City Gospel Flipbook

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Learn about the volunteer leaders who are helping people in need to break the cycle of poverty and despair Visit us online:

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A Legacy of

Community Excellence “Do the most you can, to the most people you can, in the most ways that you can.” — James N. Gamble, Founder

Procter & Gamble Co. and City Gospel Mission

The P&G Fund has been a proud supporter of City Gospel Mission’s Step Forward Flying Pig Marathon training team and the Whiz Kids Tutoring & Mentoring program since 2009.

Taking Action, Engaging in Change


ince James N. Gamble founded Cit y Gospel Mission in 1924, everything we do focuses on helping homeless and hurting adults and at-risk youth change their lives. And we want to help more people experience life change. This is why we are on the move from an outdated and landlocked facility in Over-the-Rhine to a 61,000-squarefeet campus in Queensgate. In 2003, it became apparent that the need for our programs and services had exceeded our building capacity. On our new campus, to open in mid-2013, we will more than double our number of shelter and recovery program beds. We will offer full-day programming, so we no longer will have to send people back onto the streets. Having more people utilizing our pro-

grams and services around the clock means more opportunities for volunteers to develop life-changing relationships with those in need. We will be tripling the number of volunteers who come through our doors each week, offering unique opportunities for you to engage. We are a volunteer-driven organization focused on developing volunteer leaders, some of whom you’ll read about here. We’d be honored to have you volunteer with us. Together, we can break the cycle of poverty and despair … one life at a time. God bless you,

Roger Howell President, City Gospel Mission

IT’S A FACT Cit y Gospel Mis sion provide s shelter and meals for homeless men, long-term addiction recovery programs for men and women, tutoring, mentoring and summer camp programs for at-risk youth.

President and Publisher: Eric Harmon Managing Editor: Tim Curtis Publication Designer: Laura Spencer Lead Sales Executive: Paul Palmer Cover Photography: Jeff Juett On the Cover: (Front, left to right): Danielle Presley, volunteer; Courtney Harrison, CGM staff. (Back, left to right): Lance Bucher, volunteer; Sherman Bradley, CGM staff; Chris Heiert, volunteer.


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Green Recycling Works: Reclaiming Lives as it Reclaims Materials


ongratulations to our Green Re- successfully helped to place its first cycling Works team for winning employee in a full-time position a 2012 Cincinnati USA Regional with another company. To date, GRW Chamber “10 under 10” small business is partnering with more than 25 local excellence award. The award symbolizes businesses and churches. GRW also has the success that Green Recycling Works entered a partnership with the City of has had Cincinnati to since City “City Gospel Mission doesn’t just do store some Gospel its recythe Lord’s work, it does the City and of Mission cling bins in community’s work. We truly value the GRW’s South launched partnership we have formed with City Fa i r m o u n t the selfsustaining warehouse. Gospel Mission.” enterprise GRW is last Octo— Vice Mayor Roxanne Qualls looking to ber. partner with Green Recycling Works transitionally small- to mid-size businesses, churches employs men who have successfully and organizations. If your company is completed the Mission’s residential ad- interested, call (513) 800-8855 or visit diction-recovery program. In May, GRW ■

Engage. Equip. Empower.

(Left to right): Roger Howell, President, City Gospel Mission; Matthew Long, Executive Director, Green Recycling Works; Sherman Bradley, Vice President, City Gospel Mission; Cecil Thomas, City Council Member; Roxanne Qualls, Vice Mayor

IT’S A FACT City Gospel Mission provides 28,000 nights of shelter to the homeless and hurting each year.

TAKE ACTION City Gospel Mission values your skills and talents. To volunteer, contact us at: (513) 621-2873 Like us

Follow us @CGMCincinnati

Volunteers help City Gospel Mission serve 116,000 meals each year to the homeless and hurting. The Mission serves breakfast and dinner every day of the year, and a warm meal often is the beginning of transforming someone’s life.

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City Gospel Mission encourages volunteers to use their skills and passions to serve people in need. For two years, downtown barbershop owner Jim Canter has been coming to the Mission each Monday night to provide free haircuts for homeless men and recovery program participants. “I leave there every week so fulfilled,” says Canter, 69.

IT’S A FACT City Gospel Mission has more than 2,200 volunteers and serves 11,000 men, women and youth each year.



t’s difficult to picture Chris Heiert sitting at a cubicle — let alone sitting at a cubicle stuffing his mouth full of junk food. But that was what became of his office lifestyle soon after the Fort Thomas, Ky., native arrived at Procter & Gamble in 1999. “I was eating all the cakes and donuts that people were bringing in every day and putting on the pounds,” says Heiert, who had gained 15 pounds. “It was pathetic.” In 2000, Heiert stopped eating the office treats and started running — a

volunteer group run leader of the Step Forward Flying Pig Marathon-training program. This spring was Heiert’s fourth year volunteering with Step Forward, which focuses on educating the men and women in City Gospel Mission’s residential addictionrecovery programs about the critical role physical fitness has in the recovery process. Heiert, 41, who is P&G’s marketing director of Global Laundry, was deeply moved to get involved with City Gospel “I know if he wasn’t there pushing Mission after he read a us, I couldn’t have finished the race.” newspaper story about its Flying Pig training team — Ashley Burke, a former women’s recovery program participant, on Step Forward running in May 2008. The story focused on a man who program leader Chris Heiert had found freedom from drug addiction through lot. It rapidly became a passion, leading running. him to participate in almost a dozen “I was inspired,” Heiert says. “For the marathons, including the 2011 Boston first time, maybe in his life, he heard the Marathon. And it has led the purpose- praise of total strangers cheering for him driven Heiert to City Gospel Mission, at the Flying Pig. I started to wonder: where he combines his passions for run- ‘How many other people just need some ning and serving the community as the encouragement from total strangers to have the opportunity to experience success?’” When Heiert made the call to City Gospel Mission, he had more in mind than just leading the training program. He also wanted to raise awareness and money. “I said, ‘Get me the men and women, and I’ll take care of the rest,’” Heiert says. Heiert certainly has delivered on that promise. He has worked tirelessly to help raise more than $255,000 for City Gospel Mission through securing sponsorships, developing Chris Heiert (right), Procter & Gamble’s marketing director of the Sponsor a Runner Global Laundry, is volunteer group run leader of the Step online giving program Forward Flying Pig Marathon training program, which aims to and doing several media

interviews. He was featured in Runner’s World last year for his work with Step Forward. Heier t also leads training s e s sio n s t wo days per week during the 2 ½ months leading up to Flying Pig weekend and has mobilized a team of committed volunteers from throughout Greater Cincinnati, including Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH). Heiert focuses on consistently encouraging the men and women in addiction recovery. He tells stories about perseverance and overcoming odds prior to Saturday training runs. “I know if he wasn’t there pushing us,” says Ashley Burke, a former women’s recovery program participant, “I couldn’t have finished the race.” Heiert takes pride in the fact that, in his four years volunteering, every program participant who has started a Flying Pig race has finished it. “That’s the absolute best part,” he says, “seeing them cross the finish line.” ■

IT’S A FACT Since Jan. 1, 2004, 88 percent of the men who have successfully completed City Gospel Mission’s recover y program are currently living in stable housing.

help men and women in addiction recovery through fitness.


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CCM Student Teaches Music to At-risk Youth


oon after becoming a volunteer with City Gospel Mission’s Whiz Kids tutoring program, University of Cincinnati graduate student Sarah Taylor realized she needed to do more. Doing more was writing a 17-page proposal detailing the need to teach music to at-risk youth and then taking it to the dean of UC’s College-Conservatory of Music to ask him to invest in providing music programming to Whiz Kids-partnering Cincinnati Public Schools that have cut music funding. Taylor has struck a chord. CCM Dean Peter Landgren is listen-

IT’S A FACT City Gospel Mission does not accept United Way or government funding for operational use.

ing, says Taylor, who teaches music as part of the after-school program at John P. Parker School in Madisonville. Landgren has said that CCM does not do enough in the community, and he acknowledged Taylor’s efforts in a forum last fall, according to UC’s website. “They’re at-risk kids, and music can be something to encourage them to stay in school and give them a sense of identity,” Taylor says. After moving to Cincinnati in fall 2010, Taylor, 25, was overwhelmed by the number of people that she saw living on the streets around campus. She then set out to combine her passion for music with her desire to fight poverty. Taylor has set up music programming at three Whiz Kids schools and recruited CCM students to volunteer. In her proposal, Taylor has requested that CCM designate scholarship funds for students interested in working with Whiz Kids.

UC grad student Sarah Taylor (left) uses her passion for music to help those in need, and she recruits other College-Conservatory of Music students to volunteer to do the same.

“As a musician, it’s easy to sit in a practice room by yourself all the time,” Taylor says. “This can be life-changing for the CCM students, too.”■

Whiz Kids is a literacy-based, 1-to-1 tutoring and mentoring program reaching 1,200 atrisk youth in partnership with more than 60 public elementary schools.

Nelson Goes From Final Four to Mentor

T For over 35 consecutive years, McSwain Carpets & Floors has had the privilege of partnership with the ministries of City Gospel Mission. Early childhood mentoring and relationship building, through camps and programs, has aided many Cincinnati youth and families to achieve their fullest and prepare well for the future. Serving Cincinnati, Dayton and Northern Kentucky CG M 6

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Carpets & Floors

erry Nelson has worked with thousands of at-risk youth in his life. But seven years ago, the former University of Cincinnati basketball player noticed something different about an eighth-grader who had attended one of his basketball camps. Actually, Nelson noticed something quite similar about Michael Hill. “I saw in Michael a little bit of me,” says Nelson, one of the cornerstones of UC’s 1992 Final Four team. “I saw somebody who was starving for the attention of an older male who could speak to that void of not having an active father in his life.” Nelson’s long-term investment in Hill has helped him attain a full-ride scholarship through City Gospel Mission’s partnership with Cincinnati Christian University’s Urban Scholars program, which focuses on improving retention and graduation rates for under-resourced and first-generation college students. Hill, entering his senior year, is majoring in Biblical Studies and Business Management. He is on CCU’s basketball team. In high school, Hill became directionless. Before his


We care about our clients and community.

Former UC basketball player Terry Nelson (right) took a keen interest in mentoring Michael Hill, including taking him in to live with his family. Hill has since earned a scholarship through City Gospel Mission’s partnership with Cincinnati Christian University’s Urban Scholars program.

senior year, Hill received news that his girlfriend was pregnant. Having also grown up in a single-parent home, Nelson was determined to do whatever possible to help Hill chart a new course. So Hill moved in with Nelson and his family before his senior year. Now, Hill is on track to become the first college graduate in his family and is an active father to his 3-yearold son, LeShawn. “Michael is setting a whole different path for his family,” Nelson says. “At CCU, he’s being trained to be a leader — and that’s what he has become.” ■

That’s why we think supporting organizations like City Gospel Mission is just as important as earning your trust as a customer. As an avid supporter and partner of City Gospel Mission for 13 years, we’re proud to work with an organization that empowers men, women, and at-risk youth to break the cycle of poverty and despair. We want your business, but we also care about our customers, partners, and everyone in our community. Business Digital Phone | Hosted IP PBX | Premise-Based IP PBX | Broadband Internet | Wireless Networking & Wi-Fi Doing business with PowerNet Global means you’re supporting your local community and working with a business that really cares about you.

IT’S A FACT The Universit y of Cincinnati College of Nursing partners with City Gospel Mission to provide an after-hours health clinic for the homeless two days a week. Clinic staff and students provide health education, basic screenings and referrals to services.

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nited Dair y Farmers and Homemade Brand Ice Cream believe in the vision, mission and ministry of City Gospel Mission.

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