CIMSA Organizational Profile

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


CIMSA Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


medical students,

Improving the Nation’s health.

CONTENT Welcoming Words from the President of CIMSA 1 About and History


Organizational Structure


Vision and Mission


Goals of CIMSA


Milestones and Awards




Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

Local Committees


Divisions of CIMSA SCORA












International External Relation

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WELCOMING WORDS from the President of CIMSA Dear readers, 5 ő¯ ųreaders,

Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities (CIMSA) is an independent, non-political and non-profit organization. It was established in 2001 and is having a purpose of "Empowering Medical Students, Improving the Nation's Health". With more than 5,000 active members, CIMSA as the center for medical students' activities, is facilitating its members with many opportunities and internal strength for them to be able to serve the society well. Annually, there are three National General Assemblies of CIMSA, aimed to gather the medical students of Indonesia, to involve more in activities, share ideas, learn together and create the leaders of tomorrow. Generally, CIMSA has six fields which we are working on, including the medical education, public health, human rights and peace, reproductive health including HIV/AIDS, research and professional student exchange. CIMSA is affiliated with International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA), the largest medical students organization in the world, recognized by World Health Organization (WHO). We think globally, act locally. CIMSA also shows a strong commitment to support and help Indonesia in achieving Millennium Development Goals and Universal Health Coverage. Policy statements, declaration, local and national related-projects were made. Both national and international awards were honourly given to CIMSA as a form of appreciation. Additionally, the International relationship benefits us to get more involved in acting on Global Health issues, representing Indonesian Medical Students, worldwide. Moreover, CIMSA is working together with government, non-government and International organizations. Over the past years, CIMSA has proved its professionalism in cooperating with the stakeholders and other external bodies. As concluded, CIMSA pursues its goals by accomodating medical students to carry out their action in the basic nature of activity based, with the value of continuity. We apply the need-assessment, do action, evaluate the impact, then try to keep improving. Last but not least, I would like to gratefully thank God for His abundant blessing and extend my gratitute to everyone who has helped with the writing and publication of this organization profile. Hopefully, this organization Profile of CIMSA may open some valuable opportunities for us to be able to work hand-in-hand, through collaboration and cooperation, in order to achieve our goal: Actualizing the nation's health quality and welfare, together. "Empowering Medical Sudents, Improving the Nation's Health!"

Yours faithfully,

Asri Kartika Putri President 2012-2013

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


CIMSA Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities (CIMSA) is a non-profit and non government organization that is independent, nationalist, non-political and non partisan with activity based programs. CIMSA consist of 6 standing committees related to health issues, that is Reproductive Health including AIDS, Public Health, Medical Education, Human Right and Peace, Research Exchange and Professional Exchange. Having 17 active locals throughout Indonesia, CIMSA is affiliated with International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), the biggest students’ organization in the world who has been recognized by United Nations.

HISTORY CIMSA (Center for Indonesia Medical Students’ Activities) was officially established in May, 6th 2001 by some medical students from various city of Indonesia based on the inclination for an organization that based on ongoing activities; utilize the developing technology, with internationally standard programs to support medical students in Indonesia CIMSA held its first General Assembly at May, 11-13 2001 and become affiliation with International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) in 2002. Since then, CIMSA continues to grow to more than 17 locals spread in various Faculty of Medicine throughout Indonesia.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities



Supervising Council

Vice President for Internal Affairs (VPI)


Fundraise and Merchandise Director (FnMD)

Vice President for External

Affairs (VPE)

Research and Development Director (RnD)

Marketing, Campaign and Advocacy Director (MCAD)

Human Resources and Development Director (HRDD)

Media and Communication Director (MCD)

Project Development Director (PDD)



Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


Secretary General

Alumni Director (AD)




LO Student Organizations (LOSO) LO DIKNAS

LO WHO LO National Health Institutions (LO NHI)


VISION and MISSION VISION “To create a healthier and more prosperous Indonesia where people may get equal opportunities in health and education, collaboratively. Also, in effort to improve the human development and actualize the social welfare. In additionally, for Indonesia to be a part of the healthier world.”

MISSION To empower medical students to be able to actively learn and create, and also to plan strategies and execute movements to improve nation’s health and well being.

GOALS 1. To be the media between Indonesian medical student and professional

organizations, both governmental and non governmental, in order to intensify cooperation for public interests. 2. To increase the capacity of Indonesian medical students, to use the capacities and capabilities as a medical student to nourish and educate the nation, to actively cooperate with the international community in the effort to improve the world’s health, and fight for the dignity and sovereignty of Indonesia in the eyes of other nations in the world. 3. Actively improve nation‘s health by real activities in community 4. Actively support the improvement of medical education in Indonesia. 5. To provide a forum for medical students in Indonesia to discuss topics related to the individual and community’s health, education and knowledge, and to formulate actual output from the discussions. 6. To support and facilitate professional and research exchanges as well as extracurricular projects and training for medical students, thus introducing them to other cultures and their health problems to improve the medical profession.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


MILESTONES 2001    2002   2003  

CIMSA officially established, May 6th. CIMSA first General Assembly May, 11-13 2001 7 Universities joined CIMSA 8 Universities joined CIMSA Become affiliation with IFMSA 9 Universities joined CIMSA Rina La Distia Nora as the 1st winner of 1 TB Paper Competition in 2003, August Meeting IFMSA 2003, Egmond Aan Zee, Netherland

2004  12 Universities joined CIMSA  Normansyah Pan as the 1st winner of 2 TB Paper Competition in August Meeting 2004, Ohrid, Macedonia  Rizalul Fikrie Sugeng Habibie and Fina Hidayati Tams as the 3rd winner in TB Project proposal Competition in August Meeting 2004, Ohrid, Macedonia  Edwina Frisdiantiny as the winner International AIDS Conference in Thailand  Fauziah Asnely Putri as the Regional Coordinator for Asia Oceania 2004-2005  Fina Hidayati Tams as the Regional Assistance for Medical Education (RAME) Asia Oceania 20042005  Mochamat Helmi as the Regional Assistance for Professional Exchange of Asia Oceania 20042005 2005  Satria Perwira as the Regional Assistance for Medical Education (RAME) Asia Pacific 2005-2006  Salkamal Tanjung as the Regional Assistance for Human Rights and Peace of Asia Pacific 20052006 2006  15 Universities joined CIMSA  Host of Asia Pasific Regional Meeting, Jakarta 2006.  Farid Abdul Hadi as Regional Coordinator for Asia Pacific 2006-2007 2007  Indah Amelia and Vienna Rossimarina as Asia Pacific SCORA Regional Assistant for period 20072008 2008  Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Disease, Outbreak, Natural Disaster, and Refugee Management as the winner of Rex Crossley Award, 2008.  Best Project Presentation — Village Concept“, IFMSA General Assembly August Meeting 2008 in Jamaica.  Ferry Luvita Sari as Asia Pacific SCOPH Regional Assistant for period 2008-2009.  Alan Philips Resubun as Asia Pacific SCORA Regional Assistant for period 2008-2009.  Ansgar Paska da Lopez as Asia Pacific Vice President for External (VPE) Regional Assistant for period 2008-2009. 2009  134 Outgoing and 125 Incoming for Professional Exchange  5 Outgoing and 4 Incoming for Research Exchange  Host of Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Disease, Outbreak, Natural Disaster, and Refugee Management, Jakarta 2009  Ida Bagus Gita Dharma as Asia Pacific SCORA Regional Assistant for period 2009-2010.  Festus Andrianto Susilo as Asia Pacific Vice President for External (VPE) Regional Assistant for period 2009-2010.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


MILESTONES 2010       2011         

• 2012               2013    

119 Outgoing and 108 Incoming for Professional Exchange 4 Outgoing and 1 Incoming for Research Exchange Sendhy Yustisia as Asia Pacific SCORA Regional Assistant for period 2010-2011. Rifki Zidny as Asia Pasific SCORE Regional Assistant for period 2010 – 2011 Fatia Masriati as Asia Pasific SCOME Regional Assistant for period 2010 – 2011 Caludia Lunaesti as Asia Pasific SCOPH Regional Asisstant for period 2010 – 2011 109 Outgoing and 97 Incoming for Professional Exchange 9 Outgoing and 6 Incoming for Research Exchange Host IFMSA General Assembly March Meeting 2011, held in Jakarta. Host of Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Disease, Outbreak, Natural Disaster, and Refugee Management, Malang 2011 Allesandro Alfieri as Asia Pacific SCORA Regional Assistant for period 2011-2012. Briliansy Mulyanto as Asia Pacific SCOPH Regional Assistant for period 2011-2012. Atikah Isna Fatya as Asia Pacific SCORE Regional Assistant for period 2011-2012. Maharita Pandikasari as Project Assistant of Asia Pacific for period 2011-2012. Malaria and Dengue Campaign as Runner Up on HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases Category of Indonesia MDGs Award 2011. Awarded by The Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on MDGs. Bina Desa CIMSA UNPAD as Runner Up on Nutrition Category of Indonesia MDGs Award 2011. Awarded by The Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on MDGs 17 Universities joined CIMSA 117 Outgoing and 120 Incoming for Professional Exchange 12 Outgoing and 19 Incoming for Research Exchange Indonesian Disease Today as 10 best Project in Rex Crossley Award August Meeting India 2012 Asia Community Health Project (ACHP) as Best Project Presentation in Asia Pasific Regional Meeting Malaysia 2012 Yehezkiel Nathanael Setiadi as IFMSA VPE Team 2012-2013 Regina Ivanovna as IFMSA SCOREview Editorial Team 2012-2013 Dian Oktavia Giriningrum as Development Assistant for NMO Development Asia-Pacific Team 2012-2013 Farhan Mar‘i Isa as Regional Assistant of SCOPE Asia Pacific Team 2012-2013 Praise Jeremiah as Regional Assistant of SCORE Asia Pacific Team 2012-2013 Akmal Akbar as Development Assistant for Media and Marketing SCORE International Team 2012-2013 Muhammad Rifki Zidny as Supervisory Board SCORE International Team 2012-2013 Airin Aldiani as Layout Designer IFMSA Publication Team 2012-2013 Shela Putri Sundawa as Development Assistant for Advocacy, Education and Policy Asia Pacific Team 2012-2013 19 Universities joined CIMSA 140 Outgoing and 142 Incoming for Professional Exchange 30 Outgoing and 28 Incoming for Research Exchange Host of IFMSA Asia Pacific Regional Meeting 2013, held in Yogyakarta.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


TESTIMONIES I hope that the CIMSA Organization Profile can improve CIMSA’s performance. CIMSA is a fairly large organization overshadowing the activities of Indonesian medical students. What I expect from the existence of this organization is to train the young generation to interact with the public, because ideally, a physician should be able to go back and serve the community. By being involved in an organization, students can be closer to the community because they go directly to the public. In addition, CIMSA which has close relationship with some international organizations is expected to be able to change the views and perceptions of the world against Indonesia. It is the young generation who will replace us to lead the nation. Therefore, we hope by this will be formed more powerful and superior generation than before. dr. Prijo Sidipratomo, Sp.Rad (K) Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association 2009-2012 We, Thalassemia Foundation Indonesia, state that CIMSA as non political and nonprofit activity-based student organizations can show our identity in humanitarian and social activities. The cooperation of CIMSA has gone well and the active roles of the members are shown from the beginning to the end of all activities. The activities that have been implemented either by CIMSA have given benefits to the public and of course, to the members. Our hope is that CIMSA can be the forefront in the implementation of humanitarian and social activities, thus they can indirectly train the members later when they have graduated and can devote themselves to the public professionally and responsibly. So we say, and hopefully CIMSA can be more advanced and get sympathy from the public. Rinie Amaluddin, SH, M.Si Chairman of Thalassemia Foundation Indonesia Think globally, Act locally. CIMSA is the next big thing. Prof. H. Laode. M. Kamaluddin,M.Sc, M.Eng,Ph.D Chairman of Indonesia Rector Forum 2013 CIMSA today has evolved amazingly as what we had hoped it to be. CIMSA has been raising its voice so strongly in the IFMSA, and has been recognized as one of leading medical student organizations through its activities. Its member has been actively involved in various aspect in IFMSA. Some of the alumni are active in addressing health issues through various reputable non-government organizations, for example the UN bodies. Some other involve in research, clinical works, and teaching. But all of them kept in their mind that they have to be aware of their surrounding, thrive, survive, and making contribution to their surroundings. This is a true hope of an organization. We began as a student, we continue as professionals, and we bring our community to a better world. dr. Meilania Saraswati Sp.PA Teaching staff dept. Anatomy Pathology FKUI/RSCM CIMSA’s Alumni

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


LOCAL COMMITTEES Universitas Syiah Kuala (UNSYIAH) Banda Aceh, Aceh

Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret (UNS) Solo, Jawa Tengah

Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara (UISU) Medan, Sumatera Utara

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) Solo, Jawa Tengah

Universitas Andalas (UNAND) Padang, Sumatera Barat

Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Surabaya, Jawa Timur

Universitas Riau (UR) Pekanbaru, Riau

Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya (UWKS) Surabaya, Jawa Timur

Universitas Indonesia (UI) Jakarta

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang, Jawa TImur

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah (UIN) Jakarta Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Jakarta Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD) Bandung, Jawa Barat Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA) Semarang, Jawa Tengah Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Yogyakarta

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCORA (Standing Committee on Reproductive Health incl. AIDS) SCORA (Standing Committee on Reproductive Health Including AIDS) was established within IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) in 1992 and has been existed in Indonesia since 2004. SCORA exists because so many people are living with HIV and AIDS yet few know the fact about the said disease. SCORA, led by NORA (National Officer on Reproductive Health Including AIDS), is engaged in the field of reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and many other reproductive issue such as sexually transmitted disease, gender issues, sex education for teenager, and family planning. Often cooperate with UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) and National AIDS Prevention Commission (Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional), SCORA has more emphasis in education-based activities as their valued principle: “The only way of fighting AIDS is through prevention and the only way of prevention is through education”.

Goals: to improve awareness and knowledge of the community about reproductive health to decrease negative stigma and discrimination to people with HIV/AIDS to facilitate Indonesian medical student‘s activity in reproductive health including AIDS to provide opportunities for medical student’s to be involved in a real work concerning reproductive health including AIDS to create programs (of reproductive health including AIDS) that is fit with Indonesia’s current conditions and needs.

Activities WORLD AIDS DAY st

World AIDS Day, at December 1 , is SCORA's International annual campaign seeing as AIDS is the major focus of SCORA. The campaign is consist of various projects that aim to appeal all elements of society to show concern and act to prevent the spread of the disease, especially in Indonesia, as well as reducing the discrimination against people who live with HIV/AIDS. Several projects have been organized by SCORA, throughout Indonesia, in the form of seminars, talk shows, education, training and counseling, charity concerts, long march, advocacy and many more. SCORA promote the international themes of World AIDS Day campaign “Getting to Zero” since 2011.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCORA SEXPERIENCE Sexperience is a project where SCORA's member volunteered to provide education and counseling about reproductive health including HIV/AIDS to children and teenagers of productive ages, at orphanages or schools in rural areas, so that the awareness can be built early on and spread evenly between cities and rural areas.

National Peer Education Workshop National Peer Education Workshop is a program where SCORA’s member trained to be an educator to their peers (person that is relatively same age and background). This program aims to trained and improve the knowledge, attitudes, perspective and ability of SCORA’s members.

Woman’s Chronic Reproductive Disease Project Woman’s Chronic Reproductive Disease Project is a project that is held by SCORA to increase public awareness on the rights of women and the quality of women’s reproductive health in Indonesia.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual health campaign held by SCORA every October to increase awareness of the disease and offer information and support to those affected by breast cancer. The campaign consist of multiple activities, such as education and counseling for community, talk show, seminar, competition and many more, that being held through October.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCORP (Standing Committee on Human Rights & Peace)

SCORP (Standing Committee on Human Right and Peace) is one of the Standing Committee in CIMSA which has a high concern of defending human rights and also building peace. “We are committed to promoting Human Rights and Peace and as future health care professionals we work towards empowering and improving the health of refugees and other vulnerable people.” SCORP-CIMSA is required to be able to facilitate its members (and also CIMSA's member in general) who is eager to know more about the current situation on anything related to human rights and peace issues in Indonesia or another countries. Each of SCORP members is expected to not only competent in the area of medicine, but also possesses a lot of concern on social problems that occur on the vicinity, because social condition of one individual or group of people have a huge impact on their health status.

GOALS The goals of SCORP as one of Standing Committee in CIMSA are listed below: 1. Participation in local and international works about the problems of refugees, displaced people, and other vulnerable people 2. Collaborate with NGOs in establishing projects for medical students to work in refugees camp 3. To educate students and professionals in health care systems about refugees, displaced people, and other vulnerable people 4. To spread awareness and educate health care professionals in human rights and violations here of. 5. To speak and act for peaceable conflict solutions and discuss and learn about conflict prevention. 6. To establish and develop multidisciplinary cooperation in matters of refugees, peace-culture building, conflict prevention and human rights.


SCORP CAMP SCORP camp is the annual national meeting for all SCORP members. This event is focused mainly for training on disaster management. Each participant will be trained on how to face a disaster, how to educate people on the village so they will be ready to evacuate their self and family when a disaster happens.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCORP (Standing Committee on Human Rights & Peace)

This is also an event for SCORP member to discuss the future of SCORP-CIMSA. We discuss the current issues related on human rights and health in Indonesia and make some plan on how to act upon it.

YOUTH CAMP Youth camp concerns on bullying issues, which happen a lot among high school students nowadays.. Through this project, participants will be given knowledge on basic concept of Human Rights, that each of us are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and that bullying is one act of violating other people’s right.

REFUGEE HEALTH CARE In this project we gather donation and help for people in refugee camp. Not only that, they also educate the refugee on how to keep a healthy lifestyle during their time in the camp.

EAT, MILK, LOVE This project is aiming to improve the health status of toddlers in Desa Binaan. We do a survey on nutrition status of the toddlers. Then, together with dietician, we educate the parents on how to provide their children a good food combination, which doesn't have to be expensive in price, but still contain an adequate amount of nutrition for their growth and development.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCORE (Standing Committee on Research Exchange)

SCORE (Standing Committee on Research Exchange) with 60 active SCORE NMOs (National Member Organization) around the world is offering about 1200 research projects which attended by more than 1700 students and still growing until today. SCORE provides a unique opportunity for medical students to have clinical or pre-clinical research experience that supervised by the tutor in various medical faculties around the world. “The mission of SCORE is to offer future physicians an opportunity to experience research work and the diversity of countries all over the world. This is achieved by providing a network of locally and internationally active students that globally facilitate access to research exchange projects. Through our programming and opportunities, we aim to develop both culturally sensitive students and skilled researchers intent on shaping the world of science in the upcoming future.”

Goals: To allow medical students to enrich their medical education by a research experience and to learn the basic principles of research. To enhance academic activities and to achieve the educational benefits of practical and theoretical knowledge. To widen the horizons of medical students, providing them with the opportunities to experience different approaches to medical research, education, and health care systems. To create an international network of medical students promoting intercultural communication and spirit of global friendship.

Activities Research Exchange Programme Research projects in SCORE depends on the specific knowledge that are chosen by the student, and which is already meet the requirement and standard set by International Federation of Medical Student Associations (IFMSA). The exchange will (mostly) take 4 weeks or more, depends on the project.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCORE (Standing Committee on Research Exchange) From this International exchange program, SCORE expects the exchange students to have experience in research, education, and medical services. We act as the facilitator for the Research Exchange Programme and make sure everything goes according with the rules that have been set by SCORE and IFMSA.

SCORE Goes Public SCORE goes Public is a national project which must be implemented in each Local Committees. Through this project the SCORE members can improve their knowledge and training ability in research and also be able to provide some benefits to CIMSA and the surrounding communities. Methods and phased implementation is divided into 4 levels, which are:

Level 1 Training for Trainer At this level, SCORE members get some training on how to conduct research especially for quality control research from experts in this field of research. Material provided such as how to make a good questionnaire, which can then be used for Level 2. Level 2 Trans SCO Research for Quality Control This level is the stage of application of TnT, where SCORE member perform simple research in the form of trans-SCO research. Here the research held in conjunction with the implementation of the project of other SCO (SCORA, SCOPH, etc.) and is used to evaluate the success of the SCO project (carried out by analyzing the before and after other SCO projects implemented through distribution of questionnaires). Level 3 University Level Research This level is almost the same as level 2, where SCORE members applying their research into true form of research. However, the objective of this research more broadly, which includes national university. Level 4 Community Research The research done on this level cooperates with external parties, such as health offices, health centers, and others. The subjects of this research are people in general community.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCOPE (Standing Committee on Professional Exchange)

SCOPE (Standing Committee on Professional Exchange) established in 2001 and now has 13 active local committees made up of 13 universities in Indonesia. SCOPE, led by NEO (National Exchange Officer), is the only organization that manages the biggest medical student exchanges issues in Indonesia. Up to now the SCOPE continues to grow from time to time. This year there was 8000 intellectual exchange that occurs between the 85 countries incorporated in the IFMSA. And right now, about 320 Medical students go on an exchange and come to Indonesia for the clinical exchange. The biggest fieldwork on SCOPE is Incoming and Outgoing Arrangement. In incoming arrangement, SCOPE helps foreign students who want to learn the methods of clinical level in hospital or teaching hospitals in Indonesia through distribution and registration documents to the office and the hospital, and also helped the student accommodation during the period of his/her clerkship in Indonesia. SCOPE also engage students to participate in cultural and social activities, to be able to introduce all aspects of life in Indonesia. While the outgoing arrangement, SCOPE CIMSA helps students who have the interest and ability to execute clerkship abroad by helping the distribution of the documents required by the country that we already have contract in accordance with procedures. SCOPE aims to promote international understanding and co-operation amongst medical students and all health professionals through international medical students' exchanges.



Weekend Training (WET) WET is an annual training to improve the quality of SCOPE's member all around Indonesia, giving a more detailed knowledge about SCOPE to new and existing members, a place for new members to get to know SCOPE, and to Improve internal unity in SCOPE.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCOPE (Standing Committee on Professional Exchange)

SCOPEXPO SCOPEXPO is a project that is held by SCOPE. The project includes the English debate, newscasting contest and poster design competition for medical student. The Aim for this project is to advertise SCOPE and to promote the outgoing and incoming or the EXCHANGE program itself.

The International Tsunami and Earthquake Summer School (ITESS) ITESS is a summer school that raised the issue of disaster management for the earthquake and tsunami and includes the tsunami related disease. This project was initiated by SCOPE UNSYIAH since Aceh is a province that is fully experience in managing the earthquake and the tsunami itself.

It is the project's goal to raise the issue to the world about tsunami and earthquake, and also to give trainings about the Disaster Management especially for tsunami and earthquake. ITESS consist of lectures/Plenary Session(Case-base SWG), Workshop and Presentation, Daily Review Discussion, Field Trip and Group Presentation, Field Work, Evaluation, and the Social Program. SCOPE also work together with several institute like WHO Indonesia, IFMSA-Italy (SISMSegretariatoItalianoStudenti in Medicina), and local and national government.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCOPH (Standing Committee on Public Health)

SCOPH was established in 1952 by medical students of International Federation of Medical Student Associations. SCOPH aims to develop the ability to cooperate and explore idea of public health related issue including global health issue, health regulation and activity that is related with education and promotion of health. With a proper health education to all elements of society, we hope health problem in community, including heart disease, vascular disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Cancer, Smoking and Alcoholism, will be decreased. SCOPH, led by NPO (National Public Health Officer), is engaged in the field of public health, community development, and many other public health issues such as social determinants on health, noncommunicable diseases, universal health care (health financing), and infectious disease. The scope of SCOPH is quiet broad. SCOPH works in primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention. We believe that preventive medicine is better than curative one.

Goals: to improve awareness and knowledge of the community about public health to trigger Indonesian medical students‘ awareness about public health related issues to facilitate Indonesian medical students‘ activity in public health to provide opportunities for medical student’s to be involved in a real work concerning public health to create programmes (of public health) that are fit with Indonesia‘s current conditions and needs. to cooperate and to build partnership with governmental organization and/or non-governmental organization that

Activities Indonesia Disease Today IDT is a community based project where we reach out to the social determinants on health through society based. IDT was started In 2012, with Dengue Fever as chosen theme and will continue every year with different theme depends on community's epidemic. The participant will have lectures about the related theme, a “live in” to analyze the community life style and define the factors that play roles in causing the disease. Then they discussed the possible solution to the existing problem or the prevention. The project was closed with charity event.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCOPH (Standing Committee on Public Health)

Asia Community Health Project Asia Community Health Project is a collaboration project between Indonesia and Japan. The goals of this project are to increase public and medical student awareness about health, to have a relation among medical students in Asia-Pacific and to introduce the cultures between Indonesia and Japan. The activity was “live in” and the participant also observed and analyzed what was going on in that community.

World Diabetes Day World Diabetes Day is SCOPH's annual campaign to raise awareness of diabetes in public in the form of aerobic exercise, blood glucose check, flash mob, talk show in radio station and many more.

World No Tobacco Day World No Tobacco Day is SCOPH’s annual campaign to raise tobacco awareness in public. Not only act as annual campaign, but SCOPH also does continual development and advocacy about tobacco industry interference.

World Cancer Day World Cancer Day is another SCOPH’s annual campaign to raise NCD (especially cancer) awareness in public. The forms of this project are various, such as hospital visit, cervical cancer screening, breast cancer screening, cryotherapy, and many more. This project aims to increase public knowledge about cancer and how to implement healthy lifestyle in daily life.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCOME (Standing Committee on Medical Education)

SCOME (Standing Committee on Medical Education) are one of standing committee who works in development of Indonesia medical education’s system and also as forum for Indonesian medical student to develop their knowledge and skills in medical field. It is SCOME’s vision to create a qualified and competitive Medical Human Resources in order to have the ability to face every change in local and global scale. That’s why SCOME committed to do an active effort to support medical students in receiving a comprehensive medical education. SCOME strive to improve medical education's quality in Indonesia therefore often deals with curriculum review, study skills and a variety of other related areas. SCOME also undertakes the responsibility of creating awareness about health education issues that relevant to surrounding local community in Indonesia. Through SCOME, medical students of Indonesia collaborate to develop medical education in Indonesia by doing projects and activities to give the opportunity for medical student to participate in their medical education's system at local, national, and international activities.

Goals : To promote medical education system and curriculum‘s reformation as to improve medical education. To increase students, community, policy makers in medical field and government’s awareness of the importance of medical educations’ development To strengthen the network and resources for medical students in order to establish a qualified health workers. To expand education and training opportunities for medical students to improve the quality of Indonesia medical resources in the face of changes in local and global scale.

Activities Medical Movie Medical Movie is one of SCOME project that is always held every year by almost every local. Medical movie is one of learning alternative that SCOME provides to support student in learning and furthermore fulfill what students need to face the globalization in medical world. This project is simple yet very interesting. Firstly, all participants will watch a medical film (short film), such as House M.D, Grey's Anatomy about a medical topic. After that, the next session is a discussion with experts. The topic of the discussion is about diseases that exist in the film.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


SCOME (Standing Committee on Medical Education)

Breaking The Silence Breaking The Silence is an adoption from IFMSA International Project. This project has been held in Romania, Netherlands, Slovenia, and now, since 2 years ago Indonesia has also started to hold this project. BTS is held by almost every local. Breaking the silence discuss about how to communicate in sign language. The event is divide in two sessions. First session is a seminar/discussion about basic vocabulary and grammar of sign language and the second session is training for the participants to practice the sign language to deaf patients. We cooperate with an organization of deaf community.

Health Professional Education Quality (HPEQ) Health Professional Education Quality (HPEQ) is a joint project with government, Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi, that combine 10 professional health to improve health education system in Indonesia. Through HPEQ project, medical student get more opportunity to express their opinion on how medical education’s system should be.

Antimicrobial-Resistance Motion CIMSA-ISMAFARSI AMMCI is a trans-organization project with the pharmacy faculty. This project has been held since 2011, when WHO decided that "antimicrobial resistance" is the general theme of world health day 2011. AMMCI consist of 5 point of actions, which are: opening symposium, online forum, education, hearings, and the last is closing symposium.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


INTERNATIONAL International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

For more than 60 years, IFMSA has existed and been led by medical students worldwide. The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) was founded in 1951. It is the world’s oldest and largest independent organization representing associations of medical students internationally. It currently maintains 107 National Member Organizations from more than 114 countries across six continents with over 1,2 million students represented worldwide. IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization and as well, it works with the World Medical Association.

International Meeting : IFMSA General Assembly Twice a year, the delegations of the NMO's of IFMSA get together at the IFMSA General Assemblies. The March Meeting and the August Meeting bring together several hundred medical students from all around the world. During the seven days of the meetings, the delegates discuss matters of the Federation and make valuable contacts for their organizations. Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting Asia Pacific Regional Meeting is a meeting for IFMSA members in Asia-Pacific region. The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss global health, education, disaster management and other issues that happened in Asia-Pacific region.

Official Project & Initiative Rex Crossley Award Rex Crossley Awar is an annual award that is given for official IFMSA projects (P&I – Project and Initiative) who is most representative for the values promoted by the IFMSA from

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


INTERNATIONAL endorsed projects, transnational projects, or initiatives. The first RCA Ceremony was held at March Meeting, 2005.

Think Global Global health education aims for students to have an understanding of the broad determinants of health and healthcare delivery. Think Global aims for all future healthcare professionals to have an understanding of global health. Think Global works with students involved in the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) and provides them with opportunities to learn about global health in the context of their clinical and extracurricular activities. These opportunities include global health workshops and theme events at IFMSA General Assembly and regional meetings. Students attending this training are encouraged to organise global health events in their own countries. Think Global aims to include global health education in medical curricula. The project empowers students to act as advocates for global health through training them in global health issues and advocacy. It also aims at building a network of students interested in global health.

TEDDY BEAR HOSPITAL The “Teddy Bear Hospital” (TBH) is a Public Health project for 3-6 year old children. The aim is to take children's fear of physicians and hospitals. It is also a good opportunity for medical students to work with children. Everybody will once have to cope with the problem to examine children or to take a child to the doctor's office. The project TBH wants to help in this situation and tries to familiarize children in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere with the situation in a hospital or pediatrician's office. In this case the children are the parents of their teddy bear or doll. Now the children are the adults who have to take care of the teddy bear patients. Trained medical students act as teddy doctors and do the examinations and treatments.

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


EXTERNAL RELATIONS Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia (Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia) Indonesian Doctors Association (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia) Ministry of Education and Culture Directorate General of Higher Education Republic of Indonesia (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia) Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia (Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia) World Health Organization United Nations Population Fund United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Indonesia Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia) National AIDS Commission (Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional) National Commission for Child Protection (Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia) Asian Medical Students’ Association All Indonesia Pharmacy Student Senate Association (Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Farmasi Seluruh Indonesia) Indonesian Dental Student Senate Association (Persatuan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia) Association of Indonesian Midwifery Student (Ikatan Mahasiswa Kebidanan Indonesia) Indonesian Diabetes Association (Persatuan Diabetes Indonesia) Indonesia Thalassemia Foundation (Yayasan Thalassemia Indonesia) Association of Physician Nutrition Clinical Specialist Indonesia (Perhimpunan Dokter Gizi Spesialis Klinik Indonesia) Deaf Art Community

MEDIA PARTNER Kompas Solo Pos Joglosemar CBS FM, Riau Aditya FM, Riau Star Radio, Padang

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

General Secretariat 1st Floor Library Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta Pusat 10430 INDONESIA Contact Person Marketing, Campaign, and Advocacy Director

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