Flat Stanley in Cincinnati

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Flat Stanley’s trip to Cincinnati, Ohio

(sent by Alicia Michele Keegan to Dana Gagnon)

Stanley arrived in Dana’s Cincinnati mailbox on April 14, 2013. The first thing he noticed is how warm he was! Massachusetts was still cold when he left. However, when Dana opened his envelope, Stanley spotted bright yellow flowers already blooming in Dana’s front yard!

The first thing Stanley wanted to know was “Where am I?” Dana found him a map to show him where Cincinnati, Ohio is. She told him that it takes her 15 hours to drive from Massachusetts to Cincinnati, Ohio in a car. Stanley—who travelled by envelope—said his trip took four days.

Dana put a red dot in a corner of Massachusetts to show Stanley where he started, and then put another red dot in the corner of Ohio to show him where Cincinnati is. Ohio is part of the Midwest region.

Most of Ohio is flat farmland, but Cincinnati is different. It’s a big city with lots of steep hills, right next to the Ohio River. When Stanley visited Eden Park with Dana, he found lots of steps to help visitors with the hills. He also got to see the Ohio River. That’s the state of Kentucky on the other side!

Dana took Stanley to see some of the things her friends see when they come to Cincinnati on vacation. They visited the Cincinnati Art Museum—and Stanley found out that the museum was free to visit!

Stanley found lots more flat people in the art museum.

More fun stuff from the art museum!

Dana and Stanley had time for a quick stop at the Cincinnati Museum Center. There are three different museums inside: a science museum, a children’s museum, and a history museum.

Stanley thought the building looked a little familiar—and Dana told him that the person who drew the pictures of the superhero headquarters for the Justice League copied this building. Before it was a museum, this building was a train station.

Stanley found out about some other fun places to visit in Cincinnati:

The Cincinnati Zoo

The Newport Aquarium (Actually, it’s across the Ohio River in Kentucky.)

The Air Force Museum (This is just north of Cincinnati, and it’s free to visit!)

Stanley met a few kids when he came to visit.

Sylvia liked playing with Stanley, and asked her mom for a copy of Stanley’s book and a Flat Stanley of her own.

Laura took Stanley back in time with her for a train ride during the 1860’s.

Alicia had some questions for Dana in her letter. Here are the answers! 1. Do sharks live in Ohio? Cincinnati, Ohio, is far from the ocean, so there are no wild sharks here. We can visit one at the Newport Aquarium, though!

2. What does the flag of Ohio look like? Here’s a picture for you.

3. What are some restaurants in Ohio? Stanley came along to one of Dana’s favorite Cincinnati restaurants: Graeter’s ice cream parlor. Cincinnati also has its own pizza chain (LaRosa’s) and its own special kind of chili (Skyline) that people here eat on top of spaghetti.

4. How do you spell Ohio?


Ohio is a very friendly state, because it says “hi” in the middle!

Stanley checked out a phone booth in Eden Park to see if he could find any clue that Clark Kent had used it to change into his Superman outfit.

A paper Flat Stanley was nervous when he saw the paper recycling bin—but Dana promised she would keep him safe.

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