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hen I say someone is a “serious writer,” I do it secretly during a private, one-sided conversation with myself. Because the public sharing of artistic output is often so randomly and arbitrarily judged, who really cares what I think? Answer: By and large my journalism students, and they are only just finding themselves when they encounter me, so it makes perfect sense they would care. Usually, fundamentally, when I deem someone a serious writer, what I am saying about them is what I have lived with and said about my own self lo these 42 years into this craft: that a serious writer cannot do anything but write. She may have — by necessity of cash flow or by family pressure — worked straight jobs. I spent the summer of 1986 microfilming individual sheets inside boxes of medical records in a hot and windowless basement of a family-owned warehouse in Carthage. This, before I took what was supposed to be a temporary, seasonal job at the downtown Lazarus as a retail floater — men’s sportswear to women’s furs to housewares — making $3.85 an hour to pay the $185 rent on a mouse-, roachand flea-infested apartment in Clifton on Ohio Avenue. I lived across the hallway from a man who had Tourette’s and, one night when his involuntary yelping and cursing became too much, I opened my door and pitched a cowboy boot at his door. The thud scared him and shut him down but I never got that boot back. Somewhere in Clifton a left-booted white man is limping around yelling obscenities at random people. I began at 8 years old all the diary entries, snatches of sentences on little slips of paper and all the random words I needed to look up in the dictionary I’d jotted down in the margins of our little hometown newspaper (because I LOVED the way a Bic ink pen took to newsprint), and I simply continued all through my life. I was, for the most part, left alone to do this. I always had the headspace and the physical space to conjoin ideas with words and sentences. And when I did not, I made a time and a place, never using the lack of “a room of one’s own” as a valid reason not to write. Throughout the years, as my autodidactism-strengthening and my literal need for traditional education all but disappeared, I realized all I could do was write. And sometimes I felt like I was writing for my life, like if I didn’t get a thought on
paper a particular way or even if I allowed one full day to pass without scrawling one word on a piece of paper, my heart would cease beating. I had been telling myself during those lean(er) years when no one was paying attention, publishing or printing me that if I did not document those days and times, then who in the world would get it down like me? Without realizing it, I was writing commentary. So when so many calls came years and years later, I did not flinch. I considered myself well-trained. I have never in my life been blocked. I do not pretend to know what that is or what misery it lays on a writer. However, I have been physically, mentally and spiritually beaten down, as I am now. Those three are the holy triumvirate of my creative source, and when they are all equally tapped, I know I am in trouble. There was a time not very long ago when I recognized the onslaught of a headon creative crash, so I moped around. I got all inside my feelings. I talked to my close friends — teachers, writers mostly. They all suggested simple burn out; that I hadn’t run out of words (or ideas) but that I had been writing so long at full throttle without any real respites that I was just exhausted. I was worried. Since I write sentences for financial survival and rarely, if ever, for myself, I wondered: When would I ever “be allowed” to cop that much-needed rest? Would there ever be a time without real worry or when I could, like back in the day, write sentences solely for myself? The answers came back to me: No, on all fronts. Not only is it “no” because I must write, although I am also a good teacher. My writing life is set up in this way because what I write publicly is part of some mission I hadn’t planned for but must be carried out through me, regardless. I think the weeks I spent musing and ruminating on the principles of “rest” was my rest, my moments to refuel. Liberation is yet another gift writing has blessed me with, and that liberation has long been mine for the taking. Why?
Because there was never a Plan B for me. I never prepared for or prepared myself and my life for something else. There is not anything else. Not that I am too prideful to take another type of job — even something laborious. I have read that physically taxing jobs spare our intellectual might, and I agree. All the past (crap) jobs I have held left me absolutely energized to sit up and write all night long. So long, to paraphrase the playwright Tony Kushner, I was “writing at the end of myself” and had to write my way back. I do not mind that I am now largely dutybound to writing.
“Would there ever be a time without real worry or when I could, like back in the day, write sentences solely for myself?” There are days I joke that I would much rather be getting a root canal and a colonoscopy than writing, but that is just so much drama-queen exaggeration. I would always much rather be reading, learning new words, marvelling at the serious ones among us and trying, always trying to improve myself. The papers of the late, great black sci-fi writer Octavia Butler are being publicly shared and prepared for exhibition. One handwritten segment from the back cardbord cover of an early notebook lit up black Instagram and black Facebook last week. In her own hand, Butler, a young writer when she wrote it, proclaimed what she wanted to do with her life through writing. She expected to be published, to be educated, to help pay for the educations of other young writers, to take care of her mother by buying her a nice house and that she would stick to her guns until she’d accomplished these goals. The message was in ink. The ink ran out. She returned in pencil, I think. Tiring of that, she returned in fresh ink, writing down to the very tip of the right corner—literally off the page. CONTACT KATHY Y. WILSON: letters@
Considering Pre-’Spotlight’ Reporting on Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests BY BEN L. KAUFMAN
Linda Maty, editor of the Times of Acadiana, an alternative weekly in Lafayette, gave Berry a special assignment to keep digging, but “it didn’t pay enough for the looming time investment.” That’s a common barrier for freelance journalists, and Berry “hit a brick wall” with pitches to The New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone and The Nation. “I was aware of NCR but had never seen an issue when I called Editor Tom Fox, explaining the availability of documents from proceedings underway. He agreed to a joint assignment, which made the work financially feasible, barely.” Eventually, Berry condensed his original three Times of Acadiana stories into one for NCR, and when he was done, it was a national story. Berry kept digging and reporting accusations against more priests for Times of Acadiana. “As I broke stories on four more (Louisiana) priests, the appropriately named Daily Advertiser. ... attacked the weekly and me as ‘vultures of yellow journalism.’ “The diocesan lawyer lashed out at me in a front-page article, without contradicting what I had written. In January 1986, I reported that the diocese had recycled seven predators over many years through a map of outlying towns.” Before that piece ran, his new editor at the weekly, Richard Baudouin, told Berry he was considering an editorial. “What did I think he should say? “Tell (Bishop Gerard) Frey and (vicar general Msgr. A. J.) Larroque to resign.” “He nodded. ‘Jason, I haven’t read an editorial like that.’ “I replied: ‘Richard, no one has ever written an editorial like that.’ “With no disrespect to my friends at The Boston Globe, who earned a well-deserved Pulitzer for the (Spotlight) 2002 series, Richard’s editorial 16 years earlier calling on the Vatican to replace Frey and Larroque if they did not resign should be taught in every journalism class in America” You can read Berry’s recollections and other NCR commemorative pieces at In her essay, Alison Bass reclaimed her role as “the Boston Globe reporter who first broke the story about a molesting priest in Massachusetts. ... (A)s a long-time former reporter for The Boston Globe, I knew many of the characters in the movie, which focuses on the Spotlight team’s exposè of Catholic priests
who molested children and the Boston archdiocese’s coverup.” Bass, now an assistant professor of journalism at West Virginia University, called Spotlight “a riveting movie that gets a lot right. ... However, there are a few things the film doesn’t get quite right. The biggest disappointment is the way it glossed over the reporting that had been done by Globe writers about the priest scandal well before the Spotlight team sprang into action in 2001.” Bass’ initial story focused on wayward Father James Porter. She recalls how she followed that story with others, including details about how Father Porter had been sent to a treatment center for errant priests and moved from parish to parish despite complaints about his misconduct. There were other follow-up reports, including a buried story about 30 priests accused of similar misconduct. Bass says the Globe’s editor, who was Catholic, eventually put out an edict that there would be no more stories about molesting priests. “As the film makes clear, it wasn’t until Marty Baron, a Jewish outsider, came in as editor of the Globe and encouraged the Spotlight team to look at the priest scandal, that the paper really dug into the issue and did its prize-winning work.” Bass also notes the research done by Richard Sipe, shown in the film as being discovered by Mark Ruffalo’s character (Globe reporter Michael Rezendes), estimated up to 6 percent of American priests had molested children. It was actually already published by the Globe’s earlier reporting on Sipe’s presentation of his findings at the American Psychological Association in Boston. “I know this because I covered his talk and wrote that 1990 story. I remember well that the battle that raged in the Globe’s newsroom about whether the piece should be buried in Metro or splashed on Page 1. To the credit of the Globe’s Page 1 editor at the time, it made the front page. “I realize that people’s memories are short and that the film was mostly based on the memories of the Spotlight reporters and editors involved. After all, I had completely forgotten that I wrote the story about the 30 priests that was buried in 1992. Even so, it would have been nice if the Spotlight crew had given a little more credit to their colleagues who laid the groundwork for them. But hey, that’s show biz right?”
THE WORLD Gov. John Kasich told CNN last week that if he becomes president he will reunite Pink Floyd. Kasich apparently has a really fond memory of seeing “The Wall” in Pittsburgh once. CINCINNATI -1 Chicago police officer Robert Rialmo is suing the estate of a 19-year-old college student who Rialmo shot and killed, along with the teen’s 55-year old unarmed neighbor, on Dec. 26. The investigation into the shooting is ongoing, but Rialmo is seeking more than $10 million for the emotional damage he says he endured from the incident. WORLD -1 Ohio has confirmed its first case of the Zika virus, and it’s in Cleveland. A 30-year-old woman began experiencing symptoms of the virus while in Haiti at the end of January and tested positive for the virus when she returned to her home in Cleveland this month. CINCINNATI -1 Conservative pundits found something besides the Carolina Panthers’ black quarterback to complain about after the Super Bowl. Several were up in arms over Beyoncé’s halftime performance, which paid tribute to the Black Panthers’ formation in 1966. The pop star’s new music video references the Black Lives Matter movement. WORLD +1
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Thirty years ago, Jason Berry and National Catholic Reporter ignited Americans’ awareness of sexual abuse by Catholic priests. Yup, it’s been in the news media at least that long. Twenty-four years ago, Boston Globe’s Alison Bass wrote about a Massachusetts priest accused of molesting at least 100 altar boys and girls. Fourteen years ago, the Globe’s “Spotlight” investigative team produced the first of its stories about priestly sexual abuse and hierarchy coverup. Now, the film Spotlight tells the Boston Globe story and is nominated for Best Picture of 2015. Missing from much of the adulation in the news media is credit for the Berry/ NCR courage and pioneering investigative journalism and the reporting by Alison Bass and her Boston Globe colleagues. It’s as if no gruff old editor growled, “Did you check the clips?” Berry’s been at our dinner table, talking shop; I’d been a longtime NCR correspondent in Minneapolis and Cincinnati and the Enquirer religion reporter. It was probably around the time that I was reporting a former seminarian’s allegations — eventually recanted — that Cincinnati Archbishop Joseph Bernardin used him as a sex toy. By then, Jesuiteducated Berry had developed his initial NCR reporting into a book, Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children. NCR is an independent Catholic weekly. Over the years, it has hung out church dirty laundry here and abroad and enraged the hierarchy. Last month, NCR celebrated Berry’s coup. As with Berry’s Louisiana coverage, clergy abuse stories often began with civil suits or criminal charges. (Court documents are a godsend; fair and accurate use protect journalists from libel claims.) In his recollection last month in NCR, Berry said, “The news of (Father Gilbert) Gauthe’s indictment for abusing altar boys in Cajun country, 150 miles away, jolted me. ... I could not get that priest out of my mind.” He buried himself in court filings. There, he found evidence of predatory priests being transferred among unsuspecting parishes and a sordid, sexual environment. To Berry, it was clear what church leadership knew and when they knew it. Mid-1980s, however, was no time to take on the politically powerful American Catholic Church. Berry had the story and needed a local outlet.
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Deadly Additions
A synthetic opiate making heroin even more dangerous has its roots in the prescription drug-addiction crisis BY NICK SWARTSELL
Fentanyl-related overdose deaths in Hamilton County
2007–2013 7
2014 81
2015 94 (through September)
a sign that certain dealers have latched onto the practice and have found a reliable source of the drug. “As we saw increases in overdoses related to fentanyl, we took a hard look at various drug combinations, as well as a spatial analysis of deaths,” says Hamilton County Health Commissioner Tim Ingram. “There are a few pockets within the county that are experiencing much higher numbers of fentanyl-related overdoses.” In many ways, the heroin and fentanyl crises have fueled each other to their current ghastly heights. Prescription drug companies first developed fentanyl in the 1960s to treat severe pain associated with surgery and certain cancers. It acts fast, is very powerful and can be obtained in lozenge and patch forms. Like many powerful opiates, it’s prone to abuse. Dr. Neil Capretto, who treats addiction at the Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Pennsylvania, told NPR earlier this year that problems with fentanyl started with medical professionals. “Patterns of abuse actually began with hospital workers, anesthesiologists and nurses,” Capretto said. “There were a rash of (them) dying from overdose. You’d hear of them getting it in the operating rooms by drawing out fentanyl from vials and putting saline in its place.” A powdered form of fentanyl, called China White on the streets, rose to prominence in the 1980s. With the advent of the drug’s patch and lozenge forms, patients
Last March alone, more than 20 people in Hamilton County died from fentanyl-related overdoses, according to a report by the county. who had been legitimately prescribed fentanyl began abusing more often as well. That dovetailed with an overall rise in prescription drug abuse that started in the 1990s and became a crisis in the last decade. In the early 2000s, doctors began widely prescribing opiates like fentanyl, leading to a huge increase in abuse and addictions. The demand for those opiates was in large part driven by marketing pushes from major pharmaceutical companies, which funded academic studies, educational programs and medical groups like the Federation of State Medical Boards. Those organizations in turn endorsed increased use of opiates. An article in the 2015 Annual Review of Public Health implicates the relationship between these companies and medical groups, and the role both played in pushing opiates. “To overcome what they claimed to be ‘opiophobia,’ physician-spokespersons for opioid manufacturers published papers and gave lectures in which they claimed that the medical community had been confusing addiction with ‘physical dependence,’ ” the report says. “They described addiction as rare and completely distinct from so-called ‘physical dependence,’ which was said to be ‘clinically unimportant.’ They cited studies with serious methodological flaws to highlight the claim that the risk of addiction was less than 1 percent.” One of those companies, Purdue
Pharmaceuticals, paid $634 million in federal fines around those claims in 2007. Federal officials said the company learned in the mid-1990s that physicians weren’t prescribing opiates in non-cancer cases because they were worried about addiction, and then went about creating educational material and getting endorsements to assuage those fears. Around the same time, medical professionals and federal officials were releasing a number of warnings about the dangers of opiates in general and fentanyl specifically. But the damage was done. Prescription opiates, especially ones like OxyContin, became so popular that illegal labs known as pill mills began pumping out the synthetic narcotics to meet illicit demand. Law enforcement in Ohio, led by the attorney general’s office, clamped down hard on the industry beginning in 2011, raiding and shutting down pill mills and others dealing the drugs. Prescription pill overdose deaths then began dropping in the state. The decrease in pill supply, however, led many to heroin. According to the federal government’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, four out of five heroin addicts surveyed reported their addictions started with prescription opiates. Today, heroin has gone from rarely seen to nearly ubiquitous on the drug scene. And as supply has increased, the price has dropped. Addicts can often get a heroin fix CONTINUES ON PAGE 11
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ast January, 38-year-old Scott Kehrer bought $200 worth of heroin from a Norwood dealer named Kenneth Gentry. Kehrer, an Arlington Heights resident and employee at Children’s Hospital Medical Center, had been struggling with addiction since a friend introduced him to the drug, which he had been getting from Gentry regularly. Later that day, Kehrer was found unconscious from an overdose at a house in Lockland. He died soon afterward. Kehrer’s death is one of many related to the region’s opiates crisis. In 2014, Ohio had the second-highest drug overdose rate in the country, with some 2,744 deaths — many related to heroin. But it might have been another drug that actually took Kehrer’s life. The heroin Gentry sold him was cut with fentanyl, a prescription narcotic up to 100 times more powerful than morphine. It creates the same euphoria addicts crave from other opiates by driving up dopamine levels, creating a calming and addictive high. Authorities told a Hamilton County Courts judge that Kehrer had nine times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system at the time of his death. It wasn’t an isolated incident. Authorities are becoming increasingly concerned about fentanyl, which has its roots in the prescription opiate boom that sparked the ongoing drug crisis over the last decade. As that crisis has transitioned into the heroin addiction epidemic, fentanyl has made a comeback as a powerful additive. “Fentanyl is often mixed with heroin, which is cheap, potent and available,” said Hamilton County Commissioner Dennis Deters, Chair of the Hamilton County Heroin Coalition. “Users are unaware that their drugs may have been cut with fentanyl or other adulterants, which places them at even greater risk of overdose or even death.” It’s a recent but quickly growing problem. From 2007 to 2013, according to Hamilton County Public Health, fentanyl contributed to just seven of the county’s overdose deaths. But in 2014, it played a role in 81 fatal overdoses, or 30 percent of the county’s 251 total overdose deaths. Authorities are still analyzing data from last year, but the raw number of overdose deaths related to fentanyl was even higher in 2015 — 94 through September of that year. Last March alone, more than 20 people in Hamilton County died from fentanyl-related overdoses, according to a report by the county. These deaths are often happening in specific corners of the county, including Norwood, Price Hill and the areas around Walnut Hills and Mount Auburn, perhaps
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Xavier University held a packed town hall discussion Feb. 2 on the state of Cincinnati 15 years after the police shooting of unarmed black citizen Timothy Thomas and the civil unrest that shook the city afterward. Thomas was the 15th black Cincinnatian killed by police during the previous three years, and frustrations in the black community over those killings, coupled with deep economic and social isolation, bubbled over in Over-the-Rhine and other neighborhoods around the city. Even after a decade and a half, the town hall discussion was timely: Last summer saw the death of unarmed black motorist Samuel DuBose at the hands of University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing, and events in the past year and a half across the country have brought the issue of racially charged police killings front and center. Charlie Luken, who was Cincinnati’s mayor in 2001, gave introductory remarks to the crowd. Luken admitted that officials at the time were slow to pay attention to signs of unrest. “Our community, including me, was slow to grasp the depths of legitimate complaint,” he said. Luken said he doesn’t condone violence, but also called the unrest in 2001 “part of the American tradition.” He said activism during the unrest led to positive change, a significant shift from statements he made in 2001 when he remarked that “some of them seem to be out here just for the fun of it.” Activist Iris Roley of the Black United Front argued that the historic Collaborative Agreement that came after the unrest was a positive step, but that much more work is still needed. Roley advocated for expanded community presence for the Citizen Complaint Authority, which handles citizens’ complaints against officers under the city’s police reforms. Of the 320 complaints filed with the authority, 67 were investigated. Rev. Damon Lynch III, a pastor in OTR in 2001, said police issues are just a part of the city’s race problem and that much of the racial disparity, including huge socioeconomic gaps, haven’t shifted in Cincinnati since 2001. “Childhood poverty won’t start the next civil unrest,” he said, suggesting that the economic issues that set up those conditions are the real issue. Cincinnati Police Department District 4 Capt. Maris Harold, meanwhile, maintained that policing in Cincinnati has gotten remarkably better in the last two decades, touting what she calls the data-driven “science of policing,” which she says can result in fewer arrests by targeting the few violent criminals in an area. The strategy before 2001 was “zero tolerance; arrest everything that moves,” Harold said, but, “unless you’re an irrational
person, you have to realize the strategy wasn’t working.” Black Lives Matter activist Brian Taylor argued that a shift in police tactics can’t mask deeper problems and that the most powerful way to address those inequalities is through street-level activism. “Racism is institutional,” he said, “bound to the system on a molecular level.” Taylor brought up the fact that officers who corroborated Tensing’s story around the shooting of DuBose this summer are still on the force. Audience members also asked several questions regarding the deeper issues that sparked the unrest in 2001, including socioeconomic inequalities and lack of jobs and educational opportunities in the black community. (Nick Swartsell)
Kentucky Official Disputes DeWine Claims on Fetal Tissue An investigation published Feb. 4 by Columbus WBNS-10TV quotes a Kentucky state official disputing claims made by Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine regarding fetal tissue disposal practices by Ohio Planned Parenthood. The report also reveals that the company Planned Parenthood paid to dispose of fetal tissue is also under contract with the state of Ohio. Following controversy around videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood officials in Texas discussing the sale of fetal tissue to a fake medical company, DeWine launched an investigation into Ohio Planned Parenthood late last year. That investigation didn’t find any fetal tissue sales at the organization’s Ohio clinics, but DeWine did announce that it appeared as if Planned Parenthood was violating state law by contracting with a Kentucky company that autoclaved, or steam-treated, fetal tissue and then dumped it in landfills. However, Lanny Brannock, spokesman for the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection, says intact fetuses were not disposed of in landfills there. What’s more, Brannock says Ohio investigators never spoke to anyone at the facilities nor visited them during the course of their investigation. “It is illegal to landfill any human tissue in Kentucky, and by law it’s required to be incinerated,” Brannock said. “We have no knowledge of any human tissue going into Kentucky landfills.” DeWine has said he trusted that investigators would contact the relevant officials during their investigation and was unaware that they did not. Meanwhile, state documents also reveal that Ohio contracts with the same disposal company named in the DeWine investigation, Kentucky-based Accu Medical Waste Services, Inc., to dispose of medical waste. That contract includes state prisons, where CONTINUES ON PAGE 11
for just $10 or $20, much less than more tightly controlled pills or other opiates. The heroin trade is an international industry with a complicated supply chain. Its raw ingredients are extracted from opium found in the seed pods of the poppy plant, often grown in Afghanistan and countries in Southeast Asia. From there, it’s often refined by cartels in Mexico and Central America. Fentanyl, meanwhile, remains a popular prescription drug. In 2013 and 2014, doctors wrote more than 13 million prescriptions for the opiate, according to a March report by the Drug Enforcement Administration. Law enforcement officials say some fentanyl overdose deaths come from diversions of those legally produced drugs into the hands of drug dealers, who mix them with heroin or sell them straight, while others come from suspected illegal fentanyl labs. It’s not the first time the combination
inmates occasionally suffer miscarriages. DeWine says investigators didn’t look into Ohio’s contracts because his office was focused on what Planned Parenthood does. The contract between the state and Accu Medical doesn’t mention fetal tissue. “I find it to be disturbing and I find it to be not humane,” DeWine said. “I don’t think it matters who does it. What matters is this is
has resulted in a rash of overdoses. In 2006, more than 1,000 people in Chicago, Detroit and Philadelphia died when batches of heroin containing fentanyl reached street-level dealers. The big bump in overdose deaths related to fentanyl has gotten the attention of federal authorities. “Drug incidents and overdoses related to fentanyl are occurring at an alarming rate throughout the United States and represent a significant threat to public health and safety,” DEA Administrator Michele M. Leonhart said in a warning the agency issued this spring. The DEA raised alarms about the fact that the current outbreak is much more widely dispersed geographically than the one a decade ago. That outbreak ended when authorities shuttered a single illicit lab in Mexico. But with the heroin crisis raging more intensely now, it might not be so easy to curb the narcotic this time. © being done. So I was not aware of that at all. You know when we began our investigation, it was a very narrow question.” The revelation comes after a Texas grand jury on Jan. 26 declined to indict Planned Parenthood officials shown in the original fetal tissue sale videos and instead indicted the video makers, activists with the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress, on felony federal records tampering charges. (NS)
JAN. 23 – FEB. 21
FEB. 5 – MARCH 6
Get your hands dirty.
Sometimes a revolution needs a woman’s touch.
By Karen Zacarías
Sponsored by Johnson Investment Counsel and Clark, Schaefer, Hackett & Co.
Season presented by The Otto M. Budig Family Foundation and Heidelberg Distributing Co.
Four beautiful, badass women lose their heads in this irreverent, girl-powered comedy set during the French Revolution.
Sponsored by Sallie and Randolph Wadsworth
Season Sponsor of New Work: The Lois and Richard Rosenthal Foundation
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Gardens and cultures clash when a neighborly disagreement spirals into all-out war in this hilarious comedy of good intentions and bad manners.
By Lauren Gunderson
4:03 PM
Fr ReE sS
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SweetWater Brewing Company • Georgia •
— Maija Zummo, project editor P h o to s : J E SS E F OX
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Love. It’s in the air — as the theme of the Super Bowl halftime show, in all the Jared the Galleria of Jewelry commercials on TV and in the email newsletters you’re receiving from every retailer at which you’ve ever shopped. But as much as some complain that Valentine’s Day is a commercial holiday created by greeting card companies, it’s also a nice time to stop and think about what love really means — as they say, it’s all you need and it makes the world go round. CityBeat’s 2016 Love List will introduce you to, in a strictly platonic way, 10 passionate Cincinnatians in various service, creative and philanthropic industries who have turned what they love into their lifestyles. These are portraits of lovable locals striving to make a difference in the world by pursuing a path that celebrates the best in humanity — art, music, kindness, creativity and the ability to dream. By focusing on why they love what they do, why they love Cincinnati and why they love their lives in general, we can explore the multi-faceted meaning of love and how passion can drive change in our community and the world at large.
St. — is currently being rebranded as a donation-based art supply nonprofit for unwanted, gently used or unused materials called INDIGO: a creative reuse center, which is run by friend and co-arts conspirator, Alisha Budkie. Perhaps her success has much to do with the passion that Nehls draws upon when creating her artwork. “Passion,” she says, “implies you’re willing to work hard, sacrifice and suffer for someone or something. In this sense of the word, I’m the most passionate about painting and working for the moments when you can really connect or communicate with someone through visual art.”
Lindsay Nehls
What aspects do you love about your job?
I have too many jobs and love too many things about them. To pick evenings at the Contemporary Arts something super specific, I love Center “and other weird events” creating events like our Drink & Draw series at the Contemporary Arts Hometown: She wasn’t born here Center, which are inviting to all kinds but claims Cincinnati as home. of people — not just those that think of themselves as artists. Drink & Draw Why we love her: She’s a talented encourages people to talk to strangers, local artist who gets the community to be weird and to get in touch with involved with and inspired to create art. their inner child/artist. Last month I looked around the crowded room and INTERVIEW BY MARIA SEDA-REEDER there were people of all ages sharing conversation and colored pencils with each other — and some of them were even lying on the ground, drawing on their stomachs like kids. That was pretty magical.
Title: Artist, host of Drink & Draw
What do you love about Cincinnati?
The energy and momentum, the people, the architecture, the food, the museums, the public art; the fact that you can live here for 10 years and still find a new person, place or thing to love every day. Oh, and the parks! We are so lucky to have so many huge parks like Eden Park and Mount Airy. Humble Burnet Woods will always be one of my favorite places in the world.
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Name someone that you love: role model, best friend, inspiration, etc., and tell us why.
Maybe it’s too cheeseball of an answer, but my partner Ben Nava is all of those things. He’s a farmer, and so especially during planting and harvest time, he works about a billion times harder than anyone I know, which is such an inspiration. But he also reminds me when I need a break and always says, “I’m so proud of you!” if I take an evening off to be lazy and relax. And he grows a mean broccoli. And he will always be there to help a friend move a couch, even if he’s exhausted. ... That’s the mark of a true friend.
What’s the best lesson life has taught you about love?
Artist Lindsay Nehls seems to have fallen hard for Cincinnati. “We moved around a lot when
I was younger,” she says. “But after I moved here for UC in 2006, I fell in love and couldn’t leave.” And after nearly a decade living in the Queen City, she has settled right in. Although she studied metalworking and photography at UC’s College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, since graduating in 2010, Nehls has returned to the drawing and painting practices she first honed as a kid. These days, her 2-D work leans toward illustrative portraits and
colorful watercolors. And the crowds at her wildly popular monthly Drink & Draw event at the Contemporary Arts Center just keep getting bigger. She has cultivated a reputation for designing posters, album cover art and T-shirts for local independent musicians like SHADOWRAPTR, Grow Horns and ADM. And she has continued pragmatic advocacy for artists by helping run the former Rock Paper Scissors arts and crafts supply store in Over-the-Rhine, which also featured the work and music of many local artists. Rock Paper Scissors shut its doors at the end of last year, but the space itself — at 1301 Main
Try to do the mundane, daily things with love as much as possible. Just like you can tell when food is cooked with love, a space will feel more inviting and comfortable when a floor is swept with love, when the chairs or plates or work stations have been set out with love. What could be a boring, even annoying email can brighten someone’s day if you put a little extra love into it. Learn more about Rock Paper Scissors’ transition to INDIGO at and more about the DRINK & DRAW series at
D. Lynn Meyers Title: Producing artistic director of Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati Hometown: Cincinnati Why We Love Her: For believing in Overthe-Rhine’s renaissance before the Gateway Quarter and bringing world-premiere theatrical productions to the city. INTERVIEW BY RICK PENDER
with some numbers by the Marvelous Wonderettes, a quartet featured in four sold-out ETC musicals. And Meyers and her board will announce plans for an expansion of the facility, a dream she has long nurtured.
What aspects do you love about your job?
My work is part of my life, so I don’t really see it as a job. However, I love giving people jobs! My job allows me to work for a better community and world while giving talented people the chance to create, share and grow their art. It’s a great life. I’ve never seen any work I have done as a job — just a chance to do something worthwhile.
What are you most passionate about?
Making a difference for the world around me and for the people in my life. I need to feel that I’m contributing to a greater good. That’s the core of who I am. We are the sum of everything we do in life. While life ends, our impact should go on. That’s how we invest in the future.
It’s Friday night after a long week. Where would you love to be?
My week doesn’t end on Friday, but I love Friday nights in OTR, having ice cream at Graeter’s and looking in storefronts, feeling a part of a community at play, having music fill the streets, spilling out from here and there. Joy replacing fear. Yeah, that’s a great Friday night.
What do you love about Cincinnati?
It’s filled with possibility and promise as long as you wake up every morning and look for the promise rather
than dwelling in the problems or the past. It’s a work-inprogress city and a great place where you can make a difference. I love its hills, the fact that you never know what the weather will do, that Reds Opening Day is a citywide party, that neighbors really are part of your family, that healing and hope walk hand-in-hand and sometimes end up on Fountain Square. If you can dream it, you can do it here.
Do you have a favorite place in Cincinnati? Why do you love it?
Ensemble Theatre, of course. But that’s too easy. My other favorite place is Coney Island — particularly Moonlight Gardens. It’s brimming with a rich feeling of the souls who danced and had great moments there. My grandparents and parents told me stories of their years there, and perhaps that has influenced me, but honestly my heart is just happy when I am standing on that wonderful floor surrounded by that wedding-cake architecture. It is my happy place and I go there whenever I can.
What’s the best lesson life has taught you about love?
You can’t create it, and you can’t control it. You simply need to breathe it in and accept. It’s as much a part of life as breath. Love is not casual. Love is not a coincidence. Without it we aren’t human. Learn more about ENSEMBLE THEATRE at
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D. Lynn Meyers grew up in Bridgetown on the West Side, attended Mother of Mercy High School and studied at Thomas More College. A job at the Cincinnati Playhouse in the 1980s laid the foundation for an impressive theatrical career, directing plays and casting movies. (She hired actors for The Shawshank Redemption in 1994.) In 1995, Ensemble Theatre turned to her at a dark moment when it seemed to be on the brink of closing. Asked what lessons life has taught her, Meyers says, “Never compromise. Never settle. Live each day as if it’s the only one you get.” That’s exactly what Meyers did, spurring ETC’s board to change its mind about shutting down. Instead, they offered her the position of artistic director. She’s been with ETC for two decades, staging local premieres of great plays by some of America’s best playwrights. ETC is respected nationally, and Meyers has provided work for numerous local professional actors and built a talented and fiercely loyal staff. She’s also held fast to the belief that Over-the-Rhine would rise again to the neighborhood she knew as a kid, when her grandfather worked at Findlay Market. Despite nearby crime and deterioration in OTR in the late 1990s, Meyers believed that better days were ahead. Now she and ETC are surrounded by thriving restaurants and shops. On Feb. 26, Ensemble Theatre celebrates its 30th-anniversary season at the Music Hall Ballroom. The legendary local band Over The Rhine will perform,
Chuck Beatty & David Wolff Title: Founder and festival director; program director of OutReels Cincinnati Hometown: Cincinnati Why we love THEM: For championing everyone’s right to love and for supporting the creative vision of the LGBTQ film community. INTERVIEW BY TT STERN-ENZI
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OutReels Cincinnati (formerly the CNKY Film Festival) operates under the umbrella of
the Cincinnati Film Society and champions the larger organization’s mission to “embrace, inform and promote cultural diversity through film.” But the CFS and OutReels make their biggest impression by focusing on the future, investing in young and new filmmakers. The future depends on storytellers offering honest examinations of our evolving humanity, which transcends our fragile social rules of engagement and the abuses of rigid religiosity. What better way to see our neighbors and ourselves than through a series of moving frames? In addition to his work as the founder and festival director of OutReels, Chuck Beatty serves as the editor-inchief of UNITE Cincinnati, a regional bi-monthly lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender lifestyle publication, which undoubtedly helps him recognize and keep his eyes on the big picture: Love, and the right to love, is universal. Along with OutReels program director David Wolff, Beatty aims to create a festival dedicated to supporting the creative and critical discussion of LGBTQ issues via film, which, as the most democratic art form, simultaneously reaches and engages the mainstream as well. “I have a vested interest in everyone I meet and everyone in my life,” he says. “I want nothing but happiness and success for everyone and will do anything I possibly can to make it a reality.”
The daunting challenge, it would seem, would be in navigating that fine line between the needs of the target audience and finding ways to entertain and educate a broader collection of viewers, seeking more than the stereotypically watered-down Hollywood presentations of LGBTQ reel life. How will we ever know what love is? Film offers the chance for what Dr. Cornel West believes is a most “American” right: the ability to “selfmake” and “self-create.” Choosing and creating your own narratives is all about defining oneself and one’s experiences. Once you see and love that reflection, the next step is sharing that love. That’s quite a heady utopian dream, but Beatty, speaking here for himself and OutReels Cincinnati, offers us all the chance to share a frame of reference.
What aspects do you love about your job?
The connections I make with the filmmakers and audience members. I make it a point to be as accessible as possible the entire weekend of the festival to make sure I hear the good and the bad as the event is happening. I get to hear how actors and directors, both national and international, love coming to Cincinnati and have come back to not only experience the festival but also our city.
How do you define passion?
I see passion as a type of energy that helps you achieve
things when it seems there is little to no hope of success.
How is passion different from love?
I think the difference is desire. Love is pure emotion and feeling, while I see passion as an action.
What are you most passionate about?
I’m passionate about creating an event that gives a platform where LGBTQ issues are discussed in film and the opportunity to start a dialogue.
It’s Friday night after a long week. Where would you love to be?
Probably grabbing a growler from Braxton Brewery and catching up with shows that I missed with Hulu.
Finish this statement with five of your favorite things: “I love…”
I love Sunday brunch. I love theater. I love my family — chosen and biological. I love the Comic Book Expo at the Duke Energy Convention Center. I love artists.
What do you love about Cincinnati?
I have lived in the Cincinnati area my entire life, and in that time I have seen a city mature and blossom. To learn more about this year’s OUTREELS CINCINNATI film festival, visit
Patty Brisben Let’s talk about sex, baby. Title: Founder and chairwoman Patty Brisben, Pure Romance of Pure Romance founder and chairwoman, created her Hometown: Cincinnati company more than two decades ago with the goal of empowering women Why we love her: Because of her to discuss, explore and learn more passion for empowering women in about topics of sexuality — and to feel and outside of the bedroom. comfortable doing so. Fueled by that passion, Pure Romance has become INTERVIEW BY EMILY BEGLEY the leading woman-to-woman direct seller of relationship-enhancement products in the nation. “The whole theme of why the company exists is, I wanted to provide a safe environment for women to be able to gather and to be able to ask questions in regard to sexuality,” Brisben says, explaining that she wants women to be able to take their relationships to the next level. Sometimes, she adds, that involves introducing products in the bedroom — something she doesn’t want couples to be afraid to try. Pure Romance also aims to empower women by giving them the opportunity to own their own business. The company operates through in-home parties hosted by consultants; its product line features everything from beauty products and lingerie to games and bedroom accessories. Online resources are also available for men and women to learn more about sexual health, relationships and business. When Brisben founded Pure Romance in the basement of her Cincinnati home in 1993, the mother of four packed orders, planned parties and recruited consultants herself. Today, the business has operations across the United States and in Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico and South Africa. Her family was a constant source of inspiration, Brisben says, and her son Chris Cicchinelli is now the company’s president and CEO. They both love what they do, and that passion nurtures their work, helping Pure Romance continue to grow. “Passion and love go hand in hand,” Brisben says. “I feel so strongly about providing this environment for women. If you’re not waking up every single day excited about your day, you’re in the wrong job.”
What aspects do you love about your job?
What do you love about Cincinnati?
I love that I’ve been able to build a lot of great friendships here. I have a wonderful base of friends that you could call in the middle of the night if you needed to. I couldn’t see myself really living anywhere else. I love the fact that we’re breathing fresh air into Cincinnati with all the new restaurants that are coming up in OTR, and we’re really working on our parks. I just think that we’re doing so much here that if you came to visit our city or were thinking about taking a job here in Cincinnati, to me it would be a win-win situation.
Name someone that you love: role model, best friend, inspiration, etc., and tell us why.
I would have to say my granddaughter Talia. The reason being is if I want to have the best day or the best night of my life, I will call her. She is probably, if I had to look at somebody who would replace me one day, it would be her. She fuels me. … She’s a lot of fun, and I feel like when I’m with her, even though she’s 12, I feel like I’m with a 20-plus-year-old person. She’s amazing.
What is a phrase or motto you live your life by?
This is easy for me, and that is to stay a student. I challenge — whether it’s my granddaughter, whether it’s
consultants, whether it’s employees — to stay a student, to find something every single day that you will have that “a-ha moment” with or you can say, “Oh my gosh, this is the reason I woke up today, because I learned about this or I want to read more about this.” It’s about constantly staying a student, because if you’re not doing that, you’re not going to grow as a person. Learn more about PURE ROMANCE at
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I love the fact that it’s not Groundhog Day every day. I am not a cubicle person; I could never sit in a cube and do a job. I am one of these people who loves the fact that every single day my job is different. Whether I’m addressing consultants, whether I am developing new products, whether we’re doing a new launch, whether we’re doing a webinar… every single day is different, and that’s what I love the most about what I do.
William Thomas II, Derrick Braziel & Allen Woods Titles: Founders of MORTAR Cincinnati: chief financial officer; chief relationship officer; chief vision caster Hometown: Cincinnati; Indianapolis; Indianapolis Why we love them: They help non-traditional entrepreneurs manifest their dreams through mentorship and brand-development courses with community partners. INTERVIEW BY SARAH URMSTON
“What we do makes a difference and it’s impacting someone’s life,” Braziel says. “We can say it made our world a better place to live, work and be alive.”
What aspects do you love about your job?
Derrick Braziel: I love that when I wake up every day I can do the things that I love. Allen Woods: Being able to actually take action is the main thing I love about being at MORTAR. It’s about helping other people every day. William Thomas II: I think what’s exciting is seeing this community getting created right now. I think there’s a support system for entrepreneurs — specifically lowincome and minority businesses across the whole city.
Finish the sentence. “I love…”
DB: I initially wanted to say the Internet. It has created an opportunity to connect with people we could never connect with and gives us the ability to access information. AW: I love people who aren’t afraid to try. There are so many scary things in the world that can convince you that it’s too big or it’s not obtainable, but I love when people are like, “I’m going to try it anyway. And if I fail, it is what it is.”
What do you love about Cincinnati?
AW: I’m originally from a different city, and in that city there were a lot of people who talked about what they were going to do. But in Cincinnati, it’s a city full of people who actually do. WTII: One of the things I love is this sense of family. You feel like you have this support system around you, and once you start building relationships and get in the circle of Cincinnati, you can build a family here.
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Do you have a favorite place in Cincinnati?
In a small office located on the bus tling Vine Street draG of Over-the-Rhine, three guys can be found gathered around a wooden high-top table, causally making plans to change the city. The trio — Allen Woods, Derrick Braziel and William Thomas II — make up the braintrust behind MORTAR Cincinnati, and they make innovation look easy. Their goal? To give existing residents in Cincinnati’s transitioning neighborhoods, like OTR and Walnut Hills, the opportunity to own a stake in the area’s revitalization and make a living in the process. MORTAR is an entrepreneur accelerator program created to give members of underserved and redeveloping
communities access to the skills needed to succeed in building small businesses. Basically, they’re reaching out to those not typically included in Cincinnati’s start-up community, filling a much-needed gap in access. Their nine-week mentorship course targets low-income and non-traditional entrepreneurs who are fighting to achieve their dreams in their very own neighborhood. “As long as you’re breathing, you still have time to chase your dream,” Woods says. “There are people who come to us who have been dreaming of doing something for their whole lives and ask us to make their dream come true.”
DB: This office. I think it represents the next generation of what the city is going to become. AW: Mine isn’t as fancy as his. I was going to say Ault Park, and being on top of the (pavilion). I think there’s something about the elevation and being able to look out at everything Cincinnati. You can see how big you are in the grand scheme of things and how much more there is to do and to become. WTII: Mine might be Findlay Market. It’s just such a happy place. ...After all these years, it’s still a rock in the community.
What is a phrase or motto you live your life by?
DB: Every living thing has a hope — even a live dog is better off than a dead lion. AW: To make your yes bigger than the world’s no. WTII: Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Learn more about MORTAR at
Todd Hudson Title: Executive chef/owner of Wildflower Café in Mason Hometown: Fairfield Why we love him: Because he proves the ’burbs can be cool and because his delicious farm-to-table food makes the drive outside the 275 loop worth it. INTERVIEW BY COLLEEN MCCROSKEY
The same exit off Interstate 71 that will take you to both Kings Island and The Beach
What do you love most about your job?
I get to be around people. Generally speaking, my staff all gets along, they live together, they hang out together, and I’m in that same boat. We’ve got a killer staff, my customers are super nice, and it’s just nice to be around those kinds of people.
What do you love most about the farm-to-table movement?
In our particular farm-to-table world, we’re not cheating people, we’re not lying to them or hiding where we acquire (ingredients). It’s a super honest business.
Motto that you try to live your life by?
Probably the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Best lesson life has taught you about love?
I think that love is really the whole meaning of what we’re doing here. I feel bad for people who don’t get to experience that on a regular basis. When it’s all said and done, and we pass, that’s what you have to give. You’re not going to take your money, and you’re not going to take you car — you leave a legacy of love. And there’s a lot of badass dudes and badass women that do that. Learn more about WILDFLOWER CAFÉ at
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Waterpark probably isn’t anyone’s first instinct as to where to go to find a fresh, sustainable local meal. But for chef Todd Hudson, Mason was a natural choice for his first restaurant, housed in a converted century-old farmhouse on a halcyon drag of Main Street. “I wanted to be in kind of an older setting, particularly in an older downtown,” Hudson says. In fact, when Hudson first bought the restaurant, he literally lived in the building. “(Mason) is great because it’s not 22-year-old hipsters and it’s not 80-year-old millionaires,” he says. “It’s somewhere in between.” “It’s got it’s own unique (thing),” he continues. “Everyone knows it used to be a farming town, and those people are still there. It has that old nostalgia to it. ...I’ve run restaurants all over, and this is definitely the best crowd of customers I’ve ever had.” Wildflower’s menu rotates frequently to incorporate the freshest ingredients, some of which Hudson even grows himself in the restaurant’s on-site greenhouse. He credits his family for his interest both in the culinary world and in sustainably grown ingredients. Growing up, Hudson’s dad was a chiropractor, a discipline that emphasizes nutrition
and organic food. “We always had gardens,” he says. “I didn’t realize that the rest of the world didn’t eat that way.” On top of that, his great-grandmother owned a restaurant where his grandfather was the chef and his grandmother ran front of house; his other set of grandparents were farmers. “So between restaurant grandparents, farmer grandparents and chiropractor dad, it’s always just been in my blood,” Hudson says. After getting a degree in business management from Miami University, Hudson planned to go to culinary school, but by the time graduation came around, he already had a kitchen management job, so he “rolled with that,” he says. “I’ve always debated whether I prefer being a chef or a GM,” he says. “I still do to this day. I like both parts of it quite a bit.” He recalls a time in the late ’90s when he was working at a restaurant surrounded by farms, but the chef would still send him to the grocery store for tomatoes in July and August. “I was like, dude, there are farms all around here!” Hudson says. “And then I’d go to (the store) and buy these big tomatoes that were as hard as rocks, and it was just silly." “Everyone was just buying garbage product,” he says. “Imported frozen fish, pre-cut, vacuum-sealed. I call it the Applebee’s mentality. And I realized it was a crock.”
Eddy Kwon Title: Director of MYCincinnati youth orchestra Hometown: Minneapolis Why we love him: Because of his work changing the lives of Cincinnati youth in Price Hill and beyond through Classical music.
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Growing up in Minneapolis, violinist, composer and teacher Eddy Kwon was surrounded by water and trees, but also arts and music via the city’s diverse cultural centers and two orchestras. Today, he does his part to share these gifts with children in the Cincinnati area as the director of MyCincinnati youth orchestra, an organization that gives the children of Price Hill access to free, high-quality Classical music education as a tool for personal development and community engagement. After graduating from the University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music with a degree in Jazz studies, Kwon was driven to stay in Cincinnati because he loved the community. “I’m lucky to know so many people that are driven by a vision of a more just society, trying to build community in a responsible and compassionate way,” he says. And it seems that he himself reflects MYCincinnati’s mission of achieving personal transformation through musical excellence. He guides music lessons, rehearsals and performances, drawing inspiration from all of MYCincinnati’s young musicians. “Through their dedication to music, they teach me how to be a more compassionate and resilient person,” he says. Music opens up his heart and soul, Kwon says, and brings him closer to some truly amazing, passionate young musicians.
What aspects do you love about your job?
I love that I feel like myself when I’m at MYCincinnati. I
love that my coworkers are my best friends and all artists I admire so much. I love that I get to be part of such a cool community that is committed to social justice in Price Hill.
activism. My other favorite place is Maranata Store, a Guatemalan restaurant/grocery in Price Hill run by an amazing family. The best food in the city.
How do you define passion? How is passion different from love?
Name someone that you love: role model, best friend, inspiration, etc., and tell us why.
I think passion is one-directional. At best, it is energizing and can inspire others. It’s a feeling. I think love, like bell hooks says, is a complex process that requires honesty, openness and care. There are many feelings within the process of love. Right now, I’ve been thinking a lot about the safety of our young people. Life is starting to feel much more fragile these days. I feel passionately that the systems that tie a young person’s chances at a healthy life — of dreams and meaning — to their race, gender, class and ability, need to be destroyed.
What do you love about Cincinnati?
I love that, for the most part, there’s not a whole lot of pretension. People don’t necessarily move to Cincinnati to say they “live in Cincinnati.” At least, not yet. So, the folks that live here are here because they’re driven by something else.
Do you have a favorite place in Cincinnati? Why do you love it?
MYCincinnati is my favorite place in Cincinnati. The program runs out of an old firehouse in the heart of East Price Hill. It’s constantly filled with amazing people, and it’s becoming a wonderful space for community arts and
I love my mom. She’s the most badass person I’ve ever met. She and my dad moved to the States from Korea over 30 years ago. She went from working at Dairy Queen to becoming program director at the Korean Service Center, a social service agency in Minneapolis. All while raising two annoying kids who never wanted to get “real jobs.”
What’s the best lesson life has taught you about love?
I love writing songs as a way to process love. When I was in my early 20s, I had so many wild, unreasonable feelings. I’m glad I wrote songs then. Now, my feelings are much more reasonable, but I still use songwriting as a way to process life, and to show love to myself.
What is a phrase or motto you live your life by?
For better or for worse, I don’t think I actually live my life by a phrase or motto. My morality has always been pretty fluid. Maybe the closest thing I have to a motto are memories from my childhood. There were a few moments that felt so impossibly good. It helps me to remember these moments. Learn more about MYCINCINNATI at
Carolyn Evans Carolyn Evans lives her life by two mottos : “I want to be the person my
Title: Founder and event organizer of My Furry Valentine; owner of PhoDOGrapher pet photography studio
an animal anyway would go to a rescue or shelter, we could eliminate shelter euthanasia overnight.
What’s the best lesson life has taught you about love?
I’ve seen so many cases of animals that have been neglected and abused, and then they get a second chance. They may have lived nine years of hell chained up to a fence, but when they are finally free, they know it and they are appreciative. They can live for the day and love unconditionally and forgive. I think it’s an important lesson. When they are shown the love they never had, they can flourish in it. MY FURRY VALENTINE takes place Saturday and Sunday at the Sharonville Convention Center. More info at
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dog thinks I am” and “Activism is the rent I pay for living on the planet.” Hometown: Chicago Evans, the founder and organizer of this weekend’s My Furry Valentine event, has Why we love her: For her drive to lead the devoted her life to advocating for animal animal adoption revolution in Cincinnati and welfare through work with local nonprofits, focusing on reducing euthanasia in shelters. change the conversation about what we can She also celebrates and photographs the do as a society to end shelter euthanasia. unique bond between humans and their pets as the PhoDOGrapher — an endeavor she INTERVIEW BY MAIJA ZUMMO began more than a decade ago. After graduating from Ohio State with an MBA, Evans moved to Cincinnati as a business consultant, but today refers to herself as a “full-time, professional volunteer.” She created her first animalinspired nonprofit, Happy Tails, about 20 years ago, combining her business acumen with her photography skills by profiling adoption success stories from local rescues and shelters, highlighting the benefits of an "adopt-don’tshop" mentality. She then moved on to photographing animals set for euthanasia at local shelters, which helped her forge ties with the local animal welfare community. “I started realizing I could be more effective if I gave those animals a face and a voice,” she says. She began hosting small adoption events here and there and joined the board of the United Coalition for Animals, where, as president, she helped open their low-cost spay and neuter clinic. Providing these operations at an affordable cost works toward UCAN’s goal of reducing accidental or unwanted births, which often lead to abandonment, neglect, abuse and an increase in shelter euthanasia rates. Evans dreamed up My Furry Valentine as the next progression in her mission during a No Kill group meeting, an organization that adheres to the tenants of Nathan Winograd, a former SPCA director, author of Redemption: The Myth of Pet Overpopulation & The No Kill Revolution in America and leader of the No Kill movement. “One of the tenants of No Kill is to have a big adoption event,” she says. “I knew I had the skill set to do it, so I said, ‘This is my next calling, I need to do this.’ ” My Furry Valentine launched in 2012 and has seen more than 2,000 animals get adopted over four years, with more than 700 adoptions last year alone. This year’s event, held at the Sharonville Convention Center, will feature more than 500 adoptable pets — dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and other small critters — from more than 40 different rescue and shelter groups from around Greater Cincinnati. Evans says the goal of My Furry Valentine is to help What aspects do you love about your job? educate the public about adoption by teaching them how I love being able to work with a group of people that are to adopt; making adoption more accessible; highlighting passionate about the same things I am and knowing we’re the differences between shelters and rescues; and bringing making a tangible difference — a life-saving difference. those organizations together in one place to work together That’s the biggest thing. I like being able to help the and show just how many different types of animals are rescue and shelter people who are doing the hard work available. Evans says pet overpopulation isn’t an imposevery day and being able to support their efforts. At the sible problem, and there are attainable ways to end shelter same time, I love seeing that all come together so we’re a euthanasia, mega adoption events being one of them. stronger force and able to communicate our message and “My Furry Valentine is really about bringing people effect change. together for a common mission,” she says. “I love when, at the end of the event, the dogs from the shelter that Name someone that inspires you and tell us why. are ready to go back to an uncertain fate, I love when I would say Nathan Winograd, because he’s proven that the rescues say, 'We just did all our adoptions; we’ll take we can expect more of our communities, which includes them before they even leave the facility.' That’s what we shelters, rescues and people who love animals, and our try to encourage.” elected officials. … If one in four of those who are getting
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sN Sweet Selections ot
Fall in love with boozy, tasty, family-friendly and romantic local events this Valentine’s Day COMPILED BY EMILY BEGLEY So, it’s Valentine’s Day, the alleged queen of made-up, Hallmark holidays. Love it or hate it, everything is pink, love is in the air and grocery stores are overflowing with giant stuffed animals. But the 14th doesn’t have to be all cards and candy. Events in and around Cincinnati have something for everyone to love this holiday — many held specifically in honor of Valentine’s Day — whether you’re single, in a relationship or somewhere in between. Hearts indicate holiday-specific events.
BB Riverboats Valentine’s Day Cruise A smooth-sailing date that includes a buffet dinner and live music. Valentine’s Day packages available. Saturday-Sunday. $55 adults; $38 children. BB Riverboats, 101 Riverboat Row, Newport, Ky., 800621-8586,
Daveed's Mt. Adams A three-course dinner for you and someone special. Includes a dessert tasting. 5-8 p.m. $55 per person. 934 Hatch St., Mount Adams, 513-721-2665.
Forno Osteria + Bar Fill up on a pre-fixe menu, plus optional wine pairings. Two-hour seatings available at 5 p.m., 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $50; $15 wine pairings. 3514 Erie Ave., Hyde Park,
Nada $50 buys four courses for two. Includes a guacamole trio, salad, tacos and dessert. Friday-Sunday. $50 per couple. 600 Walnut St., Downtown,
Newport Syndicate Dinner and a show that features comedian Terry Foster and live music from Slow Burn. 7 p.m.-midnight Saturday. $50; $80 couple. 18 E. Fifth St., Newport, 859-491-8000,
Orchids at Palm Court Five-diamond restaurant Orchids at Palm Court serves up Valentine’s Day eats all weekend with two different seatings, including four and six courses respectively. Reservations required. Friday-Sunday. First seating $85; second seating $105. Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza, 35 W. Fifth St., Downtown, 513-4219100,
Free Dessert at Izzy’s Eat lunch at Izzy’s and receive a free dessert. Choose from chocolate-pecan bundt cake with salted caramel or vanilla-bean bundt cake with raspberry crème. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday. Multiple locations including 800 Elm St., Downtown,
Grandview Tavern & Grille Dinner for two including an appetizer, dessert and a choice of Seabass Rockefeller, filet mignon or Grandview chicken. Wash it all down with a flute of champagne. Sunday. $100. 2220 Grandview Drive, Fort Mitchell, Ky., 859-3418439,
Henke Winery The urban winery offers a fourcourse meal with bottles of select wine. 4-9 p.m. Sunday. $99 per couple. 3077 Harrison Ave., Westwood, 513-662-9463, La Petite France A gourmet three-course meal with choice of appetizer, entrée and dessert. 4:30 p.m. Sunday. $62.95. 3177 Glendale-Miflord Road, Evendale, 513-733-8383,
Love Moer on Carol Ann’s Carousel Follow up dinner at the Moerlein Lager House with a romantic carousel ride. Moerlein is teaming up with Carol Ann’s Carousel and the Cincinnati Parks Department to provide everyone who dines at the restaurant this weekend with a pass for a complimentary ride. Carousel operates 7-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 5-8 p.m. Sunday. Moerlein Lager House, 115 Joe Nuxhall Way, Downtown,
Revolution Rotisserie & Bar’s Single’s Brunch V-Day is not just for couples (although couples are also welcome). Celebrate and treat yourself to a boozy brunch. Includes bottomless mimosas, Cards Against Humanity and hourly gift card giveaways. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday. 1106 Race St., Over-the-Rhine, 513-381-0009,
The Summit Treat your date to a special three-course Valentine’s Day menu. Thursday-Saturday. $45. 3520 Central Parkway, Clifton, 513-569-1500,
Valentine’s Dinner at the Zoo This wild date night includes special close-up animal encounters in addition to dinner, dessert, a cash bar, wine-and-dine options and complimentary champagne. Guests will learn about the extreme measures some animals take to find a compatible mate in the wild. Saturday-Sunday. $150 per couple. 3400 Vine St., Avondale, 513-2814700,
Washington Platform Saloon & Restaurant Meal includes fresh oysters, two entrées, salads, a bottle of wine and chocolate-covered strawberries. But that’s not the best part — guests will also enjoy a half-hour horse-drawn carriage ride through
Wine Pairing Dinner at The Phoenix The Wine Merchant hosts this event to satiate thirsts and appetites. Includes four courses. 7 p.m. Saturday. $75. 812 Race St., Downtown,
Antique Valentines Exhibit Learn about the valentines of yesteryear at the Warren County Historical Society, where a collection of cards is on display throughout the month. Through Feb. 29. Free. 105 S. Broadway St., Warren County, 513-932-1817,
Cinderella The Cincinnati Ballet presents a classic tale of love and dreams. Fairy godmothers, pumpkins, magical mice, lost slippers and live orchestration from the CSO. Friday-Sunday. Tickets start at $32. Aronoff Center, 650 Walnut St., Downtown,
My Furry Valentine Cincinnati’s largest adoption event returns to the Sharonville Convention Center for its fifth year of connecting animals in need with forever families. Meet a variety of pets including cats, dogs, rodents, reptiles and birds — more than 500 adoptable animals from 40 local rescue groups will be in attendance. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $3 admission fee. Sharonville Convention Center, 1355 Chester Road, Sharonville,
Origami: The Art of Paper for Valentine’s The Weston Art Gallery hosts a themed workshop for children 5-12 and their families. Kids will learn how to transform paper to create one-of-a-kind pieces to take home with them. 10 a.m.-noon Saturday. $5 per child. Aronoff Center Green Room (fourth floor), 650 Walnut St., Downtown, 513-977-4165,
The Stars in Your Eyes A kid-friendly event held at Wolff Planetarium that regales participants with some of the greatest love stories ever told. Cozy up under the stars and settle in for an evening of storytelling. 7-8 p.m. Friday. $5. Wolff Planetarium, Trailside Nature Center, 3400 Brookline Drive, Corryville, 513-751-3679,
Valentine’s Day Eve Second Sunday Meet local artists and check out their work at Milford’s One Main Gallery. A variety of artwork will be on display and for sale, including pieces from Rookwood Pottery. 5-8 p.m. Saturday. Free to attend. One Main Gallery, 1 Main St., Milford, 513-600-9363,
MUSIC Catacoustic Consort: The Heroic Baroque Violin Spend Valentine’s Day with modern and Baroque violinist Krista Bennion Beeney. Accompanied by harpsichord and bass viola da gamba, Beeney takes on pieces by Leclair, Biber and Bach. 3 p.m. Sunday. $25 general; $10 students; free children 12 and under. Church of the Advent, 2366 Kemper Lane, E. Walnut Hills, 513-772-3242, CCO Presents La Serva Padrona and Stabat Mater The Cincinnati Chamber Opera performs a double bill of works by Giovanni Battista. The night kicks off with La Serva Padrona, a comedic one-act intermezzo often credited with bridging the gap between the Baroque and Classical eras. The second half of the program is a staging of Stabat Mater, which tells the biblical story of Jesus’ crucifixion from Mary’s point of view. 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. $25 adults; $20 students and seniors. St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 100 Miami Ave., Terrace Park,
Sonic Valentine for the Earth This local concert is part of a worldwide event called World Sound Healing Day, which combines sounds to generate peace and harmony. Featured musicians include Audrey Causilla, chant and piano; Vivian Hurley, gongs; Baoku Moses, Nigerian drumming and chant; and Janice T. Sunflower, Native American flutes. 6:30 p.m. Sunday. $15. Grace Episcopal Church, 5501 Hamilton Ave., College Hill, 513-541-2415,
Tigerlilies with The Sundresses Acclaimed local Rock band Tigerlilies is taking over Cincinnati all month long, performing a free show every week in February. On Saturday, the band plays Northside’s The Comet with The Sundresses, honoring Valentine’s Day by taking “prom photos” with attendees — come dressed in your tackiest school-dance attire. 10:30 p.m.
Saturday. Free. The Comet, 4579 Hamilton Ave., Northside, facebook. com/thetigerliliesusa.
ONSTAGE Chapter Two This comical love story revolves around a widowed writer, George, who — although still grieving for his late wife — hesitantly reenters the world of dating. Through Feb. 14. $26. Covedale Center for the Performing Arts, 4990 Glenway Ave., Covedale, 513-241-6550, Grounded This one-woman story revolves around a fighter pilot “grounded” by her pregnancy. From a windowless trailer in a desert outside of Las Vegas, she flies drones above the Middle East. Cincinnati native Kathleen Wise stars. Through Sunday. $28-$44. Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati, 1127 Vine St., Over-the-Rhine, 513-421-3555,
I’m with Cupid Comedy Show This funny Valentine features headliner Jay Snyder and feature act Wendi Furguson. The party keeps going after the show with live music by Cincy classic Rock band Bad Habit and local country group Stagger Lee. 8 p.m. Saturday. $10 cover. Blue Note Harrison, 9660 Dry Fork Road, Harrison, 513-202-3570.
Native Gardens Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park presents a world premiere from Karen Zacarías about what happens when good intentions meet bad manners. Friendly neighbors become bitter enemies over disputes surrounding a longstanding fence line. Through Feb. 21. $30-$86. 962 Mt. Adams Circle, Mount Adams, 513-4213888,
Noir by Passion: A Pole Troupe Dance performance group Passion: A Pole Troupe presents their third show, Noir, at Northside Tavern, featuring aerial art, dance pieces, burlesque, acro-yoga and more. 8 p.m. Saturday; doors open 7 p.m. $15 online; $20 day of show; $45 VIP couples. Northside Tavern, 4163 Hamilton Ave., Northside,
Rodney Perry at the Funny Bone Comedian Rodney Perry — co-host of BET’s The Mo’Nique Show — takes over Funny Bone. Show 21 and up. Showtimes Thursday through Sunday. $15-$17. Funny Bone on the Levee, 1 Levee Way, Newport, Ky.,
Krohn by Candlelight The Krohn keeps its doors open a little later for an adults-only date night. Stroll through the conservatory’s current spring show, Hatching Spring Blooms, and stop by the education room to learn about chocolate. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday. $12; reservations required. Krohn Conservatory, 1501 Eden Park Drive, Eden Park, 513-4214086, Luau Lunacy Mystery Dinner This installment of Great Parks of Hamilton County’s Mystery Dinner Series features a luau that may or — most likely — may not go as planned. 7 p.m. Saturday; doors open 6:30 p.m. $35. Mill Race Banquet Center, Winton Woods, 1515 West Sharon Road,
Romance in the Heavens NKU's Haile Digital Planetarium presents an evening of live music, actors telling romantic constellation lore, dessert and coffee. Adults only. 7:30-9 p.m. Saturday. $20 per couple. Northern Kentucky University, Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, Ky., 859-572-5600.
Skate with your Date on Fountain Square Spend Valentine’s Day on the ice with complimentary 2-for-1 skating. In between skating sessions, enter to win a grand prize package from radio station KISS 107.1. Noon-9 p.m. Sunday.$6; $4 skate rental. Fountain Square, 520 Vine St., Downtown,
SpokenWord Soul: Heart to Heart Set at the Greenwich The Greenwich sets the mood with a wine tasting before welcoming featured guests Michael Barringer and Laura Wize and special guest Matther SlimdaReazon Parham, a poet and performer from Los Angeles. Live music is provided by Andre Burbridge on drums and Barnabas Doc Edwards on guitar. 8 p.m. Saturday. $10 cover; includes light appetizer. The Greenwich, 2442 Gilbert Ave., Walnut Hills, 513-221-1151, groups/spokenwordsoul.
Valentine's Night at the Observatory Give your sweetie the universe. Evening includes music, drinks, chocolate, flowers and a viewing of the moon through the Observatory's historic telescope. 8-10 p.m. Sunday. $60 per couple. 3489 Observatory Place, Mount Lookout,
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The Palace A romantic dinner with a fivecourse tasting menu. Thursday-Sunday. $75 Thursday; $85 Friday; $95 Saturday-Sunday. The Cincinnatian Hotel, 601 Vine St., Downtown, 513381-3000,
the city. Friday-Sunday. $125; $90 without carriage ride. 1000 Elm St., Downtown, 513-421-0110,
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Staff Recommendations
photo : byron photo
ART: The thoroughly charming TINY TOMES exhibit at the main library displays 71 of their smallest books. See Big Picture on page 31. ONSTAGE: NATIVE GARDENS at the Playhouse in the Park is a witty, contemporary script about turf wars over gardening styles. See review on page 32. ONSTAGE: Kathleen Wise performs GROUNDED at Ensemble Theatre, a play about a pregnant female fighter pilot reassigned to piloting drones from a trailer in the Las Vegas desert. See review on page 32. ONSTAGE: THE REVOLUTIONISTS A world premiere at the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park (simultaneously with another, Native Gardens). In The Revolutionists, up-and-coming playwright Lauren Gunderson assembles a crowd of badass historical women, including Marie Antoinette and assassin Charlotte Corday, imprisoned during the French Revolution. She imagines how they might encourage, inspire and support one another during the horrific “Reign of Terror” as they await the guillotine. Their short-term future certainly distills their conversations about what’s important, but Gunderson leavens her irreverent fantasia with a lot of sassy humor. “The beating heart of the play,” she says, “is that stories matter, that art matters.” Through March 6. $30-$85. Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, 962 Mount Adams Circle, Mount Adams, 513-4213888, — RICK PENDER
MUSIC: Brooklyn nine-piece TURKUAZ brings the Funk to Madison Theater. See
EVENT: CINCY WINTER BEERFEST Cincy Winter Beerfest is one of the top 10 craft beer festivals in the nation and one of the Queen City’s biggest beer bashes of the year — and that’s saying a lot (we have a lot of beer festivals). More than 350 craft beers from more than 100 breweries will descend on the Duke Energy Convention Center for two nights of drinking, dancing and dining. This ninth-annual fest not only features samples of all styles, tastes and ABVs of brews, but also live bands, a silent disco and food from dozens of local restaurants. Part of the proceeds benefits the Big Joe Duskin Music Education Foundation. 7:30-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. $45 advance; $55 day of; early bird and connoisseurs packages available. Duke Energy Convention Center, 525 Elm St., Downtown, — STEVE BEYNON Sound Advice on page 44. COMEDY: JOHN ROY John Roy has been touring steadily and plugging away at his podcast, Don’t Ever Change, where he talks to comedians about what they were like in high school. We hear a lot of so-called origin stories from comics, but Roy insists there’s quite a bit of variety in people’s backstories if you know how to dig. “There are only so many times you can hear ‘nerd boy discovers Punk Rock and becomes confident,’ ” he says. “I try to have a diverse range of guests on to discuss what challenges they faced in high school.” Showtimes Thursday-Sunday. $8-$14. Go Bananas, 8410 Market Place Lane, Montgomery, — P.F. WILSON
ART: THE LITTLE THINGS AT VISIONARIES + VOICES Visionaries + Voices’ exhibitions director Krista Gregory says of the upcoming The Little Things exhibition, “Conceptually, the idea of ‘the little things’ as a saying in our culture refers, I think, to ideas of gratitude. And more broadly to how a large thing is made of many small things happening.” Thus we can take the title and theme of the show to be both literal (much of the work is small objects) as well as metaphorical (it takes many hands to serve such a diverse group of artists). For this exhibition, the Northside V+V location will be full of small items, including 2-inch square portraits, Shrinky Dinks, weavings and jewelry. Opening 5-8 p.m. Thursday. On view through April 8. Free. 3841 Spring
Grove Ave., Northside, — MARIA SEDA-REEDER
ART: Do Ho Suh’s PASSAGE, an exhibit of constructed fabric alluding to versions of spaces in which Suh has traveled, opens at the CAC. See interview on page 30. MUSIC: Georgia quintet MOTHERS plays rattling Indie/Math Rock and soothing Chamber Pop at MOTR Pub. See interview on page 41. MUSIC: Louisiana’s SERATONES bring classic Garage Rock power and wild-eyed finesse to Woodward Theater. See Sound Advice on page 44. CONTINUES ON PAGE 28
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EVENT: SPEED DATING AT THE OVERLOOK LODGE As of this week’s publication date, you have four days to find a valentine. And if you’re in the mood to mix and mingle to find a sexy single to spend this Sunday with, head to Overlook Lodge for a speed-dating party. Enjoy a glass of champagne, sweets and lite bites, plus a signature love cocktail from mixologist Erin Fox, while you meet potential mates. Head to Overlook’s Facebook events page to fill out a quick questionnaire to register. The winning matched couple will enjoy a V-Day date on the bar, complete with styling sessions, Uber service and dinner at Boca. 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Free admission. 6083 Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge, — MAIJA ZUMMO
photo : provided
THIS WEEk: 2/11 - 2/14 Rodney Perry
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NEXT WEEk: 2/19 - 2/21 Bill Bellamy
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Reservations a must! Call 859.957.2000 or visit
*9AM-11AM for 12 & younger only
EVENT: MY FURRY VALENTINE Cincinnati’s largest pet adoption event returns to the Sharonville Convention Center for its fifth year of connecting animals in need with forever families. Meet a variety of pets, including cats, dogs, rodents, reptiles and birds. More than 500 adoptable animals from 40 local rescue groups, like Adore-A-Bull Rescue, League for Animal Welfare and SPCA Cincinnati, will be in attendance. Vendors will also sell a variety of products for your current furry family members. Last year, the event was attended by more than 10,000 people, resulting in 729 adoptions; organizers hope to see even bigger numbers in 2016. To ensure the safety of all animals involved, attendees are asked to leave their own pets at home. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $3 entry; adoption fees vary per rescue. Sharonville Convention Center, 11355 Chester Road, Sharonville, — EMILY BEGLEY
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MUSIC: MIKE STUD went from athletics at Georgetown to a Hip Hop career. See Sound Advice on page 44. DANCE: CINDERELLA This weekend, Cincinnati Ballet’s Cinderella, last seen in 2010, takes the stage at the Aronoff Center. The timeless tale has fresh choreography by artistic director and CEO Victoria Morgan. There are newly refurbished sets and updated costumes, too, as well as the addition of friendly puppet mice and more children’s roles. Carmon DeLeone conducts the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in perhaps the most rhythmically powerful example of Sergei Prokofiev’s ballet music. “Cinderella charmingly reminds us that generosity and imagination can lead to a different and better life,” Morgan says. 8 p.m. Friday; 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday; 1 and 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Tickets start at $32. 650 Walnut St., Downtown, — KATHY VALIN
MUSIC: WHITEY MORGAN AND THE 78’S are real-deal Honky Tonkers
at the Southgate House Revival. See Sound Advice on page 45. EVENT: URBAN HIKE: WINTER EDITION Lace up your trainers for a group urban hike with the folks from Imago and Park + Vine. Trek through Over-the-Rhine, downtown, across the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge into Covington and finally into Devou Park for a great view. The hike is about eight miles and will consist of some hills. Hikers will stop at Son & Soil in Covington for shots of ginger or turmeric tonic, zoom balls and coffee. Registration includes a snack, boxed lunch and coffee. 9:30 a.m. Saturday. $20. Park + Vine, 1202 Main St., Over-the-Rhine, — STEVE BEYNON EVENT: LUNAR NEW YEAR Celebrate the Lunar New Year and ring in the Year of the Monkey with a fusion of cultures in OTR’s newly renovated historic Gothic church, the Transept. Kick off the night with a cocktail hour and dim sum, including steamed pork belly sliders, sticky rice, rock salt tofu, turnip cakes and create-your-own congee. Main party
photo : provided
buy Tickets now at GcParTs.OrG
anTsy mccLaIn anD The TraILer Park TrOUbaDOUrs saturday February 27 7:30 Pm st. Xavier Performance center 600 W. north bend rd. cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Tickets: $35 in advance $40 Day of show
For show Tickets and Information on Ticket Packages call 513-570-0652 or go to
EVENT: JUNGLE JIM’S BIG CHEESE FESTIVAL Looking for a cheesy way to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Jungle Jim’s has you covered. This year’s Big Cheese Festival promises to be the biggest one yet, featuring 40 booths from more than 80 different companies. Choose from 1,400 types of cheeses and pair your selections with meats, olives, breads, condiments and various liquors offered at stations throughout the building. Wine and beer can be purchased by the glass, and VIP and drinking wristbands are also available. Cheese carver Sarah Kaufmann, who holds a Guinness World Record for her talent, will be creating designs onsite; guests can even sample shavings from the cheese blocks Kaufmann carves. Noon-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $12 general admission; $2 children 16 and under; $16 advance two-day pass; $25 wristband. Oscar Event Center, Jungle Jim’s, 5440 Dixie Highway, Fairfield, — EMILY BEGLEY
starts at 10 p.m. with DJs and visuals from Chad Shack. Proceeds from the event will support Asian Food Fest and other Asian cultural events in Cincinnati. 8 p.m. cocktail hour; 10 p.m.-2 a.m. party. Saturday. $30 cocktail hour; free party. The Transept, 1205 Elm St., Over-the-Rhine, — CASSIE LIPP
VALENTINE’S DAY: For ideas of where to take your honey this weekend, check out our VALENTINE’S DAY listings on page 23.
rObben FOrD saturday april 2 7:30 Pm martin marietta Theater harrison high school 9860 West rd harrison, Ohio 45030 Tickets $40 in advance $45 Day of show
an evening of the Greatest hits of the electric Light Orchestra
saturday may 14 7:30 Pm mount st. Joseph University 5701 Delhi rd cincinnati, Ohio 45233 Tickets $45 in advance $55 Day of show
ONSTAGE: CONCERT:NOVA presents The Roaring ’20s, a performance of Paris’ Les Six composers. See feature on page 33.
MUSIC: PALISADES The music today known as Hardcore (or Metalcore or Post Hardcore) grew out of a scene of musicians in the ’80s enamored with the raw power of both clenched-fist Punk and heavy, thrashy Metal. Since then, the Metalcore recipe has been augmented in many different ways by artists who strive to work into the mix a growing number of contemporary influences, resulting in a comical amount of “subgenres” (Deathcore, Mathcore, Electronicore, Crunkcore, etc.). New Jersey’s Palisades is one of today’s more creatively compelling ’Core mashers. The sextet’s latest album, 2015’s Mind Games, is a progressively diverse effort driven just as much by brutal Hardcore trademarks (vocal roaring, double-bass-drumming chaos, anvil-heavy guitar riffs), as it is EDM, Emo Pop and Hip Hop. 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. $10. Thompson House, 24 E. Third St., Newport, Ky., — MIKE BREEN
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EVENT: PASSION: A POLE TROUPE PRESENTS NOIR Couples looking for an artistic Valentine’s night out can head to Northside Tavern for aerial art, acro-yoga and some thematic burlesque by Passion: A Pole Troupe. The show is part of Passion’s mission to promote pole dance as performance art; ain’t no creep joint. Come be awed by some sultry athleticism from ladies dressed as sassy dames and femme fatales in Noir. Includes special guests Ginger LeSnapps of Cin City Burlesque and Jazz singer Samantha Carlson. 8 p.m. Sunday. $15; $20 door. Northside Tavern, 4163 Hamilton Ave., Northside, — CASSIE LIPP
The OrchesTra
FeaT. FOrmer members OF eLO & eLO II
arts & culture
Space Travel
Do Ho Suh explores transitional areas in Passage BY STEVEN ROSEN
PHOTO : Provided
3 0 • C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6
nly a few of us can travel in space like Neil Armstrong or Yuri Gagarin, but we all travel through myriad spaces in everyday life. Think about it — in our homes, we move from room to room via hallways, staircases, doors and foyers. Outside, we travel through the same environments at work, but also use escalators, elevators, sidewalks, crosswalks, parks, public plazas and more. It’s so common, we rarely even think about it. But the South Korea-born, Londonbased artist Do Ho Suh thinks about it very much. He approaches public and private spaces with the same sense of exploration that an astronaut devotes to the moon. You’ll be able to see what he’s discovered when the exhibition Passage opens at the Contemporary Arts Center on Friday. It continues through Sept. 11. Using colorful fabric, he has constructed soft, allusive versions of spaces he has known in his 53 years of living and traveling throughout the world. The show features four major fabric sculptural installations, including a standout (and stand-up) three-story staircase called “348 W. 22nd St.” It also has other objects, including three video installations, two rubbing installations and 23 drawings, rubbings and works on paper. “I’ve been interested in so-called transitional space since my arrival to the United States,” says Suh, talking via Facetime from Singapore, where he recently had a show of new work. “That includes the staircases, corridors, gates and doorways — the space that doesn’t come across as being its own but exists to connect the more important spaces. But the more important spaces don’t exist without the spaces in between. “And as I travel now for my work in airports and bus terminals, those (transitional) spaces have become more important,” he continues. “It’s not just destinations that are important, it’s the spaces that connect my home with the destination. “And I realize in some ways life is a journey through a series of spaces. You spend most of your time in this world getting somewhere. So these transitional spaces become more and more important to me.” The artist, whose own father was a successful painter in Seoul, came to the U.S. with his first wife in 1991 to attend Rhode Island School of Design. (He had already studied art in Korea.) He went on to receive an MFA at Yale and also to live in New York and Berlin. He has lived in London since 2010, now with his second wife and two young daughters. “The experience of leaving my home
Do Ho Suh's CAC exhibit features fabric sculptural installations, video, drawings and more. country, Korea, for the U.S. was one of the most difficult, and I go back into the experience over and over again,” he says. “The seed was planted in Korea but was nurtured in the States by the experience of displacement and the education I had.” He also learned, in U.S. art schools, new skills for making art. He wasn’t confined by anything; he could make sculpture out of material as translucently fragile as silk and polyester. The material matched the wistfulness. “If I could create the space with smoke, it would be the perfect material,” he says. His first major fabric sculpture was a version of his family home in Korea. When he showed it at a New York gallery, suspended from the ceiling, his brother came to the opening and was perplexed. “He said, ‘It’s so strange,’ because he knew everything of that house,” Suh says. “It was a private home and having all these strangers now gathered inside was the height of an exposing experience for both of us. Our private space became public.” The newly configured fabric piece in the CAC show is called “Hub.” “I have recently been making the fabric version of spaces like a lobby or an entrance
when you enter your apartment,” he says. “I isolated those spaces from previous homes, or any space where I have lived and stayed, and put them into fabric. “Those are relatively small. And then I connected those different units into one long corridor space. These are multiple spaces from different parts of the world all coming together into one long piece. Audiences can enter the space and they can go in and out of the piece.” At the ends of that long corridor will be video projections. One will continue the theme of interconnected corridors, filmed from the point-of-view of an unseen person. “They’re from all different places and stitched together on the computer,” he says. “In other words, the video is another way to show the corridor piece in fabric.” At the other end will be images shot from cameras that Suh had placed on his youngest daughter’s stroller. The piece, then, considers the possibility of pleasure being inherent in the act of travel, whether or not there’s a destination. “My daughter was on the pram while I was filming and exploring the neighborhood in
London,” he says. “In the film you hear just voices and conversation, like baby talk and maybe singing and laughing, and you see the scenes of London and where we live.” Incidentally, there is a Do Ho Suh piece in the lobby of 21c Museum Hotel, just next door to the CAC. Called “Floor Module Table, 1997-2000,” it serves as the principal check-in spot for arriving guests. Busy getting their keys and going to their rooms, many may not even look down at the glass-top object to see the thousands of multi-colored, miniature figurines of humans whose outreached hands seem to be holding up the glass. “It was meant to be walked on,” Suh says. “The owner of the hotel bought the piece and transformed it into a table. It explores the idea of boundaries between personal space, collective space and public space.” And that consistently has been a major concern for the artist. PASSAGE opens Friday at the Contemporary Arts Center. Do Ho Suh will speak to members at 7 p.m., followed by a public opening at 8 p.m. More info:
a&c the big picture
Library’s ‘Tiny Tomes’ Adds Up to a Big Hit BY STEVEN ROSEN
The Observer’s Pocket Series explains one reason such small books were published for adults, although it seems archaic in this time when everyone always carries a smart phone with them. “A lot of them are guides or just references, especially nature books that are field guides,” Vetter says. “Even the ones about shipping or even guns were held — people would want to have them with them.” But there are exceptions. There are four “flip books” — as you turn the pages quickly,
The library's smallest books are on display. PHOTO : Courtesy Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton Count y
the photographs approximate continuous movement — devoted to sporting-meet events like the broad jump and published in 1939. A note on one’s title page helpfully informs the reader of the proper flipping time for correct action. (You can see a video of a book in action on the Public Library’s Facebook page; you can also visit the Tiny Tomes exhibit at Unusually, the tiniest book in the library’s entire collection isn’t in Tiny Tomes. Titled The Smallest Book in the World, it is a 2002 “tiny leather-bound book that is 2.4-by-2.9 millimeters, a mere eighth of an inch high,” according to Lisa Mauch, a content specialist with the library. “It contains an exclusive alphabet created especially for this little volume by renowned German typographer Joshua Reichert.” Fittingly, or perhaps perversely, it is permanently on display in the Cincinnati Room, inside a case that also holds one the largest and most valuable books, John James Audubon’s Birds of America. CONTACT STEVEN ROSEN:
C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 • 3 1
Andrea Vetter has a dream job for anyone who likes books — the physical, threedimensional, real kind rather than the electronic version. She’s a marketing office assistant at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County who, among other things, helps social media specialist Adam Baker find interesting holdings worthy of Facebook or Instagram posts. “I walk around through the stacks looking for books that might go with a program or a holiday, or a beautiful vintage book,” Vetter says. “I work with (Baker) and photograph those and we put them up on our social media pages to let the public know of these great books that might not be on view to see. “In my many journeys through the stacks, I just started finding these really small books that were really interesting and different,” she continues. During one of these journeys, Vetter found Who Wrote That?, a tiny red volume that featured quotes from other books and was in its own delicate folded protective cover with a tie around it. She brought it to Baker. “I pulled it out because I didn’t even know what it was,” Vetter says. The small book, written by one W.S.W. Anson, has a long title that also reads, “a dictionary of quotations of literary origin in common use; together with precise references to their sources and some parallel passages.” It was published in 1904 as part of Routledge’s Miniature Reference Library series. At some point, the library put the artful cover on it for protection. Baker’s suggestion was to organize a physical exhibit; the Main Library’s Popular Library department was selected. “We wanted to get them all together visually, not just on social media, but where people could come view them,” Vetter says. “I just started to scour the stacks and tried to get a variety of subject matter.” The resultant show, Tiny Tomes, features 71 of the library’s smallest books. It is on display in six cases through March 13. It’s a quirky and thoroughly charming exhibit. Who knew so many miniature books of all types existed, or that their subject matter could be so unusual and their graphic design so beautiful? The smallest in the collection at two-anda-half-by-four inches, Little Pretty Pocket Book, is from the children’s collection; the largest is an 1896 novel by J.G. Holland called Sevenoaks and is four-by-six-and-ahalf inches. There are also several handsome, serious books from the Observer’s Pocket Series, which started in 1937 and was active until the 1980s. Today, they are highly collectible. Five are in Tiny Tomes, devoted to zoo animals, cats, lichens, ferns and automobiles.
a&c onstage
The Ups and Downs of Strong Women REVIEWS BY RICK PENDER
3 2 • C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6
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Plays about strong women are on several in the way of humor. Kathleen Wise is the Cincinnati stages this month — frivolous show’s solo performer as “The Pilot,” a hotand serious, but reflective of the broad specdog, no-nonsense Air Force F-16 warrior who trum of roles women play in American socilives to be “in the blue.” But an unexpected ety today. Audiences will laugh and gasp at pregnancy leads to marriage and parenthood, Karen Zacarías’ amusing Native Gardens and she’s reassigned to what she disdainat the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park and fully calls the “chair force,” a cadre of flyers feel troubled by the plight of a fighter pilot relegated to trailers in the desert outside of in George Brant’s gripping Grounded at Las Vegas, piloting drones seeking to deliver Ensemble Theatre. strikes against enemies in the Middle East. Zacarías uses comedy to explore some At the end of every workday, the pilot not-so-funny issues including racism and returns home to her family. But extracting ageism, but she does it so deftly that you don’t even quite realize that the humor H is revelatory of underlying CRITIC’S prejudices. The show’s four PICKS characters are somewhat H caricatured, but in ways that feel both contemporary and real. New homeowners Pablo and Tania Del Valle (Gabriel Ruiz and Sabina Zuniga Varela) are young professionals; he’s a rising attorney at a law firm (the first Hispanic to be hired there, facing pressure to show he can run with Native Gardens at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park the big dogs), while she’s an PHOTO : Mikki Schaffner academic, completing a Ph.D. in anthropology focused on racial stereotyping. She’s herself from being “in the gray” — her long, also immensely pregnant. Their next-door neighbors are Frank and tedious hours of murky surveillance, strugVirginia Butley (John Lescault and Karen gling to make out targets — leaves her tense Ziemba). In retirement, he fusses endlessly and testy. She’s increasingly challenged to over a spectacular flower garden; she’s distinguish between the two worlds. still working as an engineer. The Butleys’ This woman is tough-minded and downgarden is a lush showplace; it’s abutted by right macho. She’s someone to admire, even the Del Valle’s newly purchased backyard, a if you don’t like her very much. From the outdesolate space of bare earth, dead plants, a set, she’s proud to be who she is; her change chain-link fence and an immense oak tree. in status is a blow to her self-confidence. (Joseph P. Tilford’s scenic, side-by-side VicWise has little to work with beyond her torian houses, one spic-and-span and one own strong presence onstage: Designer an obvious fixer-upper, is picture perfect.) Brian Mehring has given her a nondescript The show’s opening moments make it chair, a lot of sand and a corrugated metal obvious that a turf war is inevitable over rear wall. His lighting, often snapping from styles of gardening — Tania is borderline subtle to harsh, adds a surreal quality to the militant about being as natural and insectiproduction, which unfolds in 80 relentless cide-free as possible, while Frank yearns to minutes without intermission. win a horticultural society award for formal Director Michael Evan Haney, former gardening — but there are more serious associate artistic director at the Cincinnati undercurrents about understanding, getting Playhouse, is particularly adept at staging along and finding ways to compromise. one-actor shows. Haney confidently steers Fiery Tania and strong-minded Virginia Wise along the daunting path from cocky — smart, professional women from different flyer to hallucination-racked ground persongenerations — cross swords more than nel as her steely veneer cracks and crumbles. once. The men are simpler, more one-note, Grounded is a statement about the corrobut get their own comic moments. Zacarías sive power of war, and how it can delude and has written a witty, contemporary script, crush a human spirit. It’s not an easy story to and Blake Robison, the Playhouse’s artistic watch, but it’s one we all need to see. director, stages it in 80 quick, sharp minutes, separating scenes with amusing musical NATIVE GARDENS at the Cincinnati Playhouse is snatches that capture or distill emotions. onstage until Feb. 21. GROUNDED, presented by • George Brant’s Grounded has very little Ensemble Theatre, continues through Feb. 14.
Jean Cocteau’s Surreal Spectacle BY ANNE ARENSTEIN
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C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 • 3 3
Following the horrific destruction of sense of farce, the circus atmosphere and World War I, Paris countered the aftershocks sense of surrealism.” with its own explosions of wildly original de Cavel knew of Cocteau’s work from creativity, led by artist, writer, filmmaker photographs, but he’d never heard of the baland playwright Jean Cocteau. His frequent let. He became a fan after the first rehearsal. collaborators were six composers dubbed “I love the fact that it makes no sense,” he says with the highly original name “Les Six.” with his trademark mischievous grin. Nothing bound the musicians other Joining them onstage are actors Jodie than friendship and appearing in concerts Linver and Derek Snow and dancers Dawn together, according to Darius Milhaud, one Kelly and Britton Spitler. Everyone shares of Les Six. The others — Georges Auric, parts and dialogue — in English. Louis Durey, Arthur Honegger, Francis “It’s a challenge,” admits de Cavel with a Poulenc and Germaine Tailleferre — were simply chosen by a music critic writing on French music in 1920. Each composer’s style was distinctive and collaboration was never a priority. But when it happened, sparks frequently flew. Cocteau’s outrageous satirical ballet The Wedding Party on the Eiffel Tower premiered in 1921, creating a scandal, thus ensuring frequent performances for at least a decade. concert:nova brings concert:nova musicians at a previous performance this succès de scandale to PHOTO : Provided life with The Roaring ’20s, which also includes works by Les Six composers. laugh, “but I’m doing it for pleasure.” And Cocteau wanted to create a spectacle, but he didn’t have multiple composers in mind. fortunately for us, he’s not giving up his He commissioned Auric, but as the deadline day jobs. neared, Auric begged his friends to help out “It’s really fun getting back to that period and all except Durey pitched in. of time that was so important,” he adds. For what it’s worth, here’s a plot summary: “It’s what made Paris Paris.” On Bastille Day, a wedding party luncheon Langrée agrees. “After World War I, they group assembles on the Eiffel Tower’s first had such a need to be creative, to have platform. A telegraph station appears, an fun and push boundaries,” she says. “They ostrich jumps out of the photographer’s camwere amazing.” era and a lion eats one of the guests. Cocteau Langrée lived in Montparnasse, the same originally wanted the title to be The Wedding neighborhood that was home to many of Party Massacre, but cooler heads prevailed. these remarkable artists: Picasso, ModiThe most recent performance of The gliani, Chagall, Hamnett, Miró, as well as Wedding Party was in New York in 1989. American artists dubbed the Lost Generation concert:nova’s artistic director Ixi Chen by Gertrude Stein, who also resided in Paris. came across it while doing research for When asked to describe the irreverent last year’s cabaret that featured music of ballet, Cocteau responded, “Sunday vacuity, the French Belle Époque. “I’ve always been ready-made expression … ferocity of childintrigued by these composers, and espehood, the miraculous poetry of everyday cially their collaborations,” she says. life.” He also called it a grand spectacle, Chen recruited two leading exemplars and like his other ballets, it’s an aesthetic of French culture to head the cast: Aimée manifesto, minus the rants. Langrée — screenwriter, author, and wife concert:nova performs a special arrangeof CSO music director Louis Langrée — ment by Marius Constant for wind and and Jean-Robert de Cavel, who needs no string quintets, trumpet, trombone, harp introduction, star as Phonograph I and II, and two percussionists. The score is hilarirespectively. Langrée discovered the ballet ous, mocking all pretenses in the wedding as a teenager when she studied dance in and funeral marches and dances. Paris. Her research led her to re-create one of the dances. “I don’t remember much of concert:nova presents THE ROARING ’20s Monday what I danced,” she says, laughing, “but I do and Tuesday at The Transept (1205 Elm St., Overremember, with great pleasure, the great the-Rhine). More info:
a&c film
Protecting ‘Son of Saul’ REVIEW BY T T STERN-ENZI
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3 4 • C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6
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Walking the path of another and gaining a immediately, it becomes clear that Saul is different perspective gets lauded often. Film past the point of death having the ability to sometimes allows for an uncomfortably end this torture. As the narrative unfolds, literal approximation of this notion. At this we see that the Sonderkommandos have year’s Toronto International Film Festival, a conceived of a plan to rebel against the Nazis, couple of films sought, through very unique to make a last-ditch attempt to rise up, and means, to immerse viewers in the realities of at least gain honor and redemption in death. their protagonists. In one case, the recently But Saul is beyond such hope. Having renamed Hardcore Henry, from producer psychologically given up, Saul dreams up an Timur Bekmambetov (Night Watch) and even crazier means of seeking some final solfirst-time feature writer/director Ilya ace. During his duties, he stumbles upon the Naishuller, jacks audiences into an actionbody of a boy that has escaped the flames. thriller via a video game-style first-person The child died of asphyxiation, and Saul, it shooter perspective. The narrative seemingly appears, fears what sort of horrific experifollows all of the conventions of hardcore gaming worlds. Kill or be killed is the adrenaline-junkie mantra. Far across the spectrum lies László Nemes’ harrowing fever dream Son of Saul. The co-writer (along with Clara Royer) and first-time director takes a much more daring challenge, handcuffing us to Saul Ausländer (Géza Röhrig), a Hungarian Jew forced to work as a Sonderkommando in one of the Auschwitz crematoriums. The Sonderkommandos ushered Géza Röhrig in Son of Saul unsuspecting prisoners into P H O T O : S o n y P i c t u r e s C l a ss i c s the oven chambers, pretending to assist with showers, ments the Nazis will conduct on the body, so and then handled the odious cleanup duties he hatches a scheme to squire the body away before the next group of prisoners were and prepare a proper kosher burial. To do so brought in. Unlike most of the other prisonmeans enlisting other Sonderkommandos in ers in the camps, the Sonderkommando a conspiracy that could get them killed, and knew what was to be their ultimate fate. distract them from their rebellious tasks at They “earned” preferential treatment from hand, which matters little to Saul. the Nazis, which amounted to little more The idea of protecting the body of this boy than a momentary stay of execution. inspires Saul to “claim” him as his own son, It is impossible to know how you would the son he could not save from the horrors react if placed in a similar situation. From of the Nazis and the camps. The dawning our comfortable remove, we can assume that morality rising up in Saul (and the infectious we might prefer to die with dignity, knowing jolt of life in Röhrig’s performance), though, that we did not have a hand in aiding the gets countered when we start to question Nazis. This is the idealized dream of fools. whether or not the boy is, indeed, Saul’s son. Nemes, through shrewd narrative and As he rushes headlong seeking assistance technical expertise, binds us to Saul. The and risking all to achieve this goal, the techcamera feels as if an extremely tight leash nical restraints that Nemes has constructed tethers it to him. We never completely see the offers us perspective of either the angel or world through his eyes, but we are also not devil sitting on Saul’s shoulder. We wonder allowed so great a divide that would permit about his mental and emotional stability, but us a sense of safety or absolution. Right from we cannot do that without raising doubts the start, we understand what it is that Saul about our own, if we were Saul. does, and because we are right there with Nemes isn’t able to place us directly in him, we feel the very moral stain of the act. Saul’s shoes, but we can more than imagine More importantly, thanks to the mesmerliving in his skin, feeling the pain — literal izing performance of Röhrig, we appreciate the toil taken on Saul’s psyche. The decision and metaphoric — and seeing, up close and to accept such complicity has driven him personal, the shape he’s in. mad. At first, it is nothing more than a deadAnd that body, that son Saul wants to ness in the eyes, a vacancy that we know protect, could be ours. (Opens Friday) (R) plunges all the way through his soul. Almost Grade: A
IN THEATERS DEADPOOL — The creative team behind this reboot of the Deadpool character from Marvel Comics — director Tim Miller and screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick of Zombieland and GI Joe: Retaliation fame — has channeled the raw spontaneity and manic energy of the fourth-wallbreaking figure and, in the form of Ryan Reynolds, comes as close as humanly possible to breathing life into comic book frames. The wisecracking “Merc with a Mouth” might not be much more than a bad guy going after worse guys, but he’s willing and able to take audiences on a crazy ride of an origin story that is gloriously self-referential. Be prepared to see this flick more than once; there is next to no down time in the whole affair since the quips fly at lightning pace. (Opens wide Friday) — tt stern-enzi (R) Grade: B+ WHERE TO INVADE NEXT — Taking back the country and making America great again have been slogans and talking points throughout the Obama presidency. Yet, the people clamoring for a return to American values and ideals would probably not be all that interested in Michael Moore’s ideas about how to conduct this offensive. The genius of Moore, though, rests in the notion that he really doesn’t give a shit what those people think. In Where to Invade Next, his first film in six years, he unabashedly embraces a rather old warrior trope — conquering and pillaging from vanquished foes — as the means of cobbling together elements from around the world that he believes would actually make our nation more than better. Moore wants the United States to truly live up to a set of ideals that Founding Fathers would be proud of in this modern and more enlightened age. There is a loose and somewhat haphazard approach to Moore’s journey, but he’s less concerned about any single stop along the way. His eyes are on the big-picture prize — his pursuit of the American Dream, which he now sees is “alive everywhere except in America.” This being Michael Moore, though, he’s not sad when he utters that line in the film. He doesn’t have time for resignation. What he focuses on is the opportunity that presents itself. (Opens Friday) — tts (R) Grade: A
a&c television
‘Vinyl’ Is an Ode to ’70s Rock Heyday BY JAC KERN
Sex, drugs and Rock & Roll — it’s a tale – Adam and Ders throw a weed party, but Blake’s new girlfriend doesn’t approve. as old as time. Something about stories of success and excess in the music industry Portlandia (10 p.m., IFC) – The Weirdos turns audiences on. So when Martin Scorsplan a trip to the beach, deal with a hearse ese and Mick Jagger team up to transport breakdown and buy surf wear from Glenn viewers to the 1970s New York music scene Danzig. Elsewhere: the perils of sharing a in Vinyl (Series Premiere, 9 p.m. Sunday, phone charger. HBO), you know it’s gotta be good. Vinyl follows American Century Records founder Richie Finestra (Bobby Cannavale), a once-successful record Saturday Night Live (11:30 p.m., exec with a knack for scouting fresh talent. NBC) – Melissa McCarthy hosts; Kanye When we meet him in 1973, he’s burnt out West performs. and on the verge of selling his company. A few stumbling turns and personal missteps lead Richie to the new burgeoning Punk scene, which reinvigorates his passion for music. Showrunner Terence Winter and Scorsese were also behind Boardwalk Empire, in which Cannavale gave an unforgettable Emmy-winning performance as ruthless gangster Gyp Rosetti. Here, Cannavale steps up from one-season guest star to the main attraction, with support from a stacked Bobby Cannavale in Vinyl cast including Ray Romano, PHOTO : HBO Olivia Wilde, Andrew Dice Clay, Juno Temple — even Mick’s son, James Jagger.
Modern Family (9 p.m., ABC) – Claire sets out to clean house before taking over Jay’s business; Jay looks to become a pilot in his retirement; Gloria picks up golf to connect with Jay. Black-ish (9:30 p.m., ABC) – When the Johnsons don’t get invited to a neighbor’s pool party, Dre thinks people assume they can’t swim.
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Better Call Saul (Season Premiere, 10 p.m., AMC) – Jimmy’s relationship with Kim takes a turn; Mike decides to cut ties with Price.
Project Runway All Stars (Season Premiere, 9 p.m., Lifetime) – When a competition series’ “all star” spinoff enters its fifth season, one must wonder: Are we all stars?
American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson (10 p.m., FX) – Robert Shapiro assembles O.J.’s “Dream Team” of attorneys.
Workaholics (10 p.m., Comedy Central)
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The Walking Dead (Midseason Premiere, 9 p.m., AMC) – Picking up right where we left off, Alexandria’s walls have fallen and the survivors — employing the fan-favorite method of dousing oneself in zombie guts — are making a break for it when noise draws the walkers closer.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (10 p.m., FXX) – A look at The Gang’s latest scheme through the eyes of Frank Reynolds (literally — the entire episode is shot from Frank’s point of view).
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C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 • 3 5
American Crime (10 p.m., ABC) – Leslie welcomes Eric back to Leyland — against the advice of the school’s lawyer; Anne considers suing the school; a protest erupts at Marshall.
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Gone Phishing
Wyoming’s Tela bar + kitchen pays homage to Jam bands, wine and high-level pub grub REVIEW BY PAMA MITCHELL
with draft beers, and I tried a pretty good bourbon cocktail called C Brown, mixed with apple cider, maple syrup and a couple other ingredients, served on the rocks. Rock & Roll cognoscenti will appreciate the numerous music references, starting with the restaurant’s name, taken from a song title by the owners’ favorite band, Phish. At least four menu items contain sly nods to that band’s playlist, and I caught the Pulp Fiction allusion in their naming the burger the “Royale with Cheese.” The pub-grub slant is apparent at the top of the dinner menu, with items such as pretzel nuggets, chicken wings and poutine. What brings this fare to a “higher level” might be such twists as preparing the wings as confit or adding pork belly to the poutine. One of our party ordered the Pendery’s Poutine ($9) as his entrée and loved the combo that included hand-cut fries, cheddar cheese curds and housemade gravy along with a fried egg. Three of us had salads, ranging from a beet salad ($9.50) to an iceberg wedge ($6) or a mix based on Brussels sprouts ($9). I liked the sprouts best, although I was surprised to see the main ingredient was raw, not cooked. It worked; the thinly shaved green vegetable was well complemented by golden raisins, walnuts and tasty bits of lardon. I had asked for a light hand on the maple vinaigrette, but it seemed as though the kitchen had forgotten to add any dressing at all. Even so, I enjoyed this salad, and the others were pretty good, too. The fourth starter was Mussels and ’Shrooms ($11.50), shiitake mushrooms, mushroom stock, red onion and herbs, which got an “A+” from our friend Melissa. For main courses, along with the poutine, we sampled braised pork shank ($24), the evening’s “Phish” special of sautéed sea scallops over quinoa ($25) and the vegetarian whole grain bowl ($14). The scallops were cooked just right, and their savory grain bed hit all the right notes. Melissa loved the balsamic-glazed roasted Brussels sprouts with the pork shank, a hunk of meat large enough to require a doggie bag for leftovers. My grain bowl based on local wheat berries, while nicely seasoned, would have benefitted from more veggies in the mix. It tasted a little too starchy.
Tela bar + kitchen Go: 1212 Springfield Pike, Wyoming; Call: 513-821-8352; Internet:; Hours: 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 11 a.m.-midnight Friday-Saturday.
Tela bar + kitchen mixes a hip Rock & Roll aesthetic with elevated pub grub and local pours. A dessert menu is divided into Sweets and Stickies or glasses of dessert wines. Our server recommended the éclair cake ($6) and it didn’t disappoint — but what’s not to like about a cream-filled, chocolate ganache-frosted éclair? We tried a slice of apple cake ($6), made with cream cheese vanilla cake and bourbon
glaze, and I ordered a delicious glass of tawny port ($8). We spent hours talking with our friends, and the tables around us turned over more than once while we took our time. Nobody seemed to mind since the place was busy but not overrun. All told, it was a fun evening. ©
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aving recently discovered Piccolo Wine Room in Glendale, I was intrigued to learn that one of the owners of nearby T la bar + kitchen, L. R. Hunley, had been instrumental in setting up that wine bar a few years back. Then, last July, Hunley teamed up with longtime friend and restaurant veteran Doug Nawrocki to open T la on a prominent corner along Springfield Pike in Wyoming. Hunley drew on his Piccolo experience to develop the new restaurant’s wine menu, and they factored in the Glendale customers’ complaints about a lack of dining options in the northwest suburbs when they scouted locations for their venture. They settled on a large building in a tiny strip center with a big parking lot in back, and they loved that up to 20,000 cars pass that corner each weekday. Since they wanted to provide what Nawrocki called “pub grub executed at a much higher level” than you can find anywhere nearby, the site looked just about perfect. The two men divvy up the work: Nawrocki manages the kitchen and bar, including beer and craft cocktails, while Hunley runs the front of the house and keeps the wine list current. Serving both lunch and dinner six days a week, T la does steady business and really rocks on weekends. We found that out when we turned up for a 7 p.m. Saturday reservation. Our friends had claimed the table before we arrived, so we didn’t get to hang out in the invitingly designed bar. It’s separated from the dining room by a low wall and features a sofa and easy chair seating area by the front window; behind that is a bar with about a dozen stools and a few high-top tables. I could imagine it as a comfortable place for lunch or to meet someone for drinks on the way home from work. The drinks list includes a couple dozen beers in cans and bottles ($2.50 for Budweiser and other mass-produced domestics to $18 for large-format Belgian-style ale), six “handcrafted cocktails” ($9 each) and 30 selected wines, of which about a dozen are available by the glass ($6-$12). T la also offers house wines by the quartino or half carafe ($9-$17) and eight rotating beer taps with local and regional selections ($7-$10). My companions all went
PHOTO : haile y bollinger
eats DRINK
Local Couple Makes Artisan Drinking Shrubs BY GARIN PIRNIA
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3 8 • C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6
Share some love with your Sweetheart
Getting back to basics by fermenting is made with basil, cardamom, cinnamon, foods has become a ubiquitous practice, and habañero pepper, raw honey, cane sugar, so has making drinking vinegars. Following lemon and vanilla. They use Colorado in the footsteps of other local brands that peaches for Peachy Keen, prepared with ferment food and drink, like Fab Ferments peaches, lime, raw honey, dehydrated cane and The Pickled Pig, husband-and-wife team juice, vanilla bean and, for an added kick, Mercy Mabalot and Arie Vandenberg started hatch chiles and shishito peppers. Chimera Shrubs in June. Besides the shrubs, they’re also working Shrubs are typically unpasteurized, on a line of bitters, including one made with unfiltered fruity vinegars dating back to chocolate, black walnuts and Kentucky 17th-century England, before refrigeration bourbon. Because the shrubs don’t have was invented. preservatives, they have a shelf life of 18 “It comes from England, when they had a shortage of lemons and limes, so when they were making jams and jellies, they couldn’t make it with lemons and limes,” Mabalot says. “Instead, they used vinegar.” To distinguish it from jam, they called it shrubs. And in the 1800s, shrubs found their way to America, and bartenders started using them in cocktails. Mabalot discovered shrubs on a trip to San Francisco and Chimera Shrubs drinking vinegars — perfect for cocktail mixers. realized it would be cheaper PHOTO : haile y bollinger to make them than to pay to have them shipped to her in Cincinnati. Concocting months unopened and six months refrigershrubs is right up her alley — she studied psychology and biology at Xavier. ated, and all of their vinegars are tested for “This is more like biology and chemissafety under FDA regulations. try,” she says. “A chemistry background Like most fermented foods, shrubs are has helped me here because vinegar, even purported to produce myriad health benefits, though it’s a very old thing, it’s not the easiincluding balancing the body from acidic est thing to do well.” (bad) to alkaline (good), and replacing bad Chimera, which takes its name from a bacteria in the gut with good. mythical Greek beast, works out of Savor You can cook with shrubs, you can make Catering and Events' shared kitchen in a craft soda with them (four parts soda Newport, where they split the space with water to one part shrub) or you can add the Tiger Dumpling, Cuban Pete, Street Chef shrubs to a cocktail. “You use the vinegar Brigade and The Canteen. like you would use an acid,” Mabalot says. “To make a good vinegar, you must make “So anything you would use like a lemon or a a decent fermented alcohol, which is then lime, you would switch it and use this.” converted by acetic fermentation into Places like Metropole, Calle Cantina and vinegar, utilizing the sugars,” Mabalot says. Molly Wellmann’s bars make their own First, fruit and sugar are converted into shrubs, but Chimera sells theirs in retail ethanol using yeast. Then the ethanol needs outlets such as Clifton Natural Foods, Party to be converted into acetic acid, or vinegar. Source, on their website and at events like But because that process can take up to a Art on Vine and Second Sunday on Main, year, after the substance becomes ethanol, where they let customers sample their goods. Chimera mixes raw, unfiltered organic “When somebody first tries drinking vinapple cider vinegar (Bragg’s or Spectrum egar, especially if they’re not familiar with brand) with a starter (also known as the the concept, they’re like, ‘That’s weird. Can “mother”) to expedite the vinegar-making you educate me a little bit?’ ” Vandenberg process. It takes two to four months for the says. “First they smell it and they’re like, ‘Oh, alcohol content to reduce to 0.5 percent — that really smells vinegary.’ And they taste the legal limit. Once it reaches that level, it, and the taste is really complex — people they bottle the shrubs. really like it.” Currently, they have a couple of flavors but will add new ones seasonally. The sweet For more info on CHIMERA SHRUBS, go to Hibiscus Honey tastes like cranberries and
eats classes & events Most classes and events require registration; classes frequently sell out.
Please Pop-Up with Lula Café — Ryan Santos hosts guest chef Sarah Rinkavage of Chicago’s Lula Café at Cheapside Café for a one-night multi-course pop-up dinner. Reservations required; seating is limited. 7:30 p.m. $135 per person. Cheapside Café, 326 E. Eighth St., Downtown,
Breakfast for Dinner with Ilene Ross — Chef and CityBeat dining writer Ilene Ross hosts this class on making breakfast for dinner — huevos rancheros, shakshuka with feta, sweet potato pancakes and potato, sausage and spinach casserole. 6:30-9 p.m. $42. Cooks’Wares, 11344 Montgomery Road, Harper’s Point, I Love Maker’s Mark Bourbon Tasting — Includes a flight of Maker’s Mark bourbon, a specialty cocktail, hors d’oeuvres and a souvenir glass. 6-8 p.m. $46. Newberry Bros. Coffee, 530 Washington Ave., Newport, 859-261-9463, Mystery Basket Challenge — Chef James Major from Chopped and Cutthroat Kitchen teaches you how to think on your feet and create delicious meals without relying on cookbooks or recipes. Get your own mystery basket and learn to prepare your own dinner. 6-9 p.m. $75. Midwest Culinary Institute at Cincinnati State, 3520 Central Parkway, Clifton, 513-5695800, A Warming Winter Dinner — A warm winter meal with recipes for dishes including braised short ribs, roasted winter vegetables, hot chocolate mousse and pomegranate mojitos. 6-8:30 p.m. $55. Jungle Jim’s, 5440 Dixie Highway, Fairfield,
Pucks and Pinot — A pretesting at the Cyclones games. Features a wine tasting,
Splinterfest — The fourth-annual Splinterfest at Moerlein celebrates rare barrel-aged beers. 11 a.m. Free admission. Moerlein Lager House, 115 Joe Nuxhall Way, The Banks, Downtown,
Krohn Zone Explores Chocolate — Learn all about chocolate with chef Ursula. Includes samples. 1-3 p.m. Free with admission. Krohn Conservatory, 1501 Eden Park Drive, Eden Park, Perfect Pairings — Six wines with hors d’oeuvres from chef Luke Radkey. 5-8 p.m. $45. Taft Museum of Art, 316 Pike St., Downtown, Murder Mystery Dinner — Interactive dinner theater and a three-course meal. Theme is “Till Death Do Us Part.” Rated PG-13. 6-10 p.m. $70. Ronald Reagan Lodge, 7850 Voice of America Park Drive, West Chester, 513-867-5835. Wine Pairing Dinner at The Phoenix — A dinner with paired wine selections for you and your sweetie. 7 p.m. $75. The Phoenix, 812 Race St., Downtown, Big Cheese Festival — Jungle Jim’s cheesiest festival of the year. The fest features more than 1,400 varieties of cheese, plus a selection of olives, meats and appetizers. There will be family-friendly activities, paired beer and wine choices and a carved cheese sculpture. Noon-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $10 per day; $12 at the door; $16 two-day pass; early admission tickets available. Jungle Jim’s, 5440 Dixie Highway, Fairfield,
Guinness Perfect Pint Challenge — Local bartenders compete to pour the perfect pint. Pints will be auctioned off for charity. 7 p.m. Free admission. Molly Malone’s, 112 E. Fourth St., Covington,
Sensational Salmon — A hands-on class with Ellen Mueller. Prepare elegant salmon with soup, pilaf, sautéed Swiss chard and butterscotch blondies. 6-8:30 p.m. $75. Jungle Jim’s, 5440 Dixie Highway, Fairfield,
BrewRiver Gastropub & Valentine’s Day Go Together Like A Great Beer/Wine & Food Pairing.
Now taking reservations for
Valentine’s Day
2062 Riverside Dr • Cincinnati, OH 45202 • (513) 861-2484 •
C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 • 3 9
Cincy Winter Beerfest — The 9thannual Beerfest takes over the Duke Energy Convention Center for a weekend of crafts and drafts from an entire slew of local, national and international microbreweries, including 21st Amendment, Dark Horse, Deschutes, Epic, Fat Heads and more. Ticket choices range from regular admission to a connoisseurs reception, with souvenir glass, paired appetizers and more. Friday and Saturday. Per day: $45 general; $55 early admission; $95 connoisseurs. Duke Energy Convention Center, 525 Elm St., Downtown,
commemorative glass and hors d’oeuvres. 6:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. $35. U.S. Bank Arena, 100 Broadway, Downtown,
4 0 • C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6
NADA, The Anchor-otr, QUAN HAPA [OTR], Pho Lang Thang, Coffee Emporium, Holtman's Donut Shop, Dewey's Pizza, Dojo Gelato, Sundry and Vice, FUSIAN, Eli's BBQ, Keystone Bar & Grill, Lachey's Bar, Buona Vita, BrewRiver GastroPub, rhinehaus, Camp Washington Chili, Izzy's, City Barbeque, Pompilios, Taglio, Cookies by Design, Krueger’s Tavern, Mazunte, Drake’s and more!
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Mothers of Expression
Georgia quartet Mothers delivers more interpretation than influence on its full-length debut BY BRIAN BAKER
PHOTO : kristin k arch
Mothers has been garnering attention with its compelling Indie Rock/Chamber Pop mix. “It wasn’t high enough on my list of priorities of things to do as a teenage girl,” she says with a laugh. Leschper began studying psychology at Georgia State in Atlanta, but hated the direction her life was taking; after her freshman year, she completely shifted gears by transferring to the University of Georgia in Athens to study printmaking. Unleashing her long-simmering love of art eventually led to a return to music. “Printmaking, which is what I have my degree in, is this nerdy, old-school way of making art,” she says. “I discovered that I love obsession and being totally entrenched in something and not being able to see past it. Printmaking created this joy of making and being really busy and made me want to create more in another form. I was already based in Athens, which is thriving musically, so it was this organic, natural thing.” Given her bad tutelage experience, Leschper returned to the guitar but taught herself to play, picking up mandolin and bass along the way. She self-identifies as an instrumental tinkerer, having dabbled in drums and keyboards as well, but prefers to leave those disciplines to the professionals. “My negative experience with music lessons kept me from wanting any kind of instruction once I was actually interested
in music,” she says. “I always thought it felt better to be feeling it out. I think it makes me a better songwriter, in a way.” Leschper began writing and performing as a solo act in mid-2013, which continued for about a year and a half. Although she had the desire to play in a band format, she was hesitant to make the leap. “I was terrified of playing music with other people,” she confesses. “I wasn’t confident in my abilities as a guitarist. I’d never played with other people — I didn’t know if I could keep up with them musically. The whole thing was very intimidating. I had always envisioned it becoming a full band, it was just a matter of figuring out what I wanted to sound like and meeting the right people.” In late 2014, the right people entered Leschper’s musical life. Guitarist Drew Kirby, bassist Patrick Morales and drummer Matthew Anderegg, all veterans of the Athens music scene, offered their services and Mothers was born. The fact that each band member fronts their own group outside of Mothers strengthens the unit. “Matthew has a band called Group Stretching that he’s the songwriter for, Drew has a project (with Anderegg) called New Wives and Patrick has two different projects, one called Viking Progress and also a
project called Bronze Brain,” Leschper says. “I think it’s made us a lot stronger to have the perspective of four different songwriters.” Almost immediately after coalescing as a group, Mothers recorded the material that has been coming out since last fall, including the band’s first single, “It Hurts Until it Doesn’t”/”No Crying in Baseball,” and the follow-up track, “Too Small for Eyes.” The band’s full-length debut, When You Walk a Long Distance You Are Tired, is set for release later this month, which comes after a long period of honing their recorded songs and newly written material on the road. “Our live performance is more confident and sure-footed and unforgiving, and a lot of that comes down to the band growing as a unit,” Leschper says. “Being a part of this bigger thing has made me able to express myself better. We’re learning so much. A year ago, I wouldn’t have been able to write the songs that I’m writing right now because I wasn’t a good enough guitar player. Being on the road has allowed me to write things that are much riffier and more complex.” MOTHERS plays a free show Friday at MOTR Pub. More info:
C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 • 4 1
he sound that emanates from a band called Mothers could take a number of disparate directions. Frank Zappa’s group of highly talented misfits under that banner cornered the market on orchestral complexity, scatological Rock, Doo Wop, Jazz and a veritable kitchen sink of assorted weirdness, so that’s off the table. Befitting the name, Mothers could also be gentle lullabies to dream-laden babies, but that would be a little obvious. Kristine Leschper’s Mothers finds itself somewhere in the middle ground between those two extremes while drawing on both ends of the spectrum. The Athens, Ga., quartet plays a combination of rattling Indie/Math Rock and soothing Chamber Pop, topped off by Leschper’s quirkily compelling voice — think Björk if she’d grown up in the American South — and gently powerful guitar style. When it comes to influences, Leschper has been steered by many things, particularly the expressive work of guitarist Spencer Seim of the band Hella, but such inspirational points give her a feeling to emulate rather than a sound. “I’ve always been influenced by music that is melodically and rhythmically dense, a lot of Noise Rock, Math Rock and heavier Post Punk, but when I was a solo artist I didn’t feel like I had a way to show those influences,” Leschper says from the band’s snowbound tour stop in Baltimore. “I would only get comparisons to Angel Olsen and Sufjan Stevens, which are influences of mine, but playing in the full band has allowed me to bring those other noisier, more experimental influences to the forefront.” To that end, Leschper and Mothers draw heavily on their influences for ambiance rather than trying to mimic their sonic fingerprint. Based on the early results, available on Bandcamp, Soundcloud and YouTube, they’re succeeding on a grand scale. “Math Rock and Noise Rock is jokey and funny and pointed — not always, but it tends to poke fun and not always be a serious thing,” Leschper says. “That’s one of the biggest ways we depart from that; we’re drawing a lot of influence from the way the music sounds, but not necessarily the mood of it. We’re adjusting it to better fit our needs as far as writing songs that are really heavy and powerful emotionally, not musically.” Leschper’s path to Mothers has been a strange but not particularly long trip. Growing up south of Atlanta, Leschper took guitar lessons in eighth grade, but wasn’t internally motivated to actually learn, and wound up setting aside music for other pursuits.
music spill it
Cheers to Big Joe BY MIKE BREEN
February 11
Essential Productions Presents
with Ghost Note (Feat. Members of Snarky Puppy) February 14
W/Macanna & Shelby, John Morgan & Friends, Rapid Fire, Dick & The Roadmasters, 6 Gunz South, The Danny Frazier Band, Blue Jelly
February 20
LaurEN hILL’S FIghT FOr a curE FuNDraISEr w/ Naked Karate Girls, Moment 44 February 27
Essential Productions Presents
March 4
PhIL VaSSar with Carter Winter
March 5
DELBErT MccLINTON with LeRoy Ellington Band
February 12
SaNDErcaT & ThE MaNgE FacEBLIND February 26
Nederlander Entertainment Presents:
raYLaND BaxTEr March 3
Deadly Weapons March 8
Essential Productions Presents: 4 2 • C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6
cOrY hENrY w/ The Revival
March 11
DEaD auguST
March 18
Essential Productions Presents:
Nederlander Entertainment Presents:
april 9
SOuThErN DraWL BaND 90 Proof Twang
Legendary Blues/Boogie Woogie pianist Big Joe Duskin passed away in 2007, but thanks to the Big Joe Duskin Music Education Foundation, his legacy is living on and helping to build the future. Since 2010, the foundation has organized performances and educational opportunities for thousands of Greater Cincinnati-area school children, while also raising money for various schools’ music programs. Wednesday would have been the internationally acclaimed musician’s 95th birthday, and there have been some cool Big Joe happenings lately. On Feb. 6, a memorial plaque in honor of Duskin was dedicated at North Avondale’s Sonny All Blues Cafe & Lounge, where Duskin used to perform. On Wednesday at 7 p.m., the foundation presents a special fundraiser to help send Deer Park High School’s marching band to Disney World. The benefit (held at the school at 8351 Plainfield Road in Deer Park) will feature an all-star band of area musicians — including Randy Villars, Wade Baker, Marc Fields, John Zappa, Philip Paul and Art Gore — performing the music of native Cincinnatian and saxophone legend Frank Foster (an NEA Jazz Master who worked closely with the Count Basie Orchestra). Advanced tickets for the show can be obtained by calling the school at 513-891-0010. This Friday and Saturday is the Cincy Winter Beerfest at the Duke Energy Convention Center (525 Elm St., Downtown), which is one of the primary funding outlets for the Big Joe Duskin Music Education Foundation. The popular beer-tasting event, now in its ninth year, offers hundreds of different craft beers from around the world. For tickets to the popular festival and more info, visit and To read more about Duskin and the foundation, visit
More Local Notes • Cincinnati Indie Rock band Comprador is holding down the free every-Tuesday residency at The Comet (4579 Hamilton Ave., Northside, for the month of February, joined each week by a special guest; this Tuesday it’s Whitfield Crocker, a project led by The Happy Maladies’ Benjamin Thomas, while the reigning Cincinnati Entertainment Award winner for Singer/ Songwriter, Kate Wakefield, performs with the group on Feb. 23. In honor of the residency, Comprador is digitally releasing a new song each Tuesday. You can hear the new tracks at • Esteemed local Jazz vocalist Kathy Wade was due to play a concert at Live! at the Ludlow Garage (342 Ludlow Ave., Clifton, around the holidays, but the event was canceled. The
rescheduled date — this Friday — works out nicely, though, as the show is now a romantic music affair timed to Valentine’s Day weekend. Wade (with Phil DeGreg on piano, Mike Sharfe on bass and Art Gore on drums) plays at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are $15-$35. • This Sunday starting at noon, several area bands will be performing at the seventh-annual Autism Rocks benefit event at the Fairfield Banquet & Convention
Big Joe Duskin P H O T O : M e lv i n g r i e r
Center (74 Donald Drive, Fairfield, Along with various auctions and other activities, attendees can also listen to scheduled performers Thunderstruck, Visual Kaos, Bad Habit, Hi-Fidelity, Mr. Chris and the Cruisers, Streetwise, Wize Guys, Britney’s Lipstick, Taylor Shannon, Dangerous Jim and the Slims, Mojo Rizen and Paisley Cane. Admission is a $20 donation for adults or $10 for children 12 and under. • Another popular benefit concert that is in its seventh year is the Tie Dye Ball. The concert donates some proceeds from ticket and raffle sales to Play It Forward, whose mission is to “assist (musicians) in times of dire need, as well as proactively act as (a) comprehensive resource for the independent working musician.” Visit facebook. com/playitforwardcincy for more on the org. This year’s Tie Dye Ball is Friday at The Redmoor (3187 Linwood Ave., Mount Lookout, The music begins at 9 p.m. and will be provided by popular local Jam/Rock bands Spookfloaters and Jerry’s Little Band. Admission is $10. CONTACT MIKE BREEN: mbreen@
Star Wars Goes Electro The original Star Wars films are timeless — by using “a galaxy far far away” as the setting, current viewers don’t get distracted by the flashback trends of the ’70s. Something that does date the original trilogy is the 1977 Disco version of the Star Wars theme by producer Meco that hit No. 1 on the singles charts. In 40 years, fans will have another trendy musical oddity to ruin memories of the current Star Wars films. An officially sanctioned EDM album called Star Wars Headspace is due later this month, with tracks featuring samples from the films and cringe-inducing titles like “Jabba Flow,” and “Ewok Pumpp.” We’re lucky Episodes I-III came out after the third-wave Ska craze, because you know there’d have been a Ska Wars album tie-in. Never Lend Tarantino a Guitar In Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight, there is a scene in which Kurt Russell’s character grabs Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character’s acoustic guitar and smashes it. During filming, the plan was to switch the main guitar — a rare and expensive acoustic from the 1870s on loan from the Martin Guitar Museum — with a cheaper backup for the smashing. But Russell grabbed the antique instrument — which the museum says is “priceless (and) irreplaceable” — and destroyed it instead. Martin, which was initially informed that the destruction was due to an accident on the set, has said it will no longer loan guitars for use in films “under any circumstances.” Trump Sticks It to Adele When artists like R.E.M. and Steven Tyler asked/demanded that Donald Trump not use their music at campaign rallies, the presidential candidate acquiesced. But when Adele recently delivered the same request, Trump’s people ignored her completely, playing Adele songs at multiple rallies in New Hampshire. By procuring a blanket license for the songs played at rallies, what Trump did was perfectly legal, but most politicians back down when asked to cease and desist. So why keep playing Adele’s songs and not the others? Ask Megyn Kelly.
music listings CityBeat’s music listings are free. Send info to MIKE BREEN via email at Listings are subject to change. See for full music listings and all club locations. H is CityBeat staff’s stamp of approval.
Wednesday 10
Friday 12
Arnold’s Bar and Grill— Todd Hepburn. Blues/Jazz. Free.
404— Dave Hawkins with Peg Buchanan. Folk/Americana. $5.
Bella Luna— RMS Band. Soft Rock/Jazz. Free.
Arnold’s Bar and Grill— Ricky Nye and Chris Douglas. Boogie Woogie. Free.
Blind Lemon— Brittany Gillstrap. Acoustic. Free. Esquire Theatre— Ricky Nye and Chris Douglas. Blues/Boogie Woogie. $5. Knotty Pine— Dallas Moore. Country. Free. MOTR Pub— Carson McHone with Jeremy Pinnell. Country. Free.
MVP Bar & Grille— Moonlight & Whiskey. Acoustic. Free. Northside Tavern— Sexy Time Live Band Karaoke. Various. Free. Northside Yacht Club— Narrow/ Arrow. Rock. Southgate House Revival (Lounge)— Sean Geil with Ben Knight and David Faul. Folk/ Roots. Free. Tin Roof Cincinnati— Nick Brownell. Acoustic. Free.
Thursday 11
Bella Luna— Blue Birds Trio. Classic Rock/Jazz. Free. Blind Lemon— Warren Ulgh (9 p.m.); Logan Sparks (6 p.m.). Acoustic. Free. Blue Note Harrison— The Menus; Southern Comfort. Rock/ Pop/Dance/Various. Cover.
Marty’s Hops & Vines— Bob Ross Trio. Jazz. Free. Northside Tavern— Lemon H Sky, Bummers and Honeyspiders. Rock. Free. Northside Yacht Club— The H Avant Sock Hop featuring Lazy Heart, The Rose Hip Choir, Nanny, Shozo and more. Indie/ Rock/Pop/Experimental. $5. Plain Folk Cafe— Dave Sams Band. Acoustic. Free. The Redmoor — Tie Dye Ball H featuring Jerry’s Little Band and Spookfloaters. Rock/Jam.
Bogart’s— Mike Stud with H OCD: Moosh & Twist and Futuristic. Hip Hop. $20.
$10 (benefit for Play it Forward).
College Hill Coffee Co.— Wild Carrot. Folk. Free.
Silverton Cafe— Streetwise. Rock. Free.
The Comet— Andrew Would, Nancy Paraskevopoulos and Graham Lang. Indie/Folk/Rock/ Various. Free.
Southgate House Revival (Lounge)— Ford Theatre Reunion. AltRock. Free.
Crow’s Nest— Chris Holm. Folk/ Americana. Free. Dee Felice Café— The Sleepcat Band. Jazz. Free. The Drinkery— Lullaby Crash with John Bobinger. AltRock. Free.
Rick’s Tavern— House Party. Rock/Pop/Dance/Various. $5.
Symphony Hotel & Restaurant— Don Steins with the Blue Night Jazz Bamd. Jazz. Free. Thompson House— Ocean Grid with Blindside Drop, Saving Shemiah, Underestimate and I apollo. Metal. $10.
Arnold’s Bar and Grill— Dottie Warner and Ricky Nye. Jazz/ Blues. Free.
The Greenwich— Jazz Renaissance, Under New Order and more. Jazz/R&B/Funk/ Soul. $10.
Tin Roof Cincinnati— Frankly Speaking. Rock/Various.
BB&T Arena— Barry Manilow. Pop. $19.75-$149.75.
Jim and Jack’s on the River— Whiskey Town. Country. Free.
Blind Lemon— Mark Macomber. Acoustic. Free.
Knotty Pine— StrangeLove. Rock. Cover.
The Underground— Waveshapes with Sink In, Undivided and Dezignated Believer. Electronic/ Pop/Dance/Various. Cover.
Crow’s Nest— Joe Macheret. Roots/Americana. Free.
Lawrenceburg Event Center— Michael McDonald. Pop/Rock/ Soul. $45-$65.
Urban Artifact— Ethosine H and Rockstead. Electronic/ Jam/Rock/Reggae. Free.
Live at the Ludlow Garage— Kathy Wade. Jazz. $15-$35.
Washington Platform H Saloon & Restaurant— The Faux Frenchmen. Gypsy Jazz.
The Drinkery— Room for H Zero with Sundae Drives. AltRock. Free.
MOTR Pub— Mothers with Lil HSis. Indie Rock. Free.
MOTR Pub— Playing to Vapors with Coconut Milk. Indie Rock. Free.
MVP Bar & Grille— LDNL. Pop/ Dance/Various. Cover.
Madison Theater— Turkuaz with Ghost Note. Funk/Jam. $12, $15 day of show.
Madison Live— Sandercat and the Mange, Faceblind and Krystal Peterson and the Queen City Band. Rock/Pop/Soul/ Various. $8.
Plain Folk Cafe— Open mic with Wayne Adkins. Various. Free. Southgate House Revival (Lounge)— Keith Jones and the Makeshifts. Rock&Roll. Free. Tin Roof Cincinnati— Chris Cavanaugh with Chad Baker. Country. $5, $7 day of show.
Madison Theater— Madison Theater Band Challenge SemiFinals with Admitted Dilemma, As You Like It, Cardboard Derby, Danger Monkey, Dear Agony, One Degree From Mande, The Defeatist and Warren Butler. Various. $10.
$10 (food/drink minimum).
Woodward Theater— H Seratones with Orchards. Indie/Rock/Soul/Blues/Various. $5, $7 day of show.
Saturday 13
404— Pamela Mallory with The Lou Lausche Trio. Jazz. $10. Anderson Pub And Grill— Spookfloaters. Rock. Free.
Bar and Grill— The HArnold’s Hot Magnolias. Jazz. Free. CONTINUES ON PAGE 46
C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 • 4 3
The Greenwich— Mike Scharfe’s Mambo Combo. Latin Jazz. $5.
Trinity Gastro Pub— Bob Cushing. Acoustic. Free.
MUSIC sound advice
Music starts @ 9:00pm Thursday, February 11th Artist Showcase (7-10pm)
Carson MCHone (austin) JereMy Pinnell
Friday, February 12th Captain Mike (5:30pm) The Faux Frenchmen (9pm)
Playing to VaPors (ColuMbus) CoConut Milk
Saturday, February 13th Vocalist Andrea Cefalo (9pm)
MotHers (atHens, ga) lil sis (of sweet lil)
Sunday, February 14th 2ND SUNDAY SALSA! (5:30-9pm) w/ The Amamdor Sisters
wHite Violet (atHens, ga) JiM traCe & tHe Makers
Thursday, February 18th Artist Showcase (7-10pm)
tHe bluebird twins dan Van VeCHten & My brotHer’s keePer
old sea brigade young HeirlooMs CHristian Hutson
writer’s nigHt w/ Mark
Friday, February 19th Clyde Bailey (5:30pm) Saxophonist BenWalkenhaur (9pm) Saturday, February 20th Guitarist Bob Ross (9pm) 1000 Elm Street Cincinnati OH, 45202 513-421-0110
wussy albuM Pre-release of “foreVer sounds” | 2/27
Jukebox tHe gHost | 3/2/16 w/ tHe faMily Crest
4 4 • C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6
2/12 2/20 2/26 2/29 3/29 4/4 4/7 5/1
uPCoMing sHows:
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buy tiCkets at Motr or woodwardtHeater.CoM 513-345-7981 1404 Main st. CinCinnati oH
Turkuaz with Ghost Note Thursday • Madison Theater Brooklyn nine-piece Turkuaz is a musical powerhouse that takes cues from throughout Funk’s history and mashes them together with its own personalized groove and vibe. From Parliament-Funkadelic through Fitz and the Tantrums, with stops in Electro Funk, Disco and AfroBeat, Turkuaz has all the Funk bases covered and then some. The band was formed about eight years ago while some members were attending Boston’s Berklee College of Music. The group eventually hit the road and began building a following on the Jam Band circuit, drawing praise and earning fans for standout appearances at fests like Gathering of the Vibes and the All Good Music Festival. Turkuaz is a fully armed Funk militia, with a tight horn section, two fantastic female vocalists — Sammi Garett and Shira Elias — and a bass/drums/ guitar groove that just won’t quit. Live, the band is known for creating a big, sweaty dance party (complete with flashy Turkuaz stage outfits and PHOTO : provided choreographed dance moves), and also for allowing space within their original songs (and tasteful covers) for extended improvisation. Turkuaz’s latest release is the EP Stereochrome, which showcases a classic Mike Studd Soul vibe on tracks PHOTO : provided like “It’s So Hard” and “Tiptoe Through the Crypto.” In 2014, the ensemble released its most acclaimed fulllength yet, the expansive Digitonium, which delves into more experimental Electronica (“Fish Out of Water”), ’80s synth grooves (“Nightswimming”), the psychedelic G Funk of the title track and “Doktor Jazz,” which could’ve been a 1999-era Prince b-side. Digitonium made some music news headlines recently when a group of fans discovered that the album synced up near perfectly with the 1963 Disney animated movie The Sword in the Stone (à la Dark Side of the Moon/The Wizard of Oz). The fans make a pretty good case for the synchronicity being intentional (look up the video online … fast, because when Disney finds out it’ll be gone in a flash), but Turkuaz has yet to comment on the theory (which we will take to mean it was indeed on purpose). (Mike Breen)
Mike Stud Friday • Bogart’s As a general rule, adopting the name “Stud” as a Hip Hop handle would be little more than chest-thumping braggadocio. But for Mike Seander, aka Mike Stud, it’s more or less a factual declaration. The Rhode Island native lettered in both baseball and basketball in high school. As a senior, Seander averaged 21 points and seven rebounds per game on the court, but his baseball skills were even more impressive — he earned a 9-2 record and an ERA of 0.91 with 107 strikeouts, and was named the state’s Gatorade and Louisville Slugger Player of the Year. He also received an athletic scholarship to Duke University, where, as a true freshman, Seander notched a 1.61 ERA in nine saves, respectively the lowest and second-highest marks in school history. Seander missed his junior year season after having Tommy John surgery, then, after graduating from Duke, used his final year of college eligibility at Georgetown, where he pitched for the Hoyas and earned a sports management degree. During Seander’s recuperation from elbow surgery, he began to dabble in music to occupy himself, a direction he continued to pursue when he enrolled at Georgetown. In late 2010, Seander unveiled his Mike Stud alter ego with the release of the video “College Humor,” intended as a joke for his baseball teammates. The self-made/ recorded song/video has subsequently logged nearly two million views on YouTube. In 2011, Stud and West Coast rapper Loggy (former Cal State wide receiver Alex Lagemann) collaborated on “In This Life,” the story of their individual paths from athletics to music. Over the past five years, Stud has released three studio albums (including his 2013 debut Relief and 2014 sophomore album Closer) and a half-dozen mixtapes; his latest mix, last year’s This Isn’t the Album, was a teaser for his just-released third album, the atmospheric and profane These Days. No matter how chill it sounds, Mike Stud brings the heat. (Brian Baker)
PROMOTIONS & JBM present 20th Century theater 3 02 1 M a d i s o n Ro a d C i n c i n n a t i , O h i o
Whitey Morgan and the 78’s with Cody Jinks Saturday • Southgate House Revival Well, looky here. The CMA Awards derned got turnt around this past November when the corporate Bro-Country boys and girls got to sit in their chairs and watch a true Honky Tonk hero, Chris Stapleton, win three top honors. The pendulum shift is nothing new — the battle between lame Nashville Pop (the mainstream cookiecutter horseshit mostly heard on the radio these days) and true-grit Country music has been raging for a very long time. It is no coincidence that Stapleton grew up across the Ohio River in Eastern Kentucky (Paintsville), not far from where Kentucky Music Hall of Famer Larry Cordle was raised; Cordle, along with Larry Shell, co-wrote “Murder on Music Row,” a song about the beginning of the devaluing of the true nature of Country music. George Strait and Alan Jackson won a CMA Award for their version of the song back in 2000. The sentiment didn’t take, except in places like Cincinnati, where the Dallas Moore Band and others stayed true. Real-deal Honky Tonk music has always been around, throughout this current Country/ Pop music debacle, and its success has been on an uptick lately. One excellent example of this is Whitey Morgan and the 78’s, whose show in Newport, Ky. this week is sold out. When Morgan and crew come to town, Brett Robinson will pluck that rectangleshaped bunch of strings sitting on a table, aka a steel guitar, Morgan will play guitar and sing, Joey Spina will add more guitar, Alex Lyon will hold the bass bottom, Tony D will rock the drums and Tony Martinez will play acoustic guitar. The band’s latest album is Sonic Ranch, which features songs like “Still Drunk, Still Crazy, Still Blue,” “Drunken Nights in the City,” “Lowdown on the Backstreet,” “Me and the Whiskey” and an awesome version of Tom T. Hall’s “That’s How I Got To Memphis,” which has been covered by Bobby Bare, Lee Hazlewood, Solomon Burke and many others. (Derek Halsey)
An evening with
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FEBRUARY 12 13 17 19 20 22 25
Mike Stud with OCD: Moosh & Twist Cin City Burlesque - 18+ Welcome Lotus Jack & Jack with Daya Granger Smith Mickey Avalon & Dirt Nasty Thirsty Thursday Hip Hop Night with your host Lazy Ass Destroyer 26 Who’s Bad - Michael Jackson Tribute 27 Corey Smith
MARCH 2 4 5 6 8 11
Pneumatic, Birds In The Airport, Technicolor Monster, Moment 44, and Modern Aquatic 3/10
S A T U R D AY, M AY 7
The Front Bottoms w/Brick + Mortar and Diet Cig - Tickets Going FAST
Cradle of Filth WEBN Big Hair Ball featuring Jack Russells Great White & L.A. Guns Extreme Midget Wrestling Dropkick Murphys with Tiger Army & Darkbuster - SOLD OUT Hoodie Allen with Kyle and Blackbear Winter Folk and Bluegrass Festival featuring Rumpke Mountain Boys and the Tillers 12 Mayday Parade and The Maine 15 Drive By Truckers 18 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 • 4 5
Seratones with Orchards Friday • Woodward Theater Shreveport, La., foursome Seratones began playing together in 2014. After working on its live profile, by the end of 2015, the band had signed a deal with Fat Possum Records, played acclaimed shows at the South by Southwest and CMJ fests and were named one of the 20 best new bands of 2015 by Paste magazine (among other accolades). Considering the band has yet to release an album (its debut is due this year), it’s safe to say Seratones is in a pretty good position to be a “best of 2016” contender as well. Meeting through musical peers in different projects, the group members started out as friends, attending Punk shows together in Shreveport. Fronted by the raw and impassioned vocals of singer/guitarist AJ Haynes, the rest of the Seratones (guitarist Connor Davis, bassist Adam Davis and drummer Jesse Gabriel) are tight and versatile. The group’s vibrant Soul-infused Rock Seratones & Roll is the kind of PHOTO : Chad K amenshine charismatic music that commands your attention, bursting with an alluring energy that instantly alerts the listener to the fact that this is a band with a powerhouse stage presence. The Seratones have classic Garage Rock power, but also the wild-eyed finesse of Whitey Morgan an old Otis Redding PHOTO : provided live recording and a Soul/Blues edge that is seamlessly worked into the gritty grooves. The immediate appeal of the band was apparently evident from the start. The members told the Shreveport Times that at the Seratones’ first out-of-town show, a member of one of the other bands on the bill was so blown away by the group, he told his employer…who just happened to run Fat Possum Records. Within a couple of weeks, Seratones were playing for label founder Matthew Johnson; by the time the gig was over, Johnson was prepared to offer them a deal. Until that Fat Possum full-length, immerse yourself in the few Seratones tracks that are available, including “Necromancer” (which rocks like a Sleater-Kinney/Detroit Cobras collaboration) and the slinkier slow-burner “Take It Easy.” (MB)
crossword puzzle
music listings
Queue and Cry
continued from page 43
BY Brendan Emmett Quigley Bella Luna— Blue Birds Trio. Classic Rock/Jazz. Free.
Silverton Cafe— Unmarked Cars. Rock. Free.
Johnson & Catfish Evans (2:30 p.m.). Roots.
Blind Lemon— Mike and Melissa (9 p.m.); Ed Oxley (6 p.m.). Acoustic/Various. Free.
Southgate House Revival (Lounge)— Veronica Grim & The Heavy Hearts with Jessica Lee Wilkes. Rock/Country. Free.
Slammer’s Lounge— LoHeat Sunday Jam. Rock/Blues/ Country/Various. Free.
Blue Note Harrison— Bad Habit; Stagger Lee. Rock/Country. Cover. College Hill Coffee Co.— Ma H Crow and the Lady Slippers. Bluegrass. Free. The Comet— The Tigerlilies H and The Sundresses. Rock. Free. Crow’s Nest— The Tadcasters. Progressive Bluegrass/Folk/Jazz/ Americana. Free.
Southgate House Revival (Sanctuary)— Whitey Morgan & the 78’s with Cody Jinks. Country. Sold Out.
Symphony Hotel & Restaurant— April Aloisio. Jazz. Free. Redmoor — William H The Menefield. Jazz. $10.
Knotty Pine— Wayward Son. Rock. Cover. Legends Nightclub— Saffire Express. Rock/Pop/Country/ Various. $5.
Northside Tavern— Chicken H Lays An Egg Fashion Show with Electric Citizen. Rock. Free. Peecox Erlanger— Monkeybone. Rock. $5. Plain Folk Cafe— East Fork Junction. Bluegrass. Free. Rick’s Tavern— Second Wind. Rock/R&B/Dance. $5. Rohs Street Café— Claire Flint and Natalie Grace. Acoustic.
Urban Artifact— Steve Schmidt, Dan Radank, Bill Jackson and more. Jazz. Free.
Monday 15
21 26
Sunday 14
Northside Tavern— Northside Jazz Ensemble. Jazz. Free.
Blind Lemon— Jeff Henry. Acoustic. Free.
Artifact— Tropicoso. HUrban Latin/Salsa/Dance. Free.
Blue Agave— Chris Dunnett H (at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.). Acoustic/ Rock/Pop/Modern
Tuesday 16
Country/Flamenco/Various. Free. BrewRiver GastroPub— Ben Levin and Ricky Nye. Blues. Free.
Thurderstruck, Bad Habit, Visual Kaos, Hi-Fidelity, Dangerous Jim and the Slims, Taylor Shannon, Britney’s Lipstick and more (noon start). Rock/Various. $20.
Knotty Pine— Randy Peak. Acoustic. Free. MOTR Pub— The Bluebird Twins, Dan Van Vechten and My Brother’s Keeper. Folk/ Americana. Free.
Arnold’s Bar and Grill— Cheryl Renée. Blues. Free.
Blind Lemon— Nick Tuttle. Acoustic. Free. By Golly’s— Open mic with Ronnie Vaughn. Various. Free. The Comet— Comprador H with Whitfield Crocker. Rock. Free. Crow’s Nest— Open Mic Nite with Sean Geil. Various. Free. Folk School Coffee Parlor— H Grant Peeples (6 p.m.). Folk/Roots. $10. MOTR Pub— Writer’s Night. Open mic/Various. Free. Northside Tavern— Shiny Old HSoul. Cosmic Roots. Free. Sis’s on Monmouth— Northern Kentucky Bluegrass Band. Bluegrass. Free.
H Madison Theater— Benefit For Wanda Kay with Macanna & Shelby, John Morgan & Friends, Rapid Fire, Dick & The Roadmasters, 6 Gunz South, The Danny Frazier Band and Blue Jelly (2 p.m. show). Various. $10.
Southgate House Revival (Sanctuary)— Act of Defiance with Split The Abyss. Metal. $10, $12 day of show.
Mansion Hill Tavern— Open Blues Jam with The Ben Duke Band. Blues. Free.
Stanley’s Pub— Rumpke H Mountain Boys. Trashgrass. Cover.
Northside Yacht Club— The Goodbye Party. Lo-Fi/Indie/Pop/ Various. Rabbit Hash Historical Society and General Store— Cadillac
Thompson House— H Palisades with Today’s Last Tragedy, Sins of Motion,
Underestimate, Homebound and Surprise! It’s Me. Metal/Post Hardcore/Alt Rock. $10.
Across 1. Curly hair or colorblindness, e.g. 6. Finland’s neighbor: Abbr. 9. Spoiled, with “on” 14. Gut feeling 15. Actor Vigoda who finally made good on that Internet meme this year 16. Egg producer 17. Maze word 18. Author who coined the words “multicolor” and “normality” 19. Really tiny 20. Evil twin 23. Go back 26. Maze path 27. Hurricane aficionado 28. Russian czar nicknamed “The Great” 30. Banish forever 31. “___: Miami” 34. Like close baseball victories 35. Rural address abbr. 36. Pipe down? 37. Embassy official 40. Chugs on all cylinders 41. Short drink 42. Model railroad scale 43. Big voting bloc: Abbr. 44. Bursitis joint
Mansion Hill Tavern— Acoustic jam with John Redell & Friends. Acoustic/Blues. Free.
Indie/Folk/Roots. Free.
Washington Platform Saloon & Restaurant— Andrea Cefalo. Jazz. $10 (food/drink minimum).
Fairfield Banquet & H Convention Center at Tori’s Station— Autism Rocks 7 wtih
Mecklenburg Gardens — Valentine’s Eve Dinner and Live Music featuring Corinna Nix (5 p.m. dinner/8 p.m. dance). Dance. Free with dinner/$10 without.
MOTR Pub— White Violet with Jim Trace and the Makers. Rock/ Indie. Free.
Marty’s Hops & Vines— Two Blue. Classic Rock. Free.
The Comet— Comet Bluegrass All-Stars. Bluegrass. Free.
Madison Theater— Madison Theater Band Challenge SemiFinals with Don’t Call Me Punk, Drop The Sun, Friday Giants, Joe Tellman Band, Sins Of Motion, The California Red, Wicked River and Young Will Stone. Various. $10.
MOTR Pub— Old Sea H Brigade with Young Heirlooms and Christian Hutson.
Live! at the Ludlow Garage— Steve Poltz & Grant Lee Phillips. Rock. $15-$35.
Urban Artifact— Jim Pelz & the Loser Angels. Folk/ Roots/Americana. Free.
Jim and Jack’s on the River— Amy Sailor Band and Throw It Down. Country. Free.
Dilly Bistro, Bar & Bottle Shop— Blue Night Jazz Band. Jazz. Free.
HD Beans and Brews Café— LED Streets. Electronic/Dance.
Knotty Pine— Open mic with Pete Denuzzio. Various. Free.
Tin Roof Cincinnati— Harpeth Hill. Country/Rock.
Sonny’s All Blues Lounge— Sonny’s All Blues Band featuring Lonnie Bennett. Blues. Free.
Blind Lemon— Jammon Zeiler. Acoustic. Free.
Tillie’s Lounge— Ricky Nye and Bekah Williams. Blues/Jazz.
Dee Felice Café— The Sleepcat Band. Jazz. Free.
The Drinkery— Sweet & the Sweet Sweets with DJ Spam. Garage Soul Rock. Free.
4 6 • C I T Y B E A T . C O M • F E B . 1 0 – 1 6 , 2 0 1 6
45. Kind of potato 46. Put on a face 47. French courtesy title, briefly 48. Goes overboard at a party, briefly 49. Bill Clinton’s secretary of transportation 54. Maker of the TLX, RDX, and ILX 55. Have red ink 56. Dublin theater 60. Derailleur part 61. Place to take a stand at a frat party 62. Get rid of 63. E-ZPass charges 64. Funny pair? 65. Mail drop off, for the lazy postman Dow n 1. Nice hot drink? 2. Hose problem 3. Crumb attacker 4. Not neat 5. It can really fill out a room 6. Dover diaper 7. Pit reed 8. Recites effortlessly 9. Buck passer? 10. Lowe’s purchases 11. Strong bite
53 57
12. Lake that the Detroit River flows to 13. Zep’s “___ Maker” 21. Dull feeling 22. “I win!” 23. Earth science chapters? 24. First film to win 11 Oscars 25. Reserve squads 29. Goes wrong 30. Hang around a window? 31. David of 31-Across 32. Set up a blockade 33. Pictures of Hawaii, perhaps? 36. Remembered Marines, briefly 38. Soft drink with the “It’s Mine” ad campaign 39. Chills, maybe 44. Books with suras 46. Risk exposure 47. Digital video formats 49. Often-checked thing 50. Bounce back? 51. Two-way 52. Western writer Wister 53. Share a side with 57. “U mad ___?” 58. Swelled head 59. “I heard ya”
Extra public of the y dethose locaennial (859) 2016 1045: ket St. sehold udray, M Bursehold eman, ngton, s; Unit Locust sehold , 2100 41005, oshua urlingitems; 4203 41018, Dusty Dr #8, sehold listed ragetust be d at the order Extra ny bid ase up s poserty.
2012 Beauty, Fashion & Modeling 2012 Beaut y/ EMPLOYMENT
Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction, to 2012 Beauty, Fashion & Modeling satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at locaCurvy Perfect Fashion Week tion indicated: 525 W 35th St Curvy Perfect Covington, KY 41015 (859) Looking for Plus Size Fashion WeekModels 261-1165 on February 16, Curvy Perfect Fashion Week Looking for Plus Size Models Casting Call Feb. 20, 2016 2016 on or after 9:30 am. Unit Looking Plus Size CastingforCall Feb. 20,Models 2016 1404: Joe Morales, 919 RivCasting Call Feb. 20, 2016 erbluff Drive Lytle, TX 78052, spot.html Household goods, furniture; Unit 2206: Desiree Jackson, 2050 Restaurant / 2050 Restaurant/Hospitality/ Hotel 6920 Shenandoah Drive Ft Hospitalit y / Hotel Hotel 2050 Restaurant/Hospitality/ Mitchell, KY 41042, Mattress, box spring, dresser and storage tubs; Unit 2426: Donald Treadway, 3810 Clark Street Latonia, KY 41015, Machinery and catering equipment; Unit 2433: Tracy Cordova, 781 Highland Avenue Covington, KY 41011, furniture, household items; Unit 3262: Doneshia Bolden, 5116 Hawaiian Terrace Apt 1 Cincinnati, Small Northern Kentucky tavern OH 45233, Furniture, exercise Small Northern Kentucky tavern Relooking for kitchen manager. looking for kitchen manager. Small Northern Kentucky tavern equipment, household goods; sponsibilities include grill, food 3342: Verna Young, 2918 Responsibilities include grill, prep, inventory and food orders. looking for kitchen manager. Re- Unit Monfort Street Cincinnati, food prep, inventory and food Must have experience and refersponsibilities include grill, food OH 45206, Boxes and totes; orders. Contact Must have experience ences. ludlowtavernky@ prep, inventory andContact food ludorders. Unit 3359: Gary Bailey, 2018 and references. or 859-560-5859 for or 859Mustmore have experience and refer- Russell Street Covington, KY information. 560-5859 for more information. 41014, Furniture, household ences. Contact ludlowtavernky@ items; Unit 3409: Kenton 2056 Salon or 859-560-5859 2056 Salon for McFarland, 317 17th Street more information. Apt B Covington, KY 41014, Household items and tools; Unit 3509: Raymond Cham2056 Salon bers, 1710 Dale Road Cincinnati, OH 45231, Household goods; Unit 4232: Edna Jent, 1704 Madison Avenue Apt 3 Covington, KY 41011, Household goods, furniture; Unit 4328: Oppie Spegal, 13378 Stylists, Estheticians and ManiHissem Avenue Alexandria, KY Stylists, Estheticians andforManicurcurists needed. Looking indiists needed. for individu- 41001, Household items, furnividuals who Looking are self-motivated, ture; Unit 4412: Jerry Dorning, alshave whoaare self-motivated, have a strong work ethic, and 2836 Ashland Avenue Covingstrong work to ethic, andthis whosalon want to who want make ton, KY 41015, Personal items; make salon theirwhere careerthey home theirthis career home Unit 4433: Shanea Holliman where theypassionate can be passionate can be and grow and 3002 Country Place Court grow within company. Lisa within the the company.Call Stylists, Estheticians Manicur- Hebron, KY 410148, Mattress at (513) 368-0778 and or email ists Call needed. Looking for (513) 368-0778 or and boxes; Unit 6128: Suzette resume Reynolds, 321 West 6th Street email are resume to als who self-motivated, have a Newport, KY 41071, Furniture; 4008 Auctions strongEstate workSale ethic, and who want to Unit 7102: Shante Curry, 610 includes clothing, jewelry, their antiques, decor home Watkins Street Covington, KY make shoes, this salon career and housewares. Online aucwhere they can be passionate and 41011, Appliances, clothes, boxes, power chair; Unit 7116: tion at from grow within the company. Jamie Bishop, 3708 Tibbatts 2/23-29. Walnut Hills 1733 E. Street Covington, KY 41015, McMillan.
Fashion / Modeling
Must See
Household items, furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 5970 Centennial Circle Florence, KY 41042 (859) 4085219 on February 16, 2016 on or after 9:30 am. Unit 1045: Leigh Mcguire, 6545 Market St. Petersburg, KY,41080, household items; Unit 830: Anita K Foudray, 1856 Bordeaux Blvd Apt M Burlington, KY,41005, household items; Unit 521: Gary Foreman, 2660 Teaberry Court Burlington, KY, 41005, household items; Unit 909: Robert Kidwell, 315 Locust St Erlanger, KY 41018, household items; Unit 942: Kevin Daly, 2100 Bluestem Dr Burlington, KY 41005, household items; Unit 501: Joshua Bunner, 5210 Curley Ct Burlington, KY 41005, household items; Unit 528: Donald Dowell, 4203
Ada Court Elsmere, KY, 41018, household items; Unit 510: Dusty Dishman, 5979 Carlton Dr #8, Burlington, KY, 41005, household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 2900 Crescent Springs Rd, Erlanger, KY (859) 2063079 on February 16th, 2016 on or after 9:30 am. Unit 280 Sara N Minors 10263 Cherry Ln Florence, KY, 41042, household goods; Unit 158 Jake Maloney 530 Greenfield Ln. Apt. 10 Erlanger, KY, 41018, household goods; Unit 427 Suzanne Linstruth 1550 Greenup Street #1 Covington, KY, 41011, household goods; Unit 424 Traci Brooke Shoupe 3232 S 150th Seatack, WA, 98188, household goods; Unit 1141 Kari Siereveld 58 Juarez Cir Ft. Mitchell, KY, 41017, household goods; Unit 138 Mary Gillen
Auctions or Call 4008 Lisa at (513) 368-0778 email resume Estate Saleto includes clothing, shoes, jewelry, antiques, decor and housewares. Online auction l ast week’s answers at from 2/23-29. Walnut Hills 1733 E. McMillan.
H O L A I R A B M C D L 4008A F E W Auctions Q U E E R M A J E Estate Sale includes G U Yclothing, shoes, jewelry, antiques, decor S E D G Online E L A W and housewares. auction L U I S fromB2/23-29. E E R at WalnutAHills McMillan. E A R O R 1733 G E. H M O S Q U E P I T O P I U M S E E N A T I O N B R U S Q U M O U R J A M B A X E L B L I G S I Z E M E T E
Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 8080 Steilen Dr. Florence, KY 41042 (859) 5252700 on February 16, 2016 on or after 2:00 p.m. Unit 150: Michael Kersting, 627 West 11th Sr, Covington, KY 41015, household; Unit 615: Elizabeth Christian, 10437 Debbie Dr, Florence, KY 41042, household; Unit 647: Jonathon
Ruffner, 6340 Hampton Ridge Dr, Florence, KY 41042, household; Unit 713: Peggy Vigil, 44 Rio Grande Cr. Condo 7, Florence, KY 41042, household; Unit 732: Tabitha Lockard, 10799 US Hwy 42, Union, KY 41091, household; Unit 2133: Bobbie Osborne, 7340 US Hwy 42, Warsaw, KY 41095, household; Unit 2244 Robert Whalen, 8075 Steilen Dr Apt 238, Florence, KY 41042, household; Unit 2527: Jason Medley, 32 Shelby St, Florence, KY 41042, household/general; Unit 2711: Stacey Spicer, 528 Greenfield Ln # 16, Erlanger, KY 41018, household; Unit 2809: Eric Peterson: 625 Orchard, Erlanger, KY 41018, boxes, mattress, couch, misc. furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on w w Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.
*All adult line ads must contain the exact phrase “Body Rubs” and/or “Adult Entertainment.” Illegal services may not be offered in any ad. Cincinnati CityBeat does not accept, condone or promote advertisements for illegal activity. *Every ad purchase includes ONE phone number or e-mail address listing. Additional phone numbers & e-mail addresses can be printed for $10 each. *Ad copy & payment must be received by MONDAY AT 5:00 P.M. for the Wednesday issue. *All ads must be PRE-PAID with a VALID credit card or in cash/ money order. If a credit card is declined for any reason, the ad will be pulled from the paper and online.
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1115 Cecilia Ave Park Hills, KY, 41011, household goods; Unit 443 Timothy McCullough 2124 Sand Run Rd Hebron, KY, 41048, household goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.
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