LO V E L A N D O H I O. CO M `
LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 1
If you do, there’s a place in Loveland for them to learn to talk! Ohio Valley Voices is an early intervention program that teaches children with hearing loss to listen and talk through the use of hearing aids and cochlear implants.
“When we discovered that Cecilia & Philip were deaf, our dreams for them were crushed. Ohio Valley Voices has renewed our hope.” -Dagmar and Martin Wilhelmy
did you know? One in 300 children in the U.S. is born hearing impaired, which makes hearing loss the most frequent health condition in newborns. Ohio Valley Voices works to ensure that children with hearing loss, and their families, receive the help they need right away, when they are young and the window for learning is open widest. 100% of the children who graduate from our program use oral language as their primary mode of communication.
“Ohio Valley Voices is a place that makes the improbable possible.” -Lori and Tyler Lang
We provide services to children from birth to eight years old and their families. • Family Support
• Parent/Infant Education (Birth to 18 mo.)
• On-site Pediatric Audiology
• Half-day Toddler Program (18 mo. to 3 yrs.)
• Speech and Language Therapy
• Academic Program (Pre-K to 2nd Grade)
“The entire staff at Ohio Valley Voices has been with us from day one, providing total support... We are truly blessed to have a school of this caliber in the Greater Cincinnati area.” -Cher and Aaron Arnsparger “OVV was a Godsend! Eli will now have the opportunity to reach his potential and to pursue his dreams because of the tremendous gift that OVV has blessed him with – oral communication.”
-Merrie and Michael Jackson
6642 Branch Hill-Guinea Pike • Loveland, OH 45140 • 513.791.1458 • ohiovalleyvoices.org
One of Cincinnati’s finest restaurants
Chef William’s menu is so delicious and our dining room so elegant that our residents feel like they are dining out every night. Join us for a complimentary meal and tour to experience Life at The Lodge. • Luxury independent & assisted living • One and two bedroom, studio & cottage homes
Helping People Enjoy an Active & Healthy Lifestyle
12050 Montgomery Road
(513) 683-9966
Loveland City Council &KULVW\ -RQHV &56 -R +HOPLQN
Mayor Linda Cox Vice Mayor Mark Fitzgerald Pam Gross
Paulette Leeper
Angela Settell
Ted Phelps Robert Weisgerber
Ă™Â›ÂƒĂ? ĂŠÂĽ ø֛ÙãŽĂ?›͘͘͘ • • • • • • • •
Home Assessment/enhancements Interior/Staging Design Expert Contract Negotiation Top-Notch Marketing Professional Photography Community/Property Research Professional Contractors Network Community Networking
Loveland Area Chamber of Commerce President CeeCee Collins
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Dr. Je Kemmet Vice President Pastor Bill Hounshell Secretary Kay Bolin O’Grady Treasurer Doug Betz Ralph Dunnigan Gina Williams Je Hinebaugh Tony Schweier Tammy Ashby Otto Huber Scott Gordon Karen Breed
Publisher John Lunn Carew Tower, 441 Vine Street, Suite 200 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Phone: (513) 421-4300 Fax: (513) 562-2788 Subscriptions: 1-800-846-4333 www.cincinnatimagazine.com
2 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
LOVELAND Sweetheart of Ohio
Dear Greater Cincinnati, People may think of Loveland as a quaint little river town and although this is true, we are so much more. Whether you are looking to start or relocate a business, purchase a new home, or enjoy great outdoor recreation, Loveland is “the place to be”! Top-notch schools, local theater and art galleries, a farmer’s market, and lively shopping serve to sweeten the pot. Our residents and businesses are avid ambassadors for their city, but don’t take it from us—Ohio Magazine UHFRJQL]HG /RYHODQG DV RQH RI WKH À YH EHVW 2KLR KRPHWRZQV LQ its November 2013 issue. This distinction was awarded because Loveland is a center for family-friendly activities, a growing hub for artists and theater, and a comfortable place to live. We are also a community that cares. Our many dedicated volunteers energize the commitment that preserves and enhances Loveland’s unique identity as “the Sweetheart of Ohio.” Come by just about any weekend and you will see Lovelanders out in force hosting special events including races, art shows, and festivals. Take a break from your usual routine and check out all that Loveland has to offer. Enjoy the company of our families and friends while stepping into inviting shops in Historic Downtown Loveland and the Loveland Madeira Road Corridor. Enjoy a nature walk along the Little Miami Bike Trail, or canoe down the Little Miami Scenic River. )LQLVK \RXU DGYHQWXUH ZLWK D PHDO DW RQH RI RXU À QH GLQLQJ HVWDEOLVKPHQWV RU RXWGRRU patio restaurants. The City of Loveland and Loveland Area Chamber of Commerce are committed to partnering with our residents, businesses, and organizations to create a healthy, vibrant community and promising future for residents and visitors alike. There is so much happening in Loveland, and it’s an exciting time to be a part of it all. Stop by—you won’t regret it!
Linda Cox, Mayor
CeeCee Collins, President, CEO
City of Loveland
Loveland Area Chamber of Commerce
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4 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
Everyone has heard of the bike trail in Loveland, but this charming river town offers so much more to explore. We’ve uncovered some enticing dining, entertainment, and recreation spots, including a few gems you may not even know about. A visit to Loveland is a must. Here’s why.
The Works
Brick oven pizza is the specialty at The Works, a family restaurant owned by two born-and-raised Lovelanders, Scott and Jamie Gordon. At the restaurant, located inside a 110-year-old former ZDWHU ÀOOLQJ VWDWLRQ IRU VWHDP ORFRPRWLYHV JXHVWV FDQ HYHQ eat inside an old railcar. Start \RXU HYHQLQJ ZLWK D FROG EHYHUDJH RQ WKH SDWLR DQG HQMR\ WKH IXOO PHQX RI HQWUHHV LQFOXGLQJ shrimp scampi or mahi mahi, plus favorites such as CaeVDU VDODG DQG VSDJKHWWL DQG meatballs. (513) 697-8408, theworkspizza.com
The Works
Paxton’s Grill
Watch the world (or a few F\FOLVWV JR E\ DV \RX HQMR\ RQH RI WKH EHVW EXUJHUV LQ WRZQ DW Paxton’s Grill. With a relaxed, friendly atmosphere and a classic VHOHFWLRQ RI SRSXODU FDVXDO GLQLQJ fare, Paxton’s has been a favorite of many Loveland visitors for years. Paxton’s features at least HLJKW KDPEXUJHU FKRLFHV ZKLFK JXHVWV FDQ ´EXPS¾ WR RXQFHV if they wish. The menu also includes popular sandwiches and wraps, plus entrÊe salads, appetizHUV YHJHWDULDQ VHOHFWLRQV D NLGV¡ menu, and craft beer. (513) 5831717, paxtonsgrill.com
LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 5
Tano Bistro & Catering
Tano Bistro & Catering
For an elegant evening featuring seasonally prepared dishes, visit Tano Bistro & Catering on Loveland Avenue in the heart of historic Loveland. Tano executive chef and owner Gaetano Williams uses fresh ingredients for all his entrees, served indoors or out in a classic bistro setWLQJ ZLWK FRQWHPSRUDU\ ÁDLU 0HQX selections include seared duck with Peruvian potato cakes, seafood paella, Vancouver Island salmon, and scallops with chipotle linguini, among others. Extensive beer and wine menu. (513) 683-8266, foodbytano.com 6 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
Julian’s Deli & Spirits
Enjoy a cold brew or glass of wine on the patio while you listen to a local band at Julian’s Deli and Spirits. This casual restaurant, situated right on the bike trail, offers a variety of sandwiches and salads, plus a wide selection of wine and craft beer. Julian’s recently doubled its space and now offers more indoor seating and a roomy full-service bar. Owners Julie and Robert Zins have also added new entrees such as lasagna and meat loaf. (513) 583-1725, juliansdeli.com
Could there be a better place to ÀQG VZHHW WUHDWV WKDQ LQ D WRZQ called Loveland? This adorable candy shop run by Gloria Wilson makes JHWWLQJ \RXU FKRFRODWH À[ D GHOLJKW /RYHODQG 6ZHHWV RIIHUV ÀQH FKRFRlates, novelty candies, and homemade ice cream. Wilson makes many of the candies herself, including turtles, buckeyes, and chocolatecovered strawberries. (513) 5838305, lovelandsweets.com
Trailside Café
Enjoy a trailside salad (won best salad at Taste of Cincinnati) or barbecue sandwich after an afternoon on the bike trail at this treeshaded patio restaurant. Situated along the bike trail, Trailside Café is the perfect spot for a casual lunch or dinner, or a cold beer or glass of wine under the stars in the evening. The café also features live music on weekends. (513) 617-7024 LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
Loveland Sweets
Cocoa Bites
More sugary temptations are in store at Cocoa Bites, a dessert and coffee cafÊ in Loveland’s historic district. Owner Glenda Jones creates one-of-a-kind cupcakes with unique à DYRUV VXFK DV KLELVFXV RUDQJH creamsicle, golden Oreo, and chocolate espresso. Perfect as a dessert destination with its French-inspired decor, Cocoa offers indoor seating for D FDNH DQG FRIIHH EUHDN RU \RX FDQ get your sweet stuff to go. (513) 6772525, cocoa-bites.com
Cocoa Bites
Loveland Dairy Whip
LOVELAND DAIRY WHIP Nothing says summer like a softserve ice cream cone eaten at an oldIDVKLRQHG SLFQLF WDEOH ,I WKLV VRXQGV like heaven, Loveland Dairy Whip is your ideal destination. Serving Loveland kids of all ages for nearly 60 years, the Dairy Whip’s specialty Chocolate Mountain sundae (chocolate ice cream, hot fudge, chocolate pudding, whipped cream, and sprinkles) is a local legend. (513) 683-0992, theldw.com
The Veg Head
This carryout eatery ERDVWV ´IDVW IRRG IRU WKH VW century.� With two grills, one for vegetarian items and one for all other food items, this lowimpact, ecological restaurant is listed on the Christ Hospital Restaurant Program, which highlights eateries that offer menu choices in line with the American LO V E L A N D O H I O. CO M
+HDUW $VVRFLDWLRQ JXLGHOLQHV ,W also offers food service for some area preschools. (513) 697-7090, imaveghead.com
Loveland Stage Company
You can catch a great play at the Loveland Stage Company, which holds at least two productions each \HDU ,Q DQ ROG PRYLH WKHDWHU LQ WKH heart of downtown, this community theater group was formed more than 30 years ago. For dates and times, VHH WKH ZHEVLWH (513) 443-4572, lovelandstagecompany.org
Art Studios on Main
More than 30 artists, from painters to jewelry artisans and potters, make their home in this UHQRYDWHG KLVWRULF EXLOGLQJ which once was home to a school. ,W IHDWXUHV DQ RSHQ KRXVH HYHU\ second Saturday of the month IURP WR S P ZKHUH YLVLWRUV can purchase pieces ranging from landscape paintings to one-of-akind necklaces and earrings and hand-thrown pottery. (513) 6837283, studiosonmain.com LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 7
Pizazz Studio
Pizazz Studio
Find the perfect gift for a loved one or for yourself at this charming, whimsical shop featuring jewelry, handbags, home decorating LWHPV DQG WDEOHZDUH 2ZQHU -DQ Ranard welcomes customers of all ages to shop or to participate in her craft classes. She also hosts ladiesnight-out parties, showers, ornament exchanges, and other events in the store. Custom gift wrap is available for all purchases. (513) 683-3333, pizazzstudio.com
Bob Roncker’s Running Spot
Memento Mori
ries popular antiques such as glass, pottery, and vintage toys. (513) 6591081, mementomoriohio.com
Memento Mori
Loveland is also home to one of the most unique antiques stores in Ohio, Memento Mori, featuring RGGLWLHV WKDW \RX SUREDEO\ ZRQ¡W Ă€QG in your grandma’s attic. Looking for a Victorian mourning wreath, or maybe a photo of a notorious killer such as Charles Manson? You might Ă€QG WKHP KHUH 2ZQHU *UHJ -RKQV “searches the world for the unusual, morbid, and shocking items that skirt the normal human’s sensibilities,â€? he says. For those whose tastes run more to the ordinary, the shop also car8 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
Whistle Stop Clay Works
This fully equipped ceramics studio offers classes, private lessons, and pottery workshops for children and adults. Open studio time is included with classes to give students time to practice on their own. Come explore your creative side with the help of owners Tim DQG .D\ %ROLQ 2¡*UDG\ ORQJWLPH Loveland residents. (513) 683-2529, whistlestopclayworks.com
BOB RONCKER’S RUNNING SPOT For comfortable footwear to get you moving, visit this iconic shoe and clothing retailer located just off the bike trail. Bob Roncker’s has been a vital part of the running scene in Cincinnati for decades. You’ll get WKH EHQHÀW RI WKHLU H[SHUW NQRZOHGJH ZKHQ \RX YLVLW IRU D SHUVRQDO ÀWWLQJ in one of the numerous brands of athletic footwear they carry. (513) 831-2378, runningspot.com LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
Greater Loveland Historical Society Museum
Farmers’ Market at Jackson Street Market
Farmers’ Market at Jackson Street Market
Fresh produce and friendly smiles are available in abundance every Tuesday, May through October, from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Loveland Farmersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Market, held in the Jackson Street Market. More than 35 vendors featuring produce, fresh baked goods, VZHHWV FRIIHH Ă RZHUV KRQH\ DQG much more offer their products each ZHHN <RX¡OO DOVR XVXDOO\ Ă&#x20AC;QG HQWHUtainment and kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; activities. Other events are held throughout the year at Jackson Street Market. (513) 6830491, lovelandfm.com; jackson streetmarketlovelandoh.com
Paddle the River
The beauty of the Little Miami River is reason enough to venture out in a canoe or kayak, and there are plenty of rental businesses to make your adventure safe and fun. Loveland Canoe & Kayak in Old Historic Loveland offers a variety of canoe trips as short as one hour up WR DOO GD\ :LWK LWV JHQWOH Ă RZ DQG tree-lined banks, the Little Miami is a pleasant excursion for even beginner paddlers. (513) 683-4611, lovelandcanoe.com LO V E L A N D O H I O. CO M
LOTS OF HISTORY Loveland is home to some notable historical attractions. Explore Lovelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rich history from pioneer days to modern suburbia at the Greater Loveland Historical Society Museum, which includes a 200-year-old log cabin. At Veteransâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Memorial Park, pay your respects to those who served our country, where engraved bricks with the names of local veterans line the plaza. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re canoeing on the Little Miami River, you might catch a glimpse of Loveland Castle, aka Chateau Laroche, a medieval stone castle. (513) 6835692, lovelandmuseum.org; lovelandoh.com; (513) 683-4686, lovelandcastle.com
Cycle, Stroll, or Skate
The Little Miami Scenic Bike Trail, running right through Loveland and along the Little Miami River, is one of the most popular of the Miami Valley Bike Trails that weave across some of Ohioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most beautiful countryside. It draws thousands of cyclists, walkers, and skaters each year and for good reasonâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to Ă&#x20AC;QG D PRUH HDVLO\ DFFHVVLEOH VFHQLF recreational path. No bike? Rent one at Loveland Bike Rental or at Montgomery Cyclery, which offers both sales and rentals in downtown Loveland. Indoor skating is available at Castle Skateland, a roller rink designed to look like a stone castle. miamivalleytrails.org; (513) 683-0468, lovelandbikerental. com; (513) 583-8600, montgomery cyclery.com; (513) 683-6666, castleskateland.com LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 9
Montgomery Cyclery
Spring through fall, Loveland is a great destination for festival lovers. It starts with the Rat Race in April, a 5K À WQHVV ZDON DQG . . UXQ IRU local charities, and the Amazing Charity Race, an adventure of fun challenges that requires a sense of humor, in June. It continues with the Fourth of July Festival in summer, the Art Show in September, and the Monster &UDZO WKLQN SXE FUDZO ZLWK costumes) in October. Check the city’s website, lovelandoh.com, for dates and times. (513) 310-3434, cinciratrace.org; amazingcharityrace.com; (513) 683-1544, lovelandc hamber.org; (513) 683-1696, lovelandartscouncil.org
Loveland Dairy Whip
Coming Soon!
Otterbein Skilled Nursing & Rehab Neighborhood
Quality Softserve Ice Cream Serving Loveland Since 1955! Six blocks west of the bike trail Hours Spring/Fall: 2 pm - 9 pm Summer: 2 pm - 10 pm
Season Begins 1st Weekend in March Ends Last Weekend in September
611 W Loveland Ave * 683-0992
10 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
Otterbein “small houses” are unlike ANY other skilled nursing or rehab environment. They are houses designed to be homes for people to live & recover. • Welcoming Home • Personal Daily Schedules • Home-Cooked Meals • Private Suites For more information, call Anthony at (866) 322-6012. Otterbein.org/neighborhoods MORE LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT OHIO INCLUDING: Maineville, Springboro & Middletown LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
LOVELAND RISING VIBRANT, ENERGETIC communities share a strong sense of history and a progressive approach to the future that recognizes the importance of sustainable development. With a thriving downtown shopping and entertainment district, numerous parks and outdoor recreational activities, plus planned commercial and residential development, all nestled within a spectacular natural setting, Loveland is such a vibrant community. Loveland has maintained its small-town charm while also growing into a full-service city, complete ZLWK RXWVWDQGLQJ SROLFH Ă&#x20AC; UH DQG EMS units, as well as one of the best school districts in the state, receiving
an Excellent rating from the Ohio Department of Education for the past 12 consecutive years. In addition to these important assets, the city is also working on exciting growth projects. A new senior housing development that will add 40 residential units to the downtown area is under construction, and a mixed-use development to include 15,000 square feet of retail space, plus up to 94 apartment units, is in the planning stages, says Vice Mayor Mark Fitzgerald. Named as one of Ohioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Hometowns by Ohio Magazine, Loveland offers the quaint, small-town atmosphere that brings people together to share the gentle rhythms of daily
life. With its modern amenities, however, it also provides the luxuries that are available in much larger cities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The city is dedicated to ensuring that Loveland remains a charismatic, diverse community that has become a destination for many,â&#x20AC;? says Fitzgerald. â&#x20AC;&#x153;By offering a vast array of opportunities in employment, education, arts, and culture, Loveland is continually enhancing the quality of life for everyone. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lovelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unique character and friendly and safe environment are matched by few communities in the region. Whether youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a new or longtime resident of the city, or just visiting for business or recreation, Loveland is a perfect location.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;V.P.
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2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
2014 LOVELAND AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DIRECTORY The Loveland Area Chamber of Commerce’s mission is to serve as the leading advocate for the business community and as a catalyst for business development and growth. Our vision is to grow the businesses in the area. We encourage you to visit the Loveland Area Chamber of Commerce’s ZHEVLWH ORYHODQGFKDPEHU RUJ WR ÀQG out about membership information, community events, business networking opportunities, local numbers, and more.
12 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
ABM Drives, Inc.
Advantage Signs
Accounting Plus
AFLAC—Kelly Ray
2000 Ford Circle, Suite E Milford, OH 45150 (513) 576-1300 abm-drives.com 10920 Loveland Madeira Rd., Suite 2A Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-9252 acctplus.com
9267 Governors Way Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 677-2888 advantage-signs.com 8150 Corporate Dr., Suite 222 Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 247-2872 aflac.com
AFLAC—Lee Krouse Adoption STAR
433 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 631-3900 adoptionstar.com
10179 Plantation Pointe Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (270) 556-2392 aflac.com
LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
AimMRO—Tara Johnson 8500 Glendale Milford Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 831-2938 aimmro.com
Arrowhead Apartments 800 Arrowhead Trails Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0822
Art House II Airrosti Rehab Center
10582 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (800) 404-6050
All About You Health Coaching
215 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 348-0980 allaboutyouhealthcoaching.com
Allegra Marketing
6839 Ashfield Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 554-1797 allegracinci.com
All Occasions Lighting, LLC
11541 Gold Coast Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 247-9510
430 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-5267 dysonpaintings.info
Associates in Women’s Health
8231 Cornell Rd., Suite 320 Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 794-1500
Axcess Financial Services, Inc.
7755 Montgomery Rd., Suite 400 Cincinnati, OH 45236 (513) 336-7735 axcess-financial.com
American Legion Post #256
897 Oakland Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-6989
Ameri-Form Printing & Graphic Design Inc.
9380 Union Cemetery Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-5773 ameri-form.com
Carpet Depot/Certified Disaster Services
Bond Furniture Galleries
CarX Tire & Auto Service
Brent Zuch
Catherine M. Moseley, CPA
127 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 831-2378 runningspot.com
10606 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-0668 rcarpetdepot.com
113 Karl Brown Way Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2233 bondfurniture.com
9185 Union Cemetery Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 677-5457 carxcincy.com
Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 477-3834 westernohiomortgage.com
Buoyancy Public Relations
106 Kilkerry Way Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 319-3231 buoyancypr.com
Jim Redslob 6809 Midnight Sun Dr. Maineville, OH 45036 (513) 583-1960 bankersadvertising.com
744 St. Rt. 28 Milford, OH 45150 (513) 965-8505 centerbank4me.com
Bush-Re-Shea Insurance Agency
Certificate Reissue Center
536 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0777 brsinsurance.com
2116 North Forest Trail Atlanta, GA 30338 (404) 452-8822 usdacrc.com
Dr. Benjamin Kaseff, DMD 6417 Branch Hill Guinea Pike, Suite 101 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-4800
Berenfield Containers, Inc.
4555 Lake Forest Dr., Suite 205 Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 618-3780 berenfield.com
Berri Eyecare
10661 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-8900 visionsource-loveland.com
Butler Water Systems, LLC 4851 Pleasant Ave. Fairfield, OH 45014 (513) 863-5700 butlerwatersystems.com
Children’s Meeting House Montessori School 927 O’Bannonville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-4757 cmhschool.com
Caldwell Insurance & Financial 6229 Whileaway Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 600-9309
Chiropractic Sports & Injury Center
11867 Mason-Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 677-2200 cincinnatichiro.com
CancerFree KIDS
420 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 575-5437 cancerfreekids.org
Choice One Engineering
Anytime Fitness
515 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-6683 anytimefitness.com
Apex Packaging Supplies, LLC
11572 Enyart Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 680-3090 LO V E L A N D O H I O. CO M `
BEST Plumbing Service of Cincinnati
8950 Glendale-Milford Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 793-2378 bestplumbercincinnati.com
1710 Old Farm Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 515-2084 cmmoseley.com
Center Bank
Bankers Advertising
6678 Tri Way Dr. Mason, OH 45040 (513) 229-3600 us123.alphagraphics.com
Bob Roncker’s Running Spot
CareWorks Consultants, Inc.
5500 Glendon Ct., Suite 300 Dublin, OH 43016 (800) 837-3200 cciworkerscomp.com
201 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 239-8554 choiceoneengineering.com
Cincinnati Dental Services
8944 Columbia Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 774-8800 cincinnatidentalservices.com
LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 13
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Anytime Fitness
Cincinnati Select Baseball Club of Loveland, Ohio Inc. 11954 Millstone Ct. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-1156 cincinnatistix.com
Cincinnati Magazine 441 Vine St., Suite 200 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 421-4300 cincinnatimagazine.com
Cincy Magazine 30 GarďŹ eld Place, Suite 440 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 421-2533 cincymagazine.com
City of Loveland
120 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0150 lovelandoh.com
Lovelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hometown Lighting Showroom
Outdoor Lighting
Also featuring ceiling fans, specialty light bulbs, artwork and accessories.
Brighten your home inside and out! 9583 Fields Ertel Road, Loveland, OH 45140 513.278.4001
Locally owned and operated
14 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
10260 Alliance Rd., Suite 130 Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 677-6262 claimlinx.com
Clark Schaefer Hackett
One E. Fourth St., Suite 1200 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 241-3111 cshco.com
Clermont Chamber of Commerce
4355 Ferguson Dr., Suite 150 Cincinnati, OH 45245 (513) 576-5000 clermontchamber.com
Clermont County Convention & Visitors Bureau
410 E. Main St. Batavia, OH 45103 (513) 732-3600 visitclermontohio.com
On the Bike Trail in Loveland!
Cocoa Bites
305 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-2525 cocoa-bites.com
Coldwell Banker West Shell
Christy Jones 5947 Deerfield Blvd., Suite 104 Mason, OH 45040 (513) 470-8909 cbws.com/christy.jones
Coldwell Banker West Shell NE Office
5947 Deerfield Blvd., Suite 104 Mason, OH 45040 (513) 677-9777 cbws.com
Comey & Shepherd— Todd Finch 6141 Price Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 785-9994
Comfort Inn Northeast
9011 Fields Ertel Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 683-9700 comfortinn.com/hotel-cincinnati-ohio-OH459
Complete Transport Solutions, LLC
4565 E. Galbraith Rd., Suite B Kenwood, OH 45236 (513) 924-3350, ext. 13 cornerstonefinancialgrp.com
CorVel Corporation
501 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 257-0700 completetransportsolutions. com
CompSource TPA, Inc.
732 Middleton Way, Suite 204 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 718-2830 compsourcetpa.com
Concepts in Hearing, LLC
Cornerstone Financial Group
9680 Cincinnati-Columbus Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45241 (513) 777-8599
8230 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45236 (513) 337-9392 corvel.com
Costco Wholesale
9691 Waterstone Blvd. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 774-0024 costco.com
Costume Castle Inc. 467 Wards Corner Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 831-8121 costumecastle.com
Bloody Mary Bar Sat, Sun & Holidays 11am-3pm
Great Food, Awesome Patio, Full Bar, Live Music Expanded Indoor Seating! (513) 583-1725 • JuliansDeli.com LO V E L A N D O H I O. CO M
LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 15
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Cuni, Rust & Strenk, Inc.
Deerfield Construction Co., Inc.
4555 Lake Forest Dr., Suite 620 Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 891-0270 crsact.com
8960 Glendale-Milford Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 984-4096 deerfieldconstruction.com
Distinctive Smiles
1120 Cottonwood Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-8600 dttollefsondds.com
East Hills Veterinary Clinic
420 A. Wards Corner Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 831-7444 easthillsvet.com
DSG-Canusa Dale Robertson Jewelry
784 Loveland Miamiville Rd., Suite 300 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-5900 dalerobertsonjewelry.com
Daveed’s NEXT & Catering 8944 Columbia Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2665 daveedsnext.com
Deborah Harp Insurance Agency, LLC American Family Insurance Group 501-B W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-7011 debharp.com
DeVol Design. Build. Remodel, LLC 11905 Rich Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-0196 devoldbr.com
Diamond Quality Clean 207 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-5855 diamondqualityclean.com
Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP 255 E. Fifth St., Suite 1900 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 977-8605 dinsmore.com
173 Commerce Blvd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-7800 dsgcanusa.com
Eads Fence Company, Inc.
131 Broadway St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-4040 eadsfence.com
Eagle Custom Homes, Inc.
411 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 965-0455 eaglecustomhomes.com
Edward Jones
295 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-6111 edwardjones.com
Enquirer Media
312 Elm St., Suite 1700 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 768-8009
Epiphany United Methodist Church
6635 Loveland-Miamiville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-9866 epiphanyumc.org
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LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Everybody’s Health
8160 Corporate Park Dr., Suite 215 Sycamore Township, OH 45140 (513) 469-0016 everybodyshealth.net
Farmersville Energy Group, LLC
Findlow Filtration, Inc.
The Fence Company, LLC
Fischer Process Industries
149 Commerce Blvd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 774-9100 findlow-filters.com
363 N. Elm St. Farmersville, OH 45325 (937) 696-2759 807 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-9006 thefencecompanyonline.com
Evolving Design, LLC 154 High Country Ln. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 293-1090 evolvingdesignllc.com
155 Commerce Blvd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-4800 fischerprocess.com
Fifth Third Bank Express Employment Professionals 754 Old St. Rt. 74 Cincinnati, OH 45245 (513) 842-8000 expresspros.com
10708 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-2500 53.com
Florentine Gardens
Fifth Third Bank Loveland Bankmart
Full SpectrumFitness
800 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-2215 53.com
Family Dentistry of Loveland
910 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-4040 dentistinloveland.com
409 Wards Corner Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 732-6500
529 Main St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 680-1414 fullspectrumloveland.com
General Electric Credit Union
10501 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 243-4328 gecreditunion.org
Gerstemeier Financial Group, LLC 6851 Clubside Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 898-9973 g-gf.com
Gertz Law Firm
149 Mission Ct. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 967-1532 gertzlaw.com
Gillespie Enterprises DBA McDonald’s 6319 Fairway Dr. Mason, OH 45040 (513) 398-7569, ext. 513
Funky Rock Designs
• Alex and Ani
• Capri Blue Candles
• Lilly Pulitzer
• Bella Tunno
• Downton Abbey
• Mariposa
• Bourbon and Boweties
• Kate Spade
• Nora Fleming
• Brighton
• Laurie Polpieter Ekstanza
• UNO de50
Specializing in unique personalized lines & entertaining. Hand selected accessories for you & your home. Ask about our Ladies night out, events and parties. 122 W. Loveland Ave. Historic Downtown Loveland 513.683-3333 • www.pizazzstudio.com LO V E L A N D O H I O. CO M
LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 17
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Global Documentation Center
Greater Loveland Historical Society Museum
Goddard School of Loveland
782 Loveland-Miamiville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-9663
9128 Union Cemetery Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 774-9800 turnupyourpower.com
Grailville Retreat & Program Center
Heartland Ovation Payroll
227 Sandy Springs Place NE, Suite G76562 Sandy Springs, GA 30328 (687) 861-4013
932 O’Bannonville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2340 grailville.org
201 Riverside Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-5692 lovelandmuseum.org
9277 Centre Pointe Dr., Suite 300 West Chester, OH 45069 (513) 383-5371 heartlandpaymentsystems.com
Hope Restored Counseling Services
9039 Rich Woods Ct. Loveland, OH 45140 859-466-7001 hibu.com
600 W. Loveland Ave., Suite 2A Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-4673 hoperestoredcounseling.com
Hilton Garden Inn Cincinnati Northeast
Horizon Telcom
Home Helpers
Humana Marketpoint
6288 Tri-Ridge Blvd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 576-6999 hiltongardeninn.com
68 E. Main St. Chillicothe, OH 45601 (740) 772-8803 horizontel.com
9891 Montgomery Rd., Suite 224 Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 429-2800 homehelpers.cc/warrenbutlercounties58489
640 Eden Park Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 479-8343 humana.com
Huntington Bank
780 Loveland-Miamiville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0970 huntington.com
Granny’s Garden School HER Total Fitness
3116 U.S. Hwy. 22 and 3 Landen, OH 45039 513-444-4212 hertotalfitness.com
The HoneyBaked Ham Company
11935 Mason Rd., Suite 200 Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 583-9700 honeybakedforyou.com
t's Dairy Whi &
20 Miamiview Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 324-2873 grannysgardenschool.com
34 Icecream Flavors
Cincy's Best Kept Secret!
Hart's Dairy Whip Where Families Gather, Friends Meet And Everyone Enjoys “Award-Winning” Food Prepared In Our Brick Oven Come and enjoy pizza, calzones and sandwiches prepared in our brick oven and experience the difference.
The Works 20 Grear Millitzer Lane, Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-8408 • www.theworkspizza.com 18 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
6005 East U.S. HWY 22 & 3 (Montgomery Rd.) Morrow, Ohio 45152 2 Miles North of Town on Montgomery Rd. Open: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 4-9pm Saturday & Sunday, 12-9pm Closed: Monday & Tuesday
LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Image Cleaning Systems, Inc.
J. Daniel & Company, Inc.
10663 Loveland Madeira Rd., Suite 176 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-8885 image-cleaning.com
4010 Executive Park Dr., Suite 430 Cincinnati, OH 45241 (513) 382-8016 infintechllc.com/loveland
J.L.G. Floors, Inc.
419 Wards Corner Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 248-1755, ext. 130 jlgflooring.com
Jody Martin, Inc.
1250 Neale Ln. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-5345
James A. Grant, Beirne & Wirthlin Co., LPA 1745 Madison Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45206 (513) 221-1745 beirneandwirthlin.com
Jarvis Global Investments, LLC
Julian’s Deli and Spirits
1975 Phoenix Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 575-3100 jdanielco.com
John Hill Construction
6844 Oakland Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-8991 johnhillconstruction.com
10089 Meadowknoll Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 513-377-8285 jarvisglobalinvestments.com
John Hueber Homes
526 Wards Corner Rd., Suite B Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-3080 johnhueberhomes.com
Results That Move You
513.774.7856 Showroom: 807 Loveland-Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140
new, convenient office location next to walgreens 6377 branch hill guinea pike loveland, oh 45140
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LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 19
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Loveland Dairy Whip
Josh Wilking Accounting Services, Inc.
Kona Ice of NE Cincinnati & Dayton
Julian’s Deli and Spirits
Ken Marcotte’s Professional Auto Service
Kinder Care Learning Center
Lawn Systems, Inc.
10734 Hampton Glen Ln. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 821-3443
8717 Woolstone Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45039 (513) 600-0408
200 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-1725 juliansdeli.com
800 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-3820 kroger.com
301 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-7852
10695 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2641 kindercare.com
901 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-3006 larosas.com 10776 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 489-9796 lawnsystemsinc.com
We dream in CHOCOLATE
Life is short. Eat dessert first! 20 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
305 West Loveland Ave. In the Heart of Historic Loveland
(513) 677-2525 LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Law Office of Christopher D. Longwell, LLC 10663 Loveland Madeira Rd., Suite 180 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 334-0305
LCNB National Bank
500 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-2203 lcnb.com
London Computer Systems, Inc.
1007 Cottonwood Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-1482 rentmanager.com
4973 Cinnamon Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45244 (513) 266-0645 lsbud.com
Little Miami, Inc. 6040 Price Rd. Milford, OH 45150 (513) 965-9344 littlemiami.org
Little River Enterprises, LLC
1913 Stockton Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 293-8254 cincybiketrails.com
Living With Motion Chiropractic
6415 Branch Hill Guinea Pike Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 831-4433 livingwithmotion.com
The Lodge Retirement Community & Care Center 12050 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 683-9966 lodgeretirementcommunity. com
Loveland Area Chamber of Commerce
Loveland Canoe & Kayak
Loveland Artists Studios on Main
Loveland Chiropractic Offices, Inc.
Loveland Arts Council
Loveland Christian Church
123 S. Second St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-1544 lovelandchamber.org
529 Main St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-7283 studiosonmain.com 529 Main St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0413 lovelandartscouncil.org
200 Crutchfield Place Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-4611 lovelandcanoe.com
215 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-1052 lovelandchiro.com
12070 Lebanon Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0591 lovedtolove.org
Loveland Bike Rental 206 Railroad Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0468 lovelandbikerental.com
Loveland City School District
757 S. Lebanon Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-5600 lovelandschools.org
Elsen’s Autohaus
BMW Specialists Cincinnati’s Dealer Alternative
10682 Loveland Madeira Road Loveland, Ohio 45140 513-583-0700 www.ElsensAutohaus.com
LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 21
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Loveland Dairy Whip 611 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0992 theldw.com
Loveland Firefighters Association P.O. Box 925 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-3001
Loveland Fraternal Order of Eagles 3006 127 N. Karl Brown Way Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-9945
Loveland Hardware
131 Broadway St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 707-1800 lovelandhardware.com
Loveland Health Care Center
501 N. Second St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 605-6000 lovelandhealthcarecenter.com
Loveland License Bureau 641 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-3454 bmv.ohio.gov
Loveland Stage Company
111 S. Second St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 443-4572 lovelandstagecompany.org
Loveland Massage Center The Loveland Initiative
901 Mohican Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 513-677-1057 lovelandinitiative.com
Loveland Inter Faith Effort (L.I.F.E.) 101 S. Lebanon Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-8222 lovelandinterfaith.org
Loveland Jewelers
212 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-7100 lovelandjewelers.com
412 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 226-3400
Loveland Presbyterian Church 360 Robin Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2525 lpcusa.org
Loveland Regional Veterinary Hospital 300 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-9796
Loveland Symmes Fire Department 126 S. Lebanon Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-3001 lsfd.org
Loveland Urgent Care
10528 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-2400
Loveland Woman’s Club 6728 Smith Rd. Loveland, OH 45140
Loveland Yoga & Wellness
429 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 604-1798 lovelandyogaandwellness.com
Licensed by State of Ohio and affiliated by the American Montessori Society Each classroom has two full-time, Montessori-credentialed teachers Half-day and full-day preschool, and full-day kindergarten Nature studies featuring an 8-acre natural environment and a full-time naturalist Spanish, music, fitness, and tech classes, as well as a full library Optional extracurricular programs Before- and after-school childcare
Giving children
purpose and passion for learning Preschool through 6th grade 927 O’Bannonville Road (1 mile east of downtown Loveland)
208 W Loveland Avenue 513-683-8181
22 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
Seeing is believing! Schedule a tour by calling (513) 683-4757
LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
LSR, LLC 166 Lexington Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-9766 lsrconsult.com
Maineville Energy Corp. 34 Grandin Rd. Maineville, OH 45039 (513) 697-9111
Management & Accounting Professionals, Inc. 115 N. Riverside Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 774-9600 mapaccounting.com
Mark E. Gerome, DDS., Inc. 6378 Branch Hill Guinea Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-1349
Mark Scheuer Insurance, LLC 732 Middleton Way, Suite 201 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-9098 allstateagencies.com/mark. scheuer
Marsh Building Products, Inc. 715 E. Kemper Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-7600 marshbuild.com
Martinizing Dry Cleaning 6411 Branch Hill Guinea Pike Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 602-9682 martinizing.com/loveland
McCarty Associates, LLC 1515 St. Rt. 28, Suite E Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 722-0300 mccartyassociates.com
MCCC Sportswear, Inc.
Munky Bars
9401 Union Cemetery Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-9210 mccc-sportswear.com
111 Rail Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (270) 556-2393
New Hope Baptist Church
McCormick Equipment Co. Inc.
1401 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-5377 newhopeonthehill.com
112 Northeast Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-8888 mccequip.com
The New Studio and You See Photography, Inc.
Miami Township 6101 Meijer Dr. Miami Township, OH 45150 (513) 248-3725 miamitwp.org
394 Wards Corner Rd., Suite 130 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-6403 thenewstudio.net
Mower Mobile Maintenance 4655 Sycamore Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45236 (513) 793-1313 mowermobilemaintenance. com
Newwave Technologies, Inc. 968 Paxton Guinea Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-1211 newwavetechnologies.net
Exquisite Dining & Catering located in the heart of Historic Loveland, Ohio
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ion Un
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General Electric Credit Union
513.243.4328 • www.gecreditunion.org • 800.542.7093 204 West Loveland Avenue Loveland, Ohio 45140 | 513.683.TANO (8266) www.foodbytano.com LO V E L A N D O H I O. CO M
With your membership comes value and we value you. Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Opportunity Lender. GECU NMLS #449875. LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 23
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Paxton’s Grill
New York City Pizza, Inc. DBA Flying Pizza 9563 Fields Ertel Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-8448 theflyingpizza.com
Nicola Cimino
801 Sunnyside Ave. Aurora, IN 47001 (812) 655-4808 nicolacimino.com
Nixon Services, Inc. 2120 River Dr. Maineville, OH 45039 (513) 683-1307
Normandy Swim & Tennis Club
9595 Union Cemetery Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0232 normandyswim.org
• • • •
Full automotive service and repair Tires for autos, SUVs & light trucks Engine repairs - steering - brakes Electrical systems, cooling systems, fuel systems • Factory scheduled maintenance
ASE certified 9185 Union Cemetery Rd Loveland/Symmes Township (513) 677-5457 Shaun O’Mara, manager Family owned and operated
24 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
Loveland Athletic Boosters proudly supports the Loveland City School District and the City of Loveland. www.lovelandathleticboosters.com LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Northstar Vineyard Community Church P.O. Box 801 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-1556 golovelive.com
NovoPrint USA, Inc. 4228 N. Linda Dr. Bellbrook, OH 45305 (800) 996-6277 novoprint.com
Nutrition Today (Juice Plus)
7980 Ravenwood Ln. Maineville, OH 45039 (513) 608-2937 csandjuiceplus.com
Oasis Golf Club & Conference Center
902 Loveland-Miamiville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-8383 oasisgolfclub.com
O’Bannon Creek Golf Club
6842 St. Rt. 48 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-5657 obannoncreek.com
O’Donnell Graphics Associates, LLC 336 Turtle Creek Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 odonellgraphics.net
Ohio Valley Voices
6642 Branch Hill Guinea Pike Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 791-1458 ohiovalleyvoices.org
OneSource Employee Management, LLC
10690 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0111 onesourceem.com
Oodle Tech
732 Middleton Way, Suite 200 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 549-4003 oodletech.com
Patrick Hill & Sons, Inc. 974 O’Bannonville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-1569
Patterson Plumbing, Inc. Otterbein Maineville Small House for Nursing & Rehabilitation Care 201 Marge Schott Way 7906 S. St. Rt. 48 Maineville, OH 45039 (513) 583-5161, ext. 4 otterbein.org
309 Riverside Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-1257
Paxton’s Grill
126 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-1717 paxtonsgrill.com
Outlier Technologies, Inc. 6824 Ashfield Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 771-4042 outliertech.com
Peter & Co. Salons
Park National Bank
Pizazz Studio, Inc.
4550 Eastgate Blvd. Cincinnati, OH 45245 (513) 965-4010 bankwithpark.com
Our Famous Dry Rub Wings
11412 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 489-9002 122 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-3333 pizazzstudio.com
Our Delicious Potato Rags
• We serve fresh wings & they are the biggest and the best you can buy! • Over thirty 42 inch flat screens. • The perfect spot to catch all the sporting events.
780 Loveland Miamiville Road Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 774-7007 • www.shooterssportsgrill.com Open 11am–Midnight, 7 days a week LO V E L A N D O H I O. CO M
HAPPY HOUR: Mon-Fri from 3-7pm SPECIALS: Tues: 60¢ bone-in wings & $2.75 pints Wed: 70¢ boneless wings & half-priced bottled wine HALF PRICE APPS: Thurs & Fri LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 25
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
PNC Bank
10600 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2400 pnc.com
Premier Auto Service of Ohio
10732 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-7777 premierautoserviceohio.com
PRO Martial Arts
784 Loveland Miamiville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2787 promartialarts.com/loveland
Process Solutions, Inc. 7845 Palace Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 791-3338 psiwater.com
Proforma Albrecht & Company
Receptions Conference Centers
Rick Ogden Heating & A/C, LLC
Rendigs, Fry, Kiely & Dennis, LLP
Riverfront Media Productions
3217 Steeplechase Ln., Suite 1D Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-1130 4720 Glendale Milford Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 769-0606 totalprosource.com
10681 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-8999 receptionsinc.com
600 Vine St., Suite 2650 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 381-9361 rendigs.com
Pure Romance
161 Commerce Blvd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-5900 pureromance.com
The Quilter’s Studio of Loveland
434 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-3666 quiltersstudioofloveland.com
Restaurant Associates of Cincinnati, Inc.
DBA Burger King 11160 Kenwood Rd., Suite 200 Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 475-3700
Rhythm & Ride Spinning & Training
529 Main St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 659-8700 rhythmandridespinning.com
122 Karl Brown Way Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-3714 rickogdenheating.com
10663 Loveland Madeira Rd., Suite 171 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 460-3815 vimeo.com/channels/ riverfrontmedia
Rozzi’s Famous Fireworks, Inc.
118 Karl Brown Way Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0620 rozzifireworks.com
RSVP Event Center
453 Wards Corner Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 965-0511 villagepantrycatering.com
Friday Casual Tasting 4-8pm PREMIER CREW TASTING Every 2nd Saturday of the Month, 5-7pm Fine wine with pairings by Tano Bistro *Ohio Minimum Pricing
Loveland Crossing (next to Seafood Station) 10490 Loveland-Madeira Rd. near 1-275 Loveland, OH 45140 • 513.677.3333 www.littlemiamiriverwines.com Shop Hours: Tues – Thurs, 11am to 7pm; Fri, 11am to 8pm; Sat, 10am to 6pm
26 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Sam’s Club
9570 Fields Ertel Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-5020 samsclub.com
Seven Hills Pet Clinic 1376 St. Rt. 28 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 575-9696 sevenhillspet.com
Shear Luck Salon
910 Loveland Madeira Rd., Suite 3 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-9900
Shooters Sports Grill
780 Loveland Miamiville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 774-7007 shooterssportsgrill.com
Shooters’ Supply Shop, Inc. 362 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2911
Pizazz Studio, Inc.
Fun Family Dining! The Quilter’s Studio of Loveland is home to over 1200 bolts of fabric as well as a wide selection of patterns, books and notions. We specialize in Batiks, Aboriginal and other contemporary quilting fabrics. Classes are offered with skilled instructors in our spacious classroom. The QSL Workshop offers quilting on one of our 3 Gammill Long Arm Machines. Custom quilting or rental of machines offered following our training program. Both businesses are located in the heart of Loveland’s Art District.
The Quilter’s Studio of Loveland & QSL Workshop 434 & 442 W. Loveland Ave., Loveland OH 45140 Studio (513) 683-3666 • Workshop (513) 683-1666 ,QIR #TXLOWHUVVWXGLRRÁRYHODQG FRP
www.quiltersstudioofloveland.com LO V E L A N D O H I O. CO M
Open daily for lunch and dinner Join us for Happy Hour Brake for breakfast on weekends! Historic Loveland on the Bike Trail 126 Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 Call ahead for carry-out orders and daily specials. (513) 583-1717
www.paxtonsgrill.com LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O y 27
2014 LOVELAND Chamber of Commerce Directory
Sibcy Cline Realtors
Chrissy Ward 8040 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45236 (513) 602-6701 sibcycline.com/cward
Simply Organized Cleaning Services
705 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 550-3334 getsoclean.com
SonRise Learning Center 9781 Fields Ertel Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-7222 sonrisechildcare.com
Spartan Cleaning
401 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-5669 spartan-clean.com
SST Bearing Corporation 154 Commerce Blvd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-5500 sstbearingcorp.com
St. Columban Catholic Church
894 Oakland Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0105 stcolumban.org
Steve Rumberg
309 Caprice Ct. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 509-6951
Strategic Financial Leadership, Inc. P.O. Box 309 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-6724 sflservices.com
Summit Financial Group, Inc.
101 Commerce Blvd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 891-6050 summitohio.com
Summit Physical Therapy 368 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-5374 sumpt.net
Sure Thing Pest Control, LLC
11541 Gold Coast Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513) 247-0030 surethingpc.com
Sweet Maize Company, LLC
Toddler Time, Inc.
8126 S. St. Rt. 48 Maineville, OH 45039 (513) 697-0600
Traci’s Sports Lounge & Grill
784 Loveland Miamiville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-8111 tracissports.com
Treehaus Communications, Inc.
6005 E. U.S. Hwy. 22 and 3 Morrow, OH 45152 (513) 899-2829
906 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-5716 treehaus1.com
Symmes Chiropractic & Nutrition Center
Tufts Schildmeyer Family Funeral Homes
10568 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 513.583.8000 symmeschiro.com
TaleMed, LLC
6279 Tri-Ridge Blvd., Suite 110 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 774-7300 talemed.com
Tano Bistro & Catering 204 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-8266 foodbytano.com
Thompson Gifts and Awards
4655 Sycamore Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45236 (513) 791-0902 thompsongiftsandawards.com
129 Riverside Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2430 tuftsschildmeyer.com
Union Savings Bank 510 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-1531 usavingsbank.com
The UPS Store
10663 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-9760 theupsstore.com/2966
US Bank
7797 Tylers Place Blvd. West Chester, OH 45069 (513) 755-2038 usbank.com
US Bank-Meijer Time Warner Cable Business Class
11252 Cornell Park Dr. Blue Ash, OH 45242 (513) 386-5908 twc.com
Time Warner Cable Media 9825 Kenwood Rd., Suite 102 Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 354-1124
TITLE Boxing Club
10659 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 900-9150 28 y LO V E L A N D : T H E S W E E T H E A R T O F O H I O
3911 Montgomery Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-2810 usbank.com
VS Productions
9106 Link Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 360-8776 vspwebandvideo.com
Wards Corner Chiropractic & Sports Rehab
550 Wards Corner Rd., Suite 101 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-6787 wardscornerchiro.com
Warren County Career Center
3525 N. St. Rt. 48 Lebanon, OH 45036 (513) 932-8145, ext. 5297 mywccc.org
Whistle Stop Clay Works 119 Harrison St. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-2529 whistlestopclayworks.com
Wolterman Law Office LPA
420 W. Loveland Ave., Suite 103 Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 338-1980 woltermanlaw.com
The Works
20 Grear Millitzer Ln. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-8408 theworkspizza.com
Worldwide Auto Sales & Service, LLC
501 Loveland Madeira Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 239-6667 worldwideautollc.com
XY Powersports Valentine & Company 527 W. Loveland Ave. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 683-0520
150 Commerce Blvd. Loveland, OH 45140 (888) 926-8997 xyoutdoors.com
Vertical Drop Ski Shop, LLC
9549 Fields Ertel Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 583-5822 verticaldropski.com LO V E L A N D C H A M B E R . O R G