LOCAL COORDINATOR’S NOTE Justika Usmadhani Aulya Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) is a platform for all medical students in Indonesia, associated with International Federation Medical Students Association (IFMSA), that is dynamic, inclusive, and strategic, where it could help to develop each individual‘s potentials to bring positive effects on health issues through strategic activities based on community empowerments. As its motto, “Empowering medical students, improving nation’s health” CIMSA gives the freedom for all medical students to express themselves, bringing ideas and solutions for health issues on local, national, and international level. It facilitates medical students to develop leadership skills, communication skills, advocacy, research, community health development, and international experiences through participations on meetings, internships, Co-Ass, and researches abroad. Its activities fully supports the SDGs program by a series of CIMSA program that is strategic for a measurable and beneficial community health development. CIMSA USU is here for all of us to bring new color in this faculty’s organization activities, aiming for a better FK USU that could compete in an international scale. Let’s optimize our potential as a contribution for our nation. Kapan lagi? Udah masuk CIMSA aja!
EDITORIAL PAGE Nia Sarinastiti Nugroho Greetings everyone! After months and months since our first issue came out, we are very delighted to present you another issue of CIMStory—which wouldn’t happen without the support from all the parties involved including our beloved readers (read: members)—covering news, updates, and activities of our beloved local (Observer) USU. We have recaps from the last IFMSA March Meeting in Montenegro, National May Meeting in Yogyakarta—with coverages from SCOPH & SCORP sessions, Training Research Exchange (T-REX) in Universitas Riau, WHO Simulation in Malaysia, exchange stories from Training New Trainers (TNT) in Prague, and our main event on the second period of the year while celebrating World Health Day 2017: Depression: Let’s Talk. Last, we also keep you updated with news from our upcoming events this year. Enjoy and happy reading! PS. We are open for submissions; send your writings, news, and articles to cimsa.fkusu@gmail.com with the subject “CIMStory” :-)
MARCH MEETING 2017 by Dwi Gunawan Fardhani March Meeting 2017 (MM 2017) is one of two international meetings in IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations). It was a chance for all medical students from every NMOs (National Member Organizations) across the world
to come together and gather. This year, the meeting was held in Montenegro, a beautiful country in the Southeastern Europe decorated by its sea and mountains from 2nd March until 8th March.
I was invited to go there as a delegate along with eleven others as the representatives of Indonesia NMO, CIMSA-ISMKI (Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia). I learned so much within the time period, even before my departure. My visa application encountered some problems and I couldn’t arrive on time with the others. On March 4th, I finally landed on the country, it was the second day of the meeting. The first session I attended was the plenary session, the session where every NMOs gathered to discuss the policies, the terms, the obstacles, and many more. The candidature presentation was also in this session, Satria Nur Sya’ban was one of the candidates.
there was activities fair which the CIMSA-ISMKI SCORP presented the World Human Rights Day 2017 to the other SCORPs. The presentation was delivered by Indira Laksmitha and the audiences gave really nice responses to the presentation and her. The World Human Rights Day 2017 ranked in 2nd place SCORP activities fair. The SCORP activities fair was partaken by many NMOs as well. There were many other SCORPs from all over the world presented their project whether it was presentation or by using poster, it was a really nice environment overall. The LeMSIC (Lebanon Medical Students International Council), SCORP from Lebanon, ranked in the first place by presenting a heartwarming project. Their project was focused on the refugees, on the Christmas Day, they gathered and collected blankets and other needs to be shared with the refugees. Other projects of course were also interesting, such as Taiwan’s, H o n g K o n g ’s , C r o a t i a ’s , Canada’s, and a lot more.
On the second day, I woke up at 7 AM and had some good breakfast. The first session on the schedule was the SCO (Standing Committee) session, in which I joined with SCORP (Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace). It was actually the second SCORP session, I missed the first session because of the visa problems. In this session,
The SCO session was the session that you will spend the most of your time with, as it was scheduled every single day. Fittingly, that was the session that I looked forward to the most. In the SCORP session, you got to discuss topics that are essential for SCORPions. In SCORP session there were parallel discussion which we have to choose which topics you want to discuss. The topics that I chose were “Extremisms and Hate Speech” and “Forced Displacement: Focus Mental Health”. In these parallel
sessions, you will see a lot of new opinions and new people, this was a really good way to get to know some friends. In the SCORP session, there were many kind and open-minded people, it was really nice to be surrounded by people who thinks alike and innovative. I learned so much in the parallel session as the topics and the trainer were able to relate with. In the extremism topic, I learned that it was really a problematic thing that needs to be fixed, we were also having a nice open
discussion in it. The discussion led us to talk about free speech. Free speech was pretty controversial in the discussion as everyone had different opinions about it. The good thing about a controversial topic was that it engaged everyone to speak up their opinion. It was working well, so well that the discussion was still going on when the time was up. In the IFMSA, it’s really nice and important to be active and try to talk with everyone. Because of my late arrival, I realized it too late, but I still manage to make some friends. IFMSA really encourage its member to be active with each other, to share and gather some experience, talking with everyone and making memories were really in the spirit of IFMSA. There was absolutely no barrier that stands between you and the person next to you, don’t be discouraged if you had no idea what was happening, the person next to you might be as clueless as you too. Tuesday, March 7th was the last day of the March Meeting. In this last day, SCO session was
dominating the schedule from morning until 4 PM. The last day was started with a quiz from the SCORP, to remember what we had learned since the first day. The session was then continued with the parallel session, “Forced Displacement: Focus Mental Health”. In the IFMSA, refugee was a big issue and it got a lot of exposure as SCORP itself focuses on human rights. There was also an explanation on “The Power of Negotiation - Understanding the Dynamics of Peace and Conflict” which groups several SCORPions to handle a scenario of conflict and how do we manage to solve it. The SCORPions I grouped with were truly nice and innovative people.
for me as Lebanon is one of the biggest country to help the refugee. It was really inspiring to hear stories about people who could’ve lived better but the situation couldn’t support it well. In the last day in SCORP session, there were a Syrian student who tell her story and share how they feel and what they experienced. It made me think about the world in a bigger view. March Meeting 2017 was really an experience that absolutely will not be forgotten easily. I truly thank our national team, MonTEAMnegro, so much to give me the chance to come and experience the IFMSA in its truest form.
It’s really hard to describe what I had learned in MM 2017 as everything was new and fascinating for me. Lebanon’s LeMSIC was really mind opening
Participant of TREX (Training of Research Exchange) in Universitas Riau, representing 12 universities, during the welcoming party
EXCHANGE 2017 by Justika Usmadhani Aulya
Research Exchange) of CIMSA National. This year, it was held in Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Riau (UR) on March 17th – 19th, 2017. As the theme itself was “Medical Students Role Through Research Training on Tuberculosis in Implementing Sustainable Development Goals”, 66 students from 12 universities in total participated in this event.
Day 1 – March 17th 2017 There are Training Sessions, which includes “SCOREcognition and How to be a Great SCOREpublic” training, “SCORE Goes Public and GAP Exchange Role of Media Communication and Coordination” training, and “Project Hunting” training. It was then followed by a Welcoming Party by Vice Dean for Academic Affair of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Riau and was attended by NCRE (National Committee of Reseacrh Exchange) SCORE CIMSA, representative from Dinas Kesehatan Riau,
T-REX is an annual event held by SCORE (Standing Committee on 11
representative from Rectorate of Universitas Riau, representative from Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Riau , advisor, and representative from BEM KM Faculty of Medicine Universitas Riau. Day 2 – March 18th 2017 Main agenda for the second day is a field trip to Kecamatan Tambang, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau—which, by the datas from Dinas Kesehatan of the Riau province, is an area with the most high prevalence of the Tuberculosis disease in Riau province, hence making it a choice as the main site of the participant’s research activities. Participants observe those who got higher risk on getting the disease, counselling on facts & myths about Tuberculosis by dr. Indra Yovi, Sp.P(K), distributing and taking datas from questionnaire about Tuberculosis, and the last, a visit to Tuberculosis patient’s home to educate people on how to collect sputum and giving away sputum containers for regular check-ups.
Next was a Grand Lecture by dr. Indra Yovi, Sp.P(K), discussing ways t o p r e v e n t Tu b e r c u l o s i s i n Indonesia for the first session. As for the second session, there’s a tutorial on how to process data collected from previous questionnaire using SPSS and reviewing epidemiologic research advised by dr. Zahtamal, M.Kes.
scenarios, such as culture shock, project officer conflict, incomingoutgoing bad case, exchange platform error, and country conflict. Lastly, we had dinner together and had fun on the farewell party!
The main point of this event is that everyone must have the ability to do a research, with the main goal to create a data-based policy, prevention, therapy, a more significant health promotion, and the most important of all, is to decrease morbidity and mortality rate of a disease. Tuberculosis is a very contagious infectious disease and Indonesia has the second
Day 3 – March19th 2017 Participants was divided into 5 g ro u p s i n t h e l a s t a g e n d a , SCOREyoutube, to create a “mini drama” using scenario cases that has been provided by the NCRE. Each groups got different
highest prevalence among other countries in the world. As a medical student, we have the chance to do a research project, whether it is individually, assisted with a lecturer, or by participating in a research exchange. By doing so, students can learn more about the latest health news, increase tolerance and humanity values, get new friends, and learn more about cultural difference. SCORE facilitates medical students all over the world to take part and advantages in this kind of event. SCOREpublic! Research is FUN!
MALAYSIA WHO SIMULATION 2017 by Thelazia Calcarina Gurky A total 11 delegates from faculty medicine of university sumatera
AMSA (Asian Medical Students Association) - Malaysia at IMU
utara attended Malaysia WHO
(International Medical University). It
simulation at 31st March 2017-2nd
was the first WHO simulation in
April 2017. This event was held by
South East Asia. The delegates
from other countries also attended this conference. They were from
also learn about “Antimicrobial Resistance” in this conference. A
Sudan, Indonesia, Pakistan,
pharmacist from WHO-Malaysia
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and
gave us the lecture and workshop.
China. Malaysia WHO simulation
She taught us how to prevent
2017 is a basic simulation of conferences of the World Health
“Antimicrobial Resistance” by promoting a ‘One Health’
Organization and its regional
approach to promote best
meetings. We got new experiences
practices to avoid the emergence
through Malaysia WHO Simulation.
a n d s p re a d o f a n t i b a c t e r i a l
Some of us are new MUNers, and we learned how to think critically
resistance, including optimal use of antibiotics in both humans and
and speak up our minds. We also
animals. ‘One Health’ is created by
debated in this conference, and
WHO, the Food and Agriculture
discussed together how to create
Organization of the United Nations
the resolution paper. Resolution paper is created by country
(FAO) and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
delegates and it focused on main
Last not least, we also made new
problem in regional bloc. In this
friends from other country. We
conference, we also learned to
could get know other’s culture and
respect other opinions from other delegates and most importantly,
share Indonesia culture. We suggest you to join the other WHO
rationalize and appreciate the final
simulation. You will get new
decision. Beside of debating, we
perspective and learn as debater.
Depression is an illness that can happen to anybody, which causes
to live healthy, productive lives. At worst, it could lead to suicide.
m e n t a l a n g u i s h a n d a ff e c t s
World Health Organization (WHO)
people’s ability to carry out
is leading a one-year global
everyday tasks, with sometimes
campaign on depression. The
devastating consequences for relationships with family and
highlight is World Health Day, celebrated on April 7th, 2017:
friends. It is the leading cause of ill
“Depression: Let’s Talk”. The goal
health and disability worldwide.
of the campaign is that more
More than 300 million people are
people with depression,
now living with depression, an i n c re a s e o f m o re t h a n 1 8 %
everywhere in the world, both seek and get help.
between 2005 and 2015. Lack of
Joining on WHO’s campaign,
support for people with mental disorders, coupled with a fear of
SCOPH (Standing Committee on
stigma, prevent many from accessing the treatment they need
help of Department of Psychiatry
Public Health) FK USU with the
of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, created a two-day event with the same theme: “Depression: Let’s Talk”. The main event on the first day was a talkshow, discussing “Depression in Child and Teen” (dr. M. Surya Husada, M.Ked, Sp.KJ) and “Depression and Suicide” (dr. Vita Camelia, M.Ked, Sp.KJ), alongside with a sharing corner where you can spill out your problems and consult with dr. Mustafa M. Amin, M.Ked, M.Sc, Sp.KJ(K) and Dr. dr. Elmeida Effendy, M.Ked, Sp.KJ(K). 246 runners including Dean (Dr. dr. Aldy S. Rambe, Sp.S(K)), Vice Dean (Dr. dr. Imam Budi Putra, MHA, Sp.KK(K), dr. Zaimah Z. Tala, MS, Sp.GK, Dr. dr. Dina Keumala Sari, MS, Sp.GK), and residents from various departments, participated in the second day of the event— color run (with winner & prizes!) w h i c h w a s h e l d a ro u n d t h e University area, with Pendopo USU as the starting and finishing point. It was a way of raising people’s awareness and changing the s t i g m a s a ro u n d d e p re s s i o n , whereas it also taught that doing sports together has a positive
therefore could be helpful in treating the depression itself.
effect on the brain’s metabolism,
BASIC TRAINING by Justika Usmadhani Aulya Held on April 12th, 2017 in Project Coordinator’s—Thelazia Calcarina— place, this training was held for Observer CIMSA USU as an obligatory training on the second period. 17 out of 36 members of Observer CIMSA USU attended this training, with 5 trainers from CIMSA UISU and a special guest, Irwienny Tria (now Pediatrician at FK USU), an alumni of CIMSA UIN 2006.
Basic Training has 5 topics: Leadership, Project Management, Community Development, Communication Skill, and Team Building. While on this session we only got the chance to have 3 topics of them—the rest would be followed in another training session. Each training topics was started with an ice breaking, SWG (Small Working Group) discussions, and a presentation from each groups. Here we compiled a review of the topics for you to read:
dengan anggotanya. Pemimpin yang ideal juga menjadikan anggotanya nyaman senyaman berada di dalam rumah dan menjadi sebuah keluarga seutuhnya. Pemimpin ideal juga yang merangkul anggotanya tidak terlalu kuat dan tidak terlalu l o n g g a r, i a t e t a p m e n j a g a hubungan komunikasi yang efektif antar anggotanya. #2 Project Management Project adalah sebuah kegiatan tertentu, ditempat tertentu dan pada waktu tertentu yang menghasilkan sebuah perencanaan yang matang. Hal yang paling penting dalam menjalankan sebuah project adalah memahami dengan jelas apa masalah yang akan diselesaikan setelah project tersebut dieksekusi serta anggota y a n g t e r l i b a t d a l a m p ro j e c t tersebut menyadari dan mengetahui dengan jelas masalah yang sedang dihadapi, dengan begitu selama proses mengerjakan project tersebut tidak ada anggota yang menghilang. Karena anggota tersebut telah sadar bahwa masalah tersbut adalah tanggungjawabnya, anggota merasa memiliki dan menjadi
#1 Leadership Disini kita belajar mengidentifikasi jenis kepemimpinan seperti apa yang ada di dalam diri kita, memahami tugas dan wewenang seorang pemimpin, sosok seorang pemimpin yang ideal, dan hal-hal apa saja yang harus dan tidak boleh dilakukan seorang pemimpin. Pemimpin yang ideal harus menjadi pendengar yang aktif, bijaksana, mudah bersosial, rendah hati, mengayomi semua yang dipimpinnya dengan visi dan tujuan yang jelas. Pemimpin yang ideal bukan berjalan dibelakang anggotanya, bukan juga berjalan didepan anggotanya, tetapi berjalan bersama selangkah
bagian dari masalah tersebut, menjadi sebuah kepuasan batin jika anggota dapat menjadi bagian dari sebuah perubahan. Proses ini dinamakan dengan bonding. Bonding dengan anggota atau kita sebut dengan OC (Organizing Committee), bonding dengan SC (Supervising Committee), bonding dengan masyarakatnya agar masyarakatnya paham bahwa ada masalah di dalam masyarakat tersebut dan perlu turun tangan kita bersama, bonding dengan stakeholder di dalam masyarakat ataupun dengan dinas kesehatan, dokter puskesmas, dan sponsor.
Pemahaman tentang masalah sangat perlu dikritisi dan ini memerlukan data yang sangat jelas. Di sini dituntut peran aktif seorang RSD (Research Supporting Division) untuk memberikan informasi angka berupa besarnya masalaha yang dihadapi sehingga kita mengetahui dan dapat menetapkannya sebagai latar belakang yang kuat, tingkatan prioritas yang kita ambil, serta target yang ingin kita capai. Proses ini kita sebut “Brainstorming Problem�. Setelah bonding dan mengkritisi pemasalahan, hal yang perlu disiapkan adalah konsep POACE
method, dan material machine), hambatan yang mungkin ditemukan di lapangan melalui pembahasan LPJ ataupun SWG kasus lapangan, SWOT project, tujuan, dan manfaat yang akan dicapai, dan hal ini semua dapat dipermudah dengan menggunakan konsep SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timetable). Konsep inilah goal yang harus dicapai dalam proses Planning. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timetable) Specific: masalah yang harus diangkat harus spesifik dan masalah ini harus berkaitan dengan 7 kategori CIMSA Program, harus spesifik tempat dan durasi waktu pengerjaan project-nya. Measureable: project yang kita kerjakan dapat diukur. Sebuah project yang dapat terukur harus memilki baseline data awal yang jelas, barulah kita dapat merumuskan berapa target yang kita pasang dalam menjalankan project tersebut, sehingga apa yang kita lakukan jelas hasilnya. Target tersebut merupakan tujuan
(Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controling, dan Evaluating). a. Planning Pada tahap Planning yang sangat perlu ditekankan adalah pertimbangan sumber daya yang kita miliki (5M: man, money,
akhir kita yang harus dapat terukur. Target ada dua jenis, yaitu target umum dan target khusus. Masingmasing target tersebut dirumuskan dalam sebuah pola yang disebut indicator keberhasilan. Indikator keberhasilan itu sendiri harus dinilai dari dua aspek yaitu indikator keberhasilan kuantitatif dan kualitatif.
telah disebutkan sebelumnya, hal ini harus diperhatikan dengan 5M.
Achievable: project dapat dicapai dan direalisasikan hingga selesai sesuai kemampuan pelaksananya, pesertanya, maupun masyarakat yang terlibat.
Money: menetapkan angka kesanggupan uang yang kita butuhkan.
5 M ( M a n , M o n e y, M e t h o d , Material and Machine) Man: sumber daya manusia seperti narasumber, trainer, pemateri, atau biasa dikatakan panitianya yang benar-benar terlatih dan harus dilatih.
Method: metode apa yang kita gunakan dalam mengeksekusi project ini. CIMSA memiliki 4 metode yaitu dalam bentuk aktivitas seperti seminar-campaignselebrasi, research, advocacy, dan capacity building.
Relevant: project sesuai dan selaras dengan masalah yang ada. Timetable: waktu kerja kita dalam mengerjakan project. Hal yang paling perlu diperhatikan dalam membuat sebuah rencana adalah mempertimbangkan orang-orang yang berbakat sebagai konseptor. Namun diperhatikan juga jangan berlama-lama dalam mengonsepkan sebuah project.
Material and Machine: di mana tempat pelaksanaannya, peralatan dan instumen apa saja yang kita butuhkan selama menjalankan project, dan bahan makanan minuman apa saja yang dibutuhkan.
b. Organizing
c. Actuating
Organizing adalah proses menyusun langkah eksekusi sebuah project—hal-hal apa saja yang harus disiapkan. Seperti yang
Actuating adalah hari sewaktu kita mengeksekusi project tersebut. Hal yang paling penting adalah kerjasama tim yang sangat baik,
briefing checklist kesiapan dari panitia dan kondisi tempat yang kita gunakan dua atau tiga hari sebelum acara dimulai. Sangat boleh dibuat sebuah tim ekspedisi yang nantinya akan menjadi tim pendahulu memastikan kegiatan di hari pelaksanaan berjalan lancer.
SWOT dan SMART. Yang dievaluasi pada akhir kegiatan hanyalah menilai kinerja dan impact project yang dieksekusi. Formulasi dari kolom penilaian project perlu juga dibuat pada tahap perenecanaannya, seperti kolom sebelum dan sesudah project.
d. Controlling
#3 Community Development and Sustainable Project
Controlling adalah proses mengontrol project yang sedang dilakukan. Pengontrolan dilakukan dari berbagai segi yaitu kerja serta emosi tim kepanitiaan, kondisi kegiatan, kenyamanan partisipan, pengawasan waktu berlangsungnya setiap sesi dari susunan acara yang telah dibuat, dan perkiraan hambatan yang mungkin terjadi pada tiap tahapan pelaksanaannya sehingga nantinya pada tahap evaluasi dapat dikoreksi dan diberikan rekomendasi yang lebih baik untuk kelangsungan project selanjutnya.
Hampir sama dengan project management mulai dari segi bonding dan proses eksekusinya, namun yang paling membedakan adalah asal dari timbulnya masalah dan tujuan project. Masalah pada Project community development berakar dari lingkungan masyarakat itu sendiri dan tujuannya adalah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat itu sendiri sehingga masyarakat menjadi sadar dan mandiri yang dalam hal ini untuk kesehatan dan kualitas hidup masyarakat.
e. Evaluating Evaluating adalah proses mengevaluasi. Mengevaluasi dimulai dengan kolom-kolom penilaian dan ini tidak hanya dilakukan pada akhir kegiatan, tapi sudah dilakukan saat proses Planning, mengevalusi dengan 26
Held annually by CIMSA, May
and the candidates of the
Meeting is the time where there
Executive Board and Official Board
will be regeneration in that month
for the next period were being
of the year. This time, it was
introduced. Then, it continued with
organized in Yogyakarta by CIMSA
Training Session and Candidature
Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana in
Class concurrently where the
Merapi Merbabu Hotel for 4 days
delegates were placed based on
from 18th to 21st of May 2017.
the position in their locals. In the evening, there was Welcoming
The first day of May Meeting
Party where there were opening
started in the afternoon with
speech from the Dean of Medical
Newcomers Session, where the
Faculty of Universitas Kristen Duta
overall agenda were being shown
Wacana, the Head of Organizing
according to their level from basic
Committee, President of CIMSA,
to advance. Besides, there were
and others. Apart from that, there
also Candidature Classes for the
was also performance of Central
Official Board candidates. After
Java traditional dance “Tari
that, it continued to Parallel
Gambyong�. The first day of the
Session and Grand Lecture
event was ended with Plenary
consecutively. Parallel Sessions
Session, the General Assembly of
were the moments to review and
evaluate every locals, external team, internal team, standing
On the second day, it began with
committees, and ascertain the
another Training Sessions where
development of observers. This
the delegates were split up
time, the Grand Lecture with the
had to assess, analyze, and
issue of the Impact of CIMSA
conclude. Later, it followed with an
Project was moderated by Nisrina
Ask EB Candidates Session where
Widari herself as the President of
the delegates had the chance to
CIMSA. The second day was
ask the candidates of the Executive
closed by another Plenary Session.
Board. The next event was Joint
It is an occasion where all the
Session which is a merging of the
candidates gave presentation
two standing committees that gave
about their vision, mission, and
lectures related to both of them.
projects for a year ahead if they
Hereafter, there was this appealing
were going to be elected as the
event called Project Fair. Project
next period Officials. In this
Fair itself was a session where all
moment, observer CIMSA USU
the locals attired in unique
were given the opportunity to
costumes, displayed either their
explain the progress of being an
on-going or finished projects on
observer and explicate every
their own decorated stands. The
obstacle we had.
third day finished with the election of the EB and Officials candidates
The third day of May Meeting was
at the last Plenary Session.
opened with Small Working Group. In this session, all the delegates
The fourth day was the last day of
were divided into small groups
the event. There was a Farewell
consists of approximately 16
Party that contained of the
people and given a case that we
perfor mance from Standing
Committees and a touching farewell from the previous period of EB and Officials. This day ended with some awards of the best locals and others as well. Overall, May Meeting was a memorable event where we
experience and lear n something we could never get in class. Apart from that, we could also make acquaintances with other medical students from various universities in Indonesia. Last but not least, CIMSA May Meeting 2017 is one of the most unforgettable event we could ever have. Thank you to all the committees of May Meeting 2017. Be active with CIMSA!
SCORP SESSION by Safirah Khairuna

Throwing it back to the annual May Meeting of our beloved CIMSA. This time reporting from SCORP. Dipidipidip! Three sessions of our standing committee wrapped with the voting for our new National Officer of Human Rights & Peace (NORP). During the first session we had a report presentation from CIMSA UNEJ on their Observer SCORP. After a small discussion, following the requirements from the official NCORP, we all agreed upon the legitimation of Observer SCORP CIMSA UNEJ to SCORP CIMSA UNEJ. We managed to make up as much open discussion and feedback on each others within our
very limited time per session. The second session focused on projects and community developments from each local as
listened to Fandry Tumiwa, our former NORP whom now sitting as one of the Supervising Councils in CIMSA. This year’s May Meeting, everyone went home with a fresh
well as the report from our oldies NCORP. It wasn’t easy putting everything into one session but at last we urged. We appreciated our NCORP who have been dedicating
new NORP he is Fajar Surasno from University of Indonesia. With the new NCORP, our hopes are high and better year ahead is just another possibility.
themselves and pushing off their limits for the past year. Enthusiasm and hysteria in the room were building up as we coming to the end of our session, especially for those of us who plan on joining this year’s NCORP. Questions and answers floating in our tiny room. We knew this was the very last moments we could embrace together with the oldies NCORP. As the last day of our whole SCORP agenda came, our final session was quite significant in the establishment of SCORP Observer CIMSA USU since we made our short presentation on projects made from the second period. Dwi Gunawan Fardhani, our very own LORP from Observer CIMSA USU stood still and talked about the process of each project and the outcome from each one. We later
SCOPH SESSION by Samuel Sembiring SCOPH Parallel Session in this year’s May Meeting is mostly about evaluation and regeneration. At first we are obliged to introduce ourselves. Then, to make everyone in the room know each other better, we played some games a r r a n g e d b y t h e o rg a n i z i n g committee. Indonesian Disease Today, is a community-based project which invites medical students to lean and give their contribution in solving high-level of endemic disease prevalence in a region. This event is a live-in program, which means, the participant will live in the village with the occupants. The bid-winner for IDT 2017 host, CIMSA UNPAD gave some presentation about the upcoming events. Then, every
other local give their vote to support CIMSA UNPAD in hosting the next IDT.
campaign about their future leadership. The vote is run in 2 cycles maximum, with the option abstain removed. And we have a new NPO for the next period, congratulations and goodluck!
Batman is no hero without Robin, this phrase best describe the NPOSupporting Division‘s relationship. Although the NPO is the person in charge in leading the SCOPH, but she always need the Supporting Divisions to help her managing the SCOPH in some aspect such as; projects, communication, funding, and so on. The periodic Progress Report by each SupDiv was presented in front of us and the executives give some evaluation important for their future successors. In an organization it is not a question that human is the primary element. That’s why Regeneration is needed to keep the organization running smoothly throughout the next period. In this final session, the NPO finally presents her progress report, and after that the search for her successor was began. The board calls for anyone who wanted to be the next NPO and one person stands. The next NPO candidate(s) was required to have the bigger number votes in favor of him/her to win, so the candidate was asked to give her
Upcoming Events
SUB REGIONAL TRAINING 2017 (SWGs) and workshops and to organize a social program for all the participants. The main objective of the program is to improve the work of IFMSA in the
August 10th 1 4 t h , 2017
A Sub Regional Training (SRT) is an
This time, held in Taiwan on the month of August, its vision is to reinforce the soft skills of medical students around the world and
international meeting supported by the IFMSA, where members and motivated students from a (sub)region or sometimes even further away can meet and
offer another platform to discuss issues and share dreams. The mission is to offer 4 classical IFMSA official training workshops of choice, such as Training New
participate in trainings, workshops and small working groups. It can also be recognized as an IFMSA Activity.
Trainer (TNT), Training New Human Rights Trainer (TNHRT), Training Medical Education Trainers (TMET) and Professional Research and Exchange Trainer (PRET), which
SRTs and other IFMSA Activities are organized by an Organizing Committee (OC) within a National Member Organization (NMO) that volunteers to find board and lodging, to coordinate the
you can get an IFMSA trainer certification in the end and go back to your home country with greatest harvest.  
trainings, Small Working Groups
Upcoming Events
collaborate, and act towards the future of healthcare.
17th - 21st, 2017
In the light of this, this year’s APRM theme “Healthcare in Conflicts and Emergencies“ explores the
The 13th AsiaP a c i f i c Regional Meeting (APRM) is held in Tokyo, Japan this September. As
responsibilities of healthcare professionals in emergencies and what roles we have in contributing to peace. The Asia-Pacific is a diverse region, as each country has
one of the five regional meetings within IFMSA, APRM has always been a gathering place for IFMSA members within Asia-Pacific. It is an opportune place for medical
its unique problem and the ways the government and civil society tackle them. Despite this diversity, there are many ways in which we c a n l e a r n f ro m e a c h o t h e r,
students in the Asia-Pacific to learn and discuss various global issues with an added medicine and health perspective, where as IFMSA is a place in which medical students
cooperate with each other, and to become a stronger region together. The value of this regional meeting lies in its diversity, as students can bring their own local
overcome the differences in languages, cultures, and religions. Here, students network,
experiences and insights.
Upcoming Events
ACTION 2017 August 21st - 27th, 2017 ACTION, the abbreviation of Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Natural
The theme that is chosen for ACTION 2017 is Infectious Disease Related to Disasters. Disasters do not only cause loss of life and infrastructures damage, but it also
Disasters, and Refugee Management is a transnational project, held by SCORP IFMSA in the Asia-Pacific region. Its aim is to provide essential knowledge and
causes a lot of harm to the survivors, including infectious diseases that eventually can lead to death. In the event of disaster, the daily life of survivors, including
skills required to prevent, relieve, and rehabilitate victims of natural disasters and infectious diseases, to medical students in the region. ACTION has been held since 2004,
their foods and water, hygiene and sanitation, are at a high risk of contamination with pathogens, especially if the disasters took place in an endemic area of
and this year’s will be the 12th time and also Indonesia’s 3rd time as the hosting country. The organizing committee has organized a oneweek training program, consists of
infectious diseases. By taking this theme for ACTION 2017, its hope is that medical students, especially in Asia Pacific region—who has a high prevalence of infectious
lectures, workshops, small working group, simulations, and field trip. The participants will also learn about Indonesia’s diverse culture through the creative sessions, city
disease, can learn more and therefore will gain more skills in the event of disaster and infectious disease.
tour, and also our special social program.
Exchange Stories
Freshly graduated new
by Safirah Khairuna
trainers in their signature IFMSA Trainer shirts. Check out their new backbones!
PRET & TNT Prague 2017 was a week of experience, tranquility, and of course, sessions. Starting from April 27th 2017 to May 1st 2017, the schedule was tight. Each day was managed to encourage improvement from each individual. Organized by IFMSA Cz (IFMSA Czech Republic), the event was held in the beautiful capital of Czech Republic,
Exchange Stories
Prague. There were 40 PRET participants and 16 TNT participants from both Czech Republic and other countries. Though both trainings scheduled parallel to each others, we separated into two big groups, the TNT and PRET. As I was the TNT trainee, this report will focus mainly on TNT. Day 1 – April 27th 2017 Arriving in our hotel, registration was the first thing to get done as we then received our PRET&TNT goodie bag and I had the chance to greet the other TNT participants coming from 11 different countries, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Poland, Italy, Lebanon, Syria, India, and Indonesia myself. Our first session Safirah Khairuna, delegate from began at 16.00 – 19.30 where we met Indonesia representing Observer our amazing trainers for the first time, CIMSA USU giving her introduction Marika Dědinová from IFMSA Cz, on the first day of TNT Prague Sophia Tolle from IFMSA Germany, and Kristóf Andrzej Baran from BEST (Board of European Students of Technology). During this session we did a shock therapy by introducing ourselves in front of the room and let everyone else give a first impression based on our 1 minute talking and an activity where we separated into two small groups to discuss, draw, and present our interpretation of a good trainer. To end our first session we played with balloons and wrote down reasons we signed up for the TNT. A short break was given for everyone to get ready for the Dinner & Opening Ceremony. Speeches were given by the NEO, Head of Official, and the Head of IFMSA Cz’s Alumni. After dinner, the TNT participants continued with our Social Program where we had the chance to get to know each others more. Each one of us was given one blank envelope from our trainers where we had to creatively write our name on it and customize it in a way that it should speak about ourselves and later explain it to everybody else. To wrap the night we
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did a couple games which bond us and forced us to memorize each others’ names! Clever, trainers! Day 2 – April 28th 2017 It was a bright yet cold morning in Prague and the 16 of us took our tram to Palmovka, where the venue is located. As early as 9.00 am we began our team building activity where we were separated into 4 groups and had to finish stations of game. We wrote down our ground rules then started our two main sessions, the Feedback and Presentation Skills where we were taught and given the tools for each topic and had to implement what have trained for us by the end of each session. Finishing at 13.00 where we had our lovely lunch at a restaurant nearby to energize up for the upcoming sessions which started
at 14.00 and finish by 18.30 before our dinner. The topic was Facilitation & Interaction where we were given a number of activities in which we had to discuss & implement the way of doing each one by different small groups. Before dinner we had our ritual Reflection Group where the 16 of us separated into three g ro u p s a n d e a c h o n e w a s f a c i l i t a t e d w i t h a t r a i n e r. Following this we had dinner and we wrapped the day with one of the most memorable sessions given, the Inspirational Night and topped with NFDP (National Food & Drink Party) which was
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joined with both PRET & TNT people.
buildings. After that we had lunch and back at sessions again by 14.00 for our Training Design and Reflection Group until Dinner starts at 19.00. Within each session we always had our ice breakers, energizers and group hugs to keep each other’s back as later that night was one of the most significant nights where we delivered our first public speaking, the TNTx. We signed up for a topic that we would present and everything was set very professional by our trainers. What a good way to end the night!
Day 3 – April 29th 2017 As we get along with each others, our sessions became more fun that each one of them felt like just another social program. Just like the previous day, we started as early as 9.00 AM where we had our Training Delivery and Session Content sessions up until 12.00. For each before we had our quick city walk to the magical and fascinating centre of Prague where our friend who is a citizen of Prague guided us through the Charles Bridge, the Castle, and other historical Throughout the day we had our Facilitated Learning Session which consisted of 4 main topics, Framing & Briefing, Exercise Design, Powerful Questions, and Debriefing. Each topic is just another complimentary and continuation of other topics given & trained during the
Day 4 – April 30th 2017 previous days. The Reflection Group on the night was very warming as we have seen each others grew so much just during these 5 days and how we have acknowledged from the first day where we knew nothing about being a trainer. Our final session was the Visualization where we
Exchange Stories
learned the creative & efficient way in using & drawing flipcharts. Such a relaxing way before we finally given the time to prepare for our first delivering session the next day. By the time we have given the fundamentals we needed in order to become a trainer, our final session to become an IFMSA trainer is actually a session which we have to deliver session ourselves. The 16 of us were divided into 8 groups, each pair had to choose a topic to deliver on our last day.
there were some mistakes here in there but it was a process, our first opportunity to evaluate ourselves and learn how we have been upgraded within 5 days. At worst, we have everything that we needed in our brain, but in order to implement and bring them into actions, takes practices. There was no perfect born trainer as we can only get better through experiences. After both periods, we had our last Reflection Group where we talked through the last 5 days and finished up with the Closing Ceremony. Good byes were hard but we knew we will meet again and even more deliver sessions together!
Day 6 – May 1st 2017 Our final day! There were two periods given, the morning and afternoon period. For each period there will be four different topics being trained in the parallel of time. The four topics were Communication, Conflict Management, Project Management, and Presentation Skills. The trainees were the PRET participants which they have signed themselves for which topic they prefer during the morning and afternoon period. The 16 of us successfully delivered our first session and we officially graduated as an IFMSA trainer! It was obvious that