure and more prosperous In-

order to intensify cooperation for

donesia where people can enjoy equal

public interests.

2. To increase the capacity of Indo-

of medical education in Indonesia.

nesian medical students, to use

5. To provide a forum for medical

the capacities and capabilities as

students in Indonesia to discuss

a medical student to nourish and

topics related to the individual and

educate the nation, to actively

community’s health, education

cooperate with the international

and knowledge, and to formulate

community in the effort to im-

policies from the discussions.

prove the world’s health, and fight

6. To support and facilitate profes-

for the dignity and sovereignty of

sional and research exchanges as

Indonesia in the eyes of other na-

well as extracurricular projects and

tions in the world.

training for medical students, thus

3. Actively improve nation’s health

introducing them to other cultures

by real activities in community

and their health problems to im-

4. Actively support the improvement

prove the medical profession.



International Federation Medical Students Association

International Federation of Medical Student Association (IFMSA) For more than 60 years, IFMSA has existed and been led by medical students worldwide. The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) was founded in 1951. It is the world’s oldest and largest independent organization representing associations of medical students internationally. It currently maintains 108 National Member Organizations from more than 100 countries across six continents with over 1,2 million students represented worldwide. IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization and as well, it works with the World Medical Association. International Meeting: • IFMSA General Assembly Twice a year, the delegations of the NMO’s of IFMSA get together at the IFMSA General Assemblies. The March Meeting and the August Meeting bring together several hundred medical students from all around the world. During the seven days of the meetings, the delegates discuss matters of the Federation and make valuable contacts for their organizations.


• Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting Asia Pacific Regional Meeting is a meeting for IFMSA members in Asia-Pacific region. The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss global health, education, disaster management and other issues that happened in Asia-Pacific region. Official Project & Initiative Rex Crossley Award Rex Crossley Awar is an annual award that is given for official IFMSA projects (P&I – Project and Initiative) who is most representative for the values promoted by the IFMSA from endorsed projects, transnational projects, or initiatives. The first RCA Ceremony was held at March Meeting, 2005. Think Global Global health education aims for students to have an understanding of the broad determinants of health and healthcare delivery. Think Global aims

for all future healthcare professionals to have an understanding of global health. Think Global works with students involved in the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) and provides them with opportunities to learn about global health in the context of their clinical and extracurricular activities. These opportunities include global health workshops and theme events at IFMSA General Assembly and regional meetings. Students attending this training are encouraged to organise global health events in their own countries. Think Global aims to include global health education in medical curricula. The project empowers students to act as advocates for global health through training them in global health issues and advocacy. It also aims at building a network of students interested in global health.



Standing Committee on Medical Education

About SCOME SCOME (Standing Committee on Medical Education) are one of standing committee who works in development of Indonesia medical education’s system and also as forum for Indonesian medical student to develop their knowledge and skills in medical field. It is SCOME’s vision to create a qualified and competitive Medical Human Resources in order to have the ability to face every changes in lokal and global scale. That’s why SCOME committed to do an active effort to support medical students in receiving a comprehensive medical education.


SCOME strive to improve medical education’s quality in Indonesia therefore often deals with curriculum review, study skills and a variety of other related areas. SCOME also undertakes the responsibility of creating awareness about health education issues that relevant to surrounding local community in Indonesia. Through SCOME, medical students of Indonesia collaborate to develop medical education in Indonesia by doing projects and activities to give the opportunity for medical student to participate in their medical education’s system at local, national, and international activities. Goals • to promote medical education system and curriculum’s reformation as to improve medical education. • to increase students, community, policy makers in medical field and government’s awareness of the importance of medical educations’ development • to strengthen the network and resources for medical students in or-

der to establish a qualified health workers. • to expand education and training opportunities for medical students to improve the quality of Indonesia medical resources in the face of changes in local and global scale. Activities Medical Movie Medical movie is one of learning alternative that SCOME provides to support student in learning and furthermore fulfill what students need to face the globalization in medical world. Breaking The Silence Breaking the silence, one of SCOME’s project that discuss about how to communicate in sign language.


Health Professional Education Quality (HPEQ) Health Professional Education Quality (HPEQ) is a joint project with government, Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi, that combine 10 professional health to improve health education system in Indonesia. Through HPEQ project, medical student get more opportunity to express their opinion on how medical education’s system should be.


Local Projects MEDICAL MOVIE (MEMO) SCOME CIMSA UNAND MEMO is an annual event of SCOME CIMSA UNAND. It helps medical students in Medical Faculty of Andalas University to learn from a different aspect, such as a movie. For this year

MEMO was held on Sunday December 9th 2012 at Student Center Auditorium FK UNAND Campus. The preparation was started less than a month before the day. The preparation included making the concept, fundraising and publication. This event started at 09.00 with the opening ceremonial and continued with watching the movie. The SCOMEdians serve popcorn and syrup to all of the participants to bring up the theatre atmosphere in the auditorium. At the climax of the case in the movie, it was paused to give all the participants to discuss and diagnose the case in small working group. After discussing, each group presented their diagnosis then continued to watch the movie. After

the movie was over, there was an open discussion with the keynote speakers about the case, which is Ascariasis. After the discussion was closed, the event was ended with doorprize session.



Standing Committee on Professional Exchange

About SCOPE SCOPE (Standing Committee on Professional Exchange) established in 2001 and now has 13 active local committees made up of 13 universities in Indonesia. SCOPE, led by NEO (National Exchange Officer), is the only organization that manages the biggest medical student exchanges issues in Indonesia. Up to now the SCOPE continues to grow from time to time. This year there was 8000 intellectual exchange that occurs between the 85 countries incorporated in the IFMSA. And right now, about 320 Medical students go on an exchange and come to Indonesia for the clinical exchange


The biggest fieldwork on SCOPE are Incoming and Outgoing Arrangement. In incoming arrangement, SCOPE helps foreign students who want to learn the methods of clinical level in hospital or teaching hospitals in Indonesia through distribution and registration documents to the office and the hospital, and also helped the student accommodation during the period of his/her clerkship in Indonesia.

SCOPE also engage students to participate in cultural and social ac-

tivities, to be able to introduce all aspects of life in Indonesia.

While the outgoing arrangement, SCOPE CIMSA helps students who have the interest and ability to execute clerkship abroad by helping the distribution of the documents required by the country that we already have contract in accordance with procedures. Goals The Aim of SCOPE is to promote



international understanding and co-operation amongst medical students and all health professionals through international medical students’ exchanges. Activities Weekend Training (WET) WET is an annual training to improve the quality of SCOPE’s member all around Indonesia, giving a more detailed knowledge about SCOPE to new and existing members, a place for new members to get to know SCOPE, and to Improve internal unity in SCOPE. SCOPEXPO SCOPEXPO is a project that is held by SCOPE. The project includes the English debate, newscasting contest and poster design

competition for medical student. The Aim for this project is to advertise SCOPE and to promote the outgoing and incoming or the EXCHANGE program itself.

The International Tsunami and Earthquake Summer School (ITESS) ITESS is a summer school that raised the issue of disaster management for the earthquake and tsunami and includes the tsunami related disease. This project was

initiated by SCOPE UNSYIAH since Aceh is a province that is fully experience in managing the earthquake and the tsunami itself.

It is the project’s goal to raise the issue to the world about tsunami and earthquake, and also to give trainings about the Disaster Management especially for tsunami and earthquake. ITESS consist of lectures/Plenary Session(Case-base SWG), Workshop and Presentation, Daily Review Discussion,

Field Trip and Group Presentation, Field Work, Evaluation, and the Social Program. SCOPE also work together with several institute like WHO Indonesia, IFMSA-Italy (SISM-SegretariatoItalianoStudenti in Medicina), and local and national government.


Local Project

with special needs. The geniuses, the

SPE4K (SCOPE Provide English for

averages, kids with autism, kids with


ADHD, and many other kinds of stu-

SCOPE Provide English for Kids

dents can be found here. Its architec-

(SPE4K) is SCOPE CIMSA Unand’s

turally distinctive building (wooden

regular project which was initiated

huts as classroom and wooden house

and started at 2011. SPE4K was made

as teacher’s office) and strategic loca-

to give opportunity to CIMSA Un-

tion add another two points in our rea-

and members a unique experience of

son-list to cooperate with this school.

communication skills improvement

SPE4K runs twice a week, every Tues-

through teaching simple english to el-

day and Thursday. Topics guideline and

ementary school students. Hence, we

teaching schedule for the volunteers

choose a school which operates dif-

were made and announced before

ferently and educates special students

the project started. After each topics,

with special way of teachings : Sekolah

there are written tests for the students

Alam Minangkabau (SAM).

as our parameter to measure how far

SAM probably has the most various

they understand the lesson and as a

students’ traits in Padang since it was

part of our report to the school.

originally established to educate kids



Standing Committee on Reproductive Health Including AIDS

About SCORA SCORA (Standing Committee on Reproductive Health Including AIDS) was established within IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) in 1992 and has been existed in Indonesia since 2004. SCORA exists because so many people are living with HIV and AIDS yet few know the fact about the said disease. SCORA, led by NORA (National Officer on Reproductive Health Including AIDS), is engaged in the field of reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and many other reproductive issue such as sexually transmitted disease, gender issues, sex education for teenager, and family planning.


Often cooperate with UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) and National AIDS Prevention Commission (Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional), SCORA has more emphasis in education-based activities as their valued principle: “The only way of fighting AIDS is through prevention and the only way of prevention is through education”. Goals • to improve awareness and knowledge of the community about reproductive health • to decrease negative stigma and discrimination to people with HIV/ AIDS • to facilitate Indonesian medical student’s activity in reproductive health including AIDS • to provide opportunities for medical student’s to be involved in a real work concerning reproductive health including AIDS • to create programs (of reproduc-


tive health including AIDS) that is fit with Indonesia’s current conditions and needs. Activities WORLD AIDS DAY World AIDS Day, at December 1st, is SCORA’s International annual campaign seeing as AIDS is the major focus of SCORA. The campaign is consist of various projects that aim to appeal all elements of society to show concern and act to prevent the spread of the disease, especially in Indonesia, as well as reducing the discrimination against people who live with HIV/AIDS.

Several projects have been organized by SCORA, throughout Indonesia, in the form of seminars, talk shows, education, training and counseling, charity concerts, long march, advocacy and many more. SCORA promote the international themes of World AIDS Day campaign “Getting to Zero” since 2011. SEXPERIENCE Sexperience is a project where SCORA’s member volunteered to provide education and counseling about reproductive health including HIV/AIDS to children and teenagers of productive ages,

at orphanages or schools in rural areas, so that the awareness can be built early on and spread evenly between cities and rural areas.

National Peer Education Workshop National Peer Education Workshop is a program where SCORA’s member trained to be an educator to their peers (person that is relatively same age and background). This program aims to trained and improve the knowledge, attitudes, perspective and ability of SCORA’s members. Woman’s Chronic Reproductive Disease Project Woman’s Chronic Reproductive Disease Project is a project that is held by SCORA to increase public awareness on the rights of women and the quality of women’s reproductive health in Indonesia. Breast Cancer Awareness Month Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual health campaign held by SCORA every October to increase awareness of the disease and offer information and support to those affected by breast cancer. The campaign consist of multiple activities, such as education and counseling for community, talk show, seminar, competition and many more, that being held through October.


ther more about HIV AIDS.

Local Projects GETTING TO ZERO, YES WE CARE! This time SCORA CIMSA UNAND held a series of events from 1 to 3 December 2012 in order to commemorate World AIDS Day with the theme “GETTING TO ZERO, YES WE CARE!” What are the events? December 1 There is a counseling and education about HIV/AIDS to students of SMAN 12 Padang. In this first event, we hold a presentation through video about PLWHA ( People Living With HIV/AIDS). Then there was a presentation about HIV AIDS. After that we give to students the aids-ribbon to remind them about World AIDS Day. After the presentation the students were divided into the Small Working Group (SWG) so that they can ask fur-


After that, there is also a quiz session for students about AIDS, those who answer correctly, will get a door prize. The expectation of this counseling is the student can understand more about AIDS and avoid this disease. Because this disease is untreated yet but it’s possible to prevent. The only way to Eliminate HIV AIDS is through prevention and the only way to Prevent is through education. December 2 The event was held in H.Agus Salim-Sport Hall Padang where citizens usually take place to workout in the morning on weekends. Here we sell a bracelet that reads “YES WE CARE”. The profit from the sale will be distributed to the NGOs cope with the problem about HIV-AIDS in the city of Padang.

reddest class. Here it is class of 2012, the reddest class.

In addition we also give leaflet for the visitors. The contents from the leaflet are facts about AIDS in West Sumatra that aim to provide information and change the paradigm of the community not to underestimate the HIV AIDS PLWHA ( People Living With HIV/AIDS) or discriminates. December 3 This time the celebration was held on campus. First, during the morning before the lecture begins, we distribute red ribbons to students on campus. We also present a video about AIDS in every class and ask them voluntary to donate. The donation will be distributed to the NGOs concerned PLWHA ( People Living With HIV/AIDS) in Padang. After the video presentation, the committee invites each class to take a photo together with red dress-code and the doorprize will be given to the

In addition the we also decorate the campus with the property that contains messages about AIDS and hanging origami birds that can be filled with testimonials by campus residents. They are free to speak up what they think about HIV AIDS.

Last is SCORASHOOT session! We take pictures on the basketball court forming the ribbon symbol of AIDS. This is not the story of what AIDS did to our community, but the story of what our community did to HIV - SCORA CIMSA UNAND



Standing Committee on Research Exchange

About SCORE SCORE (Standing Committee on Research Exchange) with 60 active SCORE NMOs (National Member Organization) around the world is offering about 1200 research projects which attended by more than 1700 students and still growing until today. SCORE provides a unique opportunity for medical students to have clinical or pre-clinical research experience that supervised by the tutor in various medical faculties around the world.


“The mission of SCORE is to offer future physicians an opportunity to experience research work and the diversity of countries all over the world. This is achieved by providing a network of locally and internationally active students that globally facilitate access to research exchange projects. Through our programming and opportunities, we aim to develop both culturally sensitive students and skilled researchers intent on shaping the world of science in the upcoming future.” Goals • To allow medical students to enrich their medical education by a research experience and to learn the basic principles of research. • To enhance academic activities and to achieve the educational benefits of practical and theoretical knowledge. • To widen the horizons of medical students, providing them with the opportunities to experience different approaches to medical research, education, and health care

systems. To create an international network of medical students promoting intercultural communication and spirit of global friendship. Activities Research Exchange Programme •

Research projects in SCORE depends on the specific knowledge that are chosen by the student, and which is already meet the requirement and standard set by International Federation of Medical Student Associations (IFMSA). The exchange will (mostly) take 4 weeks or more, depends on the 27 project.

From this International exchange program, SCORE expects the exchange students to have experience in research, education, and medical services. We act as the facilitator for the Research Exchange Programme and make sure everything goes according with the rules that have been set by SCORE and IFMSA. SCORE Goes Public SCORE goes Public is a national project which must be implemented in each Local Committees. Through this project the SCORE members can improve their knowledge and training ability in research and also be able to provide


some benefits to CIMSA and the surrounding communities. Methods and phased implementation is divided into 4 levels, which are: • Level 1 : Training for Trainer At this level, SCORE members get some training on how to conduct research especially for quality control research from experts in this field of research. Material provided such as how to make a good questionnaire, which can then be used for Level 2. • Level 2 : Trans SCO Research for Quality Control This level is the stage of application of TnT, where SCORE member perform simple research in the form of trans-SCO research. Here the research held in conjunction with the implementation of the project of other SCO (SCORA, SCOPH, etc.) and is used to evaluate the success of the SCO project (carried out by analyzing the before and after other SCO projects implemented through distribution of questionnaires).

• Level 3 : University Level Research This level is almost the same as level 2, where SCORE members applying their research into true form of research. However, the objective of this research more broadly, which includes national university. • Level 4 : Community Research The research done on this level cooperates with external parties, such as health offices, health centers, and others. The subjects of this research are people in general community. Local Projects X-RAYS SCORE UNAND What is X-RAYS? It’s mean eXplore your Research with elementArY Students. In this project, we taught to the elementary student how to make a little experience for fun and the purpose from this project that we wanted to the students know and wanted learn more about the experience. This project held on September 8th and 15th 2012 At Al-Azhar Elementary School, Padang. On 8th September 2012, the project started at 9 a.m with the agendas are opening speech from Project Officer of X-RAYS (Putri Mira Magistri), LORE

CIMSA UNAND (Vashti Firdaus), The headmaster of Al-Azhar Elementary School Padang and then The Headmaster anounced officially that this project can be started. Next, we taught the students how to make a little experience such as burst bomb, nvisible ink, volcano eruption, ball from origami, and magic money. After we taught the students about the experience, they tried to made the experience by themself. On 15th September 2012, we made a games to find who the students that most understood about project that we have taught to them last week, who got many points, and tell us how it happened. The students we divided into 4 groups, 1 group about 6-10 student. Every group go to each place that we have provided. 1st place is The Experience: Burst Bom Each student from every group made a burst bom from plastic and filled it with vinegar mixed with warm water and the baking soda which is has been


filled in the small paper. And then they should tied it and then shaked it, and the plastic will burst out! Yeah :D The point will be counted by how many student in there group which could made the plastic burst and tell us how it happened with the true answer.


2nd place is The Experience: Volcano Eruption We have provided 5 miniature volcano made by plasticine. In that miniature volcano, we made lava that mixed with vinegar, detergent, food coloring. And each student from each group should filled the miniature volcano with baking soda, and the mountain will erupt :D The point will be counted by how many student in there group which could made the volcano eruption and tell us how it happened with the true answer.

3rd place is The Experience: Magic Money Each student from every group should made the money that wouldn’t burned by fire. How to make it? The money will mixed in glass which is filled by methylated spirit, alcohol, and NaCl. After one minute mixed the money with the material in glass, the money will burned with fire, but it wouldn’t burned. The point will be counted by how many student in there group which could made the money wouldn’t burned by fire and tell us how it happened with the true answer. 4th place is The Experience: Rainbow in Glass We have provided 5 glasses, 1st until 4th glass we filled it with water and different food coloring, and the student

should mixed that 4 glass on one glass. And then it would made a beautiful rainbow :) The point will be counted by how many student in there group which could made the rainbow in glass and tell us how it happened with the true answer. After finishing the game, we played together with the students. Every group should guess the picture. Hihihi so much fun :D

and the headmaster close this agenda officially. The last, we took a picture together, including our incoming who join with our project as a guest for the elementary student hehehe You can see this page also about news our project http://inioke.com/ Berita/2151-Merangsang-Kreativitas-Anak-anak.html, because our reported by inioke.com :D

After that we anounced the winner,


Local Projects MDGs Related Project

ber 2012, take place in Bungus Teluk Ka-


bung, a shore located 20 km south of Pa-

ia Infection)

dang. CUAMI consists of four sequences of events with a follow-up to determine

CUAMI (CIMSA UNAND Against Malaria

the impact of the projects.

Infection) is an action by CIMSA UNAND to reduce the incidence of malaria as one

The first is “Visit to Doctor” in October 7,

of the MDGs’ point by providing a forum

2012. It is a seminar and panel discussion

for local cummunity to increase knowl-

with the theme “Biomolecular of Malar-

edge, awareness and prevention of ma-

ia and Anti Malaria Resistance”. Here,

laria. Optimization of contribution to the

we invited two speakers are dr. Nuzulia

community and volunteers are expected

Irawati, MS; from Faculty of Medicine

to reduce the incidence of malaria.

UNAND and Prof. Inge Susanto, M.Phil from Faculty of Medicine University of

This project held in October until Novem-



Second, “Visit to Village”, is a visit to the

From observations during “Visit to Fam-

homes of local citizens. It was held as a

ily”,it lead to a conclusion about the

first step to identify the pattern and be-

important problems in the village, it is

havior of their lives by dialogue. We also

about trash. Actually, we intended to

collect information and data needed

give a trash can to the village. Howev-

about their knowledge of malaria, how

er, after further consideration, the trash

far they are aware of this disease.

will only make things worse because the

Third, “Visit to Family”. It is a continua-

village is far away from the highway so

tion of the second event. This time, we

there will be no garbage truck to pick up

stay at local citizens’ homes. The house

the trash when it is full. So we decided

we stay in is the house that have been

to educate the citizens to manage waste

visited in “Visit to Village”. What we are

in order to be utilized. The education is

doing is identifying the behavior of the

given by the lecturer of Environmental

family and educate them gently if there

Engineering UNAND.

is a habit that leads to malaria.


From those sequence of events, we

UNAND and IFMSA-Japan held anoth-

hope that this project will lead


er joint project. This time they set up

changes in attitudes and knowledge of

a new concept. This time, the project

the people about the right way to over-

focused in several areas of promoting

come malaria and solve the problem

and preventing, such as water and en-

about trash.

vironmental health, sanitation, familiy health, prevention of some diseases,

International Project

dietary, and clean and behavior for

ACHP (Asian Community Health Pro-

child (CHBC). This sequence of events


are expected to improve the health of

ACHP (Asian Community Health Pro-

local communities.

ject) is a project organized by SCOPH

Aims :

CIMSA UNAND and it is also officially

1. To raise public awareness about

listed as CIMSA Official Projects. The project started in 2010 and col-

2. Gain practical skills, abilities and

laborated with IFMSA-Japan to help

knowledge to make a significant

the victims of the earthquake that

contribution to the community

happened in September 2009. SCOPH

3. To make a cooperation and friend-


ship with medical students in the

cus on carrying out about health care

Asia-Pacific region

and improving their quality of life. Continuing the success of the previous project, in March 2012 SCOPH CIMSA


health in the Asia-Pacific

4. Introducing the culture from each country

testimonias are being discussed in the international world, and raise the awareness in Indonesia, and vise versa. This actions hopefully would bring us up to date with what is going on in the world and also advocate CIMSA was created purely to accommo-

our needs as a nations. In the universi-

date the will and creativity of medical

ty level, medical students would be sen-

students who concern about their sur-

sitized, through CIMSA, regarding our

roundings and want to make a differ-

health problems and issues, and bring

ence. It was designed to be non-political,

their knowledge in their daily practice,

non-discrimination, non-religious-based,

and hopefully, when they have become a

open for everyone, with specific refer-

leader in the community.

ence to international. The word “international� has been the core of CIMSA

CIMSA today has evolved amazingly as

because we wanted to raise issues that

what we had hoped it to be. CIMSA has35

been raising its voice so strongly in the IFMSA, and has been recognized

CIMSA UNAND is a Student Organi-

as one of leading medical student or-

zation in Medical Faculty of Andalas

ganizations through its activities. Its

University which actively encourage

member has been actively involved in

every student in our faculty to care

various aspect in IFMSA. Some of the

about any latest health issues through

alumni are active in addressing health

its project.

issues through various reputable

Their target to improve nation’s

non-government organizations, for

health, inspire their members to move

example the UN bodies. Some oth-

and think outside the box to create

er involve in research, clinical works,

new projects. Such a very active or-

and teaching. But all of them kept in


their mind that they have to be aware

CIMSA UNAND is also the only organ-

of their surrounding, thrive, survive,

ization in our faculty which accomo-

and making contribution to their sur-

date all the students to learn abroad

roundings. This is a true hope of an

and see a different perspective of

organization. We began as a student,

medical student society.

we continue as professionals, and

I hope CIMSA UNAND will keep up the

we bring our community to a better

good owrk and collaborate with oth-


er medical student organizations to enhance the quality of community’s health.

dr. Meilania Saraswati Sp.PA


Staf pengajar dept. Patologi Anatomi

Dean Faculty of Medicine Andalas


University : Prof.dr. Fadil Oenzil,

Alumni CIMSA

PhD., SpGK

“CIMSA UNAND was founded when CIMSA was declared in 2001, but forming an organization starting from scratch was not easy. CIMSA UNAND was firmly established in the year 2005, after all the SCO actively run the activities throughout the year. Hopefully CIMSA will always be glorious, and still beneficial. Viva CIMSA” Dr. Muhammad Fadil. SpJP (batch 1998)


official team

Local Coordinator Teddy Kurniawan


Treasurer Vini Jamarin

Vice Loco Firstari Vashti

Secretary General Amrina Rasyada

Local Exchange Officer Rizka Hanifa (Out) Rizki Meizikri (In)

Local Officer on Medical Education Nani Hendriani

LORA Dinda Wijaya

Local Officer on Research Exchange Vashti Resti Putri

Local Officer on Human Rights and Peae Lieka Nugrahi

Local Public Health Officer Athari Fadhila



Public Relation Atikah Mardhika

Fundraising Cahyaningtyas

Administration Irfani Rahmi

HROD Mellyana Putri

Alumni Director Regina Ivanovna

Media Management Shofi Faiza

Project Coordinator Vivid Erdina Yunita







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