June - September 2014
Reports from: Teddy Bear Hospital SCORPinata SCORA Back to School Hungry Games
May Meeting 2014: Hello, New Officials! From MDGs to Post-2015: We Haven’t Finished Yet
about us Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities, CIMSA, is an independent, inclusive, nasionalist, non-profit and non-party organization. CIMSA is an individual based organization with members consisted of medical students from many universities in Indonesia. Established in 2001, and has grown up from 6 to 17 locals with approximately 5000 members. CIMSA aims at providing Indonesian medical students’ activities lodge to empower and express their idealism, thus medical students will have the same opportunities to get involved in health as early as possible and contribute to the development of this country. Our activities are applied not only in the local and national, but also in the international level. This
can be achieved because since its establisment CIMSA has gained trust from the international world to become the full member of IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Association); the largest students’ organization in the world with approximately 107 countries as its members representing more than one million medical students worldwide. CIMSA’s field of work covers 6 aspects represented in the form of Standing Commitee (SCO): 1. SCOME, on Medical Education 2. SCOPE, on Professional Exchange 3. SCOPH, on Public Health 4. SCORA, on Reproductive Health Including AIDS 5. SCORE, on Researh Exchange 6. SCORP, on Human Rights and Peace
Assalamu’alaykum wr.wb, First of all, I want to express my gratitude to Allah SWT, because of the mercy, grace and blessing CIMSA FK UNPAD can publish this magazine for the second time. Again, I will explain that CIMSA is an Indonesian medical student’ activities center organization that is independent, non-profit, and non-political. CIMSA itself founded on May 6, 2001 and has the goal of “Empowering Medical Students, Improving Health Nation.” Having more than 5000 active members and hundreds of projects, CIMSA has been much help in many social activities.
Ahmad Faishal
Next achievement is CIMSA FK UNPAD getting an honor to host a national meeting, National Leadership Summit, which will be held in 2015. I think this is one of the most extraordinary year in the history of CIMSA FK UNPAD. Last but not least, I thank God and all those who support this organization so that we can be the NLS host, publish this magazine, and also in the development of Desa Binaan. Hopefully, with the continued development of CIMSA FK UNPAD, increase in welfare and public health Sumedang, Jatinangor can be reached and maintained properly.
Local Coordinator CIMSA UNPAD 2014-2015
One of the best achievement of CIMSA FK UNPAD this year is the establishment of cooperation with PKM PH KEMA FK UNPAD for a community development in the form of Bina Desa. Why CIMSA FK UNPAD and PKM PH KEMA FK UNPAD finally agreed to work together? That’s because both organizations have the same goal in reshaping the village community which will start from zero, because the previous village we worked on has received too many intervention from the outside.
“Be ACTIVE with CIMSA !!”
Wassalamu’alaykum wr.wb
Hello again!
editorial Media and Communication
team 2014-2015 Tantika Andina Shofura Afifah Astrid Tamara MB Lisbeth Maria L Lelli Ulini’mah Vanessa Natasha Ita Anggraini Dodi Hidayat
contributors Annisa Rachmayanti Tommy Suharjo Renzavaldy Rusly
It is a great pleasure to greet you again in the second volume of our magazine, STAPES. I thank God for His grace that leads me day by day, until this very happy day. It has been a long ride, about 4 months from the previous volume, and I cannot be more thankful for the team I have with me, whose hard work be paid today as this STAPES Vol. 02 is released. In many things, we are trying to improve this magazine to provide more adequate information. As the previous one, we are still engaged in giving reports of our projects, national meetings, and also health related issues that we believe need more concern. To be specific, in this volume we include reports from May Meeting; local projects, such as Teddy Bear Hospital, SCORPinata, SCORA Back To School, and many more; and in this volume, we’ll talk more about MDGs, which is as we know will soon be replaced by the new post-2015 agenda, but before we go on, we must see back how the MDGs has impact the world and our roles in it. At last, all flaws are ours and we are very open to any feedback from readers. We will always try to do better on this. So, happy reading people! God bless you.
Sonya Alexandra
Media and Communication Director CIMSA UNPAD 2014-2015
02 06
About Us Foreword Editorial Contents
May Meeting 2014 SCORPinata
10 From MDGs to Post-2015: We Haven’t Finished Yet
12 Hungry Games Teddy Bear Hospital SCORA Back To School
18 Adventure Map Upcoming Issues on STAPES Vol 03
may meeting Unissula, semarang 29 May - 1 june 2014
farewell party
This year’s annual May Meeting was held on 29th May – 1st June 2014 at Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang. Our own Stefanie Yuliana, Renzavaldy Rusly and Iswandy JTA went as delegates representing CIMSA Unpad. The meeting consisted of several events with plenary session to elect the new official of CIMSA Nasional as the core event of the meeting. On the first day, the delegates came to join the Newcomers Session in which the new official candidates were introduced. It was then continued with parallel session and the opening ceremony and the first plenary session.
The next day was filled with training regarding Self and Group Development, Medical Issues and Sustainable Community Development. The training sessions were then continued with SCO session. Next, the exciting second session of plenary sessions began. On the third day, the training session regarding Self & Group Development continued. The other events occurring that day was parallel session, project fair, SCO session and again, the exciting plenary session. The fourth day was the time for delegates to go back home after three days of the exciting May Meeting.
plenary session Each days in all CIMSA’s meeting always being closed with a plenary session. In MM, the main agenda is the election of new official team
training session Icebreaking and games is the best way to refresh in a super hectic day and makes us more focus to continue the training.
CORPINATA is an ongoing event which will be held in six sessions: the first three meetings are in the form of the provision of subject and three subsequent meetings are in the form of follow-up of the 8
subjects that have been given. Each meeting was conducted in a different month. Raised directly by SCORP CIMSA Unpad, certainly the theme of the event is none other than facilitating human rights to receive education.
“The purpose of this event is to familiarize and to train them health behavior and taking care of environment from an early age that are expected to be embedded in them to grow up, “said Shadrina Ghazani as the Project Officer of the event. “We chose elementary school students because they are at the most active phase of imitating a variety of behavior that is seen by them and making it to be habits.” She continued. So that the main target of this event is the 4th grader of SDN 1 Cisempur.
SCORPINATA is an annual event that raised by SCORP, but previously was named SCORPLing (Scorp Peduli Lingkungan). The project, which was
held in May, was the first series of SCORPINATA. Of the many themes of environmental and health, for the first day, the officials picked PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) including environmental care, followed by 7 steps Universal Precaution or 7 step hand washing. In the morning, the officials team and the students already prepared in the field to do some gymnastics movement. “To create fun and healthy atmosphere, the 7 steps of Universal Precaution were taught in the form of gymnastics.” According to Shadrina, this form of education is expected to be easier for the children to learn the steps. Not only gymnastics, the children are also taught singing “Ayo, Cuci Tangan!”.
Afterward, the children are invited into a class and were given the education about cleanness and healthy behavior. Children are divided into small groups led by the official team. After doing a bit of an ice breaking game, SCORP invites the children to come back to the field where the seeds of flowers have been waiting for them. The children were asked to move the flower seeds into a pot and water it regularly. Each flower seed is given to a few children and it is their responsibility to take care of the flowers to make them grow beautifully and healthy. Team Officials encourage children to directly apply the subject given that is to wash their hands after playing ground. Thus, the first day of the event is finished.
After a long holiday, we would miss our friends so much. HROD CIMSA UNPAD made this project, called “Hungry Games�, to facilitate members to meet up with each other and also fire up again the spirit of members before they start their new semester and projects awaits. This bonding was held on 31st August 2014 in FK UNPAD. The day was started with cooking competition. Each SCO have to make a food creation with compulsory ingredients, such as bread, cheese, oreo, banana, crackers, tomato and milk. Each SCO were also allowed to use their own ingredients and have to make 3 kinds of food. After that the food 10
was judged by three judges, Ali Bhismo, Renzavaldy Rusly, and Ari Sri Wulandari. The foods were judged by their taste, composition, texture and appearance. Besides cooking competition, we also played mini games which are still related to foods. In the end of the event, we announced the winner of the cooking competition and mini games, and also best member for the half year period. This event was a fresh and interesting thing to do for members, and by this project we hope that all members can get closer with each other, so they can work together as a good team in the future.
t ’ n e v a eh
s g d m m
ts o p to
t e y d e
h s i fin
Progress has been made, are we going to stop?
It was about 14 years ago, leaders from around the world gather to arrange ambitious goals for a better world, which we known as Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). By next year, we supposed to achieve the eight goals of MDGs. In fact, not all of the countries in the world are able to achieve them by next year. But, have all people known about these? We did a mini research on first to third year medical student and the answer is no, not yet. Many people heard about MDGs, but most of them do not know what it is exactly and what their roles in achieving the goals. Since 2010, global awareness on MDGs has been increase, and by 2013 we are globally accelerating on achieving the goals. In Indonesia, we have improved a lot in working for the goals. We have decreased poverty. We have decreased the prevalence of tuberculosis. Gender equality has been promoted, as seen at school, the proportion of girls attending school. But, they are still not enough. Many other indicators are predicted
can be achieved by 2015, but others are still need more concern. For example, mothers death, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, and environmental sustainability. With this condition, leaders of the world once again gather and agreed on a more ambitious and long-term goal to be achieved. It is what we called as Post-2015 agenda. It is almost the same with MDGs goals, with some indicators added. It will be a long journey ahead to achieve all the twelve goals of the Post-2015 agenda. But we believe from what we achieve in MDGs, we’ll be able to achieve the Post-2015 goals. The question raised is what we can do. Looking back to MDGs, global participations are the highest priority on achieving the goals. So, what we do for this is that we try to raise awareness, spread the news about Post-2015 agenda, and by this way we are trying to persuade others to engage in the efforts of achieving the goals. It is the simplest thing we can do.
This year SCOPH CIMSA FK UNPAD back again for TEDDY BEAR HOSPITAL. This time TBH was held in PAUD BUNDA HAJAR, in the Hegarmanah village in Jatinangor-Sumedang, which has about 40 pupils. It aims to introduce the world of health to early childhood children, which is the main target, aged 4-6 years. This activity held on Saturday, May 3, 2014.
The event started with a gymnastic activity together. Then, we performed a short drama about Teddy Bear to introduce it to the children. After that, the children immediately
divided into small groups to be given materials about clean and healthy lifestyle as well as introducing medical equipment with Teddy Bear as a property. Then, at around 10 a.m, all participants ate together and practiced brushing their teeth and washing their hands with 7 steps after playing with plasticines. That day, all children were very happy and enthusiastic. With this activity, children are expected to understand that it is better to prevent than to cure diseases.
SBTS, stands for “SCORA Back to School”, is a project held annually by SCORA CIMSA Padjadjaran University. Successfully held on Saturday, 17th May 2014, and Sunday, 18th May 2014 with Senior High School students from Jatinangor as the participant. 16
RT E D V/AIDS” The goal of this project is to educate and raise awareness among young generation about reproductive health including HIV/AIDS, and empower them to be a good peer educator so they can spread the On the second day, the knowledge to people. committees were focused in training the participants with skills of peer The first day began at 7 a.m., educator. We did the training by and ended around 3 p.m. We opened sharing and setting a situation where the event by praying, forewords, they should educate their friends introduction, and continued with with the knowledge they already basic of anatomy and physiology had related to their friend’s problem. of reproductive system lecture. The Although they still had a lot to improve, participants got a set of module but we saw them were a step ahead which contained all the material to be a great peer educator. We did they needed. Then, they learned a quiz, and they were improved both about HIV/AIDS via watching videos in knowledge and skill than before and sharing with SCORA’s NPEW they joined this event. delegation. As the time goes by, we are After some rest and lunch, looking forward to expand this event, we continued with case analysis of improve the quality of our resources, “pergaulan bebas” guided by our and reduce as many mistakes as we member and lecture of personal made. Thank you for everyone behind hygiene. We were so excited this project and every participant because all the participants were who attended. Good luck for the highly attracted with these material upcoming event! by critically asking many issues they had heard before.
- Dokter Kecil (SCOPH) - Hari Dokter Nasional (SCOME)
- Breaking The Silence (SCCOME) - Patch Adams (SCORP) - October Meeting
october to decemb - World Diabetes Day (SCOPH) - CIYUS MIAPAH (HROD) - CIMSA Get Off
december - World AIDS Day & Human Rights Day (SCORA & SCORP) - SCOREPORT (SCORE)
ber adventure map “ Succes is the sum of small efforts, repeated day by day” R. Collier
coming up next on
stapes vol 03 Featuring:
From the Official Desk: Exclusive Interview With CIMSA UNPAD Official Team 2014-2015
Local Project Reports Reports from October Meeting and many more
will be available on:
1st February 2015
We are honored to welcome you in Bandung, West Java #thankyoucimsanasional
u s o o y o e n e s !