Mason and Deerfield Township - CenterPoint Winter 2019

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a C o u r s e V i e w Pav i l i o n r e n ta l






O P E N O c to b e r 1 DECEMBER 15

FOR THE DEC. 6 6:30 PM



DEC. 8


9 - 11 AM



DEC. 14 10 AM - 12 PM


6000 Mason-Montgomery Road • Mason, Ohio 45040 Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday 513.229.8500 •

Mayor Victor Kidd

Ashley Chance Council Member

Vice Mayor Barbara Berry Spaeth

Michael Gilb Council Member

TJ Honerlaw Council Member

Main Number 513.229.8500 City Hotlines 513.229.8502 Administration 513.229.8510 Community Center 513.229.8555 Emergency 911 Engineering & Building 513.229.8520 Finance 513.229.8530 Fire Department Administration 513.229.8540 Parks & Recreation 513.229.8555 Police Department Administration 513.229.8560 Public Utilities 513.229.8570

Kathy Grossmann Council Member

Diana K. Nelson Council Member

Public Works 513.229.8580 Tax Office 513.229.8535 Utility Customer Service 513.229.8533 Utility Billing Questions: Greater Cincinnati Water Works 513.591.7700 Utility Service Questions: Sewer Service and Emergencies 513.229.8570 (nights, holidays & weekends, emergencies only)

513.925.2525 Stormwater 513.229.8570 Waste Collection and Recycling 513.229.8533 Water Service and Emergencies - Greater Cincinnati Water Works 513.591.7700

4900 Parkway Dr., Suite 150 • Deerfield Township, Ohio 45040 Office Hours: 7:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday 513.701.6958 •

Lelle Lutts Hedding President

Kristin Malhotra Vice President

Lonnie Vestal Trustee

Dan Corey Fiscal Officer

Administrator Eric Reiners 513.701.6974

Fiscal Officer Dan Corey 513.701.6971 President Lelle Hedding 513.770.2381 Vice President Kristin Malhotra 513.770.2382 Trustee Lonnie Vestal 513.770.2381

Planning & Zoning Director Samuel Hill 513.701.6964 Parks and Recreation Director Joel Smiddy 513.701.6975 Public Works Director Billy Highfill 513-701-6978

A joint publication of the City of Mason and Deerfield Township, Ohio, in partnership with TriHealth and Mason City Schools. City of Mason Administrative Offices 6000 Mason-Montgomery Road, Mason, OH 45040 513.229.8510 |

Deerfield Township Administrative Offices 4900 Parkway Drive, Suite 150, Deerfield Township, Ohio 45040 513.701.6958 l



Publisher Ivy Bayer

Design Director Brittany Dexter

Images throughout used under license from Shutterstock 2 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Saturday, January 25 •

7:15 - 8:15a



E n j o y t h e u l t i m a t e G r o u p Fi t n e s s e x p e r i e n c e

8 : 2 5 a - 8 :5 5 a

9: 0 5 a - 9:3 5 a

9:4 5 a - 1 0 :4 0 a

1 0 :5 0 a - 1 1 :3 5 a

1 1 :4 5 a - 1 2 :3 0 p


1 2 :4 0 p - 1 :4 0 p

Eric Hansen Lelle Lutts Hedding City of Mason Manager Trustee


Roadways Drive Mason’s Future A Look at Fire and EMS Services he long awaited day has finally arrived: a full inter- work, and partnership. That seems fitting as these qualities

et’schange talk about a fundamental responsibility of the gateway opens at Western Row Road, Exit 24. Township, Fire and EMS Services. Over the past few years, we have been able to Under the the leadership of Chief Eisele,major our firefi ghters announce completion of many projects. and medics handle over 4,500 calls for service each Each of them has been long in the making and deliveredyear. the They provide firetosuppression, rescue, andinterchange emergency medical highest impact our community. The project services tothe ourheels residents. Additionally, along with the particicomes on of Procter & Gamble doubling size pating in community events (Touch-A-Truck, Block of their 240 acre campus in Mason—making it, by Parties, far, the school ourin firefi ghters County will inspect seat largestevents), employer Warren andyour the child’s largestcar R&D and inspect your house/business. They will teach you CPR center in P&G’s global portfolio. In addition, other recent and First Aid, and host yourenhancing special occasion at the safety fire house. accomplishments include: community Our fi refi ghters are an essential part of Deerfi eld with full development of the Municipal Cam- Township and have aTeam high standard of service. pus Safety with Mason Schools; record In a Township that continues to grow, economic development with over $600 our firefighters have been tasked with providing the best million in investment and 3,000 jobspossible fire and EMS services the entire community. A primary goal is to achieve created;tocontinued public-private apartnership six-minuteactivities response like timethe to any valu-call we receive. This standard has been established able partnership with TriHealth by theled National Fire Protec- Center that to the Community tion Association (NFPA). adding 10,000 square feet of mediWhile we are within cal offices to better servethis the health timeframe throughout the of our members and community. majority of the Township, The completion of the full-movethe growth thesouth northwest ment northin and ramps at Westhas our ability to ern stretched Row Road and completion of the reach that response goal. adjoining road network is an important Because ofto the “front door” theoverall City for residents, corgrowing demand for serporate partners, science and medical industry invice throughout the of Townnovators, and some the most unique recreation amenities ship, while monitoring an but much of the Midwest. This that not only brand Mason, increase in response time is a result of many teamsto of people and many years of work the the Deerfi eldcongratulations to everyone. This andnorthwest, vision. Thank you and Township Board of Trust-is a testament to persistence, hard collaborative achievement

4 CenterPoint Winter 2019

ees anour independent re Mason consultant to evaluate are hired part of DNA herefiin andlast I seeyear it every day in our Fire Department. We asked for a focus on how to to mainour leaders and staff. The interchange project adds my tain our response time while planning for future growth and confidence that together we celebrate successes not otherwise challenges. possible. This report can be found on our website (www. choosedeerfi Over the course of 2019 and 2020, expect to hear more Based on the report’s findings, and under the advisement of this story as the planned development vision continues of Chief Eisele, a donated to Fire unfold. On page the six,Township there is aaccepted feature that gives aparcel taste of Butler Warren Road, near of land howfrom this Hills cameDevelopment to be, some off pretty unbelievable photos Roberts Park.itThis will serve as an ideal for a of I-71 when firstland extended to Mason, the location development future fire house, ensuring reduced response times. of Kings Island after the purchase of 700 acres by Taft Looking ahead to 2020, and our staff will continue to evaluate Broadcasting, the work of dedicated City, how to best move forward. Not moving forward is not an County, and State leaders that kept a focused option. Your familyvision depends on our fi refi ghters being able on how to help shape the future of to respond in a timelyMason. fashionWe because every second counts also owe much appreciawhen you need help. tion to our corporate partners who I look forward to hearing from time, you, talking to you, gave their input, and voiceand to making plans with you make this investment possible. This about how and when also feels just the right. Partnerships a futurecommunity Station 59. have with ourofbusiness behalf ofof the long been aOn cornerstone theDeerCity field Township Board of Mason. This project shines asof a Trustees, I would like to demonstration of just how dedicated thank the City Mason’s they have been through theofyears with excellent Fire Department a willingness to roll up sleeves to deterfor theirto shared service and mine the best solution position Mason mutual aid to our northfor the future. westasquadrant. This is Today, Mason is known an important innonot an afterthought. The vation center throughout Ohio. It is home to over 800 busiTownship the City are nesswith connectivity to the community andand commitment to safer because the schools, education, and a future talent pool. we rely on onedently another in emergency culture of our City. And, it confi welcomes the fusituations. ture.

Eric Hansen Eric Reiners City of Mason Manager Deerfield Township Board of Trustees

Mason’s Good Choice Ticket Program 2018 Review and Looking Ahead at 2019 n 2017, the Mason Police Department immet, showing proper bike safety, using a cross-


018 was very busy andTicket successful year for our plemented thea Good Choice Township. Among the highlights, we completed a program to engage youth in the Parks Master Plan based on your input that will set community and improve police the direction for our Parks and community relationships and Recreation Department for manyand years to with children teenagers We hired an Economic Development Director, Jim Flick, the City. to help direct thethe development Throughout school and redevelopment of our community in a sustainable way that allows for our residents year, Campus Safety team and future residents to age in members interact with chil- place here. Flick has also been tasked role of Once Public Information Officer to ensure dren inwith thethe schools. transparency in our activities. summer break begins, that We named a new more PublicofWorks Director, Billy Highfill, interaction becomes who has been a dedicated Township employee since 2012 a challenge. The Good Choice and whose experience working Ticket program runs annually in the Township and knowledge the area makes himwhen a true asset to our team. Juneofthrough August, We paid offinthe balance of the school is not session. When a Kingswood property allowing us to take a major step forward in our efforts to be police officer observes a child makdebt free in 2020. ing an unprompted good choice, Weacknowledge welcomed several new they this positive businesses to the Township behavior by issuing a Good that create a greater variety Choice Ticket. The Ticket reof offerings serve ourwhile resiinforces theto behavior dents and visitors alike. providing an opportunity saw ground break on forWe a positive interaction the District of Deerfi eld develwith the police officer. opment, which will serve as Good Choice Tickets ahave pseudo downtown main been awarded fororsaying street for our Township and please and thank you, holding bring additional community the door for someone, playing programming and events. outdoors, wearing a seatbelt, Finally, we completed sevwearing safety equipment, greeting eral infrastructure projects a police officer, wearing a bicycle hel-

that have reduced congestion and allowed traffi c to flow more walk, looking both ways before crossing easily throughout the aTownship roadway,increasing being wellconnectivity. mannered, disLooking ahead, our work is not done.acts We have already playing random of kindness, started the process to update to our comprehensive plan. We and more. expect that the finished plan will be the product of a great Children who receive a Good deal of community outreach.Choice We want this can to be your plan, Ticket redeem them the community’s plan, and therefore, when you have the for a free treat or item from opportunity over the coming local months, I ask you to please participating businesses provide your input. We want to setorganizations. the future direction of and This year our Township in your vision and this comprehensive plan participating organizations update is the opportunity to doincluded so. Comets Pizza, TuckAdditionally, we have launched a new and improved weber’s Whippy Dip, Lazer Kraze, site that is mobile responsive. This website enhances and Meet Me on Main Caféour at ability to communicate information, showcase events, and the Mason Community Center. provide important news and project 2019 updates. marked the Good I am excited to see how the restTicket of 2019program’s unfolds. We will Choice third seek opportunities to continue to enhance build consecutive summerour andarea, proved to and on trails, and be a sidewalks positive impact a variety promote Over connectivity and of children. 1,000 tickets vibrancy. were issued.As always the community is our guiding force. The program leverages our Our work is done to meet the commitment to community current and future needs of policing while building a culour residents in a manner that ture of wellness and further isenhancing as efficient and as fifor scally objectives the responsible as possible. It has Campus Safety Team. To all been achildren pleasurewho serving you those received Township Administrator a as ticket this year, thank you thus far and I look to for having a positive forward impact on working with you on shaping your community by encouraging bright future for our Townsafety aand being a good neighbor ship. or friend.

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 5

Mason’s Good Choice Ticket Program


Officer Frasher issued a Good Choice Ticket to Madison Glick in August for helping her grandparents trim bushes and do yard work.

How would you encourage others to make good choices? Lead by example. I like to help my family with chores around the house to help out.

Where did you redeem your ticket? Tucker’s Whippy Dip!

Pictured from left to right: Tony Glick, Madison Glick, and Kathy Hurley. Pictured on the cover: Madison Glick with Campus Safety Officer Nathan Ketterer.

Residents save a valuable resource by having trees chipped into landscape mulch instead of disposing of them in local landfills. Please remember to remove all decorations, plastic bags, wires, and nails from trees to avoid damage to equipment. The Township will offer three park locations for holiday live tree recycle drop off between December 30 and June 30. Locations include: Cottell Park 5847 Irwin Simpson Rd. Fleckenstein Park 3834 Mason Montgomery Rd. Landen/Deefield Park 2258 US-22, Maineville, OH 45039


Phone: Brother’s & Sister’s Names:

Request a personal written letter from Santa by completing the form below. Parents and guardians, please mail the completed form to: Dan Chambers Email: 6050 Mason-Montgomery Rd. OR Mason, Ohio 45040


What does child want for Christmas:

Requests for letters must be received by December 13, 2019 in order to guarantee a return letter from Santa. Special information Santa should write about: Child’s Name: Child’s Age: Parent’s Names: Form Completed By: Relationship to Child:

6 CenterPoint Winter 2019





Deerfield Professional Firefighters IAFF 4286 added seven new full-time firefighters, and they were sworn in by the Deerfield Township Trustees on Tuesday, September 3, 2019. New to the station are Firefighters John Balbach, Taylor Wood, Ryan Tucker, Steven Hendrickson Jr., Matt Voke, John Hess Jr., and Noah Sidley.

Learning Express Toys aims to provide customers with a lively, interactive shopping experience that delights the young and the young at heart. They take great pride in calling themselves a “Neighborhood Toy Store” because they are just that—a hub of activity, a meeting spot for friends and neighbors, a place where they get to know you and your children by name. On any given day of the week, you’ll find them doing what they do best: Just playing around!

Mason’s Partnership with The Cincinnati Zoo The Cincinnati Zoo owns property on Mason-Montgomery Road just north of the City, which is known as the Bowyer Farm. On over 600 acres, Bowyer Farm grows plant material that is used for landscaping at the Zoo, as food for the Zoo animals, or is sold through the Zoo’s native plant program, which occurs monthly from May through September. Recently, City staff had the opportunity to meet with representatives of Bowyer Farm to learn more about their operations and discuss building a partnership. Staff learned the farm has a need for brush chips for plantings and tree limbs for food for the animals. Food grown for the Zoo animals is called “browse.” What looks like tree trimmings and brush can easily become valuable food for a variety of Zoo animals. Pulling leaves, twigs, branches, and bark from vegetation for food is consistent with what many animals do in the wild and the Zoo strives to give their animals that same opportunity to “browse” in their enclosures. Many leaf-eating animals such as red pandas, colobus, sifaka, howler monkeys, some invertebrates/insects, etc. require browse as part of their daily diet. Other animals, such as elephants, gorillas, rhino, okapi, and giraffe, benefit greatly from browse added as a dietary enrichment item. Browse also promotes foraging behavior and social dynamics. Pro-

viding browse for gorillas allows them to space out their caloric intake, promotes mobility within a habitat, and helps them determine their social structure. Browse can be collected from trees that have recently been trimmed or cut down. The Zoo has offered to pick up limbs from these type of trees when cut throughout the City. As City staff are cutting tree limbs from right-of-ways or removing a tree, the City coordinates with Zoo officials who then remove the limbs. The work has to be coordinated so that the limbs are taken while they are still fresh. Once the leaves have turned brown, the tree material is no longer useful as food. Brush chips are also needed as mulch for the many trees grown at the Zoo, and for walking paths through the Bowyer Farm property. City crews have dumped several loads of brush chips at the Zoo property in recent weeks, with plans to continue this partnership in the future. In 2018, over 3,600 cubic yards of brush chips were collected by Service Department crews. Removing tree limbs at the time of cutting has significantly reduced City staff time needed to chip the limbs, haul chippings, and dispose of them. The City is excited about the growth of this partnership and is planning for additional programming opportunities through the partnership. Winter 2019

CenterPoint 7

Your VISION Will Become Clear When You Work Out With Us In 20/20 Mason Community Center is a family- friendly environment with activities for everyone, from infants to seniors! • Kids Korner provides a safe and fun environment for your kids ages months to years • State-of-the-art Fitness Center

During the month of January, become a NEW PREMIER member and receive the Basic member rate for your first three months! Pay for the year in full and save up to $199

• Over group exercise classes offered each week • Les Mills Certified Programs • TRX (Suspension Training) • Indoor Walk/Run Track • Indoor Leisure Pool, Competition Pool, and Whirlpool • Massive -foot Climbing Wall • Convenient Postal Unit, Gi Shop, Café, and TriHealth Pharmacy • Gymnasium and Field House • Senior Center • Meeting and Party Rooms Same rates for residents and non-residents

No long term contracts

MASON COMMUNITY CENTER • Mason-Montgomery Road • Mason, Ohio . . •



A Message from Jonathan Cooper


y wife, four children, and I feel privileged to live and serve in Mason. We moved our family here because we believe in what is happening in our schools and community. And we’re not the only ones. We have so many conversations with students, business leaders, alumni, grandparents, and families and one central theme keeps coming up—people feel lucky to be in Mason because it’s a special place. Residents and businesses appreciate our community’s diversity, and credit our strong schools and diverse neighbors as being major factors for choosing Mason—and for staying here. Neighbors share that it’s safe, and that no matter if you’ve lived here for 50 years or five months you feel like you belong. Business partners create internships so that students can enter the workforce more prepared. Our first graders through high school students get opportunities to explore robotics, coding, and programming. With over 80 percent of our middle and high school students engaged in a school-sponsored club, sport, or activity, we’re intentional about growing students’ leadership skills so that they can have a positive impact on the world around them. And, while our schools are special, we know we’re not perfect. We appreciate feedback and input about our schools from caring and invested families, dedicated students, and wise business leaders. Last year, I attended over 70 CommUNITY Conversations in people’s homes, places of worship, and businesses—and heard from over 700 participants. While each conversation was a little different, themes quickly emerged. We then held Special Edition CommUNITY Conversations around those themes open to the entire community—and even brought the conversations online using Facebook Live. We’ve made changes that reflect the priorities that our families and community asked for during those conversations.

• $1 Million MCS Investment in School Safety Personnel

This is our second year partnering with the City of Mason to ensure law enforcement presence in each school. The City of Mason’s Campus Safety Team consists of full-time and part-time police officers, DARE and school resource officers, firefighters, and security personnel.

•$500,000 MCS Investment in Mental Wellness Personnel

This year we established a new mental wellness team after increasing concerns about our students’ mental health and risk of suicide. The team consists of a Mental Wellness Supervisor, three Mental Wellness Coordinators, District Resource Coordination (Warren County ESC), and 10 full-time therapists in our schools that are employed by Children’s Hospital and Solutions.

•$1.5 Million MCS Investment in Lowering Class Sizes

This is our second year working to strategically lower class size. Following the 2010 levy failure, our class sizes had increased to levels that made it increasingly difficult to deliver the kind of education our students and families expect. We now have class sizes of 24:1 in grades PK-2, 26:1 in grades 3–6 and class loads of no more than 165 in grades 7–12.

JOIN THE CONVERSATION Whether you have students in Mason City Schools or not, we believe you are a valuable part of our team. You live in this community. You invest in homes and businesses in this community. And we have the great privilege of growing the next generation here in Mason…together. Thank you for your partnership in this journey.


Jonathan Cooper Superintendent

NIT Y U m m o C a t s o H Conversoastintigoa connversation,

sted in h If you are interell 513.398.0474, ext. 24004 .com. schools please ca n@masonohio so a m ct ta n co or email Winter 2019

CenterPoint 9


City of Mason’s Head Swim Coach Ken Heis earned his American Swim Coaches Association (ASCA) Level 5 Certification. There are five levels that reflect a coach’s level of academic training, experience, and achievement. Only 3% of the 13,000 swim coaches who have been ASCA certified have earned the highest Level 5 certification. Congratulations Ken!

Military Care Packages Mason’s City Team One class of 2019 is collecting items for care packages for those currently serving in the military. Item collection will run through December 1, 2019. Collection bins are located at Mason Community Center, Mason Municipal Center, Fire Station 51, Water Reclamation Plant, Police Department, and Service Center. Donated items will be collected, made into care packages, and mailed out by City Team One members. Please see below for suggested items to donate:



Congratulations to Clarigent Health, Awarded Venture Ohio’s 2019 Seed Stage Company of the Year. Pictured from left to right: Bill Haynes, Marci Campbell, Bill Nostheide, Lesley Klum Rohlfs, Don Wright.

 Quick protein  Powdered drink mix  Pretzels  Candy  Beef jerky  Coffee  Cheez-Its  Healthy snacks  Dried fruit


 Books  Magazines  Puzzle books

T N E R R U C S R E B M E M ! Y L ON


 Skyline  Servatii  Gold Star  Montgomery Inn  Grippo’s


 Stamps  Phone cards  Toothpaste  Shampoo  Hand sanitizer  Soap

20% Includes punch passes, healthy lifestyle or social programs, and one regularly-priced item in Symbiosis. Excludes personal training packages. In Symbiosis, certain restrictions apply. Valid Monday, Jan. 20, 2020.


10 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Mason, OH

CROSS-CULTURAL CONNECTIONS IN DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP Far from her home in the suburbs of Northern Ohio, Jill Champagne was 22 and living as a missionary in Hungary. What had started off the day before as an innocent bee sting had morphed overnight into an all-out allergic reaction, causing her entire foot and part of her leg to swell up. “I knew by this point I needed medical attention, but I didn’t know where to go or what to do,” Champagne recalls. Fortunately for Champagne, her Hungarian friend Ildikó came to her aid, walking her through the process of arranging a doctor’s visit in a foreign country, making sure she understood his recommendations and getting her prescription filled. It was firsthand experiences like this that taught Champagne how disorienting it can be to live in a different country. Which is why, once she was back in the U.S. and living in Mason, Champagne wanted to reach out and pay it forward to immigrants here who call the DeerfieldMason suburbs home. So, in 2012, she began offering free English-as-a-secondlanguage (ESL) classes in conjunction with the planting of a new, intentionally multi-ethnic church that her husband, Marc Champagne, had launched. That year, the ESL program started with five students, and, by word of mouth, it has grown to include nearly three dozen women from the local community, some of whom have moved here from countries as far-flung as Guatemala, Uzbekistan, and France.

Each week, the classes revolve around a different topic of daily life (such as travel, family, or holidays) and introduce students to different topic-related vocabulary and conversation points. Students then break into groups with different native-speaking volunteers to dialogue the topic. Every week, the goal is for students to spend at least 80 percent of the time getting to practice their English. They also devote time each class to practice “small talk,” a custom that many of the students say is new—and slightly perplexing—to them. But it goes beyond simply teaching the students grammar, jargon, and the finer points of chitchat. Champagne has never forgotten how her Hungarian friends like Ildikó came alongside her while she was a foreigner there. “It meant so much to me, you can’t even express it in words,” she says. “So I want to be able to give that back to the people here.” “We are here to teach English but also to walk alongside them to learn and function in another culture,” Champagne says. “That’s one of the most rewarding parts for me.” And students like Ryoko Onuma agree. She joined Champagne’s class a little over a year ago and recalls that when she first moved to the U.S. with her young daughters, she was afraid they wouldn’t be able to adjust to life here. But these classes— and the friendships forged within them—have given them all a new hope and the ability to truly embrace the Deerfield-Mason suburbs as home.


For those interested in joining as a student or volunteer, classes are offered Thursday mornings and evenings at two locations, including Redeemer Church, which meets at 8936 S. Mason-Montgomery Rd. in Deerfield. No foreign language fluency is necessary for volunteers, and the classes can count toward volunteer hours! More details available at or by contacting

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 11


Renovated High School


New 6-8 Middle School


New Auditorium


Cafeteria Renovation/ Addition


High School Administration


24 New Classrooms


Renovated Music and Band


New Main Entry


New Gym/Weight/Locker Rooms


Relocated Tennis Courts


Relocated Baseball & Softball Fields


Staff Parking











Central Bus Pickup/Drop-off




500 Student/Visitor Parking Spaces










Two Story Addition with 24 Classrooms

Renovated Kindergarten/ Special Ed Wing 6 New Classrooms

New Separated Car Drop-off and Bus Parking Lot ©2019 SHP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


KINGS LOCAL SCHOOLS PLAN FOR GROWTH While many public school districts are dealing with decreased enrollment, that’s not the case in the Kings Local School District. In the last five years, the District has seen an increase of nearly 500 students. Over the next eight years, enrollment in the Kings District is projected to almost double from what it was in 1991. Currently, four out of six school buildings are either at or over capacity based on the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission formula. Due to all of the growth, a facilities master planning process began two years ago by creating a Long Range Facilities Planning Team consisting of community members, Kings staff members, and administrators. The Team and pre-bond architect, SHP Leading Design, worked on many iterations of a master plan based on feed-

12 CenterPoint Winter 2019

back received from the Kings Community through a community intelligence software called Thoughtexchange. During the Thoughtexchange process, the community feedback included making sure the plan was cost-effective, building for the future, keeping class sizes low, and keeping the buildings near the current athletic facilities. The Long Range Facilities Planning Team also considered enrollment, land cost and availability, and neighborhood schools among many factors during the planning process. A significant factor in the plan was the availability and cost of land for additional building sites. The remaining sites in the District that could support a new school building cost upwards of $5–$10 million for acquisition and the development costs and could have run even higher based on topography.

The Final Master Plan scope of work includes adding 24 new classrooms, expanding the cafeteria, and adding a new auditorium and gymnasium at Kings High School; demolishing the current Kings Junior High School and building a new three-story grades 6–8 middle school, which will significantly increase the amount of parking available on the campus and improve flow of traffic during busy times; converting all elementaries to grades K–3; adding a two-story addition to J.F. Burns Elementary with renovations to the current building, including separating parent and staff parking from the bus drop off area; adding 6 classrooms to Columbia Intermediate School and converting to a grades 4–5 building; and relocating the bus garage to land on Mason-Morrow-Millgrove Road. The Team conducted an assessment of each school building to determine their

current and future needs. Many adjustments have been made in every school building to accommodate the current growth. The total cost of this project is estimated at $89.975 million which will cost the taxpayer approximately $15 per month for every $100,000 of true property value. In recognizing the importance of fiscal responsibility, the Kings Board of Education voted two different times this year to reduce the bond millage to the taxpayers of the District. This nets a 1.6 millage drop for all residents in the Kings District. In fact, residents in the Kings District are now paying 1.6 mills less than they were paying in 2018. The Board was able to do this due to the increasing property values in the district. The Kings Board of Education voted on June 18 to place the 4.96 mill levy on the November 2019 ballot. If the bond passes, the design process will begin immediately and will take 12–18 months utilizing staff and community feedback into the design of the new buildings. It will take another 12–24 months to complete the construction process which means that the project will be complete by the 2023–2024 school year. If the District continues to grow, a master plan phase 2 will be considered that consists of potential needs that were discussed during this master planning process. For more information visit


Thank you to all the sponsors, companies, and people that came out to participate in the Fifth Annual Mason Corporate Challenge on October 19 at the City of Mason Golf Center. Driven by the City’s corporate community and designed to engage Mason businesses in a city-wide competition, support employee involvement in health and wellness activities, and “giveback” by donating proceeds to select charities, the event was a success. The City of Mason is committed to cultivating a culture of wellness for the companies, citizens, and visitors to the community. The Mason Corporate Challenge is a unique opportunity to bring Mason portfolio companies and their employees together to foster healthy activities and support talent recruitment.

Inquire in the pro shop for more information

MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS • Unlimited golf green fees on the Grizzly and Academy courses

Seven Day Memberships

• Preferred tee times

Weekday Memberships

• Bag storage cleaning and service • Discount of on guest green fees during peak season

Weekend Memberships Range Memberships

• off all pro shop clothing golf balls and novelty items • And more!

Help raise funds for lifesaving cancer research

Student Memberships

MARCH 21, 2020


Mason Montgomery Road

Mason, OH

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 13


Combating Cold and Flu Prevention is Still Best Defense As cooler weather pushes people together indoors, cases of cold and flu in children increase. Even though these two common viruses are unrelated, people often confuse them. Here’s the difference: · A cold is the general term for hundreds of viruses, including rhinovirus, which can occur yearround but peaks in winter months. Symptoms such as a runny nose or mild cough come on gradually and generally center around the upper airway, says TriHealth-Group Health pediatrician Benjamin Minick, M.D. · Influenza, more commonly called flu, is a more potent virus, he says. It typically comes on abruptly, causing fever, chills, body aches, sore throat and headache all at once. The virus mutates from year to year, but flu season generally runs from October through May, with peak season between December and February. Minick emphasizes that your child’s best defense against these widespread illnesses is prevention.


Parents can help their children stay healthy by following these tips: Handwashing is the number one way to your child vaccinated in October; later is better 1 avoid getting sick and spreading germs than not at all. to others. Wash hands before and after you eat, Stay home with a fever. If your child has 3 a fever, this is the most contagious phase as well as before preparing food. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and of the illness. Keep your child home until the rinse with clean water. Use a hand sanitizer if fever is gone. Keep your child away from others soap and water aren’t available. who have fever. To prevent flu, get children over age 6 Don’t share drinks, even if you’re healthy. 2 months vaccinated with the flu vaccine. 4 It’s possible to pass germs before you “The vaccine prevents flu and serious compli- know you are sick. cations of flu,” Minick says. “A 2017 study of kids Avoid people who are coughing and 5 sneezing, and limit your contact with shows that it saves lives and lowers the risk of hospitalization. If we could have 90 percent of others when you are coughing or sneezing. people vaccinated for flu, prevalence would go Both colds and flu are spread by droplets redown dramatically.” He says less than half of leased into the air or onto hands. children are getting vaccinated. Ideally, get


Some common myths still persist about cold and flu. Know how to separate fact from fiction. MYTH: The flu shot can give you the flu. hair. FACT: “All immunizations cause your body’s im- FACT: Only a virus can give you a cold or flu. mune system to become activated,” Minick says. “You may feel a little more tired or achy, but this MYTH: Vaccines aren’t safe. FACT: “The truth is that they are safe, they are is a sign your immune system is working—it’s rigorously tested and they save lives,” Minick not the flu.” states. “I’ve never seen anyone die from a vacMYTH: Antibiotics can cure colds and flu. cine, but I’ve seen many cases of people dying FACT: Antibiotics kill bacterial infections, not from preventable illnesses for which we have viruses like cold and flu. There’s no cure for a vaccines.” virus, but you can make your child feel better with acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or ibuprofen (Advil®). Have your child drink plenty of water. “Children who get the flu don’t generally need Tamiflu®, a medicine that helps the immune system get rid of the illness quicker. The flu vaccine is a much better remedy to minimize flu symptoms,” Minick says. MYTH: My child is very healthy, so he doesn’t need a flu shot. FACT: Anyone can get the flu—even healthy people. Getting a flu shot protects both your child and others around him—babies, elderly grandparents and others at greater risk of serious complications from flu. MYTH: You can catch the flu or a cold by being outside in cold air without a coat or with wet

14 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Benjamin Minick, M.D., sees patients at Group Health – Mason, 6010 South Mason-Montgomery Rd., and Group Health – Finneytown, 9070 Winton Rd. For information or an appointment, call 513.246.7000.

Follow your heart to the region’s leading Heart Institute. • We perform the most open heart surgeries. • Most experienced Robotics team, performing the greatest number of minimally invasive surgeries. • Most comprehensive AFib program. • Most experienced pre- and post-procedure care team. • Most experienced Cardiothoracic Lung team.

To learn more, go to To find a doctor call 513 865 2222

Municipal Tax Note TAX REMINDERS: • If you are a Mason resident and expect to owe Mason City income taxes for 2019, your quarterly tax payment is due January 15, 2020. • 90% of your 2019 tax liability is due by January 15, 2020. • Have questions about your Mason income taxes? Let the City of Mason Tax Office staff assist you. • Residents are encouraged to contact the Mason Tax Office with any questions or inquiries. Staff are available by phone at 513.229.8535, secure email at register/cureg.aspx?cb=mason or by visiting the Tax Office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the customer service counter inside the Municipal Center at 6000 Mason Montgomery Road.

TAX DEFINITIONS • Tax Declaration: Estimate of the amount of income tax liability that may be owed for the year. Tax Declaration may be adjusted if financial situation changes during the year. • Tax Liability: Total amount of Mason income tax owed reduced by taxes paid/estimated to be paid to Mason and other cities and the resident homeowner credit, as well as any prior year overpayment. • Estimated payments: Residents with Declarations in the amount of $200 or more shall pay estimated taxes on a quarterly basis. This assists residents in meeting their annual tax liability.


With winter snow season upon us, we wanted to share Deerfield Township’s snow protocol with you to ensure you’re informed about the process to keep our roads safe and clear. The Deerfield Township Public Works Director and Road Supervisor monitor the roadway conditions and temperatures closely so we can respond quickly when conditions turn bad. Our trucks usually begin to roll approximately 30 minutes after “call in.” Main roads and overpasses get first priority followed by secondary roads and cul-de-sacs. To see a snow route priority map visit the Public Works section of our website ( We use a combination of large and small trucks to spread salt and clean our roadways. Salt has seen widespread use since the 1960s and is the most available and cost effective material currently available.

16 CenterPoint Winter 2019

DUE DATES FOR ESTIMATED PAYMENTS • April 15 • June 15 • September 15 • January 15

THE MASON TAX OFFICE OFFERS TWO WAYS TO ASSIST WITH MAKING QUARTERLY PAYMENTS • Online Tax Tool: tax-information/tax-payments • Payment Vouchers: tax-information/tax-forms-for-individuals

SECURE EMAIL • To protect confidential information, please use the secure email which can be found on or at https://ssl.

When salt is applied to snow or ice it dissolves, creating a brine (salt solution) that has a lower freezing temperature than the surrounding snow and ice. This keeps the snow and ice from forming a bond with the pavement and causes the snow and ice to melt. Salt remains effective to approximately 20 degrees Fahrenheit. When temperatures drop to below 20 degrees, we sometimes apply a liquid calcium chloride solution to the salt as it is applied to the road. This lowers the effective working temperature to -25 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, the Township sometimes utilizes an organic pre-wetting agent to assist in our snow fighting operations. If you have any questions about our snow removal operations, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 513.701.6958.

EXCITING NEW BUSINESSES IN DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP Businesses have been opening up left and right in Deerfield Township and we are excited to welcome them and share some information about these companies with you.



The Arts Alliance is busy working on programming for the 2020 season.

DEERFIELD HANDMADE MARKETS: These beautiful community events feature up to 100 local and regional fine artists, creatives, and makers who showcase their work in our park settings. The 2020 season will offer a few surprises! Stay tuned. Deerfield Handmade Markets are free to the community and include art making opportunities, great food, and music. ART BAR: The Art Bars offer art making opportunities for adults at the Snyder House or other locations. They are typically held on Tuesday evenings. Guests are encouraged to explore new mediums and enjoy each other’s company. SUMMER ART CAMPS: The Arts Alliance summer art camps are well known as this region’s most popular camps for children grades K–8. Look in 2020 for camps that include more STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) themes. Held at the Arts Bungalow at Cottell Park. CREATIVE EXCHANGE WORKSHOPS: These arts-making weekend workshops will return in 2020. The Arts Alliance invites many creative instructors for these unique art making opportunities. Stay tuned for even more good news from The Arts Alliance in 2020 about more senior arts activities and kids’ art-making workshops. Join the team and become a volunteer, program leader, or board member. Visit The Arts Alliance at or call 513.309.8585

Eversana is a leading independent provider of commercial services to the life sciences industry. The company consolidated their Cincinnati area operations into their new location in Deerfield Township, which also offers it room to grow to better serve its clients. In total, the company is expected to have approximately 700 employees locally.

MERCY HEALTH DEERFIELD MEDICAL CENTER The new Mercy Health Deerfield Medical Center at the District at Deerfield houses primary and specialty care practices and has over 30 exam rooms. Services offered at the facility include cardiology, women’s health services, general surgery practices, and more.

VNDLY Workforce and talent acquisition is often a challenging component in today’s business environment. VNDLY provides a next-generation vendor management platform that helps clients by sourcing talent from different vendor sources including freelance management systems to meet talent acquisition needs. Other new businesses that have opened recently include Bibibop, Thai Spice, No Bake Cookie Dough, Frenchie Fresh, and KidStrong. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to these businesses for choosing Deerfield Township and we wish them all the success and growth moving forward.

ART BAR: December 7, 2019: Holiday Wreath Making from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Visit for registration. Stay tuned for news about Gingerbread House decorating!

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 17

Calendar Mason Schools Winter Break

Tuesday, December 24– Friday, January 3 Schools Closed


Tuesday, December 24 Mason Community Center open 5 a.m.–3 p.m. (facility hours vary) City offices closed Wednesday, December 25 Mason Community Center open 12 p.m.–4 p.m. (limited facility) City offices closed

New Year’s

Tuesday, December 31 Mason Community Center open 5 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (facility hours vary) Wednesday, January 1 Mason Community Center open 8 a.m.–8 p.m. (facility hours vary) City office closed

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday, January 20 Mason Community Center open normal operating hours City offices open

TOWNSHIP WELCOMES NEW ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT You might notice a new face at the front desk of the Township offices. In August 2019, the Township welcomed Vonda Long as the new Administrative Assistant. Long’s responsibilities include answering all calls and directing those calls to the appropriate departments and acting as a goodwill ambassador to residents and guests who visit the administration building. In addition to being responsible for word processing, photocopying, general filing, assisting the Administrator, Department Heads, and personnel with organizing and coordinating all materials being disseminated to, or collected from the public, she assists with programs/projects as needed, clerical support as needed, and assists in organization and setup of any special events or activities to be held at any Township facility. Formerly, Lonf was in the healthcare field for 30+ years with experience ranging from office manager to working directly with patients and their healthcare needs. Her compassion for others and understanding the need of “being heard” as well as going above and beyond to help find a solution that best fits their needs, makes her a perfect fit for this Township role. Lonf enjoys camping, spending time with family, and football. Her favorite places to travel include: Outer Banks; Savannah, Georgia; and Nashville, Tennessee. A one-year breast cancer survivor, she is hoping to get back into rapelling and kayaking. Long’s philosophy: Enjoy life, laugh, treat others well, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

Presidents’ Day

Monday, February 17 Mason Community Center open normal operating hours City offices closed

Stuff the Bus City of Mason Economic Development Office, Corporate Partners, Mason City Schools, and United Way of Warren County provide supplies for children in need The City of Mason and its corporate partners continued a creative approach to uniquely leverage civic engagement with an eye toward Back to School needs. This summer marked the first “Stuff the Bus” event, a collaborative Mason-wide program for corporations and their employees to give back to local communities. Significant donations were made by Mason-based companies such as Stress Engineering, Great Wolf Lodge, and Makino. This year’s friendly competition to donate the most supplies led to over 600 pounds of school supplies being donated that benefited all 12 Warren County school districts and career centers. The City of Mason greatly appreciates the leadership of Stress Engineering and the generosity of all Mason corporate partners who participated this year. 18 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Veteran’s Day Weekend Women's Veterans Memorial Display at Mason Community Center November from a.m. to p.m. November from a.m. to p.m.

Warren County Veterans Services RV at Mason Community Center November , from a.m. to p.m. November , from a.m. to 4 p.m.

Veterans and their families enjoy free access to Mason Community Center and Veterans enjoy a free round of Golf at the City of Mason Golf Center November -

Continue the th Anniversary with American Legion Post in Mason. For additional Veteran’s Day Weekend activities, please visit

Fire Department Receives New Life Saving Equipment A cardiac arrest is one of the most time critical and labor intensive emergency medical calls the Mason Fire Department receives. Recent medical research has reinforced that uninterrupted, high-quality CPR has a large impact in potentially saving someone’s life. With that in mind, Fire Department staff began to research new technology. After several years of research into various options by Fire Department staff, a device called LUCAS was identified as the best option. The LUCAS device delivers chest compressions at a predetermined rate and depth that is consistent with guidelines for effective CPR that have been set forth by the American Heart Association. The device, once attached to the person, allows for uninterrupted chest compressions for the duration of the call. This device has other secondary benefits, which include a reduction in the risk of potential injury to paramedics and improved efficiency of all cardiac arrest calls. The Mason Fire Department was able to seek outside funding assistance in the form of a grant from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation. The grant was awarded to Mason in April to purchase two LUCAS CPR devices. The Fire Department also worked with neighboring fire departments such as Deerfield Township and Loveland-Symmes to procure a group-purchasing discount. The LUCAS devices arrived in July and were placed into service recently after all members received training on their operation. Effective and early CPR and defibrillation saves lives. To sign up for a CPR/AED training class, please see page 49 for information on upcoming classes taught by Mason Firefighter/Paramedics.

INTRO 101 WEEKEND Saturday, January 18

TRX 101

8:30 - 9:15 a.m.

CYCLE 101 9:15 - 10:00 a.m. Sunday, January 19


yoga 101

2:00 - 2:45 p.m.

BOOK YOUR EVENT TODAY • 210 acres of gorgeous greenery, just 1 mile off the interstate


3:00 - 3:45 p.m.

• Groups f rom 30 to 300 • Food and beverage items from extensive menus • Meeting, banquets, cocktail receptions, or wedding receptions

Registration required.


Mason-Montgomery Road

20 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Mason, OH


Park guests and their four legged friends can enjoy the recent park improvements made to two of the Township parks.

The Schappacher Dog Park, located at 4786 Old Irwin Simpson Rd., has seen an overall enlargement with a separate small dog area. The park now has new fencing and gates. The playground safety surfacing has now been replaced with a new grass surface. Schappacher Park offers restrooms, shelters, and easy access on 10 acres.

The Cottell Park playground on the east side of the park received upgrading and replacement of equipment, as well as the new safety surfacing under the playground. Cottell Park sits on over 47 acres and offers a walking path, playgrounds, picnic shelters, multi-purpose fields, baseball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, catch-and-release fishing, restrooms, a quilt barn, a little free library, Snyder House rental facility, Deerfield Honors Veterans Memorial. Both parks have been updated with water fountains that enable park guests to fill water bottles, and low bowls for dogs. All of the Township parks, including Fleckenstein and Landen/Deerfield Park are being updated with new dog waste bag stations in order to help keep all of the parks clean for all guests. Winter 2019

CenterPoint 21

15 APPS PARENTS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT We all use social media these days. Almost everyone has a Facebook, Twitter, and/or an Instagram account. But did you know there are other, less known social media networks? Many of these platforms are unfiltered or have very loose regulations. While some people use social media as a way to reach out and connect, we need to be mindful about the choices we make in these virtual spaces. If we aren’t careful, social media can open the doorway to harmful content such as pornography, self-harm, eating disorders, and questionable celebrity role models. It can also expose children to bullying, negative self-treatment, trolling, identity theft, and predators. The less regulated the social media site, the more risk it poses. Safety comes first in the community. If you have questions, please call the Mason Police Department at 513.229.8560.


Bike Rodeo at Mason Community Center reviewed safety equipment, proper helmet fit, bike function, hand and arm signals, and bike sizes for riders. Following a ride through the park, a cone course allowed participants to practice bike movement, handling, and safety.

See opposite page for list of apps.

Happy Holidays Send a card wishing Happy Holidays to a veteran! December, Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mason Community Center Senior Center

Mason Community Center : a.m.- : p.m. Wednesday, December ,

Open to the public Includes local merchants and home sale representatives Ask to tour the Community Center a er you shop

22 CenterPoint Winter 2019


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Winter 2019

CenterPoint 23

Downtown Mason is a growing eclectic mix of businesses creating a vibrant area for residents and visitors to our region. We encourage you to come explore Mason’s downtown as we profile the company owners and entrepreneurs who help make Downtown Mason thrive.

THE MASON GRILL Located at 124 East Main in Mason’s Downtown District, The Mason Grill provides your daily breakfast and lunch needs. This Greek American restaurant offers breakfast all day as well as local favorites such as gyros and homemade meatloaf and lasagna.

Your restaurant is known as a local neighborhood diner, how long have you been in Mason? What made you choose to locate your diner in Mason? I owned a diner in New Jersey for about 18 years and moved to Mason in 2004 for a new business opportunity near friends and a great school system. My children graduated from Mason High School and Mason provides a safe community filled with good people.

You’re known for your all-day breakfast, what are some of your most popular breakfast items? What would you recommend to a first-time guest?

Our most popular items are mudslides, which is gravy, biscuits, eggs, potatoes and a meat, as 24 CenterPoint Winter 2019

well as the meat lovers omelet. Although any breakfast choice is great for new people enjoying the restaurant, we have a double decker burger that is pretty popular.

Your lunch menu is a blend of American dishes and traditional Greek items. How did you land on this diverse menu offering?

My family is Greek and we still visit Greece often. We’ve mixed some American favorites with the homemade Greek touch from our families. Because of this we can offer some Cincinnati favorites as well as something for those that may want to try something new.

What would you say makes the dining experience at the Mason Grill unique compared to other restaurants in the area?

The Mason Grill is family owned and we offer fresh homemade dishes. Stop by the local diner today!

BY BILLY LIAROS The Mason Grill, 124 E. Main St., Mason, OH 45040, 513.754.1100,

BAYSORE’S FLOWER SHOP Baysore’s Flower Shop is family owned and operated in Downtown Mason. Baysore’s is not only known in Mason for their floral arrangements, but for their friendly and prompt service.

Has Baysore’s always been located in Mason? Baysore’s has always been locally owned and operated. The shop opened in 1955 and the Baysores are the originals owners. My mother worked for Marylin Baysore Johnston and in turn, I grew up in the shop. Becoming Baysore’s owner continued the tradition of being a woman entrepreneur at the shop.

the community and being able to keep the shop local. My family grew up in Mason and we have local roots and attachments. It’s important for me to keep a local presence—I live here and work here.

What do you like most about owning a flower shop in Mason?

I love the connection I give and get with

What do you find to be the most common purchase? What other services does Baysore’s provide?

Of course our most popular items are fresh flowers for every occasion, but Baysore’s also offers memorial stones and pieces, seasonal outdoor plants, and popular household plants.

Your website,, lists facilities you deliver to. Do you deliver mostly to the Mason/Deerfield area?

We deliver from Middletown down to northern Kentucky. Baysore’s also offers the option of service through Florists’ Transworld Delivery (FTD) and can deliver your flowers across the country for all your needs.

What advice do you have for wedding customers?

Book at least 6–12 months prior to your wedding. Baysore’s Flower Shop staff wants to provide the best service and experience for each bride and like many florists, we serve multiple brides on one day and limit the number of bookings to better serve each bride. We make each individual bride’s vision a reality.

Is there anything else you would like people to know about your business?

I can’t emphasize enough how blessed and fortunate I am to grow up and stay in the community. I enjoy working with the City, Chamber, and the region, bringing life and energy to Downtown Mason. BY CATHY HARBISON Baysore’s Flower Shop, 301 Reading Rd., Mason, OH 45040, 513.398.7010,

Christmas Tree Recycling Mason Residents Place your live Christmas trees at the curb for pickup starting Thursday, January Please remove ALL decorations and place the cut end to the street

sym²bi²o²sis Holiday Open House

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 25

OHIO CHICKEN HATCHED IN DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP Have you ever noticed that a chicken is in the shape of the state of Ohio? Well, James Barrett, owner and founder of Ohio Chicken Design, did! Now, this creative cottage industry is busting at the seams with unique t-shirts and other items depicting the Ohio Chicken. These whimsical designs are created on a screen print press, built by James, and hand printed in his home. His production, marketing, design, sales, and morale support team include his wife, Deb, and daughters Sydney and Kate. James was destined to work in a creative industry. As a Cincinnati native, he attended Moeller High School for the art program and received his Bachelor of Fine Art from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. He later received his Master of Art Education from the University of Cincinnati’s School of DAAP. He has been teaching Art/Photography at Loveland High School for the past 25 years. Ohio Chicken Design was founded in 2016 and has expanded from the Ohio Chicken t-shirt

designs to include “Ohio Bike” and “OmHio”. James loves the design and printing process, and seeing others get enjoyment from his work. He enjoys seeing his t-shirts out and about in the community being worn by customers. Ohio Chicken Designs can be found at local markets, street fairs, and festivals. T-shirts can be purchased online at ohiochickendesign. com. You can follow Ohio Chicken Design on Instagram @ohiochicken and on Facebook.


Mason City Leadership and the Economic Development Office hosted a global leadership delegation from Japan-based Makino at the W&S Tennis Tournament. With its North American headquarters on Innovation Way, Makino has a long history of being a strong corporate partner to Mason.


Thai Spice…healthy, tasty, delicious is the promise of the Township’s newest family owned Thai restaurant. They offer a wide array of healthy Thai and sushi options for lunch and dinner. The extensive menu offers over 100 individual items, including curry, soups, and more. All dishes are made fresh to order. Located at 5153 Bowen Dr., Thai Spice opened in April 2019. Bibibop Asian Grill…eat well, be well is the philosophy of this well-known restaurant. Inspired by the traditional Korean dish bibimbap, they sought to make balanced and healthy Asian cuisine accessible and enjoyable to everyone. Located at 9450 Mason-Montgomery Rd., Bibibop opened in September 2019.

26 CenterPoint Winter 2019

MAKINO PARK Opening Spring Sponsorship opportunities are still available for fencing flag poles etc Call to learn more!


Property Purchase


Road Extension & Bridge Work


Parking Lot


Shelter House & Site Work


Playground Development & Landscaping


Miracle Fields


PARK OPENS! Common Ground Playground at Makino Park was designed in consultation with local parents of children with disabilities, a leading inclusive playground manufacturer, therapists and other professionals who work with children and adults with special needs. The playground’s educational, interactive environment is unlike any other in the region to bring new social engagement and sensory opportunities for children, veterans, and seniors. It’s an all-inclusive place where families can come together and have fun.

Preparing for Snow and Ice Control


ith winter quickly approaching, our thoughts tend to turn toward cold mornings and snowy forecasts. For the Service Department, snow and ice control is a year-round process. After the last snow event of the winter is cleaned up, preparations for the next season begin almost immediately. All trucks are cleaned and inspected. Any repairs needed are noted and scheduled. An inventory is taken of all spare parts such as plow blades, hydraulic hoses and fittings, truck mirrors, and other commonly used parts. Parts are then ordered to replenish the inventory for the next season. Here are a few ways the City prepares for snow and ice year-round:

TRAINING Snow and ice control driver training is conducted annually. Drivers participate in a Snow Plow Roadeo to sharpen their skills. This course is set up to mimic common obstacles encountered during snow plowing—maneuvering around parked cars, mailboxes, culde-sacs, and backing exercises are all practiced in fully equipped plow trucks. Service Department staff also attend annual Winter Weather Maintenance courses conducted by the American Public Works Association to learn about the latest technologies in the industry.

STORAGE FACILITY FILLING AND MAINTENANCE The salt storage facility is refilled to capacity at the end of the season so the upcoming season will begin with plenty of salt on hand. Each season starts with approximately 5,500 tons of salt in stock, which is nearly enough for an average winter. The salt brine machine is cleaned, inspected, and recalibrated. Salt brine is used to pre-treat the roadways ahead of snow or ice to help prevent the bond of snow to the pavement. Pre-treating aids in the removal process and helps return snow-covered streets to safe driving conditions more quickly. Salt brine is also used to pre-wet the salt as it comes out of the trucks. Wet salt tends to stay on the road better as it is less likely than dry salt to bounce off the pavement. The wet salt also starts working sooner as it begins going into solution immediately without having to wait for snow to begin the solution process. All salt brine is produced at the City of Mason Service Center using only rock salt and water. During extreme temperatures, calcium chloride is added to the brine to lower the melting point.

Mason’s Public Works Department anticipated rates increasing and filled the salt dome, saving $12,000 in rock salt costs for the upcoming season.

28 CenterPoint Winter 2019

TREE TRIMMING Throughout the year, Service Department crews trim street trees to prevent damage to the plow trucks, emergency vehicles, and school buses and to improve the ability to clear the snow. These trees, which are typically located between the curb and sidewalk, grow out past the curb. That prevents the full width of the street from being plowed and risks damaging the trucks. Some tree limbs are donated to the Cincinnati Zoo for animal feeding through their “Browse” program.


• Clean of any pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. • Clean of excessive animal feces. • Clean of toxic species of plants. • Clean of metal/plastics/anything other than plant material. • Clean of contact with any poison ivy or any other irritant.

UPDATING ROUTES A review committee evaluates and updates plow routes annually as additional streets are dedicated and existing roadways are widened. Routes are adjusted as needed to increase efficiency and response time as the City grows. This committee is made up of employees from the Service, Public Utilities, and Engineering & Building departments.

TRANISITIONING TRUCKS During the summer, all snow plow trucks undergo a Department of Transportation annual safety inspection process to ensure they are ready for the upcoming season. All necessary repairs are completed prior to the start of the season. As winter approaches, trucks are transitioned from leaf and brush pickup to snow and ice removal. The boxes that collect the leaf and brush debris are removed and replaced with salt v-boxes and plows. Trucks are filled with salt and are stored inside the Service Center to provide a quick response to winter weather.

INCIDENT COMMAND STRUCTURE The City of Mason employs an Incident Command structure to manage all snow and ice events. Staff from several City departments participate in Snow and Ice Control. Each month, an Incident Commander and Foreman monitor weather forecasts to prepare for upcoming events. Once a storm is approaching, multiple forecasting agencies, traffic cameras, and road weather information systems (RWIS) are monitored. Traffic cameras are used to accurately tell where snow is falling to help determine the appropriate time to call in drivers. Incident Commanders monitor the progress of the snow and ice team and provide communication throughout the event.

MANUFACTURING MONTH The City is currently divided into 17 snow plow routes. Each truck has a priority route, which includes the main thoroughfares, in addition to a regularly assigned route that covers all types of streets. Main thoroughfares are treated first in each storm and it typically takes approximately two hours for each truck to complete a full route. Each truck is equipped with a GPS device to help ensure no street is missed.

Streets in Newer Subdivisions As the City of Mason grows, new roads that must be cleared of snow and ice are added every year. With the winter season upon us, it is important to note who is responsible for the removal of snow and ice within your subdivision. Some streets in subdivisions still under construction remain the responsibility of the developer to plow until the street or subdivision is essentially complete. If your street does not have the top course of asphalt applied, it is likely that the developer has not yet turned it over to the City to maintain. To tell if the top course of asphalt has yet to be installed, look for raised manhole covers or a street surface lower than the curb. These conditions make it unsafe for large plows to clear the snow.

Throughout the City of Mason and across the U.S., National Manufacturing Day was celebrated on October 5. Now in its seventh year, the Association of National Manufacturers created the day to show off “what’s cool in manufacturing.” And it is gaining a following. During its first year, 240 manufacturers in 37 states engaged about 7,500 attendees. By 2018, Manufacturing Day had grown exponentially, including nearly 600,000 participants across 3,500 events throughout all 50 states and Puerto Rico. This annual celebration is intended to motivate millions to learn about manufacturing and has proven to be an incredible opportunity for the world-class companies operating in Mason to showcase the factory of the future. To support the many advanced manufacturing and maker companies within the community throughout the month of October, the City of Mason partners with a host of companies, schools, and manufacturing stakeholders to highlight today’s manufacturing with automation, robotics, and industry 4.0 transforming the future of Masons’ Makers. Companies like Rhinestahl, Festo, and Makino showcase their innovations and host schools from across the region at their Mason facilities. An estimated 800 students visit Mason companies to tour and learn about the highly technical environments that these companies offer. Several events are designed to showcase multiple companies and the variety of opportunities in manufacturing. For example, Makino’s day provided students with a robust tour and experience that integrates other manufacturers including Fanuc, which demonstrated robotics; Festo, with dynamic automation; and the City, presenting an overview of the strong and connected ecosystem of manufacturers.

Private Streets Private streets are the responsibility of local HOAs. These streets are usually around condominium developments and are maintained by homeowner associations. To determine whether your street is private, check the street sign. If it is green lettering on a white background, it is a private street. Signs with white lettering on a green background are public streets. If you are unsure of the status of your subdivision or have further questions, please contact the Engineering Department at 513.229.8520.


Officer Karli Dyer has been with the City of Mason Police Department for 13 years, eight of which were spent as the High School Resource Officer. Officer Dyer has a bachelor’s degree in Administration of Criminal Justice. She is also an A.L.I.C.E and Women’s Self Defense Instructor, and now a Campus Safety Officer. Orion, a 2-year-old long hair German Shepherd, is the newest addition to the Mason Police Department K9 unit. Orion was purchased with funds provided by a generous donation from Kings Island. Orion is trained and certified in drug detection, tracking, and evidence location. Orion and his partner, Officer Karli Dyer, are part of the Campus Safety Team. Orion’s talents will be used at Mason City Schools and numerous other City events.

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 29


Operating Budget The Mason City School District has a $120 million annual operating budget. The operating budget pays for people and programs. Mason City Schools earned an “A” on Ohio’s report card, and ranked fifth in the state for high quality education and student opportunities according to the 2020 Ohio Niche rankings. The district spends $725 less per student than the state average and $3,096 less per student than Ohio’s Top 10 average. The district has not passed an operating levy since 2005.

WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM The Mason City School District receives $2,883 less per student than the state average, and $5,072 less per student than Ohio’s Top 10 average. Mason is considered affluent by the state and will continue to see flat or reduced state funding in the future. Revenues Inflation Has Outpaced MCS Citation: FY 18 CUPP Report - Ohio Department of Education Spending State Revenue per pupil $4,366 38.50% Local Revenue per pupil $5,579 49.20% Other Non-Tax Revenue per pupil $1,100= 9.70% Federal Revenue per pupil $295 = 2.60% Total Revenue per pupil $11,340 State Revenue Per Pupil is the total revenue coming from state sources on per pupil basis. The state revenue includes rollback and homestead reimbursements. Local Revenue Per Pupil is the total revenue coming from local sources on per pupil basis including local residents and business property and commercial taxes.

Citation: Consumer Price Index

Avg Inflation Rate 2010-2018 Mason City Schools Avg Ohio School District National/Consumer Price Index

0.76% 1.74% 1.77%

Other Non-Tax Revenue Per Pupil is the total revenue coming from non-local taxes on per-pupil basis. Federal Revenue Per Pupil is the total revenue coming from federal sources on per pupil basis. Total Revenue Per Pupil is the total revenue from all sources combined on per pupil basis.

WHERE THE MONEY GOES The Mason City School District prioritizes the classroom and student opportunities, and spends less than the state average and Ohio’s Top 10 average on non-classroom expenditures. Mason spends slightly more on instructional expenditures per pupil than Ohio’s Top 10 district average, but spends 22 percent less on administration than Top 10 districts and has 24 fewer administrators than if Mason had Ohio’s average student-administrator ratio. Expenditures


MCS collects 1.5 mills


MCS collects 1.5 mills


Voters pass 9.94 mills Phased-In Operating Levy. MCS collects 6.54 mills


MCS collects 1.7 mills


MCS collects 1.7 mills


Voters fail 6.95 mills Phased-In Operating Levy.

2012– Cost reductions keep expenses flat. 2017 •MCS eliminates over 160 positions by raising class sizes, eliminating teaming at Mason Middle School, and using a semester schedule at the high school rather than the trimester. •All staff take wage freezes in ’12–’13 and ’13–’14. •Close Mason Heights Elementary •Institute pay-to-participate fees •Consolidate Bus Stops 2018– MCS makes strategic investment priorities 2020 •Keep high-quality staff •Invest $1 million annually in school safety personnel •Invest $500,000 annually in mental wellness personnel •Close Western Row Elementary 30 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Citation: FY 18 CUPP Report - Ohio Department of Education

Administration Expenditure per pupil Building Operation per pupil Instructional Expenditure per pupil Pupil Support Expenditure per pupil Staff Support Expenditure per pupil Total Expenditure per pupil



$689 $399 $11,228

Administration Expenditure Per Pupil covers all expenditures associated with the schools and central office’s day-to-day operation as far as administrative personnel and functions are concerned. Items of expenditure in this category include salaries and benefits provided to all administrative staff as well as other associated administrative costs. Building Operation Expenditure Per Pupil covers the costs of utilities and the maintenance and upkeep of physical buildings. Instructional Expenditure Per Pupil includes all the costs associated with the actual service of instructional delivery to the students. These items strictly apply to the school buildings and do not include costs associated with the central office. They include the salaries and benefits of the teaching personnel and the other instructional expenses.

Instruction MCS: Top 10 Average: OH Average:


62.1% 61.9% 58.1%

Pupil Support Expenditure Per Pupil includes the expenses associated with the provision of services other than instructional that tend to enhance the developmental processes of the students. These cover a range of activities such as student counseling, psychological services, health services, social work services etc. Staff Support Expenditure Per Pupil includes all the costs associated with the provision of support services to school districts’ staff. These include in-service programs, instructional improvement services, meetings, payments for additional trainings and courses to improve staff effectiveness and productivity. Total Expenditure Per Pupil is the combination of all of the components of expenditure listed above.

Building Operations MCS: 18.4% Top 10 Avg: 15.2% OH Avg: 18.8%

Pupil Support MCS: 6.1% Top 10 Avg: 6.5% OH Avg: 6.4%

MCS: 9.8% Top 10 Avg: 12.6% OH Avg 13.4%

Voters pass 9.95 mills Phased-In Operating Levy. MCS collects 6.95 mills



Staff Support MCS: 3.6% Top 10 avg: 3.8% OH avg: 3.5%

Capital Budget The Mason City School District has a $5 million annual capital budget. The capital budget pays for buildings, buses, technology, and textbooks. All 10,500 of the district’s students attend school at the Mason Early Childhood Center (grades PK–2), Mason Elementary School (grades 3–4), Mason Intermediate School (grades 5–6), Mason Middle School (grades 7–8) and Mason High School (grades 9–12). Thanks to wise financial planning from Mason City Schools’ Board of Education over the last 20 years, and a strong commitment by the City of Mason and Deerfield Township, which have made our community a hub of economic development, additions to the Mason Early Childhood Center, the Mason Middle School renovation, and updates to Mason Intermediate School were funded without new local taxes. The district received $34 million (80% of the funding) from tobacco settlement monies through the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC). The other 20% of the funding came from local business tax abatements.




OFCC Funding from State Tobacco Settlement

Mason High School grades 9–12 6100 Mason-Montgomery Rd.

“There are not many school districts that are able to be debt-free on Day 1 when opening what feels like a brand new middle school. This is a tribute to wise decisions made by former school boards and administrations. Our community can celebrate the completion of a significant 20-year plan to educate our community’s children in high quality schools.” — Shaun Bevan, Treasurer

Mason Middle School grades 7–8 6370 Mason-Montgomery Rd.

Mason Elementary grades 3–4 6307 Mason-Montgomery Rd.

Mason Intermediate grades 5–6 6307 Mason-Montgomery Rd.


Community Dialogs input prefers 1 high school


Voters approve 6.78 mil bond issue to build new MHS


School Board joins OFCC to recoup state tobacco settlement $ for facility projects


MHS opens


Community Dialogs prefer PK-1 early childhood center & relieve overcrowding at elementaries


Voters approve 1.78 mil bond issue to build MECC


MECC opens


Voters approve 1.27 bond issue to build additions to MHS and MI


Dedicate Atrium Stadium at Dwire Field. Stadium paid for by hospital leasing agreement


Additions to MHS & MI open


Close Mason Heights Elementary


MCS Eligible for OFCC $ for future facility projects based on construction and renovation projects completed for MHS/MECC/MI


0.86 mills of capital debt retired. (Bond paid for 1992 construction of Mason Middle School that is current Mason Elementary School.)


Master Facilities Plan: MECC construction begins with no bond issue needed


MECC addition complete.


MMS renovation complete. Closed Western Row Elementary


5 mills of capital debt retired. (Bond paid for 2001 construction of Mason High School.)

Mason Early Childhood Center K–2 4631 Hickory Woods Dr. Winter 2019

CenterPoint 31

Conservation Tips for the Winter Months Winter weather is approaching, so we would like to share some ways to enjoy the snow and protect the environment at the same time! Consider these friendly tips for weathering the winter while keeping conservation in mind.

REUSABLE BAGS While you are out purchasing your holiday gifts and groceries, remember to bring along your reusable bags. During stream cleanups, the City always finds plastic bags caught up in the stream or wrapped around trees. By using reusable bags, you are reducing the number of plastic bags in local landfills and in the environment.

TREE RECYCLING If you have a natural Christmas tree this year, please consider recycling or reusing your tree instead of sending it to a landfill. The City of Mason provides free curb pickup of trees following the holidays. Residents can also arrange to drop off trees at the City of Mason Service Center for disposal. Please contact the Service Center for more details at 513.229.8580.

ICE AND SNOW To avoid ice buildup, try to remove snow from hard surfaces before it becomes compacted into ice. Shovel your snow into areas that are level and able to absorb the water once the snow has melted. This allows potential pollutants from roadways and driveways to be filtered out by plants before reaching our streams. Putting salt on walkways, driveways and sidewalks helps to keep everyone safe from ice. However, keep in mind that the salt only works when pavement temperatures are 20 degrees or higher. Make sure to follow proper application guidelines when using products. During the winter months, melting snow can cause a few unique stormwater problems. Because the ground is often frozen at the surface, melting snow can’t infiltrate into the soil the way a light or moderate rain would be able to. Even a small amount of snowmelt can cause localized flooding on properties. When snow builds up over several small storm events without melting in between, it can create large impacts when it finally does melt—leading to potential community-wide flooding events. In both cases, 32 CenterPoint Winter 2019

standing and flowing water on the ground will pick up a variety of debris, pollutants (especially de-icing salts and chemicals), and litter that will find their way into nearby streams. This runoff can be very harmful to the fish and other aquatic life. In general, once the salt or deicer has done its job, any remaining material should be swept up and disposed of properly before it is washed away. The City of Mason greatly appreciates resident assistance in these matters and so will the nearby stream.

Ad vanced Therapy Center

at Chesterwood Village

Coming soon... Mason’s NEW Aquatic Center The Lou Eves Municipal Pool began operations in and at the time was considered a significant milestone project for the City. The desire to have an outdoor pool was discussed extensively in the early ’s and approved by the voters in as part of a ballot initiative. For seasons, the outdoor pool has been a popular destination for residents and beyond. Despite efforts throughout the years to prolong the life of the outdoor pool, the facility experienced ongoing issues including leaks and a deteriorating concrete shell. The cost associated with repair of these issues was significant and a er two years of research and consideration, City Council moved forward with a decision to build a new Aquatics Center to continue providing this type of premier amenity to the Mason community. The new Aquatics Center will feature a new outdoor leisure pool as well as an enclosed meter pool. The Municipal Pool Revitalization Project is underway and the City anticipates the new outdoor leisure pool to be open for the season! Features of the new outdoor leisure pool include zero depth entry, a double flume slide, lazy river, a splash pad, a tipping bucket, basketball hoops, additional shade structures, family changing rooms, concessions and more! We appreciate your patience during construction of the new Mason Municipal Aquatic Center. Currently, walking paths at Corwin M. Nixon Park and Pine Hill Lakes Park have been temporarily disrupted for construction of the Aquatic Center. Temporary mulch paths have been installed to reconnect the walking paths.






Pool Demolition & Site Prep

Building Construction & Leisure Pool Installation

Deck & Pool Amenities Installation


Enclosed Meter Pool Construction Begins

New Mason Municipal Aquatic Center Complete

A MATTER OF METERS As part of City Council’s decision to build the Mason Municipal Aquatic Center, the City entered into a public-private-partnership with local fundraising organization, A Ma er of Meters. A Ma er of Meters has launched a fundraising campaign with ambitions to raise money that will be dedicated towards the construction of the enclosed meter pool. The City’s partnership with A Ma er of Meters is another example of Mason’s commitment to developing unique partnerships that enhance the quality of life for Mason residents. Similar to the Mason Community Center, the new Mason Municipal Aquatic Center reiterates Mason’s commitment to building a culture of wellness in the community by expanding recreation and programming opportunity for residents of all ages in the community.

For more information, visit ama erof 34 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Mason Manta Rays Road to Success

The Mason Community Center has been home to the Mason Manta Rays swim team since its inception in . During that time the Mason Manta Rays have seen explosive growth, starting at swimmers in the team’s inaugural year to just under swimmers today. Besides rapid growth, the team has also seen great success in building a very competitive program, with swimmers who have competed in the U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials, as well as multiple years in which the program was ranked in the Top nationally. The team was awarded USA Swimming’s Club Excellence Gold Medal status for the past two years, which is only awarded to the top teams in the country. Recent highlights include • Swimmers have qualiďŹ ed for the Olympic Trials Tyler Babinec Carl Bloebaum Adam Chaney Carson Foster Jake Foster Ansel Froass Jacob McDonald Noah Young Cora Dupre Reese Lugbill and Chloe Hicks • Mason Manta Rays’ age and older team set three national relay records while winning the state championship at the Ohio Senior State Championships • Sixty-ďŹ ve and under swimmers competed at the State Junior Olympic Championships where they were the state championship runner ups • Cora Dupre was the ďŹ rst women ever from Ohio to win an individual USA Swimming Summer Junior National swim title winning the meter freestyle • Coach Ken Heis was selected to be the head coach of Team USA’s team trip to France and Spain and one of seven assistant coaches for the World Junior Championships in Budapest • Manta Ray coaches were voted Ohio Coaches of the Year in and by their peers • Adam Chaney and Carson Foster earned a spot on Team USA and competed at the FINA World Junior Swimming Championships in Budapest Hungary • Carson Foster set the World Junior Record in the and meter Individual Medley and was a part of a World Junior Record on the men’s x free relay and x free relay • Adam Chaney was a part of the gold medal winning x men’s free relay and x mixed medley relay where both set new World Junior Records

Mason Manta Rays will travel to Sarasota, Florida from March through April to train with other elite swimmers.



U.S. Atlanta, Winter Nationals GA TYR Pro Swim Series Ohio Senior Circuit Meet

Knoxville, TN

DATE Dec - Jan -

Oxford, Feb -Mar OH

TYR Pro Indianapolis, May - Swim Series IN Longhorn Austin, May - Classic TX U.S. Olympic Omaha, June - Team Swim Trials NE The Summer Olympics

Tokyo, July -Aug Japan

STAY CONNECTED City of Mason, Ohio-Government @ImagineMason

Deerfield Parks and Recreation For more information, please visit or contact us at

Holiday Lights See Santa arrive by fire truck, count down as they flip the switch to light the towering Christmas tree, and more. Come join the holiday magic at the Deerfield Towne Center for this free community event! Date/Time Saturday, November 30, 5:00pm–7:00pm

Location Deerfield Towne Center

Paint-Your-Own Pottery Create something unique for the holidays! Participants may select from a variety of options—cups, bowls, boxes, banks, and more. We provide all the supplies you need to relax and paint your piece. Finished pieces will be glazed and fired for you; items will be available for pick up at the Deerfield Township offices within two weeks. Date/Time Tuesday, November 12, 6pm–8pm

Location Registration Snyder House Reserve your at Cottell Park spot online at

Fee Payment is collected from the instructor at the event. Pottery pieces range from $8 to $25. Studio Fees are $0 Residents / $2 Non-Residents.

Santa’s Workshop Santa’s helpers scurry about to create special gifts for people on their holiday lists at Deerfield Township’s annual Santa’s Workshop. This free event for Deerfield Township residents offers children 3 to 8 years old an opportunity to visit Santa and create something special to give for the holidays. Date/Time Saturday, December 7, 10:00am OR 11:00am

Thanksgiving Day 10K & 5K Run/Walk Come join us for the annual Deerfield Township Life Time Fitness Turkey Day Race! The 10K run and 5K run & walk will begin and end at Life Time Fitness. Runners and walkers of all levels are welcome. This is a chip-timed event! Date/Time Thursday, November 28, 8:00am 36 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Location Registration Deerfield Township LifeTime Fitness deerfield

Location Registration Snyder House at Deerfield Township Cottell Park Residents Only; register online beginning November 1st at

Fee Free for Deerfield Township Residents. (All children must be accompanied by an adult.)

TEEN VOLUNTEERS Helping at community events is fun! See children smile as you manage a game station, encourage runners as you hand out water, and earn community service hours while making a difference in your community. Visit the Programs page and look under Volunteerism on for details on teen volunteer opportunities. (Registration opens one month prior to each volunteer opportunity.)

ARCHERY RANGE Looking for a safe place to practice your archery skills? Deerfield offers a free, public archery range at Carter Park with Block targets at 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards. Please visit for more information on rules, hours, and closures.

MADCAP PUPPETS Aiden Legend, only child, is making funny faces into a mirror when it falls and breaks, accidentally propelling Aiden’s mirror image into the real world. Is there room in our world for two Aiden Legends? Can Aiden get the Accidental Twin back into the mirror? Tickets include post performance activities—art project with The Arts Alliance, exploration stations with the Cincinnati Museum Center, games, and more! For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit Date/Time Location Sunday, February Kings High School 23, 2:00pm– 4:00pm


Fee $2 per person; children 2 and under are free

DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP SUMMER CAMP Deerfield Township Summer Camp is hiring camp counselors! If you are dependable, have strong leadership skills, and enjoy working with children, please visit our Township website, ChooseDeerfield. com, starting January 1st for a job description and application. Counselors must be at least 18 years of age by June 1, 2020.

COMMUNITY GARDEN PLOTS We offer two convenient locations and manageable 4x4 plot sizes—so that you can spend more time enjoying your harvest! Date/Time Aprill 1– October 31

Location Registration Carter Park OR Register online at Kingswood Park

Fee per Plot $25 Residents I $30 Nonresidents

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 37

Mason Community Center Activities SPECIAL EVENTS

New Resident Coffee Meeting Room

New to the area? Meet other new residents and their families to learn more about the area at our monthly new resident coffee held on the second Wednesday of December, January, and February at 10:30 a.m. The coffee is hosted by the Community Basket and is sponsored by the City of Mason and the Mason Deerfield Chamber of Commerce. Refreshments and tours of Mason Community Center will be provided. Those in attendance will also receive a one-day family pass to Mason Community Center.

MYB Game Admission Admission to each recreational or athletic league game is $2 per adult and $1 per child or senior, and not more than $5 per family.

MASON COMMUNITY CENTER MEMBERS DO NOT NEED TO PAY THE DAILY ADMISSION FEE FOR GAMES HELD AT MASON COMMUNITY CENTER. Save time at the door and purchase a punch pass for games played at Mason Community Center. (Games in the Mason City Schools and away games are not covered by the pass.)

Family Pass (5-game pass) $25

Single Adult Pass (5-game pass) $10

Mason Community Center Activities 38 FAMILY






REGISTRATION Mason Community Center

ALL PROGRAM REGISTRATION BEGINS Premier members Friday, November 15, 8 a.m.

Walk-in, online at, or by phone at 513.229.8555


PROGRAM FEES Program fees are set by membership and residency: PRE: Premier pass holder BAS: Basic pass holder MR: Mason resident (if you reside within the boundaries of the City of Mason) NR: Nonresident

Monday, November 18, 8 a.m.

Register online at The programs and events in CenterPoint are brought to you by the City of Mason, which operates Mason Community Center. Mason Community Center, 6050 Mason-Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio 45040, p 513.229.8555 f 513.229.8556

Recreation programs and facilities presented by the City of Mason are open to all citizens regardless of race, gender, color, religion, nationality, or disability, including those who live outside of Mason and those who do not have a community center membership. City of Mason is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to supporting the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact us if you require special accommodations.

38 CenterPoint Winter 2019






30% OFF ONE ITEM Valid February - ,

Certain restrictions apply. One per household. Not valid for Postal items.

Tae Kwon Do


Parents of all participants under the age of 13 are asked to remain on site, or in the gym if not a member, during class. Please note: A Tae Kwon Do uniform is not required for participation in this class; however, a uniform may be required for any participants who would like to enjoy this program long-term.

Mason Montgomery Road

Beginner Gymnasium

Date 12/3-12/17 1/2-1/30 2/4-2/27

Time 6:30-7:30P 6:30-7:30P 6:30-7:30P

Age 6 & up 6 & up 6 & up

Deadline 11/27 12/26 1/28

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $28 /$33 /$42 /$50 $45 /$55 /$60 /$60 $45 /$55 /$60 /$60

Activity 111118-05 111118-06 111118-07





Day Tu,Th Tu,Th Tu,Th




Tae Kwon Do is a well-balanced Korean martial art that specializes in kicking skills. No previous experience is necessary for this class. Adults, teens, and children will train together in a family oriented program.

Mason, OH

Advanced Gymnasium

This advanced class focuses on overall self-control, self-discipline, self-defense techniques, balance, flexibility, and strength. Tae Kwon Do will build character and develop courtesy, integrity, honor, respect, loyalty, perseverance, concentration, and compassion to their highest potential. Day Tu,Th Tu,Th Tu,Th

Date 12/3-12/17 1/2-1/30 2/4-2/27

Time 6:30-8:00P 6:30-8:00P 6:30-8:00P

Age 6 & up 6 & up 6 & up

Deadline 11/27 12/26 1/28

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $28 /$33 /$42 /$50 $45 /$55 /$60 /$60 $45 /$55 /$60 /$60

Activity 111117-05 111117-06 111117-07

*Mason Community Center gift cards cannot be used for household balances, auto-debit charges, or postal items.

To register, see page 38.


Winter 2019

CenterPoint 39



Me Too! Learn to Swim Class Leisure Pool

This parent/child class is designed to teach you to work safely in the water with your child. Skills will be taught at an introductory level including pool safety, water acclimation, floating and gliding with support, submerging, and blowing bubbles through mouth and/or nose. Please register for both sessions during registration. Day Date Sa 1/11-2/15

Time Age 10:45-11:15A .5-2

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/30 $57 /$68 /$85 /$102 152312-01


World of Spanish: Lil Tykes Spanish Classes Meeting Room

For the first years of life, children are naturally acquiring language skills. They learn through imitation, songs, and playtime. The younger the learner, the better they are at mimicking new sounds and adopting pronunciation. Come join us in this fun class to give your child a head start in the Spanish language! Day Date M 1/6-2/10

Time Age 10:00-10:50P 3.5-5

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/30 $66 /$78 /$98 /$117 163303-02

Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park: Gameland Meeting Room

Gather your friends in the living room for a board game adventure unlike any other! Using body and voice techniques, we’ll work together by learning and playing classic games like Candyland and Chutes & Ladders and cheering each other on! Day Date M 1/6-2/10

Time 4:30-5:00P

Age 3-5

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/30 $53 /$63 /$79 /$95 163304-01

Multipurpose Room Your child will learn to follow directions without the assistance of a parent and focus on basic gymnastics skills such as forward rolls, backward rolls, headstands, and backbends. He or she will also work on circuit training and be introduced to the vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor. Day F Sa F Sa

Date 1/10-2/21 1/11-2/22 2/28-4/24 2/29-4/25

Time 4:00-4:45P 10:15-11:00A 4:00-4:45P 10:15-11:00A

Age 3 3 3 3

Deadline 1/3 1/4 2/21 2/22

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $70 /$83 /$104 /$125 $70 /$83 /$104 /$125 $80 /$95 /$119 /$143 $80 /$95//$119 /$143

Activity 143470-07 143470-08 143470-09* 143470-10*

*No Class 3/27, 3/28

Jumping Jacks

Multipurpose Room Your child will improve gross motor skills, flexibility, and coordination through circuit training. He or she will also be introduced to the vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor. Day F Sa F Sa

Date 1/10-2/21 1/11-2/22 2/28-4/24 2/29-4/25

Time 5:45-6:45P 11:15-12:15P 5:45-6:45P 11:15-12:15P

Age 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5

Deadline 1/3 1/4 2/21 2/22

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $79 /$93 /$117 /$140 $79 /$93 /$117 /$140 $90 /$106 /$131 /$156 $90/$106 /$131 /$156

Activity 143476-04 143476-05 143476-06* 143476-07*

*No Class 3/27, 3/28

Invitation Only Classes

Please note: Invitation to the following classes is at the gymnastic coach’s discretion.


Me Too! Gymnastics

Advanced Jumping Jacks

Multipurpose Room

This parent and child class will help develop your child’s basic motor skills through jumping, skipping, hopping, running, and rolling. You will use beams, wedges, and mats to engage your child through structured play. Day Date Sa 1/11-2/22 Sa 2/29-4/25 *No Class 3/28

Tiny Tumblers

Time Age 9:45-10:15A 1.5-3 9:45-10:15A 1.5-3

40 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 1/4 $61 /$72 /$90 /$108 143461-03 2/22 $61 /$72 /$90 /$108 143461-04*

Multipurpose Room

Younger students who are ready for more advanced gymnastics skills may be invited by their instructor to practice in this class. He or she will work on more advanced skills on the vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor. Day Date Time Tu 1/7-2/18 4:00-5:00P Tu 2/25-4/21 4:00-5:00P

Age 4-5 4-5

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/31 $88 /$104 /$129 /$154 143473-02 2/18 $100 /$118 /$143 /$168 143473-03*

*No Class 3/24

PRE: Premier pass holder

BAS: Basic pass holder

MR: Mason resident

NR: Nonresident



There are valuable lessons involved in learning how to use a microscope.



Swim Assessments If you are new to Mason Swim Academy or have missed three or more sessions, a swim assessment is required. Swim Assessments for spring classes will be held on Tuesday, February 4 and Thursday, February 6, 2020. Please call Mason Community Center beginning January 1, 2020 to register.



Station 1

Infants – Private Kindergarten & After School

Leisure Pool Your child will learn to put his or her face in the water and blow bubbles through his/her nose as well as complete 10 relaxed bobs. To participate in this class, your child must be comfortable in a group class setting without a parent. Class Times: M or W 5:00-5:30P, 5:35-6:05P Sa 9:00-9:30A, 9:35-10:05A or 10:10-10:40A Date 1/6-2/15

Age 3-5

Deadline 12/30

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $57 /$68 /$85 /$102

Primrose School of Mason 5888 Snider Road | Mason, OH 45040 513.336.6756 | Each Primrose school is a privately owned and operated franchise. Primrose Schools® and Balanced Learning® are registered trademarks of Primrose School Franchising Company. ©2016 Primrose School Franchising Company. All rights reserved. See for ‘fact’ source and curriculum detail.

Activity 152321

Upgrading the Community Center RecTrac System

Station 2

Leisure Pool Your child will build on what he or she learned in Station 1 by learning to glide on his or her front and back in a streamline position. He or she will also learn to roll from front to back float. Class Times: M or W 5:00-5:30P, 5:35-6:05P, 6:10P-6:40P, 6:45P-7:15P Sa 9:00-9:30A, 9:35-10:05A, 10:10-10:40A or 10:45-11:15A Date 1/6-2/15

Age 3-17

Deadline 12/30

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $57 /$68 /$85 /$102

Activity 152322

Station 3

Leisure Pool Your child will enhance his or her breath control and streamlining skills learned in previous Stations while learning proper kicking. Class Times: M or W 5:00-5:30P, 5:35-6:05P, 6:10P-6:40P, 6:45P-7:15P Sa 9:00-9:30A, 9:35-10:05A, 10:10-10:40A or 10:45-11:15A Date 1/6-2/15

Age 3-17

Deadline 12/30

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $57 /$68 /$85 /$102

Activity 152323

December - Members may experience a brief interruption in online household maintenance. Thank you for your patience during upgrades.


Mason-Montgomery Road

To register, see page 38.


Mason, OH

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 41


YOUTH Station 4

Stroke School

Your child will begin the side glide and front crawl stroke, adding on to skills he or she learned in previous Stations.

Continue to build on your skills learned in previous Stations and learn advanced elements and stroke efficiency in all four stroke types. Stroke School meets twice a week and includes the skills taught in Stations 7 and 8 of the SwimAmerica program. A pair of long swim fins with adjustable backs is recommended.

Leisure Pool

Leisure Pool

Class Times: M or W 5:00-5:30P, 5:35-6:05P, 6:10P-6:40P, 6:45P-7:15P Sa 9:00-9:30A, 9:35-10:05A, 10:10-10:40A or 10:45-11:15A Date 1/6-2/15

Age 3-17

Deadline 12/30

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $57 /$68 /$85 /$102

Activity 152324

Parents who have swimmers 9 years old and under must remain on deck while their child is in swim classes.

Station 5/6

Class Times: M & W 6:15-7:00P or 7:15-8:00P

Leisure Pool

Date 1/6-2/12

Your child will add on to the techniques acquired in previous Stations and begin learning proper freestyle stroke with rotary breathing and the back stroke.

Age 3-17

Deadline 12/30

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $115 /$136 /$161 /$186

Activity 152326

Class Times: M or W 5:00-5:30P, 5:35-6:05P, 6:10P-6:40P, 6:45P-7:15P Sa 9:00-9:30A, 9:35-10:05A, 10:10-10:40A or 10:45-11:15A Date 1/6-2/15

Age 3-17

Deadline 12/30

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $57 /$68 /$85 /$102


Activity 152325

Warren County dog licenses go on sale December , - January , Year Regular Tag Year Bone Tag* Year Tag Year Bone Tag* Kennel Tag* Permanent Tag

Online or any agent location Online or select agent locations Online or Warren County Auditor’s Office Online or Warren County Auditor’s Office Warren County Auditor’s Office Online or Warren County Auditor’s Office

*Bone Tag - of this fee is a donation to the Humane Association for the spay and neuter fund.

For more information please visit

42 CenterPoint Winter 2019

PRE: Premier pass holder

BAS: Basic pass holder

MR: Mason resident

NR: Nonresident



Laffalot Winter Camp: Extended Care

Leisure Pool SwimFit is Station 9 and 10 of SwimAmerica and focuses on building the swimmer’s strength and endurance in every stroke through drills, multiple laps, and on-deck coaching. SwimFit allows swimmers to get the feeling of being on a swim team without the competition.

Kids’ Korner

Extended Care is designed for Laffalot campers who need longer care. These campers can be dropped off in Kids’ Korner as early as 8:00 am. Kids’ Korner staff will take campers to Laffalot Camp at 9:00 am. Children who are registered will also be picked up from Laffalot at 4:00 pm and taken to Kids’ Korner for after care until 5:00 pm.

Class Times: M & W 7:15-8:00P Date 1/6-2/12

Age 3-17

Deadline 2/30

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $115 /$136 /$161 /$186

Activity 152327

Day M M M M

Date 1/20 1/20 2/17 2/17

Time 8:00-9:00A 4:00-5:00P 8:00-9:00A 4:00-5:00P

Age 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-12

Deadline 1/13 1/13 2/10 2/10

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12

Activity 136502-02 136502-03 136502-05 136502-06

Private Learn to Swim Classes

Are you looking for comfort in the water, improved stroke technique and endurance, or a supplement to the Mason Swim Academy Learn to Swim program? We offer classes for all ages and levels. Work one-on-one with a Mason Swim Academy coach who will customize the class to suit your goals. While we cannot guarantee the same coach for every class, there will always be a certified Mason Swim Academy coach available. Class Times: T 5:30-6:00P, 6:05-6:35P, 6:40-7:10P or 7:15-7:45P Su 9:00-9:30A, 9:35-10:05A, 10:10-10:40A or 10:45-11:15A Date 1/7-2/16

Age 4 & up

Deadline 12/30

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $150 /$177 /$202 /$227

Activity 152319


School’s Out Fun Day Activity Room A

Mason Community Center is offering a one-day camp while Mason City Schools are out. Take this opportunity for your child to meet new friends and have fun. Be prepared for an active day and make sure your child is wearing gym shoes. Please pack a lunch, multiple snacks, swimsuit, towel, and refillable water bottle. Be sure to register early! A minimum of 5 participants must be registered by the deadline for the program to run. Day Date F 2/14

Laffalot Winter Camp

Time 9:00-4:00P

Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 6-12 2/7 $37 /$44 /$55 /$66 162101-01

Field House - Court 1

School’s Out Fun Day: Extended Care

Laffalot’s One Day Wonder will include many of the games and sports kids love including soccer, basketball, dodgeball, parachute, pillo pollo, tag, scooters, and more! If being active and having fun with friends gets your child excited, then this is the program for them. It is going to be crazy fun!

Extended Care is designed for campers who need longer care. These campers can be dropped off in Kids’ Korner as early as 8:00 am. Kids’ Korner staff will take campers to School’s Out Fun Day Camp at 9:00 am. Children who are registered will also be picked up from camp at 4:00 pm and taken to Kids’ Korner for after care until 5:00 pm.

Day Date M 1/20 M 2/17

To register, see page 38.

Time 9:00-4:00P 9:00-4:00P

Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 6-12 1/13 $44 /$52 /$65 /$78 136502-01 6-12 2/10 $44 /$52 /$65 /$78 136502-04


Kids’ Korner

Day Date F 2/14 F 2/14

Time 8:00-9:00A 4:00-5:00P

Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 6-12 2/7 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 162101-02 6-12 2/7 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 162101-03

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 43


YOUTH Snow Day Registration Mason Community Center

Snow Day Camp takes place whenever the Mason City School District cancels classes due to inclement weather. Each snow day will feature group games, crafts, sports activities, a movie, and swimming. Please pack a full lunch, refillable water bottle, plenty of snacks, extra clothing, gym shoes, swimsuit, and a towel for your child. For same day announcements, registration begins at 5:30 am or when the announcement is made, whichever is later. If announced the night before, early registration is available online only. To register, call 513.229.8555 or visit Space is limited.

Abrakadoodle: All My Senses Activity Room B

Go beyond what you see and have fun making art that you can touch, smell, hear, and taste too! Materials included. Day Date Th 1/9-2/6

Time 5:30-6:15P

Age 3-5

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 1/2 $60 /$71 /$89 /$107 163105-02

Day Date Time Age Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity M-F November to April 9:00A-5:00P 6-12 $37 /$44 /$55 /$66 733807* *You will not be able to register for Snow Day Camp until a snow day is announced.


World of Spanish: Beginning Spanish for Kids Meeting Room

Exposing your child to a second language is one of the most valuable gifts you can give your child. Starting a second language early enhances reading abilities and general literacy in the first language. Students will learn Spanish vocabulary, commands, and grammar through games, songs, crafts, and hands-on activities. Day Date Tu 1/7-2/11

Time 5:10-6:00P

Age 5-11

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/30 $66 /$78 /$98 /$117 163303-01

Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park: Galaxy Defenders Meeting Room

“This is Space Command, calling all intergalactic rangers!” We need your help keeping the universe safe—and a little bit weird. Create courageous characters and work as a team to explore new dimensions and learn all about the mysteries of our galaxy. Day Date Th 1/9-2/13

Full STEAM Ahead is a creative journey of science, technology, engineering, art, and math! Geometry, numbers, physics, robotics, 3D painting, and scientific illustrations make this art journey full of discoveries! Materials included.

44 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Age 6-12

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 1/2 $79 /$93 /$117 /$140 163304-02

Meeting Room

Activity Room B

Time 6:30-7:30P

Age 5-8

Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park: Gamer Academy

Abrakadoodle: Full Steam Ahead

Day Date Th 1/9-2/6

Time 4:45-5:30P

Welcome to Gamer Academy where you can run, jump, fly, and save the day! Through movement, voice work, and creative strategy, learn how to reach every checkpoint and collect tools for victory. Pressing START is just the beginning. Day Date M 1/6-2/10 Th 1/9-2/13

Time 3:30-4:25P 3:45-4:40P

Age 6-8 3-5

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/30 $89 /$105 /$130 /$155 163304-04 1/2 $89 /$105 /$130 /$155 163304-03

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 1/2 $70 /$83 /$104 /$125 163105-01

PRE: Premier pass holder

BAS: Basic pass holder

MR: Mason resident

NR: Nonresident




Parents’ Night Out Premier Member Perk! Kids’ Korner

Enjoy a night out on the town while your children engage in a night full of fun at Mason Community Center. The evening will consist of themed programming and a pizza party sponsored by Marco’s Pizza. We ask that you please pack a snack and drink for each event. On noted days, children ages 6 and up will enjoy swim time while children under 6 will participate in preschool-themed activities on scheduled swim days. Please pack a swim suit and towel if your child will be swimming. Parents’ Night Out is available to Premier members only. Please stop at the Member Services Desk to upgrade your membership, prior to registration day, if you would like to take part in this program and the many other benefits of Premier membership. We ask that each family sign up for only one Parents’ Night Out per month.

Early Bird Special

Online registration for Parents’ Night Out starts at 7:45 a.m. on Friday, November 15. Phone registration starts at 8 a.m.

Day Date Time Age Deadline Fee Activity F 12/13 6:00-9:00P 3-12 12/6 Free 133805-01 Frozen Adventure: Come in from the cold to play games and watch a fun movie! Participants age 6 and older will enjoy swim time. F 12/20 6:00-9:00P 3-12 12/13 Free 133805-02 Holiday Stamp Night: Create your own holiday card with a wide variety of stamps. F 1/10 6:00-9:00P 3-12 1/3 Free 133805-03 Snowflake Art Night: Make a variety of different shaped snowflakes. Participants age 6 and older will enjoy swim time. F 1/17 6:00-9:00P 3-12 1/10 Free 133805-04 Penguin Artic Adventure: Experience the artic by making an artic penguin craft. F 1/24 6:00-9:00P 3-12 1/17 Free 133805-05 Winter Bingo Night: Play a game of Winter Bingo. Participants age 6 and over will enjoy swim time. F 1/31 6:00-9:00P 3-12 1/24 Free 133805-06 PJ Night: Wear your most comfy and cozy pajamas to Kids Korner for movie night. F 2/7 6:00-9:00P 3-12 1/31 Free 133805-07 Snoopy Adventure Night: Let’s celebrate Snoopy and all of his friends by watching The Peanuts Movie. F 2/21 6:00-9:00P 3-12 2/14 Free 133805-08 Ice Fishing Night: Create the catch of the day by making your own fish craft. F 2/28 6:00-9:00P 3-12 2/21 Free 133805-09 Mask Night: Let your creativity soar by creating your own unique mask craft.

To register, see page 38.


Mason Youth Inclusive Basketball Mason Schools

This basketball program provides skill development and socialization through play for players with disabilities. The program will meet on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons for practices and games. Day Date F,Su 1/12-3/22

Time Varies

Age 8-21

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/26 $30 /$36 /$45 /$54 332025-23

Sassy Sixes and Sevens Gymnastics Multipurpose Room

Students will work on gymnastics drills, conditioning, and routines similar to those introduced in the Beginners and Advanced Beginners classes. He or she will continue to improve on basic gymnastic skills, flexibility, and strength. Day M Tu F Sa

Date 1/6-2/17 1/7-2/18 1/10-2/21 1/11-2/22

Time 5:00-6:00P 4:30-5:30P 4:45-5:45P 12:15-1:15P

Age 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7

Deadline 12/30 12/31 1/3 1/4

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $88 /$104 /$129 /$154 $88 /$104 /$129 /$154 $88 /$104/$129 /$154 $88 /$104 /$129 /$154

Activity 143472-05 143472-06 143472-07 143472-08

M Tu F Sa

2/24-4/20 2/25-4/21 2/28-4/24 2/29-4/25

5:00-6:00P 4:30-5:30P 4:45-5:45P 12:15-1:15P

6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7

2/17 2/18 2/21 2/22

$100 /$118 /$143 /$168 $100 /$118 /$143/$168 $100 /$118 /$143 /$168 $100 /$118 /$143/$168

143472-09* 143472-10* 143472-11* 143472-12*

*No Class 3/23, 3/24, 3/27, & 3/28

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 45


YOUTH Beginners Gymnastics

Gymnastics Open Gym

Introduce your child to the world of gymnastics. Students will learn basic gymnastics skills on the floor, uneven bars, balance beam, and vault. Conditioning and flexibility are also introduced at this level.

Open Gym is a time where kids can come and practice what they’ve learned in class, try out new skills, or experience gymnastics for the first time in a casual setting. Staff will be on hand to supervise and spot but it will be an open, casual atmosphere where parents can play along with their kids as well as an opportunity for kids to work on their own skills.

Multipurpose Room

Multipurpose Room

Day M Tu Th M Tu Th

Date 1/6-2/17 1/7-2/18 1/9-2/20 2/24-4/20 2/25-4/21 2/27-4/23

Time 6:00-7:00P 5:30-6:30P 6:30-7:30P 6:00-7:00P 5:30-6:30P 6:30-7:30P

Age 8-17 8-17 8-17 8-17 8-17 8-17

Deadline 12/30 12/31 1/2 2/17 2/18 2/20

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $88 /$104 /$129 /$154 $88 /$104 /$129 /$154 $88 /$104 /$129 /$154 $100 /$118 /$143/$168 $100 /$118 /$143 /$168 $100 /$118 /$143/$168

Activity 143487-04 143487-05 143487-06 143487-07* 143487-08* 143487-09*

*No Class 3/23, 3/24, 3/26

Day W W W W Sa Sa Sa Sa

Date 1/15 1/22 1/29 2/5 1/11 1/18 1/25 2/1

Time 6:45-7:45P 6:45-7:45P 6:45-7:45P 6:45-7:45P 8:30-9:30A 8:30-9:30A 8:30-9:30A 8:30-9:30A

Age 3 -18 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-18

Deadline 1/8 1/15 1/22 1/29 1/4 1/11 1/18 1/25

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12 $6 /$8 /$10 /$12

Activity 143488-04 143488-05 143488-06 143488-07 143488-08 143488-09 143488-10 143488-11

Invitation Only Classes

Please note: Invitation to the following classes is at the gymnastic coach’s discretion.

Advanced Sassy Sixes and Sevens Multipurpose Room

Younger students who are ready for more advanced gymnastics skills may be invited by their instructor to practice in this class. He or she will work on more advanced routines on the vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor. This class meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursdays Day Date Tu,Th 1/7-2/20 Tu,Th 2/25-4/23

Time Age Tu 6:30-7:30P 6-7 Th 5:30-6:30P Tu 6:30-7:30P 6-7 Th 5:30-6:30P

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/31 $160 /$189 /$214 /$239 132468-02 2/18

$200 /$236//$261 /$286 132468-03*

*No Class 3/24, 3/26

Advanced Beginners Multipurpose Room

Students in this class must have some gymnastics experience and have mastered the basic Beginner skills. This class will provide a greater challenge to students on the floor, uneven bars, balance beam, and vault. Day Date M,W 1/6-2/19 M,W 2/24-4/22

Time 6:30-7:30P 6:30-7:30P

Age 8 & up 8 & up

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/30 $160 /$189 /$214 /$239 143482-02 7/1 $200 /$236//$261 /$268 143482-03*

**No Class 3/23, 3/25


The Mason Twisters competed in their first meet of the season on September 27 and 28 at the Mad Tea Party Meet in Las Vegas, Nevada. Valentina Mosca, Virginia Mosca, Ila Wall, Elizabeth Dudley, and Sarah Abudakar contributed to a first place team award for The Twisters. 46 CenterPoint Winter 2019

PRE: Premier pass holder

BAS: Basic pass holder

MR: Mason resident

NR: Nonresident


TEEN Tutor Doctor: Preparing for College Seminar


Activity Room A

Discuss the most important factors to consider when applying to a college, what you can do now to best prepare for college, and some strategies to make college more affordable. Day Date W 1/15

This day-long program provides boys and girls the opportunity to see, touch and experience several aspects of the fire service profession. This camp has both physical and classroom components to give a broad introduction to the profession including a firehouse tour, learning basic first aid and CPR, completing hands on firefighting tasks, and flowing water through a fire hose. Age 12-16

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 1/7 Free 131602-04

Activity Room A

Fire Station 51

Time 9:00-2:00P

Grade 7-12

Tutor Doctor: Academic Success Formula Seminar

Firefighter Program

Day Date F 2/14

Time 7:00-8:00P

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 2/7 Free 154100-01

Learn strategies from Tutor Doctor Mason on how to help you achieve academic success. Day Date W 2/26

Time 7:00-8:00P

Grade 7-12

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 2/19 Free 131602-05



Mason Youth Inclusive Basketball Mason Schools

Tutor Doctor: Free Practice ACT

This basketball program provides skill development and socialization through play for players with disabilities. The program will meet on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons for practices and games.

Senior Center

Join the Tutor Doctor for a free practice ACT test. Day Sa Sa Sa

Date 1/11 2/15 3/7

To register, see page 38.

Time 8:00-12:00P 8:00-12:00P 8:00-12:00P

Age 14-18 14-18 14-18

Deadline 1/4 2/8 2/29

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Free Free Free


Activity 131602-01 131602-02 131602-03

Day Date F,Su 1/12-3/22

Time Varies

Age 8-21

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 12/26 $30 /$36 /$45 /$54 332025-23

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 47




Adult Group Learn to Swim Class Leisure Pool

Beginner adults with little or no experience in the water will work on various skills and techniques to achieve the goal of water acclimation. Intermediate adults who have mastered submerging and oating will work on backstroke and freestyle readiness. Swimmers whose skills exceed the intermediate level should contact our Aquatics team for additional class options. Beginner

Day Date M 1/6-2/10

Time 7:15-7:45P

Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 15 & up 12/30 $57 /$68 /$85 /$102 152334-01

Intermediate Day Date M 1/6-2/10

Time 7:15-7:45P

Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 15 & up 12/30 $57 /$68 /$85 /$102 152334-02

Jumpstart 2020 Jumpstart a healthier you through guided workouts and friendly competition

January 6 - February 27 Mason Community Center • Registration required

Bodies in Balance: Water Leisure Pool

Join us to use to start your aquatic exercise program. You’ll use the high resistance and low impact properties of water to increase overall muscle strength, endurance, balance, and exibility. This water ďŹ tness program is ideal for those with arthritis, Parkinson’s, ďŹ bromyalgia, discharged or phase 3 pulmonary rehab, or other joint complications. Led by a certiďŹ ed athletic trainer, Bodies in Balance: Water utilizes more rehab-based exercises compared to a traditional Water Fit class. There will be no make-up classes or rescheduling for any absences. Day Tu,Th Tu,Th Tu,Th

48 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Date 12/3-12/19 1/7-1/30 2/4-2/27

Time 9:00-9:45A 9:00-9:45A 9:00-9:45A

PRE: Premier pass holder

Age 18 & up 18 & up 18 & up

Deadline 11/26 12/31 1/29

BAS: Basic pass holder

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $48 /$57 /$72 /$86 $64 /$76 /$95 /$114 $64 /$76 /$95 /$114

MR: Mason resident

Activity 161605-07 161605-08 161605-09

NR: Nonresident


ADULT PROTECT: Women’s Self-Defense


Meeting Room

CPR/AED Classes

Fire Station 51 Community Room As part of our effort to make the community a safer place to live and work, the City of Mason Fire Department offers CPR classes. CPR training is free for Premier members and Mason residents, and a small fee for nonresidents (discounts available for nonresidents who are Basic members of Mason Community Center). All CPR instructors are Mason Firefighter/Paramedics. During the sessions, participants will learn adult and child CPR as well as the proper operation of an automated external defibrillator (AED). After the class, participants will receive a certification from the American Heart Association. Classes will be held in the community room at Fire Station 51, 4420 Mason-Montgomery Rd. Please register through Mason Community Center. Day Date M 1/6

Time 9:00-1:00P

Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 18 & up 12/30 $0 /$7 /$0 /$10 121620-04

Develop awareness, strength, and self-confidence. Learn hands-on techniques, covering low level self-defense moves and simulated selfdefense situations, to defend yourself in a dangerous situation. Day Date W 1/15

Time 6:00-8:00P

Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 15 & up 1/8 Free 221600-01


Fuel Your Wellness Meeting Room

Build your knowledge of food choices that will optimize health and target healthy eating habits. Each week your dietetic technician will apply healthy eating habits into everyday living. Day Date Time Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity Th 1/9-2/27 6:30-7:30P 15 & up 1/2 $92 /$109 /$134 /$159 169122-01 F 1/10-2/28 11:00A-12:00P 15 & up 1/3 $92 /$109 /$134 /$159 169122-02

Holiday Group Exercise Schedule TUESDAY, DECEMBER


- a.m. Studio C

- a.m. Studio A


- a.m. Gym

- a.m. Gym

- a.m. Studio A

- a.m. Studio A


- a.m. TRX


a.m. Studio A

Silversneakers classic

﹕ a.m - p.m. Studio A




- a.m. Studio A - a.m. Studio A

- a.m. Studio B


Mason Montgomery Road

To register, see page 38.

Mason, OH



a.m. Studio A

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 49


ADULT Starter Classes TRX 101 TRX

This introductory class will prepare you for our regularly scheduled TRX classes. The instructor will help you focus on correct form, safety, and strength training that challenges your major muscle groups. This program will also feature cardio, flexibility, and balance elements that you will experience in the drop-in group exercise TRX classes. Registration is required. Day Date Time Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Sa 1/18 8:30-9:15A 12 & up 1/17 $0 /$2 /$20 /$20

Activity 721301-08

Cycle 101

Studio C (2nd floor) Starter Cycle is for the first-time cyclist. The class begins with tips on footwear, proper bike setup, and water intake. You’ll then be guided through all the various climbs, jumps, and cadence speeds that are featured in our regular drop-in group exercise classes to ensure you build your strength and endurance for a safe and effective workout. Day Date Time Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Sa 1/18 9:30-10:15A 12 & up 1/17 $0 /$2 /$20 /$20

Activity 721300-08

Yoga 101 Studio B

Learn the basics of technique and form for poses you will likely see in any yoga class, while also touching on yoga terminology, mindfulness, and the importance of breath. The goal of this class is to prepare you to participate in any of our yoga classes at the community center. Day Date Time Su 1/19 2:00-2:45P

Age 10 & up

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) 1/17 $0 /$2 /$20 /$20

Activity 721302-02

BODYPUMP 101 Studio A

BODYPUMP, the original LES MILLS barbell class, will sculpt, tone, and strengthen your entire body, fast. Now is your chance to make every single rep count. In BODYPUMP 101 you will work on form, technique, and timing of the moves you see in a typical class. This program is designed for both new and regular class attendees looking to improve their performance. Day Date Time Su 1/19 2:45-3:45P

50 CenterPoint Winter 2019

PRE: Premier pass holder

Age 13 & up

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) 1/17 $0 /$2 /$20 /$20

BAS: Basic pass holder

MR: Mason resident

Activity 321317-04

NR: Nonresident


Fitness Assessments Fitness Center

Take the ďŹ rst step toward better health today! To help you track your results and see how your hard work is paying o, we oer ďŹ tness assessments with our certiďŹ ed sta. Assessments include: heart rate, blood pressure, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiorespiratory ďŹ tness, and exibility. Assessments are recommended every three to six months or at the start of an exercise routine. A full assessment takes approximately one hour. Please wear gym shoes and comfortable clothing. Please complete the Fitness Center Appointment Request Form at Mason Community Center or online at to get started. Day Varies

Age 15 & up

Fee (PRE/BAS) $0* /$30**

*Up to 4 free assessments per year. **Rate will be discounted from a personal training package purchased following your assessment.


Mason-Montgomery Road

Mason, OH

Partner Yoga Mason Community Center Wednesday, February 12 6:30-7:30 P.M. Bring a friend, co-worker, or a family member ages 10+

Personal Training Fitness Center

Looking for the best workouts to achieve your goals, need a coach to keep you motivated, or need to change up your routine of exercises? The certiďŹ ed personal trainers at Mason Community Center oer a variety of training packages to cater to individual needs, no matter what the goal. Stop by the Member Services Desk for more information or call 513.229.8555 to get started!

Punch Passes for Multiple Visits

When you purchase a Personal Training package, your visits will be tracked through a punch pass system. Your visits will be linked to your membership card so you can ďŹ nd out how many sessions remain on your pass by stopping at the Member Services Desk. You can renew your punch pass at Mason Community Center or by calling 513.229.8555.

To register, see page 38.


Winter 2019

CenterPoint 51



Introductory Training Specials for Members

These are available to all members new to personal training for a one-time purchase. You can choose either package but won’t have the option to take advantage of both. Session Type Three 30-Minute Introductory Sessions Three 1-Hour Introductory Sessions

Fee $66 $99




$35 $189

$42 $223

$63 $273




$26 each $140 each $275 each

$31 each $165 each $324 each

$47 each $215 each $374 each

45-Minute Personal Training Package Individual One 45-Minute Session: Six 45-Minute Sessions: Twelve 45-Minute Sessions: Partner (train with a friend) One 45-Minute Session: Six 45-Minute Sessions: Twelve 45-Minute Sessions:




$45 $243 $475

$53 $286 $559

$80 $336 $609

$34 each $184 each $359 each

$40 each $217 each $423 each

$60 each $267 each $473 each

1-Hour Personal Training Packages Individual One 1-Hour Session: Six 1-Hour Sessions: Twelve 1-Hour Sessions: Partner (train with a friend) One 1-Hour Session: Six 1-Hour Sessions: Twelve 1-Hour Sessions:




$55 $297 $580

$65 $350 $683

$98 $400 $733

$41 each $221 each $433 each

$49 each $260 each $510 each

$74 each $310 each $560 each

Small Group Training 30-Minutes 3 Participants 4 Participants Six 30-Minutes 3 Participants 4 Participants Twelve 30-Minutes 3 Participants 4 Participants 1-Hour 3 Participants 4 Participants Six 1-Hour Sessions 3 Participants 4 Participants Twelve 1-Hour Sessions 3 Participants 4 Participants




$18 each $14 each

$22 each $17 each

$33 each $26 each

$97 each $76 each

$115 each $90 each

$165 each $135 each

Members Only

$190 each $148 each

$224 each $175 each

$274 each $225 each

Gymnasium A

$35 each $25 each

$42 each $30 each

$63 each $45 each

$189 each $135 each

$223 each $159 each

$273 each $209 each

$370 each $264 each

$436 each $311 each

$486 each $361 each

30-Minute Personal Training Package Individual One 30-Minute Session: Six 30-Minute Sessions: Twelve 30-Minute Sessions: Partner (train with a friend) One 30-Minute Session: Six 30-Minute Sessions: Twelve 30-Minute Sessions:

52 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Members Only

Adult Badminton Field House Court 1

Come in to play basketball with our members during these designated drop-in badminton times. Members need to register once and are then eligible for free play during the designated times as long as their membership remains active. Day T,Th,Sa

Date 1/2-5/30

Time varies*

Age 18 & up

Fee Free

Activity 722201-10

*T,Th: 7 to 9P and Sa: 8 to 10:30A

Adult Basketball Come in to play basketball with our members during these designated drop-in basketball times. Members need to register once and are then eligible for free play during the designated times as long as their membership remains active. Day M,W,Sa

Date 1/4-5/30

Time varies*

Age 18 & up

Fee Free

Activity 722200-10

*M,W: 5 to 7P and Sa: 10A to 12P *No Class 5/25

PRE: Premier pass holder

BAS: Basic pass holder

MR: Mason resident

NR: Nonresident


SENIOR Alzheimer’s Series


Beltone Hearing

Middle Stages

Meeting Room

FREE HEARING TEST If you have difficulty understanding conversation, have ringing in your ears, or if your family complains of the TV being too loud, this could indicate a hearing loss. Have your hearing health evaluated in partnership with Beltone. Beltone guarantees that you will leave with a better understanding of your hearing health and what it means for your future. Please register for a scheduled appointment from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm, or walk-ins are available from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Day Tu Th W

Date 12/3 1/16 2/19

Time 10:00A-3:00P 10:00A-3:00P 10:00A-3:00P

Age 55 & up 55 & up 55 & up

Deadline 11/26 1/9 2/12

Fee Free Free Free

Activity 143305-01 143305-02 143305-03

Activity Room A

Enjoy discussion on middle stage symptoms concerning communication, relationship changes, and providing personal care. Learn about medication management, home safety, driving, living alone, and wandering. Day Tu

Date 12/3

Time 1:15-2:30P

Age Deadline Fee 55 & up 11/26 Free

Activity 143311-01

Late Stage

Activity Room A This program provides you with ways to communicate, connect with, and provide daily care in the late stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Day Th

Date 1/9

Time 1:15-2:30P

Age Deadline Fee 55 & up 1/2 Free

Activity 143312-01

Helping Seniors Thrive! Activity Room A

You and your family members are invited to attend an interesting and informative program and learn how to improve your quality of life. The program, Helping Seniors Thrive!, is presented by a group of seven professionals in different fields all relating to bettering the lives of seniors.

Picasso Painters

Day Th

Activity Room A

Date 12/5

Time 1:15-2:15P

Age 55 & up

Deadline 11/28

Fee Free

Activity 143302-01

Try your hand at painting. No experience is required—people with various levels of skill will learn from each other. Bring your own supplies. This free class is limited to 15 people and is on a first come, first served basis. Day Tu

Date 12/3-2/25

Time 9:30A-1:00P

Fee Free

*No class on 12/24 or 12/31

Maximize Your Independence Activity Room A


70 City of Mason swimmers, ages 15 and older, swam in the Ohio Senior State Championships at Denison University over the summer. The team set three national relay records while winning the state championship! Great work Mason Manta Rays! To register, see page 38.


Join senior advisors from CarePatrol to learn about maximizing your independence on your terms. Learn to identify safer living options through assisted living, independent living, memory care, and inhome care. Day Th

Date 12/12

Time 1:15-2:15P

Age Deadline 55 & up 12/5

Fee Free

Winter 2019

Activity 143303-01

CenterPoint 53

SENIOR Healthy Living Activity Room A

SKILLS TRAINING M O N DAYS 1 0 : 0 0 A M - 1 2 : 0 0 P M


Science is able to provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you age. Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity, and social engagement. You’ll use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging. Day W

Date 2/5

Time 1:15-2:30P

Age 55 & up

M O N DAY - F R I DAY 12:00 - 2:00PM

MASON COMMUNIT Y CENTER 6050 Mason-Montgomer y Road • Mason, Ohio 45040 • 513. 229. 8 555

Deadline Fee 1/29 Free

Activity 143313-01

Cards, Games & More!

Do you enjoy playing cards and getting together with friends? Come join one of the Senior Center’s many card and game groups including Hand & Foot Canasta, Euchre, Party Bridge, Mah Jongg, and Dominoes. Duplicate Bridge requires a reservation. Call the Senior Center at 513.229.8555 for days and times or additional information.

Medicare 2020

CARES Accepting new & unwrapped toys, food, and clothing! Mason Municipal Center

Mason Community Center

Mason-Montgomery Rd Mason, OH

Mason-Montgomery Rd Mason, OH

Collection barrels go out December Interested in adopting a family? Call

54 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Activity Room A

Learn about Medicare Part A and Part B benefits, the prescription drug benefit (Part D), Medicare Advantage plans, and Medicare supplement insurance. This event, presented by the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP), is a service of the Ohio Department of Insurance. OSHIIP staff is trained by the state and do not sell or promote any insurance companies, policies or agents. Day Th

Date 2/6

Time 1:15-2:15P

Age 55 & up

Deadline Fee 1/30 Free

Activity 143304-01

Develop Your Computer Skills

The Senior Center offers computer classes to enhance your basic knowledge and learn about anti-virus protection, browsing the internet, handling digital photos, and buying and selling on the internet. Classes are by appointment only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Contact Mason Community Center to make a reservation in person or at 513.229.8555.

PRE: Premier pass holder

BAS: Basic pass holder

MR: Mason resident

NR: Nonresident


SENIOR The Positive Side of Dementia Activity Room A

Artis Senior Living will give insight into the words we use and the attitudes we have toward our loved ones with dementia. Day Th

Date 2/27

Time 1:15-2:15P

Age 55 & up

Deadline Fee 2/20 Free

Activity 143306-01

AARP Tax Assistance Meeting Rooms

The AARP Tax Aide volunteers are preparing tax returns, focused on seniors and low- to middle-income taxpayers. You can make an appointment beginning January 2, 2020, at or call 513.268.7149.

The Walking Habit

Please bring Social Security cards for all people listed on your return, your 2018 completed tax return, 2019’s tax documents, and your checkbook. Both taxpayer and spouse must be present with a government issued photo ID or with power of attorney.

This interactive presentation presented by Christian Village of Mason will focus on why a walking habit is important for health and how to make it a habit. Set SMART goals and reward yourself as you take those “baby steps” toward better health.

Day M,T,W,F

Date 2/3-4/14

Time 9:00A-2:00P

Age 55 & up

Deadline 4/15

Activity Room A

Day Date Th 1/23

Fee Free

Senior Center Library

The Senior Lounge, located in the Senior Center, offers a variety books for you to read. No need to check a book out; if you take a book, please return it when you’re finished.

Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Activity 55 & up 1/16 Free 143301-01

Parkinson’s Support Group Senior Lounge

Mason’s Parkinson’s Support Group offers you education, exercise therapy, and support that have proven beneficial in helping cope with this disease. On the third Thursday of each month, there is a pot luck dinner at 6:00 pm followed by a speaker at 6:30 pm. Day Th*


Time 1:15-2:15P

Time 5:00-6:00P

Age 18 & up

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $0 /$0 /$1 /$1

*No support group on 12/26 or 1/2

Senior Fitness Training Fitness Center

Stay strong with a senior workout program that is perfect for all fitness levels. Join us in a circuit program designed and instructed each week by a certified personal trainer utilizing TRX straps, BOSU, stability balls, dumbbells, medicine balls, and more. Circuit training is a great way to get maximum results in minimal time and provides full body fitness, toning, and strength. Day Tu,Th Tu,Th Tu,Th

Date 12/3-12/19 1/7-1/30 2/4-2/27

To register, see page 38.

Time 8:45-9:30A 8:45-9:30A 8:45-9:30A

Age 55 & up 55 & up 55 & up

Deadline 11/26 12/29 1/28

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $41 /$49 /$62 /$74 $55 /$65 /$82 /$98 $55 /$65 /$82 /$98


Activity 161603-04 161603-06 161603-08

Tai Chi

The style of Tai Chi emphasizes soft and slow movement, which enhances lower body strength and improves circulation, balance, and stability. No class on 12/26 or 1/2. Beginner (Meeting Rooms)

Day Th Advanced (Studio A) Day Th

Time 12:00-1:00P Time 1:00P-3:00P

Winter 2019

CenterPoint 55


SENIOR Movie Days


Senior Center

Pot Luck Luncheon Senior Center

Join us during these cold winter months. Main entrees are provided by our generous sponsors—Barrington of West Chester, Chesterwood, Christian Village at Mason, Cedar Village, and Mason Health Care. Each individual attending must bring a side dish to serve 8–10 people. Reservations are required and can be made by calling Mason Community Center’s Senior Center at 513.229.8555. Day Th

Date 12/5– 2/27*

Time 12:00-1:00P

Age 55 & up

Fee $1

Day W W W

Time Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) 10:00-4:00P 55 & up 1/15 $23/ $23/$26/$26

Activity 144703-01

Time 1:00–3:00P

Age 55 & up

Deadline Fee 12/4 Free

Activity 144300-01

El Caporal, 6011 Tylersville Road, Mason, OH 45040

Time 1:00–3:00P

Age 55 & up

Deadline Fee 1/1 Free

Activity 144300-02

Cooper’s Hawk 7490 Bales Street, Liberty Township, OH 45069

Day W

Date 2/12

Time 1:00–3:00P

Age 55 & up

Deadline Fee 2/5 Free

Activity 144300-03

Time 3:00-8:00P

Time 9:00-10:30A 9:00-10:30A 9:00-10:30A

Age 55 & up 55 & up 55 & up

Deadline 12/11 1/8 2/12

Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) $5 /$6 /$8 /$9 $5 /$6 /$8 /$9 $5 /$6 /$8 /$9

Activity 143108-01 143108-02 143108-03

New Year Pot Luck

Age Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) 55 & up 11/27 $23 /$23 /$26/$26

56 CenterPoint Winter 2019

Date 12/30

Time 4:00-6:00P

Age 55 & up

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) 12/23 Free

Activity 143310-01

Family Cookbook Activity Room A

Pass down your family’s signature recipes just in time for Valentine’s Day! Register to join a class in making a family cookbook to take home! Bring your recipes and pictures and we will provide the rest! Day Tu

Date 2/4

Time Age 10:00-12:00P 55 & up

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) 1/28 $30 /$36 /$45/$54

Activity 143308-01

*healthy lifestyles and social members pay $36

Senior Center

Come ride in our “sleigh” with a passenger bus to Basil’s on Market for dinner and then to take in the scenery of the season with Holiday in Lights at Sharon Woods! Date 12/17

Date 12/18 1/15 2/19

Mardi Gras Celebration

Motorcoach Holiday Lights

Day T

Movie Meet Me in St. Louis The Great Gatsby Casablanca

*healthy lifestyles and social members pay $6

Day M

Pappadeaux, 11975 Northwest Boulevard, Springdale, OH 45246

Date 1/8

Fee Free Free Free

Ring in the New Year with a New Year Pot Luck! Bring your favorite good fortune dishes, come dressed to the nines, and reflect on the year we kiss goodbye!

Let’s go on a SAFARI! One Wednesday a month, members of the Senior Center will meet at a local restaurant. Reservations are required and can be made under Mason Senior Center.

Day W

Age 55 & up 55 & up 55 & up

Senior Center

Safari Lunch

Date 12/11

Time 2:00P 2:00P 2:00P

Join us for a morning of BINGO fun. Enjoy donuts, pastries, coffee, and yogurt parfaits while you play. Don’t forget your quarters for several rounds.

Are you feeling lucky?! Join us for a trip to Belterra Park Gaming on a passenger bus. The trip includes a free buffet coupon along with a free $5 player card. Space is limited.

Day W

Date 12/20 1/17 2/21

Senior Center

Casino Motorcoach Day Trip

Date 1/22

Day F F F

Breakfast Bingo

*No luncheon on 12/26 or 1/2

Day W

Come and enjoy a movie in the Senior Center on the third Friday of every month. Free popcorn and drinks are provided by Brookdale at Long Cove Pointe. Movies are based on availability and are subject to change.

Let the good times roll in the Senior Center with a Fat Tuesday Celebration! Come celebrate Mardi Gras with refreshments, but be sure to bring your mask! Activity 143307-01

Day Tu

Date 2/25

Time 2:00-3:00P

PRE: Premier pass holder

Age 55 & up

Deadline Fee (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) 2/18 Free

BAS: Basic pass holder

MR: Mason resident

Activity 143309-01

NR: Nonresident

SHOP LOCALLY this holiday season &




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$5 $5





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$10 $10


$10 $30 $10



Pick up your card at any participating business, restaurant RU FKDPEHU RIÀFH VWDUWLQJ 1RYHPEHU 7R VHH D FRPSOHWH list of participating businesses, visit PDGHFKDPEHU RUJ

$20 $30


SHOP TIL YOU DROP. 6XSSRUW ORFDO E\ YLVLWLQJ DQ\ RI the participating businesses and restaurants to collect punches RQ \RXU FDUG <RX RQO\ QHHG WR VSHQG RQ \RXU ÀUVW SXQFK




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