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User involvement

User involvement

Books and reports

Alto, Palo (2003), ©IDEO, IDEO Method Cards: 51 Ways to Inspire Design

Becker-Christensen (ed.) (2001) Politikens Nudansk Ordbog med Etymologi (The Politiken Dictionary of Present-day Danish with Etymology), Politikens Forlag, Copenhagen

Beim, Anne; Larsen, Lena and Mossin, Natalie (2002) Økologi og arkitektonisk kvalitet (Sustainability and architectural quality), Arkitektskolens Forlag, København

Beim, Anne; Vibæk, Kasper Sánchez and Jørgensen, Thomas Ryborg (2007) Arkitektonisk kvalitet og industrielle byggesystemer (Architectural Quality and Industrialised Building Systems), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen Beim, Anne; Natalie Mossin (2004); Designproces og brugerkrav (Design Process and User Needs), Research report, SBi, Hørsholm

Beim, Anne and Vibæk Jensen, Kasper (2007) Forming Core Elements for Strategies Design Management IN: Architectural Engineering and Design Management, CIB, Rotterdam

Bertelsen, Niels Haldor, E. J. de Place Hansen, Realisering af Vision 2020 (Realisation of Vision 2020) (2006) Opinions and proposals from 11 dialogue meetings with the construction industry, SBi, Hørsholm

Brandt, J. (1998), Innovation och design teori och praktik (Innovation and Design Theory and Practice), KTH, Stockholm

Brown, Stephen A. (2001), Communication in the design process, Spon Press, London CIB Report, publ. 280 (2002), Value through design, CIB Rotterdam

Cooper, R. & M. Press, (2000), The Design Agenda. A guide to successful Design Management, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

DAC/Danish Architectural Centre (2006) Brugerbehov og brugerdreven innovation i byggeriet – en statusrapport (User needs and user driven innovation in construction – a state of the art), Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority

Everett, Roger (1995), Diffusion of Innovations, 4th ed. (1st edition 1962), The Free Press, New York

Horgen, T. H., Joroff, M., L. Porter, W. L. Schön, A. Donald (1999); Excellence By Design: Transforming, Workplace and Work Practice, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., NY

Jensen, Kasper Vibæk og Beim Anne (2006) Kvalitetsmål i den Arkitektoniske Designproces (Goals and Strategies in the Process of Architectural Design), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen

Jørgensen, Thomas Ryborg (2007) Arkitketur & Mass Customization (Architecture and Mass Customization), CINARK Overblik, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen

Kristiansen, Kristian (2006); Værdi og Brugerorientering – Hvad er værdi i byggeriet (Value and User orientation – What is value in the construction business), Report, BYG-DTU, R-152, Kgs. Lyngby

Lundgård, Boje et al (1995) Teknik & Arkitektur – mod en bedre Byggeskik (Technique and Architecture – towards an improved building practice) Arkitektens forlag, Copenhagen Larsen, Jacob Norvig (2001) Borgerdeltagelse i kvarterløft (Participation of Citizens in Local City Planning), research report, SBi

Lund, Lene Dammand ed. (2006), Brugerinddragelse (User Involvement), CINARK sætter fokus, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen

Lübke, Poul (ed.) (1983) Politikens Filosofi Leksikon (The Politiken Encyclopaedia of Philosophy), Politikens Forlag, Copenhagen

Mikkelsen, Hans; Beim, Anne; Hvam Lars and Tølle, Martin (2005) SELIA – Systemleverancer i Byggeriet (System Delivery in Construction), Institute of Production and Management, DTU, Kgs. Lyngby

Nabeel Hamdi (1995) Housing Without Houses – participation, fl exibility, enablement Intermediate Technology Publications Ldt., London

Nygaard, Niels (2006) Arkitektonisk Kvalitet (Architectural Quality), PhD thesis, Aarhus School of Architecture, Århus

Oakley, M., editor (1990), Design Management, Basil Blackwell Ltd., Oxford

Rönn, Magnus (2001) Three Theories of quality IN: Scandinavian Journal of Design History, Copenhagen

Sällström, Pehr Mikael, ed. (2002). Processer för arkitektonisk kvalitet i byggandet (Report from Norwegian conference in connection with the Year of Architecture 2001. Culturehouse, Stockholm 4-5 October), Sveriges Arkitekter, Stockholm


Beim, Anne and Vibæk Jensen, Kasper (2007) Forming Core

Elements for Strategies Design Management IN: Architectural Engineering and Design Management, CIB, Rotterdam

Brugerens dimension (The user’s Dimension), Dansk Design 2/2001, Copenhagen

Roger Everett (1995) Diffusion of Innovations, 4th ed. (fi rst edition 1962, The Free Press, New York

Børsen (1999) Store byggeprojekter løber altid af sporet (Large building projects always run off track). www.borsen.dk/nyhed/12653/

Carter, Peter (1961) Mies van der Rohe, Architectural Design, March 1961

Jensen, Kasper Vibæk (2006) Skulle det være en foster eller en toyota? (Would you like a Foster or a Toyota?), ARK+ - Arkitektur mellem globalisering og hverdagsliv, Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag, Copenhagen Knudsen, Jan (2003), Design begrebet nyfortolkes, Arkitekten nr. 13, maj 2003, pages 6-74

Lund, Lene Dammand (2003), Slip grebet og fl yd med (Let go, then go with the fl ow), Arkitekten nr. 13, maj 2003, pages 10-11

Madsen, B. (2002) Mass Customization – fra vision til succes: (Mass customisation –from vision to success), Produktionsguiden, 35. årgang

Madsen, Ulrik Stylsvig (2007) Arkitekturen som rum(me)lig struktur (Architecture as spatial structure), CINARK, Copenhagen

Rönn, Magnus (2001) Three Theories of quality IN: Scandinavian Journal of Design History, Copenhagen

Schnier, Jörg (2005), On the interdependency of thinking mode and design strategy, ‘Between Research and Practice’, EAAE Conference Proceedings, Dublin 2004

Vibæk, Kasper Sánchez (2007) ‘Flexible Solution Space’, Conference paper MCPC2007, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston/Cambridge


www.cabe.org.uk www.communities.gov.uk/ housing/decenthomes/ publicationsaboutdecent/ housingqualityindicators/ www.design.dh.gov.uk/ideas/ www.dqi.org.uk www.ideo.com www.postoccupancyevaluation. com (a commercialised model for Post Occupancy Evaluation) www.poe.dgs.ca.gov/default.htm www.mass-customization.de The German Economist and researcher FrankPiller’s homepage on: Mass Customization, Customer Integration & Open Innovation.


Kvistgård, Tegnestuen Vandkunsten, 2008. Photo: Adam Mørk


– building assemblies

Structural building systems – Structural typologies

EJ Badekabiner

– Pre-engineered bathroom pods


– Confi gured balcony system

NCC Construction, DK

–‘Skakten’ – a prefabricated industrialised installation shaft


– Lightweight curtain-wall facade systems







– all-encompassing building systems




138 Willa Nordic

– Light construction, fl exible solutions, small customers

Billige Boliger – Light construction, standard models, large customers

NCC Komplett – Heavy construction, fl exible solutions, large customers

MT Højgaard – Heavy construction, standard models, large customers

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