F O R T H E E M P L O Y E E S O F C I N C I N N AT I C H I L D R E N ’ S
A Word From Peggy Hostetter
Genomics to the Rescue: Researchers Unravel Secrets to Save the Day
Burden of Proof: Studying the Genes that Cause Brain and Cranial Malformations
Clinical Sciences Pavilion to Open in June
PEDIATRIC GENOMICS We’ve all seen sci-fi movies that depict a future filled with wondrous discoveries and inventions. Although the advances are intended to ease the human condition—and they do—the movies often come with a warning about the danger of wielding power we don’t fully understand. Here at Cincinnati Children’s, we’re working hard to understand. We’re doing research that gets to the essence of life itself—what makes us who we are and how disease originates. It’s awe-inspiring stuff, and our researchers and physicians approach it with the utmost respect. The stories in this issue give you just a glimpse of the possibilities that come with increased understanding— innovative treatments, preventive therapies and knowledge that can help physicians and families make more informed decisions about care. These are revolutionary times in science and medicine. How exciting that we get to help shape the future for ourselves and generations to come.
Cindy Duesing, editor
Volume 3, Issue 2 | 360° is an employee
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Editor: Cindy Duesing
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Researcher s and clinicians are on the
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frontline of genomics—exploring this new
Karyn Enzweiler and Mark Lyons
frontier and fighting disease at its origin. (See if you can find the hidden symbol of medicine.) 8300-38256 0315
A Word From Peggy Hostetter Accelerating discovery, innovation and translation—you’ll be hearing these words a lot as we roll out our Strategic Plan 2020 in the coming months. One of the important ways we’ll achieve this critical aim is through our newly established Center for Pediatric Genomics. Genomics is the new frontier in science and medicine. If Cincinnati Children’s aspires to be the leader in improving child health, we must place our stake in the field. Genomics allows us to understand the genetic basis of disease—why it occurs and how—so we can make more accurate diagnoses and develop more effective treatment and preventive therapies. We’re not just looking at rare diseases. We’re also looking at more prevalent conditions, like asthma, ADHD and Type I diabetes, and how we can understand them on a more innovative level. Our colleagues at Boston Children’s, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Phoenix Children’s have all established genomics centers. But we have taken it a step further. We have made genomics a priority—by including it as a focus of our strategic plan and by putting money on the table to fund specific projects submitted by our faculty from around the medical center (see p. 8–9 for more details). To do this kind of work, we need to have large-scale collaboration between clinicians and basic scientists. I am confident in our ability to achieve this, because at Cincinnati Children’s, we have a small-town culture housed in a world-class institution. Collaboration is what we do best. We are moving forward using the most modern technology available to understand disease as we’ve never understood it before. It’s a no-holds-barred approach, which we expect will pay off in exciting discoveries and treatments that will give children their best opportunity for a normal and productive life. In the years ahead, we will be changing the outcome together for patients and families in ways we’ve only begun to imagine.
Peggy Hostetter, MD physician-in-chief and chair of pediatrics director, Research Foundation
GENOMICS TO THE RESC UE: Researchers Unravel Secrets to Save the Day
Consider this scenario: Your 17-year-old son has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. You are prepared for this news, however, because the genetic sequencing doctors performed when he was born revealed he was predisposed to the condition. When the disease symptoms begin to show, you consult with a psychiatrist who evaluates him and refers to his genetic profile. He then prescribes the most effective medication and dose to alleviate his symptoms. There is no guesswork, no weaning him off one drug and switching him to another, or trying to find the right dosage with the least side effects. He is able to resume his life with minimal interruption, to be productive and healthy. Or better yet: At birth, your son’s genetic profile shows a predisposition to cystic fibrosis. He undergoes therapy to replace the faulty gene and never has to experience this devastating disease at all. Now imagine we could treat many illnesses, such as cancer, asthma and Type I diabetes, in this way. Sound too good to be true? Talk to Peter White, PhD, and John Harley, MD, PhD, co-directors of the new Center for Pediatric Genomics (CpG) at Cincinnati Children’s. They will tell you that this is the direction medicine is heading, that we only have an inkling of the secrets the human genome will eventually impart.
Says White, “Each individual genome holds the key to that person’s potential physical lifecourse. If we can fully understand each patient’s genetic blueprint, we will be able to predict, intervene, treat, and perhaps even prevent many diseases.” Emphasis on the word “understand.” White compares the genome to a book that contains all the information— the substance—of life. Sequencing the genome is like determining what letters are on the pages. “The letters constitute a language we don’t comprehend,” he explains. “If one letter is different, it may change the entire plot line of the story.” Harley expands on the analogy, “Some letters in the genetic code don’t seem to affect anything at all. So we’re looking at strings of letters—the genetic ‘words,’ (genes) so to speak, and how they relate to each other and to what we observe. These genes determine such characteristics as your size, whether you have five or six toes on each foot, or if you are likely to get a disease.” Understanding the content and structure of the human genome introduces the possibility of changing it. Says Harley, “For example, if we know which genes are responsible for a devastating syndrome, we might be able to prevent it by introducing a corrective copy, or a drug that restores normal gene function. We’re looking at how best to make a difference in the safest, most effective way possible.”
Cincinnati Children’s has been conducting genomic research for some time now, as well as being able to handle the “big data” challenges that come with genomics. “Before Pete arrived here last July, the institution had already made a 10-15-year investment in informatics to lay the groundwork for what we’re doing in the CpG,” says Harley, who is also director of the Center for Autoimmune Genomics and Etiology (CAGE).
“We’ve built one of the best foundations for genomic discovery and clinical care in the world.” Having that solid informatics capability is critical, because the study of genomics depends on acquiring and analyzing lots of very complex and poorly understood data—genetic profiles of people with all manner of diseases, infections and inherited conditions— and searching for meaningful patterns that could lead to a breakthrough in treatment or prevention. Other strengths in our favor include the large number of patients we see who have a variety of common and rare childhood diseases. We have clinical expertise in these diseases, and we have a collaborative culture that enables us to effectively translate research into tangible healthcare improvements. Says White, “Many groups here were already working on genetic and genomic problems. I was brought in to partner with the University of Cincinnati to find better ways to analyze data to improve care for children and adults, including during the transition period from pediatric to adult care.”
John Harley, MD, PhD, shown here with a high-throughput DNA scanner, says genetic databases of the future will be much larger and more useful than what we have today.
He adds, “We have two big opportunities here—to understand the molecular basis of disease from infancy throughout the human lifespan and to use this information to improve ways to help children even before they get a disease.”
The research world has published whole genome data for more than 1,000 organisms. Research centers have amassed immense repositories of genetic profiles, and enormous libraries store details on how thousands of medications and promising chemical compounds affect human and animal genomes. “In the future, if we have an economy that can afford it, we’ll be able to run an individual’s genome against a huge database of everything that’s known,” says Harley. “From that analysis, we can draw conclusions about what to look out for. The database will be vastly larger than it is now, and it will constantly be changing. That’s good though, because the more data you have, the better the predictions. So it will be much more useful than what we have now.” At Cincinnati Children’s, clinic registrars already do their part to contribute to the research effort. As part of the
specific drug. This helps us to create patient care solutions that are tailored to each individual, which is really the basis of precision medicine.” We’re already doing some of that now. For instance, we can identify if a patient is genetically predisposed to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). SCA is a common predisposition, as evidenced by the stories you hear of young athletes collapsing while participating in an athletic event. Most people don’t get screened for this risk unless they’re having symptoms, like fainting spells, or if there is a family history. But it’s devastating when it happens. “With genomics,” says White, “we can affordably and accurately test everyone and identify who’s at risk before a tragedy occurs.” U N R AV E LI N G M YS T E R I ES
The genetic research we’ve performed and the knowledge we’ve acquired so far is impressive, but we’ve only dipped a toe into the gene pool. “An individual’s personal genome doesn’t tell us what’s going to happen to them,” says White. “It only gives us information about what’s possible.” Harley agrees. “Having the gene for a disease doesn’t mean you will develop it. We call it ‘penetrance.’ If everyone with a specific genetic change has the disease every time, that’s 100 percent penetrance. With many genetic changes, it may only be 2 percent or 50 percent and varies with each gene and disease pair.”
Peter White, PhD, sees a day when having your DNA sequenced will be as routine as having blood drawn or your vital signs taken.
registration process, they ask families if we can use any leftover materials, e.g., blood or tissue samples, from medical tests for genomic research. Says Harley, “If the registrars didn’t do this, we’d have to collect these specimens in another way that would probably cost a fortune.” Says White, “The clinical data that’s captured during patient visits is critically important for genomics, and when combined with other findings, we’ll be able to predict whether a patient will have a disease or a reaction to a
White predicts there will soon come a time when many, if not all patients who come to Cincinnati Children’s will have their DNA sequenced in the same way they have their blood drawn or their vital signs taken today. The power of that information will help us be more proactive in treating or preventing specific diseases. “We’ll get better in our predictions as we understand the biology of disease through genomics,” he says. This will also change the dynamic of patient care. “Genomics provides information that helps guide clinical practice,” says White. “Typically, when patients come in for a visit, they tell the doctor what their symptoms are, and the doctor plays detective, trying to figure out what’s going on and how to fix it. The patient or parent knows more than the doctor does about their condition. With genomics, the reverse will be true in many cases—the doctor will potentially have much more information about the patient than he or she does before they even walk through the door.” Both White and Harley are excited about the CpG and what they hope to accomplish.
Says Harley, “When you do a genetic study, you’re often not sure what will result. You don’t always start with a hypothesis. Instead, you may let the genome tell you how it works. Once you provide information back to people, suddenly there’s a whole community of researchers working to understand it better and develop therapeutics.”
Says White, “The wonder that our human biology represents is what’s most gratifying to me. The human body has been extremely clever in finding ways to construct and operate itself. Every few years, a whole new class of ways we regulate ourselves is discovered, and it completely changes the field. There’s room for everyone to find their niche.”
GEE WHIZ GENOMICS The human genome is composed of 3,164.7 million chemical nucleotide bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine—ATCG) If you were to recite the entire ATCG sequence (3 billion letters in all) at a rate of 100 sequences per minute without sleeping, eating or drinking, you would cite for 57 years. If you laid out all the DNA from all the cells in your body, you could reach the moon 6,000 times.
You could fit 1 million threads of DNA across the period at the end of this sentence. Although scientists have mapped the human genome, there are still gaps and missing segments. Because of this, the exact number of human genes isn’t known, though it’s estimated to be around 19,000. On average, one out of every 180 children is born with a chromosomal abnormality, the most common of which is Down syndrome. More isn’t necessarily better—a butterfly has about 380 chromosomes, while humans have 46. The length of the butterfly’s genome is 124,900 (million base pairs). Humans have 3,300 (million base pairs). Two individuals share as much as 99.9 percent of the same genetic material and differ in only 0.1 percent of it. Sources: Gene Planet, Scribd, DockGenetics
REVVING OUR GENOMIC ENGINES Many institutions have invested in genomics, but not so much in involving the entire enterprise and including anyone who wants to participate, says Peter White, PhD, co-director, Center for Pediatric Genomics. The CpG hopes to jumpstart discovery by piloting a grant program in which they invite clinical and basic scientists to submit their best scientific projects encompassing genomics for funding. For this initial round, the CpG steering committee received a whopping 56 internal applications representing 37 divisions and 179 applicants and coinvestigators. Of those 56 applications, 11 were chosen to receive funding. They are:
1. Hansel Greiner, MD
4. Kenneth Kaufman, PhD
T I T L E : Biomarker development in focal cortical dysplasia G O A L : To identify the children with epilepsy who will benefit the most from surgery
T I T L E : Validation of Arg>Cys 77 AGER polymorphism in hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis G O A L : To test if one or both gene variants are necessary for this rare lung disease and determine whether transplanting normal lung macrophages constitutes a cure
2. Taosheng Huang, MD, PhD Human Genetics T I T L E : Mutations in SLC25A46 cause autosomal recessive optic atrophy and axonal peripheral neuropathy G O A L : To develop treatment for optic atrophy and peripheral neuropathy
3. Sonata Jodele, MD Bone Marrow Transplant & Immune Deficiency T I T L E : Genetic predisposition for thrombotic microangiopathy G O A L : To understand why some patients develop systemic blood vessel injury, which is a severe transplant complication
5. Kasiani Myers, MD Bone Marrow Transplant & Immune Deficiency T I T L E : Inherited bone marrow failure: Mechanisms and therapy through gene discovery G O A L : To discover new genetic causes for bone marrow failure syndromes and develop novel, less toxic treatments to prevent and treat it, as well as leukemia in children and adults
6. Derek Neilson, MD Human Genetics T I T L E : Genomic approach to prevent a painful syndrome: Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility Type G O A L : To transform EDS-HT from an “incurable disorder” into a condition that can be medically treated
F o r a c o m p l e t e d e s c r i p t i o n o f e a c h p r o j e c t , g o t o h t t p : //c e n t e r l i n k . c c h m c . o r g /c o n t e n t 1/ 15 9 8 3 4 /. All of the awardees and a number of additional proposals are being incubated to determine alternative strategies for suppor t, including working with our C enter for Technology C ommercialization and Development Depar tment, as well as additional internal and ex ternal funding agencies. You can also keep up with what CpG i s d o i n g o n Ya m m e r b y g o i n g t o h t t p s : // w w w.y a m m e r. c o m / a n d c r e a t i n g a Ya m m e r a c c o u n t ; t h e n a d d t h e Center for Pediatric Genomics to your groups.
+ 7. Steve Potter, PhD
10. James Wells, PhD
Developmental Biology
Developmental Biology
T I T L E : Genetics of hepatoblastoma and congenital kidney disease G O A L : To determine the genetic cause of patients with these two rare disorders, which will allow for earlier detection and better clinical management
T I T L E : Generating corrected beta cells from patients with genetic forms
8. Senthilkumar Sadhasivam, MD, MPH
of diabetes G O A L : To identify patients with genetic forms of diabetes who could be treated with healthy insulin-producing beta cells created using a corrected gene
11. Chunyue Yin, PhD; Alexander Miethke, MD
Pain Management
Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
T I T L E : EMR machine learning and validation of genetic associations and postoperative pain and opioid outcomes in children undergoing tonsillectomy G O A L : To more effectively and efficiently identify genetic predisposition to unfavorable postoperative outcomes in children, due to inadequate pain relief and opioid complications
T I T L E : Identification and functional relevance of gene variants in progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis patients G O A L : To advance our understanding of cholestatic liver disease and enable personalized treatment to save livers and lives
9. Rolf Stottman, PhD Human Genetics T I T L E : Forward genetic analysis of congenital craniofacial malformations G O A L : To identify the genetic causes of congenital craniofacial malformations associated with rare or unique syndromes seen in CCHMC clinics
Burden of Proof Studying the Genes That Cause Brain and Craniofacial Malformations
In the Stottmann lab, researchers study the genes, and the changes or mutations within those genes, that might be causing congenital malformations in babies. To do this, they use genomics—which means they look at sequence variations in large segments of DNA storing the code for all the genes in one child or family.
Rolf Stottmann, PhD, assistant professor, Human Genetics, prepares DNA for sequencing.
You might think Rolf Stottmann, PhD, is referring to a photo album from a recent vacation: “I get to look at these beautiful pictures. It’s so visually gratifying.” In fact, he’s talking about brain cells and other experimental results in the laboratory.
Their aim is to find which gene has been disrupted to bring about a defect in a child. That knowledge can contribute to a greater understanding of how malformations develop and could one day lead to a cure. It can also help families today. “When the clinical geneticists we collaborate with can tell a family that a specific gene mutation caused their child’s defect, that can help them know what sorts of issues to look for genetically, and it can help inform their decision about having more children,” Stottmann explains. The team’s work has the potential to affect families of children with craniofacial malformations such as cleft lip and cleft palate, as well as those with intellectual disability disorders, autism, epilepsy, and other neuropsychiatric disorders that can lead to lifelong suffering and disability. PRO VIN G THEIR CAS E
Stottmann is an assistant professor in the Division of Human Genetics. His research team studies the genes that play a part in congenital defects, which are defects that are present at birth. The team’s specific area of focus is on birth defects that occur in the brain and face, called craniofacial malformations. Back when Stottmann was working on his master’s degree, he was introduced to the field of developmental neurobiology. He was hooked. “I found development of the brain inherently interesting,” says Stottmann, who came to Cincinnati Children’s nearly four years ago.
Stottmann’s team starts their work when a family comes to Cincinnati Children’s for clinical care and is referred to a genetics professional. After the geneticists share the case with the Stottmann laboratory, they develop a hypothesis about what caused the child’s malformation using something called next-generation sequencing, where they determine the order of millions of fragments of the child’s unique DNA. When they find the change in a gene they think is causing the malformation, they attempt to reproduce the malformation using mouse models. If they successfully do that, they have proven why the baby developed the defect. This is one way
the basic science laboratory experiments merge with the clinical genetics to make new discoveries about the basis for human disease. Stottmann likens these investigations to working on an endless series of puzzles. He and his team put pieces together every day; sometimes they get the right fit, and sometimes a piece seems like it might never fit at all. “Being able to bounce back and forth between interesting and relevant puzzles keeps me going,” he says.
He admits he sometimes envies his colleagues who test specific treatments and see results relatively quickly. But he’s just as accepting that his legacy will be one that others build on for years to come. The thrill of discovery keeps him and his team going. “When we’re looking at a new animal model or experiment results, I tell my team, ‘You are quite possibly going to see something that no one else in the world may have ever seen,’” Stottmann says. “Seeing that for the first time is really exciting.”
A particular challenge is the amount of time research takes. “It’s hard for people outside of bench research to appreciate how slow progress is,” Stottmann says. “Even a brilliant experimental discovery can change what your next experiment will be.” One answer might mean a whole new set of questions to consider. Stottmann acknowledges that results of his work that can be translated into actual clinical treatment—where a patient’s life is changed as a direct result of his work— might not be seen in his lifetime.
In the same breath, Stottmann says he pauses at these times to recognize that there is a child living with the defect his team is looking at. The children affected by these malformations remain ever present in his thoughts. They are what keep Stottmann motivated as he works to help families generations into the future.
Stottmann uses one of his lab’s microscopes to examine the properties of cells.
fter three years of work, a 15-story research tower is on schedule to open this summer at Cincinnati Children’s Burnet Campus. The 425,000-square-foot building, which has been named the Clinical Sciences Pavilion (aka Location T), connects the hospital’s main clinical center to a twin research tower that opened in 2008. The new tower brings our total research space to more than 1.4 million square feet, making Cincinnati Children’s one of the country’s largest pediatric research centers. More than 1,500 physicians, scientists and support staff will work here.
The new tower physically expresses a deeply held aspect of Cincinnati Children’s culture—close and cordial cooperation between physicians and scientists to move the very latest innovations rapidly from the lab to the bedside. “This building symbolizes translational research in every way—geographically, structurally, and functionally,” says Kristine Justus, PhD, vice president of research operations and assistant director of the Research Foundation. “This is the piece that connects our research to our clinical care in a fundamental way.” Laboratory spaces are organized in “neighborhoods” to encourage collaboration, and research divisions that work together frequently will be located near each other. “Beehive” spaces will be equipped with conference rooms and 24-hour refreshment areas to support impromptu gatherings.
An artist’s rendering of the completed Clinical Sciences Pavilion. A ribbon-cutting will take place on Friday, June 12.
cash, investments and philanthropy ARCHITECTS: GBBN, GBR, HDR BUILDER: Messer Construction
From spaces for advanced imaging research to clinics tailored to participants in clinical studies, the new tower will be a nexus to bring children and science together. The first three floors will feature a soaring, open atrium where families participating in clinical trials will find a one-stop shop to receive study-related exams, scans and tests. Features include an integrated pharmacy to compound and manage investigational medications, a consolidated shipping area where clinical samples can be quickly packed in dry ice, a metabolic kitchen where families can learn how to prepare foods for children with special dietary needs, and more. A ribbon-cutting is slated for Friday, June 12. Cincinnati Children’s will also host a research symposium that day. An open house for employees and the construction crew will take place on Saturday, June 13.
New labs for clinical and translational research
Research imaging facility
Research-focused outpatient clinic
Collaborative space known as the Beehive
Rooftop respite garden
Office space for executive leadership and staff
Department Pastoral Care Role Senior director What I love most about what I do is (1) supporting and empowering my staff so they can use their gifts to the fullest, and (2) providing pastoral care to staff, especially those in leadership. When I’m not here, you can usually find me at home reading, cooking, watching a movie (and rooting for the Red Sox in season). A phrase that describes me Hospitable and fun. What I love about CCHMC is its commitment to the children it serves and the support it provides for the work that my department does. I was born in Munich, W. Germany, during the occupation following WW II. The guiding principle of my life is Servant leadership Person I admire most Jimmy Carter People would never guess that I used to be a hippie. What’s on my bucket list Visiting the eight states I have not yet been to, especially Alaska
Department Pediatric Ophthalmology Role Ophthalmologist, Eye Genetics Clinic What I love most about what I do is the opportunity to serve patients and families from diverse backgrounds with complex medical and genetic conditions affecting the eye. When I’m not here, you can usually find me exploring Cincinnati with my son. A phrase that describes me Enthusiastic and compassionate with a strong sense of justice and a deep inner faith. What I love about CCHMC is the collegiality and patientcentered focus within my department and among the subspecialties. I was born in Cleveland, OH— Go Browns! The guiding principle of my life is The Ten Commandments Person I admire most My parents People would never guess that I enjoy playing ragtime on the piano. What’s on my bucket list To complete a triathlon and sample every flavor of Graeter’s ice cream
Department Division of Veterinary Services Role Operations coordinator What I love most about what I do is knowing the work we do and the services we provide have an impact on all children. When I’m not here, you can usually find me camping, boating or relaxing with my family. A phrase that describes me Energetic, willing to try most anything. What I love about CCHMC is being able to work with good people and knowing that what we accomplish makes a difference in the community. I was born in Cincinnati and raised with 11 siblings. I learned quickly how to share. The guiding principle of my life Hard work always pays off. Person I admire most My mother. She was a good listener and knew how to stretch a dollar. People would never guess that I play sand volleyball. What’s on my bucket list To travel out West
Department Audiology Role Audiologist II What I love most about what I do is helping families and making their experience at CCHMC as easy as possible. When I’m not here, you can usually find me at one of my children’s sporting events. A phrase that describes me Laid back What I love about CCHMC is that everyone is committed to helping the children and families achieve the best outcomes. I was born to take care of those around me. The guiding principle of my life is Do not judge anyone for any reason. Always put yourself in others’ shoes. Person I admire most My brother Jeff who passed away from ALS in 2013. People would never guess that I love to refinish furniture and do decorating/painting around the house. What’s on my bucket list To swim with dolphins
thebuzz “I want research to find a cure for cancer. I also wouldn’t mind a limo or jet that picks me up and gets me to work/ home every day.”
Kendra Sawyers, business manager, Pediatric Ophthalmology
“I would like a cure for rheumatoid arthritis. Thousands, including my
mom, are diagnosed each year.
It would be wonderful if they no “I want an affordable,
tracking device for
reliable, non-invasive dependent loved ones, such as
longer had to suffer.” Kellie Whitaker, administrative assistant, Center for Destination Excellence
children, the elderly and pets. This device would also include a built-in emergency alert system.” Beth Ann Witherow, senior web designer, Information Services
“I would like to see a device that can verbalize the thoughts of small children who can’t yet talk. I’d love to know what’s going on in their little noggins! Otherwise, I’d settle for a teleportation device.”
“I would like to see a cure for diabetes. I have diabetes,
Jimmy Lambert, supervisor, Emergency Services
and it’s becoming more and more common in this society.” “I want a robot that “I would like to see a truly ‘green’ battery—a power source with little to no environmental impact.” Treva Lyke, RN, registered nurse II, Emergency Department
Lori Wilkinson, access control specialist, Protective Services
could take care of all the household duties— grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, laundry, yard work and organizing the family calendar. I’d love a ‘Rosie’ from the Jetsons!” LaToya Jackson, lead, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Congratulations to the following employees who celebrate milestone ser vice anniversaries in A P R I L , M AY and J U N E !
Mar y Wentzel, RN, Oncology
Jacqueline Wessel, RD, Nutrition Therapy Jill Winer, RN, B4/Newborn Intensive Care Unit Lisa Witte, RN, Post Anesthesia Care Unit
Lynda Nicholas, RN, GI Transplant
35 Cindi Acree, RN, CNP, DNP, Advanced Practice Nurses Lauren Dardeen, RN, Liberty Campus/LA1 West Kim Klotz, RN, GI Transplant Teresa Meyer, Pharmacy Diane Morris, RN, Anderson Urgent Care Sharon Nuby, Same Day Surgery Timothy Parsons, PharmD, Pharmacy Lisa Phipps, RN, Liberty Campus/Surgery Linda Rubush, RN, Liberty Campus/Same Day Surgery Charlene Smith, Food Ser vices Daniel Theile, Protective Ser vices Christine Wills, Information Ser vices
25 Annamarie Borich, RN, A5 North Lori Brunner, RN, Clinical Translational Research Center Keith Brunswick, Food Ser vices Kim Bur ton, RN, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Shannon Carr, Dentistry Lesa Combs, RN, Vascular Access Team Jackie Dierig, RN, GI Transplant Michelle Fluegeman, Outpatient Registration Kimberly Foster, RN, Home Care Marcia Gavin, RD, Clinical Translational Research Center William Hardie, MD, Pulmonary Medicine David Herrmann, Protective Ser vices Sheila Howard, RN, Inpatient Care Management Michelle Huffman, RN, B4/Newborn Intensive Care Unit Theresa Ker th, RN, A6 South Linda Kollar, RN, CNP, Advanced Practice Nurses Susan Lee, Lab Administration
30 Frances Calloway, Surgery Kelly Cherr y, RN, Cardiac Catheterization Rebecca Cook, RN, CNP, DNP, Advanced Practice Nurses Lois Cur twright, RN, Radiology Tina Eubanks, RRT, Respiratory Care Diana Glaubke, Admitting Becky Hammoor, RN, Same Day Surgery Mark Keller, Behavioral Medicine/Clinical Psychology Anna King, RN, Neurology Susan Ley, RN, Pediatric Urology Elizabeth Lohr, RN, Home Care Patti Mercurio, RN, Same Day Surgery Nancy Morgan, RN, Liberty Campus/Same Day Surgery Karen Nelson, Liaison Resources Teresa O’Hara, RN, Pulmonary Medicine Laurie Perr y, Radiology Steven Potter, PhD, Developmental Biology Terri Price, RN, Information Ser vices Susan Rayburn, RN, Otolaryngology Rosemar y Rober tson, Liberty Campus/Emergency Department Fred Ryckman, MD, Surgical Ser vices Cynthia Samuel, RN, Adolescent Medicine Carla Schulte, RN, A6 South Carol Shaw, RN, Clinical Development and Education Lois Siegle, RN, GI Transplant Eva Spiegel, RN, Urology/Nephrology Center Annette Stambaugh, Human Genetics Dan Wells, RRT, Respiratory Care
Ann McCormick, Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy Vickie Neyer, RN, MSN, Cardiology Becky Russo, RN, Clinical Translational Research Center Bill Scrivener, Pastoral Care Julie Sullivan, RN, Liberty Campus/Surgery Kimberly Wheeler, RN, A7 North and South/Neurology and Neuroscience Donna White, RN, Inpatient Care Management Bonnie Wilson, Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy
20 Kirsten Ahrens, MD, Emergency Medicine Amy Cole, RRT, Sleep Lab Tom DeWitt, MD, General and Community Pediatrics Kathy Evans, Allergy and Immunology Roger Gibson, RRT, Respiratory Care Melissa Peck Huber, Drug and Poison Information Center Keith Kombrinck, Experimental Hematology Christine Mayerik, Speech Pathology Karen Naugle, Veterinary Ser vices Pamela Schoettker, Anderson Center Jilda Vargus-Adams, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
See a complete list of milestone ser vice anniversaries online in this week’s edition of CenterNews.
15 4
3333 Burnet Avenue, MLC 9012 Cincinnati, OH 45229-3026
Volunteer in the Spotlight Ask Sadiq Silbak about his volunteer experience in the Emergency Department at Cincinnati Children’s, and he’ll give a long, enthusiastic answer. But ask him to choose his most meaningful interaction with patients and families, and he sums it up in one sentence: “Every interaction I have with them is meaningful.” Silbak is a graduate student at UC’s College of Medicine, pursuing a master’s degree in immunology. He’s a regular on the Dean’s List, won the 2011 Outstanding Tutor Award from UC’s Learning Assistance Center, and was named the 2009 Rookie of the Year by our own Volunteer Services. Silbak has always wanted a career in which he can positively impact children’s lives. Volunteering at Cincinnati Children’s seemed like an obvious opportunity to do that.
Sadiq Silbak He recalls the couple who brought their infant to the ED. The mother spoke English. The father spoke Arabic. The doctor examined the baby and gave the child a clean bill of health, but the father understood nothing and was frantic. Silbak, who is fluent in Arabic, stepped forward and helped alleviate his fears. Another time, a teenager came in with a fractured leg. She was wearing an ankle bracelet that needed to be removed. It had sentimental value for her, and she feared it would have to be cut off. “I battled that bracelet for 15 minutes, which gave everyone something to laugh about,” he recalls. “I was able to save it, which taught me that you can come out of a rough situation okay as long as you are willing to work toward positively influencing the outcome.” Silbak finds his volunteer experience rewarding. “I meet individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, faiths and languages,” he says. “I get to see how rich humanity truly is and learn about its treasures.”
a moment in history In 1985 Sandra Degen, PhD, and husband, Jay Degen, PhD, joined Cincinnati Children’s. Jay’s research has focused on genetic analysis of hemostatic (coagulation) factors in common disease processes, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Sandra’s research interests are the regulation of the expression of protein in blood coagulation and growth control. Additionally, Sandra has been a strong advocate for women in science, helping to establish the Schmidlapp Women’s Scholars Program. Both Jay and Sandra are retiring from Cincinnati Children’s at the end of June.